This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Packing For A Little Trip
He's all packed & HEADing out to some unknown destination. *sigh* I wanna go too! *grabs a Lars & downs it* Nah I'm going to Amish Country tomorrow so it's all good.
Well I had some time to catch up on last weekend! LMAO is all I gotta say! You ladies know how to have fun! :D Too bad I missed it!
@Mel I hadn't have time to compliment you! You girl are awesome and Congrats to your own post on Aksel's blog! :D
a little on Topic: This man sure has a lot of things! haha Good for him that he's a fairly big car! :D I wonder if they made it to they're destination safely! And I'm really curious who's shotgun?! :)
I always have this much stuff when I travel at Christmas. It's amazing how much you think you will need for a week away, plus I buy (and get) too many gifts.
I think this was the ski training too. I hope it doesn't lead to another "OMG look at all the stuff that exploded out of my suitcases onto the floor!!!" post.
Good morning, afternoon, evening, whatever! Good whatever! ;-)
I wanna know who´s passenger in his car too... should i have asked on his blog to kick kjetil out of his car and let me in? i wasn´t brave enough.. think kjetil is already mad at us!
@cricket: hans? i doesn´t look like packing for honeymoon right? ;-) so your guess isn´t very obviously for me! haha. another floor pic post? no.. that would be boring. I think he will show us a clean house soon! :-) (wonder if he ever thought about posting a pic him lying in bed.. haha i would be curious about the comments)
btw: i wonder why aksel is a drink without red bull?! any idea?
@Cricket what makes you so sure it's Hans? :) That kinda confuses me, since I assumed the date didn't went so well! Otherwise I'm sure he would have been swarming about it! :P
@Teekanne Go on girl! Ask him! hehe Kjetil is already mad, so it can't get any worse! :P And we still can apologize to him in Lenzerheide! haha a pic in the bed! I can imagine what comments would be made! haha :D
haha Maybe mel didn't think about advertisment issues! :) Anyway I'm glad, like I said, I don't like red bull much! Can just drink it with white vodka! :D Can't understand how ppl can drink it pure! :)
@Teekanne @Anja If they are continuing their ski trip,bringing Hans along for the ride would just kill two birds with one stone! How can we be sure that the date didn't go well? Wouldn't you think they have to keep things on the down low?
I'm sure it was probably Kjetil, but that's boring because it's normal.
@anja: hans beeing swarming about it or aksel? as you know aksel is only swarming about his pink powder skis?! no it´s too late... ;-) he already drove past my home this morning! haha!
i know how ppl can drink it pure.. it tasted like gummibears.. and we know how much aksel loves gummibears! haha. He loves them to death! ;--)
@Cricket: Do you really think askel changed kjetil agains hans? wooohoo... new rumour for VG-Nett! haha Boring.. ouch.. kjetil has a bad position in this blog i guess! at least kjetil was in liverpool.. that´s what he wrote via facebook! :-) so maybe Hans... OR the banned 2 letters?
@Cricket haha true! But i thought at least to us, his dear stal... fans, he would say something! ;D lol boring... Ouch! :)
@Teekanne Well both! Or at least Hans a bit! :D oh yea his skis! *sigh* I like them too! :) Especially since they're not white like his racing skis!
lol too bad! Were you afraid?! :P you know, you could have joined them and lead them here! I'm sure you could have fit in somewhere in the car! If necessary on someone's lap! ;P And we even got snow over the weekend! They could ski here a bit too! :D
Ugh it does not! Not to me at least! I love gummibears! :D But not red bull! :) Oh well maybe, its bc I connect red bull with red vokda! And I truly can't stand that one! Bad memories... :P
haha why? We're all so nice to Kjetil, aren't we? :P When was he in Liverpool? recently? :)
don't think it was '2 banned letters' (btw like that expression), just checked her twitter! Sneaky me! :P
What tastes like gummibears? Red Bull? I thought it tasted like bubblegum. I didn't mind the taste, but it made my heart beat so fast I felt like I was going to turn inside out!
I don't think Kjetil is boring! I wish he would come post so we could talk to him. I meant that he always seems to be the passenger so Hans would shake things up a bit. The banned 2 letters is nowhere in sight! I know because I follow her on twitter.
@anja: i bet his racing skis aren´t white very long. he needs to get colourful skis (no necissarily pink..)
on someones lap? Thought aksel is the driver.. would be pretty uncomfortable!;-) but for sure i would lead them to your home! :-)
I don´t know.. red bull tastes like red bull.. :-) Red vodka? puschkin vodka? I know i understand! haha.
he was there for the CL game and some other soccer games.. so he just came back today and was there since at least wednesday!
wow.. sneaky you! you´re a stalker! haha
@cricket: bubblegum? haha.. could be true. I go with anja and only drink it with alcohol! :-) that´s the reason red bull was kind of forbidden in europe.. and just looked up at wiki (i love wiki) that it´s still in norway!! WOOOW!
talk to him haha... ask him about his favourite colour for a new vera wang dress haha! ;-)
@Teekanne I agree, he does need colorful skis, but I wonder if he has anything to say about that issue!
haha who said I meant Aksel's? :P maybe you can convince the shotgun to drive! :P Or sit on his/her lap! :P yay I at least an can count on you about that one! :D
lol puschkin? haha I somehow knew you would understand! :)
ah I see! girl you gotta keep me updated on their fb! I'm not going to add them, especially not kjeti, otherwise I'm sure I get a restraining order to my door! :)
haha you know, we learned from the best! *points at Teekanne* :P
you sure it's still forbidden? If I remember correctly, Aksel said it's not anymore? Here it never was forbidden though! :)
@Teekanne I wasn't in on the whole Vera Wang thing! That was before my time. I would be nice and what color he thinks the next team jackets will be.
I don't think I could handle Red Bull with vodka. Too much stimulation is not good with alcohol (other things, yes...)
It's not so good for me to sit on someone's lap in a car. I can get carsick easily, especially in the back seat. I don't want to make friends that way!
And I am so not a stalker! I just have to have all the info. Yeah, that sounds good.
@anja: hope he has... at least hope kjetil tries to paint them one night! haha
did you ever see a jealous man driving? you don´t want me to sit on another ones lap! Haha
haha. of cause puschkin is the worst stuff on earth! i only realized the day after that i wasn´t strawberry juice! haha
i do. but you better sould join them. as you know 4 eyes see better than 2! :-) haha.. kjetil won´t know who you are except you make me tell him your little secret ha!
learnd from the best? oh no! i think kristen mentioned yesterday she found out his phone number and adress... ok at least simens and daddy svindals! haha
It´s not anymore? you talked to aksel about that? haha. i don´t know. i only know it was forbitten like absinth haha.. since with alcohol it has the same effect on me!
@Cricket: too much stimulation?? haha *mental cinema is moving* sorry! :-/
carsick? what a pretty gift for giving you a ride ;-)
@Teekanne lmao what makes you think he's a jealous person? Did you ask him?! :P well then you gotta convince the shotgun to drive so he won't get jealouse! haha
sorry I don't know this puschkin! Or maybe not under this name! :)
haha so I gotta be very very nice to you all the time?! Hmm, then I better not join! :P
No he said it last summer, when he made the contract with bull! haha I wish though I'd have talked with him! :D
haha thanks teekanne! Now my mental cinema is on too! :D
@Cricket lol That's for sure a good way to keep your mind busy! I do than actually too! :D
@Teekanne haha would actually be funny to witness that! :D I didn't tell you to ask him to kick kjetil out! Just that Kjetil drives so you can sit on Aksels lap, so he does not get jealouse! Don't leave Kjetil, that would be kinda mean to him (and me if you come here with them :P)
Well, I always had the red bull vodka! haha :D That's why I don't know them, not bc I was way to drunk to remember that! :P
haha you think you're going to be able to switch it off? :D
@Cricket: dream about aksel, kjetil or another viking.. you´ll see the last hour is over pretty soon!
@anja: funny for you, i guessed that! ok, we leave kjetil at your home and go back on our way to... where ever aksel is goin! haha i´m gonna ask kjetil... tomorrow or in a week? don´t know yet when i´ll see him again!
