This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Well the end is finally here. *sniffles* For the last 6 years I have been Lost. I have enjoyed every single second of being Lost. I wouldn't trade one single moment of Lost for anything. I really wish I had more time with Lost. I do gotta say they did send the show off with a bang. I loved Jimmy Kimmel Live Aloha to Lost. The alternate endings were great. I loved the end where they did a kind of where are they now. LOL It's always sad to see a good show go, but the memories are priceless. I would just like to say a big thanks to all the people who brought such a wonderful show into my life. *starts crying uncontrolably again*
*hands Mel a tissue and a simen* sorry for you that your fav show has ended! :S
@Kristen btw Congrats to your team!!! Now they just have to win the stanley cup!!! Who's your opponent? :D
ok to the Lost conversation! I tried to watch it, but I got lost somewhen during the first season! LOL they were showing it here quite late and therefor I hadn't have the patience to watch it and missed a few episodes! haha No way you're able to catch up again! ;D but i am curious! How does it end? Are they staying on the island? Noone has to answer me, if that would spoil it for someone! :D
So I'm off! Need to go and organize a rental car for July! See ya in a bit! :D
@Mel I have never seen Lost, but I know how you feel. I was so sad when Gilmore Girls ended.
@Anja I scanned my bunny picture and now have to find a way to upload it. My company blocks photobucket, tinypic and flikr. I might have to try it from my phone.
@mel like @cricket, i've never seen lost. it sounds like it needs to go into my netflix queue. and last nights final law and order gets me misty when i think about!
@anja are we allowed to talk about simen after @mel's wild night out with the svindal boys last week? arg.
@nadja wowza! congrats girlie! it seems aksel is inspired and impressed with your amazing work. snaps :)
happy tuesday all from cloudy and sultry kansas city.
Well, now we know Aksel reads the posts on his blog. He is being so good to Nadja. I hope she will get some bonus/perk for all her hard work. She has to be a professional artist, so talented.
@cricket I was thinking of you last night when I watched the Bachlorette. There is a landscaper guy named Tim from Cape Cod. He is so cute and he has a great story. He was teaching inner city kids at NYC and came home to take care of his mother who died of cancer. He is living with his Dad and staying in Cape Cod. What a little hottie. You should look him up. I always say I'm not going to watch those shows and then it's like a train wreck. I can't stop watching.
Of course we can talk about Simen. I 'love' him again. It doesn't help that the drink is the same color as the blue stuff we use to clean at work. Everytime I see it I want a Simen. I guess I just won't have both Svindal brothers in the same night. ;-)
@Anja Jack became the protector of the island. Locke found Desmond & took him to the light. The island was going to sink into the ocean. Jack & Locke start fighting. Jack gets hit in the head with a rock. Locke tries to escape the island, but Jack fights him again & gets stabbed. Kate shoots Locke & Jack kicks him off the cliff. The rest of the gang get to the plane while Jack, Hurley & Ben go back to the light. Hurley becomes the new protector of the island. Jack put the rock plug back in the hole & the light comes back on. Ben & Hurley pull the rope back up & Desmond is on the rope instead of Jack. Hurley askes Ben to be his second & to help him learn the ropes. We go to a flash-sideways they are all at the church & Jack is talking with his Dad. His Dad tells him that he's dead. Jacks wants to know why they are there. Christain says that they are here because Jack made this world for them because the time he spent with them was the most important in his life. We go back to the island & see Jack coming out of the water & into the bamboo forest where we first met him. He falls & Vincent(dog) comes over & lays by him while he dies. The last image we see is Jacks eye closing. *cries*
@mel: sorry. i´m lost! haha.. never watched lost! as i said before. i´m not into series!
@cricket: i´m really loking forward to the pic! :-) Bunny Aksel! :-)
@suzanne: i more prefer changing the substances than leaving simen out of this blog! :-(
@buckeye: haha congrats girl! that´s kind of special!!! It would be only overcome by a similiar post of you two! haha.
@Giffy: Maybe aksel an the forbitten letters sit at the same table or leer at each other while having dinner. Gosh.. maybe they share the same hotel room... Guess what: we will never know! haha.
@Kristen: on your way to NYC? Well.. did anyone of the US girls recordet that Universal stuff about aksel last night?
