Thursday, May 20, 2010

Because I Got Bored...

*starts singing to the beat of Because I Got High by Afroman*
I was gonna wait to blog until I got bored. I was just gonna go to bed, but then I bored. So here I am blogging again & I know why man because I got bored. I was gonna go to bed before I got bored. I coulda been having sweet Viking dreams, but then I got bored. I'm still on the computer & I know why because I got bored.
Anyway here's some more eye candy for you. Night everybody.


  1. For those of you who don't know Because I Got High by Afroman here's a link for it:

  2. *sigh* Handsome guy!

    Good night dear Mel! Thanks for everything you do for us! Wow!! You've changed your profile pic!!

    I lost a lot of fun last night! It was very late and I had to go to bed!I think I should move in a western country! LOL
    I get bored because I have to go to work! Yeah! The life is tough! Ha ha!

    Have a nice day girls, see you later!

  3. Aloha all!
    thanks for the pix, @Mel. off to bed with great dreams of a certain Norwegian...

    (**Viking the beagle snoring heavily on the Aksel twister mat**)

  4. Hello ladies!!!

    How are you doing?

    LOL sorry for me disappearing last night, but the blog couldn't keep up obviously! :D We went a bit crazy again last night, huh?! ;D

    @Mel Thanks for another 'Eye candy'! Just made my rainy day so much better! :D
    and lol about your comment, had a while to figure it out, but I eventually did! ;D haha

    Have a nice day! And for those who are still sleeping, have a good night! ;D

  5. @Mel oh and Thanks for turn off the word verification! :D it's easier to comment here now! Though I think Nicole will miss it! No, 'making real words out of it' for her anymore! ;P

  6. Good Morning girls! I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'm hoping to see some sunshine today. *keeping fingers crossed*

    Glad to see the blog is back up and running. It was totally overheated yesterday. ;P

    @Mel Thanks for turning off the word verification :) Kudos for another nice eye candy pic ;D

    Looks like Aksel is in Juvass (via twitter)...when do we leave??? haha!

    Off to work...cheers!!


  7. Good morning!

    I love this picture. It looks like he is secretly thinking yeah that's right, everybody knows it, I'm awesome.

    So I got my cougar on this morning! I was putting gas in my car and this YOUNG (like 18-19) guy pulled in next to me. He kept talking to me all flirty and I was thinking OMG I could be your mother, keep your eyes front and center young man!

    We are having our annual outdoor "team building" thing this morning, so I won't be around between 10-12. I think we get to climb a rock wall or something. Should be fun!

  8. top of the morning akselaholics from the monsoon season here in kansas.

    sorry i missed the "olympic prep" conversation yesterday...that clip cracks me up with the "thumbs up" :)

    @mel thanks for the beefcake pic du jour:) they do brighten a girls day.

    lots of "dippin' and rippin'" at the office need to run...everyone have a great day!

  9. go with your superbad cougar self!

  10. @Kristen haha yea, we swamped the blog!!! lol another nice and crazy evening though with all you ladies! ;D
    Well I can be packed and ready in about an hour! ;D lol

    Hope you'll have a nice day at work! :D

    @Cricket Good morning!
    I see, you're doing fine again today?! ;P lol you GO girl!!! :D
    So how was your night? ;P haha sorry, I'm nosy I know! but I can't help it! :D

    @Suzanne Hello girl!
    How are you doing today?!

    haha I like that vid, but I love the vid around Christmas! When they drove to Val Gardena! I think! :D
    They're both so cute in that one! ;P

    Have a nice day y'all! I'm at 'work' and it's sooo booring! Need something to distract me... :D any suggestions?! ;P

    Talk to ya later! :D

  11. @Suzanne Ok now I want "superbad cougar self" on a tee!

    @Anja No fun for me last night. Boo! At least I got lots of sleep.

    I like the one from Christmas best too. Poor Kjetil can only have one beer.

  12. @anja all is well on this side of the planet:) and speaking of this planet...are you in europa?
    i'll have to revisit the val gardena's just so difficult getting past the olympic prep's too cute.

    @cricket just calling a spade a spade:) and how funny would that be on a tee! can't wait to see the pics posted...arg.