The RED BULL VODKA?? haha is there a real RED BULL VODKA? i didn´t know there was... over here we mix it by ourselves.
after 10 cocktails (*grabs a truls and a lars*), i´m so much off. ehh so much able to switch it off.
Talking? I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE POEM YOU WANTED TO WRITE ABOUT AKSEL!!!!! :-) You said it :-( you said you would do it.. at least for my wedding?! :-)
this car is bigger than mine golf but i my golf i that stuff have also some room left. i think he said this with the passager just so there is space for one, but i don´t think that someone is driving with him, because there a just one skis and boots
@Anja I can switch it on and off easily! Lots of years of practice.
@Teekanne I don't know about an actual Red Bull vodka, but here in the US they sell all kinds of flavors. The only ones I like are the hot pepper flavor for mixing in bloody Marys and the vanilla flavor for mixing with Coke (it tastes like a cream soda). Some are really nasty like raspberry and sour apple. Too sweet!
@coinna: good evening! at least you just see one pair of skis and boots in the pic. maybe kjetil was late with packing?! haha...
@all: does anyone know what this FIMH . . .WTMOMM sharon wrote on aksels blog mean? i now the first one "forever in my heart" but the second one? "with the mouth on my mouth"? haha.. i don´t know. can anyone help?
@cricket: you really have? we only use the normal vodka and mix it with juice or other stuff!
@anja: haha yeh lucky you!
wooow.. i never saw that one! i don´t think we have this over here.. when i´ll visit you in october i need a lot of space in my car!! :-) I better rent a van!!
it´s just water :-) 10 for switching off my mental cinema since it only get´s worse after the frist cocktails!haha.
haha.. 1 or 2 years? october!!!
ok.. i´m off now. need some sleep!! Maybe see you 2morrow. i´m on my grandmas birthday first! wooow.. family meeting.. :-(
haha 25 Euros?! That's a lot! The red bull cost 'just' 24 Franks here, so I bet you got the expensive one! :D haha you really better take a van with you! Especially with the ppl you gotta take with you to me! :D hehe
oh true! Darn! I won't hide behind the bar anymore! Promise! :D So I gotta drink with you tomorrow?! :P
Oh you did not!!! haha Imagine if someone reads your calendar and it says 'wedding with Aksel and poem from Anja' lmao
Have a good night again sweetie and sleep well! Hugs! :)
@Corinna Mine was good too! I could sleep in and recover from the last weekend! :D Well I rememeber mondays being a pain in the ass, when I was working! So you got lucky to have had a relaxed one! :D There seldom, aren't they? :D
@Bucheye lmao jep we were talking about cars! But surely not thinking about them! hehe :P
@Anja: Day started off kind of crappy. My daughters teacher had sent an email to the parents that let us know one of the kids in her class has Leukemia. Not a great way to start off the day but they think he has a very treatable form of it. All: His name is Luke. Please say a little prayer for him!
Then my husband ditched me at lunch. I am hoping it ends better:) Of course tonight i WalMart night so I can't see it getting much offense Mel. My WalMart has been moving the store around and just when I think I know where something is they move it again. my shopping trips are getting 10-20 min longer everytime I go.
@Corinna true! :) I never liked mondays though! :)
haha jep I'm restored with energy now! Ready for party! :D hehe
@Buckeye I'm really sorry to hear about Luke! :( That's so sad! I hate it when ppl gets so sick, especailly when it's children! :( I hope he's gettin better!
Well then i hope you're husband has a good excuse for ditching you?! :P Oh yea, I hate that too! Thank god I don't have to go shopping so often! (my mom does :P) I don't like grocery shopping much, well shopping in general! :)
any preferences with the vodka? here we have loads of flavours! :D
I am 5'9". Any road trips the group takes will require a little extra leg room for me. Maybe we can buy a greyhound bus for our fan group and travel around watching Aksel ski? What do you think? That way there is plenty of room for our luggage as well:)
Oh boy! Just read through the comments! Sitting on people's laps, drinking vikings, being on top!!!!!! It's Monday allright!!! LOL ;P
@corinna Shotgun is the person that sits in the passenger seat! It's a 'game', I guess you could say! People say 'shotgun' and the first person that said it, gets to sit in the passenger seat....sometimes my friends and I actually race to the car and fight to get in!!! ;D
@Anja I went shopping this weekend, but I wasn't on the blog much because we're having bad rain storms and I lost power for a while! :( didn't make me too happy!!!! ...I love shotgun!!!
@Buckeye Gal lol Not bragging...stating!!! (I'm 5'4"...and wish I were taller) LOL Plus, I wouldn't mind sitting next to Aksel!!!! ;D ...greyhounds are sooo nice! I took a band trip in one of those...really cool! ;D
@Corinna don't worry! We all make mistakes! And some words are quite difficult to figure out, when they're 'slang'! :)
So did you like your Aksel? hehe :P
@Nicole haha you know, I'm back!!! :P just kidding! we had fun today though! :D
I see! Why did everyone go shopping? hehe I gotta say we did some shopping too! My friends bably wanted to, so I had to follow along! hehe :D was fun though! Aww sorry about the storm! :( Am i being mean, when i say we had 25 degrees and sunshine in Rome? :P
@Anja *glares* Yes, you're making me jealous!!! lol ;P Good thing is that the rain is stopping...slowling, but it's stopping! ;D ..I had to look up both words!!! ;P
@corinna and anja I got some new shirts and nailpolish...didn't need the nailpolish but I always get more! *shrugs* oh well! lol ;P
@corinna LOL I love these drinks! hehe It's like HEAD, you can use them in so many double meaning ways! :D hehe
@Nicole sorry girl! :( Hope the rain goes way soon! :D Here it's raining too at the moment though! :) Good thing I like the rain! It always smells so good after rain in summer! :D
haha new nailpolish?! you planning to put in on someone?! :P what color did you buy?
For once i have had some time at home to relax for a few days, including today as it is a public holiday - a good monday to start the week. The bad bit was the 'domestic' jobs I had to do, so i checked the blog a few times for entertainment/distraction but very quiet for once.
@anja i got my head skis this december about 8 years, my dad bought because i didn´t want that i bought me a board, but i was faster then him had have a k2, my skiboots from head i bought 2 years ago, but i need some new poles because mine are from atomic and very old, so what do you think about the second one?
@Nicole well here it's kinda common to have some skis or snowboards! But since we have so many skiing areas it's quite good to have some, if you like of course to go skiing! :D But yea, they are quite expensive... :-/
haha we did! :D I realised it too, when I wrote it! :D
haha I don't put nailpolish on everyday so... I forgot I need to buy some! haha :D
Nonono you don't! I need my daily dose of our Vikings! :P
@Corinna so you're a skiier, right? Well since I'm not a skiier, i don't know much about it! (seriously am I the only snowboarder here? lol) But I just realised my mom and brother have these poles and they're pretty good, they said! :D And They're soo light! :D
Oh I like these bag too! :D nice print!
@Marie I see! :D I love to watch premier league! hehe :D
@Anja I love books though so I don't mind talking about them! I'm reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Spieg Larsson ...soooooo good!!! I'm attached!! ;D
I didn't paint my nails that much before, but now I change the color almost every week...just because I can't stand it when it starts to chip so I have to paint them all over again! ;P
@marie Yep! Still watching soccer!!! Are you?;D ...not happy Beckham won't be in South Africa but it'll be interesting!!! ...we had some conversations earlier about Ronaldo (sorry Teekanne) and quite a few soccer conversations! Teekanne's your go-to girl for that! ;D
@nicole i´m skiing since i´ve been three years old, and when i was younger i always get the old stuff from my brother, so with 18 i decided to learn boarding but my dad was against it and bought me new carving skis. ;) and i bought me my board. ;) so i have both
@Anja Yeah...not much skiing in Indiana...only one place to go to and that's only open from December to March.... :( ...I've always wanted to try snowboarding!!!
@corinna i see! wasn't sure if I got it right! So i'm not the only boarder here! YAY! :D Though I can't ski anymore I guess! Or well not good! I'd have to take some classes! :D haha
@corinna You're making me more jealous by the minute!!! :{ I don't have skis, or a snowboard, or talent at that! I've never tried snowboarding though I want to and I've only been skiing...maybe once or twice before! ...yes, I know, I've been deprived! lol But I just don't get the opportunity...and when I want to, my family/friends don't.... :{
@nicole i didn´t want to make you jealous, i just live in the right area for this wintersport!
