Monday, May 10, 2010

Betty White

I watched SNL with Betty White last night. She's still got it. I remember watching the Golden Girls when I was little. I still watch it. I love the girls. I can't believe she's 88 years old. My little brother was born on her birthday too!!! How cool is that? I just love her. She looks so innocent & yet she can say whatever she wants to & we all laugh at it. I wanna be just like her when I grow up.


  1. *can barely keep my eyes open and should be in bed*

    @Mel I LOVED BETTY ON SNL!! She was great and so funny! So amazing for her age. I used to watch the Golden Girls 'back in the day' too she was hysterical on there as well...she is a true icon!

    Now off to bed for real this time... :zzzz

  2. Good morning ladies!!!

    How are you doing?

    So I got the perfect song for my morning! It just popped into my mind when I looked out the window! Here it is!

    I just wish I would really be raining men!!! lol And not water! ;D Preferable certain men! You all know whom I talking about! ;P

    @Nicole so I see you got your results! :) Congrats! I mean for not being motivated a C isn't way to bad! :D At least you didn't fail! :D

    Since I see you talked a bit about grades scales, here in Switzerland it's again different! haha We have too from 1 to 6, but 6 is the best and 1 the worst! And normally you have to have a 4 to pass! And then there are also grades like 5.75, 5.5, 5.25! Very complicated! :D haha

    @Mel oh yea, a vid of Kjetil would be very appreciated!!! Especially from me!!! ;D lol

    @Kristen Hei dear! I'm glad to hear the funeral went well! I hope you're alright, more or less? :( And I'm sorry to hear that you gotta work again that much today! Hope you'll survive it! ;) And as you know, we'll try to cheer you up here as good as we can! :D

    LOL even I watched Golden Girls! And Betty White was hilarious! :D
    So am I assuming right, SNL = Supernatural? :D Oh still gotta see last weeks episode! :D Wasn't she in the episode, where they wanted to eat Dean and Sammy? LOL That was one funny episode! 'Fudge'!!! LAMO ;D

    So ladies I'm off to Berne for the day! Have fun and hope you don't have to work to hard and the weather is better than here! ;D

    Hope to talk to you in the evening! Hugs! :D

  3. So ... hanging out on the Blog ... just me and our Vikings ... our minds start to wander ... or maybe I've had too many Simens *shakes head* ... too much Simen? That could never happen!

    Just Wondering …

    If you soak a raisin in water, does it turn back into a grape?

    Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

    What do you call male ballerinas?

    Why do people say “Heads Up” when you should duck?

    If we put the pictures of missing children on milk cartons … Should we put the faces of missing adults on Beer Cans?

    Is there a time limit on Fortune Cookie predictions?

    If corn oil is made from corn and olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from?

    If you eat Smarties and DumDum’s at the same time, does it even out?

    If humans evolved from apes … Why are there still apes?

    If people from Poland are called 'Poles', why aren't people from Holland called 'Holes?'

    How come there isn’t Mouse flavored Cat Food?

    Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

    We know the speed of light. What is the speed of dark?

    If statistics say that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you?

  4. @Deuce you just made my day. Thanx. LMAO

    @Anja have great time in Berne, don't drink too

  5. Hi girls! I'm in the lunch break!

    I love Betty White! She's a beautiful lady at this age! I like this commercial:

    @Kristen I hope you are OK after these hard days! Try to rest! Hugs!

    @Anja I sent you some sunbeams! Have a nice day in Berne! If you drink, don't drive! Ha!Joking!!!

    @Nicole Happy for you! C is good enough! Next time it will be better! A "big" HI! from Tudor to you!LOL

    @Deuce Hahaha! Super!!! Love you!

    I'm off to work! Have a nice day ladies! See you!

  6. Good morning girls! Last night was AWESOME, but I have a meeting in 15 minutes so I will have to share the details later. Yes, I know I am a tease.

    That was quite a transition from yesterday's awesomeness to...Betty White? LMAO

    @Kristen I hope today is better for you!

    @Deuce I totally tried to turn a raisin back into a grape when I was a kid. All I had was a waterlogged raisin. And my freezer has a light!

  7. @Cricket I'm happy for you! We'll wait for details!

  8. Hei all! Have just a minute to comment, since I've internet access here! Gosh I'm way to addicted to this blog!!! :D lol

    @Deuce LMAO haha that's great!!! I like the one with the smarties!!! :D

    @Gordana No alcohol the whole day! I'm proud of me!!! :D just way too many coffees!!! Haha not sure if i can sleep tonight! :D

    @dana haha thanks! Too bad it didn't help! It was hailing 2 hours ago and still raining!!! :D

    @crickets glad to hear you had a good night!!!! :D Can't wait to hear more!!! :P

    Ok I'm off again!!! See you tonight, when I'm back home!!!
    Hugs!!! :D

  9. @ Anja SNL is Saturday Night Live.