@deuce: i donated too. And if i paid aksels dinner tonight with that it would be ok for me! :-)
@Cricket *starts chanting* Bunny! Bunny! Bunny! ... LOL all I can picture is Aksel in a Pink Bunny Suit, like the little kid on that Christmas Movie ... I can't remember the name it's the one about the BB Gun and he's gonna shoot is eye out?
@Mel @BuckeyeGal *wink wink* LOL sounds like you guys need to compare notes ... Both Svindal brothers in one night VS a Svindal *top & bottom* Hoagie? *slaps forehead* I know, I know, I'm way down in the gutter already this morning! :)
@Mel Loved your critique of the last Lost, but now I'm more Lost than ever. I started watching it back in the day, but once you miss 1 episode you couldn't keep up, so I gave up. Maybe I'll have to netflix all the seasons like @Suzanne and have a Lost Marathon ... add in some House Drinks ... Oh Yeah!
So, who's taking a road trip to NYC???? I'd give it a shot ... and even though I drive really fast ... I'm pretty sure I'd never make it in time! Maybe we'll get too see some pics of our Viking in a smokin hot suit ... Jiiiihaaaaa! ... although I think my favorite pics are the Palm Tree Shorts!
I'm doing hill intervals on the treadmill, so I'll apologize for any typos, cuz it's not as easy as it looks to hike & type at the same time! Hmmmmm Am I multi tasking or feeding my addiction??? LOL!
Please, somebody help me to see Nadja's video! I can't see anything on Vimeo, not even the old Aksel's vids ( olympic preparation etc!). I see them on the right side but when I clik on one of them it doesn't work! What can I do?
About the Lost,sorry, I watched just a few episodes but they were showing it very late in the night and I gave up! But I think is interesting! And I like Matthew Fox!
@Teekanne Ich liebte alle Bilder von Ihrem Urlaub. Jemandes Nachahmen der Bildsäulen war unbezahlbar! Aber ich sah keine Bilder von heißen Wikingern. Sind Sie, diejenigen verbergend! LOL!
@Dana Do you have a Mac or PC? Can you watch a .wpm video? I think you can download and save the video to your desktop in a different format (like .wpm) and then watch it ... But, I'm not sure. I'll try to post the vid in a different format on here and maybe it will work.
@Mel Thanks for the summary!!! :D but oh my, he's dying! :( Ok I won't rewatch it! I so hated it when they 'killed' dean in the end of season 3! :S But 'kill' a main charackter in the last episode is kinda mean too all the fans!!! :S
@Teekanne Hei hun! I'm doing great! And you? :D
@Deuce & Teekanne so you both donated? Hmm, I actually still wonder, what exactly the athletes are doing? I mean, are they just telling everyone they're in that charity or are they actually doing something 'productive'? I haven't seen concrete 'events' or things they're doing! Maybe I just haven't seen it, could be! :D I'd just like to know more about this associations and what they're doing before I donate! I'm a student! ;P And I can't find precise informations on this side, any help? Like I said, maybe I'm just blind! ;D
@Deuce I'd say your both! Multitasking and feeding your addiction! Like all of us!!! ;P
@Dana I went to Vimeo and it looks like its an MP4 video? and you have to join to download, so I wasn't able to download it. But maybe you need to join Vimeo? to be able to download the vid in a different format. Or download a program that allows MP4 videos? I'm just guessing.
@dana I could download it for you and sent it to you in iTunes format? If you want to? If you have iTunes you should be able to see it! Well it worked like that with Teekanne and the Gummibear vid! :D
@Deuce A Christmas Story! That is exactly the bunny I was picturing. I am not artistically inclined enough to draw the whole suit, so I just stuck with the ears. Of course they are pink!
@dana You can download videos from Vimeo and play them in iTunes. Or at least you can on my Mac.
Ok so before I share the bunny...I just want to ask, please keep it here. I don't think I could explain the story without sounding like a complete nut! It's just something fun I made for a laugh.
LMAO!!! That pic is great!!! :D haha thanks for sharing!!! :D Don't worry, I won't post it any other place!!! HAHA Not since it was as much my 'fault' as yours that you came up with it!!! :D lol thanks again! :D
I don't have much extra income either, but I try to create Good Karma and give back when I can. I did a little research, but I guess I went on blind faith in believing that Aksel has good intentions, judgment & values and he believes in the organization enough to put his name with it so I donated a few bucks to support RTP and Aksel.
