For just this one blog I am lifting the ban on Julia. I kinda wanna see what everyone thinks...ok maybe I just wanna see a cat fight over here with the Anon's again. Like we had in the first post. Personally if they are just friends that's good one can never have too many friends. If they are dating wootage! It's not good for man to be alone...sorry I went all biblical. FWB he is a man & men have needs.
I do agree with who ever said that they think he is taking control of his blog back. He let us girls run wild & I think he's a little tired of the cat fights & some people not getting along with each other. I think the fighting & argueing over there was the beginning of the end. Now that some are mad at him I think that was the straw that broke the camels back.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha yea, in a even worse area than I live! But since I'm originally from there, I shouldn't have been all that surprised that there were hot ppl! ;P lol
ReplyDeleteNo, I really had no time! haha I took my brother with me and since he didn't know anyone (and he's really shy) I kinda was taking care of him and introducing him to ppl! And say hi to like a tons of ppl! ;D and I even had to go and talk in front of all these ppl! ;D Gosh that was a surprise!
Oh btw, no I wasn't working on the street today! haha We had an elections event! Where politicians from my party were talking! Real famous one's too! ;D haha It was really interessting! :D
And he was actually working too, so there was no time! haha ;D But definitly some eye candy! ;D
to the whole julia discussion! and especially to the anon acusing us of anything (just saw the commen)! Who the fuck cares if they're dating!!!! I like julia, she's funny and a good damn skiier! Everything else is so not my business! (sorry for my language ;D)
we here are all supporting him, no matter what he does! And we are allowed to critigue him! Gosh that doesn't mean we're not 'true' fans! And anyways, who the heck is defining what a real fan is?!?! Grr seriously, that discussion is pissing me off!!! :S
@mel: "FWB he is a man & men have needs." ok.. what about women? don´t they have need? ;)
ReplyDeletei hope aksel blogs the way he did before... like saying whatever HE wanna say and not thinking about what that will cause on this blog. these kids who really think they see sth in pics or in comments or where ever are just insane. so they didn´t see anything in the pics aksel post before.. so he wasn´t missing her?! ;-)
we had that already in the last blog:
he only shows us a little part of his life which is more we could ever ask for.
he says it like he wants us to see his world and he said they are friends so he wants us to see them as friends and not as a couple or whatever.
let the media push it up to sth i could be or is maybe therefor we have gossip magazines.
if aksel and julia are a couple and they want us to know they will let us know. if they aren´t or don´t share we shouldn´t ask for it.
I would appreciate a blogentry with a wedding dress both are wearing and the topic: We married in vegas totally drunken! :-)
It's not a case of either being good friends or having a sexual relationship/" having needs", is it? What about them being in love with eachother or even loving eachother? They have had something for three yeras, you know.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think he cares much about those very few posters who are mad at him for whatever reason. I don't think a couple of weird women on the net are able to put a damper on his very good feelings these days. They were ready to show the world that they are together now. They are probably going to spend a lot of time together this summer and it will be difficult to hide the truth.He knows that the Norwegian press, at least, follow his blog and his twitter and he knows that when there are pictures like that, they will report it, eventually. He must feel that he is ready for that now. That is way more important than what a couple of dreamers on his blog think.
@anja: haha.. yeh since you lived there there have to be hot ppl... at least all must be hot! haha
ReplyDeleteyou took your brother with you?? haha poor boy! haha ;-)
so you spoke to all these ppl? was there anybody screaming and shouting for you?? no? damn, i was on the wrong place! gosh! :-(
so he was a waiter? or what did he do there?
there might be a possibility to get in contact to him. :-9
good said girl. we are fans and we support him or critic him but not for his private life but for his sports! that´s the way it goes.
@Anon Did you just bitch slap me on my own blog? The whole love thing goes with them dating. It's not good for man to be alone & until they actually come out & say hey were dating, engaged, married or in love all we can do is speculate about it. If they are they are. That's great. I will support him no matter who he's dating, screwing or in love with. He's a great skier.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Yes women have needs too. ;-) So mabye if they are FWB they are just using each other for their own needs & wants.
