This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Uncle Sam?
This pic reminds me of the old Uncle Sam posters that say 'I Want You...' So I have to ask what do you want me to do? Join the Army, Marines, Air Force or Navy? Learn to ski? Buy something from one of your sponsers? Oh wait I already did from 2 of them...
" Hei Aksel!Are you talking to me? Oh, I guess you do, I'm all alone here! Do you choose me to go with you to a ride? That's why you're pointing me with your finger?OMG, let's go then!" LOL
What a pity it's only in my imagination!! Ha ha!
Another beautiful and funny picture! Thank you Mel!
I hope you have a good day? And for those who are celebrating it, Have a nice Ascension Day!!! I'm working at the moment! Hope this won't take too long! Wanna celebrate with you later!!! :D One year already! I still can't believe it!!! :D
I actually like the pic! It seems like he's talking with you! Makes me feel special! ;D lol
Ok I'm off again! Need to work a bit! :D See you all tonight!
@Teekanne btw hun! Don't you dare ;D leave for tonight before I come on! I at least gotta say goodbye! :D
woho I could manage to come on here for another sec! Gosh I'm way to addicted! lol
@Teekanne Hei hun! How are you doing? Did you sleep well? Eventhough the bed was cold?! ;D
haha Omg thanks for that image!!! Just made my day! :D lol and my mind is in the gutter again!
good to hear that! :D I'll definitly be on too, since I gotta say goodbye! I still don't know what I'll do when your gone for a week! ;D lol Just remember to keep us updated or at least me over fb! Wanna know if you met any hot Vikings!!! :D Have fun packing and see you later today!!! :D Hugs!
Morning girls! I kind of love the pic and kind of hate it because I know it was from around the time of the big crash.
@Teekanne I'm glad to see you are not hung over this morning!
I am jealous of anyone who goes to Monaco! Not to mention to an F1 race. It's just not fair. Grace Kelly is my #1 favorite actress of all time and I am really just dying to go there. One day I will.
Happy Birthday to Aksel's website. I'll bring the tacos.
Someone just posted on his site that they're in Akseltown. That would be a good name for a drink or something.
@Teekanne Have a great vacation. Enjoy! We'll see you when you get back! :) Happy Father's day to your Father. My ancestors are German but I'm 4th generation American. My maiden name was Schmidt.
I'll have to come up with some more drinks to vote on. Maybe I'll ask him what his favorite drink is. I'll think about drinks while I'm at work...just on my breaks because I'll be able to get on my iPod.
@ Teekanne have fun! *waves* Find us some Norwegians!
I'm off to work. The bar is open, but don't drink too much. See ya after 6:30p.
Btw, i need some help from you guys ;) When i log in here i get a window that says ''do you wanna follow this site?'' For heaven sake.... I am following it. But when i say i want to follow i get two accounts. WTF do i do??
@Anne-May I'm sure you meant it! And I'm sure you're very proud of Aksel! You must write often, you're so good on this! Maybe for this beautiful comment he will accept your friend request on Facebook! LOL
You know, I was trying to write you a mail but if I've found you here...
@dana my day was great, we got some clouds, but i was biking this morning. it was great, there was nobody else on the street. and 1 km before i was home again it started to rain. i think the sun is in our hearts. haha i just checked the weather and don´t know also were the sun is hidden
@Corinna Ha ha! You're right, the sun is in our hearts!!! I'm jealous on your biking trip! I can't wait for good weather, maybe we can join Aksel on a ride!LOL
@dana first i thought this morning there are lots of clouds,omg, but then it was the best thing i had done to go biking, i put my bikestuff on, it was real cold but fun.and i was totally frozen in when i was at home again.but i always think there is only bad weather not bad clothes
@ Dana WOW!! You're crazy girl u should not write that in here. LOL. He might read it :D Yeah, i'm damn proud of him and so are the rest of Norway!! :D
@corinna Sorry! I'm cooking and blogging in the same time!LOL
When I went to ride a few days ago I was too warmly dressed for that sunny weather! And of course, it wasn't my fault!! Haha!
@Anne-May Sorry, I didn't mean it! But you're a great person and I'm sorry for him! He loose a good friend! Love you! I'm not Norwegian but I'm very proud of him too!
@ corrina Thanks so much for your comment :)Here in Tromsø we have sun sun and sun. We finally got summer. This morning i had my breakfast outdoor for the first time this year - it was fantastic. After breakfast i took my two dogs for a walk in the sunshine :) Life just can't be any better :D
@ Dana You're cooking and blogging...LOL What's on the menu? I'm blushing here right now :D Love you too so much!!! It dosen't matter really! Akse is one hell of a guy anyway and it's much easier to say what you want on his blog than other places :D
@anne-may once a day i will come up to norway, maybe i have the chance next year. i really like norway. do you have some snow left? how is the midnight sun?i really want to see this. omg sitting for breakfast in the sun sounds real good.
@ corrine You really should come to Norway!!! You can stay at my place!! :D We do not have midnight sun yet but it's just around the corner ;) When we have midnight sun we do have sun 24 hours a day. You can sit outside at 3 o'clock in the morning in sun and 20'C it's just so beautiful :D
@Angela Hi Angela! No, it seems to me he say "You! Come here!" and he's pointing my with his finger!
@Anne-May & Corinna I'm cooking some romanian food, I don't know to translate it. Well it's a chicken soup but the other one it's "sarmale"...a kind of meet balls with a little rice and spices, wrapped in sour cabbage! It's a traditional food.
@ Angela UK I saw your comment on his blog and i almost peed myself.LOL I've seen that picture from time to time so i knew it was his LONG tounge comming out og his mouth. LOL
@anna-may i really want to come up, but i don´t know when it is better in winter or in spring or summer or autum? i told it a friend of mine that i would get up to norway, then she said you know who you have to put in your backbag?!lmao
i can´t help me but if i see the new blog of him this morning i had thought about this song, i think it match in a special art, for that how he let us be a part of his life
@ Angela Hahaha you naughty girl. Yes he's got a tounge like Gene Simmons.LOL You want to see the midnight sun?? Haha. I think there's much more than this sun you want to see....LOL If tht's so you have to travel beetween north and south. LOL
@Angela I tought youre talking about the picture above! HaHa! Now I realized it's about the pic on his blog!!! Yea, it looks like a cigar!
@Corinna I live in Campina, 100km from Bucharest.
@Anne-May You have to help me to find a good and good-looking Norvegian guy! LOL You can be my godmother at the wedding!!! I know some words in norwegian: Mitt navn er Dana, Er fra Romania, Du er vakker mann and Jeg elsker deg!! Is it correct? Oh and your national anthem is Ja vi elsker dette landet!!
@Angela OK baby, we'll go together and marry with some awesome guys!
@ Dana You're good!! It's absolutely correct!! :D Yea, i will help you fin a norwegian man and i defently want to be your made of honor :) All the norwegian guys are good looking. I'm so glad that i'm able to find something beautiful in every person. They don't have to look like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise but i always find something that's making me attracted thores them ;)
@ Angela I'm so sorry for you!! There's no fun when realationships goes bad. Belive me,i've been there. So now i'm gonna be singel for a very very long time.LOL
@Gordana Hi to you! Yea, you're living "nex door" to me and you know what I'm talking about! lol In fact sarma is singular and sarmale is plural in Romanian language!
@angela i know this too, i had a break up after a 5,5 years relationship, it´s hard, but if it doesn´t work anymore than better a end. we said in germany "besser ein ende mit schrecken, als ein schrecken ohne ende"
@Anne-May Thanks! As you see I try my best to learn Norwegian and I hope I will not learn it for nothing! Haha! The most important thing is I know to say "elsker deg" Then we can understand each other by body language, right? OMG, I'm going crazy!!! I'm lonely for a very long time too! Hmm, that's the reason I'm talking like that!HA!
@Gordana I'm not wasting my time! When I'll go to Norway I'll have to shave my legs too, never know what it may be happen! LMAO Sorry if I am too cheeky!