@Giffy I won't even try to guess! haha I'll just be miles away again! ;D But maybe there are other creatives here who'd like to! :D I'm already curious though, what it means! lol
I actually wonder, if Aksel know all these abbrevations she uses! ;D
@Deuce I don't normally donate when I don't know exactly for what! :D I don't know why, maybe bc here you get asked for donate and becoming a member of such associastions everyday on the street! It's pretty annoying! and mostly that are some, where the money doesn't go where it should and stuff! That's why I became really suspicious! ;D So thanks! I haven't seen that page! I'll check it out and make a little research for my own I guess! :D And if it's good, I'll donate a few bucks too! To support our fav Viking! ;D
@Cricket lmao that's exactly what popped into my mind too! "my heart is in your heart" LOL
and yea, that's what I pictured too! ;D that's priceless! lol Thanks again for sharing!!! :D
"My Heart Is In Your Heart" yea that sounds more like it ... kinda fits with the other abbreviations she's used. *scratches head* She's a hard one for me to figure out. Sometimes I don't know if she's just teasing (innocent fun) or if she's serious (creepy)?
@Anja It's the same here, everyone wants a donation for something. So, I am usually pretty cautious also about where I give my funds.
@deuce...this could be a funny bunny
@anja@mel@teekanne sorry for the simen panic. i just wanted to make sure mel could hear about/think about a simen without nausea. clearly her unfortunate evening last week is a distant memory:)
oh @deuce is the only way to go with a series!
@cricket and @deuce i put up my leg lamp, like the one in a christmas story, instead of a christmas tree during the holiday season. it brings joy to so many in my neighbourhood. will see if i can find a photo...
LOL ... I gave up watching the bachelor/bachelorette cuz they never pick the one I want them too. *rolls eyes* They always seem to pick the one I don't want them to pick! Guess I'm gonna have to go check out the Landscaper! ;) The Firemen take care of the landscaping around the Station and I must admit it's good Eye Candy in the Summer to see them all out there with their shirts off ... HOT!
@Deuce I see, so it isn't just here! But I did a little research and found out a few things! And I made up my mind! First of all, 'Adolf Ogi' you may or may not know him, but he's a popular ex-politician here who was and still is very involved with sport! He was one of our 'Bundesräte' here and chief of the federal office of sports and military for a long time! And he's involved in RTP too! (and other sports associations) Second there are a lot of athlese involved, some who I know (personally) and and some I don't! But I'm sure they're all there bc of a reason! Well third I found this: for everyone who needs a new server in the next couple days! :D I'm going to donate a few bucks next week, when I have some money again! ;P
@Suzanne That is awesome! Every time I see the word fragile I say fra-gee-lay in my head.
I read somewhere that the people who live in the house they used in the movie keep a leg lamp in the front window all the time. I would love to see that!
Thanks girls! I've joined but it still doesn't work and I haven't iTunes! I'll wait till my son will come back home! I'm not a good friend of technology! lol Thanks anyway!
@Dana do you use Microsoft? I'll try something and sent it to you in a sec! You should be able to open it with 'windows media player'! See if it's working! otherwise I don't know what else to do! ;D
@anja yes, that was on tv...his name is craig ferguson and he makes me so happy:)
@deuce and @cricket my friends and clients want me to have my leg lamp out year round...but nothing says happy holidays like the soft glow of electric sex gleaming from the window. lol! ooohhh fragile, it must be italian.'s the photo:)
@Suzanne lmao seriously, you americans are hilarious!!! haha ;P so sad we don't get any of your show like this here on tv! :S
@Corinna hei! :D How are you doing?
@Dana ok that's weird!!! Well since Mel is going to upload it here, I'll wait and see if you'll be able to see it! If not, tell me and I'll sent it to you! :D btw it's never us who're unable!!! It's the technique who sucks!!! ;P lol
@Deuce: haha! :-) thx hun. You definitely try to improve your german skills, right? Do you need a correction?
@anja: they had this charity race at the end of the wc in Garmisch, where aksel raced for audi. audi paid the entry fee i guess. at least with so much stuff aksel is on, i think it´s kind of complicated and not fair to ask for some more except giving his name. as you see he just travels since how many month? If it wasn´t for aksel... the forbitten letters just climbed the kilimandscharo last year or the year before.. but as far as i know she is surfing and swimming with dolphins since april.. right?
