This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Party @ Jess's
We played the Wii. I love to bowl though I suck at it! This is my friend Angel & her family, Emily, Mike & Michael.
Jess is singing Kung Fu Fighting, Michael is on the drums & Jonathan is on the guitar. In the back is my friend Angie & her daughter Becca. In the front left corner is Jonathan's brother Matt.
I'm singing Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar, Jonathan on the drums & his Mom on the guitar. They kept giving me the mic because I was signing along with every single song. Well we all were, but I was more willing than the others.
My sad attempt on the guitar. I'm much better at the vocals. Though I can't carry a tune in a bucket. Had a ton of fun & came home with only 4 cupcakes.
Love your long hair!!! I've been trying to grow mine back out after a few pretty craptasic haircuts. Glad you had fun at the birthday party. I agree Kjetil should keep us updated on the beard. Perhaps take a picture every few days or once a week depending on how fast it grows!
Of course you can make jokes about Kjetil's stuck-in-everything-mustache. Just don't go too crazy girls.
I think it makes him feel like a man because last weekend we put him in a dress & heels...just a should never mess with a man's manhood it scars them for life.
Hello everyone! How are you today girls? I'm cheer as usual! I love this beautiful spring time and I feel love is all around!
@Mel You are very nice and sweet!!! And I like your hair too! I can say I envy you for it! I have long hair too, but not like yours! I see you had big fun there, what a pity we can't hear what are you singing!
I'm gonna go catch a few more Zzz before I have to actually be up & start getting ready for work. After work I'm going to the movies with my bestest Kelli. I think we are going to see The Crazies or How to Train Your Dragon. I can't remember at this time. I'll catch ya on the flip side.
Maybe Kjetil needs a mustache comb so he can get the crumbs out of it when he's done eating. *giggles*
I just saw that Kjetil posted on the other blog! haha he's so funny! :) At least we know now, he's still alive! :P
@Mel looks like you had a great time! :) I never played wii either, but I heard it's quite funny! :D Totally agree with you! He read our conversation about the dress and heels and now needs to feel like a man again! :P haha and that just shows again, that he's reading this! :D
@cjal haha you're allowed to do that! Tell as much jokes as you want! :P My mind already was in the gutter, but won't repead it here! :P I heard you want it to be G-rated! :P
@dana I'm fine too! Thanks! Eventhough it was raining here all day! :( No sun at all! :S Thanks for the link! This song always reminds me of the movie "Love actually". :D
@Nicole to your guestion what "Risiko" is. It's rather complicate to explain, but I'll try. :) It's a strategic game, where you have to fullfill missions you draw. First you draw cards and you get the countries on these cards! And you got an army too btw, and the look so cute, (infantry, cavalry and cannons), which you have to put on your countries. In the end the whole world is divided to the players! Well mostly you have to conquer another country and for that you gotta dice with the "owner" of that land. And who's got the higher points (do you say it like that with a dice?) wins and when there's no man left, you won the land! :) The thing is, you gotta plan, how you'll fullfill your missions! And you need luck! So that's why I always loose, I have neither! :P Hope this is helping, and sorry Mel and everyone else for spaming the blog with such a huge comment! :D
ok, my brain is back in my head! haha. i know again where i got this pics of. Leif Kristian Haugen´s facebook profile haha... damn i knew i missed one! ;) there are a few more of the boys... yeh without shirts! but honestly i like aksels pics/chest most! haha!
how are you going? how was your start in the week?
@anja: haha. no problem i know that already everybody is stalking me! hahaha...
@nicole: risiko is called risk in english: it´s a strategic board game!
i guess kjetil is really mad about us... i think he really was proud of this mustache. we really messed it up. i wonder if the boys make jokes about this now or if they try to rebuild his self confidence...
@mel: great party. looks like a rockstar party! :-) i think i would have liked parties like that. we just did coffee and cake with the adults and paperchases with the kids. but i think i liked that too when i was younger! ;-)
@dana: common share these jokes with us! haha... a mustache makes a man out of a boy! haha
Did acutally someone see a good picture of Kjetil with this facial hair? I wonder if it's just a stache or a beard? I'd love to see a picture! :D
@Cricket hei! How are you doing? lol sorry to hear that you couldn't hone your cougar skills at the wedding! :D
@Teekanne LOL poor boys aren't even save on facebook from us (you)! :P hihi kidding! My start in this week was good, and yours? haha I wondered that too, they'll prolly make fun of him too! But I have to say, it looks better than Lars' movember! That lookes hilarious! :D
haha if he needs someone to rebuild his self-confidence, he can come here! I'm sure we could manage that! :D
haven't tried to what it, but I'll go an check it! :)
@dana Thanks for the link! I don't know what everyone is going on about! He looks adorable in this pic! :D I just hope he doesn't let it grow very long! That starts to look messy and not very good! As long as he doesn't plan to look like Marc Berthod on this pic! Marc definetly needs a hairdresser! :D I'm not sure though, if he still looks like this, I hope not!!! :D
@Teekanne haha I'm mean I know! :P haha set it on fire! I'd love to see that! nono he should come here and defend himself! As long as they don't say something against them, I'll asume it's ok with them! :P
Why can't you see sony? That's really strange! :S
lol have fun with carring away your brother and see ya later! :P
@anja: haha. defend himself? you see in aksels blog what happens if he tries haha. he goes mad. :-( poor kjetil! can´t see sony bc. in germany the right about music are really hard. aksel put some music in his video so they deleted it. i hate it!
it was fun carrying my brother. some time to talk.. ;-) and i got a salad in return. Haha.
did i miss anything? what do you think about aksels blog. he should give us an update right?!
@Cricket lmao "keep their faces warm"!!! :D Please ask your friend about that! :D Or they're just too lazy to shave?! I mean, I don't shave my legs everyday in winter either! Just to much work, for that noone sees my legs anyway! ;P
@dana lol yea! haha I wonder though, what the other guys (Aksel, Lars, Truls) think about all that! :D
@cricket: it keeps warm? i have some pics in my head from lars where he has snow and ice in his beard... what should keep him warm? and kjetil just gave enough facts agains a beard. honestly.. i don´t care. as long as he feels comfortable! :-)
maybe he´s faster with beard?! who knows whats going on in his beautiful head! :-)
@anja: but now i know why it seems like aksel is his bigger brother... he needs him! SOOO CUTE! haha! aksel should defend him! i expact a final statement of aksel in his blog! haha
"Ok girls, you had fun. we had fun. BUT it´s over now. don´t ruin his life.. let him feel as a man only bc of his fluff! remember how you feld when you were young and thought you had the best hairstyle ever and everybody told you it isn´t!!" haha
@Teekanne lmao about your comments! That would be soo cute!!! I mean Aksel defending Kjetil! Though Kjetil wouldn't look like tha man anymore! hehe :D
So you read his comment on the post Aksel did about him! I really can see him sitting on the couch (prolly styling his new beard :P) while Aksel does all the work! haha He's even tell him to bring him a coke! :D
Ok, vid is downloaded! Going to send it to you righ away! :D
@dana Don't worry, I will be gentle (unless he's not into that)!
@Anja @Teekanne I texted my friend about the beard. He said it definitely keeps his face warm in the cold and makes him feel like a "mountain man". LMAO!
I totally think Kjetil is like a little brother who is easy to tease. I would never want to offend him though.
@anja: of cause he would.. but he´s still growing up.. damn he´s only a few days older than i am! ok, with aksel defending him bad idea! ;-) but i think aksel would look gorgeous defending elfie! :-)
haha.. just read it! haha... gosh he didn´t lose his humour. i bet he didn´t found out this blog! haha!
it´s not political correct, right baby! i´m not a specific gender! ;-)
Haha.. he´s sitting on the couch and gamble a game while aksel tests... bet aksel would kick his ass! but honestly i bet some ppl think about him like that. "oh aksel does that.. so kjetil will join" He should get his own blog pretty soon!
@Cricket LMAO :D I know what you mean about teasing! :)
@Teekanne lol he's what 24?! Still around 2 years older than me! But yea, we already decided I'm still a kid! But that means you too, if he's not a man yet! haha! :P
yea, i'm sure he hasn't seen this! otherwise I'm not so sure he'd still have his humor! :D Though that's what makes him so cute, i think! I love a good sense of humor! :D that's why i'm here so often! LOL
@all I just realizes that there is another Anja on the other blog. So just to your information Anja (Switzerland) that's me! :P Just that there's no misunderstanding! (Maybe unnecessary)
@anja: i think 24 yeh... you forgot man are about 2 years behind.. i guess until they are dead! haha! the mental age regarding! haha. so i´m kind of a cougar already!! Kjetil wasn´t a man yet. now he has a beard - now he´s a man! :-)
i think if he had read this blog he would have humour but cynism!!
Haha.. good sense of humor and this blog HAHAHA! that was a good one! :-)
Of-topic: don´t know just had that question in mind. think you have to wash your clothes more often?!
It was scary, but I was a brave little toaster(I love that movie) Well I'm off to work. Catch ya after the movie. Hopefully he doesn't kill me for my comment...*worried look on face*
@Teekanne lol true! Well so he's just half a year older than me, since his birhtday is in august (I guess)! :D lol cougar?! So you're into young man too? :P Thought your engaged to Aksel?! ;D
Well it's a wide strech, but there is good humor here, somewhere! We just gotta find it! haha :P
haha now i get it! lol I don't know! I don't eat garlic so much! You could do a experiment and find out! :D
you never know, just wanted to make sure! :D But I'd get some trouble with copyright, wouldn't I? Not worth it! But if you want a vid just tell me! :D it's not like it's taking me forever! :D
@Mel you were very brave girl! Respect! haha Do you think we should go and delete some comments? Not that I'd have too! ;P
@anja: oh yeh.. i nearly forgot as we talked about kjetil the whole day! haha. half a cougar, take the 2 years for down of aksels age to get his mental age... ;-)
copyright? who is copyright?? haha...
@Cricket: haha... it´s in the first 15 of 17 blogs! haha!
@all: who drove the Lambo to crash the party? somebody hurt?,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=349.jpg
The facial hair makes Kjetil cougar bait. Be scared, Kjetil, be very, very scared!!! LOL
@Teekanne... thanks for the pictures! Just what I needed this manic Monday morning. About made me faint. :-D
On a more somber note, I'm posting this song from Poison... because I want Bret Michaels to get better. I was a total headbanger back in the 80's-90's and grew up with Bret/Poison (and others) on my wall. Get better, Bret!
@Teekanne lmao you forgot?!?! How can you?! :P lol half a cougar... :D yea, we kinda switched from Aksel to Kjetil the last couple days! Wonder why that is? :D
I wondered too! Heard he's a pain in the ass this copyright! :P
That wasn't me! *shakes head* Don't look at me! I'd never crash a lambo! :D
btw lmao about the link! haha :D Mando Diao are great! :D
@Kim: it´s been a pleasure! :-) i´m affraid i don´t have any pics left for the next weeks! :-(
youtube my favourite.. haha. cannot watch it! but found another one! i think i didn´t know them, but i like it! at least the music haha!
@anja: no i don´t forgot really, i just pushed i aside since there are still a few month left (or years depends on how long we drive to the party!!) we are woman, we are manipulable i guess (aksel caused it with his video). oh, did i change sides now? better our interests are spreading!?! haha
For the cougars: the interests strech now from young man to real young man!
yeh who´s this Copy Right and why does he sing so many songs?!