@Gordana Hei! :D haha well normally there's always a huge party going to happen, when we talk about men! Especially hot norwegian men! ;D
@Corinna Mine was ok too, I'm just exhausted now! But didn't even feel my lack of sleep this morning, which was good. Had a lot to do at work though! But I'm at home now and don't have to go back to work till monday! :D So were you able to visit all ppl you planned to? :D
@anja: exhausted from a little work? haha, you need to get more condition ;-) no i know after serving a whole day you feel like you did a marathon!
i´m really excited... i love to discover new cities.
haha.. enough? we stoped after 3 bc otherways i would have been drinking all alone. as i said tequila is the drink most of the girls got their first hangover from! :-(
@gordana: yeh bag is packed and ready :-) i managed to get all in i planed to take with me! :-)
@Teekanne haha I know! I'm not used to work like 9 hours anymore! I was, 3 years ago! :D But yea, you get quite exhausted, always running around! :)
I do too! :D Just remember, make a whole lot of pics for us!!! Not just from hot men girl, but also from the city! ;D Gosh I really need to go to Norway sometime soon! :D
Oh I thought you had more! haha sorry! :D Why the hell were you drinking that stuff, when noone likes it beside you?! ;P
ohoh, you said you got some space left for me right?! Or is the luggage full now?! :D
feels like you all are more excited than i am! haha a friend of mine i talk to today just said: you have to get to know some norwegians so you will move there and i could visit you every weekend... ehhh yeh. good idea! haha.
no only 3. i managed 3 times to find sb who was drinking with me, but for the 4th nobody wanted anymore.
yeh 2 kg left.. so which arm of you do you wanna hand me for a trip to norway haha.
@Gordana Thanks! I know you're the "Master of shaving" And poor Kjetil knows this too! I think he needs another shaving! LOL
Hi Teekanne! Ready to go? Please send us a card from your holiday!
@Corinna Carrie from Sex and The City said "If you wanna be sure you'll don't make love with a guy on the first date, don't shave your legs"!!! Haha! And I think it's hard to learn Norwegian without The Norwegian Phonetics! You need a teacher or somebody else to help you, for ex. a good looking Norwegian guy! Hehe!
@anne-may when i read sometimes things in norwegian, than i understand it a little bit, the most time i have to translate it in german.but it´s easier to read it than to speak it, right?
@Teekanne haha I am young, in comparison to others on here! And that was no complain at all! :D It just is like that, when you were working for 3 years 4 days a week and then you just sit in classrooms for the other 3 years! :D
LOL that's a good idea your friend had there! :D I'd be there definitly once a month! :P
poor you, had to drink alone! Next time you have to take me with you! Then you won't be drinking alone! ;D lol
ah just 2kg?! :( Ok I guess I'll have to stay here! No fun, not seeing anything and my head it heavier than 2kg! ;D
I'll just have to find someone, who'll join me next year or so to visit Norway! :D
@dana oh no! LOL Don't give some girls here ideas! No shaving! ;D lmao memories are coming up! :D
@ corinna I think norwegian an german are two similar languages... hehe That's why i think you feel it's much easier to read. I also understand a little german when i read.
@anne-may haha i think german isn´t so difficult than norwegian. but when i visit a country i would understand just a little bit of the language they speak there. to make little conversations
@Anne-May I saw a romanian singer who live in Norway speaking at NRK in norwegian. It seemed really complicated but I'm sure it's not impossible! LOL And with a little help from my norwegian friend...called Anne-May...Ha ha! You can get some money form me/us! lol
I think it's no hard to learn if you really want to!
@dana: i try to. but don´t think the post will manage to find the right place if i send it to "akselaholic meeting". but it´s worth a try, right? ;-)
@anja: i cannot imagine to sit there and listen to teachers. i think i would fall asleep after 5 minutes! haha.
you know i would welcome you every weekend. but since there would be another person who would decide.. haha but think you would try hard to leave a good impression of yourself! ;-) maybe there would be a few friends he could "offer" haha.
drinking with you? yeh would be funny since i would stop 10 hours before you stop drinking.
ok, you would have your head in norway? think this isn´t working at all.. an arm would be easy but your head?! Since when do you have to pay for another person? just wonder if i would take your head i had to pay for you and you would get a seat. I wouldn´t need that for an arm i guess.
I would come with you next year! :-) (gosh florida, thailand, norway, lenzerheide, think i need to leave sth)
@Anne-May Hei I forgot! You have another profile pic! One picture a day? You make me envy you! My pic is not on the front page of the followers anymore...
@Teekanne you can send it to Aksel and ask him to bring it us to the party!
Oh I'd love to learn Norwegian! And honestly it does not seem to be as complicated as German is! Well maybe I'm wrond! :D At leas you don't have different verb forms! :D But I have to agree with Corinna, speak the words right, seems to be nearly impossible! At least without someone how actually knows how to say it right! :D
@Teekanne Well I had too and it was better than the work I did for 3 years! :D
haha I would really try to behave and make a good impression! I'll try at least! :D As long as you're not showing him that blog, it might work!!! :D Oh yea, I'd like him to 'offer' me some friends! haha how that sounds... :P
Oh common! I'm not such a bad alcoholic! :D I bet you'll be the one drunk in Lenzerheide and I gotta bring you home! ;P
LMAO!!! I have no idea, since when you gotta pay for another person! I don't need a seat! or my head doesn't! You see, when you take my head, I'll see something... :D
haha you're well planne for next year I see! You got so much holidays?! ;D
@ Dana It is a complicaded lanuage we have here..haha. But offcourse i will help you.
My god, i just saw on norwegian tv2 that a pro freeskier fell down the mountains here in Troms in a place called Tamokdalen. He was doing filming, the same way as Aksel. I was a bit afraid for Aksel when he was in Finnmark that something like that would happen...
@ Teekanne It is dangorus! I know people who has been seriosly injured from that kind of skiing. I can't do anything about it, but i not a big fan about this kind of skiing! It's fun to watch but so dangorus.
@Teekanne I see! Too bad, so I guess he needs to leave the room then! ;P Or you'll just show him and tell I'm someone else! Someone less insane! :D omg LMAO about the 'offer on a table'!!! I like I like!!! :D
LOL I guess we'll be bringing eachother home then! ;D
lmao what are you thinking!!! I dind't mean you gotta put it in your lap! Gosh the bag would be enough!!! LOL
@Anne-May let's just hope then, he learned something now!!!
@anne-may: most stuff that is really fun is pretty dangerous i guess.
@anja: haha.. yeh oh she´s just called anja. her real name is anjanutschka.. i bet he would believe that! haha.
YOU LIKE TO BE THE OFFER ON THE TABLE?? Girl, i really won´t show this blog haha.
yeh.. i will carry you the first 5 meters and you the next. haha hopefully it´s a distance you can divice by 5 then otherwise it would be a little bit unfair. ;)
the bag? then you´re just lying in the storrage room the whole flight you know?!
@corinna: thanks honey. i will! :-) i will think about you all day i wake up and go to search for hot vikings! ;-)
@Teekanne omg omg!!! Delete that!!!!! wrote it wrong holy shit!!! I'm not that naughty!!! Oh how embarassing... I meant actually to say it the other way around!!! ok let's forget that comment!!! ;D
lol well I don't have such a long home journey! like 10min walking and then I'm home! :D Which means I don't have to drive and can drink everytime I go out! Thank god I don't go out every weekend anymore! :D
Ok, well it's not like the flight is that interessting! ;P Ok if you meet hot men, you gotta get me out! Oh maybe better not, since that would look kinda creepy! LOL :D
Girls, it's a terrible storm here! I'm afraid the power will fail and I will loose the connection to you!! If it will happen I say good bye to all of you from now! @Teekanne Have a nice and safe trip! We'll miss you! Take some pics for us! Have fun! Bye girl, hugs!