MHIIYH?????? What comes up next? MWIIYA??? Guess what it means! ;-)
@cricket here is a pic the day i got the leg lamp:)!/photo.php?pid=30827553&id=1098843498&fbid=1260474227495
@Teekanne ok that's true! And I just checked events they have and there are some coming up here in Switzerland! And I didn't mean Aksel when I was wonder what the athletes were doing for it! :D Not I know!!! :D I've seen you can go sailing here in august with... i forgot the name, but they are doing stuff! So that's good! :D
@Dana lol weird!!! haha tell me if you can watch it! :D
@Corinna I'm fine too, thanks! Well here it's still awesome weather! I hope that will last!!! ;D
btw there's a new post!!! let's move over there!!! ;P MWIIYA??? and the translation is?!?! haha I suck at these things!!! ;D
@anja: sailing? i would come! :-) With whom? how much? ;-) it´s just the name you give. like FC Barcelona gives his space on the shirt for Unicef. They just gave the space and show it on the field. I wonder what ppl expect like aksel going to africa and take some pic with the kids? what is more expensive africa with safari and bodyguards and press stuff or "just" a meeting in NYC? ;-) I sometimes wonder if ppl can only complain and see the bad stuff in things! (nothing personnally i´m just wondering since a few days!! ;-) )
@Teekanne Would be with Flavio Marazzi! Check this out! You could go and play golf too! ;P
I see! :D No I wouldn't expect that! Way to expensive and in my opinion too much to ask! But I first thought they're just giving their names and nothing else! I explicit meant the retired athletes who are amassador of RTP! :D
oh you're talking about the other blog! (I hope) Yea, I know what you're talking about! But some ppl cannot be without complaining! It's in their nature! :S
Soo other topic, are you already nervous about tomorrow?! I hope you're still planing on going back to that restaurant?! ;D
Hi ladies!
ReplyDeleteI'm first... WOW!!! Lost is the only one of the series on tv that i have had the patience to follow! Sad it will be gone!!!
Hei ladies!!! :D
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
*hands Mel a tissue and a simen* sorry for you that your fav show has ended! :S
@Kristen btw Congrats to your team!!! Now they just have to win the stanley cup!!! Who's your opponent? :D
ok to the Lost conversation! I tried to watch it, but I got lost somewhen during the first season! LOL they were showing it here quite late and therefor I hadn't have the patience to watch it and missed a few episodes! haha No way you're able to catch up again! ;D
but i am curious! How does it end? Are they staying on the island? Noone has to answer me, if that would spoil it for someone! :D
So I'm off! Need to go and organize a rental car for July! See ya in a bit! :D
Good morning!
ReplyDelete@Mel I have never seen Lost, but I know how you feel. I was so sad when Gilmore Girls ended.
@Anja I scanned my bunny picture and now have to find a way to upload it. My company blocks photobucket, tinypic and flikr. I might have to try it from my phone.
@mel like @cricket, i've never seen lost. it sounds like it needs to go into my netflix queue. and last nights final law and order gets me misty when i think about!
ReplyDelete@anja are we allowed to talk about simen after @mel's wild night out with the svindal boys last week? arg.
@nadja wowza! congrats girlie! it seems aksel is inspired and impressed with your amazing work. snaps :)
happy tuesday all from cloudy and sultry kansas city.
Well, now we know Aksel reads the posts on his blog. He is being so good to Nadja. I hope she will get some bonus/perk for all her hard work. She has to be a professional artist, so talented.
ReplyDelete@cricket I was thinking of you last night when I watched the Bachlorette. There is a landscaper guy named Tim from Cape Cod. He is so cute and he has a great story. He was teaching inner city kids at NYC and came home to take care of his mother who died of cancer. He is living with his Dad and staying in Cape Cod. What a little hottie. You should look him up. I always say I'm not going to watch those shows and then it's like a train wreck. I can't stop watching.
@Cricket Hei girl! :D How are you doing?
