Sunday, May 30, 2010


Do I really need words? *stares at pic*


  1. WOW, hes damn HOT!!! LOL

  2. @anne-may yes he is HOT more than HOT!

  3. @Deuce haha I like the idea of trowing them a party! :D
    haha yea men in uniform are always good, to bad he wasn't wearing on at the moment! ;D

    @Teekanne haha a new dimension of embarassing?! Ok well prolly just bc you'd come in tv! HAHA ;D

    haha maybe! LOL ;D Well I do have to make some research, maybe... ;D

    @Deuce Thanks! ;D Glad not to be the only one!!! :D

    lol I bet you'd have done that! ;D I'm not like that! but LMBAO about that scenario!!! :D

  4. Last night on the stage he was looking better than in this pic! I don't know if he's HOT but I like him!

  5. @anja i had did something like that once too, i had write my name and my adress on a piece of paper and had put it under the windshield wiper of his car. and it had really worked.

    and you know i´m shy too

  6. @ Dana this is not one of the best pics of him! He's young and HOT!! LOL

  7. ok I guess I go and look at some men I think are hot! haha Like Aksel or ... :D LOL

  8. @ Dana young, hot and he's singel, btw :D

  9. girls.. keep it realistic he doesn´t live in our world... mel we need a new post!

    Gosh i better don´t copy my comment from the last post! haha.. but i liked it!

  10. @ corinna i really like his eyes!! Beautiful!! :S

  11. @Teekanne haha I've seen it! LMAO I liked it too! :D Let's just see, if he/she gets it or not! ;D

  12. I admit this is a better pic ... I like the stubble ... but I'm still not smitten ... he's cute ... but I think he's missing that 'something special' for me. Maybe I need to hear him sing and perform to get a better idea.

  13. @ Teekanne Neigther does Aksel :D

  14. @anne-may but know i think i´m a cougar too. oh damn

    @teekanne i had read your post. well said, that´s all i say to this theme

  15. @anne-may i forget oh yeah his eyes, i loves blue eyes and dark hair

  16. this man is hot... he has beautiful eyes and he´s norwegian! haha.. ok i don´t like his hair. at the show he had a bad hairstyle.

    @anne-may: what aksel is real and doesn´t live in our world? damn it. ok, maybe i can change worlds? you know like beam me up scotty?

  17. @ TEEKANNE I'm so sorry about my comment. I just saw your post now! Love it! LOL

  18. @ corrina yes, blue eyes and dark hair :D I just think he's wonderful! :D

  19. @anne-may how can you hide all this cute and hot mens in your country??

  20. I need a new post again?!?!?!?!?!?!? *sigh* Ok How about a real world post? Would that be better?

  21. What do you mean Aksel & Didrik don't live in our world? *scratches head* This is planet earth right? Or am I channeling Venus again?

  22. @ Mel I could not keep my mouth shot on the other entery. Sorry. LOL

    @ corinna I want to keep them to yself. LOL

  23. haha no mel.. it´s ok! haha

    a real world post? but we live in our own world. you know we are known over here and loved! we don´t need the real world!!!

  24. @mel i think we all live on the venus because we are girls

    @anne-may so i have to come up to you?lmao

  25. @mel: haha about venus! haha!
    there might be a parallel world. but i cannot read between lines yet so i don´t know what anon wanna tell us about this real wolrd...

  26. @teekanne at least we don´t forget "THE REAL WORLD" haha,

  27. @ corinna You are so welcome to visit me and the dudes!!! :D

  28. dumdidumdum ok I like my own little world!!! I can shut out ppl I don't want there and I can have every man I want!!! :D

    I don't ever want to go back to the 'real world'!!! :D

  29. @Anne-May It's ok. You are opinionated & I love that about you!

    @Teekanne If you say it's ok then I guess it's ok.

    @Corinna Venus rocks!!!

  30. @anne-may so if i come up we make a big hot dudes party?

  31. @mel venus is better than mars, but we can´t live without some marsppl. but if we don´t need them anymore we send them back to the mars

  32. @ teekanne and corinna Obveosly there are someone here that manage to put more between the lines, the way they wish to.