Hey girls! Just got home from another long day at the was everyone's day?
@Teekanne Are you all ready for your trip? How long will you be in Norway? (You've probably said this somewhere along the line here on the blog, I just missed it). I'm so excited for you (and completely jealous!) ;D
@dana Goodnight girl, stay safe...I hate storms! :(
@Corinna yea it does seem like it! I certainly am, but I'm just a bit slower than normal! ;D Should have gone to bed earlier this morning! lol :D
What a pity and that on Aksel's blog's birthday! :D But he's leaving for monaco, so maybe we gotta change to monaco too?! :D Wouldn't that be awesome! :D
@dana I'm sorry to hear about the strom! :( Hopefully it's gone very soon! I kinda like it though, when it storms! I sleep like a baby when there's thunder and blizzard! :D
@Kristen Hei girl! I bet you're glad to be home again? :) Well here you can relax a bit! :D
@corinna yea it would! oh the sun! i nearly forgot how sun looks like! Seems like an eternity since I've last seen the sun! Ok 2 weeks, but still way too long! :S
Hello Ladies! good evening. Hope you had a great day! Sounds like the weekend is starting eary with all the drinking. Didn't have a great day so I will take a Jack (no coke this time).
Ref Aksel pick today: Cute story about long tongues. My daughter has a very long tongue. One day I thought she was trying to touch her nose with her tongue. Upon further inspection I noticed she had it up her nostril licking her snot. Totally disgusting but that is a long tongue!
I am good, yes, glad to be home (for a bit) off to Zumba here in about 1/2 hr. Ready to sweat out some stress!! ;D
@Teekanne Sounds wonderful, you'll be there on May 17, I bet Aksel will be back for that day! Make sure to take lots of pictures of the hot norwegian men! Have a great time!! :D
@Buckeye Gal...ewwww, I would say she has a long!
@Corinna well I don't know if I'd like to change place with him! I bet at the moment there are way to many ppl there!
@Teekanne NOOOOO I didn't meant to say it like that!!! You know, I'd like to choose!!! ;P
Ok sorry, not from lenzerheide to my home by car it's about 15minutes! Meant from the places we go out here to my home! ;D We have to drive down then or find a driver! ;D
lol I bet all the ppl would die from laughing about that introduction!!! :D
woho I get an early wakeup comment!!! :D Hope you don't mind when I don't write back immediately! :D I'd say I'll be thinking of you though in bed, but that means I'll be draming of you! Not that I mind, but I prefer other ppl in my dreams!!! ;D No offense though hun!!! :D
@buckeye Gal haha that's disgusting! ;D Yea I'd say too, she has a very long tongue! :D
@kirsten: yeh we will stay in oslo till 18th. so we will celebrate 17th of may with a lot of hot vikings! ;-) haha. hopefully. just read that on sunday the students celebrate big parties. we will try to find a good one! at least i will try! ;-)
i think i have to find a way to offer my pics to all of you! ;-)
@dana: i didn´t see the video yet and since sony blockes a lot of stuff on you tube in germany it´s kind of hard to find sth that works. :/ but the pics promise a good work! ;-) but he´s not my type.
@anja: you could chose, i decide about the time! haha..
ok. i will visit you soon for some partying! ;-) we mostly have to drive. but since i don´t like to drink in discos i prefer to be the driver! ;-)
wow you don´t like dreaming about me? you broke my heart girl. i thought your dreams were all about march already! haha. just imagine you dreaming about other ppl and suddenly i appear like a fata morgana! haha. that would be the end of al sleep.
@anja: Haha... not unless i will be here. so you have one week time to train it now! ;-)
no fun parties? when i´m there any place we´re going to will be party and fun! :-) Here we call it "Vorglühen" and it´s cheaper too. But not too much since they won´t let you in anymore!
of cause we are thinking about the same ppl!! at least i don´t think you wanna dream about cristiano ronaldo! ;-) haha. imagine me running in the background waving and tripping.. you know the trailer of all about steve??? haha...
@Teekanne haha i bet I won't be able to do that in this weeks! Remember Nicole will be here and she's with us in the gutter all the time too! :D
Well it's just the same ppl all the time! Remember we're not that big! :D haha I bet it will be! Like i said, it depends on the ppl you go with! :D lol 'vorglühen'?! haha we call it 'vorsuffa'! ;D Ok here they don't actually care, as long as you're still able to walk! ;D
Oh gosh pleas noo!!! I don't wanna have nightmare, girl!!! haha i just watched the trailer! Soo funny!!! haha that would be hilarious!!! ;D I just picutered you doing that! LMAO
it´s always fun with me around haha.. i would offer to bring the brand new tequila hat of yesterday! haha. "vorsuffa" haha... sound sweet. They don´t care? wow... here they care about the service ppl who would have to clean the ground where you left your stuff.. and they´re worried about brawlings.
@Teekanne haha she is! And sometimes she's even deeper in the gutter than I am! ;P Sorry girl, but it's true! ;D
LOL that hat is great! Just bring it! We'll be the attraction of the night! :P haha just wait till you hear it in our accent! I wonder if you're going to be as fond of it as all others seem to be! :D
Ok i don't know how they handle that with men, but when we get primed to the bars, they don't say a word! Just check the ID! Maybe they handle men different, who knows! oh well, we have problems with brawls too! but they are mostly on the street outside!
haha Thanks! that would be awesome! I'd lmao, if I'd really dream of you, falling in that hole while carring a umbrella! :D
Ok have a nice and safe trip! :D Enjoy it and don't drink too much! ;D Oh and don't forget, you have many requests here, to find some hot Vikings!!! :D
Sleep well and nice dreams! Hope to hear from ya! :D Hugs!!!
Nicole just wrote me an email and she says HI to everyone! :D She has a paper due tomorrow and needs to work! :( well at least we know she's thinking about us! :D
Well I'm heading to bed! Need some sleep! Good night everyone! Hugs!
I'm so tired. *throws self in a chair & orders a Simen* Work was well work & way too hot. This heat is gonna be the death of me. *sigh* I need to go sit in the freezer for a while.
@Mel I know how you feel with the heat! I am always office mates are hell bent on running the damn space heater in 70 plus degree weather, I can only dress so light! I roast in my office all day. Hang in there girl, the summer is only just beginning.
So tonight I put the kids to bed and decided to watch a movie, a non-kid movie (yay) so I watched "Law Abiding Citizen" with Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx...has anyone seen this movie? OMG it was crazy!! I like Gerard Butler but in this movie he was a crazy ass!! Next on my list is Avatar...can't wait.
@ Kristen I love Law Abiding Citizen!!! It's competely crazy, but so freaking awesome!!! We don't control the heating & cooling in the store Bentonville does. We have to call them & tell them hey it's too hot/cold in the store. It would be great if we had control over it.
sooooo ... Has anyone ever heard the saying "Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash" ... *slaps forehead with hand and hangs head* I will never learn ... My smartass mouth wrote a check last week that my ass had to cash today ...
Option 1 was to shave my head ... Option 2 was to run from Point A to Point B with a full search and rescue pack (about 20 pounds) in less time than the Chief (Boss Man at the Station)!
I chose Option 2 ... Here's the painful part ... Point A to Point B is 8 miles, cross country and my boss runs it in under 2 hours. I typically run 4-5 miles a day (without pack)... so 8 miles was really a WTF am I doing ... but, I did it with about 7 minutes to spare...then I immediately collapsed! The Chief being the stud (& smartass) that he is ... BTW he also ran with me ... picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the truck!
Now my butt ... as well as my thighs, calves, shins and just about every other part of my body is paying the price ... Maybe I should have choosen Option 1 ... it's summer and having a bald head can't be all bad!
So, I'm reclining on the couch and probably won't be able to get up anytime soon .. LOL ... I Will Never Learn!
I think I'll whine until the Attacking Vikings come take care of me! PLEASE!
Or could someone please just have the Bartender of the Day keep tossing me anything and everything!
