This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
@Mel Do you want to drive us crazy?LOL It's a great picture! Aksel looks so sexy but a little bit shy! Just the perfect victim for a cougar! Hehe! *devilish grin*
@Dana Hei girl! I'm fine too! Sleept till noon after yesterday and now I've got my energy back!!! :D Glad you had a good day! :D
Nice! So you have nice weather for going biking? Here it's nearly raining again!
Me too! I'd like loads more of there pics! :) Am I weird when I say that I like that one more than the one with the towels?! :D He just look so hot on that one! lol Yea he is amazing! No just in skiing! :D
That is a phenomenal picture! My goodness. Is it hot in here?
@Anja I totally agree! Much hotter than the one with the towels.
So guess who I ran into in Starbucks this morning? My new guy! I think he's stalking me. I was only 10 minutes late for work but I am always the first one here so it's no big deal.
Oh thank god! I'm not the only one! :D I'm not a totally weirdo! ;P
haha It is kinda getting hotter here! :D I guess I need a drink now! :)
Nice! Sounds like you really like him! :D haha well would you like him to stalk you or not? I mean, not the creepy stalking, but coincidentally meet you in a starbucks for example! :) I'd say just enjoy it! :D It's always nice to have a man adore you! :D
@Dana haha thanks! At least not totally weird! :P haha the work-mates you sent the pic to? LOL I bet you have had fun then! :D
Thank you! I am excited but I am not getting my hopes up for anything more than 6 week little summer fling. If that's all it is I'll be ok because it has happened before. So in the meantime I am going to enjoy myself!
I am going to grill some fish. There is a fish market right up the street from me and I will stop on my way home and see what is fresh.
How ya doin? How was your start in the week? As i read, Aksel will be a DILF one day... hopefully! ;-)
@Cricket: Good luck by doing dinner for this hot guy! ;-)
@Mel: thanks for the video.. but actually.. i don´t like Jon Olsson pretty much! haha.. I like aksel more... this pic is awesome! :-) I bet we soon need some new pics haha...
@anja: how are you? my co-worker wasn´t at work.. he´s sick. so i couldn´t ask him. Hope he returns before my holiday! :-/
@anja: i´m fine. it´s just damn cold in germany! :-( we have nearly the middle of may and no summer in sight and that sucks.
that´s so true. but he would be a good godfather too i guess. i wonder if he is already since i think he would do a great job.
honestly.. i don´t think he´s sick haha. i bet he only didn´t feel like going working (but that´s what i feel everyday! ;-) he got his new TV today... but only speculations..
my car is still in hospital.. haha.. my neighbour orders the thing he thinks must be changed and then will install it. but since i´m off on friday i think i don´t see it before my holiday! ;-)
Did you work today?
ok, you got me, not really bored at lunch break but bored the whole day! haha. still trying to organize a cheap accom in oslo.. but think we have to pay 50 Euro each per night. :-/
@Teekanne Oh I see! :( Here it's cold too! Way to cold for middle of may! I wonder where the heck the summer is! :-/
Oh yea, he would be a great godfather! Maybe he is already, since one of his friends has a kid! :D Who knows! I for sure would have loved to have a godfather like him!!! ;D
haha so he's ditching! tsts shame on him!!! So he's prolly checking out his new tv! lol :D
Aww sorry about your car! But then it will be back to normal when you get back! :D Hopefully!
Nope didn't have to work today! I don't have to till thursday! :D jihhaa but at least you don't have to work for too long now, till you go to Norway! :D I'm still a bit jealous!!!
haha so you were bored, did you find at least some other hot pics from our vikings?! :D Oh hope you'll find a accom! But I guess it's hard to, since you're quite late for that! :P
@Anja Yes it can! Living in a resort town it seems to happen almost every summer for me.
@Teekanne Thanks! I am good at the grill so I'm sure it will be fine.
I am totally down with the ILF part but not so much the D. I am too old for babies! I like it when my friends bring their kids around and I can't wait for my brother and his wife to have kids, but I like to close my door at night to quiet.
@Angela UK I gotta agree! LOL And I bet they do!!! :D
@Cricket I see! I guess living in a city like that has it advantage and disadvantage! :D
haha I know what you mean about kids! I'm always kinda glad, when I can 'give' my cousins back to my auntie! They're cute and everything and I love them! But I would go insane to have them around me 24/7! :D But then, I'm young! No need to hurry! lol :D
@Corinna lol no I didn't!!! I overslept it, slept till noon! And my mom turned the tv off, so that it didn't got recorded! :( Oh well, shit happens! :)
@Anja The lack of year-round available men that are not losers or old enough to be my dad is the # 1 disadvantage where I live. That, and the summer traffic.
There actually was a party here! It was someone's birthday and my boss brought a cake. I behaved myself and said no.
@Corinna I see! At least the monday is over now! So it can only get better! :D Yea, good humor is essential! It's way easier to manage stressful situations with good humor! I try to do that too, but it's not working all the time! :D
sometimes people ask what tabletts did i take this morning because i always smile. LMAO but i don´t take drugs or something like that, i´m just a positiv think people
My biking session was great, the weather beautiful and the nature is awesome in the spring time! I'm a little bit tired but I feel good!
@Cricket I wish you a very nice evening with your gorgeus guy! Maybe you don't need my advice but don't tell him anything about Aksel in the dinner time!! LOL Good luck!!
@Angela I'm sure some guys hate him! Especially after they read this blog!! Haha!
@Cricket well we have that here too! It's hard to find available men, who are no total loosers or jerks! :D But I'd say that's due to living in a rather small city! :D
Wow your boss is nice! So for once you behaved yourself?! :P
@Corinna well I'd call me a rationalist troughoutly! I try to see everything as positive as possible tought! Not that it's always working! :D
@dana hei girl! Welcome back! :D So you feel refreshed now? I always do when I'm outdoors doing some sport! :D
Of course I love him!! Like I love my brother! (and my nose is growing and growing...) Hahaha!
@Anja & Corinna I love biking and walking in wood! I hope you'll have a nice weather soon!
@Gordana Bikini??? I'm talking about bicycle! Yes, it's a good weather but It's not so warm for bikini! Haha- imagine me on the bike in bikini!!! OMG!! LOL
@Corinna haha I try! But since I don't like pink very much, that's going to be hard!!! :D
@Cricket Yea, you're propably right! I'm wondering though, where the good men are hiding?! It can't be that most of them are jerks!!! Or that would be really disappointing!
haha I wish I could say the same! haha :D I love sweets, especially a good chocolate cake! Thank god we don't have any at home! :D
@dana I wish so too! I'm getting sick of rain! You know you could send us some?! Maybe you'll be so nice, since Aksel clearly wasn't! :D
@dana maybe tomorrow morning will be the wheater better so then i go and it is not, i hope tomorrow evening will be better to do some sports outside, i also like biking or inline skating.
@mel *gasp* I almost fainted when I saw the pic! lol the title too! ;P
@Anja I had a pretty boring it was good!!! ;P I feel so unmotivated though because school's over in two weeks!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
I agree this is a hot pic! lol You slept in til noon?!?! ...I wish :/
@Cricket You know he's into you when he stalks you! lol ;D he's coming over...I'll leave you two alone *gently closes the door and walks away with a huge smile* ;D
:O cake?!?!?
@Gordana See, the guys I think are hot are older, taken, or gay ...not fair LOL ;P Thank goodness Aksel is only older lol ;D
...bikini...we know what you're thinking about!!! lol ;P
@Teekanne Love the pic of Kjetil...he's blonde!!! lol
...I bet your coworker is skipping...I mean he's a guy and he got a new tv ...I'm pretty sure it's okay to jump to the conclusion that he's just being lazy and watching tv! lol ;P
@Anja and Teekanne It's cold here too! Why is the weather so messed up???
@Angela UK There's a lot that could/should make a guy jealous of Aksel! ;P
I love kids...but I don't want any anytime soon! I've got a lot of dreams to achieve! ;P But I love taking care of kids...usually I'm the babysitter at parties (even when I don't volunteer)! The parents go chat...have a few drinks...and dump the kids on me! LOL kidding, kids are fun! ;D
@corinna I get that too! People always want to know why I'm so "hyperactive" ...I'm not!!! I'm just smiling, being nice, thinking positive! ;D ...being weird lol
I looooovveee sweets!!! Who cares how many calories! lol We have a red velvet cake here at the house...and it's delish!!! Oh, it's sooo good! :/ now I want another slice...
hi girls.. i´m back.. had a meeting for politics. quite intersting! :-)
How is the party? just read about kids and bikinis ;-)
@anja: no didn´t find another hot viking pic. Since most of the pages are blocked at work i wonder what kind of pics must be on there! Haha..
@cricket: i love kids... of cause you´re glad you can give them back to their parents at least when they don´t behave the way you want them too. I think these days will be there too if this would be your own kids. but for me there isn´t anything better than a laughter of a child! :-)
@corinna Hey, I always say as long as I make someone smile, I don't care how weird I look! Why are they so worried about me anyway? They have their life and I have mine! ;D
@Anja haha I tried to get it all in one post! It was rather hard! ...I kept losing my spot!!! lol ;P Yep, boring Monday...but I had to go to school at least you didn't have to work! ;D Mother Nature isn't happy :/ Smile, nature, please! I would like some sun!!!
@dana Hi Cougar!!! ;D Always hyperactive, of course!!!
