Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Boys

Wasn't really sure what to blog about until I found this adorable pic of two of our boys. Their smiles just say 'Hey, how are you? What's your name? Can I buy you a drink?'
I think I spent too much time in the sun today & am suffering from a heat stroke...well & a sunburn.


  1. @Mel Ha ha! Heat stroke has nothing to do with this!! I think is a virus named "Aksel" affecting our brains! LOL
    So you are OK! Always cheer and funny doing a great job for us!Thank you baby!The pic is beautiful and our boys simply adorable! I like their crazy color suits! lol

    @All have a great day or a good night!

  2. "When te boys come into town
    All the girls go crazy"...

    See Mel? It's not from the heat stroke! Ha ha!

  3. Hello ladies!!!

    How are you doing? :D

    @Kristen Thank you so much for your effort to upload the vid of Aksel!!! :D But it is similar to the one they did before the olympics, no? :D (or even the same?)

    @Mel thanks for that new pic! :) It's always got to get on here and see our lovely boys like that! ;P haha and don't we all just wish they'd say that to us?! ;P lol

    haha I gotta agree with Dana, definitly not from a heat stroke!!! ;P haha We're just a lovely bunch of younguns and cougars, who've been infected with the 'Viking Virus'!!! haha I like that excuse for our craziness! ;P

    Ok I gotta go to work soon, wish you all a lovely day and maybe see you later! :D

  4. I posted this at the bottom of the last blog posting and I know some of you were interested in seeing this so I'm reposting it over here...

    Ok ladies...I did it! I finally downloaded the Universal Sports segment on Aksel...I had it recorded thru the DVR (digital video recorder). It was not broadcast in high definition but my TV is an HDTV so it's a bit fuzzy, also, I "filmed" it with my digital camera and tried not to shake too bad. ;D You'll get the jist of it. :D

    @Mel GREAT PIC!!! Love it! Soooo nice to see first thing in the morning! Sunshine, smiles, and the the crazy jackets!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today! The heat has finally broken here :D (Don't get me wrong I'm all for a nice warm day but close to 100/F and humid is not fun ;D)


  5. @Anja Yes, it is similar...there were only a few was nice to see him featured when the program was mainly focused on American athletes.

    I really need to go!


  6. Morning Ladies: Hope everyone has (or is having) a great day!

  7. Good whatever time of day it is where you are ladies!! TGIF:)

    @Mel I love that pick. Their shining smiles and crazy jackets brightened up my Friday morning.

    @Kristen Thanks for posting that video. I have been trying to catch the show on Universal Sports but when it says its on it ends up being beach volleyball. Very frustrating so thanks for taking the time to do that.

    @dana I think the Aksel virus is my favorite. I am sick with it all the time!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!

  8. top of the morning akselaholics and happy friday!

    am whooped after yesterdays wax-a-thon and have to really buck up for round two today. haven't decided what house drink will be served at 17.00...any suggestions?

    @mel thanks for the beefcake du jour pic. am missing the vikings and their antics!

    @everyone...who is in charge of al's new tie and to whom do i send my contribution? and do you take pay pal. i am serious, we akselaholics need to step in and help our boy in the tie dept.

    oh...and yesterday's concert talk took me back to last years def leppard/poison concert...check out the 70 yo lady sitting in front of me. everytime cc deville came over to our side of the stage, she busted out the double party sign. i about soiled myself. awesome!

    ttyl chicas :)

  9. Good whatever!

    Nice pic. I love those jackets.

    @Kristen I just watched the video on my phone. Thanks for posting it because my stupid cable doesn't get Universal Sports. Where did NBC get that he is 6'5? Bad metric conversion or something?

    @Suzanne I will do the tie, new suit, shirt, etc etc whatever and whenever. I was a personal shopper many moons ago so I know my stuff!

    OMG @ that lady doing the rock on. That's priceless!

  10. @cricket yay! you sound like a girl to have around re: personal shopper:) let me know what you find in the tie arena. i really do want to contribute:)
    glad you liked the pic...and yes that old lady brought so much joy to my one point i had to lean against my friend in order to stand up, i was laughing so hard.

  11. I think my comment that I posted on Aksel's new blog was a little mean or at least could be portrayed that way. Oh well;)

  12. @Suzanne Ok I found one! It comes in three colors and would go with ANYTHING.

    I went to a Buffett show once and about 75% of the crowd was old enough to be my parents. Most were wearing the parrot stuff, and probably half were drunk/stoned or some combination of both.

  13. @cricket: he's coming to the hamptons!

  14. Ladies: it's not just the tie. It's the cut of that suit and the white shirt. Damn I said in the last blog I wouldn't complain anymore.

  15. @Mel: i like that you write 2 of our boys! :-)))

    @kristen: thx a lot for the video! it´s awesome to see aksel wining the gold medal again and again! :-)
    I hate the part about the crash and the pic of the hospital.. but it´s interesting to see motion pics from the time of recovering! You can see this intentness in his eyes not looking back but forward! :-) Thx you so much!!!

    i´m off to a soccer match of the kids (think i will be a tough one!)

    take care!

  16. @Buckeye Girl But I live on Cape Cod! I wouldn't go near the Hamptons this weekend for a million dollars wrapped in a Birkin bag.

    The tie is just a start, but it's something you can buy off the rack. Clearly he needs a custom suit/shirt.

  17. @Buckeye Gal Yeah a little bit, but that's ok.

    I so hate him right now. Going to the Hamptons & not taking us with him. *sigh*

    Ok I think have the Aksel & Viking Virus & am suffering from heat stroke...I forgot I put music on here last night & I started freaking out trying to figure out where it was coming from.

    Well I'm HEADing out to work. I'll be back in 7 hours. Peace out chicas.

  18. haha ok. aksel is leaving for the hamptons.. checked twitter.. julia is going there too!
    Hope they have a good time.. maybe jules can teach him some surfing so he will be prepared for his macarena dance haha! ;-)

  19. @Buckeye Gal Take a deep breath & think Armani.