@anja but i do more skiing than snowboarding,because i had a bad accident with my board and didn´t trust them anymore, but if i rent one for a day i don´t have problems, only with my own
@Corinna aww sorry to hear that! Hope you didn't get hurt too badly! :( That's why I love to ski early in the morning! when noone's on the slopes and I can go like i want! :D haha bc I love to go fast! :D Seriously some skier and boarder just don't know how to ski/board! :( In Lenzerheide we have that thing called 'early bird' with that you get to go on the slopes at 7 in the morning, when noone is there! I love it!!! :D
@Nicole haha trust me you will! And you got something to look at! especially when he's showing something you get a nice look! haha I know I'm bad! :P haha i'm good at that too! :D
@Anja *smacks hand to forehead* So that's why you want to learn how to ski... LOL ;P
The ski resort/area (it's not really a resort) here has nights when you can ski from midnight to 2 in the morning! ...don't worry, they have lights! ;P
@anja it is 8 years ago, it works! but the funny thing on that was that a really good friend of me said "i come to visit you in the hospital i bring you some roses if you have a accident with your snowboard!" one week later it was happend! i don´t like to much people on the piste, especially the drunk ones!
@Nicole haha!!! you caught me! When I was a kid who learned how to ski i didn't care! LOL And when I learned to board with 8 I didn't either! So now to relearn how to ski, would probably the only way to make that expirience and appreciate it! haha Too bad I don't like skiing very much! I prefer boarding or watching skiing! :D
aww I did night skiing once! Was quite dangerous though!
@Corinna I see! What a coincidence! :D Isn't it always like that though! :) Me neither! I'd for once love to be all alone on the slopes! though that's prolly never going to happen! :(
@corinna She wasn't hurt! ...just embarrassed!!! lol ;P
@Anja ...yeah, sometimes you need motivation! ;P
You could be alone on the slopes if you get up really really you said! ;D
My sister and I, the first time we went skiing; and probably the only time we ever went...not sure :/ ...well, we got off the ski lift and immediately fell down! We were laughing so hard we couldn't get back up...and the people were MAD!!! But we just kept was so hard to get back up!!! Finally, we army crawled out of the way! LOL ;P
@anja i know what you mean wiht alone on the piste, it happend to me once and it was so great,only me there.i know one or two places where you be alone on the piste
so i´m off now, going to bed, good night to everyone,sleep well and have some nice dreams about skiing with the vikings :)
so like me a week ago if i was dreaming that i was at a hotel, and on 5 o´clock in the morning was somebody screaming on the floor get up get up it´s training time, i went out of my bed look out of my room dirctly to this guy, he looked at me real shocked and ask me what i was doing there, i aske him way he is so loud and i want to sleep, and then he said on this floor are only skiracers and what i was doing there, i told him that this is my hotelroom and then he asked on which floor he is and i said on the 3rd one and then he said sh** i had to go to second floor. later the day i meet him and then i said to him "so sir did you get up everyone for the training* the guys around him break up in a big lough so this was a good night story sleep well
Some great convos today ladies...hmmm, the most interesting being about riding on top or in the middle?!? haha! I've sat in the "middle" one too many times (back in the day) and it's not comfortable, especially when there's a gear shift! ;O lol
@Nicole...I love OPI nailpolish!! And I do the same thing girl, I paint/change the color of my nails weekly because I can't stand when it chips.
@Mel...Amish Country (PA) is where I're not coming here by chance or do you have Amish close to where you live?
@Nicole and Anja...first off, my mind always seems to be in the gutter these days, especially when Aksel is involved ;P No pictures, thank God!! lol!!
My day was good, had a 1/2 day at work and then to my dentist appt...crazy weather here, hot and humid, rain in one area and sunny in another, like only a few miles apart...weird!!!
@Kristen I don't know how people can stand to keep their nailpolish on, even when it's chipped all the way down to a thin little line!!! Just a tiny chip at the edge of the nail drives me insane!!! I'm OCD sometimes! ;D
@Anja...glad to hear you are back in top form from your fun Italian weekend :D I would love to go to Europe sometime...never been outside of the US except for Mexico :(
@Nicole...ooooh! I am TOTALLY OCD with my nails, I hate the slightest chip and can't stand seeing people with small specs of paint on their nails! My one friend is famous for the 'classic chipped nailpolish' look and I harrass her all the time about it.
I have the air conditioning on already!!! It's been on since Saturday! It's only MAY!!!
Did you mean pictures of me in the "middle" of Aksel's car??? I'm pretty sure theres a gear shift in that Audi! *mind totally in the gutter* haha!! That would be fun! Did you ladies decide whose riding shotgun?
I think I'm going a bit crazy with the exclamation points!!!!!!!! Sorry!! ;0
@Kristen :D If you ever get around to visit Europe, make sure you tell me! so we can meet! :D Haha I think everyone is going a bit crazy here about the exclamations marks! :D I kinda like to use them! hehe
@Anja and Kristen I tried to go on an exclamation point diet once, but it's practically impossible!!! They show up in every single one of my posts! ;D
@Anja Yep...both are always open on my computer! ;P
@Kristen I meant any pictures of Aksel...but if you want to picture yourself in the middle, okay! Just know that I'll fight you for it...and I'm fighting for shotgun too!!! ...well, it doesn't matter where I have to sit, but I'm definitely going on that car trip! ;P
@Nicole We'll both fit...somewhere! haha! Heck if there is room for a passenger then there must be a little room for the passengers things right?
Yea, the exclamation point definitely gets a workout on my keyboard! Can you imagine if we were all talking in person to each other, the way we all use them we'd be screaming with excitement all the time. ;P
@Kristen *trying to get the ringing out of my ears* That would get really loud!!! But never a dull moment! ;D ...I think I exhaust every punctuation mark there is! LOL
@Anja: Italian weekend? Lucky. Loved Italy! Visited Venice and some other towns in the north. Very nice!
@Ladies: I think everyone should keep fighting over who's riding shotgun and AKsel and I can slip into the back seat. Oh sh*t....that's right I am married. Well you all will have to figure out a rotation and the married chicks can ride in the back. I need someone to chauffeur me around instead of me being the chauffeur! It's the small things that feel like little bits of heaven.
@Buckeye Gal I'm married too and want to ride in the middle! ;P LOL!! I'll sit in the backseat with you, that way I'll behave! I hear ya on the chauffeur thing, I'm always driving, it would be nice to be driven for a change.
*still trying to get the kids to come in* I've got to go for real now...damn addicting blog! haha!
Just noticed all that luggage is mainly in HEAD bags, so either the 'passenger' is another HEAD skier or AKsel has not allowed his passenger any luggage space, and expects them to travel light. Just a thought.
@Nicole: I am writing you a message because I know you will check the blog:) You are right it is addicting. My kids were willing to take a shower tonight without force. The best part is it is not my turn to put them to bed.
@Nicole: Sorry sweetie! You will get there one day!
@Nicole: They are 8, 6, and 5. I do not check on them anymore and if they come to my rrom in the middle of the night I say "go to the bathroom, get to your bed, and love ya". I used to let them into bed with me but they are getting too big! Don't rush havin babies! Have fun, see the world, and find a good man to help you out!
@marie and Buckeye Gal I'm sorry...I just got news that a friend of mine passed away a month ago. I haven't seen her in three years, and we hadn't talked in a while...sorry...kinda sidetracked
Sorry, I don't know why I posted that...that just brought the mood down :/
@Buckeye Gal Definitely traveling!!! I want to see so many places! And I want to establish my career before having kids!!! ...hmm..."a good man to help me out"...Aksel??? LOL ...kidding! ;P
To answer the question: Why is Aksel a drink without any Red Bull in it? I don't like Red Bull. I can't get past the smell. I had to clean it up at work & I almost puked. So Aksel CANNOT be a drink with Red Bull in it because I don't wanna puke when I drink it.
My pic: I was going to put up a pick of my youngest daughter doing kung fu but I can't get enough of it in the pic. She is too cute. Apparently she was doing it with her "boyfriend" John and another boy for 30 min one day at preschool. The pic is priceless! The boyfriend needs to go. He did make her some flowers that were too cute but definitely go to go.