OMG!!!! I'm the one who said to dress up Kjetil in Vera Wang and take him some pics!!! I just read my posts on "Finally"! Hahaha! I didn't realize what craziness I started... Sorry, Kjetil! I didn't mean it!
@Nicole where are you? I need your protection, the girls called the boys here...Heeeelp!
@Kim what happend to Bret? haha I gotta admit, I only know him from this dating show! *blushes* never watched it really, but I was curious and watched an episodes... That's an hour I'll never get back! :(
lol dana and me where actually the ones here who said he look good with it! :D
@Teekanne Well I'm ready! I'm at the airport on thursday anyway! :D And If we could meet in Garmisch or Lenzerheide, (I gotta do some advertisement for my area :P) we could crash their party there! :D i'm not sure they'd like it, after they learned about the dress/high heels incident! :D
haha true! We're also so predictable! *thinks of Aksel's date comment* lol :D
I just read the dress posts and I am dying over here! Poor Kjetil. No wonder he grew the mustache!
This reminds me of a group of friends I had in college. Three of the guys were joining a private club and their initiation was to dress up as women and walk around the courtyard of their dorm. They wore dresses and heels and wigs and makeup and even fake boobs! It was HILARIOUS and we were all crying with laughter watching them try to walk in the heels. I still have the pictures somewhere.
@Anja... He's been hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage at the base of his brain stem. They don't know the cause... a week before this happened he had an emergency appendectomy, so they don't know if it was related to that somehow or what. From what I've read, there is only a 30% survival for this, and for those who do survive there are usually complications (assuming what I read was correct).
Rock of Love kind of showed him in a negative light, but he's been on Celebrity Apprentice and it shows such a different side of him... he's really a good guy (for a rocker, lol). I grew up with him and his music (even though some of Poison's song were pretty cheesy!). I really hope he pulls through this!
Okay, sorry to be a downer at the party. Gimme a strong drink and let me pull up Teekanne's pictures, and all will be good. ;-)
@anja: dating show? thought it was flavor flav! haha crashing their party in Garmisch even though they´re not there.. strange idea! haha
@dana: yeh nicole is missing.. they could come here immediately and we are totally unprotected!
@anja&dana: yeh and Nicole defended you.. ;-)
@cricket: didn´t know a mustache grows that fast... haha maybe he got some good stuff from miraculix! haha wait he was a druid not a viking.. damn. They have secret hair restorer in norway!!
@Kim: No problem. We catch you! what about aksels gay-jumping pic??? Haha
@Anja I would post them except they are old school pictures (I'm a cougar, remember!) and I don't have a scanner. Plus I really should protect the innocent.
@Teekanne That post was over a week ago! I am SURE he is manly enough to grow the mustache in that time. An ex-boyfriend of mine could shave in the morning and need to shave again before dinner.
What is the gay jumping picture? I'm kind of afraid to ask.
@anja: ahh now i got it. haha. no i didn´t read all the stuff. it was too much, as i only was 2 hours at home.
i would go there too... yeh! Haha. just need a sleeping place. floor is ok! ;-) that would be so much fun! Haha i can drive down with cjal, she´s living "next" (less than 400 km i guess) to me! Haha. you apologized virtually not personally! haha
@cricket: wooooooow.. that´s hard work.. damn! haha gay jumping? haha... you´ll love it! i need to search it!
@Teekanne lol I can understand that! I didn't either! :D Well if it's working out, I'll have a hotel room in Garmisch and for the WC finale, I got a spare bed and some space! :D It's just a 15min drive from here! :D It really would be a hell of a party! lol :D
lol why should I apologize personally, when we dressed him up virtually (and not personally) too? :P But if I'll ever met him, I'll apologize! :D
@corinna hei girl! How ya doing? I'm fine thanks! :D Especially since I learned, thanks to you!!! :D, that we'll have the wc final! :D
@Corinna Sorry to hear that you had a hard day! :( Nope not yet, but if it's working out that I can go, I'll have to book one! :D It's not like i can drive everyday 3 hours or so! :D
@corinna: had a good day! :-) but it´s a monday! haha to long till weekend! and yours?
@dana: haha.. common.. show some courage.. not as much as mel! haha
@anja: haha you try to make me feel guilty about not reading all the stuff... haha you already booked a room? how many girls fit in there? i really just need a place on the ground (if there is space, as long as aksel isn´t around there should be!!). haha. but really would come over if you´d like to i you could stand it! haha. I´m serious about that!! Do you go there with friends?
that´s a point... maybe bc i can see it in reality in my mind and i bet not only me! haha. i would appreciate you apologize personally! haha.
@corinna dana is right! Here you can relax! :D haha I like that song! and the vid! :D Dr. House is hilarious! I wouldn't want him as my doctor though! :D
@dana haha yes he must! haha :P I don't think though, that we would have been able to do it to poor Kjetil in person! haha Unless he'd have been as wasted! :D
@Teekanne I haven't a room yet, but my family is trying to organise something! I'll now at the end of mai! haha we have some contacts! ;P But if I'll go, I guess I can make some room! haha :D Nope, all my friends aren't interessted in alpine skiing! haha :D If we meet somewhen next winter and see them, maybe I will! If I have had enough to drink! :D
@corinna: i´m sorry for that! I could offer to give you a hand... ;-)
Dr. House.. never watched it. i´m so not cool! haha
@dana&anja: never thought about kidnapping?? haha
@anja: trying to organise? is it that hard? i guess my friends aren´t either so no chance! :-( anyway it´s to far and to expansive for most of them! make some room! haha. would be great! in the cabinet, shower or balcony! where ever. no, honestly i would share a room and pay for it! haha.. if you like in alcohol! haha
@corinna: haha.. nooo... i just thought about he´s messy. remind the pic of his fathers home?! Did you find a place to sleep? that´s why i said it! haha
@Corinna haha I actually thought about that too! :D
@Teekanne Haha Kidnapping?! Do you want to relocte our party into jail! :P
Well let's say my mom and grandpa try to organise something! I don't know yet, what exactly! :D But since they know some ppl I guess that should work out! :D Well if you so badly want to go there you can! I actually though about a bed or a couch! haha :P Jup alcohol would be good! :P since I'll need it, if I should apologise for what we've done! :D
@anja: no it never was my plan to do that... not yet! haha
no cabinet?? yiehaa! thx. i so badly wanna crash a party with YOU! haha... i don´t care about the skiing or the ppl. snow or party. just about you! :-)
haha.. let me know about these plans again if you still want me to join in a few weeks haha.
you can admit that you apreciate you need to appologize! haha
Party in jail! Nope, I think is better here! So no kidnapping! If he comes here I'll shake his hand (no glue this time!) and I'll apologize. Then I'll buy him a drink so I hope we'll become friends! And I can invite him to dance!What do you think? Good enough?
@Corinna I'll join you! But I don't know who's bartender! I guess, since Kjetil is mad, it's not him! :(
@Teekanne haha lol I'd never let a friend sleep in the cabinet or let alone on the balcony!!! :D I'm not that cruel! :-) ah you're sweet! :D I'd love to crash a party with you too!!! Would be so much fun! haha and we could combine that with see our favourite Vikings! :D Haha that would be an awesome week/weekend! :D
lol are you afraid i'm going to change my mind about you and crahs a party in a few weeks?! haha I don't think that'll happen! :D
btw why just me?! I mean I'd to it for the greater good! :D But just for the record, I wasn't the only one! haha :D
@dana: haha no glue! haha buy him a drink? as he´s the bartender hisself you don´t need to buy!
@anja: i have some friend who need to sleep in the bathroom sometimes haha. i´m not affraid.. haha i just warn you that it could happen. so keep all chances open haha!
right you wasn´t the only one. but as apologizing wasn´t that bad but a chance, common feel honored! :-)
@corinna: haha. i expected one of the vikings.. haha good so wrote the time otherwise i would have watched the whole video! haha.
@all: i´m off now. don´t know if i´m able to stop by for a moment tomorrow. but def. see you on wednesday (bayern victory!!! haha)
@dana I agree, better we're going wild here! :P Well you could at leat try to ease him! :D maybe he'll be your friend, if you're a good dancer?! :P
@Corinna Thats so beautiful! Thanks! Makes me wanna go travelling so bad though! Well I shouldn't complain though! :D
@Teekanne I will! haha :D ah now you're talking about the virtually apology! Oh well, I'd do that one all over again! hehe :D Ok I kinda feel honored! :D
Good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Talk to you later! :D
@Teekanne oh forgot, I'll cheer for Bayer this one time! Just for you! :D haha And since there will be no Ribery I don't have such a big problem with that! :D
Help, same procedure as every evening...I come home from horses and the blog seems exploded *lol*
To summarize: someone rocked the party and drove after drinking and crashed a Lamborghini. Next Teekanne and me go to Garmisch to meet Anja and sleep on the ground that is messed up by Aksel himself (I sure hope all his stuff doesn't smell too bad). Btw. @Teekanne, I think we have to use the second car cause the Lambo is crashed. Then Anja and Teekanne will crash a party too and end up in a jail to rock the party over there. As I know my own luck, I'll end up in jail with them. After putting Kjetil in a dress and highheels and cracking funny jokes about his mustache- stuck-in-everything we couldn't expect the Vikings to save our asses (er...souls) even if we'll peek angelic and innocent. @Nicole that's up to you...classes or not! That should be an awesome adventure!
@anja: haha. that´s not nice.. since there is no italian ref but a swisse one.. i don´t know about the victory haha!
LMAO @cjal: guess you´re the only one who keeps up in that blog after 5 minutes! haha... but i guess yeh that´s really the whole thing about 200 comments!! why do we need 200 comments and cjal just 1? (@cjal: are you male??)
@cjal His mustache gets stuck in some girl's braces...or even in his helmet (oh, that might be a little painful once he tries to take it off)! lol
@Anja Spamming doesn't exist over here!!! I understand a little better, but not completely! ;D
@Teekanne Today was a very blah day! Don't want to do anything! ;D
@dana Love the picture of Kjetil!!! Very nice! I love the effect it has! ;D
@Anja and gordana YES!!! Talking about shaving legs again!!! ;P
@Teekanne and Anja I want to crash the party!!! ;D ...what party exactly???? ;P
@Kjetil I will apologize on behalf of all the ladies here. Many were drunk, or about to get drunk. They are wild ladies having fun. Appreciating, admiring, and fantasizing. So I apologize for their craziness. If you need a hand, *hands business card* call me. I'm the security guard here. I know how to keep these ladies sane. ;D
@Cjal ... HaHa ... Thanks for summarizing the blog ... I didn't know how I was going to keep up.
Ladies ... you've been naughty on the party blog today *big high five* ... crashed the Lambo and jail! Don't worry Daddy Svindal will come bail you out ... he has a heart of gold ... just look at the messes he puts up with from Aksel. If not, @Brenda, @Mel and I will come get you out! ... *shakes head and looks around* Where's Nicole??? Please don't tell me our head of security is sitting in jail with you?