  20. haha... gosh! he knew what he was up to with this post! I love him! haha...

    see ya these days, girls!

  21. @Teekanne Yes and he'd better learn good cause he will need to bring his skills back to Norway to teach Kjetil the shirtless surfing macarena! Team effort:D

  22. Hei all! How are you doing so far? :D

    LOL I don't believe he did that! haha There's going to be a riot over there over the weekend! lmao :D
    Thank good I can hide here! haha

    @Teekanne & Krys I soo wanna see them doing the macarena on a surfboard!!!! ;D

  23. @All

    TGIF Ladies! Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday!

    LMFAO ... Nice post from our Viking! He is soooo cheeky! But, I agree with @Cricket ... the Hamptons are nice, but this weekend will be a zoo of "See and Be Seen" ... No Thank You! BTW I think the riot has already started over there! Too Funny! Loved the reference to Carrie and Mrs. Big!

    I do always wonder why the "drama" posters on both blogs never sign their posts? What is up with that?????

    @Suzanne ... Loved the pic of the older lady! I love people who never lose their sense of adventure! Priceless! Have fun with Wax-O-Thon Part 2 today!

    @Mel ... Love the new pic ... and I'm pretty sure your suffering from Akselaholic Syndrome! Sorry to say, there's no cure... but too make you feel better ... I forgot about the music this morning too and it made me jump and then I had to crack up at myself! :D But, I like it ... especially Saving Jane!

    @Buckeye Gal ... You Go Girl! ... I'm in on the new tie purchase ... at least it's a start to upgrading Aksel's fashion to make him a better version of his "super bad self"! :D

    @Teekanne & @Krys ... the Macarena on a Surfboard ... LMAO ... I might fight the Hamptons this weekend to see that one!

  24. @Deuce He totally knew what he was doing there. It was probably like, hmmm I'm going away for the weekend, why not drop a bomb? I laughed so hard!

    I won't go near the Hamptons in the summer. I live in the same kind of environment, so it would be like living in Italy and going to New York for pizza.

    The drama posters never sign their names because they don't have the balls!

  25. @Mel This is my new favorite song right now:

    I also really like this from the Crash Kings. Mountain Man. Lyrics:

    I'm sittin on top of a mountain.
    She's rockin that valley down below
    Switch back to the peak with a blindfold
    Bombing down at the top of my low screaming oh
    Straight out on a head bomb oooooh
    Turned into a free fall.

    I'm sipping on some sunshine
    I'm gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife
    And she's drunk by the day time
    I bet she feels it just the same in the evening

    I'm sipping on some sunshine
    I'm gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife
    And she's drunk by the day time
    I bet she feels it just the same, not anymore

    I'm sittin on top of a hillside
    There's a one way path that's takin' me home.
    climbing up to the peak with a blindfold
    Bombing down at the top of my low screaming "oh ooh oh"
    Straight out on a head bomb oooooh
    turned into a free fall.

    I'm sipping on some sunshine
    I'm gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife
    And she's drunk by the day time
    I bet she feels it just the same in the evening

    I'm sipping on some sunshine
    I'm gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife
    And she's drunk by the daytime
    I bet she feels it just the same, not anymore

    I'm sipping on some sunshine
    I'm gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife
    And they're drunk by the day time
    I bet she feels it just the same
    I bet she feels it just the same yeah
    I'm sipping on some sunshine
    I'm gonna leave it for the morning in the afterlife
    And she's drunk by the day time
    I bet she feels it just the same
    I bet she feels it just the same yeah (ooooh yeaah)
    I bet she feels it just the same
    I bet she feels it just the same yeah
    I bet she feels it just the same

  26. Ok. Total change of subject but someone just past me a video of an 8 month old who recieved a implant so he could hear for the first time. So cute!

    I am a maniac today! This day has been so weird. let's hope the weekend gets better.

  27. ok so I got a guestion! What is this weekend in the Hamptons? Anything special?! :D

    @Buckeye Gal omg is that cute!!! :D the baby seems so happy when he can hear! ;D That one reason I'm so thanful to todays medicin and research! Thanks for sharing! :D

    btw I cannot listen to the playlist below! Due to licensing restrictions... :( I'm just wondering if I'm the only one from europe or not? ;D

  28. @Anja Hey girl! How are you? This Monday is Memorial Day here in the states so its a long weekend and people go away. The Hamptons is a very popular spot to go if you have money. Its very posh.

  29. @Krys Hei! :D I'm doing good! :D It's weekend!!! :D How are you doing?
    Ah right! haha totally forgot about your Memorial Day! ;D
    yea, I guess the Hamptons' like St. Moritz here in winter! :D Too posh for my taste! :D haha

  30. hi girls how you doing?

    hope everyone had a great friday.

  31. @Corinna Hei! :D I'm doing good! What about you?

    oh well, my friday was rainy! ;P it started to rain when I drove home from work by bike! :D haha
    What about you? :D

  32. @anja in the morning it was real hot and sunny, thank you to that person who send me some sunbeams, and when i ended to work at 2:20 pm the clouds come and then it started to rain. i bought my train ticket down to italy for next friday and had a funny conversation with the service woman, and then i bought me a dainese t-shirt haha.

  33. @Corinna nice! :D well not the rain but the sun! :D haha mean though, as soon as you finished work, the rain came! That's no fun! hope though, the weekend will be sunny! :D
    nice a dainese shirt! :D Is it a nice one! :D

    Looks like we're all alone here! ;D

  34. @anja i want a "I dainese Me" shirt but they had no one anymore, because it was a outlet store, so i bouhgt one black one who stand "donington" on it.