@Kristen ... You need to watch Avatar its amazing ... But you should really see it on the Big Screen if possible.
@Mel ... How do they control the temp from so far away??? BTW I found some really cute Camo "fake" converse at WalMart the other day for $3 ... so cute!
@ Deuce you need a Viking to come give you a massage. I think it's all done by computer. They have people that sit in a room & watch what the weather is going to be like. Wish I had that job.
@Mel ... that's crazy ... no wonder our WalMart is always too cold or too hot!
Oooooooo ... a massage would be good ... Anyone seen Simen???? Except I watched Aksel's "cracking" video and I definitely don't want that!
I'm watching a Starbucks commercial right now! Im so addicted! But the closest one is 48 miles away ... guess I'll have to wait til I work tomorrow! :(
Hi everyone. How's your day been like? Here in Tromsø we have sun and even more sun:D Right now i'm HEADing out to meet a friend and take the first beer this year outside in a place called ''Skarven''.
" Hei Aksel!Are you talking to me? Oh, I guess you do, I'm all alone here! Do you choose me to go with you to a ride? That's why you're pointing me with your finger?OMG, let's go then!" LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat a pity it's only in my imagination!! Ha ha!
Another beautiful and funny picture! Thank you Mel!
You all have a great day! Hugs!
ReplyDelete@Mel...where are you getting these great pictures?
@Dana...just getting ready to go to bed. At least you're the first! year anniversary for Aksel's blog. We need a new drink! or new cupcake? or food? Party again! And send your wishes on the blog!
ReplyDelete@Mel you made my day beautiful...thanx.
Have a great day and see you all at the party. I'm bringing some of my delicious cake for everybody.
Good morning all!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a good day? And for those who are celebrating it, Have a nice Ascension Day!!!
I'm working at the moment! Hope this won't take too long! Wanna celebrate with you later!!! :D
One year already! I still can't believe it!!! :D
I actually like the pic! It seems like he's talking with you! Makes me feel special! ;D lol
Ok I'm off again! Need to work a bit! :D See you all tonight!
@Teekanne btw hun! Don't you dare ;D leave for tonight before I come on! I at least gotta say goodbye! :D
Have a nice day ladies! Hugs!!! :D
Good morning girls! :-)
ReplyDeleteat least it´s morning in europe.. or noon! Haha.
Aksel say "I want you" - there is only 1 thing in my imagination that fits! *devilish smile*
Since i don´t know if any daddys follow this blog: Happy fathersday! :-)
@anja: i will be online tonight. Definitely.
But first need to pack my back. 10kg and compress as handluggage! :-)
woho I could manage to come on here for another sec! Gosh I'm way to addicted! lol
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Hei hun! How are you doing? Did you sleep well? Eventhough the bed was cold?! ;D
haha Omg thanks for that image!!! Just made my day! :D lol and my mind is in the gutter again!
good to hear that! :D I'll definitly be on too, since I gotta say goodbye! I still don't know what I'll do when your gone for a week! ;D lol
Just remember to keep us updated or at least me over fb! Wanna know if you met any hot Vikings!!! :D
Have fun packing and see you later today!!! :D
@anja: You shall work, girl! ;-)
ReplyDeleteyeh i guess you are addicted!
"Addicted to Vikings"
Night was ok.. my brain says it was to short. but my body feels awake. :-)
haha.. Just imagine he allures you with his pointer. :-) i love it! i can imaging exactly how his eyes would look like! haha.
oh girl. i hope you will survive the week without me. I bet the girls keep you busy! :-)
I´ll try to find internet here and there and keep you updated.
Any hot vikings or specific ones?? haha
already finshed with packing. 8 kg :-) and still some room left... are you sure you don´t wanna try our idea with ripping and gluing?
Gosh Aksel is really leaving for monaco!!!! I knew that haha...
ReplyDeleteMorning girls! I kind of love the pic and kind of hate it because I know it was from around the time of the big crash.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I'm glad to see you are not hung over this morning!
I am jealous of anyone who goes to Monaco! Not to mention to an F1 race. It's just not fair. Grace Kelly is my #1 favorite actress of all time and I am really just dying to go there. One day I will.
Happy Birthday to Aksel's website. I'll bring the tacos.
ReplyDeleteSomeone just posted on his site that they're in Akseltown. That would be a good name for a drink or something.
@Teekanne Have a great vacation. Enjoy! We'll see you when you get back! :) Happy Father's day to your Father. My ancestors are German but I'm 4th generation American. My maiden name was Schmidt.
I'll have to come up with some more drinks to vote on. Maybe I'll ask him what his favorite drink is. I'll think about drinks while I'm at work...just on my breaks because I'll be able to get on my iPod.
ReplyDelete@ Teekanne have fun! *waves* Find us some Norwegians!
I'm off to work. The bar is open, but don't drink too much. See ya after 6:30p.
Hi everyone! Looks like i missed out a lot here :( I sure as hell can't read beacuse i couldn't find any new posts in here.... LOL
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to Aksel's website!!! You left many nice momments in there :)
I meant comments :D
ReplyDeleteBtw, i need some help from you guys ;) When i log in here i get a window that says ''do you wanna follow this site?'' For heaven sake.... I am following it. But when i say i want to follow i get two accounts. WTF do i do??
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Hi sweete! I love your comment on Aksel's blog! Very nice words, so touchy!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I can't help with the site!
Happy Anniversary for Aksel's blog!
@ Dana Maybe Mel can help me out on that one after she's home for work... ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Dana. I think that must be the longest comment he's ever got from me. lol But i meant every word that was written ;)
@Anne-May I'm sure you meant it! And I'm sure you're very proud of Aksel! You must write often, you're so good on this!
ReplyDeleteMaybe for this beautiful comment he will accept your friend request on Facebook! LOL
You know, I was trying to write you a mail but if I've found you here...
hello girls! how are you all?
ReplyDelete@anne-may you write a really nice comment on aksels site!
@dana how is the weather today on your place?
@mel nice picture, he looks so great on it
@Corinna Hi babe! I'm fine! Hope you too!
ReplyDeleteOh, it's rainig here! Ugly weather! Do you know where the sun is?
How was your day?
@dana my day was great, we got some clouds, but i was biking this morning. it was great, there was nobody else on the street. and 1 km before i was home again it started to rain.
ReplyDeletei think the sun is in our hearts. haha i just checked the weather and don´t know also were the sun is hidden
@Corinna Ha ha! You're right, the sun is in our hearts!!! I'm jealous on your biking trip! I can't wait for good weather, maybe we can join Aksel on a ride!LOL
ReplyDelete@dana first i thought this morning there are lots of clouds,omg, but then it was the best thing i had done to go biking, i put my bikestuff on, it was real cold but fun.and i was totally frozen in when i was at home again.but i always think there is only bad weather not bad clothes
ReplyDelete@ Dana WOW!! You're crazy girl u should not write that in here. LOL. He might read it :D Yeah, i'm damn proud of him and so are the rest of Norway!! :D
ReplyDelete@corinna Sorry! I'm cooking and blogging in the same time!LOL
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to ride a few days ago I was too warmly dressed for that sunny weather! And of course, it wasn't my fault!! Haha!
@Anne-May Sorry, I didn't mean it! But you're a great person and I'm sorry for him! He loose a good friend! Love you!
I'm not Norwegian but I'm very proud of him too!
@ corrina Thanks so much for your comment :)Here in Tromsø we have sun sun and sun. We finally got summer. This morning i had my breakfast outdoor for the first time this year - it was fantastic. After breakfast i took my two dogs for a walk in the sunshine :) Life just can't be any better :D
ReplyDelete@ Dana You're cooking and blogging...LOL What's on the menu? I'm blushing here right now :D Love you too so much!!! It dosen't matter really! Akse is one hell of a guy anyway and it's much easier to say what you want on his blog than other places :D
ReplyDelete@anne-may once a day i will come up to norway, maybe i have the chance next year. i really like norway. do you have some snow left? how is the midnight sun?i really want to see this. omg
ReplyDeletesitting for breakfast in the sun sounds real good.