ReplyDeleteReally?! Nice, can't wait to see it!!! ;D haha Aksel in a bunny suit! lol :D
@Suzanne oh were we ever not allowed to talk about them? ;P I mean, do we ever talk about something else for a long time?! ;D lol
Hope everyone has a great Thuesday?! :D
Of course we can talk about Simen. I 'love' him again. It doesn't help that the drink is the same color as the blue stuff we use to clean at work. Everytime I see it I want a Simen. I guess I just won't have both Svindal brothers in the same night. ;-)
ReplyDelete@Anja Jack became the protector of the island. Locke found Desmond & took him to the light. The island was going to sink into the ocean. Jack & Locke start fighting. Jack gets hit in the head with a rock. Locke tries to escape the island, but Jack fights him again & gets stabbed. Kate shoots Locke & Jack kicks him off the cliff. The rest of the gang get to the plane while Jack, Hurley & Ben go back to the light. Hurley becomes the new protector of the island. Jack put the rock plug back in the hole & the light comes back on. Ben & Hurley pull the rope back up & Desmond is on the rope instead of Jack. Hurley askes Ben to be his second & to help him learn the ropes. We go to a flash-sideways they are all at the church & Jack is talking with his Dad. His Dad tells him that he's dead. Jacks wants to know why they are there. Christain says that they are here because Jack made this world for them because the time he spent with them was the most important in his life. We go back to the island & see Jack coming out of the water & into the bamboo forest where we first met him. He falls & Vincent(dog) comes over & lays by him while he dies. The last image we see is Jacks eye closing. *cries*
hi girls, how are you?
ReplyDelete@mel: sorry. i´m lost! haha.. never watched lost! as i said before. i´m not into series!
@cricket: i´m really loking forward to the pic! :-) Bunny Aksel! :-)
@suzanne: i more prefer changing the substances than leaving simen out of this blog! :-(
@buckeye: haha congrats girl! that´s kind of special!!! It would be only overcome by a similiar post of you two! haha.
@Giffy: Maybe aksel an the forbitten letters sit at the same table or leer at each other while having dinner. Gosh.. maybe they share the same hotel room... Guess what: we will never know! haha.
@Kristen: on your way to NYC?
Well.. did anyone of the US girls recordet that Universal stuff about aksel last night?
@deuce: i donated too. And if i paid aksels dinner tonight with that it would be ok for me! :-)
So i´m off for some cycling 50 minutes to go! :-)
Happy Tuesday All ...
ReplyDelete@Cricket *starts chanting* Bunny! Bunny! Bunny! ... LOL all I can picture is Aksel in a Pink Bunny Suit, like the little kid on that Christmas Movie ... I can't remember the name it's the one about the BB Gun and he's gonna shoot is eye out?
@Mel @BuckeyeGal *wink wink* LOL sounds like you guys need to compare notes ... Both Svindal brothers in one night VS a Svindal *top & bottom* Hoagie? *slaps forehead* I know, I know, I'm way down in the gutter already this morning! :)
@Mel Loved your critique of the last Lost, but now I'm more Lost than ever. I started watching it back in the day, but once you miss 1 episode you couldn't keep up, so I gave up. Maybe I'll have to netflix all the seasons like @Suzanne and have a Lost Marathon ... add in some House Drinks ... Oh Yeah!
So, who's taking a road trip to NYC???? I'd give it a shot ... and even though I drive really fast ... I'm pretty sure I'd never make it in time! Maybe we'll get too see some pics of our Viking in a smokin hot suit ... Jiiiihaaaaa! ... although I think my favorite pics are the Palm Tree Shorts!
I'm doing hill intervals on the treadmill, so I'll apologize for any typos, cuz it's not as easy as it looks to hike & type at the same time! Hmmmmm Am I multi tasking or feeding my addiction??? LOL!
@ Deuce Multi tasking of course. LOL Yeah Buckeye Gal & I should compare notes. Yeah once you miss one ep your Lost on Lost.
ReplyDeleteI'm off to watch Lost again because I just can't get enough of it.
ReplyDeleteHello girls! How are you today?
ReplyDeletePlease, somebody help me to see Nadja's video! I can't see anything on Vimeo, not even the old Aksel's vids ( olympic preparation etc!). I see them on the right side but when I clik on one of them it doesn't work! What can I do?
About the Lost,sorry, I watched just a few episodes but they were showing it very late in the night and I gave up! But I think is interesting! And I like Matthew Fox!