  33. @anja: haha yeh that´s the good thing about our world we could exclude certain ppl and imagine a lot more! :-)

    @mel: haha i´m not the boss but i think we could just imagine didrik is in our world at the moment.. what about him as new bartender?

  34. Yeah let's just never go back to the 'real world' let's just stay here in our own little world. At least here we have a bar, hot bar tenders & all the Vikings.

  35. @corinna:
    being on planet mars would have a few advantages! haha! :-)

    @anne-May: yeh i would like to have a translater for "between the lines" but it must be a woman... men never read between lines haha!

  36. @Teekanne Didrik as the new bar tender...I do like the way you think.

  37. @ corinna YES. a big HOT dude party with hairy chests and a little bit ore. LOL

  38. you sometimes need a break from the real world and live in your little own world.

    so girls what would you take with you if you have the chance to go to an little island with only some palm trees on it and white sand?to complete your little world

  39. @anne-may that sounds good. so i let you know when i came up

    i would take on the island:

    lot of drinks
    my sunchair
    a good book or two
    more drinks
    my ipod
    something to eat

  40. @mel: thank you i really appreciate that! :-)
    *gives didrik a smile and asks him for a aksel*

    @corinna: with the chance to come back?
    music, a book and some ppl to chat to.. maybe you girls!! ;-)

  41. @Corinna does it have to be an island?! :( I don't like the beach too much... :P

  42. @Teekanne @Mel Yes, I vote for Didrik as the new bartender ... then I can get too know him a little better!

    BTW does anyone know where I can find a class on reading between the lines ... that skill might come in pretty handy. I was going to ask Anon, but I think he/she had to leave to go feed their 150 cats or something! :) ... mean I know, but disrespect towards me, gets disrespect thrown back!

    And does this mean I never have to go back to the real world! Cuz, I'm up for a trip to Mars!

  43. @teekanne with the chance to back when ever you want

    oh and i forget all of you girls can visit the island with all of us

  44. @anja
    i had thought about this island

    but if you prefer a mountain than choose this,-haus-auf-huegel,-holzhuette-im-schnee.jpg

  45. @ corinna

    my i pod with Guns'n Roses. That's a must :D
    a lot of drinks
    even more drinks
    some food
    my english bulldog she have to go with her mom :D

  46. @Corinna I would take: a swimsuit, maybe some books, music, laptop, camera, sunscreen, alcohol & my coolest friends to party with. ;-)

  47. @Corinna ok I take the mountains! And I'd take with me

    a book, my iPop, my snowboard and some company!!! :D oh and warm clothes... :D

  48. @deuce: haha! ok.. he likes to chat so it might be easy to get to know him!

    yeh i would like to attend this class too! :-)
    haha 150 cats.. so there is a special person you think about was this anon person haha! :-) i know who you talk about... stars with an S? haha

    @corinna: ok.. so i might change.
    a cook with some food, a big hi-fi system with good music and some nice chatting people! :-)

  49. Oh Venus and Mars! But the Mars ppl aren't they green? Ha ha! Are we pink, on the Venus? Like HEAD skies? OMG poor kids! Their colour will be horrible! LOL

  50. @ Deuce My god, you are just so damn good. Your comments are priceless!!

  51. @dana we all pink, that would be awesome. haha

  52. soooo since I'm the only one in the mountains and living in a dream world! Can I choose my company?!?! ;D Oh and yea, my mind is totally in the gutter right now!!! ;D

  53. @anja for sure you can

  54. Now I realize that the hand in the right side on the pic is for me and Angela! Sorry, I live in my little unreal world and my mind is in the gutter!

  55. @anja: haha since corinna meant that we will be on the island and in the mountains with any of us you can choose your company but remember we will be around! haha

    ok girls i´m off now.. will talk to you tomorrow! :-)

  56. @teekanne good night sleep well and real sweat dreams haha and a good start in the week tomorrow

  57. @Teekanne haha kinda as voyeurs?! ;D LOL I'll remember that though! :D

    Sleep well hun and sweet dreams!!! :D Hugs!