Hi all....
ReplyDeletethe sun is out over here in England!!! best make the most of it...doesn't happen that often..
@ Mel...I have to say you do a great job with this.....if you carry on you may be offered a job!! lol
just remember....if you need an extra pair of hands we're all here!!!
Did anyone else think he had a cigar in him mouth when you first looked at the photo on his blog!! .....i was
I think I might be one of the very few Aksel fans in England...!!....but I can shoulder the burden....someone has too!! lol
@dana blogging and cooking at the same time, haha i do this often too. what do you cook?
ReplyDelete@ corrine You really should come to Norway!!! You can stay at my place!! :D We do not have midnight sun yet but it's just around the corner ;) When we have midnight sun we do have sun 24 hours a day. You can sit outside at 3 o'clock in the morning in sun and 20'C it's just so beautiful :D
ReplyDelete@Angela Hi Angela!
ReplyDeleteNo, it seems to me he say "You! Come here!" and he's pointing my with his finger!
@Anne-May & Corinna I'm cooking some romanian food, I don't know to translate it. Well it's a chicken soup but the other one it's "sarmale"...a kind of meet balls with a little rice and spices, wrapped in sour cabbage! It's a traditional food.
@ Angela UK I saw your comment on his blog and i almost peed myself.LOL I've seen that picture from time to time so i knew it was his LONG tounge comming out og his mouth. LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May It'sounds great! Midnight sun! I just heard about it, never seen! I think I should marry to a Norwegian guy! Haha!
ReplyDelete@ Dana That sounds very tasty :) You have to cook that when i visit you in Romania sometime ;)
ReplyDelete@anna-may i really want to come up, but i don´t know when it is better in winter or in spring or summer or autum? i told it a friend of mine that i would get up to norway, then she said you know who you have to put in your backbag?!lmao
ReplyDelete@angela uk good evening
@dana where do you live in romania?
@ Dana Yeah, get married to a Norwgian dude and move to Norway! hehe
ReplyDelete@ corinna If i were you i would take the trip in summer! There is so much more to experience in summer. The beautiful landscape, fjords etc. :D
ReplyDeletei can´t help me but if i see the new blog of him this morning i had thought about this song, i think it match in a special art, for that how he let us be a part of his life
@anne-may thank you, so i will plan my trip for next year in the summer, because unfortunaly it doesn´t work this summer. i have no vacation left. lol
ReplyDelete@ Anna -may...i know I had to do a double take... his eerrmm tongue was one of the first things i noticed about him...goodness me!! lol
ReplyDelete@ Dana - don't you dare go anywhere without me!! if you are going to Norway then I'm
just to see the midnight sun of course...but then my eyes might get diverted towards a handsome norwegian!!
@ Dana I forgot to answear you.LOL Me of all people know how proud you are of Aksel!! You don't have to be an Norwegian to be proud of that dude :D
ReplyDeleteI think i do need to find someone else....i think the guy I'm with at the moment is definitely going to break my heart!!
ReplyDelete@angela uk that´s not sound good, ah how he can break your heart?!
ReplyDelete@ Angela Hahaha you naughty girl. Yes he's got a tounge like Gene Simmons.LOL
ReplyDeleteYou want to see the midnight sun?? Haha. I think there's much more than this sun you want to see....LOL If tht's so you have to travel beetween north and south. LOL
@ corinna it's such a beautiful song! :)
@Angela I tought youre talking about the picture above! HaHa! Now I realized it's about the pic on his blog!!! Yea, it looks like a cigar!
ReplyDelete@Corinna I live in Campina, 100km from Bucharest.
@Anne-May You have to help me to find a good and good-looking Norvegian guy! LOL You can be my godmother at the wedding!!! I know some words in norwegian: Mitt navn er Dana, Er fra Romania, Du er vakker mann and Jeg elsker deg!! Is it correct? Oh and your national anthem is Ja vi elsker dette landet!!
@Angela OK baby, we'll go together and marry with some awesome guys!
@ Corinna
ReplyDeleteI know.....i'm hopeless at breaking up!!
and he lives over an hour away from me as well which doesn't help!!
never mind I can oggle at
@ Dana...
ReplyDeletenow you're to get my bag packed!!
@ Anne-may.....yes sorry I am naughty..well just cheeky really!! lol
off to get something to eat.....catch you later!!
Hey ladies,
ReplyDelete@dana we call that "sarma" and it's yammy, I love it.
@Angela WTH is going on with this guy?
@ Dana You're good!! It's absolutely correct!! :D Yea, i will help you fin a norwegian man and i defently want to be your made of honor :) All the norwegian guys are good looking. I'm so glad that i'm able to find something beautiful in every person. They don't have to look like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise but i always find something that's making me attracted thores them ;)
ReplyDelete@ Gordana
ReplyDeleteHi there
nothing bad, I like him a lot but he's a bit of a cool character that's all. i wear my heart on my sleeve and he keeps his under wraps!
@dana i had googled your homeplace, well nice.
ReplyDelete@anne-may i think i need a whole month to see the most of norway
@angela uk what happend?
@gordana good evening
@ Angela I'm so sorry for you!! There's no fun when realationships goes bad. Belive me,i've been there. So now i'm gonna be singel for a very very long time.LOL
ReplyDelete@ Gordana How are you?
@Angela maybe you should just break it off. That's not ok relationship for you and you already know it.
ReplyDeleteHave to put my kid to bed and I'm back.
@ corrina yes, i think you'll need a month - at least... Haha
ReplyDelete@Gordana Hi to you! Yea, you're living "nex door" to me and you know what I'm talking about! lol In fact sarma is singular and sarmale is plural in Romanian language!
ReplyDelete@Angela Sorry for breaking up!
@angela i know this too, i had a break up after a 5,5 years relationship, it´s hard, but if it doesn´t work anymore than better a end. we said in germany "besser ein ende mit schrecken, als ein schrecken ohne ende"
ReplyDeleteGood evening ladies!!!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? Hope you had a great day? :D
I just made it back from work and I see I missed a lot! LOL
I didn't read every comment, just flew over it!
@Angela UK I'm soory about your relationship! But remember, when you're down, we're here to cheer you up! :D Or at least we'll try! :D
@Anne-May Thanks! As you see I try my best to learn Norwegian and I hope I will not learn it for nothing! Haha! The most important thing is I know to say "elsker deg" Then we can understand each other by body language, right? OMG, I'm going crazy!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm lonely for a very long time too! Hmm, that's the reason I'm talking like that!HA!
good evening anja
ReplyDelete@Corinna hei girl! Thanks! :D How are you doing? I've seen you had a good day? :D
ReplyDelete*sits into a chair with a drink and waits till the party starts!* :D
@Anja hey.
ReplyDelete@dana how come?
You've already started with norwegian?lol
@Anja maybe today there's no huge party. We started taking about guys and relationships...or maybe we're in right direction."wink"
ReplyDelete@anja yes i had a good day, and yours? much work?
ReplyDelete@gordana why not party? talking about gys and relationships with a drink in the hand is funny,
ReplyDelete@corinna that's why there was a "wink" at the end. lol
ReplyDelete@Anja Hi, nice to see you!
ReplyDelete@Gordana I'm not wasting my time! When I'll go to Norway I'll have to shave my legs too, never know what it may be happen! LMAO Sorry if I am too cheeky!
@Gordana Hei! :D haha well normally there's always a huge party going to happen, when we talk about men! Especially hot norwegian men! ;D
ReplyDelete@Corinna Mine was ok too, I'm just exhausted now! But didn't even feel my lack of sleep this morning, which was good. Had a lot to do at work though! But I'm at home now and don't have to go back to work till monday! :D
So were you able to visit all ppl you planned to? :D
@Dana hei! How are you doing?
Good evening girls.
ReplyDeletehow are you doin? how were your days?