  13. @Cricket haha I still want that shirt Marius was wearing! You remember on the post to say Goodbye to Marius?! :D

    Oh poor you! :( At least you've restored some energy for tonight?! ;P

    lol yea! I remember when I saw it the first time, I was lmao at that comment! :D I bet though, he didn't have just one! ;D

    Btw Have fun at your Team building thingy! I bet it's going to be fun!!! :D
    And maybe there'll be a surprise lunch date again today!!! ;D

  14. @Suzanne Glad to hear that! I hope you've better weather than we have!!! :D
    Jup I'm in Europe! In Switzerland actually! :D

    Yea, you gotta review that vid! It's sooo cute! :D And it showes my favourite two Vikings!!! ;D

  15.'s like the monsoon season here in kansas. gloomy and rainy for the past few days...real amsterdam weather. great for the if i could just get out in it without being mistaken for a mud wrestler....
    switzerland...alas i never made it is supposed to be amazing!
    my nine o'clock is walking in the door...gotta run. have a great day

  16. Hey everyone! I was gone for 4 days and came back to all those awesome posts! What fun...Aksel with Gerry & Prince Albert...I think Kettle looks like he put on some weight?

    @Suzanne Welcome! I read in a previous post you lived in Holland? Do you know where I can buy Stemgember in the states. I had an excellent appetizer with it and cheddar cheese over the weekend and I am having a hard time finding it locally. I thought they might have it in Holland, MI but no. Thanks!

  17. *sigh* I don't wanna go to work. :-( Hopefully it will go fast because I'm going out with my bestest tonight!!! I'm gonna try some of the House Drinks. Hopefully they have the ingredients to make them.

    OMG! I'm watching Good Company Today & the guy on there has a handle-bar mustache! LOL They are talking about HEAD injuries in sports.

    Kinda nervous for my Dad today. He has to go tomorrow morning to the hospital & get a biopsy on his thyroid. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about.

    I'll see you girls later. Don't have too much fun while I'm gone.

  18. @Mel I'm sorry to hear this about your dad! I'm sure he'll be OK! I have thyroid problems too and I made a biopsy a few weeks ago (not for thyroid) so I understand him perfectly! I wish him health and I keep my fingers crossed!
    Have a good day at work! Hugs!

  19. @Suzanne I see! Looks like there's bad weather all over the world! :D

    It is awesome here! :D I love it! And I live in the mountains, it's great! :D You definitly have to visit our country sometime, when you're in Europe again! :D

    @Giffy Hei! How are you doing?
    Hope you had a great weekend? :D

    Ok is Kettle now Kjetil's new nick?! Just wondering? ;P

    @Mel I'm sorry to hear about your dad! :( Hopefully there's nothing serious! :S
    I'll cross my fingers too for him! In the end, everything is going to be ok!
    Have a good day at work!!! :D

    @dana Hei girl!!! How are you doing? Hope you had a good day? :D

  20. @giffy found this link for stemgember (which is the shizzle!)

    or perhaps there is a gourmet kitchen store or gourmet section in the grocer in your area that might have a better idea than buying from the web. 11.00 just showed up...have to run..

    hope everyone is making it through the day

  21. I'm back! We did do the rock climbing wall and it was a blast. I am so glad they let us wear jeans today.

    @Anja I will need my energy for tonight because it's on!

    Another cute part of that video is when Kjetil keeps saying indeed after every sentence. It sounds like he just learned the word and felt all cool.

    @Mel I hope your dad will be ok!

  22. Morning, Afternoon, Evening All ...

    Just read Lars blog update "Glacier Skiing Juvass" ... some great pics ... love the one with Lars in his crazy shorts ... and Truls has such a great smile *melt* ... And of course our Aksel looks Hot as ever *sigh* ... Great to see the Vikings having fun!

    @Suzanne ... LOL "Super Bad Cougar Self" *thumbs up* ... I think that might just have too be my new moto.

    @Mel ... Sending good, healthy Karma your way that everything for your Dad turns out great! PS. Lots of hot cowboys around ... maybe I should send some of those your way too, just to keep you occupied for a bit! ;)

    The rodeo weekend is looking kinda crazy ... sun, wind, rain ... right now the arena is wet and muddy, One of my horses runs well in the mud, the other hates it and pouts. When I was warming him up this morning he was a total butt head! Plus my Mom protector is kicking in and I've told my daughter she might not get to run today cuz of the mud ... so she's pouting too! *Sigh* Hoping it will dry out a bit by this afternoon. Check back in with ya'all later!