I don't think Kjetil is mad??? ... He appears to have a fantastic sense of humor ... 'he can give as good as he gets' ... so bring it on @Jansrud, lets see what you got Big Boy! :D
@Teekanne: not male but FEmale. But when I work in telephone-support (it's one of my jobs...1 & 2 level support for pc-problems in a big firm) some of the users call me Mr. cjal. When I'm annoyed of that I do flirt with the male users till they are really bewildered *lol*
But I had no other chance in here without a summary. You ladies are all to busy while I'm out :-D
@corinna I've been flying since I was a little kid, so I don't mind it at all! ...except for when you're stuck next to a creep, or a sick person, or a snorer! ...not fun
@Deuce haha nope Nicole was the good girl, again! We were hoping that she would bail us out or rescue us! haha :D
@Nicole I know!!! :( Like I said, there is still Lenzerheide in March! :D If we talk to teekanne and cjal maybe they'll come too! haha :D
@Corinna & Nicole I love to travel too! I even like to fly in a plane! hehe But I don't think I'll be able to visit all the places I want to! No time! hehe :D
@Deuce: do you really think that daddy Svindal's heart is so golden that he would bail out some ended-up-in-jail-cougars-and young'uns who are stalking his son on his blog? If that's true, I want him to have a blog of his own where we can tease -er - admire him *still laughing*
@Nicole: we aren't wild...we are cute and cuddly *I swear*
@Nicole ... LOL ... I was gettin kinda worried for your safety, cuz it sounded like the Ladies got pretty wild in here today. *High Five on Maintaining the Chaos* Days like today, your James Bond skills really come in handy!
@nicole i was flying since i´ve been 4 years old, but i don´t like it much because i don´t know what i should do the whole time sitting on my butt and is so boring,but if someone beside me with that i have fun at the fly than no problem
@anja i want to crash the party with you girls too
@Anja Always a good girl, and always there for you! ;P
@cjal Cute, cuddly...ol...never mind that!!! *scratch that!!!!* LOL ;P Mr. Svindal, I can see him wondering who in the world we are! ;P But I definitely think he'd bail you out! He's that awesome! ;D
@corinna I usually stare out the window, watch the movies(if they're any good), or read a book! ...sometimes I sleep too! I'm kind of lucky, jet lag doesn't affect me!!! ;D
@Corinna oh sorrry, dear!!! Of course you come crash the party with us! You're trying to be in Garmisch too anyway, right? You're invited to Lenzerheide too! I just gotta see with the space, if so many ppl would come! haha :D
@Nicole: first I studied law, then I worked as an animal-trainer, next I survived as a dog-handler for securtity. After all that mess I had a second education as IT-system-trader. After that I worked a while as an adminisrator and pc-technician. After my fixed-term contract ended I became a freelancer and do different jobs like teaching seminars (MS-office, photoshop etc.) or support or installing hardware and software. Besides that sometimes I train young horses. But that's more like a hobby, or call it semi-professional.
Hah...I'm good...that's the summary of my working-life in one paragraph *lol*
thanks anja, my dad had said this year in march that we would go to garmisch if i want.
@anja i can´t sit on my butt for a long time in german we say "i got some bees in my ass" lol
Mr. Svindal, I can see him wondering who in the world we are! ;P But I definitely think he'd bail you out! He's that awesome! i totally agree with that
i think they will let us out and then like nicole already said they will run but they will not be able to hide or what you girls think. will we find them everywhere? lol
@Nicole: it's absolute ok! When I steped into a job-centre or tried to get a new employment, the people didn't like my vita. Your words sounded dirty? Couldn't see that. Maybe my English is too bad ;-)
@Anja "I know it from experience!" ...LOL And you won't forget either!!! ;D If Kjetil doesn't give you drinks, I'll find one just to calm you down!!! LOL ;P
@Corinna: yeah...a really big hole...cause I've got a little bit claustrophobia. So if the hole is too small, I'll behave like a little girl. And then the Vikings sure will run for their life...
@Anja "handle" "experience" "hole" "not easy to run in them" "I wonder what they'd do with us" .... *shakes head* I've ruined my good girl image!!! LOL ;P
@Nicole haha now I see! How's naughty here now?! :P I'll come join you there, my mind just went straight to the gutter too! LOL! :D I see we spoiled you! :S
@Anja Well, I was a little spoiled before...I'm a band kid, and ...well, once you go to band're never the same!!! LOL ;P ...we're known to have dirty minds!!! ;P
@cjal haha true! :D Let's just blame them! I like that! :P hehe No i know what you mean. They do post things that just lead to that conclusion! :D
@Nicole haha Yep! That's the line I meant! So you have such a line too? :P Wanna share some band camp memories? :P But remember, some said this blog should be G-rated! :D
@Anja Here's an example of my band: we have uniforms (really nice ones in my opinion! I love them) so when we get dressed, we have to zip them up in the back! A lot of us (including me) can zip them up on their own but we still go up to our band buds and say "Do me" ...and you have to reply with eitheir "Gladly" or a disgusted look! LOL ;P *sighs* good times!!!
@Anja ...hmm..quite a few!!! LOL ;P Yeah, band camp adventure!!! Just think of all the jokes that can be made with words like "horn" and "tune" ...and with all of the instruments!!! It gets pretty crazy! One time our band director (he didn't notice how wrong it sounded) but he told the color guard to "take me to that enchanted forest" LOL The band had a fit with that one!!! ...and we have the ever popular and annoying "that's what she said" jokes too!!!
*sighs* we love and hate each other in the band!! We spend three weeks together over the summer 12hrs a the Thursday of the last week...oooh, it's bad (everyone wants to hurt someone)!!! LOL ;P
Hi Kristen! Kjetil's answer on Aksel's blog was hilarious...and the comments... Not sure if it was meant that way but he sure made the day of many people *lol*
@Nicole...I played Sax...have a good night dear *hugs*
@cjal...oh it definitely made my crappy day better! He is a riot! And Deuce's list, PRICELESS! I was reading it on my phone from work trying not to be loud cause I was laughing so hard... ;D
OMG!!! The blog died before I even got off work!!!
MOVIES: If you are germ-a-phobic in anyway DO NOT go see The Crazies. We no longer drink tap water in this house we will drink bottled water from now on. I'm scared to drink water now.
KJETIL'S FACIAL HAIR: Not a big fan of facial hair, but I kinda wanna see what it looks like grown in. I'm not completely adverse to facial hair. My Dad grows a beard every winter & my brother has a gotee.
lol I see the beard conversation was still on, even after I went to bed! :P
I see Aksel has a new post and he did even listen to us! And put some pictures on! :D
So this is the new song for the football World Championship in South Africa! Do you like it? I think it's kinda boring if I compare it to Shaggy's "Feel the rush"! :(
@Kristen: you played Sax?? Honestly this whole school band stuff always reminds me on American Pie.. Michelle: "This one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my pussy." haha!
@Anja: my days was wake up, going to work, after 5 minutes wished i stayed home. one day there will be writen: boss leaned out of the window too far...
yeh pics.. with beautiful white socks!
i don´t know yet if i´d like the song. i think there will be another one on the top which the fans choose. like The White Stripes ones! (you know: for soccer it has to be easy to sing/clap with. the reason= go back on the blog "Top 11 reasons to date a ski racer"; too many header!) ;-)
Going to chance my dress... gonna be all red and white tonight!
@kjetil: are you sure you don´t have a job for me?
@Teekanne hei girl! :) haha I guess it reminds everyone of American Pie and this sentence! :D
ah poor you! :( Just tell me if you need some help with your boss! :D We just gotta have to make it look like an accident! :P ...kidding! :D
really? So this isn't definite? Good coz I don't think this is going to be a good song in the station! :D Not good for the atmosphere! :D haha I've read that post! And it's soo true! But just for male soccer players! (since I used to play soccer too ;P)
Are you going somewhere to watch the game? Or why are you changing your clothes? :P
@anja: yeh... i likes that movie when i was younger! ;-)
help? if i could i would, but unfortunatly..haha. nevertheless i like my job if it wasn´t for my boss.
i don´t get that with this songs. i thought the official song from the fifa will be from shakira but don´t know honestly. It´s just that the fans often chose another one. just wait and see what comes up! ;)
haha, yeh right only for male players. honestly: i never did header since i got headache and my forehead felt like i had bruises! and i was the goalie, so i didn´t need to! ;-9 you played too? woow.. i like you even more now (is it possible??) haha.
no, stay at home... my friends aren´t interested in soccer, i don´t wanna go in a bar to watch it bc, there are only old ppl and my dad... NO WAY! He doesn´t like bayern then it´s really a bad way to watch it! ;-)
@Teekanne Well that's the most important part I guess. That you like your job! :D I had the same problem during my "Lehre", but fortunatly after 3 years I could leave and got rid of him! :D
Goalie? Really?! Honestly I would have thought you'd be 'Stürmer'! (don't know the english word for that, sorry) :) Don't aks me why though! :D haha I never did headers either! :P It just hurt to much, I'm a wuss concerning that! :) Already had way too many concussios in my life! haha at least I was not afraid of the ball like others appeared to be sometimes! :D Jup I played too! I started when I was 16, female soccer teams aren't that common here, but a year ago our team got dissolved. :( so I quit, which I'd have to do anyway, since I was going to University! :D
lol you have bars that show football games?! Lucky you! :) We just see big events like wm or em in bars! Well since I'm cheering for Bayern tonight, I'm going to be alone with that too here. Since my mom for sure will be for lyon! :D haha of my good friends I'm the only one too, who's really interested in sports! :D
@Anja @Teekanne ... I have played soccer since I was 4 years old ... I play goalie and forward ... and now my daughter (6 yrs) plays as well! We do not have a soccer team in our town, so my friend and I started a 2 week soccer camp for the younger kids every summer. Sooooo much fun!
Where I grew up we play Soccer in the Fall ... Skiing in the Winter ... and Softball in the Spring ... Waterskiing in Summer! So much fun!
Guess i have a pretty good job. "Beamtin" isn´t that bad! ;-)
yeh goalie! i think i was pretty good! haha. Sometimes i played as striker but as a goalie you can bawl at the others haha i liked that! I didn´t like it in wintertime. it was that damn cold. my feet froze despite 3 pair of socks...
oh, i quit when i was about 17 i think, it was to many bitches it wasn´t fun anymore. The coach exchanged his girlfriends in the team so it definitely wasn´t fun, at least for us girls.
Haha, yeh we do have, having a beer watching soccer, what do you want more? But as a girl, it´s quite bad to go alone. espacially when you know what you´re talking about.. haha remember a situation in Worldcup when it was offside and i shouted: "OFFSIDE" and everybody was looking at me. but in slow motion you could see it really was offside... it wasn´t a good evening for me! Haha.
We watch EM or WM with 1000 of ppl at public viewing i´m already looking forward to it.
So we can chat and watch the game virtuelly together haha.
@Deuce that sounds like fun! :D It's actually quite funny, that in america women soccer is more famous than man soccer! And in Europe it's vice versa! :D We can't do waterskiing here, so I never did it! But it's supposed to be real fun! :D
@Teekanne lol yea, so you don't have to fear, that you'll be fired bc the company is bankrupt! :P
We had actually the same problems! Way to many 'bitches', like you said so nicely! :P They started to scream at each others during a game, so I was kinda glad to quit! :) Well during winter we just had trainig indoors, so no frozen feet, except when we went running outside! :D
lol men just can't handle it, when women know football better than them! haha :D
oh yea, we have that public viewing thing too! But not with 1000 ppl! We're not that huge! :P Aww, the only thing that sucks this summer, is that I'm going to be in Canada during the WM! :( Gotta see, if I can manage somehow to see the games, at least the one's from Switzerland! :S
Good afternoon all! I am home sick with terrible allergies today. I can't breathe and my eyes are watering a river. Pollen is not my friend in April.