*grabs a tequila since she stomach it pretty well yesterday*
@Teekanne Hei hun! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm doing good, besides being exhausted! And you? Already excited?! ;D
haha tequilla?! You sure?! Didn't have enought yesterday I see! ;D
@dana if you need any help with shaveing legs, just
ReplyDelete@Teekanne hey to you too. Are you packed?
@gordana i hat overseen the wink sorry.
ReplyDelete@anja yes i visit everyone
@teekanne good evening
@dana shavin legs are always good, lmao, you never know what happen and how it does
@anja: exhausted from a little work? haha, you need to get more condition ;-)
ReplyDeleteno i know after serving a whole day you feel like you did a marathon!
i´m really excited... i love to discover new cities.
haha.. enough? we stoped after 3 bc otherways i would have been drinking all alone. as i said tequila is the drink most of the girls got their first hangover from! :-(
@gordana: yeh bag is packed and ready :-) i managed to get all in i planed to take with me! :-)
2 Dana You just talk in any way you like.LOL
ReplyDeleteI really don't mind. I think anyone can go a bit crazy after to much time alone. LOL
Love ya, gal ;)
@anne-may it is hard to learn Norwegian?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha I know! I'm not used to work like 9 hours anymore! I was, 3 years ago! :D
ReplyDeleteBut yea, you get quite exhausted, always running around! :)
I do too! :D Just remember, make a whole lot of pics for us!!! Not just from hot men girl, but also from the city! ;D
Gosh I really need to go to Norway sometime soon! :D
Oh I thought you had more! haha sorry! :D Why the hell were you drinking that stuff, when noone likes it beside you?! ;P
ohoh, you said you got some space left for me right?! Or is the luggage full now?! :D
@anja: your not that young anymore! ;-)
ReplyDeletefeels like you all are more excited than i am! haha
a friend of mine i talk to today just said: you have to get to know some norwegians so you will move there and i could visit you every weekend... ehhh yeh. good idea! haha.
no only 3. i managed 3 times to find sb who was drinking with me, but for the 4th nobody wanted anymore.
yeh 2 kg left.. so which arm of you do you wanna hand me for a trip to norway haha.
@Gordana Thanks! I know you're the "Master of shaving" And poor Kjetil knows this too! I think he needs another shaving! LOL
ReplyDeleteHi Teekanne! Ready to go? Please send us a card from your holiday!
@Corinna Carrie from Sex and The City said "If you wanna be sure you'll don't make love with a guy on the first date, don't shave your legs"!!! Haha!
And I think it's hard to learn Norwegian without The Norwegian Phonetics! You need a teacher or somebody else to help you, for ex. a good looking Norwegian guy! Hehe!
@dana your so right with that, so let´s get up to search one, to learn norwegian.
ReplyDelete@ Corinna They say that norwegian is one of the most difficult languages to learn. But if you get yourself a good teacher i'm sure you manage it ;)
ReplyDelete@anne-may when i read sometimes things in norwegian, than i understand it a little bit, the most time i have to translate it in german.but it´s easier to read it than to speak it, right?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha I am young, in comparison to others on here! And that was no complain at all! :D
ReplyDeleteIt just is like that, when you were working for 3 years 4 days a week and then you just sit in classrooms for the other 3 years! :D
LOL that's a good idea your friend had there! :D I'd be there definitly once a month! :P
poor you, had to drink alone! Next time you have to take me with you! Then you won't be drinking alone! ;D lol
ah just 2kg?! :( Ok I guess I'll have to stay here! No fun, not seeing anything and my head it heavier than 2kg! ;D
I'll just have to find someone, who'll join me next year or so to visit Norway! :D
@dana oh no! LOL Don't give some girls here ideas! No shaving! ;D lmao memories are coming up! :D
@ corinna I think norwegian an german are two similar languages... hehe That's why i think you feel it's much easier to read. I also understand a little german when i read.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you can learn any language if you have to and for learning norwegian we've lots of
ReplyDelete@anne-may haha i think german isn´t so difficult than norwegian. but when i visit a country i would understand just a little bit of the language they speak there. to make little conversations
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I saw a romanian singer who live in Norway speaking at NRK in norwegian. It seemed really complicated but I'm sure it's not impossible! LOL And with a little help from my norwegian friend...called Anne-May...Ha ha! You can get some money form me/us! lol
ReplyDeleteI think it's no hard to learn if you really want to!
@ corinna I think i can speak a little german though... hehe. Wa macht das? Wo wonst du? Ich habe keine anung.. LOL
ReplyDeletei try to. but don´t think the post will manage to find the right place if i send it to "akselaholic meeting". but it´s worth a try, right? ;-)
@anja: i cannot imagine to sit there and listen to teachers. i think i would fall asleep after 5 minutes! haha.
you know i would welcome you every weekend. but since there would be another person who would decide.. haha but think you would try hard to leave a good impression of yourself! ;-) maybe there would be a few friends he could "offer" haha.
drinking with you? yeh would be funny since i would stop 10 hours before you stop drinking.
ok, you would have your head in norway? think this isn´t working at all.. an arm would be easy but your head?! Since when do you have to pay for another person? just wonder if i would take your head i had to pay for you and you would get a seat. I wouldn´t need that for an arm i guess.
I would come with you next year! :-)
(gosh florida, thailand, norway, lenzerheide, think i need to leave sth)
@ corinna i meant was macht das? lol
ReplyDelete@anne-may good. but you missed the h in wohnst and ahnung.
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Hei I forgot! You have another profile pic! One picture a day? You make me envy you! My pic is not on the front page of the followers anymore...
ReplyDelete@Teekanne you can send it to Aksel and ask him to bring it us to the party!
Oh I'd love to learn Norwegian! And honestly it does not seem to be as complicated as German is! Well maybe I'm wrond! :D At leas you don't have different verb forms! :D
ReplyDeleteBut I have to agree with Corinna, speak the words right, seems to be nearly impossible! At least without someone how actually knows how to say it right! :D
@Teekanne Well I had too and it was better than the work I did for 3 years! :D
haha I would really try to behave and make a good impression! I'll try at least! :D As long as you're not showing him that blog, it might work!!! :D Oh yea, I'd like him to 'offer' me some friends! haha how that sounds... :P
Oh common! I'm not such a bad alcoholic! :D I bet you'll be the one drunk in Lenzerheide and I gotta bring you home! ;P
LMAO!!! I have no idea, since when you gotta pay for another person! I don't need a seat! or my head doesn't! You see, when you take my head, I'll see something... :D
haha you're well planne for next year I see! You got so much holidays?! ;D
@ Dana It is a complicaded lanuage we have here..haha. But offcourse i will help you.
ReplyDeleteMy god, i just saw on norwegian tv2 that a pro freeskier fell down the mountains here in Troms in a place called Tamokdalen. He was doing filming, the same way as Aksel. I was a bit afraid for Aksel when he was in Finnmark that something like that would happen...
@ Dana Yeah, i have to cange every now and then. That's one of my favorites of him. Look so cute ;)
ReplyDelete@anne-may is he injured? that´s sound horrible!
ReplyDelete@ corinna He fell down several hundred meters but he's not injured. I just can't belive it!
ReplyDelete@anne-may then he had a lot of luck with him.
ReplyDelete@dana: yeh good idea. need to ask kerstin for his adress since she was stalking him to his fathers house! ;-)
ReplyDelete@anja: i won´t show him this blog but then we´re also not allowed to chat in front of him.
we will offer you on a table... (like a living buffet haha)
yeh right, i´m drunken and you carry me home since you´re not drunken after 3 beer! haha.
i don´t put your head in my lap.. NOOO!!!! ;-)
No i don´t have that much holidays.. that´s why i have to leave sth for the year after i guess.
