This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Dinner Date
Aksel got 2nd today. He also had a dinner date with Hans Olsson. I want to know the details. Where they went, what was ordered, was it a fancy or jeans & t-shirt restaurant & whose place they ended up at. *giggle* You know for a game of Rockband or maybe even Scrabble. Maybe they went to they movies too. I so need to sleep right now. Zzzzzzzzz
Whew! I just finished skimming through all the comments on the last post...too funny!
My mind is in the gutter as well Kim and Mel...LOL! I'm sure we could all "go there" and come up with some real funny comments on the HEAD/dating subject. Deuce is a friggin' riot!!!
I missed the *HOT* hot tub party last night, I can't be gettin' in no hot tub with any man other then my husband these days so it was probably a good thing I missed it! Alcohol and a hot tub, hmmmm...*mind in the gutter again*! LOL!
Off to bed, drove 300 miles today for work, I'm way past exhausted and should have gone to bed when the kids did but I had to have my nightly blog fix! Instead of reading a book before bed, I read the blog :D
Sweet dreams! See ya'll on the flip side...cheers!
Hot tub, dating, drinking, Head... it's all too much for my filthy little mind. I just keep saying to myself, "Gotta keep it PG...gotta keep it PG..."
Kristen, that's some serious mileage for a day of work! I don't drive that much in one day unless hotels, mountains, or beaches are involved! Get some rest, girl!
Hey, how do y'all get your profile pic to show up beside your posts? Am I missing something cause I don't see it. *computer illiterate*
Ok so I didn't go to bed...I watched The Blind Side. I cried at the end. I'm such a sap, but I can picture my little brother doing that. He plays football & he's gonna play for the McKinley Bulldogs this fall!!! I can't wait!!! I'm requesting every game off so I can go cheer my baby brother on. *tears up* I forget what position he plays, but there will be lots of posts about the games this fall. I think he's the offensive end, but not quite sure. I'm gonna embarass him though. I'll be in my Mckinley shirt, black & red pompom in my hair, tats & his # on my face & a big ole sign saying 'GO JAY GO!!!' I can't wait for his first game.
I really am off to bed now. Goodnight/morning/afternoon where ever you are in this big ole world. Catch ya on the flip side.
(**slips Viking the Beagle a steak and pours Cristal in his dinner dish**)
So...not only does Aksel go on a date, but it's with a younger guy...(sigh) galz think he "threw" the race just for the date? Hmmmm....maybe I should start that rumor...
@Mel, make sure your digital camera is full-up on power. you'll have a great time.
@everyone...impressive helmet, eh? Sans labels on Aksel...though Kjetil is lookin' ghetto with the Atomic plain red. Someone has to dress that man up. @Nicole! @Anja! Armani over here...stat!
Hope everyone had a great day...i'm still jumpy from the homie bears in da hood!
@Brenda He totally mentioned the "date" for the comments! That was like throwing a piece of tuna in a shark tank. I am ok with that because I love a tease!
I really think I need a Viking helmet to wear while riding my Piaggio. My Speed Racer one just isn't cutting it anymore.
I am off to a family wedding for the weekend. I am psyched for free booze and a chance to hone my cougaring skills! YAY!
So how is everyone?! (I'm getting kinda boring, I always ask the same question in my first post! haha :P)
@Cricket Good morning! Have a nice day and weekend! And don't drink and drive!haha :D
*grabs a Corona for a start and enjoys the sun on her balcony* Going to be back... (for more alk, since I'm officially the alcoholic here since last night!) Seeya later ladies! :D
@auntie: wedding is still on plan. at least for me.. don´t know what aksel thinks about that after his dinner last night! haha
@brenda: AKSEL IS A SUGGAR DADDY at least for hans!! haha...
i´m glad kjetil joined!! :-)
but honestly don´t know if there is a link between the date aksel had with hans and the decision of kjetil! Haha.. maybe aksel said, he would go out with hans if kjetil doesn´t join... and kjetil didn´t believe until.. yesterday!
@Teekanne so when we leave today to crash this party, we're going include your wedding in the trip? Lol haha we should ask him, about this dare kinda thing! :D
@Mel Definetly!!! Woho champagne!!! *hold out towards her* Can I have some? :D
@anne-may: all details? you sound like dana! haha! ;-)
@anja: my wedding in that trip? though we would start immediately... ;-) but maybe we can follow the next 6 month so we can include the wedding! haha! 6 month with you? gosh... what a fun! haha!