  23. @Cricket welcome back! :D I'm glad to hear it was fun! So is this actually good for team building? :D

    haha lucky women!!! ;D

    I just had to rewatch that vid, since we were talking about it for quite a while now! so cute! And yea, your so right about the 'indeed' thing! :D That comment made me laugh! lol Thanks! ;D

    @all btw there's a new update on lars' homepage from Juvass! With pics!!! lmao at the one with Aksel! You'll know what I mean, when you've seen it! ;P

  24. @Deuce hei! how are you doing?!

    I'm glad, I'm not the only one who checks Lars' page that regularly too! ;D

    Have fun at the rodeo and take care!!! ;D

  25. @Anja ... hei! How R U? LOL...Yep, I'm addicted to Lars blog as well. Wonder when Kettle is going to get one?

    I love barrel racing, so it will be fun no matter what, but I hope the weather cooperates, cuz I don't like running in the rain :( ... kinda like skiing in the rain ... it's not horrible, but it takes some of the fun out of it! I want SUNSHINE!

    @Suzanne "Shizzle" I have no idea what that word means, but I like it ... Aksel is the Shizzle! ... Is that a good definition? I think I will be like Kettle and use it as my new word today!

    Okay one more browse of the pics on Lars blog and then I'm off to play with the horses! TTYL!

  26. @Anja It is lots of fun, and we had a race with teams of 4 so you are cheering everyone else. We all get along here so we don't really need it, but it's a good way to spend a morning not working! My arms are a bit sore now though.

    I need to watch it again! My other favorite part is at the end when they both say arrivederci. I always say YES PLEASE!

    For some reason I can't get on Lars' site. It just keeps trying to load. Describe the picture!

    @Deuce I hope it stops raining for you!

    I think I have the mind of a 12 year old boy. Every time I see the word Juvass I think of Beavis & Butthead and say to myself "heh heh you said ass".

  27. @Deuce I'm fine thanks! :D lol I hope Kettle will get one soon too! ;P So we'll have like 3 blogs to stalk them, well 4 with Mel's!!! :D Mi piace!!!
    Btw is Kettle now officially (well officially on this blog ;D) Kjetil's new Nick?! :D

    You do barrel racing?! Do you train your horses yourself? I'm an english rider, though I have some experiences in Western, but not much! I've seen some vids from competitions in Western! Like Barrel racing and stuff! And it looked really challenging!!! What else do you do? :D
    I really hope I'll be able to go to a Rodeo this summer in Canada! I'd love to see one! :D And no, I don't wanna go there bc of the 'hot' cowboys!!! ;D

    I'm off too! Have to get ready for my friends Birthday party! :D I'm gonna pop in later though! Maybe some of you will still be on! :D
    Have a nice evening/afternoon/whatever and talk to you later!!! ;D

    oh btw. Thanks Deuce for teaching me a new abbreviation, TTYL!!! ;D

  28. @Cricket I see! :D Fun is always good and a moring not working even better!!! :D

    haha I just love this vid!!! :D

    Oh sorry about that! Well I can try to describe it... He is wearing his scarf, well his white girly scraf, like a turban! And that combined with red sunglasses! You know, these cool 'nerd' sunglases! Sorry don't know how else to describe it! :D
    oh yea and it look like he was to lazy or didn't have enough time to shave! :D Not that that bothers me! ;D
    It just looks kinda funny! ;D Hope you'll be able to see it at home or so! :D

    Ok now I'm really off!!! :D see ya later!!! :D

  29. Hi all....

    fancy seeing you lot

    have we not got better tings to do......NO OF COURSE NOT!!!

    I don't want to rub it in for those of you who have got rain...but it is still gorgeous here...

    put the roof down on my car driving home from work!! trouble is the hair...i was like the wild woman from Borneo by the time I got home!!

    just as well no hot date tonight......!!

  30. @Anja OMG I need to see this picture! I will try to bring it up on my phone in a bit.

    Have fun tonight!

    @Angela It is gorgeous here too, but unfortunately I am stuck inside for another 2+ hours. I have a big sunroof and I keep a hair wrap in my car just for that purpose.

  31. @ cricket

    im not nearly as prepared as you!!! lol

    doesn't the sun make you feel good.....i love it!

    what video and picture is everyone talking about?? what have i missed? lol

  32. @Suzanne thanks! I'll try that site. I love shizzle.