@anne-may: aksel said sometimes it was really kind of dangerous. i bet if he thinks its dangerous we would have directly pissed in our pants. ;-)
@ corinna Yes!! The same thing happen to the same dude 2 years ago. Someone never learn ;)
ReplyDelete@anne-may haha then it is his fault, but i think he doesn´t had learned it for the next time, i´m sure it will happen again
ReplyDelete@ Teekanne It is dangorus! I know people who has been seriosly injured from that kind of skiing. I can't do anything about it, but i not a big fan about this kind of skiing! It's fun to watch but so dangorus.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I see! Too bad, so I guess he needs to leave the room then! ;P Or you'll just show him and tell I'm someone else! Someone less insane! :D
ReplyDeleteomg LMAO about the 'offer on a table'!!! I like I like!!! :D
LOL I guess we'll be bringing eachother home then! ;D
lmao what are you thinking!!! I dind't mean you gotta put it in your lap! Gosh the bag would be enough!!! LOL
@Anne-May let's just hope then, he learned something now!!!
@teekanne before i forget it, wish you a great travel, have fun and enjoy it
ReplyDelete@anne-may: most stuff that is really fun is pretty dangerous i guess.
ReplyDelete@anja: haha.. yeh oh she´s just called anja. her real name is anjanutschka.. i bet he would believe that! haha.
YOU LIKE TO BE THE OFFER ON THE TABLE?? Girl, i really won´t show this blog haha.
yeh.. i will carry you the first 5 meters and you the next. haha hopefully it´s a distance you can divice by 5 then otherwise it would be a little bit unfair. ;)
the bag? then you´re just lying in the storrage room the whole flight you know?!
@corinna: thanks honey. i will! :-) i will think about you all day i wake up and go to search for hot vikings! ;-)
@Teekanne omg omg!!! Delete that!!!!! wrote it wrong holy shit!!! I'm not that naughty!!! Oh how embarassing... I meant actually to say it the other way around!!! ok let's forget that comment!!! ;D
ReplyDeletelol well I don't have such a long home journey! like 10min walking and then I'm home! :D Which means I don't have to drive and can drink everytime I go out! Thank god I don't go out every weekend anymore! :D
Ok, well it's not like the flight is that interessting! ;P Ok if you meet hot men, you gotta get me out! Oh maybe better not, since that would look kinda creepy! LOL :D
btw when are you leaving tomorrow?
it seems like everyone is tired tonight.
ReplyDelete*sits me on the bar and order a house drink*
Girls, it's a terrible storm here! I'm afraid the power will fail and I will loose the connection to you!! If it will happen I say good bye to all of you from now!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Have a nice and safe trip! We'll miss you! Take some pics for us! Have fun! Bye girl, hugs!
@dana sounds terrible, god thanks here it only rains a lot.
ReplyDeleteHey girls! Just got home from another long day at the was everyone's day?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Are you all ready for your trip? How long will you be in Norway? (You've probably said this somewhere along the line here on the blog, I just missed it). I'm so excited for you (and completely jealous!) ;D
@dana Goodnight girl, stay safe...I hate storms! :(
@Corinna yea it does seem like it! I certainly am, but I'm just a bit slower than normal! ;D
ReplyDeleteShould have gone to bed earlier this morning! lol :D
What a pity and that on Aksel's blog's birthday! :D But he's leaving for monaco, so maybe we gotta change to monaco too?! :D Wouldn't that be awesome! :D
@dana I'm sorry to hear about the strom! :( Hopefully it's gone very soon!
I kinda like it though, when it storms! I sleep like a baby when there's thunder and blizzard! :D
woops wrond word! meant thunder and Lighning! :D It's really confusing, bc in german Lighning means 'Bliz' so I always confuse it with blizzard! :D
ReplyDelete@good evening kristen how are you? i´m fine!
ReplyDelete@anja monaco would be great and there is the sun
@Kristen Hei girl! I bet you're glad to be home again? :) Well here you can relax a bit! :D
ReplyDelete@corinna yea it would! oh the sun! i nearly forgot how sun looks like! Seems like an eternity since I've last seen the sun! Ok 2 weeks, but still way too long! :S
@anja i´m a little bit jealous about him, i also want go to monaco, it´s a great city and during the race time it´s awesome.
ReplyDelete@anja: haha.. no i bet that is exactly what you wanted to say! haha.
ReplyDeletewhat? from lenzerheide to your home it´s only 10 minutes walk? so why are you seaching for a hotel room? i won´t damage your unit! haha.
as you see in aksels pics the flight could be pretty interesting... "may i introduce you to anja the head..." haha.
i leave at 8 am to the airport. so will give you a wake up comment at 7.55! Haha
@dana: thx. say save with that storm coming up!.
@kristen: i will stay a week at least.. if the ashcloud leaves north europe out! ;-) 4 days oslo and 3 days bergen! :-)
i always think she´s singing TIPSY.. don´t aks me why!!! ;-)
Hello Ladies! good evening. Hope you had a great day! Sounds like the weekend is starting eary with all the drinking. Didn't have a great day so I will take a Jack (no coke this time).
ReplyDeleteRef Aksel pick today: Cute story about long tongues. My daughter has a very long tongue. One day I thought she was trying to touch her nose with her tongue. Upon further inspection I noticed she had it up her nostril licking her snot. Totally disgusting but that is a long tongue!
good evening buckeye gal, haha your daughter is funny and disgusting haha
ReplyDeleteI am good, yes, glad to be home (for a bit) off to Zumba here in about 1/2 hr. Ready to sweat out some stress!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Sounds wonderful, you'll be there on May 17, I bet Aksel will be back for that day! Make sure to take lots of pictures of the hot norwegian men! Have a great time!! :D
@Buckeye Gal...ewwww, I would say she has a long!
@buckeye: sorry you had a bad day! *cheers* but you know. alcohol isn´t a solution but it helps! ;-)
ReplyDeletewow... your daughter is kind of nasty!! you better teach her that this isn´t sth a boy would like to see! haha
The computer still working!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Kristen! Nice to see you! I hate storm too!
Hi Buckeye Gal! Welcome! Your daughter is so funny!!!
Teekanne I like Rafael Nadal in Shakira's video! Never imagined him like that! He looks so sexy!
@Corinna well I don't know if I'd like to change place with him! I bet at the moment there are way to many ppl there!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne NOOOOO I didn't meant to say it like that!!! You know, I'd like to choose!!! ;P
Ok sorry, not from lenzerheide to my home by car it's about 15minutes! Meant from the places we go out here to my home! ;D We have to drive down then or find a driver! ;D
lol I bet all the ppl would die from laughing about that introduction!!! :D
woho I get an early wakeup comment!!! :D Hope you don't mind when I don't write back immediately! :D I'd say I'll be thinking of you though in bed, but that means I'll be draming of you! Not that I mind, but I prefer other ppl in my dreams!!! ;D No offense though hun!!! :D
@buckeye Gal haha that's disgusting! ;D Yea I'd say too, she has a very long tongue! :D
@anja so we have to protect him?! lmao or maybe he doesn´t want the protecion?!
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal I can do it just like your daughter and I'm sure I've long
ReplyDelete@dana good night.
I'm off too. See you all tomorrow. Sweet dreams.
@gordana good night gordana, sweet dreams
ReplyDelete@Corinna haha I bet he can look out for himself! But hei, if he wants protection, he just has to ask! lol ;D
ReplyDelete@Gordana Good night and sleep well! :D
@ teekanne Have a safe trip :D
ReplyDelete@kirsten: yeh we will stay in oslo till 18th. so we will celebrate 17th of may with a lot of hot vikings! ;-) haha. hopefully.
ReplyDeletejust read that on sunday the students celebrate big parties. we will try to find a good one! at least i will try! ;-)
i think i have to find a way to offer my pics to all of you! ;-)
@dana: i didn´t see the video yet and since sony blockes a lot of stuff on you tube in germany it´s kind of hard to find sth that works. :/ but the pics promise a good work! ;-) but he´s not my type.