@Teekanne Ich liebte alle Bilder von Ihrem Urlaub. Jemandes Nachahmen der Bildsäulen war unbezahlbar! Aber ich sah keine Bilder von heißen Wikingern. Sind Sie, diejenigen verbergend! LOL!
ReplyDelete@Dana Do you have a Mac or PC? Can you watch a .wpm video? I think you can download and save the video to your desktop in a different format (like .wpm) and then watch it ... But, I'm not sure. I'll try to post the vid in a different format on here and maybe it will work.
@Mel Thanks for the summary!!! :D but oh my, he's dying! :( Ok I won't rewatch it! I so hated it when they 'killed' dean in the end of season 3! :S But 'kill' a main charackter in the last episode is kinda mean too all the fans!!! :S
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Hei hun! I'm doing great! And you? :D
@Deuce & Teekanne so you both donated? Hmm, I actually still wonder, what exactly the athletes are doing? I mean, are they just telling everyone they're in that charity or are they actually doing something 'productive'? I haven't seen concrete 'events' or things they're doing! Maybe I just haven't seen it, could be! :D
I'd just like to know more about this associations and what they're doing before I donate! I'm a student! ;P And I can't find precise informations on this side, any help? Like I said, maybe I'm just blind! ;D
@Deuce I'd say your both! Multitasking and feeding your addiction! Like all of us!!! ;P
@Dana hei girl! how are you doing?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I cannot help you there! I'm totally lost with pc! I have a brother for that! ;P
@Dana I went to Vimeo and it looks like its an MP4 video? and you have to join to download, so I wasn't able to download it. But maybe you need to join Vimeo? to be able to download the vid in a different format. Or download a program that allows MP4 videos? I'm just guessing.
ReplyDelete@dana I could download it for you and sent it to you in iTunes format? If you want to? If you have iTunes you should be able to see it!
ReplyDeleteWell it worked like that with Teekanne and the Gummibear vid! :D
Ok girls I am back! I had a crazy morning.
ReplyDelete@Deuce A Christmas Story! That is exactly the bunny I was picturing. I am not artistically inclined enough to draw the whole suit, so I just stuck with the ears. Of course they are pink!
@dana You can download videos from Vimeo and play them in iTunes. Or at least you can on my Mac.
Ok so before I share the bunny...I just want to ask, please keep it here. I don't think I could explain the story without sounding like a complete nut! It's just something fun I made for a laugh.
This just in on ALS site, we have a new code to crack.
I think I know what it is. Shall I let you guess? I'm really good at decipering vanity license plates too...
@Cricket hei! how are you doing? :D
ReplyDeleteLMAO!!! That pic is great!!! :D haha thanks for sharing!!! :D Don't worry, I won't post it any other place!!! HAHA Not since it was as much my 'fault' as yours that you came up with it!!! :D lol thanks again! :D
@Anja I can't say that I know much about RTP, so I went online and did a little bit of research. Here is a link to their FAQ page ...
I don't have much extra income either, but I try to create Good Karma and give back when I can. I did a little research, but I guess I went on blind faith in believing that Aksel has good intentions, judgment & values and he believes in the organization enough to put his name with it so I donated a few bucks to support RTP and Aksel.
@Giffy I won't even try to guess! haha I'll just be miles away again! ;D But maybe there are other creatives here who'd like to! :D I'm already curious though, what it means! lol
ReplyDeleteI actually wonder, if Aksel know all these abbrevations she uses! ;D
@Anja Is that what you pictured too? I had a lot of fun with that pink marker!
ReplyDelete@Giffy I don't know, but "my heart is in your heart" popped into my head. Now I feel like I am going to be sick.
@cricket ROFLOL! Akselbunny. Very funny. Did you see my comment to you above about the guy from Cape Cod?
ReplyDeleteI think it's:
ReplyDeleteMy heart in is you hand...
@Cricket LMFAO Total Christmas Story! I put the pic on my screen saver ... it's cracking me up!
ReplyDelete@Griffy ... Here's my guess ...
My Heart Is In Your Hands?