@Mel: Did you watch Coyote Ugly? Haha. you post on aksels blog reminds me on Lils: "Jim, Jack, Johnny Red, Johnny Black, and Jose; all my favorite men." Haha!
The whole Aksel and Hands date thing is awesome! *wipes away tears* What if he's the one for him??? Aksel won't be alone in the airports anymore! I hope the date went well...maybe a second one soon?! ...if so, Aksel don't forget beer (that's a fast way to a guy's should know this)!!! ;P
@Teekanne lol Well actually you just need a registrar to get married! :P oh and a groom! Oh or you could go on that boad trip someone gave to Aksel! And the captain could marry you! Oh an of course we would be there to celebrate with you!!! :D
@Nicole heii girl!!! :D LMAO
Bartender, who ever's on duty, I need another drink here!!! :D
How are you ,how was your day? I've had a bad one. I spent the whole morning in hospital for a biopsy! Sorry, maybe it's not the right moment or the right place but I needed to say it! Sorry again!
I'm glad Aksel and Kjetil are together in the Head deal. They'll do a great job!
@Teekanne Yes,baby, I need to know everything!! Every little detail! Haha!
@Nicole: just rumors, just rumors! ;-) Haha... something about he had a date with a man. i don´t believe that. just some jealous ppl, you know?!
Just read the comment about the underpants haha.. great! haha!
@anja: register? damn.. but hey.. it´s a viking... it´s a V.I.P. haha!
@dana: day was good. went shopping with my mom haha! :-))) i loooooooove shopping! hospital? oh.. hope t´s donna be fine! *big hug to you* Hmm.. keep my fingers cross for you the next 10-12 days!!!
@Mel: i love this movie too.. i love adam garcia. handsome man! haha!
@Nicole... you don't wanna know. Cougars are baaaad girls. ;-)
*Love* Coyote Ugly. Is the reality show still on? If so, I must have missed it last year. I always enjoyed watching it. I've been to the bar in Nashville... if y'all have the chance to go, you must do so! Fun, fun, fun!
@Mel... you have to add Mark to your list of men. Please. :-D
@Teekanne What did you buy??? I'm sorry but the denial's not going to work...Aksel said "date" himself!!! lol ;P ...kidding he's still your fiancee...are you okay with sharing him with Hans (not Hans-Eyja)???
@anja: yeh it was 25% off and my mother directly told me after work.. i got 2 hoddie jackets, shirts and a pant! haha. i wanted these jackets anyway (bench jackets) so it was so worth it! haha. anyone should try to say shopping doesn´t make happy!
@Anja Definitely!!! I've invited Lars and Aksel but no reply! :{ ...they probably think I'm some insane stalker sending them messages!!! ;P
I like to go shopping but I hate trying on clothes...I love buying nailpolish, handbags, and trying on shoes (not necessarily buying them because they can be expensive)! Oh, and books, many many books...I practically have a library!!! ;P
@Kim: i was in a coyote ugly bar in NYC.. that sucked! haha..
@nicole: don´t know if i would bet about that. you never know which contracts they have. btw. aksels is untill 2014 after Sochi! read today that raich stays with atomic.. as if there was another possibility after aksel signed with head!
@Teekanne Well, I support the Attacking Vikings no matter what skiis they use!!! ;D Aksel thinking about going to the Olympics (I need to know so I can start saving up)! lol :P
@Nicole haha yea, probably! Just watch out! Maybe thei're showing up at your doorstep someday with a restraining order! :P
LOL I'm so with you with the books!!! I can be in a bookstore for ours!!! Got way to many books though, don't know where to put them!!! lol But clothes... :( Nah don't like to go and buy them! :/
@Corinna Me too!!! Let's go! You got that sport car of yours with you? :P haha
@Corinna haha! Bar in the back! I like that!!! :D mhhmm, jep Baileys definetly needs to be there too! And some ice to go with it! :D And Jack, Jonny, Jose... who else was there?