@anja: you could chose, i decide about the time! haha..
ok. i will visit you soon for some partying! ;-) we mostly have to drive. but since i don´t like to drink in discos i prefer to be the driver! ;-)
wow you don´t like dreaming about me? you broke my heart girl. i thought your dreams were all about march already! haha. just imagine you dreaming about other ppl and suddenly i appear like a fata morgana! haha. that would be the end of al sleep.
@gordana: good night!!
@anja imagine that aksel in the crows of us, protect him, how will the other people look like
i mean crowd and not crows sorry
ReplyDeleteso girls i´m off, need some sleep, wish you all a good night and sleep well,
ReplyDelete@teekanne as i said i wish you a great trip
@anne-may if you have tomorrow sun than please enjoy it for me with.
*hugs to everyone*
@Teekanne lol I wonder if I'll be able to leave to gutter here sometime!!! :D
ReplyDeleteYou have to! but we don't have a lot of fun parties here! Mostly its fun bc of the ppl you go with! We do drink befor we go out, it's cheaper! :D
haha I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break your heart! :( LOL yea, especially if we think of the same kind of ppl! haha ok I bet we are! :D
@Corinna haha too funny that pic!!! :D Good night and sleep well! hugs!
ReplyDeleteHaha... not unless i will be here. so you have one week time to train it now! ;-)
no fun parties? when i´m there any place we´re going to will be party and fun! :-)
Here we call it "Vorglühen" and it´s cheaper too. But not too much since they won´t let you in anymore!
buhuhu... ;-)
of cause we are thinking about the same ppl!!
at least i don´t think you wanna dream about cristiano ronaldo! ;-)
haha. imagine me running in the background waving and tripping.. you know the trailer of all about steve??? haha...
@Teekanne haha i bet I won't be able to do that in this weeks! Remember Nicole will be here and she's with us in the gutter all the time too! :D
ReplyDeleteWell it's just the same ppl all the time! Remember we're not that big! :D haha I bet it will be! Like i said, it depends on the ppl you go with! :D
lol 'vorglühen'?! haha we call it 'vorsuffa'! ;D
Ok here they don't actually care, as long as you're still able to walk! ;D
Oh gosh pleas noo!!! I don't wanna have nightmare, girl!!!
haha i just watched the trailer! Soo funny!!! haha that would be hilarious!!! ;D I just picutered you doing that! LMAO
haha looks like everyone left us?! :S
Girls. i´m off now.. need some sleep!
ReplyDeleteWish you a lovely week with a lot of party! :-)
Hugs to all of you!!! And no costume parties with kjetil!! ;-)
@anja: oh yeh right.. nicole! haha.. she´s devilish! ;-)
ReplyDeleteit´s always fun with me around haha.. i would offer to bring the brand new tequila hat of yesterday! haha.
"vorsuffa" haha... sound sweet.
They don´t care? wow... here they care about the service ppl who would have to clean the ground where you left your stuff.. and they´re worried about brawlings.
haha.. i would carry an umbrella for you! ;-)
yeh they always leave us.. ;-)
See ya these days.. will keep you updated via FB
@Teekanne haha she is! And sometimes she's even deeper in the gutter than I am! ;P Sorry girl, but it's true! ;D
ReplyDeleteLOL that hat is great! Just bring it! We'll be the attraction of the night! :P
haha just wait till you hear it in our accent! I wonder if you're going to be as fond of it as all others seem to be! :D
Ok i don't know how they handle that with men, but when we get primed to the bars, they don't say a word! Just check the ID! Maybe they handle men different, who knows!
oh well, we have problems with brawls too! but they are mostly on the street outside!
haha Thanks! that would be awesome! I'd lmao, if I'd really dream of you, falling in that hole while carring a umbrella! :D
Ok have a nice and safe trip! :D Enjoy it and don't drink too much! ;D Oh and don't forget, you have many requests here, to find some hot Vikings!!! :D
Sleep well and nice dreams! Hope to hear from ya! :D Hugs!!!
So ladies! The one's who are still here! :D
ReplyDeleteNicole just wrote me an email and she says HI to everyone! :D She has a paper due tomorrow and needs to work! :( well at least we know she's thinking about us! :D
Well I'm heading to bed! Need some sleep! Good night everyone! Hugs!
I'm so tired. *throws self in a chair & orders a Simen* Work was well work & way too hot. This heat is gonna be the death of me. *sigh* I need to go sit in the freezer for a while.
ReplyDeleteBack to reading the comments.
@Mel I know how you feel with the heat! I am always office mates are hell bent on running the damn space heater in 70 plus degree weather, I can only dress so light! I roast in my office all day. Hang in there girl, the summer is only just beginning.
ReplyDeleteSo tonight I put the kids to bed and decided to watch a movie, a non-kid movie (yay) so I watched "Law Abiding Citizen" with Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx...has anyone seen this movie? OMG it was crazy!! I like Gerard Butler but in this movie he was a crazy ass!! Next on my list is Avatar...can't wait.
Sweet dreams!
@ Kristen I love Law Abiding Citizen!!! It's competely crazy, but so freaking awesome!!! We don't control the heating & cooling in the store Bentonville does. We have to call them & tell them hey it's too hot/cold in the store. It would be great if we had control over it.
ReplyDeleteGood Evening All ...
ReplyDeletesooooo ... Has anyone ever heard the saying "Don't let your mouth write a check your ass can't cash" ... *slaps forehead with hand and hangs head* I will never learn ... My smartass mouth wrote a check last week that my ass had to cash today ...
Option 1 was to shave my head ... Option 2 was to run from Point A to Point B with a full search and rescue pack (about 20 pounds) in less time than the Chief (Boss Man at the Station)!
I chose Option 2 ... Here's the painful part ... Point A to Point B is 8 miles, cross country and my boss runs it in under 2 hours. I typically run 4-5 miles a day (without pack)... so 8 miles was really a WTF am I doing ... but, I did it with about 7 minutes to spare...then I immediately collapsed! The Chief being the stud (& smartass) that he is ... BTW he also ran with me ... picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the truck!
Now my butt ... as well as my thighs, calves, shins and just about every other part of my body is paying the price ... Maybe I should have choosen Option 1 ... it's summer and having a bald head can't be all bad!
So, I'm reclining on the couch and probably won't be able to get up anytime soon .. LOL ... I Will Never Learn!
I think I'll whine until the Attacking Vikings come take care of me! PLEASE!
Or could someone please just have the Bartender of the Day keep tossing me anything and everything!
@Kristen ... You need to watch Avatar its amazing ... But you should really see it on the Big Screen if possible.
ReplyDelete@Mel ... How do they control the temp from so far away??? BTW I found some really cute Camo "fake" converse at WalMart the other day for $3 ... so cute!
@ Deuce you need a Viking to come give you a massage. I think it's all done by computer. They have people that sit in a room & watch what the weather is going to be like. Wish I had that job.
ReplyDelete@Mel ... that's crazy ... no wonder our WalMart is always too cold or too hot!
ReplyDeleteOooooooo ... a massage would be good ... Anyone seen Simen???? Except I watched Aksel's "cracking" video and I definitely don't want that!
I'm watching a Starbucks commercial right now! Im so addicted! But the closest one is 48 miles away ... guess I'll have to wait til I work tomorrow! :(
@ Deuce It is crazy. Nope sorry haven't seen Simen.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off to bed. I've got an early morning again.
Good morning girls. As i promised a quick visit before i leave. hope your nights were great or still are.
ReplyDeletei´m back with a detailed report in a week! :-)
Take care and keep our vikings busy!
Hi everyone.
ReplyDeleteHow's your day been like? Here in Tromsø we have sun and even more sun:D Right now i'm HEADing out to meet a friend and take the first beer this year outside in a place called ''Skarven''.
Have a nice day :)
Hello ma sistas! Everything's fine?
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I'm so thirsty right now so I'd like a beer too! Next time I'll go to Skarven with you! I'll buy the beers! Cheers!
@Teekanne I promise to keep them very busy! Take care and have fun! Kisses!