@Deuce I don't normally donate when I don't know exactly for what! :D I don't know why, maybe bc here you get asked for donate and becoming a member of such associastions everyday on the street! It's pretty annoying! and mostly that are some, where the money doesn't go where it should and stuff! That's why I became really suspicious! ;D
ReplyDeleteSo thanks! I haven't seen that page! I'll check it out and make a little research for my own I guess! :D
And if it's good, I'll donate a few bucks too! To support our fav Viking! ;D
@Cricket lmao that's exactly what popped into my mind too! "my heart is in your heart" LOL
and yea, that's what I pictured too! ;D that's priceless! lol Thanks again for sharing!!! :D
Well, if I could type it would have been:
ReplyDeleteMy heart is in your hands.
Yikes, I think that's sketchy.
@Giffy I just saw your comment. A friend at work was talking about that guy this morning! We have lots of landscapers down here.
ReplyDelete@Deuce @Anja I am glad you liked it!
"My Heart Is In Your Heart" yea that sounds more like it ... kinda fits with the other abbreviations she's used. *scratches head* She's a hard one for me to figure out. Sometimes I don't know if she's just teasing (innocent fun) or if she's serious (creepy)?
ReplyDelete@Anja It's the same here, everyone wants a donation for something. So, I am usually pretty cautious also about where I give my funds.
@deuce...this could be a funny bunny
@anja@mel@teekanne sorry for the simen panic. i just wanted to make sure mel could hear about/think about a simen without nausea. clearly her unfortunate evening last week is a distant memory:)
oh @deuce is the only way to go with a series!
@cricket and @deuce i put up my leg lamp, like the one in a christmas story, instead of a christmas tree during the holiday season. it brings joy to so many in my neighbourhood. will see if i can find a photo...
hope everyone is having a great day! ttyl...
LOL ... I gave up watching the bachelor/bachelorette cuz they never pick the one I want them too. *rolls eyes* They always seem to pick the one I don't want them to pick! Guess I'm gonna have to go check out the Landscaper! ;) The Firemen take care of the landscaping around the Station and I must admit it's good Eye Candy in the Summer to see them all out there with their shirts off ... HOT!
ReplyDelete@Deuce I see, so it isn't just here!
ReplyDeleteBut I did a little research and found out a few things! And I made up my mind!
First of all, 'Adolf Ogi' you may or may not know him, but he's a popular ex-politician here who was and still is very involved with sport! He was one of our 'Bundesräte' here and chief of the federal office of sports and military for a long time! And he's involved in RTP too! (and other sports associations)
Second there are a lot of athlese involved, some who I know (personally) and and some I don't! But I'm sure they're all there bc of a reason!
Well third I found this:
for everyone who needs a new server in the next couple days! :D
I'm going to donate a few bucks next week, when I have some money again! ;P
@Suzanne OMG LMFAO That vid is too funny. I could just picture Aksel in his pink bunny suit ... That's better than Kettle in a Vera Wang!
ReplyDeleteAll the reminders about a Christmas Story makes me wanna watch the movie! I've seen it a gazillon times, but it always makes me laugh!
@Suzanne That is awesome! Every time I see the word fragile I say fra-gee-lay in my head.
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere that the people who live in the house they used in the movie keep a leg lamp in the front window all the time. I would love to see that!
Thanks girls! I've joined but it still doesn't work and I haven't iTunes! I'll wait till my son will come back home! I'm not a good friend of technology! lol Thanks anyway!
ReplyDelete@Suzanne LMAO that vid is awesome!!! LOL Was that on tv?!? haha
ReplyDeleteok I guess I need to see a christmas story then hun?! I'm lost with your conversation! ;P lol
@Dana do you use Microsoft? I'll try something and sent it to you in a sec! You should be able to open it with 'windows media player'! See if it's working! otherwise I don't know what else to do! ;D
ReplyDelete@ Anja they are all dead. That's what the flash-sideways were.
ReplyDelete@Mel oh I see! ;D Sorry didn't got that right then! That's sad though! :S Looks like they wanted to make sure, that it's finished! :S
ReplyDelete@Dana I downloaded it & am gonna post it on here so you can watch it. Hopefully. *crosses fingers & toes*
ReplyDeleteThanks so much my friends! I'm a disaster! LOL
ReplyDeleteNow we gotta just wait for it to upload so I can post it.
ReplyDeleteNo problem. I'm here to help as much as I can. You are not a disaster! It's the computer's fault.