Gosh, I really do sound like I drink to much! haha :D
Silent Listening to the wind Rushing through Pushing, swaying Soft green grash Thin soft bristles Like a feather Brushing against your cheek Tenderly calming you Closed lids Everything looks orange, pink Then a few shades of black Here and there Warmth from the sun I can feel the light On my cheek Warming my face I can feel the coolness Of the grass beneath me Wet from morning dew Swaying, dancing in the wind Blue Sky White clouds Standing still While I seem to fly They don't move They look down upon this world They look down upon me They stay still and I seem to move The earth moves with me
@Nicole: haha, me too! i always say: you have enough of that stuff. buy sth different.. but i like these jackets. so i end up with another one or two! haha
@anja: bribe? haha... i don´t know if anybody would take us serious haha. with all this alcohol there might be a good chance to pick up some norwegians since alcohol is pretty expansive in the north!
@Nicole: you send them? how? package? haha. they really will think that! i love books too. i already considered to go to the real library as my living room is too small for the books! ;-)
Hi to y'all! Bartender please hand me an Altbier! I need it after a chaotic but good day.
@dana: biopsy doesn't sound good in my ears. Hope you are ok?! *hug* Think it's absolute ok if you write here about such things. So feel free if you want too!
@all: I'm still laughing about the Hans-date. Maybe that's a tit-for-tat response to the Joe who was mentioned during the fight on his blog about JM :-D Whatever he meant with that post, he furnished us a fit occasion *lol*
Btw where the hell is Mr. Jansrud? He really should comment on his head contract. Or is he too jealous of Hans? *still giggling*
@Teekanne Well, I put posts on Aksel's blog...and I've sent messages through the contact information they have and youtube...but nothing! :{ Oh well, I know they're really busy!
@Anja and Teekanne I have way too many books, but hey you can never have enough! I spend hours in the bookstore and I always have to buy at least one! ...I have so many books that they don't fit on my shelves! ;P
@ Nicole don't worry about not knowing anything about American football because after this fall you will know about as much as I do. Which isn't a lot, but it gets me by.
Maybe I'll just ask Josh McDaniels to help me out with football. He went to McKinley with my sister. He's the coach of the Broncs now. He was on my facebook, but he either deleted it or it got deleted by facebook. I had the biggest crush on him. Still is like fine wine he gets better looking with age. *sigh*
@dana I agree with cjal! Feel free to talk if you need to! ;D
@cjal Kjetil does have to visit! His comments were always hilarious!!! ...maybe he is jealous though...he can always try to win him back! ...we'll help! ;D
@Nicole wow! What a beautiful poem girl! haha I know what you mean about the books! :D
@Teekanne well we can at least try! :D haha so when alkohol is that expensive there, at least it the best gift, when we crash the party! :P Oh i'd love to go to Sochi! But that's nearly impossible, isn't it. :(
@Cjal hello! Lol maybe he's sulking alone at home about Aksels date! haha just pictured that! Too funny! :D
@Corinna mhh, mexican food! I'm soo glad I'm driving with you! :D I'm gettin real spoiled! :P
@Mel haha So you have crushes on more than one man! btw, cracked up when I read about Jake's calves!!! lol ...I should at least understand it since I was in the marching band at school and we performed at football games (but I never paid any attention)!!! lol ;P my friends have tried to help me...but I just don't get it!
It's quite funny though, because when I watch the Olympics, I watch all (and I mean ALL) the sports and I learn a lot of the rules...but not american football!!!! ;P
@cjal: did you know that i have the altbier around me? Haha.. Diebels ist just about 15 km from my home! haha!
at least kjetil is "active" in facebook haha! maybe Mel should offer her blog to be kjetils blog? that would be a good idea. we could change the name in. kjetilized.. no, that sound strange... haha
@nicole: i will not wonder if your IP will be blocked in this blog from now Haha!
@Mel: i love american Football. i visited my auntie atlanta over thanksgiving last year! haha. Now i understand this game! Haha.
@ Nicole I was in the band too!!! What did you play? I played the clarinet. I loved after half-time when the guys took the field & stretched *sighs & drools* We just had to be careful because there was a girl on the team. No one could remember her number though.