I think Kjetil needs to get off the couch and let me use it for a while, and I will take tea instead of Coke please.
I played soccer for two years when I was young. There was only one team for girls, and before the third year they canceled it because we didn't have enough players. None of the boys teams would let us join. I wish it could have been more like Bend it Like Beckham. After that I played volleyball for a while but I had the same problem with the bitches. Some people took it too seriously.
@Deuce: sounds like fun. so much sports. my parents didn´t support me that much so as a kid it wasn´t that easy to accept and it was less fun for me. but i promised i would support everything my kids wanna do. that´s too bad that there is no soccer team. in germany there is every village. but not enough kids for every team! :( i´d like to try waterskiing. you can do it somewhere over here but it´s quite expansive. but i´d like to try so much.. has to wait!
@anja: That´s true, even though the city i work for is bankrupt! haha. but it was before i went there, not my fault i guess! haha.
scream during games.. yeh leaving the field crying haha. we had triplets in our team. that was really hard the always fought while playing! haha.
training indoor it´s soccer.. it´s not a nice weather sport!
of cause with several thousands! haha. went to gelsenkirchen in 2006 when england played agains portugal in gelsenkirchen and watched the game with about 40 000 english soccer fans!! that was sooo much fun! i guess not for the english fans bc england lost and they were crying..
poor you. hope you find a place to watch...
Mueller had to score... but it´s a good game till now!
@Cricket I'm sorry to hear about your allegics! I'm so glad I'm not affected of that! :)
@Teekanne haha i never left the field crying, eventhough we lost pretty much every game! we sucked, but I loved it mostly! :D wow triplets! where you able to distinguish them?
well what can you do, when the outdoor fields are closed bc of snow? There was no other option than to play indoors! :D I actually loved to play in rain! haha :D oh I'd have loved to be in Germany during the WM 2006, but I didn't have any holiday so I was working and listenin to the game in the radio! :D
Congratulaionts!!!!! Though they gotta watch out! :D
haha didn't see there's a new entry! Guess we should continue our conversation over there! :D
Love your long hair!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to grow mine back out after a few pretty craptasic haircuts. Glad you had fun at the birthday party.
I agree Kjetil should keep us updated on the beard. Perhaps take a picture every few days or once a week depending on how fast it grows!
Gotta run get ready for work. I'll be back around 630. Don't the blog explode without me. I want to keep up with this one!
@ Auntie Em Thank you, it's a pain in the butt though. That's why I only let my Mom cut my hair. That is a good idea...he should totally do that.
ReplyDeleteOops I forgot to say have fun at work.
ReplyDelete@Mel: seemed to be fun! I never played wii, so I can't join in a conversation whether it's fun or not. But it sure looks so.
ReplyDeleteBtw. please please please can we have ugly jokes about Kjetil's stuck-in-everything-mustache over here???
Of course you can make jokes about Kjetil's stuck-in-everything-mustache. Just don't go too crazy girls.
ReplyDeleteI think it makes him feel like a man because last weekend we put him in a dress & heels...just a should never mess with a man's manhood it scars them for life.
Hello everyone! How are you today girls?
ReplyDeleteI'm cheer as usual! I love this beautiful spring time and I feel love is all around!
You are very nice and sweet!!! And I like your hair too! I can say I envy you for it! I have long hair too, but not like yours!
I see you had big fun there, what a pity we can't hear what are you singing!
@dana: I'm fine. A little tired and there's still an amount of work waiting for me. But it's ok.
ReplyDeleteGood to read that you have good times in spring.
Back to business and along the way thinking of funny jokes of mustaches or as they are called in germany: thigh-brushes (Schenkelbürste) *lmao*
@ dana I'm good, but tired. How are you? You do not want to hear me sing. Trust me it's awful.
ReplyDeleteHere are 5 of the songs that I remember...the other one will come to me later...
I'm gonna go catch a few more Zzz before I have to actually be up & start getting ready for work. After work I'm going to the movies with my bestest Kelli. I think we are going to see The Crazies or How to Train Your Dragon. I can't remember at this time. I'll catch ya on the flip side.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Kjetil needs a mustache comb so he can get the crumbs out of it when he's done eating. *giggles*
Hei ladies!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing today? :)
I just saw that Kjetil posted on the other blog! haha he's so funny! :) At least we know now, he's still alive! :P
@Mel looks like you had a great time! :) I never played wii either, but I heard it's quite funny! :D
Totally agree with you! He read our conversation about the dress and heels and now needs to feel like a man again! :P
haha and that just shows again, that he's reading this! :D
@cjal haha you're allowed to do that! Tell as much jokes as you want! :P My mind already was in the gutter, but won't repead it here! :P I heard you want it to be G-rated! :P
@dana I'm fine too! Thanks! Eventhough it was raining here all day! :( No sun at all! :S
Thanks for the link! This song always reminds me of the movie "Love actually". :D
@Nicole to your guestion what "Risiko" is. It's rather complicate to explain, but I'll try. :)
It's a strategic game, where you have to fullfill missions you draw.
First you draw cards and you get the countries on these cards! And you got an army too btw, and the look so cute, (infantry, cavalry and cannons), which you have to put on your countries. In the end the whole world is divided to the players!
Well mostly you have to conquer another country and for that you gotta dice with the "owner" of that land. And who's got the higher points (do you say it like that with a dice?) wins and when there's no man left, you won the land! :)
The thing is, you gotta plan, how you'll fullfill your missions! And you need luck! So that's why I always loose, I have neither! :P
Hope this is helping, and sorry Mel and everyone else for spaming the blog with such a huge comment! :D
@cjal & Anja Hi girls! I have some jokes spining in my head too but I have to keep them there! Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@Mel I love these songs! Great music!
Kjetil surprised me with his posts on the other blog, I didn't expect to see his comments there! I'm glad he did it!
Good morning all! I can't even begin to read all the posts I missed since last week so I will just pretend to know what is going on.
ReplyDeleteI love Wii, especially Wii Fit. I play that every day. Do you know they have a skiing game called We Ski? It's awesome.
The wedding was great fun but the cougar opportunities were nil. Boo! It was good to see a lot of family and friends though.
Oh, and Kjetil! The mustache is hiding his cute baby face! I love five o'clock shadow up through a 2-3 day beard, but not actual facial hair.
hi girls,
ReplyDeleteok, my brain is back in my head! haha. i know again where i got this pics of. Leif Kristian Haugen´s facebook profile haha... damn i knew i missed one! ;)
there are a few more of the boys... yeh without shirts! but honestly i like aksels pics/chest most! haha!
how are you going? how was your start in the week?
@anja: haha. no problem i know that already everybody is stalking me! hahaha...
@nicole: risiko is called risk in english: it´s a strategic board game!
i guess kjetil is really mad about us... i think he really was proud of this mustache. we really messed it up.
i wonder if the boys make jokes about this now or if they try to rebuild his self confidence...
oh sorry... forgot to comment ON TOPIC! haha...
ReplyDelete@mel: great party. looks like a rockstar party! :-) i think i would have liked parties like that. we just did coffee and cake with the adults and paperchases with the kids. but i think i liked that too when i was younger! ;-)
@dana: common share these jokes with us! haha...
a mustache makes a man out of a boy! haha
btw: does anyone else has problems with watching aksels MJ tribute? I cannot find it on youtube anymore. just find it on any chinese page! *WTF*
ReplyDeleteDid acutally someone see a good picture of Kjetil with this facial hair? I wonder if it's just a stache or a beard? I'd love to see a picture! :D
ReplyDelete@Cricket hei! How are you doing? lol sorry to hear that you couldn't hone your cougar skills at the wedding! :D
@Teekanne LOL poor boys aren't even save on facebook from us (you)! :P hihi kidding!
My start in this week was good, and yours?
haha I wondered that too, they'll prolly make fun of him too! But I have to say, it looks better than Lars' movember! That lookes hilarious! :D
haha if he needs someone to rebuild his self-confidence, he can come here! I'm sure we could manage that! :D
haven't tried to what it, but I'll go an check it! :)
darn mean "watch it"! Sorry was to fast with posting! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I can watch that one! See if it's working! :) haven't any problems with youtube! :)
@Teekanne Hi baby!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Aksel's half naked pics!
You don't wanna know the jokes in my head! Don't rouse me!!! Ha ha!
Wait, half naked pics?! Which half??? I guess I better go back and find these!
ReplyDeleteFor once I am glad my work blocks Youtube because I would be watching that MJ video all day. I thought having it on my iPod was bad enough.
I like Kjetil's scruff in that pic. He should keep that going on.
@anja: *hawk* from me??? ouch!!!
ReplyDeletebut there is even a delete function on facebook! haha.. and they don´t need to answer! haha..
glad he didn´t read this blog yet. he would i don´t know.. delete this blog? put it on fire?? haha
haha we would rebuilt it? no.. we would rebuilt a new self-confidence haha!
@anja: no it´s blocked bc there is music from sony in! I DO HATE SONY! Haha
be back later have to carry away my brother!
@cjal Enjoy
@dana Thanks for the link! I don't know what everyone is going on about! He looks adorable in this pic! :D I just hope he doesn't let it grow very long! That starts to look messy and not very good! As long as he doesn't plan to look like Marc Berthod on this pic! Marc definetly needs a hairdresser! :D I'm not sure though, if he still looks like this, I hope not!!! :D
@Teekanne haha I'm mean I know! :P
haha set it on fire! I'd love to see that! nono he should come here and defend himself! As long as they don't say something against them, I'll asume it's ok with them! :P
Why can't you see sony? That's really strange! :S
lol have fun with carring away your brother and see ya later! :P
darn I meant, "something against it" sorry! I really should proofread! :)
ReplyDeleteYou're right I don't like this kind of beard! Kjetil looks good!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry I said "cjal" but the links are for you!
@dana neither do I! haha Well I don't like Marc very much anyway, but that huge beard just made him more unappealing! :)
ReplyDeletehaha it's so funny, how a absurd thing like a mustache/beard can rouse such a riot over there! haha
@dana Ooooh yes please!!! I will take him away for a weekend then need a week of vacation to recover.
ReplyDelete@Anja A friend of mine always grows a beard in the winter but he shaves when the weather gets warmer. Maybe it keeps their faces warm in the cold!
ReplyDeleteHave mercy, don't tire him too much! Haha!
@Anja Yeah, it's a entire philosophy about beards!
@anja: haha. defend himself? you see in aksels blog what happens if he tries haha. he goes mad. :-( poor kjetil!
ReplyDeletecan´t see sony bc. in germany the right about music are really hard. aksel put some music in his video so they deleted it. i hate it!
it was fun carrying my brother. some time to talk.. ;-) and i got a salad in return. Haha.
did i miss anything?
what do you think about aksels blog. he should give us an update right?!