    Just looked at Lars site. Shouldn't he be with his baby momma? When is she due? Doesn't look like they have enough snow to ski. The Head Ski picture shadow is interesting. Where is ALS in the soccer photo, black t-shirt on the right? Looks like a shaved head?

    Aksel is hilarious with turban and red glasses. I'm wondering - remember when knights in shining armour used to wear their beloved woman's scarf or hankerchief into battle. Do you think ALS scarf is to remind someone that he is thinking of her? Perhaps she gave it to him so when the dirty scarf shows up in a photo she knows he's thinking of her?? Just a theory...

    Kettle is not the offical name, it's funny. I just like it. I liked Elfie. I think we need to come up with something better. Maybe we could have a contest. I think we should play ALS trivia the next time we're bored.

  33. good afternoon all! thinking of you and your dad....the unknown is nerve sending good energy your way:)

    @cricket your beavis and butthead comment made me lol! as i always have said (about myself), i'm really just a 6th grade boy trapped in a middle age woman's body.
    also, i have a friend that calls me james brown in a white womans body..don't are you doing? sounds like you and @cricket need to be sporting the superbad cougar self tees she suggested. awesome! can't wait to see photos! and your usage of shizzle was perfect..aksel is indeed the shizzle!

    @anja en @giffy...perhaps aksel is the victim of a bad hair cut..which would explain the turban pic and the soccer pic? and ps i love him with curls:)

    @giffy...glad the gemberstem link was helpful:) and your idea of ALS trivia is a dandy...can't wait to play!

    ttyl chicas :)

  34. Hi my ladies! I see you all are fine, I'm glad! I'm OK too!

    Yeeeey! The green underwears return! (on Aksel's blog!) Did you see the japanese's video? Very interesting! This guys are really amazing! I liked how those guys shaved Aksel's legs!!!

  35. @ Dana

    what are you talking about?

  36. Quick changes. Straight from Monte Carlo F1 to summer skiing at Juvass Norway ~Aksel's twitter

    :{ No goodbye post on his blog??? LOL Bet he's having a blast!!! ;D

    How's it going ladies?? ;D

  37. @Angela Hi my girl! Kerstin has posted a link on Aksel's blog! It's a vidoe from Japan about Aksel and Eric! You must see it!

  38. Aksel and Erik Guay!

    @Nicole Hi baby! I'm very good, happy to see you!

  39. :{ I miss the word verification! Scared the crap out of me when it didn't show up!!!!

    @dana The underwear reminded me of Spongebob Squarepants!!! lol

    And he got his legs shaved!!!! LOL ;P

  40. Yes and seems he don't like it!

  41. @dana I know!! His face was priceless!!! He looked a little annoyed...and maybe a little mad that he wasn't told!!! LOL

  42. Okay, I'm probably the only weirdo here, but I do miss the word verification! I feel like my posts aren't going to show up!!!

  43. So we've brought back the olympic preparation with hte chest hair and now the green underwear! What's next? The spandex? Palm trunks?

    I miss the word verification too! Some of them was so funny! LOL

  44. yummmy!!! Eating frosting straight out of the container!!! ...I'm gonna get a stomach ache later...oh well!!! ;D

  45. @dana It's just weird without the verification! lol

    What's next??? A picture of Mr. Svindal on Aksel's site!!! I hope!!! ;D

  46. haha I love Lars' pictures!!! He takes really nice photos!

    Nice shorts, Lars! ;D

    The one with Aksel is priceless...looks like he's wearing a the sunglasses!!! ...and now, I want to play soccer!!! Is that Kjetil wearing a HEAD band in the last pic! lol Probably needs to with all that hair!!! ;D

  47. Lars is pretty bold too! He told us where they're at and everything!!! ...another party crash ladies???

  48. I don't know where is my comment?! And everything goes too slow! And I've refreshed it (one of the young'uns told me I need to do this when it works slow!!!)

  49. @Mel I hope you're dad is doing well and that his biopsy goes well! But remember to smile!! ;D It will make you both feel better! ;D

  50. @Nicole I'm off to take a shower! But I don't know: hot ( thinking of M) or cold? What do you think? LOL

  51. @dana If you can't see your comments, sometimes I also go to a different blog post, then come back! It takes time, but it works for me!

    @Giffy I think that might be Truls...not sure though!