@Mel I play the flute!!! The band had to sit at the endzone (I think that's right) and we'd play for touchdowns and time-outs...and talk the entire game becasue we never really played (our team is not that good)! ;P ...and it's dangerous being in that area because when they kick the ball...well, guess who's right in its path!!!!! one of the boys in my section got hit right in the crotch!!! *wipes away tears* everyone nearly died from laughing and he was in so much pain!!!! ;D *sighs* I'm a bad section leader!!! lol ;P
For those who don't know or don't understand American Football. Don't worry after the fall you will understand it just a little bit. Well I'm off to get ready for work. I'll be back after 12am. I don't wanna go to work. I hate this work days then work nights then days then nights. My body doesn't know when to sleep or be awake. *sigh*
@Teekanne Sorry I misspelled your name earlier!!! oops! ;P
@dana Thanks girl!
You girls are all amazing! Hilarious and have a love of books like me!!! I will buy any book that looks interesting! I'll walk around for hours, and get tons of books...but then I have to cut down the list because I don't have enough money!!! :{ Writing and reading are my passions!!! ;D
@Teekanne I do?!?!? lol I just wrote a few comments *innocent look* I'm a lot better than before! I mean, Tony's statistics showed that I wrote 28 comments for one post!!! That's insane! ...I'm trying to cut down...over there...over here, the party's on!!! lol ;P
@ Nicole Ouch!!! Yeah endzone is right. That's where the band sits. Except we never sat in the middle of the stands we always sat on the side so we wouldn't get hurt. For games they had a net up so the fans would not get hurt. LMAO
@Teekanne Well I heard that Aksel knows who to party! :P And I'm pretty sure the other Vikings know too! haha drink and drive! lol I did that once! Not to be recommended! :D
@dana *looks at dana with innocent face* I don't know what your talking about? Which poem?! :P *mutters to herself, crap crap crap* :P
@Mel Wow...much better preparation than us!!! Yeah, he was in a lot of pain when he got hit...he got an ice pack from one of the band moms!!! *cracking up again* I'm so mean but it was so priceless!!! His voice cracked too!!! LOL ;D
@Anja *gasp* NO Drinking and Driving!!! Forbidden!!! Ladies, if I have to, I will eliminate the alcohol!!! That's dangerous stuff!!!
Ladies, I may be young, but I will NOT allow something like that!!! I am still the security guard!!! *whispers to herself, at least last time I checked I was* lol ;P
btw. i got a lot of books too one amazing i think is this one
*put me a chair, sit down, drinking tea during i´m waiting what will happen*
@nicole: a few?? haha. oh you were the one on the top haha! damn girl.. you are defintely spaming! haha. but sometimes i really just send a comment and get a new idea but reminds me on not spaming so i leave the blog and after 5 minutes i forgot what to write.. as you see, it works! haha!
@anja: obviously they don´t know, at least not to party good otherwise they would join us here! haha. here is the party going on!
@gordana: hi there. drive? i can order a taxi?! my brother can pick us up later! haha
@Teekanne and dana Sometimes I annoy ...and surprise...myself with how much I write!!! I've always written too much (and talked to much too)!!! ;D I just have so much to say!
@Teekanne Leaving the blog never helped me! I tried it a few times but I would go back and immediately remember what I hadn't written!!! LOL
@Nicole yea, I realise after the post, that you probably will think I drove with a car! Nope was "just" boarding down the hill! But still not to recommend. I'm a good border and I was no fun! Jep your still the security guard! :D With all your james bond moves you're perfect! :D
so is the party crashing trip delayed? *sigh* Okee! *Grabs a whiskey and hops into the hot tup to gordana!*
@nicole: my teachers always said: you did it much to short. the result is right but you have to write every step of your thoughts. i guess i thought faster than i wrote haha so i missed half of my thoughts! keep it short! if the result is right, it´s more effecitve haha. i never remembered i guess i´m too old?! my brain is older than my body?! gosh
@Anja...hmm...well, we have to wait for everyone...
@Gordana :{ That makes me sad! will think positively! The Attacking Vikings have read our comments, they have received laughter and joy and inspiration from our comments (hence Aksel getting the idea to date a guy...Good job buddy!!!) LOL Sooner or later, they will comment! Sooner or later, their light will shine upon this blog and all our faces will melt! ...couldn't stop myself...I'm really lame
Wait, we're going now!!! *rushes to office to get jacket and glasses. whistles and Viking comes running* Let's go!!! *runs at full speed gets to the R8 and jumps through window feet dangling out the side* I'm waiting!!!