@Nicole I'm so sorry to hear about your friend :( *hugs*
@Buckeye Gal It's always nice when the kids cooperate during shower/bath &'s all me through the week, my husband works 2nd shift :/ Good thing my gym has a great childcare and they love going :) My real quiet time starts after 9pm :)
@Mel Have a great time tomorrow...if you ever do come to PA we'll have to meet up...
Hi Mel
ReplyDeleteDo you think he is packing for a trip? I thought it looks like the return from Ski training.
When I visited Ohio a few years ago I visted Amish country, but not sure where - a motor muesuem was not too far away. Any ideas?
Hello ladies!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? :)
Well I had some time to catch up on last weekend! LMAO is all I gotta say! You ladies know how to have fun! :D Too bad I missed it!
@Mel I hadn't have time to compliment you! You girl are awesome and Congrats to your own post on Aksel's blog! :D
a little on Topic: This man sure has a lot of things! haha Good for him that he's a fairly big car! :D I wonder if they made it to they're destination safely! And I'm really curious who's shotgun?! :)
*Takes a Leif* Cheers Mel! :D
Good morning!
ReplyDeleteI always have this much stuff when I travel at Christmas. It's amazing how much you think you will need for a week away, plus I buy (and get) too many gifts.
I think this was the ski training too. I hope it doesn't lead to another "OMG look at all the stuff that exploded out of my suitcases onto the floor!!!" post.
I pick Hans for shotgun, obviously.
Good morning, afternoon, evening, whatever!
ReplyDeleteGood whatever! ;-)
I wanna know who´s passenger in his car too... should i have asked on his blog to kick kjetil out of his car and let me in?
i wasn´t brave enough.. think kjetil is already mad at us!
@cricket: hans? i doesn´t look like packing for honeymoon right? ;-) so your guess isn´t very obviously for me! haha.
another floor pic post? no.. that would be boring. I think he will show us a clean house soon! :-)
(wonder if he ever thought about posting a pic him lying in bed.. haha i would be curious about the comments)
btw: i wonder why aksel is a drink without red bull?! any idea?
i will be back later! :-)
@Cricket what makes you so sure it's Hans? :) That kinda confuses me, since I assumed the date didn't went so well! Otherwise I'm sure he would have been swarming about it! :P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Go on girl! Ask him! hehe Kjetil is already mad, so it can't get any worse! :P And we still can apologize to him in Lenzerheide!
haha a pic in the bed! I can imagine what comments would be made! haha :D
haha Maybe mel didn't think about advertisment issues! :) Anyway I'm glad, like I said, I don't like red bull much! Can just drink it with white vodka! :D Can't understand how ppl can drink it pure! :)
@Teekanne @Anja If they are continuing their ski trip,bringing Hans along for the ride would just kill two birds with one stone! How can we be sure that the date didn't go well? Wouldn't you think they have to keep things on the down low?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was probably Kjetil, but that's boring because it's normal.
A pic in bed might possibly break the internet!
@anja: hans beeing swarming about it or aksel? as you know aksel is only swarming about his pink powder skis?!
ReplyDeleteno it´s too late... ;-) he already drove past my home this morning! haha!
i know how ppl can drink it pure.. it tasted like gummibears.. and we know how much aksel loves gummibears! haha.
He loves them to death! ;--)
Do you really think askel changed kjetil agains hans? wooohoo... new rumour for VG-Nett! haha
Boring.. ouch.. kjetil has a bad position in this blog i guess!
at least kjetil was in liverpool.. that´s what he wrote via facebook! :-)
so maybe Hans... OR the banned 2 letters?
@Cricket haha true! But i thought at least to us, his dear stal... fans, he would say something! ;D
ReplyDeletelol boring... Ouch! :)
@Teekanne Well both! Or at least Hans a bit! :D oh yea his skis! *sigh* I like them too! :) Especially since they're not white like his racing skis!
lol too bad! Were you afraid?! :P you know, you could have joined them and lead them here! I'm sure you could have fit in somewhere in the car! If necessary on someone's lap! ;P And we even got snow over the weekend! They could ski here a bit too! :D
Ugh it does not! Not to me at least! I love gummibears! :D But not red bull! :) Oh well maybe, its bc I connect red bull with red vokda! And I truly can't stand that one! Bad memories... :P
haha why? We're all so nice to Kjetil, aren't we? :P
When was he in Liverpool? recently? :)
don't think it was '2 banned letters' (btw like that expression), just checked her twitter! Sneaky me! :P
What tastes like gummibears? Red Bull? I thought it tasted like bubblegum. I didn't mind the taste, but it made my heart beat so fast I felt like I was going to turn inside out!
ReplyDeleteI don't think Kjetil is boring! I wish he would come post so we could talk to him. I meant that he always seems to be the passenger so Hans would shake things up a bit.
The banned 2 letters is nowhere in sight! I know because I follow her on twitter.
@anja: i bet his racing skis aren´t white very long. he needs to get colourful skis (no necissarily pink..)
ReplyDeleteon someones lap? Thought aksel is the driver.. would be pretty uncomfortable!;-)
but for sure i would lead them to your home! :-)
I don´t know.. red bull tastes like red bull.. :-)
Red vodka? puschkin vodka? I know i understand! haha.
he was there for the CL game and some other soccer games.. so he just came back today and was there since at least wednesday!
wow.. sneaky you! you´re a stalker! haha
bubblegum? haha.. could be true. I go with anja and only drink it with alcohol! :-)
that´s the reason red bull was kind of forbidden in europe.. and just looked up at wiki (i love wiki) that it´s still in norway!! WOOOW!
talk to him haha... ask him about his favourite colour for a new vera wang dress haha! ;-)
you´re a stalker too!! Haha
@Teekanne I agree, he does need colorful skis, but I wonder if he has anything to say about that issue!
ReplyDeletehaha who said I meant Aksel's? :P maybe you can convince the shotgun to drive! :P Or sit on his/her lap! :P yay I at least an can count on you about that one! :D
lol puschkin? haha I somehow knew you would understand! :)
ah I see! girl you gotta keep me updated on their fb! I'm not going to add them, especially not kjeti, otherwise I'm sure I get a restraining order to my door! :)
haha you know, we learned from the best! *points at Teekanne* :P
you sure it's still forbidden? If I remember correctly, Aksel said it's not anymore?
Here it never was forbidden though! :)
@Teekanne I wasn't in on the whole Vera Wang thing! That was before my time. I would be nice and what color he thinks the next team jackets will be.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I could handle Red Bull with vodka. Too much stimulation is not good with alcohol (other things, yes...)
It's not so good for me to sit on someone's lap in a car. I can get carsick easily, especially in the back seat. I don't want to make friends that way!
And I am so not a stalker! I just have to have all the info. Yeah, that sounds good.
@anja: hope he has... at least hope kjetil tries to paint them one night! haha
ReplyDeletedid you ever see a jealous man driving? you don´t want me to sit on another ones lap! Haha
haha. of cause puschkin is the worst stuff on earth! i only realized the day after that i wasn´t strawberry juice! haha
i do. but you better sould join them. as you know 4 eyes see better than 2! :-)
haha.. kjetil won´t know who you are except you make me tell him your little secret ha!
learnd from the best? oh no! i think kristen mentioned yesterday she found out his phone number and adress... ok at least simens and daddy svindals! haha
It´s not anymore? you talked to aksel about that? haha. i don´t know. i only know it was forbitten like absinth haha.. since with alcohol it has the same effect on me!
@Cricket: too much stimulation?? haha *mental cinema is moving* sorry! :-/
carsick? what a pretty gift for giving you a ride ;-)
@Cricket poor you! carsickness isn't fun! :(
ReplyDelete@Teekanne lmao what makes you think he's a jealous person? Did you ask him?! :P well then you gotta convince the shotgun to drive so he won't get jealouse! haha
sorry I don't know this puschkin! Or maybe not under this name! :)
haha so I gotta be very very nice to you all the time?! Hmm, then I better not join! :P
No he said it last summer, when he made the contract with bull! haha I wish though I'd have talked with him! :D
haha thanks teekanne! Now my mental cinema is on too! :D
I meant to get the mental cinema going! I have an hour of work left and I finished almost everything. I need something to keep my mind busy.