  35. @anja it seems like aksel want to tease us.

    yes it look like we´re alone

  36. @Corinna oh I want one of these too! Aksel wore them on a pic, I remember! :D lol
    I like black shirts! :D They match to everything! ;P

    lol he so wants to tease us! ;P I bet he saw what was going on on the other post! :D haha he's smart though! I don't know if they're dating and I don't care, but I bet he kinda likes to see a conversation on his blog, even when it's one like this! :D lol

  37. Hey girls: you're not alone. I am reading and working.

  38. @cricket thanks for the tie link! they are beautiful. were you thinking the blue or one of the other colours? and omg...i had no idea ties were so pricey....wowza! am hoping others are thinking about chipping in:)

    @deuce that older lady at the concert made me so happy for many reasons:) and it also gave me a glimpse into the my i plan to be just like her!

    @buckeye gal why is today weird? al's post? or something else. it's been a little crazy around here for the past week or so...everyone seems combative and on edge. could it be a full moon?

    hello to everyone and ttyl:)

  39. @anja i don´t care about who he is dating too, he is old enough that he know what he do. maybe he read our conversation about his new powder skis yesterday, or he just want to see what is going on when he post something like this. exspecialy because of the anonymous who write this stuff on his blog.

    i told my mom about the dainese shirt, and she asked what you bought, don´t know this, but she knows "the doctor" valentino rossi.haha they had the "i dainese me" shirt in white and not in black, and only in xs. none left in black, not like i told in the post before. damn i´m so confused

    but know i can say " I DAINESE ME"

  40. hi at buckeye gal and suzanne how you doing?

    @mel nice picture i love it

    @kristen thank you for posting the video

  41. @Buckeye Gal haha good to know! ;P

    @Susanne how's it going at the wax-A-thon front?! ;P

    @Corinna lmao yea, I bet he did read our conversation about him and his love for his skis!!! ;D
    Well he should actually know what's going to happen over there now! ;P And I bet that's what he wants! haha

    haha now you've got me confused! haha so you have no 'I dainese me' but the other one in black, right? :D lol

  42. @anja i had bought me the donington, but NO i daines me shirt but i want one.
    this one i have

  43. Hi girls!

    I had some problems with my pc but now i'm back! How are you guys? :D

  44. @anne-may i´m fine and you? how is the weather up to the north? and what about the midnight sun?

  45. @Corinna ah I see! haha got me confused there for a sec! :D
    that's a nice one too! ;D The other one's better though! ;P

    @Anne-May hei girl! I'm doing good! and yourself? :D

  46. @anja i show that i get the other one to, but i have to search for it.

  47. i mean i will see to get the other one to

    damn today i´m totally confused

  48. @Corinna lol did Aksel's post confuse you? or is there someone else around to confuse you?! ;P
    haha sorry I'm a nosy girl!! ;P

  49. @anja my neighbour asked me today, if i had a new boyfriend or why i go down to italy next week again. haha i don´t know why i´m so confused today

  50. @Corinna haha maybe he'll be right, when the hot guys is down there again! ;P

    yea there are so days! I have them too, where you just have no idea, why you're that confused all the time! :D

  51. @anja hope he is down there,

    i found the t-shirt

  52. @Anja I am well, thanks. The Hamptons is too posh for my taste also. But when I win the lottery I am so there lol :D

    @corinna Hi! How was your day?

  53. @krys i´m fine and you?

    did you come home safetly yesterday?

    i have to excuse my bad english today, somethings going wrong with me today or maybe i´m in love haha

  54. @Corinna I hope so too for you! ;) Hope you'll have good weather down there! :D

    @Krys haha I'm not even there if I'll ever win the lottery I hope! I don't wanna change just bc I have money for some odd reason! :D Way to many ppl who're just looking at what you have and not who you are! :D

  55. @krys if i gonna win the lottery i´m going to tell it nobody, i keep it as a secret.

    the weather forecast is good for the next weekend, ah i hope he is there. something hot to look on it and if he is not there than i take a cup of hot coffee to look on it

  56. hello @corrina en @anja!

    just stopping in between clients...have someone in about 5 min.

    @corrina all is well in kansas looks like it will be perfect pool weather for the upcoming long weekend:) you are so kind to ask:) how are things on your side of the world?
    @anja...the wax a thon is wearing my *ss out, thanks so much for asking! by the end of the day, i will be very tired indeed! what about you? any big weekend plans? packing?

    hey @krys...'sup? how are you celebrating the holiday weekend?

    later gators:)

  57. @corinna I'm good! I did get home safetly yesterday. I commute about 1/2 hour to work and there is lots of traffic but I love to drive so I don't mind. Your english is great so there is nothing to excuse! Oh you are in love?? With whom may I ask?

    @Anja Haha! I agree with that. But the area is so pretty. I have been there once a long time ago and the beaches were so nice but I could live without the snootyness (if that is even a word!)

  58. @corinna I wouldn't tell anybody either! I saw on E! True Hollywood Story about lottery winners and they all end up dead or on drugs haha!

    @Suzanne Hey girl! Glad to hear about your wax-a-thon:D I am going to Boston for the weekend tomorrow. I can't wait for the day to be over! What are you going to do?

  59. @suzanne here in bavaria it´s raining now, it´s raining since i´m been out of working :(
    what mean wax a ton???

    @krys i have seen last weekend a hot guy down in italy and i hope to seen him again next week.
    and it was only a joke that i´m be in love, i´m so confused today

  60. @ corinna and Anja
    I'm fine thank you ladies :D Here we have sun and a beautiful weather. You should come and join me!!!! :D

  61. aloha all!

    (**deftly catches Corona and sits with the group on special MIA lawn chair..Missing in Aksel..yukyukyuk** Corona towards @Deuce)

    @Deuce - thanks, chickster, yeah...missed you guys too...just got done with an exercise, pulling odd hours for shift work, and now just catching up on sleep.

    So...what mischief will we start, my dear? Can do both here and on Aksel's blog. Yes, been reading everyone's updates, and dudette, is it me or are you sharpening that razor wit of yours? It goes back and forth being educational, jabs, and it!

    @Mel...and as always, love the songs Mel. love the new songs and pictures.