@Teekanne hei hun! So did you come up with a good plan at your meeting? ;D
haha I wonder too now!!! Maybe they just know you and have blocked these site, so that you can't be on them and search for hot viking pics? :P
@Nicole haha i have dificulties with that too! loosing my spot, but since I'm on here rather early in the day, I don't have to much to read! And when I have, I'm just to lazy to read them! hehe :D
I know I'm getting spoiled at the moment! But doing nothing can get pretty boring too with the time! So I'm glad I can work a bit! :D
@Teekanne If I had kids now I think I would be too old when they were adults! I never wanted to have one with any of my exes, and I never wanted to marry any of them either. I know a lot of women do it very well (my mom in particular), but I just don't want to be a single mom.
@Anja Kjetil is so cute. I want to pinch his cheeks.
I am leaving now. You all have a great night! I will try to keep things PG13 tomorrow. *giggle*
@anja we mean the same, but the first time i had open the link there was a lot of photos of him, and on the second try there was the photo with him and the child
ok, maybe it´s bc of the word "hot"??? i should leave that tomorrow.. ;-)
@cricket: ok, so there never was the right person in the right moment. i would not mind to be a single mom. If it happens it happens.. haha.. no i think i really spend attention in school so hopefully it won´t happen. but you never know what men discovers after a few years.
good luck tonight! ;-) and don´t even try to keep it PG13 THIS NIGHT!!!!! ;-)
@Nicole: It´s just the nature of women! ;-) it´s definitely hard to understand for me that some ppl don´t WANT kids... the videos are great! haha.. kind of the laughing kitten! ;-)
@anja: this is pic of kjetil is lovely! :-) yeh too sexy for this world! ;-) haha....
@Corinna nowhere sorry! I just meant, when you search them on! Since she clearly searched these pics on that site, I was pretty sure she saw some of them too! :D Sorry if I confused you! :D
@Teekanne So you're encouraging Cricket not to be PG-13?!?! whoa!!! LOL ;P "but you never know what men discovers after a few years." There's no way I'm getting out of the gutter now!!! LOL ;D
I kinda understand why someone wouldn't want kids...don't want life to change...and they can be hard to take care of...but it's things like they're laugh that I think would make it so worth it! ;D Agree, it is the nature of many women! ;D
Thanks for the song!!! It's going to be one of those nights on the blog!!!! LOL ;D
@Dana: Pleas don't ever show that last pic of Aksel again!
@Teekanne: Had my last baby when I was almost 30. In my sons class at school there are moms who had there kids after 35. Don't think it's the end just yet but definitely if you don't want to be passed a certain age when they graduate HS make that cut off date now!
@all: Kjetil looks really comfortable and cute when he's around kids!
@Buckeye Gal and Teekanne I think women are having babies at an older age now...more concentration on careers! "make that cut off date" lol My parents are around 40ish and my friends have parents who are in their 50s and 60s ...I don't think there's anything bad about it! When the time is right, the time is right!! ;D lol
ok, the first ones from the girls were great.. aksel and kjetil!:-) I love these both together... especially at the olympics.
@anja: haha.. ok i´ll leave it! hope danas pic doesn´t show up tomorrow! ;-)
this song is great.. this band even was the best haha! so damn sexy!! *caugh*
@nicole: only at home.. common she´s a cougar. i don´t want her to be here over PG 13 this night.. haha no details!!! ;-)
Most men discovers after a few years that they missed sth while having children. i won´t hold him back.. let him go.. give him a kick in the a$$. ;-)
ok, but most ppl who don´t wanna have kids wouldn´t be such bad parents but some of these parents nowadays who have kids better shouldn´t have. i think it´s kind of egoistic to think a child doesn´t fit in someones life... what about a change? i know a few who say: ok, my parents did it bad so i don´t wanna do the same mistakes i´ll better leave it.
@buckeye: my aunt was 38 when the first child came. i can understand that a few woman say. ok after this age i don´t wanna have kids anymore but most don´t want them till 35 and then they don´t have the partner so it´s over.. i don´t know it´s kind of a weird world! ;-)
@Nicole lol I know what you mean! I'd never say something like 'nothing can surprise/shocke me here anymore'! It will for sure NOT be true!!! :D But I guess sometime we all just don't realise what else it could mean, till we posted it! That happen alot to me!!! :D but yea, I kinda like being in the gutter! Especially since I have so nice company! :D
@dana he looks really cute in that one too! :D Gosh with so many pic of hot men around, you think we all can still think coherently?! ;P
@Teekanne Some parents these days are so...frustrating! They have no control over their kids and don't teach them manners! It's crazy! I feel more like a parent than them sometimes!!!
I do think it's really bad and sad when people change their minds about having kids because of their parents. One of my friends is adopted and has never really gotten along with her adoptive mother; things are getting worse between them and now my friend is very doubtful about having her own kids :/
@Teekanne haha it prolly will show up when you'll leave hot out! :D oh was that mean?! ;D haha oh yea, the song was so perfect for the band... NOT!!! ;P Though it fits for our vikings! :D
I have to agree with the whole no children discussion! But right now, I don't want any either!!! :D But I can understand that some don't want any! I bet there are ppl who are just now comfortable around children! :S Haha I like the idea of a license to get children! Like a license to drive! :D Not that it's possible to do that but sometimes I really think certain ppl shouldn't have kids!
haha the song is great! So lets get drunk!!! *hands Teekanne an Aksel and takes a Kjetil for herself*
@nicole: yeh i know that. some of my soccer kids are part of such families. and you have to show them the limits and hardly can.
hmm... i can´t say anything about right or wrong. If they aren´t sure about themselves and how to act as a parent or show unease to the kids. it even makes it worse.
haha this song is old. but i still like it.. :-) next one? haha GOOD OLD TIMES!
`*ALL I WANNA DO.. IS GET DRUNK HERE WITH YOU!!!* @Teekanne: you are so sweet:)
Old age and babies: You have to plan and it doesn't take much. I think part of the problem with women and getting older is that they don't plan and then realize, oh shit I should probably have a kid now before me vagina falls off!
@Teekanne LOL I'm not into these kind of music! Prolly bc I was to young in the 90s to realise what good musik is! That's why I was a Backstreet boys fan! I really try to supress that time!!! :D you can get drunk to other songs too, girl! Like this one! We heart it over and over in rome! :D
I don't know, but I just like this song!!! :D
haha you see, you scared them all off with your songs!!! ;P lol
@Nicole sorry can't watch it! :( But I never was into the SG!!! haha I liked the 'kelly family' *hides in shame* and the Backstrees boys! :D lol And I try really hard to forget that!!! :D
@Teekanne I can't believe it!!! I had the same song in my mind!!! lol
@All I'll go to bed! I hope to dream some Vikings with or without towels! Hey, I didn't say they're naked! Maybe they wear spandex!!(yeah, right!lol) Have fun and save some drinks for me! I'll drink tomorrow! Hugs for all of you!
FOund a new one: the hit of this summer or the last summer? who cares...
@anja: too young? common... you´re not that much younger than i am! i love the 90s. the best music ever... :) haha.. i liked the bb too! I LOOOVE DAVID GUETTA!!! YIHHAA! the album is in my car running up and down (in my car buhuhu)
i like this one:
@Ladies: Ah...the 90's. 80's were better! I have all my kids into 80's tunes. I really love them sometimes(ok I love them all the time but there are times when I love them more than others) :)
@nicole: i only bought the first album.. it was the first album i ever baught haha. after getting aaron carter as an easter gift from my grandparens haha..
@anja: ahhh the kellys haha.. but honestly they did a few great songs. i love angel and mama!!!
@Nicole Lady Gaga has good songs! But she is a bid gaga too! I mean her outfits and stuff! :D and did you see the music vid of Bad romance i guess? There's a hot viking playing!!! :D
@Nicole sorry can't watch the other link either! :S
Yea she does try to hard with her outfits! haha sorry got it confused! it in paparazzi i guess! Where he tries to kill her! :D Can't spell his name though, way to complicate! haha :D
@Corinna good night and sleep well! Sweet dreams! :D
@Teekanne I see! :D I hope I'm not to young then for you to be friends with?! ;D Watch out with your answer, remember where you wanna go in march!!! ;P Kidding! :D
Nope don't know this band! What's their most famous song? :D
@anja: there are nearly 10 month to teach and educate you! haha.. ;_)
guess it´s almost gone
but i like all of the new album place to fall. can´t tell which is the best..
i prefer to say: it´s the one from nicholas sparks but since there are 2 out at the moment.. yeh with miley! i love nicholas spars movies! :) a lot stuff to cry on! :-)
@nicole: ahh.. yeh i love it! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;-) oh and s club, right. I don´t start with great german songs now: Blümchen and stuff like that haha.. but the 90s were great! :-)
@anja: girl girl.. i think that´s a tough process! ;-)
do that.. and if you don´t know yet! KINGS OF LEON!!! haha..
i read the last song before too.. i prefer knowing the books before watching. and most times it´s a good way to improve my english skills! ;-) I read all nicholas sparks books! i love them. You have to read "the notebook" if you haven´t yet... and "the rescue"
@Nicole haha I'd say Aksel beats nearly every man on this planet!!! ;D In everyway, not just appearance! :D
I do too! Cry alot, about everything! I can't help myself, eventhough I don't like it! I don't know if that makes me such a romantic! I guess i like it in movies, but such things just never happen in reality! I'm more practical in that sense! :)
@Anja Just the other day I was watching "In America" It's a really good movie about an Irish family that moves to the US to try to find a better life...I cried sooo much!!! I felt like my eyes were wet throughout the entire thing! ;D
@Nicole haha he is! :D But that's why we're all here!!! :D
Totally agree with you about the movies, tv and books! I have to cry about everything! :D That's sometimes really emarassing, when you're for example in the cinema! haha :D
I don't know that movie! is it a new one? It sucks, we don't get so see here so many good movies! Just bc they don't go trough the trouble to translate them! Not that I'd need that! :D
Ok sweetie, I'm off to bed! For once I have to get up early and catch a train! Talk to you tomorrow evening! :D Sleep tight and sweet dreams! Hugs! :D
@Nicole I never saw Avatar! But all ppl tell me I gotta see it! :D I guess I have to, someday! :D
I see, well I don't think they've shown it here on tv! :S Maybe someday! :D
haha I hope so too! :P No need to tell you that my mind was in the gutter again i guess!!! :D I think so, I'll be in the train for 3 hours, but I got some movies on my iPod, or a book I can occupie my mind with! :D Good night! :D Hugs!
short stop for all of you with bad weather and no summer in sight...