@Nicole you'll be fine in a minute.*give her something to drink*
Is it just me or are we drunk every night?lol There's so much alcohol talk and we're just grabing something all the need those AV so we can grab
@gordana: i´m tired too. this blog keeps me up to long. haha. it´s already 9.30 and i need to shower to clean my kitchen and to pack my bag for tomorrows training! i will be too late today too. but drinking makes me only tired when it´s boring... so this would be the worst place to fall asleep bc of drinking haha.
@all: ok brenda started but... haha. ok, i added some stuff too! ;-)
@anja: change in the car? who do you think is driving behind us?? He? Haha Go on dreaming! haha
@anja: haha just found that which proofs it wasn´t a foul from franckie! haha
@Teekanne That's why I almoust never drink! I'm afraid of what I could say or do!He he he! And if are men near me I could be really dangerous!! Hey, I'm joking, don't believe my every word! I think it's from anaesthesia! lol
Hopefully little Mr. Jakey is working today. If not hopefully one of my other 2 eyecandies are. If not I always have my videos of Aksel to watch. I have to have my hot guy fix.
Here's a couple pic of McDaniels Then
Gotta go make my dinner for work. Catch ya on the flip side.
@dana: that´s why i offer to be the driver. i don´t even wanna be trained more! haha. dangerous? haha. i think when i´m drunken i would talk even more shit to men than sober. haha.
@corinna: i do too. i´m a little bit nordish now! ha. just noticed that fulham has a norwegian playing.
he´s handsome. now i´m confused who i wanna win! haha!
@Mel and Niciole: Band Geek here! I played snare drum in the marching band.
@Girls interested in football: If you can't find a hot guy to teach you about the game feel free to ask me anything. I have been addicted to the sport since I was about 5yrs old. I was the skinny (but tough) little kid who wanted to play football but my mom would not let me:(
@Teekanne haha Gosh you already know me way too good! :P He is quite good looking, but I prefer our Attacking Vikings! :P
@Teekanne & Corinna thanks for the update! :D
oh ok! That's the problem when I watch a football game, I actually don't care who wins! Since there is no chance that a swiss team is ever going to be good in cl! :D But of course when there's WM or EM I'll cheer for Switzerland!
@dana good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Seeya tomorrow! Hugs!
@Teekanne lol eclipse? I like the books, but new moon, the movie, really sucked! :P So I don't have any hope for eclipse, since they had to produce it so fast!
you don´t care? common... as long it´s not italy or cristian ronaldo! haha... i thought it´s all about the color of the shirts. that how my mother did it! haha. "oh they wear red. i like red"
@anja: i loved the books, never was interested until i saw twilight. new moon was pretty bad in german. i watched it in NYC haha. the movie was great. so much better BUT! NEVER AGAIN. i felt like a backstreet boys concert. the moms the kids, the boys everybody was screaming anytime: as the light went out, as the reviews began, as the movie started, as taylor showed up.. don´t need to tell you what happened as tayler took of his shirt or rob was naked in italy! haha. gosh it was like hell!
girls: i´m in bed now! busy day 2morrow. i´ll stop by 2morrow night i guess! stay civil.. and don´t do stuff i won´t do! ;-)
@Teekanne ok, and I always was for everyone who played against a german team. But I wasn't brave enough to say that! :P But I got to know some germans better over the last one two years, so I'm not that mean anymore! :P Oh yea, agree with ronaldo and Italy! But honestly, I mostly cheer for the team with the better looking men! Haha I'm shallow!