    @Nicole/cjal/Anja/Teekanne/Kristen/Corinne/cricket/em/anne-may/buckeye...keep up the comments! @Teekanne...thanks for the super pix on the compression t-shirt with the Viking and "Aksel lund Svindal" scrawled across. Beautiful!

  62. @All ... LMBAO ... I just can't stay away from ALS Blog today ... It's like watching a train wreck ... and I know its warped ... but I'll blame it on my Akselized sickness ... I think it's totally entertaining, mostly what the 'anonymous' posts say. I wish they would at least post some sort of identification. In the back of my mind, I can't help but wonder if it's Kettle????? And that just makes me laugh even harder! Yep, I know totally warped 5th grade boy sense of humor. :D

    @Krys @Anja ... I've been to the Hamptons ... I have a friend since grade school, who has family there, all the way back to her Great Grandparents (her family is considered locals) ... IMO its not worth the headache, even if you have the money, unless you hang out like a local and not like a tourist ... a tourist is considered anyone who doesn't live there more than 6 months out of the year. Early fall is the best time, cuz the weather is still good, but most of the tourists have moved out and it's only locals.

    @Corrina ... it must be a full moon or something, cuz life around here is CRAZY too!

  63. aloha all!

    (**deftly catches Corona and sits with the group on special MIA lawn chair..Missing in Aksel..yukyukyuk** Corona towards @Deuce)

    @Deuce - thanks, chickster, yeah...missed you guys too...just got done with an exercise, pulling odd hours for shift work, and now just catching up on sleep.

    So...what mischief will we start, my dear? Can do both here and on Aksel's blog. Yes, been reading everyone's updates, and dudette, is it me or are you sharpening that razor wit of yours? It goes back and forth being educational, jabs, and it!

    @Mel...and as always, love the songs Mel. love the new songs and pictures.

    @Nicole/cjal/Anja/Teekanne/Kristen/Corinne/em/anne-may/buckeye/all other fans...keep up the comments!

    @Teekanne...thanks for the super pix on the compression t-shirt with the Viking and "Aksel lund Svindal" scrawled across. Beautiful!

  64. @Suzanne awww, poor you! hope it will be less stressful next week! And you got a long weekend to relax! :D
    Nope, not really big plans, but I'm always busy! Hope I get to relax too a bit! :D Gotta do some 'street advertisement' for my political party tomorrow, since we have elevtions in three weeks! :D
    And well Sunday there's this event from my party, where I'm attending! I promised my friend, who's going to hold a speech! ;D oh well kinda busy! :D

    What about you? Any plans to celebrate the long weekend? :)

    @Krys ok! Glad to hear that! ;D Ok, when the area is nice, I can understand it! :D It's the same here with St. Moritz! It's awesome there, if not for all these ppl! ;P and well if it wasn't so expensive! :D

    @Deuce and Brenda! hei girls!!! how are you doing? :D
    btw long time no see brenda! What have you been up too? ;D

  65. Aloha all!

    one last post...does anyone suspect that maybe ol' Aksel maybe posting the anonymous comments just to keep things interesting?

    And yup...i wouldn't be surprised if Kettle posted those...would totally fit his personality!

  66. @deuce like a patient from me always say, the moon is bad, the moon do crazy things
    how you doing?

    @brenda hi how are you? i think about this too, but i think more it is somebody else

  67. @Deuce haha I can't stay away either! it's kinda entertaining to watch what is going on over there! annoying but entertaining! ;D

    @Brenda haha who knows!!! Maybe it's all the Vikings! haha that'd be great! They laughing their asses off bc of what's going on there right now! ;D

  68. @anja & deuce & brenda i make some popcorn then we can watch what will happen

  69. @Brenda ... ALOHA! WOW sounds like you've been busy! Grab a bucket of Corona and sit on the beach awhile for some R&R. Sleep ... hmmm sometimes I forget what that is, cuz I live on naps! This weekend will be insane at work around here, it will keep us hoppin ... It's a Beer, BBQ & Blues party weekend in the community ... so many drunk people ... *sigh* and I don't get to be one of them! :D I have to be an adult this weekend and save all of the drunks!

    We could cause some much mischief over at ALS blog ..LMBAO... I have all of these really insane "riot" enticing gutter comments running thru my head ... but, I haven't posted any of them on ALS Blog yet! *looks all polite and innocent* I'm being a good girl!

  70. @Corinna haha popcorn would be awesome! ;P Thanks!

    @Deuce really?! You can be a good girl?! That's a shock... ;P lol just joking! ;P
    btw I'd love to see such comments over there and watch the wreck twitching! lol ;P but since I'm not brave enough to do so, I'm not expecting anyone else to be! :D

  71. @corinna Oh hot italians! Where do I sign up? lol That sounds like a fun weekend:)

    @Anne-May and Brenda We haven't "met" yet. I'm Krys. How are you ladies?

    @Deuce I think I was there in early fall too. It was so long ago I don't remember but it wasn't very crowded at the time. They had great little shops there.

  72. @deuce i will see it too, that would be fun

    *sit me down and give everyone some popcorn, so girls lets have fun*

  73. @krys he was a german boy, haha but hot italiens also there

  74. @Deuce "I have all of these really insane "riot" enticing gutter comments running thru my head ... but, I haven't posted any of them on ALS Blog yet!'

    The keyword in that phrase is "yet"! I will just sit back and watch the girls go nuts.

  75. @Krys and corinna Italians?! seriously?! sorry but there is no such a thing as a 'hot' italian! Well not in my opinion at least! ;P and I haven't found any in Rome 4 weeks ago! ;P
    Good thing taste is different I guess! ;D lol

  76. @Suzanne: Day started off bad. Kids and then I thought one of my project managers lost a $17k piece of equipment. Still upset with child but we found the piece of equipment. Things are looking up:)

    I think Aksel and kjetil are havin some fun with us. Still aksel needs to remeber that his blog is full of vaginas! We would like to see pics of him and his hot friends.