I tried to translate it for the non-german-speakers...not too good, but maybe you can understand something.
Now it's summer
Sunglasses on and off to the café, where I see the beautiful women on the road. Then jump into the cold pool and a Caipirinha - pretty cool! Suntan lotion on and down to the sunbathing area, where I lease a sunlounger for Lisa and me. We let ourselves go and we let ourselves fry everything else can wait for a while ... And if nothing is the outcome of this due to seven degrees, then we cant two sacks of sand to the bathroom. On the radio they are playing the summer-hit - (cheap) we sing along in the bathtub:
Now it's summer! Whether you are sweating or freezing: Summer is what happens in your head. It's summer! I made this clear: Summer is when we laugh anyway. 2x
Open the sun-roof and off with the cabriolet, but I have none, and that's fine so because the fun of it passes quickly, when it's the whole summer only in the garage. Sometimes when I see the weather, I'll get violent fantasies, and the weather girl would be the first victim of my aggression, although I know: What does it matter when you take their by word and force her that she jumps in a bikini in the North Sea I make my own weather conditions, when I tell myself always:
Now it's summer! Whether you are sweating or freezing: Summer is what happens in your head. It's summer! I made this clear: Summer is when we laugh anyway. 2x
I get mad if someone steals my bike. I get mad if somebody hits me in the face. I get mad if someone else gets my dream woman and lies with her at the pool on my towel.
But otherwise I'll take everything pretty loose, cause I'm a mental gambler: I simply click the small green button and the sun's going on in my head:
Now it's summer! Whether you are sweating or freezing: Summer is what happens in your head. It's summer!
Off into the rubber boat - Winter has the order to stay away from the house!
Now it's summer! Whether you are sweating or freezing: Summer is what happens in your head. It's summer! I made this clear: Summer is when we laugh anyway. 2x
Fuck the weather, whether you are freezing: Summer is what happens in your head. It's summer!
@Nicole: I thought so. Even if you speak's not really standard german but rather a little slang, so I had some problems with the translation. But I think it's ok if you can get the sense of it *lol* I love a capella too!
@cjal I hope the translation wasn't a big pain...but thank you for doing it! I really appreciate it! ;D It's a catchy tune and I love the guys' outfits! lol ;P
@Nicole: sure was a better day than that one yesterday. And I didn't kill anybody. But I made 2 little mistakes in my seminar this evening. I HATE THAT!!! cause I'm a capricorn and in my business I always want to be perfect *lol* In other ways I'm pretty chaotic...
hope you had a fine day? And you miss always a lot when you stay off this blog for a few hours. When I left home at 5 pm there wasn't a new post. When I came back here short after 10 pm there was a new post with about 140 comments *lol*
@cjal Oh, at least you didn't kill anyone! But I hate it when I make mistakes! I'm a perfectionist about a lot of things and I hate when I know I can do better :/ Hey, you had a better day though, so that's good! ;D
I had a boring day, but that's good! This week is going to be pretty crazy though! ;D
@Michelle Hi Michelle! Glad to have you back!
@cjal and michelle Very true...a few hours, or a day away and it's crazy trying to catch up! ;D
Ladies, I just checked my grades online...I got a C on that psych test! Not too happy that I didn't do better....but hey, I didn't fail!!! ;D Thanks for the support!
@Nicole: sometimes boring is really ok. If it were every day I would hate it! But sometimes...can be so nice. I don't have any reason to grumble. Most of my days are more exciting and / or exhausting than I would ask for :-D
@cjal I agree! It's nice to have's relaxing! But I would go crazy if that's all I had! I need excitement and fun!!! One of the reasons why I come to this blog! ;D ...Yeah, it sounds like you have a lot of adventures!!!
Hey Nicole, great that you didn't fail. I don't know excactly what's a C?! Is A the best? And what's the worst? In Germany we have other grades (from 1 = excellent to 6 = fail with a 5). In the upper school it's another get points from 0 = unsatisfactory to 15 = excellent (you fail with less than 4 points). German school-system - no further comment *lol*
@Michelle: you must be one gutsy lady to come back! Here's to your sanity!
@Mel: Just got back from WalMart and with all the moving they are doing I still can't find anything! Plus...When will I learn to stop taking my kids with me (this includes my husband:)?
Sorry was me who brought the serial killing to the blog. Some people tried to kill themselves, a few other guys, a few young horses and me by being ignorant yesterday. I was in a bad mood when I arrived at the blog. But my therapists on here did a real good job :-)
@cjal: work was not bad (boss is away in Berlin! I tried to get him to take me with him). I am lucky at the moment that I can work part-time (8-3) while my youngest is still in daycare. The next couple months will stink because I will transition back to full-time by Sep. Which reminds me...I need to go buy a lottery ticket:)
My husband may be worse than my kids at WalMart since he normally will let them have sugary snacks. Since I have been on my diet they have been getting healthy snacks. One step forward...two steps back! It's a good thing I love him!
@cjal Wow...that grading style is different...sounds much better!!! Here A is highest then B ...C is average and D is below average and F is failing. (They also have A+, A, and A- ...and B+, B...and so on) I think the plus and minus is stupid though! You either have an A or you don't. You have to get a C or above to get credit for a class. But this was a test and I still have a B in the class (not my best...I'm usually a lot better in school but I only have two weeks left so I'm not really caring ...that's really bad :/) So I'm average...on the test...don't think that applies to me in real life! lol ;P
@Buckeye Gal I think many husbands are kids! I know my dad is less mature than me a lot of times!!! ;D
Wal Mart is always changing everything...I can never find what I want anymore!!!
@Michelle I told you! So did you have fun on your cruise? What places did you visit? ;D
@Nicole: My husband is actually awesome. That immaturity will keep our kids busy for hours! He is also the best husband a girl could want! Cooks, cleans, is willing to do the grocery shopping and lets me take naps once in awhile (this is really important). He is also athletic and loves to play different sports. However, he does not like to watch them on TV (his only downfall:(:) The one thing I hate is that he likes to ski but has never taken me! This oversight will be rectified this fall!
@Nicole mostly stayed in Old San Juan, didn't venture too far because we weren't in port very long. Took the Barcardi Rum tour, had to taste test of course - it passed:)
@Buckeye Gal I hope you think that about your husband! lol ;P ...okay, hasn't taken you skiing...that's a major no-no! Demand it, girl! ;D Sounds like a great husband though!
@Buckeye Gal: Carnival, and I love them. I usually cruise with them a couple times a year. I think these 2 weeks were it for my this year though, Martinique is a little expensive. The ship's a little older and a little smaller than their other ships I've been, so you can feel a lot of movement (keep it clean ladies). I'm not a big fan of Royal Caribbean - too many kids on board for my taste.
*plops down onto the couch and hollars* Hey bartender (whoever that may be now, not sure) mix me up a Kjetil and make it a double!!
The kids are in bed and I am completely and utterly exhausted. Today was Gram's funeral and it was a long long day. Everything went well and it was a beautiful day. Now it's back to work tomorrow :( I realized I really need a vacation! Didn't @Buckeye Gal mention a party at @Astrids house over on Aksels blog? COUNT ME IN!!
@Michelle It looks like you got to visit a lot of awesome places...glad you have a good time, welcome back.
@Mel Sweet picture of Aksel, one of my faves! Nice to look at after a rough day.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday...I will try and check in at some point...I know I'll have double the work to do with being off today, not looking forward to it at all. :(
@Mel ... I love this pic ... the Man just ooozes sex appeal and charisma! *sigh* That's what makes him so universally appealing ... I don't think other men will hate him for it, I think it makes them wanna be his wingman!
ReplyDeleteDo you want to drive us crazy?LOL
It's a great picture! Aksel looks so sexy but a little bit shy! Just the perfect victim for a cougar! Hehe! *devilish grin*
I like to be the first...
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon/moring/whatever ladies!!! :D
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? Did you have a good start into the new week?
@Mel LOL at the Rudolf comment from last night!!! :D
Wow this Picture is adorable and so sexy! Thanks for posting that one! :D I like!!! :D
@dana Hello! How are you? I agree! So sexy!!! :D
Hi Anja! I'm fine, thanks! What about you?
ReplyDeleteI had a good day at work and now I'm ready to go out with my friends for a "biking session"!
I'd like more pics like this!! Our Viking is amazing, don't you think?
@Dana Hei girl! I'm fine too! Sleept till noon after yesterday and now I've got my energy back!!! :D Glad you had a good day! :D
ReplyDeleteNice! So you have nice weather for going biking? Here it's nearly raining again!
Me too! I'd like loads more of there pics! :) Am I weird when I say that I like that one more than the one with the towels?! :D He just look so hot on that one! lol
Yea he is amazing! No just in skiing! :D
Hi girls!