@Cricket lmao "keep their faces warm"!!! :D Please ask your friend about that! :D
ReplyDeleteOr they're just too lazy to shave?! I mean, I don't shave my legs everyday in winter either! Just to much work, for that noone sees my legs anyway! ;P
@dana lol yea! haha I wonder though, what the other guys (Aksel, Lars, Truls) think about all that! :D
@Teekanne lmao true! He'd prolly hate (well maybe not hate) us for the things we wrote! :D
ReplyDeleteaww, sorry about the vid! I could download it and send it to you again if you want? :D
nope you didn't miss very much! still discussing the beard matter! lol
Oh yea, he definetly should give us an update! I mean the last one was 1/2 day ago?!?! :P hehe
@cricket: it keeps warm? i have some pics in my head from lars where he has snow and ice in his beard... what should keep him warm?
ReplyDeleteand kjetil just gave enough facts agains a beard. honestly.. i don´t care. as long as he feels comfortable! :-)
maybe he´s faster with beard?! who knows whats going on in his beautiful head! :-)
@anja: but now i know why it seems like aksel is his bigger brother... he needs him! SOOO CUTE! haha!
ReplyDeleteaksel should defend him! i expact a final statement of aksel in his blog! haha
"Ok girls, you had fun. we had fun. BUT it´s over now. don´t ruin his life.. let him feel as a man only bc of his fluff! remember how you feld when you were young and thought you had the best hairstyle ever and everybody told you it isn´t!!"
if you´d do it for me! i would love to! :-)
yeh. it´s to much time... ;-)
guess what! kjetil looks like brad pitt in inglorious basterds!!! ;-)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne lmao about your comments!
ReplyDeleteThat would be soo cute!!! I mean Aksel defending Kjetil! Though Kjetil wouldn't look like tha man anymore! hehe :D
So you read his comment on the post Aksel did about him! I really can see him sitting on the couch (prolly styling his new beard :P) while Aksel does all the work! haha He's even tell him to bring him a coke! :D
Ok, vid is downloaded! Going to send it to you righ away! :D
@dana Don't worry, I will be gentle (unless he's not into that)!
ReplyDelete@Anja @Teekanne I texted my friend about the beard. He said it definitely keeps his face warm in the cold and makes him feel like a "mountain man". LMAO!
I totally think Kjetil is like a little brother who is easy to tease. I would never want to offend him though.
@anja: of cause he would.. but he´s still growing up.. damn he´s only a few days older than i am! ok, with aksel defending him bad idea! ;-)
ReplyDeletebut i think aksel would look gorgeous defending elfie! :-)
haha.. just read it! haha... gosh he didn´t lose his humour. i bet he didn´t found out this blog! haha!
it´s not political correct, right baby! i´m not a specific gender! ;-)
Haha.. he´s sitting on the couch and gamble a game while aksel tests... bet aksel would kick his ass!
but honestly i bet some ppl think about him like that. "oh aksel does that.. so kjetil will join"
He should get his own blog pretty soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure Kjetil don't like to be teased! Ha!
ReplyDeletei eat bread with garlic butter.. do you think it disturbs you as a skier having eaten that the day before skiing?
Just a silly idea!
The blog exploded while I was dreaming...
ReplyDeleteNow I'm afriad to go over to ALS...ah what the heck I'm trying a new thing called courage.
@Mel: haha.. yeh the young chickens play the hero on this blog, right. Go and show what you learnt from us! ;-)
ReplyDelete@Cricket LMAO :D I know what you mean about teasing! :)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne lol he's what 24?! Still around 2 years older than me! But yea, we already decided I'm still a kid! But that means you too, if he's not a man yet! haha! :P
yea, i'm sure he hasn't seen this! otherwise I'm not so sure he'd still have his humor! :D Though that's what makes him so cute, i think!
I love a good sense of humor! :D that's why i'm here so often! LOL
sorry i don't get your off topic question?! :S
@all I just realizes that there is another Anja on the other blog. So just to your information Anja (Switzerland) that's me! :P Just that there's no misunderstanding! (Maybe unnecessary)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne did you get the vid? :)
Teasing? who is teasing?
ReplyDelete@anja: i think 24 yeh... you forgot man are about 2 years behind.. i guess until they are dead! haha! the mental age regarding! haha.
so i´m kind of a cougar already!!
Kjetil wasn´t a man yet. now he has a beard - now he´s a man! :-)
i think if he had read this blog he would have humour but cynism!!
Haha.. good sense of humor and this blog HAHAHA! that was a good one! :-)
don´t know just had that question in mind. think you have to wash your clothes more often?!
@anja: yeh definitely unnecessary! haha
ReplyDeleteyeh got them. already downloaded! :-) Thank you again!
You could download all this stuff and sell it on ebay haha. "24hours aksel svindal"
i don´t know what to say. mel, that was not was i wanted you to do!
ReplyDeletei´m speechless!!
i´m done!
i´m close to tears of laughing and crying...
is there any.. ANY chance to delete posts i´ve done?? haha
Not that i don´t adhere for the stuff i said... just in case!!
It was scary, but I was a brave little toaster(I love that movie) Well I'm off to work. Catch ya after the movie. Hopefully he doesn't kill me for my comment...*worried look on face*
ReplyDeleteoh great.. everybody else left? i´m leftover?
@ Teekanne I'm sorry. I had to do it. Besides I think they have been here & have read some of the comments.
ReplyDeletehaha now your off to work and we can handle it alone? THAT`S a COUGAR MOM!!! Haha...
ReplyDeleteGo and earn some money so you can carry us out of hell in a few hours! haha...
@Teekanne lol true! Well so he's just half a year older than me, since his birhtday is in august (I guess)! :D
ReplyDeletelol cougar?! So you're into young man too? :P Thought your engaged to Aksel?! ;D
Well it's a wide strech, but there is good humor here, somewhere! We just gotta find it! haha :P
haha now i get it! lol I don't know! I don't eat garlic so much! You could do a experiment and find out! :D
you never know, just wanted to make sure! :D
But I'd get some trouble with copyright, wouldn't I? Not worth it! But if you want a vid just tell me! :D it's not like it's taking me forever! :D
@Mel you were very brave girl! Respect! haha Do you think we should go and delete some comments? Not that I'd have too! ;P
Oh my goodness! When and where was this dress and heels comment? I'm almost afraid to read about it!
ReplyDelete@Cricket it's on the post "Finally"! We went a little crazy in that one! But it's funny as hell! lol :D
ReplyDeletestill got these images stuck in my mind! lmao :D
@anja: oh yeh.. i nearly forgot as we talked about kjetil the whole day! haha.
ReplyDeletehalf a cougar, take the 2 years for down of aksels age to get his mental age... ;-)
copyright? who is copyright?? haha...
haha... it´s in the first 15 of 17 blogs! haha!
who drove the Lambo to crash the party? somebody hurt?,templateId=renderScaled,property=Bild,height=349.jpg
i said don´t drink and drive...
The facial hair makes Kjetil cougar bait. Be scared, Kjetil, be very, very scared!!! LOL
ReplyDelete@Teekanne... thanks for the pictures! Just what I needed this manic Monday morning. About made me faint. :-D
On a more somber note, I'm posting this song from Poison... because I want Bret Michaels to get better. I was a total headbanger back in the 80's-90's and grew up with Bret/Poison (and others) on my wall. Get better, Bret!
@anja: a little crazy haha. yeh a little bit tooo much!
ReplyDeletered dress.. high heels..
reminds me of a song from Mando Diao! (love these boys!)
@Teekanne lmao you forgot?!?! How can you?! :P
ReplyDeletelol half a cougar... :D
yea, we kinda switched from Aksel to Kjetil the last couple days! Wonder why that is? :D
I wondered too! Heard he's a pain in the ass this copyright! :P
That wasn't me! *shakes head* Don't look at me! I'd never crash a lambo! :D
btw lmao about the link! haha :D
Mando Diao are great! :D
@Kim: it´s been a pleasure! :-) i´m affraid i don´t have any pics left for the next weeks! :-(
ReplyDeleteyoutube my favourite.. haha. cannot watch it! but found another one!
i think i didn´t know them, but i like it! at least the music haha!
@anja: no i don´t forgot really, i just pushed i aside since there are still a few month left (or years depends on how long we drive to the party!!)
we are woman, we are manipulable i guess (aksel caused it with his video). oh, did i change sides now?
better our interests are spreading!?! haha
For the cougars: the interests strech now from young man to real young man!
yeh who´s this Copy Right and why does he sing so many songs?!
Haha.. i never drove a lambo! haha..
OMG!!!! I'm the one who said to dress up Kjetil in Vera Wang and take him some pics!!! I just read my posts on "Finally"! Hahaha! I didn't realize what craziness I started...
ReplyDeleteSorry, Kjetil! I didn't mean it!
@Nicole where are you? I need your protection, the girls called the boys here...Heeeelp!
Interesting... the girls are criticizing Kjetil's facial hair, but still, they're switching.
ReplyDeleteHmm, admit it ladies, y'all LOVE his facial hair! :-D
@dana: yeh. and just mention for one time who stopped this crazy mob! Haha...
ReplyDeleteKjetil as bridesmaid! These pics still come up!
btw: tears at this wedding would be garanted! haha
@Kim what happend to Bret? haha I gotta admit, I only know him from this dating show! *blushes* never watched it really, but I was curious and watched an episodes... That's an hour I'll never get back! :(
ReplyDeletelol dana and me where actually the ones here who said he look good with it! :D
@Teekanne Well I'm ready! I'm at the airport on thursday anyway! :D
And If we could meet in Garmisch or Lenzerheide, (I gotta do some advertisement for my area :P) we could crash their party there! :D i'm not sure they'd like it, after they learned about the dress/high heels incident! :D
haha true! We're also so predictable! *thinks of Aksel's date comment* lol :D
I just read the dress posts and I am dying over here! Poor Kjetil. No wonder he grew the mustache!
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of a group of friends I had in college. Three of the guys were joining a private club and their initiation was to dress up as women and walk around the courtyard of their dorm. They wore dresses and heels and wigs and makeup and even fake boobs! It was HILARIOUS and we were all crying with laughter watching them try to walk in the heels. I still have the pictures somewhere.
haha we were really mean to him! But I'm still laughing at the images! :D
ReplyDeleteTeekannes wedding would be hilarious! haha :D
everyone would for sure be crying, but from laughing so hard! haha And that in a Church! :D
@Cricket lmao I hope this private club was worth it! :D I'd love to see the pics though! :D
@Anja... He's been hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage at the base of his brain stem. They don't know the cause... a week before this happened he had an emergency appendectomy, so they don't know if it was related to that somehow or what. From what I've read, there is only a 30% survival for this, and for those who do survive there are usually complications (assuming what I read was correct).
ReplyDeleteRock of Love kind of showed him in a negative light, but he's been on Celebrity Apprentice and it shows such a different side of him... he's really a good guy (for a rocker, lol). I grew up with him and his music (even though some of Poison's song were pretty cheesy!). I really hope he pulls through this!
Okay, sorry to be a downer at the party. Gimme a strong drink and let me pull up Teekanne's pictures, and all will be good. ;-)
@anja: dating show? thought it was flavor flav! haha
ReplyDeletecrashing their party in Garmisch even though they´re not there.. strange idea! haha
@dana: yeh nicole is missing.. they could come here immediately and we are totally unprotected!
@anja&dana: yeh and Nicole defended you.. ;-)
@cricket: didn´t know a mustache grows that fast... haha maybe he got some good stuff from miraculix! haha
wait he was a druid not a viking.. damn. They have secret hair restorer in norway!!