  52. @dana Oh definitely a hot one with thinking!!! "with" M ;P LOL

  53. @Nicole Ha ha! You teach ME!!! An old cougar!!! LOL You said "with M" just to be sure I'll let "A" for you!! Ha!

    I went to a different blog too! Didn't work!

  54. OMG that picture is ridiculous! I think the scarf is a joke thing, like how many crazy pictures can I take with this?

    When I was in college my group of friends had a troll doll, and whenever someone took on a trip they had to bring it and take at least 5 pictures with it.

    I'm out. Have a great afternoon/evening/night everyone!

  55. Doesn't Kettle have a girlfriend? She should talk to him about pajama pants in public and headbands on the soccer field.

    I bet they just shaved Aksels leg where they attached the sensors not the whole leg for the Miraclebody video.

  56. @dana :/ ...that's weird! It usually works...I'm not sure what else could work!

    haha Yes! You get M...and I get A...or T! LOL no, no I get A!!! ;P

    @Cricket haha I would definitely be that person! ;P

  57. @Giffy I don't know if he has a girlfriend...but hey, you can't change all aspects of a man! lol ;P

    haha I think that's what they did too! Imagine putting the sensors on without shaving his legs and then ripping them off!! Instant waxing!!! LOL ;P Go with the shave, Aksel! Go with the shave!

  58. @ Cricket ugh! that dirty scarf. I wish it was a troll doll...LOL!

  59. What's so bad about the scarf??? I don't see what's so wrong with it!!! It's a scarf!!! lol ;P

  60. Maybe I'm weird but I don't see nothing wrong at this scarf! It's a funny thing! I just saw the pics!

  61. @dana I don't see anything wrong with it either!!! If anything, it needs a little color! ;D

  62. Oh, did you noticed that Kjetil shaved his beard? Only the hair is longer! Maybe he wants to be a rock star! LOL

  63. those were some sweet green underpants:)

    wonder if aksel would let me wax his legs for him...the look on his face when they busted out the razor was priceless.

  64. Bye girls! It's late and I need to sleep! Have a nice day/evening/night! I think I'll dream about green *things*! Or white towels... LOL

    Hugs and kisses!

  65. @Suzanne The look on his face when he gets a wax would be even better!!! ;P Poor guy!

    @dana Goodnight dana!!! Sleep well! Maybe M will visit you!!! ;D

    haha I did notice the missing beard! ;D

  66. The pattern on those underpants reminds me of Spongebob Squarepants! Is that odd??? ...probably LOL ;P

  67. @Suzanne Wait, so is that what you do? Waxing? I'm not sure I understood that! lol

    Okay, you can do the waxing and I'll take the video and then run as fast and as far as possible so Aksel doesn't get me!!! lol

  68. @nicole...most my male waxing clients think i enjoy inflicting pain on them...but it's not true. i do allow them to shout out bad words if it helps them get if i waxed aksel, perhaps i could learn a few viking expletives. lol:)

    and do you know realize what you just fast so aksel doesn't get me. what are you thinking girl? i'd just stand there and wait for him to tackle me.

    but we have a plan...i'll wax, you make the vid. perfect

    hope all is well with you...later gator:)

  69. Allright, Ladies! I'm Heading out!!!

    Not off to bed yet, but I'm going to spend some more time with my grandparents!!! I will 'see' you all tomorrow!!! ;D

    Goodnight and sweet dreams!!! ;D

    p.s. I wonder what Aksel thinks about this whole shaving/waxing and underwear business!!! LOL ;P

  70. @suzanne *wince* Tackling sounds too painful...especially because he's so big! Plus playing hard to get is much more fun!!! lol ;P

    haha I don't know...Aksel seems too nice! I don't think he knows very many expletives! lol, you have to watch out! You never know if he kicks and THAT would definitely be painful!!! LOL ;P

  71. Once again, late to the party...can't stay anyway, I have Zumba in 20 min. Woooo hoooo!!

    HOT DAMN that vid Kerstin posted of the Miracle Body is AWESOME! Sorry but I must say this NICE ASS AKSEL!!!! I am wondering what the pattern is on the undies as well...they're kinda cool looking up close. ;D

    The scarf pic is a riot! It makes me laugh! ;D

    Alright, I'm out for awhile...hope everyone is doing well AND...I got my wish, SUNSHINE and 82 degrees today! Jiiiiiihaaaaaa!!