ReplyDeleteThat is a phenomenal picture! My goodness. Is it hot in here?
@Anja I totally agree! Much hotter than the one with the towels.
So guess who I ran into in Starbucks this morning? My new guy! I think he's stalking me. I was only 10 minutes late for work but I am always the first one here so it's no big deal.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've recovered after yesterday!
You're not weird! As I said he looks soooo sexy!
Today at work me and my work-mates talked almoust all the time about Aksel and his towels!! Haha!
Yes, the weather is perfect for biking!
Hi Cricket! Yeah That's why we are sweat! LOL
I have to go girls! Bye! Have fun!
@Cricket Hei girl! How are you doing?
ReplyDeleteOh thank god! I'm not the only one! :D I'm not a totally weirdo! ;P
haha It is kinda getting hotter here! :D I guess I need a drink now! :)
Nice! Sounds like you really like him! :D haha well would you like him to stalk you or not? I mean, not the creepy stalking, but coincidentally meet you in a starbucks for example! :) I'd say just enjoy it! :D It's always nice to have a man adore you! :D
@Dana haha thanks! At least not totally weird! :P
haha the work-mates you sent the pic to? LOL I bet you have had fun then! :D
Have fun! And see ya later!
Hey ladies,
ReplyDelete@Anja my day was ok. Thanxfor asking.
Why are all hot guys taken, so young or far away?
Aksel is so *yummy* in this pic. I'm sure I would be speechless if I would run in to
@dana hope you get great bikini.
ReplyDelete@cricket you luck girl.
@Anja No you are not weird! I have said before that I like to leave some things to the imagination.
ReplyDeleteI do really like him. We have been emailing all morning, and he is coming to my house for dinner tonight. YAY!
@dana I am jealous because I am stuck in work for 5 more hours. Enjoy the nice weather!
@Gordana your welcome! I'm glad you had a good start! :D
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean though, I ask myself that all the time! Maybe they're hiding?! :S
@Cricket I do too! But I'm not sure though, that we're the majority! :D Glad not to be alone though! :D
I'm really happy for you! :D Nice, so you have another date!!! :D So are you going to cook for him? Do you already know, what you'll cook? ;)
At least you have him and us to pass your (work)time a little faster! :D
@ Mel: One of my favorite pics of Aksel. He needs to wear more green!
ReplyDelete@Ladies: Hope you are having a great day!
@Cricket: Good Luck girl!
@Anja We certainly are not the majority!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am excited but I am not getting my hopes up for anything more than 6 week little summer fling. If that's all it is I'll be ok because it has happened before. So in the meantime I am going to enjoy myself!
I am going to grill some fish. There is a fish market right up the street from me and I will stop on my way home and see what is fresh.
Good whatever girls! :-)
ReplyDeleteHow ya doin? How was your start in the week?
As i read, Aksel will be a DILF one day... hopefully! ;-)
@Cricket: Good luck by doing dinner for this hot guy! ;-)
@Mel: thanks for the video.. but actually.. i don´t like Jon Olsson pretty much! haha..
I like aksel more... this pic is awesome! :-) I bet we soon need some new pics haha...
@anja: how are you?
my co-worker wasn´t at work.. he´s sick. so i couldn´t ask him. Hope he returns before my holiday! :-/
btw: while lunch break i found this pic of kjetil. I didn´t know it before but like it pretty much.
@Cricket Well a 6 week fling can be exciting too! :D Just enjoy it and have some fun!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Good afternoon! :D I'm fine, back to my normal energetic self! ;D How are you?
I hope he'll be a DILF! Would be a shame if genes like that wouldn't be passed on someday!!! :D
haha i see!!! haha You think that's destiny?! :P I sure hope not!!! :D lol
Hope he's not too sick though!
Oh btw how's your car?! :D
@Teekanne haha bored at your lunch break? :P
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link though! I like it too! ;D lol
@anja: i´m fine. it´s just damn cold in germany! :-( we have nearly the middle of may and no summer in sight and that sucks.
ReplyDeletethat´s so true. but he would be a good godfather too i guess. i wonder if he is already since i think he would do a great job.
honestly.. i don´t think he´s sick haha. i bet he only didn´t feel like going working (but that´s what i feel everyday! ;-)
he got his new TV today... but only speculations..
my car is still in hospital.. haha.. my neighbour orders the thing he thinks must be changed and then will install it. but since i´m off on friday i think i don´t see it before my holiday! ;-)
Did you work today?
ok, you got me, not really bored at lunch break but bored the whole day! haha. still trying to organize a cheap accom in oslo.. but think we have to pay 50 Euro each per night. :-/
@Teekanne Oh I see! :( Here it's cold too! Way to cold for middle of may! I wonder where the heck the summer is! :-/
ReplyDeleteOh yea, he would be a great godfather! Maybe he is already, since one of his friends has a kid! :D Who knows! I for sure would have loved to have a godfather like him!!! ;D
haha so he's ditching! tsts shame on him!!! So he's prolly checking out his new tv! lol :D
Aww sorry about your car! But then it will be back to normal when you get back! :D Hopefully!
Nope didn't have to work today! I don't have to till thursday! :D jihhaa
but at least you don't have to work for too long now, till you go to Norway! :D I'm still a bit jealous!!!
haha so you were bored, did you find at least some other hot pics from our vikings?! :D
Oh hope you'll find a accom! But I guess it's hard to, since you're quite late for that! :P
hey girlies.....
ReplyDeletestop my beating heart......i bet guys hate can one guy have so
he's got it in bucket loads.....!!!
just as well my other half isn't
@Anja Yes it can! Living in a resort town it seems to happen almost every summer for me.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Thanks! I am good at the grill so I'm sure it will be fine.
I am totally down with the ILF part but not so much the D. I am too old for babies! I like it when my friends bring their kids around and I can't wait for my brother and his wife to have kids, but I like to close my door at night to quiet.
This picture is a nice way to start a Monday morning. Thanks, Mel!
ReplyDelete*fans self*
@Angela UK I gotta agree! LOL And I bet they do!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Cricket I see! I guess living in a city like that has it advantage and disadvantage! :D
haha I know what you mean about kids! I'm always kinda glad, when I can 'give' my cousins back to my auntie! They're cute and everything and I love them! But I would go insane to have them around me 24/7! :D
But then, I'm young! No need to hurry! lol :D
*sits at the poolbar, Kjetil in hand and looks around*
ReplyDeleteLooks and sounds like I'm all alone here! :( I don't think that ever happend before!!! LOL
Is there a party somewhere else I have no idea of?! ;D
goodevening girls how are you!?
ReplyDelete@anja did yout watch transformers this mornging?
haha I wasn't alone here, as it seems! :D
ReplyDelete@Corinna lol no I didn't!!! I overslept it, slept till noon! And my mom turned the tv off, so that it didn't got recorded! :( Oh well, shit happens! :)
@corinna forgot something! Haha I'm fine! And you? How did your week start? :D
ReplyDeleteoh that sucks,
ReplyDeletei´m fine too, it was a hard work day today but i take it with humor as i always do, keep on smiling
@Anja The lack of year-round available men that are not losers or old enough to be my dad is the # 1 disadvantage where I live. That, and the summer traffic.
ReplyDeleteThere actually was a party here! It was someone's birthday and my boss brought a cake. I behaved myself and said no.
@Corinna I see! At least the monday is over now! So it can only get better! :D Yea, good humor is essential! It's way easier to manage stressful situations with good humor! I try to do that too, but it's not working all the time! :D
ReplyDeleteWell I still can watch it on the internet! :D
btw. this picture is so cute, he looks so nice on it
ReplyDeletesometimes people ask what tabletts did i take this morning because i always smile. LMAO
ReplyDeletebut i don´t take drugs or something like that, i´m just a positiv think people
Hi again girls!
ReplyDeleteMy biking session was great, the weather beautiful and the nature is awesome in the spring time! I'm a little bit tired but I feel good!
@Cricket I wish you a very nice evening with your gorgeus guy! Maybe you don't need my advice but don't tell him anything about Aksel in the dinner time!! LOL Good luck!!
@Angela I'm sure some guys hate him! Especially after they read this blog!! Haha!
@Cricket well we have that here too! It's hard to find available men, who are no total loosers or jerks! :D But I'd say that's due to living in a rather small city! :D
ReplyDeleteWow your boss is nice! So for once you behaved yourself?! :P
@Corinna well I'd call me a rationalist troughoutly! I try to see everything as positive as possible tought! Not that it's always working! :D
@dana hei girl! Welcome back! :D So you feel refreshed now? I always do when I'm outdoors doing some sport! :D
@dana nice to hear that you have a nice biketour,
ReplyDeletei would like to go out for a jogging round but it´s still raining, and it is to much raining
@anja think pink! lol
@dana said:
ReplyDelete@Angela I'm sure some guys hate him! Especially after they read this blog!! Haha!
I agree...but still you got to love him.
@dana so you got new cougar
@cricket have great evening with your guy.
OMG what I was reading LMAO biking / bikini LMAO
ReplyDelete@dana Ooh good advice. I should probably change the wallpaper on my phone in case he sees it, right?
ReplyDelete@Anja I think there is a shortage of good men all over the world.
I almost always behave around sweets! My vices are drinks and boys and shopping.
@corinna I plan to, thanks!
Of course I love him!! Like I love my brother! (and my nose is growing and growing...) Hahaha!
ReplyDelete@Anja & Corinna I love biking and walking in wood! I hope you'll have a nice weather soon!