@Kim: No problem. We catch you! what about aksels gay-jumping pic??? Haha
@anja: crying from laughter yeh.. all but one! HAHA!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, the gay-jumping picture... hilarious!
ReplyDelete@Kim thanks for the information! I don't know him at all, so I don't judge him or so! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne lol!!!
I actually meant at the wm (or WC finale), girl! haha :P We talked about that yesterday! Thought you would have read the comments! :D
And from who would she have to protect us? I already apologized to Kjetil for us all, if you'll please remember! :P (kiss)
@Anja I would post them except they are old school pictures (I'm a cougar, remember!) and I don't have a scanner. Plus I really should protect the innocent.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne That post was over a week ago! I am SURE he is manly enough to grow the mustache in that time. An ex-boyfriend of mine could shave in the morning and need to shave again before dinner.
What is the gay jumping picture? I'm kind of afraid to ask.
@Cricket Of course you shouldn't! Just look what we did to poor Kjetil! :D
ReplyDeleteThat's what they're talking about! Too funny! :D hehe!/photo.php?pid=310484&id=593975004&fbid=16910230004
@anja: ahh now i got it. haha. no i didn´t read all the stuff. it was too much, as i only was 2 hours at home.
ReplyDeletei would go there too... yeh! Haha. just need a sleeping place. floor is ok! ;-) that would be so much fun! Haha
i can drive down with cjal, she´s living "next" (less than 400 km i guess) to me! Haha.
you apologized virtually not personally! haha
wooooooow.. that´s hard work.. damn!
haha gay jumping? haha... you´ll love it!
i need to search it!
good evening girls!
ReplyDelete@mel look like a real nice party!
@all how was your day today?
@Teekanne Hahaha! "Secret hair restorer"!!!
ReplyDelete"Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide
Gonna find you and take it slowly"
I need Nicole!!!
OH MY GOODNESS! That is such a crazy ass picture! I can't even imagine what was going on. I can only assume lots of booze.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne lol I can understand that! I didn't either! :D
ReplyDeleteWell if it's working out, I'll have a hotel room in Garmisch and for the WC finale, I got a spare bed and some space! :D It's just a 15min drive from here! :D
It really would be a hell of a party! lol :D
lol why should I apologize personally, when we dressed him up virtually (and not personally) too? :P
But if I'll ever met him, I'll apologize! :D
@corinna hei girl! How ya doing? I'm fine thanks! :D Especially since I learned, thanks to you!!! :D, that we'll have the wc final! :D
it was today a hard working day,but now i´m at home and fine.
ReplyDeleteyou got a hotel room in garmisch? thats great.
@Corinna Sorry to hear that you had a hard day! :(
ReplyDeleteNope not yet, but if it's working out that I can go, I'll have to book one! :D It's not like i can drive everyday 3 hours or so! :D
Ah ok!
ReplyDeletetoday it was a totally crazy monday! so i had the whole day that song in my head!
*take a seat on the poolbar and a drink*
@Corinna Hi Corinna! Welcome, you can relax now!
ReplyDelete@Anja Right! He must thanks to God we dressed him virtually!!!
@corinna: had a good day! :-) but it´s a monday! haha
ReplyDeleteto long till weekend! and yours?
@dana: haha.. common.. show some courage.. not as much as mel! haha
@anja: haha you try to make me feel guilty about not reading all the stuff... haha
you already booked a room?
how many girls fit in there? i really just need a place on the ground (if there is space, as long as aksel isn´t around there should be!!). haha. but really would come over if you´d like to i you could stand it! haha. I´m serious about that!!
Do you go there with friends?
that´s a point... maybe bc i can see it in reality in my mind and i bet not only me! haha. i would appreciate you apologize personally! haha.
@Corinna Thanks for the link! I like Dr. House too!
ReplyDelete@dana i like dr. house so much, he is so funny.
ReplyDeletejust at the moment i see greys anatomie on orf 1.
@teekanne today a real hard day, sometimes i thought i had to cut me in more than two pieces to handle everything
@corinna dana is right! Here you can relax! :D
ReplyDeletehaha I like that song! and the vid! :D Dr. House is hilarious! I wouldn't want him as my doctor though! :D
@dana haha yes he must! haha :P
I don't think though, that we would have been able to do it to poor Kjetil in person! haha Unless he'd have been as wasted! :D
@Teekanne I haven't a room yet, but my family is trying to organise something! I'll now at the end of mai! haha we have some contacts! ;P But if I'll go, I guess I can make some room! haha :D Nope, all my friends aren't interessted in alpine skiing! haha :D
If we meet somewhen next winter and see them, maybe I will! If I have had enough to drink! :D
and the thing with garmisch and crash the party. i think it would be a great party to crash.
i really just need a place on the ground (if there is space, as long as aksel isn´t around there should be!!
thats too funny to think about, aksel lie on the ground and the girls above him lol
@corinna: i´m sorry for that! I could offer to give you a hand... ;-)
ReplyDeleteDr. House.. never watched it. i´m so not cool! haha
@dana&anja: never thought about kidnapping?? haha
@anja: trying to organise? is it that hard?
i guess my friends aren´t either so no chance! :-( anyway it´s to far and to expansive for most of them!
make some room! haha. would be great! in the cabinet, shower or balcony! where ever. no, honestly i would share a room and pay for it! haha.. if you like in alcohol! haha
@corinna: haha.. nooo...
i just thought about he´s messy. remind the pic of his fathers home?! Did you find a place to sleep? that´s why i said it! haha
@teekanne i understand it yet and i remember the pic of his fathers house. lol
ReplyDeletebtw i can sleep everywhere, so i have no problems with that
@Corinna haha I actually thought about that too! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Haha Kidnapping?! Do you want to relocte our party into jail! :P
Well let's say my mom and grandpa try to organise something! I don't know yet, what exactly! :D But since they know some ppl I guess that should work out! :D
Well if you so badly want to go there you can! I actually though about a bed or a couch! haha :P
Jup alcohol would be good! :P since I'll need it, if I should apologise for what we've done! :D
@teekanne thanks for the hand ;)
ReplyDelete*are there someone with me on the poolbar? and where and who is the bartender?*
@anja: no it never was my plan to do that... not yet! haha
ReplyDeleteno cabinet?? yiehaa! thx.
i so badly wanna crash a party with YOU! haha... i don´t care about the skiing or the ppl. snow or party. just about you! :-)
haha.. let me know about these plans again if you still want me to join in a few weeks haha.
you can admit that you apreciate you need to appologize! haha
Party in jail! Nope, I think is better here! So no kidnapping!
ReplyDeleteIf he comes here I'll shake his hand (no glue this time!) and I'll apologize. Then I'll buy him a drink so I hope we'll become friends! And I can invite him to dance!What do you think? Good enough?
@Corinna I'll join you! But I don't know who's bartender! I guess, since Kjetil is mad, it's not him! :(
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha
lol I'd never let a friend sleep in the cabinet or let alone on the balcony!!! :D I'm not that cruel! :-)
ah you're sweet! :D I'd love to crash a party with you too!!! Would be so much fun! haha and we could combine that with see our favourite Vikings! :D Haha that would be an awesome week/weekend! :D
lol are you afraid i'm going to change my mind about you and crahs a party in a few weeks?! haha I don't think that'll happen! :D
btw why just me?! I mean I'd to it for the greater good! :D But just for the record, I wasn't the only one! haha :D
haha just found this video, have a look at 0:34 it looks amazing
party here will be better than in jail
@dana: haha no glue! haha
ReplyDeletebuy him a drink? as he´s the bartender hisself you don´t need to buy!
@anja: i have some friend who need to sleep in the bathroom sometimes haha.
i´m not affraid.. haha i just warn you that it could happen. so keep all chances open haha!
right you wasn´t the only one. but as apologizing wasn´t that bad but a chance, common feel honored! :-)
@corinna: haha. i expected one of the vikings.. haha good so wrote the time otherwise i would have watched the whole video! haha.
@all: i´m off now. don´t know if i´m able to stop by for a moment tomorrow. but def. see you on wednesday (bayern victory!!! haha)
good night teekanne sleep well and sweet dreams
ReplyDeleteat the video, i saw this amazing mountains with snow on it and thought i will be there right now.
haha we will see if the bayern going to win
@dana I agree, better we're going wild here! :P
ReplyDeleteWell you could at leat try to ease him! :D maybe he'll be your friend, if you're a good dancer?! :P
@Corinna Thats so beautiful! Thanks! Makes me wanna go travelling so bad though! Well I shouldn't complain though! :D
@Teekanne I will! haha :D
ah now you're talking about the virtually apology! Oh well, I'd do that one all over again! hehe :D Ok I kinda feel honored! :D
Good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Talk to you later! :D
@Teekanne oh forgot, I'll cheer for Bayer this one time! Just for you! :D haha And since there will be no Ribery I don't have such a big problem with that! :D
ReplyDelete*is kjetil so mad, we have to search for a new bartender?! or mybe we can change his mind*
ReplyDeleteI don't think he wants to be our bartender anymore! If he's still the bartender can offer me a drink! I just want to be friendly.
@all I'm off to bed! Have fun! See you tomorrow! Hugs!
@dana good night, sleep well and sweet dreams
ReplyDeleteand hugs back
Help, same procedure as every evening...I come home from horses and the blog seems exploded *lol*
ReplyDeleteTo summarize: someone rocked the party and drove after drinking and crashed a Lamborghini. Next Teekanne and me go to Garmisch to meet Anja and sleep on the ground that is messed up by Aksel himself (I sure hope all his stuff doesn't smell too bad). Btw. @Teekanne, I think we have to use the second car cause the Lambo is crashed.
Then Anja and Teekanne will crash a party too and end up in a jail to rock the party over there. As I know my own luck, I'll end up in jail with them.
After putting Kjetil in a dress and highheels and cracking funny jokes about his mustache- stuck-in-everything we couldn't expect the Vikings to save our asses (er...souls) even if we'll peek angelic and innocent. @Nicole that's up to you...classes or not!
That should be an awesome adventure!
@corinna & anja: thx. for you too!
you should watch this one... brings tears in my eyes everytime i watch it! :) the music is fantastic!
ok i´m off now!
Goodnigth @GTeekanne and dana!
ReplyDelete@anja: haha. that´s not nice.. since there is no italian ref but a swisse one.. i don´t know about the victory haha!
ReplyDeleteLMAO @cjal: guess you´re the only one who keeps up in that blog after 5 minutes! haha...
but i guess yeh that´s really the whole thing about 200 comments!! why do we need 200 comments and cjal just 1? (@cjal: are you male??)
hugs to all of you.. Haha now i´m definitely off!
@cjal His mustache gets stuck in some girl's braces...or even in his helmet (oh, that might be a little painful once he tries to take it off)! lol
ReplyDelete@Anja Spamming doesn't exist over here!!! I understand a little better, but not completely! ;D
@Teekanne Today was a very blah day! Don't want to do anything! ;D
@dana Love the picture of Kjetil!!! Very nice! I love the effect it has! ;D
@Anja and gordana YES!!! Talking about shaving legs again!!! ;P
@Teekanne and Anja I want to crash the party!!! ;D ...what party exactly???? ;P
@Kjetil I will apologize on behalf of all the ladies here. Many were drunk, or about to get drunk. They are wild ladies having fun. Appreciating, admiring, and fantasizing. So I apologize for their craziness. If you need a hand, *hands business card* call me. I'm the security guard here. I know how to keep these ladies sane. ;D
@teekanne great video, hugs to you back
ReplyDeletei have one place where i really wanna go to
is this one
@Cjal ... HaHa ... Thanks for summarizing the blog ... I didn't know how I was going to keep up.