ReplyDeleteof cause... haha. i didn´t ask him about kick kjetil out of his car but if he´s jealous. gosh, girl! haha
you don´t know puschkin anymore?! haha
"aksel, just wanna chat with you about red bull a little bit". I wished i had too! ;-)
*grabs an aksel to get that mental cinema off*
@cricket: keep your mind busy? write a poem?
ReplyDeletebtw: ANJA?!?
@Cricket lol That's for sure a good way to keep your mind busy! I do than actually too! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha would actually be funny to witness that! :D I didn't tell you to ask him to kick kjetil out! Just that Kjetil drives so you can sit on Aksels lap, so he does not get jealouse! Don't leave Kjetil, that would be kinda mean to him (and me if you come here with them :P)
Well, I always had the red bull vodka! haha :D That's why I don't know them, not bc I was way to drunk to remember that! :P
haha you think you're going to be able to switch it off? :D
*cough* Don't know what you're talking about! :P
ReplyDelete*hiding behind the bar, so that Teekanne doesn't sees her? Drinking a Kjetil*
@Cricket: dream about aksel, kjetil or another viking.. you´ll see the last hour is over pretty soon!
ReplyDelete@anja: funny for you, i guessed that!
ok, we leave kjetil at your home and go back on our way to... where ever aksel is goin! haha
i´m gonna ask kjetil... tomorrow or in a week? don´t know yet when i´ll see him again!
The RED BULL VODKA?? haha is there a real RED BULL VODKA? i didn´t know there was... over here we mix it by ourselves.
after 10 cocktails (*grabs a truls and a lars*), i´m so much off. ehh so much able to switch it off.
Talking? I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE POEM YOU WANTED TO WRITE ABOUT AKSEL!!!!! :-) You said it :-( you said you would do it.. at least for my wedding?! :-)
good evening girls how ya doing?
ReplyDeletethis car is bigger than mine golf but i my golf i that stuff have also some room left.
i think he said this with the passager just so there is space for one, but i don´t think that someone is driving with him, because there a just one skis and boots
@Anja I can switch it on and off easily! Lots of years of practice.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I don't know about an actual Red Bull vodka, but here in the US they sell all kinds of flavors. The only ones I like are the hot pepper flavor for mixing in bloody Marys and the vanilla flavor for mixing with Coke (it tastes like a cream soda). Some are really nasty like raspberry and sour apple. Too sweet!
@coinna: good evening!
ReplyDeleteat least you just see one pair of skis and boots in the pic. maybe kjetil was late with packing?! haha...
@all: does anyone know what this FIMH . . .WTMOMM sharon wrote on aksels blog mean?
i now the first one "forever in my heart" but the second one? "with the mouth on my mouth"? haha.. i don´t know. can anyone help?
@Corinna hei girl! How ya doing?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha YAY! :P Lucky me! :D You can ask him whenever you want! :P
haha yea, there is a bull vodka!
haha you can drink 10? I wouldn't last more than 5/6 or so! haha 'Alki!' :D
Well sure, so when's your wedding then? :P In one or two years? :P
@teekanne kjetil late for packing? so he has to done his stuff on the top off the car? and mybe himself too?
ReplyDeletebtw. how´s going on with your car?
@anja i´m fine! it was a real funny day today?
btw. i had drive this kind of car too a audi a3 sportback it was great to had it since i had to wait for my golf.
@cricket: you really have? we only use the normal vodka and mix it with juice or other stuff!
ReplyDelete@anja: haha yeh lucky you!
wooow.. i never saw that one! i don´t think we have this over here.. when i´ll visit you in october i need a lot of space in my car!! :-) I better rent a van!!
it´s just water :-) 10 for switching off my mental cinema since it only get´s worse after the frist cocktails!haha.
haha.. 1 or 2 years? october!!!
ok.. i´m off now. need some sleep!! Maybe see you 2morrow. i´m on my grandmas birthday first! wooow.. family meeting.. :-(
@corinna: you never knows how aksel educates him haha. my mother would have done it that way.
ReplyDeletehaven´t heard from my neighbor till now. but he just came home. think he´ll call in a few minutes. :-/
@teekanne good night sleep well and have fun tomorrow
ReplyDelete@Corinna haha Kjetil driving on top of the car! lmao
ReplyDeletehaha I just realised, it's actually the same car my mom had! Befor she switched to BMW! :D
@Teekanne lmao we have loads! Green, black, blue, white, red... Way to many if you ask me! :)
ah now it's just water?! You letting me drink here alone?! :P
oh ok, so I got time till october... yay! :D I'm sure you've forgotten it till then! :D
Good night and sleep well! Hope to see you tomorrow! Hugs!
@anja i drink with you if you want
ReplyDelete*sit me down on the bar*
Have a great night everyone! I am switching off my mental cinema so I am fit to drive home.
ReplyDeleteAw poor Kjetil! I will give him a big hug when he joins us.
@Corinna yay *takes an Aksel* Cheers! :D
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? What was actually so funny about your day? If I may ask? :D
@Cricket have a nice evening! And drive home safely!
@anja: so you have experiences with driving on the top?? haha
ReplyDeletewe only have the cheap on or i only see the cheap one bc i mind vodka which costs about 25 euro! ;-)
Let you drink alone? Who hid behind the bar? me or you? HE? ;-)
i never forget this stuff.. never.. haha. just wrote it in my calendar!!
Hugs back! :-)
everyone was funny today, no "steß" and real relaxed day.
ReplyDeletei think i taste a aksel too
@cricket nice evening
@Teekanne haha uhm nooo... :P
ReplyDeletehaha 25 Euros?! That's a lot! The red bull cost 'just' 24 Franks here, so I bet you got the expensive one! :D
haha you really better take a van with you! Especially with the ppl you gotta take with you to me! :D hehe
oh true! Darn! I won't hide behind the bar anymore! Promise! :D So I gotta drink with you tomorrow?! :P
Oh you did not!!! haha Imagine if someone reads your calendar and it says 'wedding with Aksel and poem from Anja' lmao
Have a good night again sweetie and sleep well! Hugs! :)
@Corinna ah i see! :) And that on a monday! Good way to start the new week! :D
ReplyDeleteOh yea, the Aksel does taste delicious! :D mhm... :P
You're worinkg, right? :)
"You're worinkg, right?" yes, and normally the mondays are the most busy day in the week.
ReplyDelete@Corinna haha That's why I asked! :D So you were lucky today?! :D
ReplyDeletehaha just saw this vid on FB! That's awesome!!! :D
yes i was lucky today ;) why? how was your day?
ReplyDeletethat video is great
@anja: I am with you girl. I love driving on the top....uh wait are we talking about cars?:)
ReplyDelete@Ladies: hope you had a great day. I am guessing with all the talk about vodka today it was either really good or really bad?
@Corinna Mine was good too! I could sleep in and recover from the last weekend! :D
ReplyDeleteWell I rememeber mondays being a pain in the ass, when I was working! So you got lucky to have had a relaxed one! :D There seldom, aren't they? :D
@Bucheye lmao jep we were talking about cars! But surely not thinking about them! hehe :P
How was your day?
@buckeye good evening,
ReplyDelete@anja the most mondays are crazy monday sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad way. but i alway do the best.
@anja so you now totally recover from the weekend? so you full with new energy? lol
ReplyDelete@Anja: Day started off kind of crappy. My daughters teacher had sent an email to the parents that let us know one of the kids in her class has Leukemia. Not a great way to start off the day but they think he has a very treatable form of it. All: His name is Luke. Please say a little prayer for him!
ReplyDeleteThen my husband ditched me at lunch. I am hoping it ends better:) Of course tonight i WalMart night so I can't see it getting much offense Mel. My WalMart has been moving the store around and just when I think I know where something is they move it again. my shopping trips are getting 10-20 min longer everytime I go.
I need some of that vodka you all had earlier!