@Gordana Bikini??? I'm talking about bicycle! Yes, it's a good weather but It's not so warm for bikini! Haha- imagine me on the bike in bikini!!! OMG!! LOL
@Gordana It's OK, hun! I figured out it'!s a confusion...
ReplyDelete@Corinna haha I try! But since I don't like pink very much, that's going to be hard!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Cricket Yea, you're propably right! I'm wondering though, where the good men are hiding?! It can't be that most of them are jerks!!! Or that would be really disappointing!
haha I wish I could say the same! haha :D I love sweets, especially a good chocolate cake! Thank god we don't have any at home! :D
@dana I wish so too! I'm getting sick of rain! You know you could send us some?! Maybe you'll be so nice, since Aksel clearly wasn't! :D
LMAO about the Bikini on a Bike comment!!! :D
@dana maybe tomorrow morning will be the wheater better so then i go and it is not, i hope tomorrow evening will be better to do some sports outside, i also like biking or inline skating.
ReplyDelete@cricket the same thought lol
@anja then think yellow lmao
ReplyDeleteit´s hear nearly the same with the guys, but maybe the good ones are hiding
Helloooo Ladies! ;D How are you?
ReplyDelete@dana Congrats on being first! ;D
@mel *gasp* I almost fainted when I saw the pic! lol the title too! ;P
@Anja I had a pretty boring it was good!!! ;P I feel so unmotivated though because school's over in two weeks!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
I agree this is a hot pic! lol You slept in til noon?!?! ...I wish :/
@Cricket You know he's into you when he stalks you! lol ;D he's coming over...I'll leave you two alone *gently closes the door and walks away with a huge smile* ;D
:O cake?!?!?
@Gordana See, the guys I think are hot are older, taken, or gay ...not fair LOL ;P
Thank goodness Aksel is only older lol ;D
...bikini...we know what you're thinking about!!! lol ;P
@Teekanne Love the pic of Kjetil...he's blonde!!! lol
...I bet your coworker is skipping...I mean he's a guy and he got a new tv ...I'm pretty sure it's okay to jump to the conclusion that he's just being lazy and watching tv! lol ;P
@Anja and Teekanne It's cold here too! Why is the weather so messed up???
@Angela UK There's a lot that could/should make a guy jealous of Aksel! ;P
I love kids...but I don't want any anytime soon! I've got a lot of dreams to achieve! ;P But I love taking care of kids...usually I'm the babysitter at parties (even when I don't volunteer)! The parents go chat...have a few drinks...and dump the kids on me! LOL kidding, kids are fun! ;D
@corinna I get that too! People always want to know why I'm so "hyperactive" ...I'm not!!! I'm just smiling, being nice, thinking positive! ;D ...being weird lol
not hear i mean here sorry sorry *shakes head*
ReplyDeleteI looooovveee sweets!!! Who cares how many calories! lol We have a red velvet cake here at the house...and it's delish!!! Oh, it's sooo good! :/ now I want another slice...
ReplyDeleteWhoa! I just noticed how long my last post was...ooops!! ;P
ReplyDelete@nicole i know what you mean lol
ReplyDelete@Corinna I bet they are hiding! But why?! You think they read this blog?!?! LOL :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole hei girl! wow what a comment?! :P For once all in one comment?! ;D
Glad to hear you had a rather boring monday! So had I!!! Neede to realax and rest a little! :P
Well therefor I had to work on a sunday! :D
Yea i really wonder why the weather is going crazy! it's just not normal! :S
I send you all warm and sunny weather for tomorrow !Ha! Hope you'll get it!
ReplyDeleteI don't know either what's happening to the good guys! Where we can find them?
@Nicole Hello baby!!!! I like you're smiling, nice, hyperactive...That's ma girl!
@anja i think we are to strong for them lmao
ReplyDelete@dana thanks for sharing the warm weather with us
hi girls.. i´m back.. had a meeting for politics. quite intersting! :-)
ReplyDeleteHow is the party? just read about kids and bikinis ;-)
@anja: no didn´t find another hot viking pic. Since most of the pages are blocked at work i wonder what kind of pics must be on there! Haha..
@cricket: i love kids... of cause you´re glad you can give them back to their parents at least when they don´t behave the way you want them too. I think these days will be there too if this would be your own kids.
but for me there isn´t anything better than a laughter of a child! :-)
@dana thanks!!! Prays she'll recieve some! I don't like to go shopping in bad weather, so I really hope it will work!!! :D
ReplyDeleteSo since we were talking about pic of kjetil and kids, I found another one! It's so cute!!! :D
Hope it's working this time! :D
@corinna Hey, I always say as long as I make someone smile, I don't care how weird I look! Why are they so worried about me anyway? They have their life and I have mine! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja haha I tried to get it all in one post! It was rather hard! ...I kept losing my spot!!! lol ;P
Yep, boring Monday...but I had to go to school at least you didn't have to work! ;D
Mother Nature isn't happy :/ Smile, nature, please! I would like some sun!!!
@dana Hi Cougar!!! ;D Always hyperactive, of course!!!
...I'm a Monkey!!! ;P
@anja do you mean the picture in the last line on the left side? this one is cute!
ReplyDeletedo you go shopping tomorrow?
@teekanne good evening girl
@Teekanne hei hun! So did you come up with a good plan at your meeting? ;D
ReplyDeletehaha I wonder too now!!! Maybe they just know you and have blocked these site, so that you can't be on them and search for hot viking pics? :P
@Nicole haha i have dificulties with that too! loosing my spot, but since I'm on here rather early in the day, I don't have to much to read! And when I have, I'm just to lazy to read them! hehe :D
I know I'm getting spoiled at the moment! But doing nothing can get pretty boring too with the time! So I'm glad I can work a bit! :D
@nicole i´m always there for some funny things, lol i love to do crazy things too
ReplyDelete@Nicole That might be a good idea!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne If I had kids now I think I would be too old when they were adults! I never wanted to have one with any of my exes, and I never wanted to marry any of them either. I know a lot of women do it very well (my mom in particular), but I just don't want to be a single mom.
@Anja Kjetil is so cute. I want to pinch his cheeks.
I am leaving now. You all have a great night! I will try to keep things PG13 tomorrow. *giggle*
@Corinna I mean the pic with him and the Child! Don't know if we mean the same! :D
ReplyDeleteI do! Going to visit my friend in Bern and we go to do some shopping there! :D Haven't seen her in ages or so it seems! :D
@cricket good night have a great rest evening *hugs*
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I love it when babies laugh!!!! Something about it just makes you so happy...I always have to smile!!!
ReplyDelete...a politics meeting...doesn't sound too fun! lol ;P
@Anja Thanks for the links!!! ;D So cute!
Laughing Babies!!!!
I just LOVE the first one!
@anja: which one do you wanna show us? it didn´t work. you just have to give the real adress of the pic
ReplyDeletewhat baout this one?
@corinna: hey!
@Cricket He is, isn't he!!! :D
ReplyDeleteWell have fun tonight!!! :D And we want to hear how it went tomorrow! :D
Have a nice evening! :D
@anja we mean the same, but the first time i had open the link there was a lot of photos of him, and on the second try there was the photo with him and the child
ReplyDeleteoh shopping nice nice i love shopping
This poor mom!!!!
@Nicole LOL These babies are cute!! :D Remind me of my little godson! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I meant to show this one!
With this kind of link it didn't work last time, so I though I'm going to try it the other way! :D
Oh I love that one!!! :D Thanks for sharing!!! :D
@teekanne great picture
ReplyDeleteuhh i like this one:
and this one:
Funny laughing babies!
ReplyDeleteI,ve found a funny pic of Aksel!
@Teekanne Me too!!! Thanks! I like the ones where both of them are on it!!! :D
ReplyDeleteThese two men are just too sexy!!! ;D
@dana lol that's a funny pic!! I wonder what he finds so funny on that pic! :D
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Cricket!!! Sweet Dreams!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@anja where are they both on the pictures on the last links?
ReplyDelete@anja: no not really.. just local politics! ;-)
ReplyDeleteok, maybe it´s bc of the word "hot"??? i should leave that tomorrow.. ;-)
@cricket: ok, so there never was the right person in the right moment.
i would not mind to be a single mom. If it happens it happens.. haha.. no i think i really spend attention in school so hopefully it won´t happen. but you never know what men discovers after a few years.
good luck tonight! ;-) and don´t even try to keep it PG13 THIS NIGHT!!!!! ;-)
@Nicole: It´s just the nature of women! ;-)
it´s definitely hard to understand for me that some ppl don´t WANT kids...
the videos are great! haha.. kind of the laughing kitten! ;-)
@anja: this is pic of kjetil is lovely! :-)
yeh too sexy for this world! ;-)
@Anja Awww!!! That picture is adorable!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Love the pictures...definitely melting at Aksel's!!! ;P
@dana lol I love the goofy face he's making! ;D
@Corinna nowhere sorry! I just meant, when you search them on! Since she clearly searched these pics on that site, I was pretty sure she saw some of them too! :D Sorry if I confused you! :D
ReplyDeleteHere an example of which one's I meant!
or that one!
What do you think about this one?? LOL
@Teekanne Ah I see! :D
ReplyDeleteHaha yea you should probably let it out then! :D
LMAO Why did I know this song would come when I open the link?!?!