  77. Btw: hi Brenda. Please pass over the bucket of coronas!

  78. @anja mh not all italien but sometime mh, i look if i found one next week, but i prefer to see my hot german boy again haha

  79. @corinna Well then lets just say.. hot guys, where do I sign up? lol

    @Anja Italians aren't really my type either. I prefer Norwegians ;)

    @Buckeye Gal Hahahahahahahaha LMAO!!!!

  80. Hello Ladies! I'm not sticking around for long 'cuz I gotta get ready for the ceremony later tonight! ;D

    It's crazy what's happening on Aksel's blog! And he posted a new Twitter comment! I don't think he realizes the negativity that's brewing! His post was meant in a joking manner, but it's all going downhill! pun intended! ;P And we know that it's something that's going to go on until he posts something new, and then everything will be forgotten...

  81. @krys you just need a (train) ticket to verona, i´ll be there next friday at 9pm, after a 5,5 hours train trip. i like to go down to there by train it is always fun

  82. btw, I'm not happy that I missed the hot guys conversation yesterday! :( I can't believe I missed that!!! LOL ;P

  83. @Buckeye Gal LMAO!!!! 'full of vaginas'!!! ;P LOL I'm not always sure he's aware of that though! ;P

    @corinna haha gotta tell me afterwards, if you've foung a hot italian! ;P

    @Krys haha so do I! or Canadians for that matter! ;P lol

  84. @Buckeye Gal What's the link for Leif's blog?? ;D

  85. @nicole i wish you a great ceremony later. hope you enjoy it.

    oh you poor one that you missed this conversation

  86. @Nicole Yay! Congrats on graduation again. Thats a big deal:) Enjoy the ceremony.

    @All I can't read whats happening on the ALS blog at work, it doesn't show up all the way. Whats going on over there that had everyone all worked up?

  87. @Nicole hei girl!!! ;D How are you doing? nervous?! :D

    yea I agree about the blog! I don't think he gets that a lot of ppl there don't get humor! ;P unlike us!!! :D

  88. @Buckeye Gal "full of vaginas" You crack me up!!! What else is there to say?! You're awesome!!! ;D

  89. @Nicole that's leif's homepage:

  90. omg he just tweeted 'is LOVING the hamptons'!!! haha that's going to cause an even bigger riot!!! ;D I'll just wait till someone realzed that! ;P haha

  91. @Anja A little nervous, but definitely more excited!!! ;D

    @Krys Aksel posted that he "ran into" was a picture of her in the gym! And then he posted that he's in the Hamptons...and JM has posted that she's there too! So it's just causing chaos regarding their relationship, or lack of one! :P

  92. @Anja Thanks for the link! I don't think he realizes what's going on! ;P

  93. @corinna I may take you up on that invitation! lol. *calculates to see how long a flight from NY to Verona is and better yet how much does it cost:)*

    @Anja Canadians also... hmmm... do you follow Manny Paradise on twitter. He posted some training videos of the Cowboys yesterday in all their shirtless glory:D

  94. @Nicole that's good! I guess! ;D Hope you'll enjoy it! and again, congrats!!! :D

  95. @Krys oh really?! shirtless, yummy!!! ;P No I gotta check that out! i do follow some, though not regularly! ;D Thanks for the info!!! :D

  96. @krys i think the flight will about 7 hours or?

    where are shirtless canadians cowboys??

    @nicole is it a big ceremony?

  97. @Corinna I think she's talking about that one?

    I'll post the other, if there is one! ;P

  98. @Nicole Thanks! I figured it had something to do with her otherwise no one would care. The big man is stirring the pot!

  99. @corinna about 500 students and about four speeches! Who knows how long it will be! :P

    @Anja and Krys Where can I find these Twitter links?? LOL ;P

  100. lmao I just watched it! they're even zooming in on the shirtless part! haha ;P did I mention I love canadians!!! ;D

  101. @Anja & Nicole & Corinna There were 2 videos. One of them playing hockey and one working out. Youtube is blocked at work so I can't look them up for you. sorry:(

  102. @Anja Thanks for the link!

    :/ I would've liked some six-packs though! LOL ;P

  103. @nicole also it will be a big one

    @anja & krys the hockey video is real funny

  104. @corinna Definitely big! But my school's pretty good at handling ceremonies! ;D I just don't want to stick around for too long! :P

  105. that's another one! haha that's called bring some alternation into training, I guess! haha

  106. @Nicole haha sorry, looks like I cannot serve that! ;P But six-packs isn't all! like mentioned before, you need something to snuggle into too! Not too much though! LOL :D

  107. @anja i like the part at 1:29 haha

    thanks for the video

  108. @Anja :/ I like six-packs, to look at! :P

    That second video is hilarious!!! ;D

    Allright, ladies! I'm heading out!!! ;D
    If I stick around for too long, I won't want to leave! Well, I don't want to leave anyway, but... LOL ;P

    Goodnight Ladies!! Have an awesome evening! ;D

  109. @Nicole haha ok to look at they're great! ;P

    have a great evening and night too!!! Enjoy it! :D and talk to you tomorrow I guess! :D

  110. @nicole have fun girl and enjoy it. wish you a awesome night/evening *hugs*

  111. @Corinna haha where they're lifting a tire?! haha yea that's great! ;P

  112. @anja and the look on that sixpack, it´s yummy

  113. @Corinna haha yea, the 'view' is great too! ;P or at 1.23 for that matter! ;P though not so much six-packs! lol :D

  114. @Anja & corinna I would like to know what kind of athletic benefit one gets from flipping a tire over? haha. Oh and throwing boulders at someone:)

    @Nicole Have a great night!

  115. @krys and the part with the hammer and the tire?

    @anja i know what you mean

  116. @Krys haha that's a good guestion! But I guess that tire is pretty heavy and working out in a gym gets boring! so maybe that's for kinda give them a change from the normal work-out! haha they did even do kickboxing! Check that out:

    0:55 is priceless! LOL And they always looked like they had fun, while doing that 'training'! And I think that's important too! ;D

  117. @anja i can´t watch this video :(

  118. @Corinna no? Strange! what does it say? is it bc of license restricions?