@Anja Yes we all support him no matter what he does. It pisses me off to when people tell you that you aren't a true fan when you are. It's for the birds.
*note to self maybe this blog entry was not a good idea...*
@Teekanne I do hope that too! that he'll post whatever he wants and doesn't care what ppl post on there! :D
ReplyDelete@Anonymous So did I miss something?! Did he tell us somewhere that they're a couple? Did Julia?! Ok I know they 'had something' (don't know what exactly what) three years ago. And he did admit it then! BUT I don't think he said something in the last 2 years about that, did he?!
So if they're a couple, I'm sure he's going to be straight about that and tell the world! But till then, I'M not going to make assumptions about their relationship! It's so not my business and neither yours! Sorry but plz don't bug us here with things you think you've seen in pics or are 'reading between the lines'!
As longs as he's happy I'm happy! And in case you didn't notice, we're not the ones here who say something agains his relationship to julia! We all said we'd be happy if they're a couple!
@Teekanne lol why poor him?! ;D nope he did enjoy it! :D
yea, we but just quick! Like 5 minutes and thank god I wasn't alone up there! ;D
nah, just applauding! haha no screaming and shouting! haha ;D
well we were on a heli base, I'm not sure if he was a pilot or not! But he worked on that base! ;D
haha I told my friend I have to look that up! :D
@anonymous: for 3 years or about 3 years ago?
ReplyDeletelet them be in love, let them be married. whatever! :-)
good for aksel, good for julia, good for some kids (who would be definitely talented in sking).
ok.. he´s bloging a pic about him and julia but he didn´t even mention the word love or couple. he only shared a pic with him and some friends.
So if he knows the press report it as a "lovestory" why didn´t he name it as love?!
you are not better than some of the ppl on his blog who sees sth which isn´t there yet... i wonder if i´m the only one who doesn´t the the hearts in aksels eyes.. gosh a pic is a proof?! i will add a pic of a man and me in my facebook and i might have a husband! yiiihaa!
@mel: haha... yeh anon tries to start a cat fight on your blog haha...
ReplyDeletehaha yeh FWB would be a good deal for both! better than a groupie i guess!
@anja: poor him bc he is shy and you are not really. i could imagine it could have been quite unpleasant for him! i would have been like: "this is my brother, he´s kind of shy.." haha
5 minutes is ok..
Ok,.. sorry girl i missed your big show. :-(
heli base?? GOSH!!! That´s hot... they have uniforms right???
So kind of eyecontact? Spoke to him?
haha.. i think this smirk while speaking is a norwegian thing! haha
ReplyDeletei cannot understand one word but this is cute and the man is hot! :-)
@Teekanne haha No I didn't tell them that's my brother and he's shy! haha I just told them he's my brother! :D LOL No it wasn't unpleasant! He told me he liked it! ;D
ReplyDeletehaha yea!!! Shame on you!!! ;P LOL
It was!!! Too bad it was bad weather otherwise we could have gone to a flight too! :D That would have been awesome!!! :D
Yea they have, but not on today! :S Too bad! :D But he was hot nevertheless! haha :D
yea, we just had kind of eyecontact! :D We did wave goodbye when I left! :D haha nope, didn't spoke to him! :S
@Teekanne Anon better run & hide because I'm not as cool, calm & collected as Aksel. To belive that they are in love, just by a picture with some friends is just crazy. I'll believe it when they come out & say 'We're in love & have been for awhile now. Oh by the way we got married in Vegas!'
ReplyDeleteAre we all in argeement that his personal life is his business & that if they are dating or not dating we are cool with it? I posted this blog because you girls were already talking about it & I felt that I needed to lift the ban on Julia which I imposed because I didn't want the anon JM groupies argueing on my blog too.
Lunch is ready & I'm starving for some hamburgers. See ya in a few.
@anja: ok. so you´re a nice girl: i would have done that this way haha.
ReplyDeleteyeh shame on me! next time i will be there.. with a sign and a loud voice! :-)
you could have? wow... i never did a heli flight but i like to!
Gosh girl.. i would like to kick your ass right now! that was your chance! will you go there again?