I always have to laugh about that song!!! But here it kinda fits... LOL :D
@Teekanne So you're encouraging Cricket not to be PG-13?!?! whoa!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete"but you never know what men discovers after a few years." There's no way I'm getting out of the gutter now!!! LOL ;D
I kinda understand why someone wouldn't want kids...don't want life to change...and they can be hard to take care of...but it's things like they're laugh that I think would make it so worth it! ;D Agree, it is the nature of many women! ;D
Thanks for the song!!! It's going to be one of those nights on the blog!!!! LOL ;D
@anja i was just a little confused, now i know what you mean, sometimes i´m a little pit confused
ReplyDelete@dana ahhh this hairs
@dana: GOSH!
ReplyDelete@Anja LOVE that first pic! Hottie and Cutie and colorful jackets! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@dana LOL ...ummm...hilarious! ;D
@dana LOL Definitly not one of his best pic! I bet all here love that pic! haha :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole lol I'm getting used to be in the gutter! Its already quite comfortable here!!! :P
@Corinna don't worry! I get confused too, very often! :D I'm easy to confuse! haha
@Anja The gutter is a very fun place to be LOL ...but it still takes me by surprise when I read some things on here! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Dana: Pleas don't ever show that last pic of Aksel again!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne: Had my last baby when I was almost 30. In my sons class at school there are moms who had there kids after 35. Don't think it's the end just yet but definitely if you don't want to be passed a certain age when they graduate HS make that cut off date now!
@all: Kjetil looks really comfortable and cute when he's around kids!
Haha! He looks like a drunk man!!
ReplyDeletebut I can bat you'll like this one
Ha Ha BAT!!! OMG I meant Bet!!!
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal and Teekanne I think women are having babies at an older age now...more concentration on careers! "make that cut off date" lol My parents are around 40ish and my friends have parents who are in their 50s and 60s ...I don't think there's anything bad about it! When the time is right, the time is right!! ;D lol
ReplyDeleteok, the first ones from the girls were great.. aksel and kjetil!:-) I love these both together... especially at the olympics.
ReplyDelete@anja: haha.. ok i´ll leave it! hope danas pic doesn´t show up tomorrow! ;-)
this song is great.. this band even was the best haha!
so damn sexy!! *caugh*
@nicole: only at home.. common she´s a cougar. i don´t want her to be here over PG 13 this night.. haha no details!!! ;-)
Most men discovers after a few years that they missed sth while having children. i won´t hold him back.. let him go.. give him a kick in the a$$. ;-)
ok, but most ppl who don´t wanna have kids wouldn´t be such bad parents but some of these parents nowadays who have kids better shouldn´t have.
i think it´s kind of egoistic to think a child doesn´t fit in someones life... what about a change?
i know a few who say: ok, my parents did it bad so i don´t wanna do the same mistakes i´ll better leave it.
haha.. what about this party song??
@buckeye: my aunt was 38 when the first child came. i can understand that a few woman say. ok after this age i don´t wanna have kids anymore but most don´t want them till 35 and then they don´t have the partner so it´s over.. i don´t know it´s kind of a weird world! ;-)
@dana haha I just love the wild blonde hair! lol
ReplyDelete@Nicole lol I know what you mean! I'd never say something like 'nothing can surprise/shocke me here anymore'! It will for sure NOT be true!!! :D
ReplyDeleteBut I guess sometime we all just don't realise what else it could mean, till we posted it! That happen alot to me!!! :D
but yea, I kinda like being in the gutter! Especially since I have so nice company! :D
@dana he looks really cute in that one too! :D Gosh with so many pic of hot men around, you think we all can still think coherently?! ;P
@all so many nice pictures tonight, thank you all for sharing
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Some parents these days are so...frustrating! They have no control over their kids and don't teach them manners! It's crazy! I feel more like a parent than them sometimes!!!
ReplyDeleteI do think it's really bad and sad when people change their minds about having kids because of their parents. One of my friends is adopted and has never really gotten along with her adoptive mother; things are getting worse between them and now my friend is very doubtful about having her own kids :/
LOL That's a funny party song!!! ;D
Whoa!!! apparently Teekanne needs a drink! lol ;P
@Anja There's great company there!!! ;D
Kids are priceless! ;D
@Teekanne haha it prolly will show up when you'll leave hot out! :D oh was that mean?! ;D
ReplyDeletehaha oh yea, the song was so perfect for the band... NOT!!! ;P
Though it fits for our vikings! :D
I have to agree with the whole no children discussion! But right now, I don't want any either!!! :D But I can understand that some don't want any! I bet there are ppl who are just now comfortable around children! :S
Haha I like the idea of a license to get children! Like a license to drive! :D Not that it's possible to do that but sometimes I really think certain ppl shouldn't have kids!
haha the song is great! So lets get drunk!!!
*hands Teekanne an Aksel and takes a Kjetil for herself*
ReplyDeleteyeh i know that. some of my soccer kids are part of such families. and you have to show them the limits and hardly can.
hmm... i can´t say anything about right or wrong. If they aren´t sure about themselves and how to act as a parent or show unease to the kids. it even makes it worse.
haha this song is old. but i still like it.. :-)
next one?
Girls I've just remembered of this funny video!
@Teekanne I'd never heard that song! But it's so funny and catchy!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@nicole: haha i love the first one. that´s how i tried to educate my big brother.. haha!
ReplyDeletewhat a dirty laughter! :-)
@anja: that´s what i´m affraid of!haha
*cheers anja*
Let the party started!!!
ReplyDelete@nicole: the last one was a summerhit in 1869 or sth like that haha.. no guess 2002! ;-)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne: you are so sweet:)
Old age and babies: You have to plan and it doesn't take much. I think part of the problem with women and getting older is that they don't plan and then realize, oh shit I should probably have a kid now before me vagina falls off!
@Teekanne wow you into 'ballerman' Hits tonight?! :P
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal OMG LMAO!!! :D haha
@anja: anything against it?? Haha.. you better get drunken with these songs.. what about mickey krause or jürgen drews? haha
ReplyDeletewhat about 90s?? I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!
i knew when i was younger i was dancing in my parents living room. :-)
oh.. i think some already left the party since it´s so quite in here??
@dana HAHA That's sooo funny!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteReminds me of this one:
@Teekanne Oh, I love this song!!! ;D
The party is definitely on! *dancing*
@Buckeye Gal :O LOL definitely was not expecting that!!!! ;P Yeah women have to pay attention to the clock but men can keep going!!!!
I'm here. Trying to catch up on all the links that were posted.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I like this song!!! *bouncing around the room*
ReplyDelete@Teekanne LOL I'm not into these kind of music! Prolly bc I was to young in the 90s to realise what good musik is! That's why I was a Backstreet boys fan! I really try to supress that time!!! :D
ReplyDeleteyou can get drunk to other songs too, girl! Like this one! We heart it over and over in rome! :D
I don't know, but I just like this song!!! :D
haha you see, you scared them all off with your songs!!! ;P lol
i´m still here
ReplyDeleteDon't know about you girls, but I was definitely into the Spice Girls! ;P
@Nicole sorry can't watch it! :( But I never was into the SG!!! haha I liked the 'kelly family' *hides in shame* and the Backstrees boys! :D lol And I try really hard to forget that!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I can't believe it!!! I had the same song in my mind!!! lol
ReplyDelete@All I'll go to bed! I hope to dream some Vikings with or without towels! Hey, I didn't say they're naked! Maybe they wear spandex!!(yeah, right!lol) Have fun and save some drinks for me! I'll drink tomorrow! Hugs for all of you!
@Anja HAHA Backstreet Boys fan too!!! NSYNC a little bit too! ;P
ReplyDeleteRome...stop making me jealous!!! lol ;P
FOund a new one: the hit of this summer or the last summer? who cares...
@anja: too young? common... you´re not that much younger than i am! i love the 90s. the best music ever... :)
haha.. i liked the bb too!
I LOOOVE DAVID GUETTA!!! YIHHAA! the album is in my car running up and down (in my car buhuhu)
i like this one:
Goodnight Dana!!!!! Sweet dreams...of white fluffy towels! lol ;P Talk to you tomorrow!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteSay hi to Tudor! LOL ;P
@Ladies: Ah...the 90's. 80's were better! I have all my kids into 80's tunes. I really love them sometimes(ok I love them all the time but there are times when I love them more than others) :)
ReplyDelete@nicole: i only bought the first album.. it was the first album i ever baught haha. after getting aaron carter as an easter gift from my grandparens haha..
ReplyDelete@anja: ahhh the kellys haha.. but honestly they did a few great songs. i love angel and mama!!!
@dana: bye bye sleep well! hot dreams! ;-)
@dana good night sleep well and lot of viking dreams
ReplyDeleteGirls, do you think i'm weird if i tell you i like this:
@Nicole Thanks, I'll tell him! See you!
@Dana: Night sweetie!
ReplyDelete@Anja That song has a really good party rhythm!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Really good songs! ;D
Mostly now all I hear is Lady Gaga (I love her music...but I hear it a little too much) ;D
@dana good night! Sleep well and sweet dreams! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha just 3 years! But apparently that's enought! ;P Just so you know, when your here, there will not be played this kind of music! ;D
I love his music too!!! :D He's awesome!!!
thanks for the link, didn't know the song befor! :D
@buckeye: since i grew up with the 90s and later got to know the 80s i love the 90s. all this dancing stuff!
ReplyDeletei love barbie girl:
@Nicole Lady Gaga has good songs! But she is a bid gaga too! I mean her outfits and stuff! :D and did you see the music vid of Bad romance i guess? There's a hot viking playing!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal Agreed!!! 80s are better! My parents raised my sister and I on the 80s and some 60s and 70s too! LOVE it!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I used to love Aaron Carter too!! lol ;P
@dana You're not weird...I like that song too! ;D haha He probably thinks I'm insane! lol Goodnight!!!! ;D
@anja: 3 years? haha. damn that´s a lot! haha
ReplyDeleteoh actually it wasn´t one from david but cheryl. and i really like him. :-)
and they´re playing this fifa song for the worldcup a lot.. i begin to like him too! ;-)
and this one rocks! :-)
@Teekanne I love Barbie Girl!!!! So much!!!