    I'm off to the movies with my bestest on this dreary rainy day. See ya in a few hours.

  10. I like Aksel in a backwards baseball hat. Isn't it sweet that he wanted to get a better camera for the pictures on the website...He's a good blogger. No wonder everyone tunes in to see what he's doing next! :)

    @Cricket, I logged on here today especially to see how your date went! How did he like the grilled fish? Glad to hear it went well.

    I've been lurking (in a nice way) since Mel started this site and all the ugliness that was going on in Aksel's. I don't often post because I don't want to sound like a desperate old cougar/fan like some other sketchy people on his site and I don't drink! LOL! I'm usually thinking what everyone else has already said. I'm enjoying both websites very much. Keep up the good work everybody! Thanks for the warm welcome last week.

  11. @ Giffy: "...don't want to sound like a desperate old cougar/fan like some other sketchy people on his site and I don't drink!"

    And you came here?:) We are pretty fun if nothing else!

  12. @Giffy
    OK, I admit, I'm an old cougar, but not at all "desperate"!!! LOL And I don't drink either!

    @Buckeye Gal
    What did you mean with "Easy girl"? I don't understand what are you talking about? Ha ha!

  13. @Buckeye Girl
    That wasn't meant as an insult. I have a very warm spot for OH IO people. I grew up in Marysville. I'm prolly older than all y'all.

  14. What's with all the Ohioans lovin Aksel? I think it goes to show that we have excellent taste!
    How old Giffy? I am 36.

  15. @Cricket ... Details ... we need details?????

    @Griffy ... Lurking is good, but you don't get the full benefit of Blog Therapy unless you just jump right in ... We're wild & crazy in a good way ... *wink wink* What happens on the Blog, stays on the Blog ... PLUS we have Nicole to protect us and keep us out of trouble!

    A beautiful sunny day today ... Hope everyone is having a good one!

    Too bad I'm stuck at work ... anyone know any good excuses I can use, so I can go wind surfing instead!

  16. Ok I'm back! My boss's boss was here from Boston earlier so we all had to behave ourselves.

    So...details. Let's see, the only PG13 part was dinner (which turned out very well) and towels were involved this morning. Yes, I said this morning. YAY ME!!!!

    My cougar status continues (he is 28 aka perfect). But, I did get carded buying wine yesterday afternoon so technically I look 25!

  17. @Cricket CRICKET!!!! "Towels", "this morning"!!! Well done,baby!!!
    Goooooo Cougars!! YEEEY!

  18. GO girl. GO COUGARS!!!

    @Griffy hope you'll have some crazy time here...I'm sure you

  19. OMG I was checking new Aksels's more than 2000€ HEAD is spining.

  20. *come in with a big smile*

    good evening girls!

    @cricket haha thats nice

  21. @Anna-May Hi babe! What a nice profile pic! I'm sorry my pic is not on the front page anymore! Everyone should see his beautful hands (with long and lean fingers! Haha!)and his gorgeous smile!!!
    I hope he's not scared by our comments!!LOL

    @Gordana Wow! My head too!

    @Corinna Welcome "big smile" How are you? Did you get the sunbeams that I sent to you?

  22. @dana yes i geht the sunbeams, it was the whole day sunshinge only yet there is a storm coming.
    and i´m real fine,

  23. @gordana yes this is very much money for a new camera, haha i think he beat us in spend money

  24. @dana @Gordana COUGARS RULE!!!

    I think there might be round two tonight. We'll see!

    I'm sure the HEAD contract is lucrative enough for a few high-end toys. Why not? We will all get the benefits of pretty eye candy!

  25. @dana because of my big smile i got two flirts today, one this morning if i were make a short trip to the supermarket and one this evening right before end of work, that one in the end of work was great and funny because my boss said to him we wanna close now, and he is getting totally red in his face and give me his hand and said goodbye hope to see you soon again, haha,

  26. @Cricket I'm truly happy for you! I keep my fingers crossed for you tonight!

    You are right about the benefits! I want more pics like the one on "Just because"...or the towels ones! LOL Did I ask for too much?
    I can't stop thinking of the towels! He he!

    @Corinna Good girl! So keep smiling, you heartbreaker!LOL

  27. if there anybody left? or everybody already gone?