ReplyDeleteLadies ... you've been naughty on the party blog today *big high five* ... crashed the Lambo and jail! Don't worry Daddy Svindal will come bail you out ... he has a heart of gold ... just look at the messes he puts up with from Aksel. If not, @Brenda, @Mel and I will come get you out! ... *shakes head and looks around* Where's Nicole??? Please don't tell me our head of security is sitting in jail with you?
I don't think Kjetil is mad??? ... He appears to have a fantastic sense of humor ... 'he can give as good as he gets' ... so bring it on @Jansrud, lets see what you got Big Boy! :D
@cjal If you guys call me, my butt will be on the next plane, and I will bail you out!!!
ReplyDeleteLove all the videos ladies!!! There's always so much good stuff on here! ;D
Goodnight Teekanne and dana!!! Sweet dreams!!! ;D
@Teekanne: not male but FEmale. But when I work in telephone-support (it's one of my jobs...1 & 2 level support for pc-problems in a big firm) some of the users call me Mr. cjal. When I'm annoyed of that I do flirt with the male users till they are really bewildered *lol*
ReplyDeleteBut I had no other chance in here without a summary. You ladies are all to busy while I'm out :-D
@Deuce What chu talkin' bout???? I'm not in no jail!!! I'm security!!! I bail you OUT of jail!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@corinna I want to visit the world!!! I love travel, and cultures, and languages! There are soooo many places I want to see! ;D
@Kjetil These ladies are wild, I know! LOL ;P But you gotta love them!!! ;D
@cjal :O How many jobs have you had???? It seems that you've experience it ALL!!!! lol
ReplyDelete@dana good night!
ReplyDelete@cjal wow you really did summarize the whole conversation! haha :P
@Teekanne haha but the swiss ref will for sure be fair! :D We're like that!
Good night again! :D
@Nicole Well lots of parties! But now, we were planning on crash their party in Garmisch! :D
@nicole i love to travel too, but i don´t like fly with a plane ;)
ReplyDelete@ cjal multitasking i think is the best think to handle everything
@Anja Oh, that party! STUPID CLASSES!!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteHi Nicole I missed you!
ReplyDeleteGood bye everyone!
I'll dream of you all...or better of the Vikings (with or without beard and mustache!)Ha!
@corinna I've been flying since I was a little kid, so I don't mind it at all! ...except for when you're stuck next to a creep, or a sick person, or a snorer! ...not fun
ReplyDelete@Deuce haha nope Nicole was the good girl, again! We were hoping that she would bail us out or rescue us! haha :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole I know!!! :( Like I said, there is still Lenzerheide in March! :D If we talk to teekanne and cjal maybe they'll come too! haha :D
@Corinna & Nicole I love to travel too! I even like to fly in a plane! hehe But I don't think I'll be able to visit all the places I want to! No time! hehe :D
@Deuce: do you really think that daddy Svindal's heart is so golden that he would bail out some ended-up-in-jail-cougars-and young'uns who are stalking his son on his blog? If that's true, I want him to have a blog of his own where we can tease -er - admire him *still laughing*
ReplyDelete@Nicole: we aren't wild...we are cute and cuddly *I swear*
@Nicole ... LOL ... I was gettin kinda worried for your safety, cuz it sounded like the Ladies got pretty wild in here today. *High Five on Maintaining the Chaos* Days like today, your James Bond skills really come in handy!
ReplyDelete@nicole i was flying since i´ve been 4 years old, but i don´t like it much because i don´t know what i should do the whole time sitting on my butt and is so boring,but if someone beside me with that i have fun at the fly than no problem
ReplyDelete@anja i want to crash the party with you girls too
@Deuce Thanks!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja Always a good girl, and always there for you! ;P
@cjal Cute, cuddly...ol...never mind that!!! *scratch that!!!!* LOL ;P Mr. Svindal, I can see him wondering who in the world we are! ;P But I definitely think he'd bail you out! He's that awesome! ;D
@corinna I usually stare out the window, watch the movies(if they're any good), or read a book! ...sometimes I sleep too! I'm kind of lucky, jet lag doesn't affect me!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Corinna oh sorrry, dear!!! Of course you come crash the party with us! You're trying to be in Garmisch too anyway, right?
ReplyDeleteYou're invited to Lenzerheide too! I just gotta see with the space, if so many ppl would come! haha :D
@Nicole I know! That's why we love you! :D
@Deuce Monday brings the storm, then it all calms down.....a wee little bit!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja Awww!! You're so touching! ...what are you planning?? Trying to get around me??? I can see right through you!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole: first I studied law, then I worked as an animal-trainer, next I survived as a dog-handler for securtity. After all that mess I had a second education as IT-system-trader. After that I worked a while as an adminisrator and pc-technician. After my fixed-term contract ended I became a freelancer and do different jobs like teaching seminars (MS-office, photoshop etc.) or support or installing hardware and software. Besides that sometimes I train young horses. But that's more like a hobby, or call it semi-professional.
ReplyDeleteHah...I'm good...that's the summary of my working-life in one paragraph *lol*
Apparently Lars (twitter) went skiing in the rain! ...isn't that a little dangerous??? ;/
ReplyDeletethanks anja, my dad had said this year in march that we would go to garmisch if i want.
ReplyDelete@anja i can´t sit on my butt for a long time in german we say "i got some bees in my ass" lol
Mr. Svindal, I can see him wondering who in the world we are! ;P But I definitely think he'd bail you out! He's that awesome!
i totally agree with that
@cjal :O That's a lot!!! Experienced!!! Very handy!!! lol ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole lol trying to get around you to go where? I'm not planning anything! *pouts* Can't believe you're imply me some superior motives... :-(
ReplyDelete@corinna yay :D maybe we'll see eachother! :D ah I know what you mean! For that I take a few good books with me or my ipod with my movies on it! :D
jup i totally agree too! Mr. Svindal would for sure bail us out! But I wonder what they'd do with us, once we're out! haha :P
@cjal Ayayay!!! *smacks hand to forehead* I wrote that, then read it, and uh...well, I didn't mean it to sound so dirty!!!
ReplyDelete...and now, I probably pointed that out when no one had noticed! Great job nicole! nice...
i think they will put us in a hole ;)
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha so true! I wouldn't have noticed! Thanks for pointing that out for me! :P hehe
ReplyDelete@Anja No, I know you're good...maybe a few too many drinks...but still good! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja They'd least, that's what they should do! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Corinna lol you think they'll let us out eventually? If we're promising to be good? ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole Thanks! :D I haven't been drinking though today, didn't you notice?! I thought you see everything?! :P hihi
haha if they're smart, yea! haha :D maybe we're going to be lucky and they'll wear the ski boots! It's not easy to run in them! :P haha
i think they will let us out and then like nicole already said they will run but they will not be able to hide or what you girls think. will we find them everywhere? lol
ReplyDelete@Anja Kjetil (if you're not too mad at us)!!!! I think someone needs a few drinks over here!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteski boots...tried running in those...faceplanted! ;P
@corinna Viking's got a good nose! And we still have Kjetil's scent!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole: it's absolute ok! When I steped into a job-centre or tried to get a new employment, the people didn't like my vita.
ReplyDeleteYour words sounded dirty? Couldn't see that. Maybe my English is too bad ;-)
@Corinna oh yea, we'll find them! :D or like Nicole said our dog Viking will! He's very trustworthy, I know it form experience! haha :D
ReplyDelete@Niocle lol Thanks!!! Well I did apologise before! :D so mabye he'll be so kind and give me something! :D
@cjal *clears throat* I'll say it again..."experienced" ..."handy"
ReplyDeletemaybe I just have a messed up mind! lol ;P
@Corinna: I fear you're right with put us in a hole *lol*
ReplyDelete@Anja "I know it from experience!" ...LOL And you won't forget either!!! ;D If Kjetil doesn't give you drinks, I'll find one just to calm you down!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDeletei´m off now and i hope i will handle it to be tomorrow here, i have to go out with some friends for biking after work.
ReplyDeleteso good night to everyone sleep well and sweet dreams *hugs*
@corinna Goodnight corinna!!! Sleep well!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole: ok...I see it now...and you can only save your ass by bailing us out jail or that hole *lmao*
ReplyDelete@cjal but then they need a big hole to keep us all in there
ReplyDelete@Corinna: good night and sleep well!
ReplyDelete@cjal LOL I'm here for you!!! mind keeps drifting deeper and deeper into the gutter today... *shakes head* lol ;P
@Nicole haha nope I won't forget that! :D
ReplyDeleteLOL! it looks for sure like I'm the alkoholic here! :D
@Corinna good night! Sleep well too and hope to see you tomorrow! Hugs! :D
@cjal I still trust Nicole that she'll rescue us! :D
@Nicole LOL!!! About the hole or what? :D Fill me in!!! :P
ReplyDeleteMine was there too today, thanks to Kjetil! :D
@Corinna: yeah...a really big hole...cause I've got a little bit claustrophobia. So if the hole is too small, I'll behave like a little girl. And then the Vikings sure will run for their life...
ReplyDelete@Anja "handle" "experience" "hole" "not easy to run in them" "I wonder what they'd do with us" .... *shakes head* I've ruined my good girl image!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete...ladies, you can definitely trust me!!! ;D
@cjal You don't have to worry!!! I'll save you!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteOk you have to let us know your deep in gutter thoughts :-P
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha now I see! How's naughty here now?! :P I'll come join you there, my mind just went straight to the gutter too! LOL! :D
ReplyDeleteI see we spoiled you! :S
oh wait spoiled isn't the right word! Meant to say mislead! :D
ReplyDeleteIf you say you will save me and I still could trust you...sounds like a threat now that I read it again *lol*
ReplyDeleteOh, my last post was too late...
@Anja Well, I was a little spoiled before...I'm a band kid, and ...well, once you go to band're never the same!!! LOL ;P ...we're known to have dirty minds!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@cjal A threat?! No threat! I genuinely mean that I will be there for you!!!
ReplyDelete@Anja Mislead, or....corrupted!!! ;P
@Nicole haha I just say "american pie"!!! :P
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of words for it I guess! :D
@Anja: we are all victims of circumstance. If the Vikinks wouldn't post such things we all were good girls :-D
ReplyDelete@Anja "This one time at band camp..." ...yep, that's my band right there!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@cjal I think their looks provoke us!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete...and sometimes what they write!
Aksel still hasn't put up updates about his date!!!!!!!!!!!
@cjal haha true! :D Let's just blame them! I like that! :P
ReplyDeletehehe No i know what you mean. They do post things that just lead to that conclusion! :D
@Nicole haha Yep! That's the line I meant! So you have such a line too? :P
Wanna share some band camp memories? :P But remember, some said this blog should be G-rated! :D
@Nicole I wondered about that too!!! I wanna hear some deatails about their date!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Anja Here's an example of my band: we have uniforms (really nice ones in my opinion! I love them) so when we get dressed, we have to zip them up in the back! A lot of us (including me) can zip them up on their own but we still go up to our band buds and say "Do me" ...and you have to reply with eitheir "Gladly" or a disgusted look! LOL ;P *sighs* good times!!!