Should I post a blog entry about Didrik? He is rather good looking.
ReplyDelete@meL: haha yeh that´s the way i goes... "We're in love & have been for awhile now. Oh by the way we got married in Vegas!" haha
ReplyDeleteoh i loved the forbitten letters.. so i´m not allowed to name her like that? :-(
enjoy your hamburgers!
@ Ano For vrying out loud... Do you know how the media works?? Dosen't sound like that!! Had something going on for 3 years?? Aksel admitted in the norwegian media 3 years ago that he had one so called date with her and that they had spent time together at that point. When Aksel wrote on twitter during the olympics about her medals norwegian media was on him again. Aksel then said '' we are not a couple! You can cheer on someone without there being more begind it. But you have a story that make me closer to her than others'' So from my point of view you put yourself down a little untill he might say something else!!
ReplyDeletehaha.. yeh mel! do that on the last blog i had a really hot pic of him!!!
ReplyDeleteit will stop these arguing anonymous ppl! :_)
@Mel I soo agree with you! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I told you all along I'm a good girl! LOL :D
haha I'd love to see that!!! :D lol I bet the other ppl there would love that! ;D
yea, Would have been to awesome! Too bad it rained! :S
I did a heli flight once! omg that was awesome!!! ;D and it was gorgeos weather! :D
haha I know! But we were already in the car! my luck as always! ;D I don't know! Maybe when I'm back from Canada! haha ;D Need to see if I can find him on fb! :D
Girls.. it´s wasted time!!!! save it... you´re living time is limited like someones decency.
ReplyDeleteand we have unlimited ways to spend our time better than talking about something is is in some ppl unlimited phantasy!
CAN WE HAVE A NEW ENTREY, MEL?? This is useless! LOL
ReplyDelete@anja: haha only when family members are around, right? haha
ReplyDeletehaha are you sure you would have seen that? haha that would be kind of embarrassing for you! ;-)
i might do that somewhen! i have to! i love flying! :-)
you could have go out of the car! ;-) ok i forgot it was raining! ;-) go for it. you improved your stalking skills on this blog so you might find him! haha
I had enough of all this stuff about Aksel's relationships! I admire him and like him as a sportman, that's why I'm here! I admit he's a handsome man and a very nice person but that's all! And I admit sometimes I make jokes-good or bad, but still jokes!
ReplyDeleteI think noone on this blog don't dream to be with Aksel! I think we all are intelligent and in good health of mind people! We're here to support him in the good times and in the bad times, no matter who's he dating with!
He shows us and tell us just what he wants us to know! It's his life and he is mature enough to live in the way he wants!
And I think is rude to come here hiding under anonymity and to try to start a fight!
Sorry for my bad english but I'm really mad!
@Mel & Teekanne & Anja & Anne-May I prefer to go crazy in other way than mad! So what are you talking about? Hot guys?
@dana: still didrik :-) haha
ReplyDeletemature? haha what about vera wand, bunnies and nailpolish? haha
@Teekanne ... LMBAO ... "We married in vegas totally drunken! :-)" That would be totally funny... I would throw them a party!
ReplyDelete@Anja Waving to a man in uniform *swoon* Definitely think you need to go back and talk to the man!
@Mel The Blog post was a good idea ... I love this picture (especially right side up) ... the hair just cracks me up. You can tell Aksel is having fun.
@Anon Let me help you out ... before you hit Post Comment ... Click on Profile ... Click on Name/URL ... Where it has an open spot for Name ENTER SOMETHING! If you have something of importance to say, an opinion or something of relevenance ... you should be able to stand behind your comments with a name or identification ... otherwise, you are just being disrespectful and causing drama ... We are a fun group here and the more people at the party the merrier but IMO if you can't stand behind your comments, I will skip over your posts and exclude you from any discussion.