Woohoo!!! I come back and there are so many messages to read!!! I'm so proud of you girls!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja, Anne-May, dana I got your messages!! Thank you!!! They made me so happy!!! ;D
@Anja Your trip sounds like it was fun! I'm jealous *sigh* Rome! ;P I missed the talk about the perfect man! lol ;P
I wonder where Aksel is headed to....looks like he packed A LOT ....kinda like me...I OVERPACK!!! ;D
ReplyDeletepsst, Aksel! You should ask Audi for an upgrade!!! ;P LOL
ReplyDelete@buckeye that´s a bad way to start the day. hope it will all be good.
ReplyDeleteI'll be shotgun!!!! ...or I'm tiny enough that I can fit in the middle!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Corinna true! :) I never liked mondays though! :)
ReplyDeletehaha jep I'm restored with energy now! Ready for party! :D hehe
@Buckeye I'm really sorry to hear about Luke! :( That's so sad! I hate it when ppl gets so sick, especailly when it's children! :( I hope he's gettin better!
Well then i hope you're husband has a good excuse for ditching you?! :P
Oh yea, I hate that too! Thank god I don't have to go shopping so often! (my mom does :P) I don't like grocery shopping much, well shopping in general! :)
any preferences with the vodka? here we have loads of flavours! :D
@Nicole hei girl!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
my trip was awesome! :D We had loads of fun! :D But I missed a great party here too!
So where you away somewhere this weekend?
haha I bet there are a lot of girls here, who'd like to be shotgun! :D
I actually would love to drive the car, instead of beeing shotgun! :D
@Nicole: No bragging about how little you are!
ReplyDeleteI am 5'9". Any road trips the group takes will require a little extra leg room for me. Maybe we can buy a greyhound bus for our fan group and travel around watching Aksel ski? What do you think? That way there is plenty of room for our luggage as well:)
@nicole and anja please explain what this mean "shotgun"
ReplyDelete@Corinna Beifahrer :)
ReplyDeleteoh ok because if i had translate it, i only found "schrottflinte" thank you
ReplyDelete@Corinna: Shotgun means you get to sit up front.
ReplyDelete@Corinna haha yea, it means both! I had a while to figure it out too! :D
ReplyDelete*hands Corinna a Aksel and takes a Lars* :P
i know i know i don´t know some special words in english! so please excuse me!
ReplyDelete*thank you for the aksel*
Oh boy! Just read through the comments! Sitting on people's laps, drinking vikings, being on top!!!!!! It's Monday allright!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@corinna Shotgun is the person that sits in the passenger seat! It's a 'game', I guess you could say! People say 'shotgun' and the first person that said it, gets to sit in the passenger seat....sometimes my friends and I actually race to the car and fight to get in!!! ;D
@Anja I went shopping this weekend, but I wasn't on the blog much because we're having bad rain storms and I lost power for a while!
:( didn't make me too happy!!!! ...I love shotgun!!!
@Buckeye Gal lol Not bragging...stating!!! (I'm 5'4"...and wish I were taller) LOL Plus, I wouldn't mind sitting next to Aksel!!!! ;D ...greyhounds are sooo nice! I took a band trip in one of those...really cool! ;D
@corinna No need to apologize!!!
ReplyDelete@anja and corinna haha I had to look up those words!!! ;D
@Corinna don't worry! We all make mistakes! And some words are quite difficult to figure out, when they're 'slang'! :)
ReplyDeleteSo did you like your Aksel? hehe :P
@Nicole haha you know, I'm back!!! :P just kidding! we had fun today though! :D
I see! Why did everyone go shopping? hehe I gotta say we did some shopping too! My friends bably wanted to, so I had to follow along! hehe :D was fun though!
Aww sorry about the storm! :( Am i being mean, when i say we had 25 degrees and sunshine in Rome? :P
which words? 'beifahrer' and 'Schrotflinte'? :D
@all thanks for the explanation
ReplyDelete@nicole shopping is always good, we good some badly storms too
@anja yes i enjoy my aksel LOL
ReplyDelete@Anja *glares* Yes, you're making me jealous!!! lol ;P Good thing is that the rain is stopping...slowling, but it's stopping! ;D ..I had to look up both words!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@corinna and anja I got some new shirts and nailpolish...didn't need the nailpolish but I always get more! *shrugs* oh well! lol ;P
HAHA I think this blog beat Aksel's!!! There are 30 posts here (one for each day) and only 16 for his!!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete...kidding, Aksel, you're #1 (you know I'm trying to get on your good side so I can go on that car trip right?) LOL ;P
@corinna LOL I love these drinks! hehe It's like HEAD, you can use them in so many double meaning ways! :D hehe
ReplyDelete@Nicole sorry girl! :( Hope the rain goes way soon! :D Here it's raining too at the moment though! :) Good thing I like the rain! It always smells so good after rain in summer! :D
haha new nailpolish?! you planning to put in on someone?! :P what color did you buy?
@Nicole LOL I wonder what this says about us? We got way to much freetime I guess! :P
ReplyDelete@anja i love HEAD too not only because i got head skis and boots.
ReplyDelete@nicole nailpolish is always good, for me it is the same with sunglasses i got so many of them i can wear a week long everyday another one
Hi all
ReplyDeleteFor once i have had some time at home to relax for a few days, including today as it is a public holiday - a good monday to start the week. The bad bit was the 'domestic' jobs I had to do, so i checked the blog a few times for entertainment/distraction but very quiet for once.
Nice to see a few more people around now.
@Anja I love the smell of's so refreshing!!! ;D
ReplyDelete...put it on someone???...what are you thinking??? behave, anja, behave!!! LOL ;P
I bought Essie's jumpin junkanoo
And right now, I'm wearing Essie's turquoise &caicos
I prefer OPI nailpolish though, but the colors were pretty! ;D
@corinna LOL! :) Me too! And I got a HEAD and a Völkl board... :D haha I see, so you're too supporting his sponsor? :P
ReplyDeleteLOL I just got two sunglasses! My RayBan, and I love them! And some pilot sunglasses! :D
Well there's nothing I collect, except books! :D
@marie Hello! :D So where are you from, that you have a puplic holiday? If I may ask? :)
@marie Hi marie! It's great to have you back again!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha I try! But it doesn't work so good! :D Had probably to many Aksel's and Kjetil's! :P
ReplyDeleteNice colors! I need new nailpolish too! I'm out! :D Thanks for remembering me! :D
@Anja and corinna I don't have any skis...not enough money!!! :/
ReplyDelete@Anja I collect books too!!! ...we talked about this before right? I just got hit by dejavu!!! ;D
@Anja :O Out of nailpolish?!?!? How can you be out?! lol ;P
ReplyDeleteAm I going to have to start putting limits on how many Attacking Vikings you can have???
@marie hello
ReplyDelete@nicole nice colours
@anja i got my head skis this december about 8 years, my dad bought because i didn´t want that i bought me a board, but i was faster then him had have a k2, my skiboots from head i bought 2 years ago, but i need some new poles because mine are from atomic and very old, so what do you think about the second one?
@Nicole well here it's kinda common to have some skis or snowboards! But since we have so many skiing areas it's quite good to have some, if you like of course to go skiing! :D But yea, they are quite expensive... :-/
ReplyDeletehaha we did! :D I realised it too, when I wrote it! :D
haha I don't put nailpolish on everyday so... I forgot I need to buy some! haha :D
Nonono you don't! I need my daily dose of our Vikings! :P
@Anja - Live in UK or as Nicole would say the 'home of the premier league'?!
ReplyDelete@Nicole - still watching the soccer Nicole?
@corinna You have a lot more equipment than I do! I have ...a sled!!! ;D Woohooo!!!!
ReplyDelete...I like the poles btw!
ReplyDeletei love the print on it
@Corinna so you're a skiier, right? Well since I'm not a skiier, i don't know much about it! (seriously am I the only snowboarder here? lol) But I just realised my mom and brother have these poles and they're pretty good, they said! :D And They're soo light! :D
ReplyDeleteOh I like these bag too! :D nice print!