  72. I watched the video again...and the one of the gummibears...and I'm gonna watch the others he has on vimeo! But I gotta say...his half-smile while he talks is absolutely irresistable!!! ;D

  73. I found this video!

    LOL He's so serious, it makes me laugh!!! ;D

  74. Well I'm just checking in before I HEAD out with Kelli. I'll catch up on your comments later. Did see Aksel posted a new blog. Summer skiing...I so hate him at the moment.

    Oh before I forget Jake is not too happy I'm going to a bar. He said that I better stay away from bars & not drink. I asked him what he was gonna do? He said call the cops. I so wanted to say 'what are you gonna do spank me? Depending on how drunk I am I may like it.' *devilish grin* I did get some calf porn though. Jake in should be against the law.

    I'll take pics of the House Drinks & post them on here. See ya later, girls.

  75. Good morning ladies!!!! :D

    I see you had some fun last night too?! :D I do gotta see this vid Kerstin posted on his blog! Sounds awesome!!! :D

    Ok, now it's officially, I'm totally addicted to this blog! LOL
    It's 6 o'clock in the morning and NO I did not just wake up! I just came home and I can't stay away, bc I'm to curious what happend here! ;D
    oh man, I wonder if there's any cure?! ;P

    I did have a blast last night though!!! :D I didn't have so much fun in 'real' for months!!! :P All I say is 'sneaking into army barracks at 4 o'clock in the morning'!!! lamo :D

    Ok I'm off to get some sleep! Seeya in 3 or 4 hours! :D Hugs!

  76. Hey ladies,

    Aksels face when japanese guy was shaveing his legs...PRICELESS. I was LMAO.

    See you later, have a nice day.

  77. Good morning/ afternoon ladies!

    @Mel: I will say a pray for your dad. Hope everything turns out ok.

    This may be my last post until Monday. My husbands grandmother died in February and we are headed to Niagara Falls for the funeral. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Aksel's scarf: It's ok. It must have special meaning since it is definitely not a fashion statement! BTW, the sunglasses are way worse!

    Aksel's wax: hehehe

  78. @Mel Sending thoughts and good wishes to your Dad for a positive outcome. *hugs*

    @Buckeye Gal Safe travels to Niagra Falls...*hugs*

    @Anja Sounds like you had a great time, it's always fun rolling in late (or in the wee hours of the morning) that means it was a blast! ;D Hope you got some decent sleep. ;D

    Another beautiful sunny 80 degree day here today, yay! Have a wonderful day ladies...


  79. @all OK I apologize about dissing the scarf. I guess it's not so bad. But it's covering up a perfectly shaped HEAD! LOL! Have a good weekend everyone.

  80. @Gordana I was LMAO too!!! Saw it befor at home! Sooo funny! ;)

    oh and btw the whole night was PG! ;) (That's the word right?) Pretty innocent fun! I wasn't even really drunk! ;D I was a good girl for once! ok more or less! ;P

    @Buckeye Gal I'm sorry to hear about your husband's Grandmother! Save travels and see you monday! :)

    But I gotta disagree! The sunglasses are way cooler than the scarf!!! ;D

    @Kristeh lol :D We had a blast!!! :D Was awesome! Yea got about 5 hours of sleep! But I'm good, not really tired at all! :D

    @Giffy LOL Have a good weekend too!!! :D

    YAY the sun is out again!!! :D It's really shining, seriously!!! ;D Now I'm even happier! ;D

    Have a nice day all and talk to you in a bit! Gotta go and work for a while! ;P

  81. woops sorry! Meant to write 'Kristen' not 'Kristeh'! :D lol

  82. Hi everyone! Hope you all are fine! A great storm is coming but I hope the power will not fail! Do you hear the thunders? Ha ha! Sounds scary!

    @Buckeye Gal Take care! Have a safe travel! Hugs!

    @Kristen Please, send some warmth and sunbeams here! I'm sick of rain!

    @Giffy Ha ha! It's OK sweety! You may not like the scarf! De gustibus!
    You're right about the perfect shape! Is there something unperfect about him from our point of view? LOL

    @Anja Hi baby! I'm glad you was a good girl last night! Ha ha!

    Have a nice day, my ladies!

  83. Good morning!

    I only have 5 minutes. I have a very busy day ahead! I will check back later.

    @Anja Army barracks at 4am?! Details!

    @Buckeye Gal I am sorry to hear about your husband's grandma. Have a safe trip.