ReplyDelete@anja yes, that was on tv...his name is craig ferguson and he makes me so happy:)
ReplyDelete@deuce and @cricket my friends and clients want me to have my leg lamp out year round...but nothing says happy holidays like the soft glow of electric sex gleaming from the window. lol! ooohhh fragile, it must be italian.'s the photo:)!/photo.php?pid=30873701&id=1098843498 must rent a christmas story!
@deuce...kettle in vera wang..lmao!
good evening girls how are you all, hope everyone had a nice tuesday.
ReplyDelete@Anja Yes I use Microsoft. I don't know what it happen cause till today I always can see any vid on Vimeo!
ReplyDelete@Suzanne lmao seriously, you americans are hilarious!!! haha ;P so sad we don't get any of your show like this here on tv! :S
ReplyDelete@Corinna hei! :D How are you doing?
@Dana ok that's weird!!! Well since Mel is going to upload it here, I'll wait and see if you'll be able to see it! If not, tell me and I'll sent it to you! :D
btw it's never us who're unable!!! It's the technique who sucks!!! ;P lol
I just posted it. Hopefully you can see it now.
ReplyDelete@Deuce: haha! :-) thx hun. You definitely try to improve your german skills, right?
ReplyDeleteDo you need a correction?
@anja: they had this charity race at the end of the wc in Garmisch, where aksel raced for audi. audi paid the entry fee i guess.
at least with so much stuff aksel is on, i think it´s kind of complicated and not fair to ask for some more except giving his name.
as you see he just travels since how many month?
If it wasn´t for aksel... the forbitten letters just climbed the kilimandscharo last year or the year before.. but as far as i know she is surfing and swimming with dolphins since april.. right?
MHIIYH?????? What comes up next? MWIIYA???
Guess what it means! ;-)
@cricket here is a pic the day i got the leg lamp:)
ReplyDelete!/photo.php?pid=30827553&id=1098843498&fbid=1260474227495 are a computer genius! awesome!
@Anja Even when I want to write "dana" and all that I can see in the end is "d"??? LOL
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the vid!
@anja i´m fine and you? i think i starting to rain again in a half an hour, :( but hopefully the summer is coming soon
ReplyDelete@Suzanne LMAO @ soft glow of electric sex. Gosh I love that movie! Sometimes I watch it in the summer just because.
ReplyDeleteI can't see the pic. Facebook is another site my company blocks! I will check from home because I really want to see it!
@Teekanne ok that's true! And I just checked events they have and there are some coming up here in Switzerland! And I didn't mean Aksel when I was wonder what the athletes were doing for it! :D Not I know!!! :D
ReplyDeleteI've seen you can go sailing here in august with... i forgot the name, but they are doing stuff! So that's good! :D
@Dana lol weird!!! haha tell me if you can watch it! :D
@Corinna I'm fine too, thanks! Well here it's still awesome weather! I hope that will last!!! ;D
btw there's a new post!!! let's move over there!!! ;P
MWIIYA??? and the translation is?!?! haha I suck at these things!!! ;D
@Suzanne I can't view it. It says content not found.:-(
ReplyDelete@anja: sailing? i would come! :-) With whom? how much? ;-)
ReplyDeleteit´s just the name you give. like FC Barcelona gives his space on the shirt for Unicef. They just gave the space and show it on the field. I wonder what ppl expect like aksel going to africa and take some pic with the kids? what is more expensive africa with safari and bodyguards and press stuff or "just" a meeting in NYC? ;-) I sometimes wonder if ppl can only complain and see the bad stuff in things! (nothing personnally i´m just wondering since a few days!! ;-) )
@Mel Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Really amazing!
ReplyDelete@Anja And as you know it's not the first time when I signed "d"... LOL
haha just found a song which perfectly fits:
i bet if i would search for the shortcuts i would find them in a justin bieber forum!
i don´t know what MHIIYH means,
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Would be with Flavio Marazzi! Check this out!
You could go and play golf too! ;P
I see! :D No I wouldn't expect that! Way to expensive and in my opinion too much to ask! But I first thought they're just giving their names and nothing else! I explicit meant the retired athletes who are amassador of RTP! :D
oh you're talking about the other blog! (I hope) Yea, I know what you're talking about! But some ppl cannot be without complaining! It's in their nature! :S
Soo other topic, are you already nervous about tomorrow?! I hope you're still planing on going back to that restaurant?! ;D