@Marie I see! :D I love to watch premier league! hehe :D
@Anja I love books though so I don't mind talking about them! I'm reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Spieg Larsson ...soooooo good!!! I'm attached!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI didn't paint my nails that much before, but now I change the color almost every week...just because I can't stand it when it starts to chip so I have to paint them all over again! ;P
@marie Yep! Still watching soccer!!! Are you?;D ...not happy Beckham won't be in South Africa but it'll be interesting!!! ...we had some conversations earlier about Ronaldo (sorry Teekanne) and quite a few soccer conversations! Teekanne's your go-to girl for that! ;D
@nicole i´m skiing since i´ve been three years old, and when i was younger i always get the old stuff from my brother, so with 18 i decided to learn boarding but my dad was against it and bought me new carving skis. ;) and i bought me my board. ;) so i have both
ReplyDelete@Anja Yeah...not much skiing in Indiana...only one place to go to and that's only open from December to March.... :( ...I've always wanted to try snowboarding!!!
ReplyDelete@corinna A bag would be handy! ;D
@corinna :{ ...lucky... ;D
ReplyDelete@anja &nicole i do both, skiing and snowboarding and for my snowboard i have a bag but not for my skis, but i think i need one! for my sölden trip! ;)
ReplyDelete@Anja Definitely a good read! The plot takes a while to develop in the first chapters...but then it really gets going! I definitely recommend it! ;D
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the repainting...just the chipping! ;P
I never really cared for him either...but he doesn't bother me too much!
i can´t stand him too, i don´t like this guy!
ReplyDelete@corinna i see! wasn't sure if I got it right! So i'm not the only boarder here! YAY! :D Though I can't ski anymore I guess! Or well not good! I'd have to take some classes! :D haha
ReplyDelete@Nicole good! So I gotta buy it! :D
@corinna You're making me more jealous by the minute!!! :{ I don't have skis, or a snowboard, or talent at that! I've never tried snowboarding though I want to and I've only been skiing...maybe once or twice before! ...yes, I know, I've been deprived! lol But I just don't get the opportunity...and when I want to, my family/friends don't.... :{
ReplyDeleteYou're lucky....very very lucky!
@Anja Sign me up for some classes!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole aww I'm sorry girl! If you ever get around to visit me, I'll find a hot snowboard teacher to teach you to drive! :D
ReplyDeleteI know we're lucky and I do appreciate it! :D I love to live where I do! :D
@Nicole haha I see we had the same thought! :P
ReplyDelete@Nicole maybe the Viking could teach us some tricks?! :P haha
ReplyDelete@nicole i didn´t want to make you jealous, i just live in the right area for this wintersport!
ReplyDelete@anja but i do more skiing than snowboarding,because i had a bad accident with my board and didn´t trust them anymore, but if i rent one for a day i don´t have problems, only with my own
@Anja ...if he's too hot, I won't be able to concentrate!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja Oh, I definitely like that idea....except I'll look like an idiot...oh well, I seem to be good at that! ;P
ReplyDelete@corinna I know!! ;D ...maybe your snowboard doesn't like you... ;P
@Corinna aww sorry to hear that! Hope you didn't get hurt too badly! :(
ReplyDeleteThat's why I love to ski early in the morning! when noone's on the slopes and I can go like i want! :D haha bc I love to go fast! :D
Seriously some skier and boarder just don't know how to ski/board! :(
In Lenzerheide we have that thing called 'early bird' with that you get to go on the slopes at 7 in the morning, when noone is there! I love it!!! :D
@Nicole haha trust me you will! And you got something to look at! especially when he's showing something you get a nice look! haha I know I'm bad! :P
haha i'm good at that too! :D
@Anja *smacks hand to forehead* So that's why you want to learn how to ski... LOL ;P
ReplyDeleteThe ski resort/area (it's not really a resort) here has nights when you can ski from midnight to 2 in the morning! ...don't worry, they have lights! ;P
@anja it is 8 years ago, it works! but the funny thing on that was that a really good friend of me said "i come to visit you in the hospital i bring you some roses if you have a accident with your snowboard!" one week later it was happend!
ReplyDeletei don´t like to much people on the piste, especially the drunk ones!
@corinna Your friend jinxed you!!! :O LOL
ReplyDelete...drunk people skiing...that's a little scary!
When one of my friends went skiing a few years ago, she wasn't paying attention so she broke right through a fence!!! Her dad caught it on video!!! ;D
hey girls we can play with aksel´s car i will put in my car: my skis...
ReplyDelete@nicole yes i think so,
hopefully your friend wasn´t hurt
@Nicole haha!!! you caught me! When I was a kid who learned how to ski i didn't care! LOL And when I learned to board with 8 I didn't either!
ReplyDeleteSo now to relearn how to ski, would probably the only way to make that expirience and appreciate it! haha Too bad I don't like skiing very much! I prefer boarding or watching skiing! :D
aww I did night skiing once! Was quite dangerous though!
@Corinna I see! What a coincidence! :D Isn't it always like that though! :)
Me neither! I'd for once love to be all alone on the slopes! though that's prolly never going to happen! :(
grrr not again! don't see my post yet! I hope it's going to show! Or all my work would be wasted! :P
ReplyDeletelol! This blog is weird! As soon as I wrote the previous comment, the other one showed! haha :D
ReplyDelete@corinna She wasn't hurt! ...just embarrassed!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja ...yeah, sometimes you need motivation! ;P
You could be alone on the slopes if you get up really really you said! ;D
My sister and I, the first time we went skiing; and probably the only time we ever went...not sure :/ ...well, we got off the ski lift and immediately fell down! We were laughing so hard we couldn't get back up...and the people were MAD!!! But we just kept was so hard to get back up!!! Finally, we army crawled out of the way! LOL ;P
@Anja Oh no...we're making it shortcircuit again!!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@anja i know what you mean wiht alone on the piste, it happend to me once and it was so great,only me there.i know one or two places where you be alone on the piste
ReplyDeleteso i´m off now, going to bed,
good night to everyone,sleep well and have some nice dreams about skiing with the vikings :)
@Nicole LOL! Well I'd start skiing again, if I get a good looking man/viking would teach me some! haha :P
ReplyDeletewell bad thing is, the slopes oven at 8.30 mostly and a lot of ppl think like that! haha :D
LOL! Sorry, but that is quite funny! I just pictured it! :D That happend to me a lot of times too, when I was learning! :D
@Nicole good night girl! Sleep well and sweet dreams! :D
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Anja!!! Goodnight Corinna!!! ;D
ReplyDeletehaha Meant @Corinna not nicole! sorry! I'll never learn about that proofread thing! :D
ReplyDeleteso like me a week ago if i was dreaming that i was at a hotel, and on 5 o´clock in the morning was somebody screaming on the floor get up get up it´s training time, i went out of my bed look out of my room dirctly to this guy, he looked at me real shocked and ask me what i was doing there, i aske him way he is so loud and i want to sleep, and then he said on this floor are only skiracers and what i was doing there, i told him that this is my hotelroom and then he asked on which floor he is and i said on the 3rd one and then he said sh** i had to go to second floor. later the day i meet him and then i said to him "so sir did you get up everyone for the training* the guys around him break up in a big lough
ReplyDeleteso this was a good night story sleep well
@Corinna lmao! haha that's a great dream!
ReplyDeleteGood night girl! :)
@Nicole I'm not going yet! except you want me to! :P I gotta finish watching 'the closer'! :D
ReplyDelete*late again* :( Missed all the fun... :(
ReplyDeleteSome great convos today ladies...hmmm, the most interesting being about riding on top or in the middle?!? haha! I've sat in the "middle" one too many times (back in the day) and it's not comfortable, especially when there's a gear shift! ;O lol
@Nicole...I love OPI nailpolish!! And I do the same thing girl, I paint/change the color of my nails weekly because I can't stand when it chips.
@Mel...Amish Country (PA) is where I're not coming here by chance or do you have Amish close to where you live?
I'm back from dinner!!!
ReplyDelete@Anja I don't want you to go yet! ;D I love the closer!!!
@corinna Interesting dream!!! ;D
@Kristen Sitting in the middle, and gear shift....way to make my mind wander!!!!!!!
@Kristen hei girl! haha my mind just went straight to the gutter with the gear shift thing! :D
ReplyDeletehow was your day?
@Nicole welcome back!
hehe :D Glad to hear that! I like it too! :D
@Anja Yep...I went to the gutter too! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole and Anja...first off, my mind always seems to be in the gutter these days, especially when Aksel is involved ;P No pictures, thank God!! lol!!