  28. @dana now your comment shown up, thanks for the heartbreaker, this two things really make my day today lol

  29. @ Cricket *jaw hits floor* Hot damn!!! You go girl!!!

    @ Gordana 2000? *faints* *grabs on to the edge of the table & pulls self up* 2000? *faints again*

  30. @mel yes this nice camera is so expensiv

  31. @Mel: You can get it at Walrmart online. You get a discount right:)

  32. @ Corinna The nice ones always are..

    @ Buckeye Gal LOL Yeah Hell...I mean Wal-Mart does give us a 10% discount. Isn't that so thoughtful of them?

    *lines up the 7 House Drinks & starts downing them*

  33. @mel your are so right about this

  34. Betty White is freakin' awesome!!! I love this woman! Golden Girls is priceless!

    Watched SNL this weekend and I cracked up quite a bit...that woman has a pretty nasty mind (...wonder if I'll be like that someday) lol ;P

  35. New blog post on ALS. He got a new bike. I think he's on a spending spree today.

  36. @mel i think he get this bike from head, and he hasn´t pay something for it

    @nicole good evening

  37. @ Corinna I figured that, but still the man is shopping like crazy & spending money left & right. I wonder if he had a bad day...

  38. I don't think I'm making much sense any more. I think I need more sugar in my blood stream. I'll be back later I need to find sugar.

  39. @Nicole: Too late:)

  40. @mel i think we have now something to say if we spend a little bit to much money a day, then i think i will say: i don´t had buy me an new camera for 2000€ and also i didn´t had buy me a new bike for much money, haha

  41. so girls i´m off, wish you all a good night/day and tomorrow a great day *HUGS*

  42. @Anja Wow!!! Long post too..trying to get it all in ..................gutter! LOL ;P

    haha I love this song!!! Perfect! ;D

    I would prefer having a scale! The A,B,C,D,F thing is pretty annoying especially when they talk about plus or minus! You either do the work or you don't!!! I'm pretty unmotivated lately, which is not me! I don't want to brag but I'm pretty smart and usually overachieving but I'm more excited for summer! ;D

    SNL is Saturday Night Live! It's on...every Saturday lol and it's a bunch of comedy with guest celebrities as hosts! There's a lot of skits...a lot make fun of the politics and the news in the world! SNL was hilarious in '08 for the presidential elections over here! Great comedy! ;D

    Hope Berne is awesome!!!

    @Kristen Please feel better. We're here for you! If you need a couple minutes of solitude just tell me, I can take the kids off your hands for a little bit! :D

    @Deuce LOL Love the questions there! Truly enlightening! ;D

    Two comments:

    Apparently my school didn't get the milk carton memo because Justin Bieber's face is on them! Pretty sure he's not missing...but honestly?!?!?! Why his face?!?! I don't like having to see it, that sounded mean :/

    Also, fortune cookies...always way too general but hilarious if you add "in bed" to the end of them. For example, "You will find much success in bed" and so on! ;D

    oh, and I'm pretty sure I'm the one with the mental illness amongst my friends... ;P

    @dana I think that's the commercial that made a lot of people fall in love with her again! ;D ...that tackle looked painful though! lol

    haha C is not great but it's not terrible! ;D
    Hi Tudor! lol ;P

    @Deuce and Giffy Yes, there is no need to worry! I am here!!!, that is not at all self-centered! lol ;P

    @Cricket Well, well, well...towels? *clears throat* homerun, perhaps? LOL ;P and round two?...the cougar just cannot contain herself!!!

    @gordana He can afford it...seriously, he's making me more and more jealous!!! lol ;P

    @corinna You've got guys chasing after you! Nice job!!! ;D

    Expensive cameras are worth it though...they're an investment! There's a saying in Spanish "Lo barato sale caro" The cheap comes out expensive...which is so true!

  43. Goodnight corinna!! Sweet dreams!!! ;D

    I wanted a nice digital camera for a while! I wasn't sure if I wanted a bridge or DSLR just because I know it would be too big for me and I wanted something portable. So I got a digital camera (Sony cybershot) It works really well and I love it! But seeing Aksel's new camera does make me wish I had waited a little longer...but, I don't have money so... ;P lol

    @Buckeye Gal Why thank you very much! lol ;P

  44. Sorry that was such a freakin' long comment earlier...I think too much... lol

  45. @ Nicole sok it happens to the best of us.