@Teekanne haha yea just when family is around! :D haha
ReplyDeleteWell I'm used to emberass myself, so it would be nice for a change is someone else is embarassing me! haha ;D
yea you definitly have to! I just hate it that it's so expensive... D:
Well I wasn't driving myself and the others wanted to go home! haha I couldn't tell them to stop! lol ;D
haha I just checked the homepage, and he's isn't on there! grr and I don't know how he's called with last name! :D
ok am I the only one who doesn't think Dirdrik is not so hot?! :D LOL I guess I really to have a strange taste in men!!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@ dana you should stop saying your english is bad. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, IT IS NOT BAD!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree everyone even anonymous should listen to what Aksel is saying and don't look after ''the sparkkling eyes''!! What i see i some friends having fun. And i'm sure he would look the same if he had me by his side on a pic, cause i'm pretty fun to hang out with. LOL
@Anja I saw him last night and I think he looks better than in the photo! I don't think you have a strange taste in men is just De Gustibus! LOL
ReplyDeletei would help you!! :-) we would welcome them in europe for the first worldcup! haha big party at the airport! :-)
haha i could help you with that by embarrassing you! a new demension in your life and i´m part of that! haha! :-)
if you find out who this man was i could maybe get a discount by flying with one of his buds?;-)
oh you don´t think they have had waited for a sec? *shake my head*
maybe there is a group in fb?
yeh you are the only one! :-) he´s hot!!!
@Anja LOL ...I'm with you, I don't think Dirdrik is not so Hot either... Girls am I missing something?
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Ha ha! I want to be in that pic too! And thanks!
ReplyDelete@anne-may: haha the only thing sparkeling is jules pantie haha!
ReplyDelete@dana: let´s wait and see if anja find this hot heli pilot and shows it to us so we can see if she really has a different taste!
Can I just say that I hope byou girls are more realistic in your own every day life than what you choose to be with Aksel and his life.
ReplyDeleteBTW, You should really try reading between the lines sometimes. A lot is written there. You are missing out of a lot if you always wait for official press releases to learn things.
But I won't bother you more on your blog, I understand that somebody with a different view is threatening to the "truth" that is created here.
I'll leave you to your childish fantasy world. And please don't bring Didrik into it. Both he and Aksel are way to nice guys to be "created in your picture". They are real, they live in the real world.
@Anja LOL I probaby would have yelled "STOP THE CAR" and jumped out, scribbled my name and # on a piece of paper and handed it too him ... then smiled and calmly gotten back in the car and said "Okay, I am ready now"!
ReplyDeleteNEW POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletegosh this bores me!!!
ReplyDeletei don´t live in the real world. you are the only ppl i talk to the whole day! i´m so lonely i have my imaginary boyfriend who is called aksel what an ironic world this is!!
I should visit a course in reading between lines... and adding sparkels in pictures on my mind!!
I will wait for the press release to congrat askel yeh that´s what i will do.
gosh if i would have knew that before i could have done these courses earlier and i could have congrat lars 2 years ago for his baby and aksel for his olympic medals! :-) that would be sooo crazy!
@Anon Stop bitch slapping us! Sometimes there is nothing to read between the lines. He has the same look on his face that he has in any number of pics with his other friends & with random fans.
ReplyDeleteI understand that somebody with a different view is threatening to the "truth" that is created here
WTF?!?!? No one here knows the truth about the possible relationship between Aksel & Julia. The only people who know the truth is them.
BTW I do live in the real world & I kinda like it there. Though sometimes I do go off into my own little world, but that's ok because they know me there.
@Anon You must be crazy! WTF have you been reading between the lines?? NOTHING!! Insted of writing BS on this blog go to the blog of JM and write about sparkling eyes, love and cearing! This is way to stupid!!
ReplyDeleteso first i thought no i´m not going to say something to Anon and i´m not going down of his niveau of talking.
ReplyDeletei really think the only one who can´t accept that aksel is only a men, ok a hot men but at least a men, is you. and i really think you CAN´T accept that he has maybe a relationsship with someone else than YOU.
i can say it from my side of the view, that i totally stand behind him like a rock, i´m cheer for him, i support him and i cry with him, he is a really awesome, amazing and great men in the way he is, in the way he doing things, like he support Right to Play, like he ski, like he let US his fans be a part of his life and we have to respect him and eachother.
that´s all i have to say
oh and i forget I LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD TOO. with real friends and real family and real work