  119. @anja it´s only say

    that it is not available

  120. @Corinna ok that's weird, bc I get it... :S Sorry about that! :(

  121. @Corinna ok check this out. If that's not working I don't know! sorry! :S

  122. @anja no it doesn´t work :(, no problem

    no news on aksels blog, haha, maybe he thing about something new one to make a rumour haha

  123. @All ... the Canadian workout videos are great! I would guess that most of what they are doing is for 'core strength' and they are being creative in their exercise choices. But, where are all the Movember Mustaches????? I'm kinda missing those! LOL!

    @Nicole .... Jiiiiihaaaa on your Graduation Ceremony tonight ... if it gets boring, just picture all of us sitting in the audience causing chaos for ya!

    Just read ALS Twitter ... He's cracking me up! Is it just me, or do most of the people on ALS blog not have a sense of humor? I so really, really, really, really wanna post some smartass comments over there ... just to watch the train wreck! I'm gonna see if I can find Mrs. Big's Twitter and see what she's posting! This could be good!

    @Leif ... DUDE Your rocking the bike workout! Oh BTW thanks to whomever posted the link to his blog ... *rolls eyes* ... now I gotta follow another one! LOL! Sheeze, will I ever get enough of these Vikings!

  124. Hi ladies!

    @corinna I have a I Dainese Me shirt! It's one of my favorites. I first started reading Aksel's blog when he posted that shirt and I knew I had to like him!

    @Suzanne Not all ties are that pricey but Hermes ones are. Only the best is allowed!

    I had to come home to beat the holiday traffic. Ugh what a mess.

  125. Change of Sport (American Football): My favorite person to look at shirtless.

    Last pic is how you workout with a tire:)

  126. @Corinna really sorry! :S looks like youtube is weird sometimes in Germany! :S

    @Deuce haha I'm glad they're gone!!! haha though I've realised, sometimes it does look kinda good! ;P lol
    well they're called 'Movember' for a reason! ;P

    No that's not just you! They do not have a sense of humor over there! Well most ppl who're commenting do not! :D
    haha yea, plz your smartass comments are hilarious!!! :D

    btw you're welcome about leif's blog! ;D

  127. @Buckeye Gal ok he has an awesome hot body, but the face?!?! not so nice! ;P lol
    Thanks for the pics though! ;)

  128. @cricket i like dainese, maybe i get a i dainese me shirt

    @deuce i totally agree with you about the humour, it´s so funny, and please post something from that stuff i want to see what happen

    btw i thought about a summer travel route for aksel what you think about it

    Tahiti (if he is there he have to surf on the teahupoo and take a video of it)
    Fiji (there he can make the macarena-surf-videoo)
    Malediven (for some diving)
    South Africa (for the FIFA WM)
    and then back to europe

    and after this go to new zealand for skicamp


  129. @buckeye gal nice nice the first one is real hot,

  130. @Anja: We shall have to respectfully disagree on this one:)

  131. @ Deuche I think Aksel's got a huge jet lag going on. lol

  132. @corinna Uh, you forgot a stop at my place.

    My scooter helmet is Dainese. I actually got the shirt free when I bought it because the store was having a promotion. I wear it to work out or to sleep because it's a bit too small.

    I like the one you bought! Here is a picture of mine. Wouldn't you know I took a pic to share with a friend who wanted to order one.

    Yes, that is my snazzy bedspread!

    @Deuce I triple dog dare you! It would be hilarious. I have company coming so I will have to keep up via phone.

    I follow she-who-must-not-be-named on Twitter. She hasn't posted an update since she mentioned the Hamptons yesterday.

    Have a good afternoon/evening/night ladies!

  133. @Buckeye Gal lol :D Thankfully tastes are different! :D how boring if we all would be into the same kind of men! ;D

    @Anne-May LOL you think! that lasts kind long though! ;P

  134. 2 Krys Hi to you too. No i haven't seen you around here but i've seen you on Aksels ''funny'' blog though. LOL
    How are you? Always nice to see ''newings'' on the blog :D

  135. @Anja I can't get youtube at work so I will have to watch canadian kickboxing when I get home:)

    @corinna sounds like a good itinerary to me but I would rather have Aksel in the Bahamas in November cause thats when I will be there but, alas, he must ski:D

    @Buckeye Gal Ohhhhh Tim Tebow ;)

  136. @cricket sorry i forget your place, you can put it on the list.

    i like this shirt, i have get some sticker if i bought the t-shirt today, i think i will put one of it on my skihelmet

  137. @ Anja I think this is the kind of jet lag he really will have problems getting out of. LOL

  138. @Krys you definitly have to watch it! well at least till 0:55! so funny! :D

    @Anne-May LMAO this kind of jet lag!!! haha I guess I see! ;P LOL

  139. @anne-may the kind of jet lag he really will have problems getting out of??? haha that´s funny lmao

  140. Hey ladies! Can't stay long, hubby and I are going to dinner and to see Sex and the City 2 tonight! Jiiihaaa! DATE NIGHT!!! ;D :D ;D :D

    Man ALS blog is blowing up today after that post and pic! Geez!!! I posted over there about the glitz and glamour and celebs not being his cup of tea, I just can't see him liking that setting but now his Twitter says he's "loving" it there! The Hamptons are beautiful and maybe at "Michael's" its nice and peaceful and out of the hustle and bustle of celeb chaos...all in all, I hope he's having fun...he deserves it! :D

    @Nicole Sweetie, CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation!!! WAY TO GO!!!! Now the fun begins!! :D Enjoy!!!