  46. @mel haha Thanks! I just try to comment as I read and I get a little carried away! lol ;P

  47. @mel haha You know, I think Aksel's trying to catch up with his posts! He was missing for two days and now two posts pop up...hmm... curious... LOL ;P

  48. @everyone...thanks for the nice thoughts, I'm still very tired but I made it through the day today at work...I plan on trying to get to bed earlier tonight, we'll see if that happens! LOL!

    @Nicole...too bad you don't live closer or I might just take you up on that offer ;D xoxo

    @Cricket...YOU GO GIRL!! Cougars do rock!!! Can't wait to hear all the juicy details from "round two" haha!!

    @Mel...what movie did you see today? Was it good?

  49. What song should I use for the Kjetil video? I was thinking maybe All the Right Moves by One Republic. Any ideas girls?

  50. Here you go ladies. Special for this post.

  51. @Kristen If I did live closer, the offer would definitely stand! ;D

    @mel ...choosing songs is always hard...that is a good song though! you know where you could find a list of his favorite music...maybe his facebook page??

  52. For Cricket:

    or not!

  53. @ Kristen We went to see Avatar. I love it. It's just like Fern Gully. Which was one of top 5 movies as a kid. I'm gonna have to buy it on payday.

  54. @Mel LOVE AVATAR!!!!!!! ;D Such a great movie!!!

    @Buckeye Gal *smacks hand to forehead and shakes head*

  55. @ Buckeye Gal LMAO

    I'm off to dinner. *sigh* Wonder what we will be having...

  56. @Mel & Nicole...Haven't seen Avatar yet...I really want to see it though!! ;D

    Gotta run! In my home, the fun never ends! LOL! Be back later...


  57. @Kristen You should! :D

    Have fun running around the home!! ;D

  58. @Buckeye Gal...the t-shirt for Cricket...too damn funny! LMAO!!!

  59. @Ladies: Official Akselized Fans t-shirt

  60. Another potential competitor for AF T-shirt:

  61. He likes Big Bang or so his facebook says. I like the song Sing and Dance. They sound kinda hippy.

  62. @mel I think that kinda fits his personality! Don't ya think? lol ;P

  63. @ Nicole LOL yeah I think it does fit our little rocker hippie. Unfortunately I can't find any of their songs on Limewire.

    Back to the drawing board...

  64. @Buckeye Gal LOL Just read your new picture!!! ;P

    @mel ...hmm...not sure what other songs...hey, you could always ask him via facebook!!! ;D

  65. Ladies: How do you get your pick to show up beside your post? Haven't figured it out yet:(

  66. @ Nicole Ummm now Jose *shakes head no* Not gonna do it. He'll just get All The Right Moves.

  67. unless I break out my old song & find one that would work...

  68. @Buckeye Gal clue...I don't know how to do that without signing up through the Blogger site :/

    @Mel Why not??? It's just asking him what songs he likes to listen to...nothing bad!!!

  69. @Mel: How about this one. Very appropriate. Might be better for an Aksel video or a Norwegian Ski Team compilation video.

    I am a Viking by Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force

  70. @Buckeye Gal haha That's an awesome song! ;D

  71. @ Buckeye Gal Good song & it would make a great Attacking Vikings video, but I can't find it on limewire.

    I think I'm gonna get my cds out & see if I can find a song I like for him.

  72. @mel You could always just ask him... lol ;P

  73. What about Rockstar?

  74. @mel *gasp* I love love love Nickelback!!!!

    Gotta Be Somebody and If Today Was Your Last Day are my absolute favorites!!!!!! ;D

  75. @Mel Don't have facebook...but I totally would if I did!!! :D

  76. I never asked Aksel so why should I ask Kjetil? Grant the songs for Aksel come easier, but I will find the perfect song for the Kjetil video. *listen to iTunes & gets a devious grin on face* I think I found it...

  77. Now off to find enough pics to make the video complete!!!!!!!!!

  78. @Mel Okay, okay! I hear ya!!! ;P

  79. @Mel Looking forward to viewing this video! lol ;P

    Goodnight Ladies!!! HEADing out for the evening! Talk to you tomorrow!! Many Sweet Dreams everyone!!! ;D ;D ;D

  80. @Buckeye the "Cougar Hunter" tee..awesome!!! haha!! Also love your profile pic ;D

    Goodnight gals!

  81. @Cricket ... *High Five, Low Five, On the Side, fist bump* Way to ROCK IT COUGAR! If you have any energy left in the morning ... Details and tracking tips for the rest of us please!

    Aksel's new bike ... Uber Cool! It's adorable to see him with his new toys ... if he posts he went shoe shopping I'm gonna fall in love!

    HELP ... What option do I have to choose to get my User Pic to show up next to my name in my posts????????