ReplyDelete@Anja That line appears every time we have something to say...every time!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole LAMO!!! And how many times did you say "Gladly"?! :P just kidding!
ReplyDeleteI see, so these camps really are like that! :D Good to know! :D
Well I'm off to bed! Have a nice evening to the americans and Good night to the europeans! :)
ReplyDelete@Nicole be nice girl! :P
Talk to you tomorrow!
Sleep well and sweet dreams! Hugs to all of you!!! :D
@Anja ...hmm..quite a few!!! LOL ;P Yeah, band camp adventure!!! Just think of all the jokes that can be made with words like "horn" and "tune" ...and with all of the instruments!!! It gets pretty crazy! One time our band director (he didn't notice how wrong it sounded) but he told the color guard to "take me to that enchanted forest" LOL The band had a fit with that one!!! ...and we have the ever popular and annoying "that's what she said" jokes too!!!
ReplyDelete*sighs* we love and hate each other in the band!! We spend three weeks together over the summer 12hrs a the Thursday of the last week...oooh, it's bad (everyone wants to hurt someone)!!! LOL ;P
Goodnight Anja!!! Sleep well girl!!! I'll try to be nice! ;P
ReplyDeleteOhoh Nicole *lol*
ReplyDeleteIf you stay with riders you can hardly speak a word without having an ambigous meaning.
Good night Anja, sleep well and don't dream to wild ;-)
Hola! camp. I was in the band "back in the day" and some of the best memories come from those days!! Good times, baby, good times!
Boy Kjetil sure stirred up some dust with the 'stache comment on ALS blog, I love it!!! The comments had me LMAO!!
I see I'm missing everyone again...darn! :(
@cjal Yep...that's how it is with the band!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Kristen What did you play?? ...Band is definitely the best experience ever!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!
Hi Kristen! Kjetil's answer on Aksel's blog was hilarious...and the comments... Not sure if it was meant that way but he sure made the day of many people *lol*
ReplyDelete@cjal and Kristen Sorry, I have to go now!!!
ReplyDelete:{ Don't party too much without me!!! ;D
Goodnight everyone!!! Talk to you tomorrow!!! Keep on here!!! LOL ;p
ReplyDeleteBye Nicole! I think it's too early for a good night? Have a good day then!
ReplyDelete@Nicole...I played Sax...have a good night dear *hugs*
ReplyDelete@cjal...oh it definitely made my crappy day better! He is a riot! And Deuce's list, PRICELESS! I was reading it on my phone from work trying not to be loud cause I was laughing so hard... ;D post didn't show up?!?!? It says it's been posted...maybe it will appear later?
ReplyDelete@Kristen: you're right. Deuce's list was priceless. I hardly could stop laughing.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I'm off's almost 01:00 am.
Goodnight everybody!
@cjal...goodnight...sweet dreams! ;D
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! The blog died before I even got off work!!!
ReplyDeleteMOVIES: If you are germ-a-phobic in anyway DO NOT go see The Crazies. We no longer drink tap water in this house we will drink bottled water from now on. I'm scared to drink water now.
KJETIL'S FACIAL HAIR: Not a big fan of facial hair, but I kinda wanna see what it looks like grown in. I'm not completely adverse to facial hair. My Dad grows a beard every winter & my brother has a gotee.
@Mel- My dad has a full beard so I'm used to it. But I too would like to see what Kjetil's beard looks like all grown in.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? Hope you had a good day? :D
lol I see the beard conversation was still on, even after I went to bed! :P
I see Aksel has a new post and he did even listen to us! And put some pictures on! :D
So this is the new song for the football World Championship in South Africa! Do you like it?
I think it's kinda boring if I compare it to Shaggy's "Feel the rush"! :(
So I'm off again! See you later! :D
Good morning/afternoon/evening girls! :)
ReplyDeletehow ya doin?
@Kristen: you played Sax?? Honestly this whole school band stuff always reminds me on American Pie..
Michelle: "This one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my pussy." haha!
@Anja: my days was wake up, going to work, after 5 minutes wished i stayed home. one day there will be writen: boss leaned out of the window too far...
yeh pics.. with beautiful white socks!
i don´t know yet if i´d like the song. i think there will be another one on the top which the fans choose. like The White Stripes ones! (you know: for soccer it has to be easy to sing/clap with. the reason= go back on the blog "Top 11 reasons to date a ski racer"; too many header!) ;-)
Going to chance my dress... gonna be all red and white tonight!
@kjetil: are you sure you don´t have a job for me?
@Teekanne hei girl! :)
ReplyDeletehaha I guess it reminds everyone of American Pie and this sentence! :D
ah poor you! :( Just tell me if you need some help with your boss! :D We just gotta have to make it look like an accident! :P ...kidding! :D
really? So this isn't definite? Good coz I don't think this is going to be a good song in the station! :D Not good for the atmosphere! :D
haha I've read that post! And it's soo true! But just for male soccer players! (since I used to play soccer too ;P)
Are you going somewhere to watch the game? Or why are you changing your clothes? :P
@anja: yeh... i likes that movie when i was younger! ;-)
ReplyDeletehelp? if i could i would, but unfortunatly..haha. nevertheless i like my job if it wasn´t for my boss.
i don´t get that with this songs. i thought the official song from the fifa will be from shakira but don´t know honestly. It´s just that the fans often chose another one. just wait and see what comes up! ;)
haha, yeh right only for male players. honestly: i never did header since i got headache and my forehead felt like i had bruises! and i was the goalie, so i didn´t need to! ;-9
you played too? woow.. i like you even more now (is it possible??) haha.
no, stay at home... my friends aren´t interested in soccer, i don´t wanna go in a bar to watch it bc, there are only old ppl and my dad... NO WAY! He doesn´t like bayern then it´s really a bad way to watch it! ;-)
@Teekanne Well that's the most important part I guess. That you like your job! :D
ReplyDeleteI had the same problem during my "Lehre", but fortunatly after 3 years I could leave and got rid of him! :D
Goalie? Really?! Honestly I would have thought you'd be 'Stürmer'! (don't know the english word for that, sorry) :) Don't aks me why though! :D
haha I never did headers either! :P It just hurt to much, I'm a wuss concerning that! :) Already had way too many concussios in my life!
haha at least I was not afraid of the ball like others appeared to be sometimes! :D
Jup I played too! I started when I was 16, female soccer teams aren't that common here, but a year ago our team got dissolved. :( so I quit, which I'd have to do anyway, since I was going to University! :D
lol you have bars that show football games?! Lucky you! :) We just see big events like wm or em in bars!
Well since I'm cheering for Bayern tonight, I'm going to be alone with that too here. Since my mom for sure will be for lyon! :D
haha of my good friends I'm the only one too, who's really interested in sports! :D
@Anja @Teekanne ... I have played soccer since I was 4 years old ... I play goalie and forward ... and now my daughter (6 yrs) plays as well! We do not have a soccer team in our town, so my friend and I started a 2 week soccer camp for the younger kids every summer. Sooooo much fun!
ReplyDeleteWhere I grew up we play Soccer in the Fall ... Skiing in the Winter ... and Softball in the Spring ... Waterskiing in Summer! So much fun!
Guess i have a pretty good job. "Beamtin" isn´t that bad! ;-)
ReplyDeleteyeh goalie! i think i was pretty good! haha. Sometimes i played as striker but as a goalie you can bawl at the others haha i liked that!
I didn´t like it in wintertime. it was that damn cold. my feet froze despite 3 pair of socks...
oh, i quit when i was about 17 i think, it was to many bitches it wasn´t fun anymore.
The coach exchanged his girlfriends in the team so it definitely wasn´t fun, at least for us girls.
Haha, yeh we do have, having a beer watching soccer, what do you want more?
But as a girl, it´s quite bad to go alone. espacially when you know what you´re talking about.. haha remember a situation in Worldcup when it was offside and i shouted: "OFFSIDE" and everybody was looking at me. but in slow motion you could see it really was offside... it wasn´t a good evening for me! Haha.
We watch EM or WM with 1000 of ppl at public viewing i´m already looking forward to it.
So we can chat and watch the game virtuelly together haha.
@Deuce that sounds like fun! :D It's actually quite funny, that in america women soccer is more famous than man soccer! And in Europe it's vice versa! :D
ReplyDeleteWe can't do waterskiing here, so I never did it! But it's supposed to be real fun! :D
@Teekanne lol yea, so you don't have to fear, that you'll be fired bc the company is bankrupt! :P
We had actually the same problems! Way to many 'bitches', like you said so nicely! :P They started to scream at each others during a game, so I was kinda glad to quit! :)
Well during winter we just had trainig indoors, so no frozen feet, except when we went running outside! :D
lol men just can't handle it, when women know football better than them! haha :D
oh yea, we have that public viewing thing too! But not with 1000 ppl! We're not that huge! :P
Aww, the only thing that sucks this summer, is that I'm going to be in Canada during the WM! :( Gotta see, if I can manage somehow to see the games, at least the one's from Switzerland! :S
so now! Goooo Bayern!!!! :P
Good afternoon all! I am home sick with terrible allergies today. I can't breathe and my eyes are watering a river. Pollen is not my friend in April.
ReplyDeleteI think Kjetil needs to get off the couch and let me use it for a while, and I will take tea instead of Coke please.
I played soccer for two years when I was young. There was only one team for girls, and before the third year they canceled it because we didn't have enough players. None of the boys teams would let us join. I wish it could have been more like Bend it Like Beckham. After that I played volleyball for a while but I had the same problem with the bitches. Some people took it too seriously.
@Deuce: sounds like fun. so much sports. my parents didn´t support me that much so as a kid it wasn´t that easy to accept and it was less fun for me.
ReplyDeletebut i promised i would support everything my kids wanna do.
that´s too bad that there is no soccer team. in germany there is every village. but not enough kids for every team! :(
i´d like to try waterskiing. you can do it somewhere over here but it´s quite expansive. but i´d like to try so much.. has to wait!
@anja: That´s true, even though the city i work for is bankrupt! haha. but it was before i went there, not my fault i guess! haha.
scream during games.. yeh leaving the field crying haha. we had triplets in our team. that was really hard the always fought while playing! haha.
training indoor it´s soccer.. it´s not a nice weather sport!
of cause with several thousands! haha. went to gelsenkirchen in 2006 when england played agains portugal in gelsenkirchen and watched the game with about 40 000 english soccer fans!! that was sooo much fun! i guess not for the english fans bc england lost and they were crying..
poor you. hope you find a place to watch...
Mueller had to score... but it´s a good game till now!
ReplyDeleteG- OLIC!
btw: there is a new blog from mel!
@Cricket I'm sorry to hear about your allegics! I'm so glad I'm not affected of that! :)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha i never left the field crying, eventhough we lost pretty much every game! we sucked, but I loved it mostly! :D
wow triplets! where you able to distinguish them?
well what can you do, when the outdoor fields are closed bc of snow? There was no other option than to play indoors! :D I actually loved to play in rain! haha :D
oh I'd have loved to be in Germany during the WM 2006, but I didn't have any holiday so I was working and listenin to the game in the radio! :D
Congratulaionts!!!!! Though they gotta watch out! :D
haha didn't see there's a new entry! Guess we should continue our conversation over there! :D