  141. @kristen i wish you lot of fun watching sex and the city 2, i will watch it next week
    have a great evening

  142. @Kristen yea, I can't see him there! But maybe a certain person, who'll not be mentioned, have brought him to like it?! ;P She does seems to love that kind of thing! :D
    oh what the hell! He's young and good-looking! He should be allowed to enjoy life too! As long as he's happy!!! :D

    have a awesome evening then! :D And enjoy your Date Night!!! :D

  143. darn it, meant 'has' not 'have'! LOL sorry


    @ corinna Yeah, he really made it this time on his blog. LOL I really don't know if i should laugh or cry on his behalf.. :D

  145. @Kristen: Have fun! Enjoy the evening and give us a review of the movie!

  146. Well I'm heading out ladies! Got an early wake up call tomorrow! :D (for once)

    have a great evening/night and sleep well!!! :D and have fun! :D

  147. @anne-may as long as he has fun, he has to know by himself what he is doing.and he think it is funny let him this thing. (this is no critic)

  148. @anja good night sleep well and have so much fun as possible tomorrow. see you tomorrow *hugs*

  149. Will do on the movie review ladies! ;D I'm ready to see me some AIDEN!!! ;D

    @Anja Agreed! He is young and hot, he should be living it up right now! I certainly did in my 20's, that's why I waited to get serious with someone and get married (I was 30). ;D I wanted to travel and have fun and I'm so glad I did :D Hell, I wish I was in the Hampton's partying!! haha!!

    Adios chicas!!

  150. @Corinna thanks, I'll try! let's just pray it won't be raining! that'd suck like hell! ;P

    oh btw, just saw on the live traffic feed, that we had the first visit from Canada!!! ;P haha sorry!!!

    good night everyone, now I'm really off! ;D

  151. haha sorry it's me again! I just checke Aksel's blog before shutting the pc down and guess what?! haha new entry!!!! haha I bet he just realised what was happning!!! ;D

  152. @ corinna Aksel should really have fun, he's young and he deseres it :D So i agree with you.
    What i meant is that he knows what he did about the blog and it's not necessary of him to make them go crazy in there. I dont think it's very odest of him to ''play'' like this. Just my opinion though. LOL

  153. how he can write loving the hamptons when he is still in NYC???

    no i´m more confused, oh what happen to me today?

  154. @anne-may i agree with you, mh maybe he want some fun

    @kristen haha i think the same, i don´t want to marry yet, i want to travel and have fun, because i don´t know what will happen

  155. @Anne-May I am well, thanks. lol about Aksels jet lag. Maybe he is a little slap happy:)

    @Kristen Happy date night. Definately let us know how the movie is!

    @Anja Maybe it was a shirtless canadian tire thrower;) Goodnite, sleep well.

  156. @ Corinna. No he's not in NY it was taken before he drove to the Hamtons .lol

    Seems like he LOVES the Hamptons a lot since he's spending time on his coputer. lol

  157. Sorry about my previous long post up top. How did that happen, it looked shorter when I copied, must have selected all? I think I de-Akselized.

    God Bless him. Don't you think he's saying "Hampton's loving it!" in a falsetto voice like they did in the Lars video?

    That's the shirt he wore in Monaco when he was fine tuning the cars. Dude

    @cricket I've seen a lot of men wearing tone on tone bright color ties this summer. Do you think that's a new trend?

    @Nicole Congratulations on your Graduation and Best Wishes today and always! Enjoy!

  158. @anne-may thank you for the info

  159. @anne-may I agree with you. I don't think forbidden letters will bring out the best in him. I think she would be his Achilles Heel. Do you think she would learn Norwegian so she can speak to his grandmother? I wish he would date the prettiest girl in Oslo like the Big Bang song. That song was stuck in my head for a month. I do agree he is young and should spread the joy around. LOL I would hate to see him end up with an American.

    Of course, It's none of my business either...I know that. I got to pick my own dear Husband.

    Change of topics, I just read a good smutty beach book that I would recommend for the summer. It's in english and should be in your library because it's older. It's called Golden Surrender by Heather Graham. I don't usually read romance but it has Vikings in it and some history of Norway. Sex, Violence, Love, Vikings...LOL

  160. Anonymous is back on the other blog. JOY!

  161. Giffy: running out to get book:)

  162. so girls i´m off i need some sleep

    good night sleep well and sweet drems *hugs to everyone*

  163. @Giffy: Big Bang song?

  164. Night Corinna

  165. @corinna Sweet dreams! Sleep well:)

    I am off myself. I'm going to Boston for the long weekend so I hope to see you ladies by Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  166. @Buckeye Girl Are you in Hillard? My sister lives in Plain City. Ever been to Der Dutchman? We grew up in Marysville.

    RE: Big Bang is a band ALS says he likes on his website.

  167. @Giffy: I am just under 70 in Galloway so from my house I probably come up as Hilliard. Never been to Der Dutchman. We have friends who live up in Marysville. Small world:)

    Ladies: Did my comment sound mean on the other blog (first one). I didn't mean for it to sound that way or am I just letting anon get to me?

  168. @Buckeye Gal I think the cities are the locations of our internet providers. Because mine isn't right either but my cable company is there.

    Sh*t ALS blog is going crazy. I almost said, "Kettle stop it!"

  169. @ Buckeye It was not mean! Read mine if you think yours sounded mean. LOL I dont mean to be mean or rude but it just flowed over a bit today when i wrote on his blog.It want be long before i have to take my legs on my shoulder and run away from his blog! I've been his fan since - i don't know. But i feel i can't agree to everything he's doing just beacuse of that. I am a girl who thinks honesty are the most important thing in life. So i think crossed some spots today, if you know what i mean. :D

  170. @ Buckeeye What i meant was '' so i think HE crossed some spots'' LOL

  171. Anne-May: You're awesome! Don't let anyone tell you differently. Some people think we have to love all over Aksel and kiss his ass all the time. Damn...I am too old to be doing that sh*t! And yes...I don't visit a hot male skier's blog to see chics!