ReplyDeleteThat song and this song were on my special CD of favorite songs!!! ;P
@anja: i don´t like lady gaga. she´s played far too much in the moment. and the songs aren´t that good. it´s just commerce! ;-)
ReplyDelete@nicole: gosh today it´s kind of embarrassing, isn´t it? aaron carter? the one hit wonder? ;-)
not even a wonder!
@nicole: cannot watch it. it´s blocked from sony in germany! :-/
ReplyDelete@Teekanne LOL common 3 year aren't that much! ;) Remember Aksels 3 years older than you too!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI like both! :D Especially to go out and have fun! :D
I love this band!!! Is this song from a new album?!? I love heartbeat!!! :D
@Anja Yeah, Lady Gaga's outfits get on my nerves...sometimes she tries too hard to be weird! Really? There's a viking in that vid?? lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne 3 years is a lot??? Am I too young then? LOL ;D
I love 'This ain't a Love song' Great song!!!
so girls i´m off now, going to bed
ReplyDeletesleep well and good night see you tomorrow *hugs*
@Nicole sorry can't watch the other link either! :S
ReplyDeleteYea she does try to hard with her outfits!
haha sorry got it confused! it in paparazzi i guess! Where he tries to kill her! :D Can't spell his name though, way to complicate! haha :D
@anja: that´s something different.. as i already told ya, men are 2 years behind.. that´s why it´s only 1 year! ;-) and not even a whole year! ;)
ReplyDeleteyeh i love heartbeat too.. i just found a new favourite band. :-) do you know grand avenue? Listen to their songs.. they are good! :-)
@nicole: you offset these 3 years with your bodyguard skills! ;-)
@corinna: bye sleep well.
ReplyDeletei´m off now too.. stay clean! ;-)
Hugs to these who´re left! see ya wednesday. will be in the movies tomorrow. "The last song"
@Corinna good night and sleep well! Sweet dreams! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I see! :D I hope I'm not to young then for you to be friends with?! ;D Watch out with your answer, remember where you wanna go in march!!! ;P Kidding! :D
Nope don't know this band! What's their most famous song? :D
@Teekanne good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd enjoy the cinema tomorrow! it's the one with Miley cirus isn't it?!
Hugs! :D
ReplyDeletethere are nearly 10 month to teach and educate you! haha.. ;_)
guess it´s almost gone
but i like all of the new album place to fall. can´t tell which is the best..
i prefer to say: it´s the one from nicholas sparks but since there are 2 out at the moment.. yeh with miley! i love nicholas spars movies! :) a lot stuff to cry on! :-)
hugs back!
@Teekanne It was LOU Bega's Mambo NO.5!
ReplyDeleteokay, this is a recent song but I just hear it and I love it! Usher is awesome!
Another 90s group I love was SClub7! I loved their show!!! ;D
@Teekanne lol to teach and educate me! And in what subject would that be?! haha :D
ReplyDeleteand my mind is in the gutter again! I'm sorry!!! LOL ;D
Ok I guess I'm going to listen into that band! :D
I prefer the book to the movies i guess! have read 'message in a bottle' in my holidays! its just so beautiful! :D
Ok sleep well! Hugs :D
Goodnight Corinna!!! Sleep well!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Teekanne! Sweet dreams...of the Vikings!!! ;D
@Teekanne my bodyguard skills are good!! ;P Have fun at the movies!
@Anja That's a viking?! Awesome! ;D
@Anja and Teekanne I love Nicholas Sparks...but NOT miley all!
@Anja I prefer books to movies too!!! lol But the nicholas sparks movies are usually pretty good, and true to the story! ;D
ReplyDelete@nicole: ahh.. yeh i love it! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;-)
ReplyDeleteoh and s club, right.
I don´t start with great german songs now: Blümchen and stuff like that haha.. but the 90s were great! :-)
@anja: girl girl.. i think that´s a tough process! ;-)
do that.. and if you don´t know yet! KINGS OF LEON!!! haha..
i read the last song before too.. i prefer knowing the books before watching. and most times it´s a good way to improve my english skills! ;-) I read all nicholas sparks books! i love them.
You have to read "the notebook" if you haven´t yet... and "the rescue"
ok, i´m off now!!
@Nicole jup that's Alexander Skarsgard! He also plays 'Eric Northman' in True blood!
ReplyDeleteThat's him! :D
He's goodlooking, but I not as good as Aksel and Kjetil! :D
yea I don't like miley either, but Nicolas Sparks is awesome! :D
Well I haven't seen any nicolas sparks movies yet! the dvd of notebook is still waiting to be seen! :D
@Teekanne haha :D you think you'll manage that though challange?! :P
haha of course I know the 'Kings'!!! Who doesn't?! I love them too! :D
Ok i guess I need to read these book then too! I'm normally not into romance, i always have to cry! LOL ;D
And again, sleep well! :D
@Anja Alexander is goodlooking! But like you said, Aksel beats him!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja and Teekanne I love the Kings! Their songs are so good!
I cry a lot during romances...I'm a hopeless romantic! ;P
@Nicole haha I'd say Aksel beats nearly every man on this planet!!! ;D In everyway, not just appearance! :D
ReplyDeleteI do too! Cry alot, about everything! I can't help myself, eventhough I don't like it! I don't know if that makes me such a romantic! I guess i like it in movies, but such things just never happen in reality! I'm more practical in that sense! :)
@Anja haha Definitely! Aksel is just...da man!!! lol ;P
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't cry too much on a day to day basis ...but for movies, tv, and books I cry a lot! Some things are just so touching!!! ;D
@Anja Just the other day I was watching "In America" It's a really good movie about an Irish family that moves to the US to try to find a better life...I cried sooo much!!! I felt like my eyes were wet throughout the entire thing! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha he is! :D But that's why we're all here!!! :D
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with you about the movies, tv and books! I have to cry about everything! :D That's sometimes really emarassing, when you're for example in the cinema! haha :D
I don't know that movie! is it a new one? It sucks, we don't get so see here so many good movies! Just bc they don't go trough the trouble to translate them! Not that I'd need that! :D
Ok sweetie, I'm off to bed! For once I have to get up early and catch a train! Talk to you tomorrow evening! :D Sleep tight and sweet dreams! Hugs! :D
Saw Avatar for the first time today. Some cool shit! ~Lars' Twitter
ReplyDeletehaha I love Avatar!!! Awesome movie! I saw it twice on the weekend it came out! ;D ...and I cried!!! lol ;P
@Anja "In America" is not new...I think it's from 2006 but I found it while flipping through tv channels!
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Anja!!! Sleep well and I hope Kjetil comes to visit you in your dreams!!! haha Maybe the train ride will be fun! ;D
@Nicole I never saw Avatar! But all ppl tell me I gotta see it! :D I guess I have to, someday! :D
ReplyDeleteI see, well I don't think they've shown it here on tv! :S Maybe someday! :D
haha I hope so too! :P No need to tell you that my mind was in the gutter again i guess!!! :D
I think so, I'll be in the train for 3 hours, but I got some movies on my iPod, or a book I can occupie my mind with! :D
Good night! :D Hugs!
@Anja You definitely have to see Avatar!!! It's a really great movie!!! LOVE it! ;D
ReplyDeleteBook...occupy your mind with the book...or thoughts of Aksel and Kjetil! lol ;P
My mind was in the gutter too! ;D
Hi ladies,
ReplyDeleteshort stop for all of you with bad weather and no summer in sight...
I tried to translate it for the non-german-speakers...not too good, but maybe you can understand something.
Now it's summer
Sunglasses on and off to the café,
where I see the beautiful women on the road.
Then jump into the cold pool
and a Caipirinha - pretty cool!
Suntan lotion on and down to the sunbathing area,
where I lease a sunlounger for Lisa and me.
We let ourselves go and we let ourselves fry
everything else can wait for a while ...
And if nothing is the outcome of this due to seven degrees,
then we cant two sacks of sand to the bathroom.
On the radio they are playing the summer-hit - (cheap)
we sing along in the bathtub:
Now it's summer!
Whether you are sweating or freezing:
Summer is what happens in your head.
It's summer!
I made this clear:
Summer is when we laugh anyway. 2x
Open the sun-roof and off with the cabriolet,
but I have none, and that's fine so
because the fun of it passes quickly,
when it's the whole summer only in the garage.
Sometimes when I see the weather,
I'll get violent fantasies, and the weather girl
would be the first victim of my aggression,
although I know: What does it matter
when you take their by word and force her
that she jumps in a bikini in the North Sea
I make my own weather conditions,
when I tell myself always:
Now it's summer!
Whether you are sweating or freezing:
Summer is what happens in your head.
It's summer!
I made this clear:
Summer is when we laugh anyway. 2x
I get mad if someone steals my bike.
I get mad if somebody hits me in the face.
I get mad if someone else gets my dream woman
and lies with her at the pool on my towel.
But otherwise I'll take everything pretty loose,
cause I'm a mental gambler:
I simply click the small green button
and the sun's going on in my head:
Now it's summer!
Whether you are sweating or freezing:
Summer is what happens in your head.
It's summer!
Off into the rubber boat -
Winter has the order to stay away from the house!
Now it's summer!