  58. is everyone gone now to the island/mountain?

  59. @Teekanne Goodnight & see ya tomorrow!

  60. So we can take somebody with us? I'll definitely take Morten! And not too much stuff because we'll stay at the hotel!!! LOL
    I didn't say it's a desert island, right! Ha ha!

    Good night Teekanne! Sweet dreams!

  61. @Dana your gonna stay in the hotel the whole time?!?!?!?!?!?!? Wootage!!! You go girl!!!

  62. @Corinna haha I guess so!!! :D and in my imaginary not so real world, I have so much fun! Geezzzz :D haha i love it there!!! ;D

  63. @dana a hotel on an lonly island? ok it´s your island. so there is also a spa?

  64. @anja i´m happy about that you are happy there where you are haha

  65. @Mel Ha ha! I like it! Not all the time but I don't need food, water, drinks, matches and all this stuff!
    I have some pics of Aksel and I want to send them to you for a new video but I don't know how to do this! I'm not good on the computers! I sent some of them to Nicole, maybe she can send them to you! Or teach me!
    @Corinna I didn't say is a lonely island

  66. @Corinna haha thanks!!! :D I hope you like your 'not so real world' too? :D

  67. @anja yes i´m happy here

    @dana no lonly island. so what kind of island you´re on

  68. @Teekanne LOL I wasn't thinking of anyone inparticular, but now that you mention it, that's a good possibility.

    @Dana Pink + Green ... LOL ...wouldn't that mean Blue Venus Viking children ... or does pink & green make brown?

    @Dana LMAO ... I'm with @Mel WOOTAGE!!! on staying in the hotel the whole time ... Go easy on Morten!

  69. @Dana send them to my e-mail

  70. I'm off to get dressed for work. Maybe I'll stop back in before I leave. Have fun girls!

  71. @mel have a great rest of the day. and also then a nice evening

  72. @Mel have a nice day and hopefully not too much stress at work! :D

  73. @Deuce & Mel I promise to take care of him! He's in a great shape so it's OK! And I'm not so "hungry"!!!

    @Mel Thanks! I'll send them you tomorrow! May I ask you something? Do you want to choose an A-HA song for the video? Anything you like well IF you like their music! I don't bother if you have other song in your mind! It was just a suggestion!

  74. I'm off too, it's very late! Have fun and keep a place for me in the gutter! Hugs!

  75. @dana good night and sweet dreams *hugs*

  76. @Dana Sure I'll look up a couple songs from A-HA & see which one speaks to me. Any in particular you where thinking of?

    @Anja it's only 4 hours so hopefully no stress. Then again it is Memorial Day Weekend & it's gonna be crazy. *coughs* I think I may be getting sick...can't come in to work *cough cough*

    @Corinna I will try!

  77. @Dana good night and sleep well!!! hugs!!! :D

  78. @anja is it still raining on your place? what are going to do tomorrow?

  79. @Corinna yea it's still raining! :( And at your place?
    Well i gotta do some organizing for in a week and maybe if I'll go visiting my great aunt again! :D
    What about you? :D

  80. @anja here it´s raining too.

    i have a hard work day tomorrow and the rest of the week.

    how is your great aunt, hope she is going to be well again soon.

  81. @Corinna rain sucks! :(

    Oh hopefully work won't be too stressfull though! :)

    I actually don't know, but I think she's better! Gotta at least call her! But since the hospital is 15min away i guess I go visit her! :D They're going to tell her if she's getting operated... Fingers crossed! :D But I'm positive! :D

  82. oh forgot to ask! Are you already excited about italy?! :D

  83. @anja i cross my fingers too. and i really think she is going well soon.

    i´m off now, need some sleep, wish the rest who is on a great night and sweets dreams then.

    talk to you tomorrow evening

  84. @anja yes today i had packed my bags. because my parents take it down with them on wednesday, so i have on friday only my handbag and my laptop and maybe a little bag to take with me in the train.

    how long is it till you go to canada?

  85. @Corinna I'll stay there for 9 weeks!!! wohoo!!! :D

    Well sleep well and sweet dreams! :D Talk to you tomorrow! :D