  172. @ Buckeye Gal Thanks so much for the support!! He's a great hot guy for sure. LOL But like you i'm not that kind of girl who wants to kiss his ass and aplaud him if there's nothing to aplaud!When i think he's crossing the line i will tell him so and he can get as furious as he likes or think i'm one silly chick, i really don't cear! lol

  173. I'm back home, but I'm only dropping in to say 'Hey!' The pool is open, FINALLY!!!!!!!! I'm gonna hope in the pool for a few & then I'll be back later.

    Aksel on the radio!!! I'm gonna have to check that out.

  174. hi girls! anyone there? :-) what did i miss this evening?

  175. @ Teekanne How are you? :D There's been action today. LOL

  176. Ok I don't know whether to find Aksel's naivete endearing or throw up. I am sorry I just cannot get into jm. I would never say this on his blog but the princess persona is annoying and frankly while she has a cute body I thnk she is not all that pretty. Average. I have no why I am bitchin about this. This entire day has been really crappy. I should wAit and talk about this on a good day.

    Saying all that if Aksel is happy I hope he finds happiness and joy with whomever.

  177. Please ignore my previous post. I didn't log in so I can't delete.

  178. @ Buckeye Gal This is the blog you and all of us can say anything! I just read his comment on his own blog. I dont know if i should be LMAO or be crying :D

  179. Hi girls! Just popping in for a minute:)

    @Anja LMAO Canadian kickboxing was fantastic! Thanks for posting that. I love when they put the pads on to kick each other in the stomach. They all look like they are wearing pregnancy bellies haha! They look real tough skipping around in pregnancy bellies ;)

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!

  180. Wootage!!! Aksel bitch slapped everyone!!! I knew he had a fiery little temper!!! I've been wondering what it would take to piss him off. I love it!!!

  181. @Krys ... LOL ... I thought they looked like "truck driver" bellies! Too funny!

    @Buckeye Gal ... Bitch Away Sista ... remember being able to speak your ming is what this Blog is all about!

    I think ALS gym post was hilarious, but I do have the humor of a 13 year old boy! And I think he totally meant it too be Cheeky, but some people over there have issues! I will speak my mind and not kiss his ass all the time either ... AND if he is willing to dish it out ... I will dish the smart ass right back at him ... that's what makes it fun ... well at least fun to me! :D

  182. @Buckeye Gal ... okay you can speak your ming ... or you can speak your Mind! Guess I need to proof read!

    @Mel "Bitch Slap" LMBAO ... too funny!

  183. @ Mel LMAO Yeah, you and i talked about just that a few days ago.

  184. @Giffy I love Der Dutchman!!! That's my fav place to eat when I go to Amish Country!!!

  185. @Anne-May Yeah we did & I had a feeling that all the bashing was gonna go too far & piss him off. I love it when guys who are so in control lose it. It's so fun to watch.

  186. Did everybody leave? *walks over to bar & orders an Aksel & Simen. Viking walks over & starts chewing on a cow hoof* Well boy looks like it's just you & me. *takes a sip of Simen*

  187. I got bored so I went looking at suits at My brother got his suits, shirts, ties & coats. Maybe we should send Aksel shopping with my brother, George & my boss, Brian...

    I like this one:

    This tie:

    & this shirt:

  188. I'm here and I need a drink! lol Bartender, I need an Aksel, stat!!!

    Just trying to catch up and read through everything on here and on ALS blog. I'm so glad he posted that comment in the latest blog entry! I don't like to post anything concerning what he may or may not be doing and with whom...I think we are lucky he shares with us what he does. *just my opinion*

    So, we just got home from the Sex and the City 2 movie...I was a bit miffed, it was good in parts and really funny in some like the show used to be...Samantha was her usual sassy self and that is always great comedy...there are some really hot guys in it but the storyline seemed weak to me. Once again *just my opinion* Ya'll might think differently. If you're a SATC fan definitely check it out and see what you think.

  189. @Kristen YAY!!! I'm not alone anymore!!! I agree with you there. He doesn't have to share anything with us & it's great that he does.

  190. *drops a quarter in the jukebox, Hank Williams starts singing Long Gone Lonesome Blues & hands Kristen an Aksel*

    @Kristen how was your day?

  191. Thanks for the drink Mel! :D

    It was a long day, glad it's the weekend, a long one for me at that. How are you doing? Must you work a lot this weekend?

  192. I feel bad that I posted on ALS blog about the Hamptons not being his 'cup of tea', I was having a moment! :/ I should have just kept my big ass mouth shut! :x

  193. Don't feel bad about it. Remember he was in MC not so long ago & he's used to all that posh stuff. I'm off until 6p on Sunday!!! 48 hours away from Hell. I'm so happy about that.

  194. MC! That's right! Man, that seemed so long ago and it was only a few short weeks ago...he's used to it then. I just picture the "Paris Hilton" types in the Hamptons but they were in MC too...literally! I usually keep my opinions to myself or on this blog, not ALS's...oh well...there's a bunch of no name anon's that have said a lot worse over there!

    AWESOME FOR YOU!!!!!! So do you have a cookout planned for tomorrow or Sunday?

  195. I don't think we will have a cook out tomorrow. We are going to the cemetaries & planting flowers. Most likely we will Sunday afternoon. That is true some of the anon's are way worse than anything we can say or even think of saying. Sometimes it's hard to keep your opinions to yourself. Sometimes I have to edit myself.

  196. That's really nice of you to plant flowers at the cemetaries!

    Well dear, I'm outta here, I have a full day tomorrow, Zumba in the morning and a family cookout/birthday party for my sister in law in the afternoon/evening...and of course GAME 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals is on at 8pm EST! GO FLYERS!!!

    I will chat with ya'll tomorrow...I can't stay away for too long!

    Goodnight, sweet dreams! *hugs*

  197. @Kristen Night have a great day tomorrow.

  198. I'm sure someone has asked this before on here and I missed it...I'm wondering how the "live traffic feed" figures out where we're from...I was listed as several different locations in Pennsylvania (all which are relatively close to where I live), the most recent being Lebanon PA...which is about 35 miles north of where I actually am. Just curious?!?!?!

    I'm really leaving now. Nite!!!