Whether you are sweating or freezing:
Summer is what happens in your head.
It's summer!
I made this clear:
Summer is when we laugh anyway. 2x
Fuck the weather, whether you are freezing:
Summer is what happens in your head.
It's summer!
Hope you'll like it ;-)
Forgot: what a picture, Mel :-)
ReplyDelete@cjal That's so cool! I love acapella!!! ;D Thanks for the translation too...I needed it LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole: I thought so. Even if you speak's not really standard german but rather a little slang, so I had some problems with the translation. But I think it's ok if you can get the sense of it *lol*
ReplyDeleteI love a capella too!
@cjal I hope the translation wasn't a big pain...but thank you for doing it! I really appreciate it! ;D It's a catchy tune and I love the guys' outfits! lol ;P
ReplyDeleteDon't worry...wasn't a pain. And yes that guys are funny *lol*
ReplyDelete@cjal Did you have a good day today? No killing, right? lol ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole: sure was a better day than that one yesterday. And I didn't kill anybody. But I made 2 little mistakes in my seminar this evening. I HATE THAT!!! cause I'm a capricorn and in my business I always want to be perfect *lol*
ReplyDeleteIn other ways I'm pretty chaotic...
And how was yours?
WOW! I missed a lot!
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle,
ReplyDeletehope you had a fine day?
And you miss always a lot when you stay off this blog for a few hours.
When I left home at 5 pm there wasn't a new post. When I came back here short after 10 pm there was a new post with about 140 comments *lol*
@cjal Oh, at least you didn't kill anyone! But I hate it when I make mistakes! I'm a perfectionist about a lot of things and I hate when I know I can do better :/ Hey, you had a better day though, so that's good! ;D
ReplyDeleteI had a boring day, but that's good! This week is going to be pretty crazy though! ;D
@Michelle Hi Michelle! Glad to have you back!
@cjal and michelle Very true...a few hours, or a day away and it's crazy trying to catch up! ;D
Ladies, I just checked my grades online...I got a C on that psych test! Not too happy that I didn't do better....but hey, I didn't fail!!! ;D Thanks for the support!
ReplyDelete@Nicole: sometimes boring is really ok. If it were every day I would hate it! But sometimes...can be so nice. I don't have any reason to grumble. Most of my days are more exciting and / or exhausting than I would ask for :-D
ReplyDelete@cjal I agree! It's nice to have's relaxing! But I would go crazy if that's all I had! I need excitement and fun!!! One of the reasons why I come to this blog! ;D ...Yeah, it sounds like you have a lot of adventures!!!
ReplyDeleteHey Nicole, great that you didn't fail. I don't know excactly what's a C?! Is A the best? And what's the worst?
ReplyDeleteIn Germany we have other grades (from 1 = excellent to 6 = fail with a 5). In the upper school it's another get points from 0 = unsatisfactory to 15 = excellent (you fail with less than 4 points). German school-system - no further comment *lol*
Hello ladies!
ReplyDelete@Nicole: I am sure you will do better next time:)
@cjal: glad today is better than yesterday.
@Michelle: you must be one gutsy lady to come back! Here's to your sanity!
@Mel: Just got back from WalMart and with all the moving they are doing I still can't find anything! Plus...When will I learn to stop taking my kids with me (this includes my husband:)?
@cjal I had a good but long day. I'm glad to be back home though
ReplyDelete@Nicole you were right, pina coladas in San Juan were the best
do I really want to know how we got on the topic of serial killing? I don't have time to read through the last 2 weeks of posts
Hi Buckeye Gal...not to take your kids with you sure will include your husband *lol*
ReplyDeleteHow was your day...besides from finding nothing at walmart? ;-)
Sorry was me who brought the serial killing to the blog. Some people tried to kill themselves, a few other guys, a few young horses and me by being ignorant yesterday. I was in a bad mood when I arrived at the blog. But my therapists on here did a real good job :-)
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal are you kidding?!? I missed all my sistas
ReplyDelete@cjal a "C" is about 3 on the German scale
@cjal: work was not bad (boss is away in Berlin! I tried to get him to take me with him). I am lucky at the moment that I can work part-time (8-3) while my youngest is still in daycare. The next couple months will stink because I will transition back to full-time by Sep. Which reminds me...I need to go buy a lottery ticket:)
ReplyDeleteMy husband may be worse than my kids at WalMart since he normally will let them have sugary snacks. Since I have been on my diet they have been getting healthy snacks. One step forward...two steps back! It's a good thing I love him!
@Michelle: Girl...if you can put up with us God Bless Ya (or help you...not sure which one:) Remind me...Where are u from?
ReplyDelete@cjal Wow...that grading style is different...sounds much better!!! Here A is highest then B ...C is average and D is below average and F is failing. (They also have A+, A, and A- ...and B+, B...and so on) I think the plus and minus is stupid though! You either have an A or you don't. You have to get a C or above to get credit for a class. But this was a test and I still have a B in the class (not my best...I'm usually a lot better in school but I only have two weeks left so I'm not really caring ...that's really bad :/) So I'm average...on the test...don't think that applies to me in real life! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal I think many husbands are kids! I know my dad is less mature than me a lot of times!!! ;D
Wal Mart is always changing everything...I can never find what I want anymore!!!
@Michelle I told you! So did you have fun on your cruise? What places did you visit? ;D
Thanks Michelle! I assumed that but wasn't sure.
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal I'm a buckeye too
ReplyDelete@Nicole went to san juan, st thomas, dominica, barbados, st lucia, st kitts, st maarten. Then a week on martinique- Best 2 weeks ever.
@Buckeye Gal haha Just saw your comment on Aksel's blog! Astrid sure does have a nice view! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole: My husband is actually awesome. That immaturity will keep our kids busy for hours! He is also the best husband a girl could want! Cooks, cleans, is willing to do the grocery shopping and lets me take naps once in awhile (this is really important). He is also athletic and loves to play different sports. However, he does not like to watch them on TV (his only downfall:(:) The one thing I hate is that he likes to ski but has never taken me! This oversight will be rectified this fall!
ReplyDelete@Michelle Woohoo, Island hopping! Very nice! I'm jealous! I want to visit my family so badly... :{ Don't know if we're visiting this summer...
ReplyDeleteSo what did you see in San Juan? ;D
@Michelle: Very nice! Hate you:) Glad you had a good time!
ReplyDelete@Nicole mostly stayed in Old San Juan, didn't venture too far because we weren't in port very long. Took the Barcardi Rum tour, had to taste test of course - it passed:)
ReplyDeleteGee...I've just realized that it is again 1:15 in the morning.
ReplyDeleteLadies, I'll leave.
Have fun and a nice day / evening / night.
@Buckeye Gal I hope you think that about your husband! lol ;P ...okay, hasn't taken you skiing...that's a major no-no! Demand it, girl! ;D Sounds like a great husband though!
ReplyDelete@Michelle: that sounds great!
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal: ok, no compassion. Your husband seems to be near to perfection ;-)
And now I'm off!
@Michelle Old San Juan is great...hope it was clean for you! Bacardi Rum...of course you have to visit that place! ;D
ReplyDelete@cjal Goodnight!!! Sleep well and I hope you have a great Tuesday! ;D
@Cjal: How can you just realize it is 1:15am? I would have been asleep at the keyboard by now! Sweet dreams!
ReplyDelete@Ladies: Last time I brag about my babe. Not fair to Aksel:) Since this is a blog for him all future comments will involve his hotness only:)
@Michelle: Which cruise line were you on and did you like it?
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal Hey, it's allright to venture! Remember off topic comments are welcome! Talk about anything!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal: Carnival, and I love them. I usually cruise with them a couple times a year. I think these 2 weeks were it for my this year though, Martinique is a little expensive. The ship's a little older and a little smaller than their other ships I've been, so you can feel a lot of movement (keep it clean ladies). I'm not a big fan of Royal Caribbean - too many kids on board for my taste.
ReplyDelete@Michelle My mind was a little clean until you pointed it out!!! lol ;P
ReplyDeleteGoodnight ladies!!! I'll talk to you tomorrow! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Have a wonderful Tuesday!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole sorry, my mind went in the gutter when I typed it. LOL waaaay too many funny memories
ReplyDeleteHaHa... my security word is skiing
Does this mean I have to make a Kjetil video? Not that I mind. Making videos of a good looking guy is a wonderful way to kill time.
ReplyDelete*plops down onto the couch and hollars* Hey bartender (whoever that may be now, not sure) mix me up a Kjetil and make it a double!!
ReplyDeleteThe kids are in bed and I am completely and utterly exhausted. Today was Gram's funeral and it was a long long day. Everything went well and it was a beautiful day. Now it's back to work tomorrow :( I realized I really need a vacation! Didn't @Buckeye Gal mention a party at @Astrids house over on Aksels blog? COUNT ME IN!!
@Michelle It looks like you got to visit a lot of awesome places...glad you have a good time, welcome back.
@Mel Sweet picture of Aksel, one of my faves! Nice to look at after a rough day.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday...I will try and check in at some point...I know I'll have double the work to do with being off today, not looking forward to it at all. :(
My bed is calling me...goodnight!
@Mel ... I love this pic ... the Man just ooozes sex appeal and charisma! *sigh* That's what makes him so universally appealing ... I don't think other men will hate him for it, I think it makes them wanna be his wingman!
ReplyDeleteAloha all!
ReplyDelete(**just spilled my mojito and Lars**)
OMG...this man is utterly amazing. someone make room next to David Beckham. I think Aksel is next. Thanks @Mel!
@Kristen...hope all's well.