  84. @Dana I'm great and you? ;D LOL yea I was bad enough here, nothing of that left to use in the 'real' world! ;D

    @Cricket Hei girl!!! How are you doing?

    ok I also just got a sec, but I try to give as much details as possible! :D here you go:

    Well it was a surprise party for my friend! :D And it worked really well, she was really pissed at everyone, bc noone except one had 'time' for a drink or that was what we told her! ;D Her face when she saw us though was priceless! :D
    Well after that little privat party we went to a club/disco! :D And there we met these 3 guys from the military! One was really cute! ;D Well it was at the end of the night and we decided to go to a friends house afterwards for a little after party! ;D And they well joined us! But as soon as we were there, they realised that their housemate was a sleep and we had to go again after a glass of wine! LOL
    And that's when they invited us to they're baracks! lol We told them they would get into trouble, since women aren't allowed there! But well they wanted and so we went! :D Was really fun though! Try to sneak into an army barrack at 4am, where everyone else is a sleep with heels!!! lmao!!! So we ended up in a army barrack in the kitchen, drinking beer and eating chips! ;D LOL Lucky us we didn't get caught! :D

    Ok gotta run again! ;D See you ladies in a couple hours! Hugs! :D

  85. @Mel I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Hopeing he's going to be ok. Best wishes.

  86. Good Morning All *Waiving*

    So, kinda quiet in here last night ... Was everyone sleeping and having Viking dreams ...

    @Anja LMAO I've snuck into Military Barracks a few times ... And had to sneak back out in the Morning! ... *ahhh* Good Times Good Times!!!

    @Buckeye Gal Safe travels and Hugs for your family's loss.

    @Mel LOL Hope you had fun last night but didn't try ALL the house drinks or else your head will be pounding today ... details please!

    Looks like our weather is going to clear today ...yesterday was crazy weather ... and I did let my daughter run her horse ... I had to hold my breath, cover my eyes and peek thru my fingers to watch cuz I didn't want her horse to slip and go down, but she did great all with a smile (and mud) on her face ... She's a PRO! Me ... well, lets just say I hope I get better times today! :)

    Hope everyone has an awesome day! I'll pop in later to feed my addiction!

    CHEERS! ... or should I say SHIZZLE! ... that's my new word...thanks @Suzanne *thumbs up*

  87. @Anja Nice job! Sounds like you had a great night. Did you get the cute guy's number? And I hope you took your shoes off!

    @Deuce The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right?

    What a morning! We are looking to hire two new people (thankfully) and I interviewed 12. It's going to be really tough narrowing them down.

  88. Heiya girls... :-)

    I´m back... i´m back! :-)

    How are you doing?

    *grabs a aksel and a kjetil* :-)

    I think i have a lot to keep up!

  89. @Teekanne Welcome back! How was your trip? Tell us all about Norway! Did you find a man? :)

    Yes, you have a lot to catch up. Be sure to look at Lars website for a photo of ALS in a turban. On Aksel's website there is a link to the Miracle Body video in Japanese, you can't understand any of it but still the view is fine! In a short time you will be up to speed.

  90. Hi all

    Welcome back Teekanne - how was your trip?.......... do tell us all the details..and I mean all!! lol

  91. The trip was great. what a beautiful country!! The landscape is fantastic... i really felt in love with the country you get so many ideas what to do next as holiday trip.
    it´s really worth it but unfortunately it´s also really expensive.

    A man? haha.. with all the handsome men walking around you cannot really decide which one you wanna have!! ;-)

    @giffy: 6 blogs from mel with about 200 comments each and some stuff of aksel haha.. i don´t know i only takes a short time! ;-)

    i already saw the pic with the turban on lars side, but couldn´t recognize aksel on my phone haha. i love his sunglasses.
    going to watch this video now, my mobilephone was nearly dead so i couldn´t watch it totally at the airport!

    @angela: details? exhausting, amazing, too short isn´t enough, right? ;-)

  92. @ teekanne

    really glad you had a good time!!

  93. @Teekanne Welcome back girl! I'm glad you had fun.

    *A man? haha.. with all the handsome men walking around you cannot really decide which one you wanna have!*

    Seriously? Money be damned! I'm going there next!

  94. Dad is back home & he's doing fine. Now we just have to wait & see what the Dr says.

    New blog with details about my crazy night out with my bestest.
