Friday, April 2, 2010

Viking Long Ship

My ship finally came in & it's a Viking Long Ship! Now all I gotta do is find the Viking man that goes with it. I completely freaked out when I saw it for the first time. Instantly reminded me of The Attacking Vikings.


  1. If you guys have any ideas for blog topics while Aksel is away let me know or you will get very random blog posts. Though I do have an idea for tomorrows... Or if you have any suggestions on how to make the blog cooler or funner let me know.

  2. Beautiful ship!
    Mel,I think you're a kind of Jack Sparrow and stole the ship from the Vikings. In that case I'm your humble servant Will Turner!(or Popeye, I'm not quite sure) ha ha!

  3. I love Johnny Depp!!!! I borrowed it without the intent to return. *insert devilish grin here*

  4. I'm one of the weird ones who has never seen the appeal of Johnny Depp, lol. He's creepy to me. :-/

  5. Oh how quickly we get off topic:) Love it! Viking ship to pirates to Johnny Depp (Could I be Keira Knightley?). I love him as an actor but then I found out he has poor hygiene and that is kind of a let down.

    Blog topics: Is it possible to stay on topic since Aksel's fans apparently have ADHD:)?

    I think we should focus on Aksel until we get so far off topic we start another topic.

    OK got to go get a haircut!

  6. LOL! Buckeye Gal..yeah the poor hygiene is def a let down on the Johnny Depp front...LMAO at the ADHD comment...

    Off to the gym...xoxo

  7. ok.. that might cause a blog about aksel vs. johnny depp?!? that´s not fair... for johnny depp! ;-)

    i don´t have adhd... oh a bird!! lovely!!

    off for some shopping!!! i looooooove shopping.. maybe i get a viking for our blog!! ;-)

  8. Is this a display for the "How to train your Dragon" movie??? :D ...Sorry, if I spoiled that!
    ...and, why does Johnny Depp always seem drunk in his movies (and not just Pirates...that's a given!) He always mumbles...but he seems like a cool guy!

    @Teekanne Agreed...I don't think Johnny Depp could win that race! Just mentioning Aksel's name gives him the gold!!! haha ;P

  9. Hi again!
    @ Nicole I read an article about Johnny Depp that said he use to drink on stage. So he IS DRUNK, not only seems!!
    Girls,I'd like to see Aksel in a video like Rafael Nadal in Shakira's "Gipsy" (or Gypsy!?) Do you?

  10. @Dana I think it depends on the video!!! lol ;D He should dance, though...definitely, some dancing!

  11. This isn't related, but I saw this video and it made me smile! :)

  12. You should see Shakira's video and you'll understand what I mean. Imagine Aksel instead Nadal...
    God,what's happening to me? Oh yeah,I'm just dreaming...

  13. @dana I used to love Shakira, but something about her has changed. It's a little disappointing!

  14. Yeah it is a display for the movie How To Train Your Dragon. I get to look at it when I'm at work & think about hot Viking men...

    Yeah the poor hygiene is a total let down. Aksel would so win in Aksel vs Johnny Depp.

    @ Nicole that is a cute video.

  15. I have to agree with Kim in WA ... I en-oyed Depp's perfor-ance as a Pirate, but I think he's a little creepy. Since I'- fro- OR -aybe it's -ust a NW vibe thing :) ... LOL Ok I have to go back on my pledge to eliminate all J & M reference's just too hard on my ADHD ... I repledge to just not put them side-by-side :)

  16. Omg, Deuce, you are cracking me up!!! :-p

  17. LOL I don't have ADHD...oh look Easter Eggs!!!! I have CDO it's like OCD, but the letters are in the correct order.

    It's another lovely day in the neighborhood just a lovely day in the neighborhood. Would you be mine, could you be mine won't you be my neighbor? Sorry Mr. Rogers flashback.

    Off to boil eggs & color them.

  18. Totally off topic but I thought we should come up with a definition for an akselized fan. Here is my try:

    akselized fan: a fan of Aksel Lund Svindal who creates havoc in a confined space ( like his blog).

  19. Akselized fan:an open-minded fan of Aksel Lund Svindal who can talk freely ON or OFF TOPIC!!Ha!

    I finished all my work: I cleaned up, cooked, boiled & coloured the eggs! Let's the Easter night begin!

    Paste fericit! Cristos a inviat! Happy Easter, peace, love and good thoughts from Romania for all of you!

  20. I like them both! Maybe I should make it the topic of a blog. Though I do like going off topic.

    Happy Easter everybody!!!!

  21. @Buckeye Gal: [akselized fan: a fan of Aksel Lund Svindal who creates havoc in a confined space ( like his blog).]

    oh yeah ... that guy sure knows how to create a good havoc ... anywhere!
    I think his akselized fans need to have some chaos-qualities too :-D
    My cellar is my reference...

  22. I went shopping yesterday...and freaked out when I saw the Viking ship in my own store!!! ...I'm so lame! ;P

    @Deuce I'm getting a little dizzy reading your posts! haha I think not putting them together would be better! lol ;D

    @Teekanne and soccer fans There's not much emphasis on soccer here...but I love it...I mean come on, it's a sport played all over the world but the news here only cares about American Football! (I don't understand that sport)! I can't wait for's going to be awesome (cheering on England, Italy, Argentina, and Brazil)! England plays US for first game...insane!!!!