ReplyDeleteMy day was good, had a 1/2 day at work and then to my dentist appt...crazy weather here, hot and humid, rain in one area and sunny in another, like only a few miles apart...weird!!!
How are you guys?
@Kristen I don't know how people can stand to keep their nailpolish on, even when it's chipped all the way down to a thin little line!!! Just a tiny chip at the edge of the nail drives me insane!!! I'm OCD sometimes! ;D
ReplyDelete@Kristen haha I know how you feel! :D My mind is kinda often in the gutter too here! :D
ReplyDeleteAww, i don't like this kind of weather! Either it's bad or good! But I just hate it if it's something in between! :D
I'm great! Was able to get my energy back today after this weekend! :D
@Kristen I hate the dentist...but it's good to hear (read) that your day went well! ;D's mostly rain over here!!!
ReplyDeletePictures of Aksel...that's good!!! You want pictures of him! lol ;P
@ Nicole - are you writing on both blogs, one after the other?
ReplyDelete@marie LOL I have both open! ...I guess I have no life!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja...glad to hear you are back in top form from your fun Italian weekend :D I would love to go to Europe sometime...never been outside of the US except for Mexico :(
ReplyDelete@Nicole...ooooh! I am TOTALLY OCD with my nails, I hate the slightest chip and can't stand seeing people with small specs of paint on their nails! My one friend is famous for the 'classic chipped nailpolish' look and I harrass her all the time about it.
I have the air conditioning on already!!! It's been on since Saturday! It's only MAY!!!
Did you mean pictures of me in the "middle" of Aksel's car??? I'm pretty sure theres a gear shift in that Audi! *mind totally in the gutter* haha!! That would be fun! Did you ladies decide whose riding shotgun?
I think I'm going a bit crazy with the exclamation points!!!!!!!! Sorry!! ;0
@Nicole LOL you're not the only one! I got both as favourites on the toolbar on firefox! easy and fast to see if there's any update! :D
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off to bed now for real! :D Good night/evening girls! Sleep well and sweet dreams!
Talk to you tomorrow! :D
@Kristen :D If you ever get around to visit Europe, make sure you tell me! so we can meet! :D
ReplyDeleteHaha I think everyone is going a bit crazy here about the exclamations marks! :D I kinda like to use them! hehe
Goodnight Anja! Sweet dreams! (Will do on the Europe thing :D)
ReplyDelete@Anja and Kristen I tried to go on an exclamation point diet once, but it's practically impossible!!! They show up in every single one of my posts! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja Yep...both are always open on my computer! ;P
@Kristen I meant any pictures of Aksel...but if you want to picture yourself in the middle, okay! Just know that I'll fight you for it...and I'm fighting for shotgun too!!! ...well, it doesn't matter where I have to sit, but I'm definitely going on that car trip! ;P
Goodnight Anja!!! Sleep well and we'll talk tomorrow! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole We'll both fit...somewhere! haha! Heck if there is room for a passenger then there must be a little room for the passengers things right?
ReplyDeleteYea, the exclamation point definitely gets a workout on my keyboard! Can you imagine if we were all talking in person to each other, the way we all use them we'd be screaming with excitement all the time. ;P
@Kristen *trying to get the ringing out of my ears* That would get really loud!!! But never a dull moment! ;D ...I think I exhaust every punctuation mark there is! LOL
ReplyDelete@Nicole Haha!!
ReplyDeleteWell dear, I must go, time to haul the kids in for baths and get them ready for bed. Hope you have a great evening...I will talk to you soon. xoxo
@Anja: Italian weekend? Lucky. Loved Italy! Visited Venice and some other towns in the north. Very nice!
ReplyDelete@Ladies: I think everyone should keep fighting over who's riding shotgun and AKsel and I can slip into the back seat. Oh sh*t....that's right I am married. Well you all will have to figure out a rotation and the married chicks can ride in the back. I need someone to chauffeur me around instead of me being the chauffeur! It's the small things that feel like little bits of heaven.
@Buckeye Gal You're making me jealous too!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Kristen! Hope the kids cooperate! ;P
@Buckeye Gal I'm married too and want to ride in the middle! ;P LOL!! I'll sit in the backseat with you, that way I'll behave! I hear ya on the chauffeur thing, I'm always driving, it would be nice to be driven for a change.
ReplyDelete*still trying to get the kids to come in* I've got to go for real now...damn addicting blog!
@Buckeye Gal and Kristen Make your husbands drive!!! ...mother's day is coming up!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteJust noticed all that luggage is mainly in HEAD bags, so either the 'passenger' is another HEAD skier or AKsel has not allowed his passenger any luggage space, and expects them to travel light. Just a thought.
ReplyDelete@marie Good point! Maybe he drove which case, the passenger seat is open!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole: I am writing you a message because I know you will check the blog:) You are right it is addicting. My kids were willing to take a shower tonight without force. The best part is it is not my turn to put them to bed.
ReplyDelete@Nicole: Sorry sweetie! You will get there one day!
@Buckeye Gal Yay! No bedtime duty! Now, who wakes up in the middle of the night to check on them??? ;P
ReplyDeleteSome day I'll get there...I'm still young...there's plenty of time!
@Nicole: They are 8, 6, and 5. I do not check on them anymore and if they come to my rrom in the middle of the night I say "go to the bathroom, get to your bed, and love ya". I used to let them into bed with me but they are getting too big! Don't rush havin babies! Have fun, see the world, and find a good man to help you out!
ReplyDelete@Buckeye girl - I think Nicole is lost for words for once!!
ReplyDelete@marie and Buckeye Gal I'm sorry...I just got news that a friend of mine passed away a month ago. I haven't seen her in three years, and we hadn't talked in a while...sorry...kinda sidetracked
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't know why I posted that...that just brought the mood down :/
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal Definitely traveling!!! I want to see so many places! And I want to establish my career before having kids!!! ...hmm..."a good man to help me out"...Aksel??? LOL ...kidding! ;P
@nicole - so sorry. Always difficult when you get that type of news. Makes you realise how fragile life is.
ReplyDelete@Marie: Has any woman on this site ever been at a loss for words?:)
ReplyDeleteIt is probably more likely that she had to eat instead of blog or shower:) If that's the case Nicole take as long as you need:)
OK. Have to go do my 30 min run. CHeck y'all later!
WOW!!! I leave for 10 hours & the blog explodes.
ReplyDeleteTo answer the question: Why is Aksel a drink without any Red Bull in it? I don't like Red Bull. I can't get past the smell. I had to clean it up at work & I almost puked. So Aksel CANNOT be a drink with Red Bull in it because I don't wanna puke when I drink it.
@marie Thanks. She was 18. She was struggling with heart problems for years, but it still shocked me.
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal shh...but I eat while I blog! ...I'm allowed to break the rules guard remember! ;P
@Buckeye Gal HAHA I like the new picture! :D
ReplyDeleteAllright ladies! I'm heading out; it's getting late! Goodnight and sleep well!!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@ Kristen Nope not going to PA. I'm going to Holmes County, OH.
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Sorry to hear about your friend :-( *hugs*
@Nicole: Sorry to hear about your friend. "hug"
ReplyDeleteMy pic: I was going to put up a pick of my youngest daughter doing kung fu but I can't get enough of it in the pic. She is too cute. Apparently she was doing it with her "boyfriend" John and another boy for 30 min one day at preschool. The pic is priceless! The boyfriend needs to go. He did make her some flowers that were too cute but definitely go to go.
@ Buckeye Gal no offense taken *whispers* Wal-Mart is me I live there 5 days out of the week.
ReplyDelete@Ladies: Stink after my run. Need to shower and go to bed! Night and have a great evening for those who will get on in a bit!
ReplyDelete@European Ladies: Good morning.
@Nicole I'm so sorry to hear about your friend :( *hugs*
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal It's always nice when the kids cooperate during shower/bath &'s all me through the week, my husband works 2nd shift :/ Good thing my gym has a great childcare and they love going :) My real quiet time starts after 9pm :)
@Mel Have a great time tomorrow...if you ever do come to PA we'll have to meet up...
@ Kristen yes we will have to meet up if I ever go to PA.