Yea the book are good, but I've read betters! also about vampires and so on! haha yea, we looked new moon in german and it was pretty bad! But we had fun in the cinema, while making fun of others and the movie! :P haha we had that too, but now as bad! :D
Good night and sleep well! Yay so we're allowed to do everything we want! :P
*takes a whiskey and plops into a chair beside Corinna*
@Corinna haha we definetly should! haha we're always the last one's on here! :D Means we got our bartenders to ourselfs! :D If I would just remember who's on duty tonight! Kjetil, Dean, Luke...? :D
*takes her drink and joins Corinna at the poolbar* :D
yes, it´s always the same with me, if i go out with my friends i don´t want go home earlier, and the girls with i go out something btw 18 and 21. and they can´t get up as long is i with my 25. mh that´s strange! :)
*i think kjetil makes the best drinks, give me a hurricane please*
@Corinna and Anja: I remember staying out at the country bar until 6:00am. It gets alot harder to do that the older you get:) I would like to think I could make it until midnight now:) With a late afternoon nap I might be able to make it until 1:00am:)
* 3 cl brauner Rum * 3 cl weißer Rum * 1 cl Maracujasirup * 2 cl Limettensaft * 2 cl Ananassaft * 2 cl Orangensaft it´s taste real good, as i said before i don´t drink a lot of alcohol i prefer to drive, but if i drink only the good stuff *lol*
the most time i go out on saturday, sometime on friday and very less on thursday (only i don´t have to work on friday)
@Buckeye Gal haha, it´s like me 6 weeks ago and about the last 5 and a half year, there i had a boyfrind and now i´m a single and go out longer and harder
@ anja i like this picture the most
@Buckeye lol I still do that sometimes,stay out till 6! but yea, not as often as I did with 16! haha :D
@Corinna mhh, sounds tasty! :D I like rum! :D Well, since I can normally walk home, after a night out, I don't need to be sober! :P But I drink mostly beer, bc the other stuff is quite expensive! :D I seldom go out Thursday, since I normally have to get up in the morning or everyone else! :D
if i was 18 the longest time i was go out was half past eight in the morning. and once we had sleeped in the car, outside was a snowstorm an - 15°C. but we had a warm car inside with a lot of cover, then i said never again mybe in the summer not in the winter *lol*
haha well I once stayed out till 3 or 4 pm! but jeezz was i tired! :D Lol ok I never sleeped in a car yet, maybe this summer! But we seldom go out, where we have to take a car! Then we would have to drive for more than 30min and that's just not worth it! :D Since I'm kinda living in the country, there's not much to go out to here! :D
@Nicole That has nothing to do with being cool! :P But you're living in America, where you're officially allowed to drink with 21! Here in switzerland you can drink beer with 16 and everything else with 18, that's why everyone here goes out with 16/17! :D
Well on the site of Kjetil, he didn't made it himself, he mentioned that he's working on a side.!/K.Jansrud?ref=ts
haha true, but last weekend it was really really wild, with putting Kjetil in a dress! :P That was fun! :D
@Anja Yeah...drinking when I'm 21! To be honest, there's a huge fascination with drinking here (lots of underage drinking at the college I'm going to next year) and I don't see why it's so exciting! I mean it's alcohol...and I get if you want to drink but the 'kids' (because that's how they act here) treat it like it's candy or something! There's news all the time about people dying from binge drinking!!! I mean honestly! Why would you throw your life away like that? I'm not drinking until I'm 21; and I'm perfectly fine with that!
Woohoo...Kjetil might get a site! That's truly exciting!!!!
Thanks, my pc is stupid sometimes! It slows down and then it's good, and then it crashes! Ugh!!! ;P
I know what you mean! America is weird concerning alcohol! I mean, I don't really get it! Especially the spring break thing! But I guess it's everywhere the same, they don't know how to handle it! But wow on your decision to wait till you're 21! :D I bet there are a lot of your friend or ppl you know, who think diferently!
Well you got kids killed by alcohol, we have the problem that some get very agressive when drinking and beat up other people! In my neighboor town, a bouncer beat someone up, till he ended in coma... I mean hello?!
yea, I wonder when he finally manages to create one! Maybe that's why he doesn't comment on Aksel's blog, bc he's busy with his! :D
@Anja I definitely have many friends who have different opinions! Many of them want to 'experiment' next year, and I truly hope they don't! I don't see what's so exciting about it! And it's all about the "don't tell me what to do" mentality! Many kids I know drink just to get into trouble; just to see how much they can get away with and it's sickening! Waiting until I'm 21 may seem crazy to some, but I have many hopes and dreams and I don't want to mess that up!
We'll be able to spam Aksel's blog, his blog, and have this party too!!! ;D That's awesome!!!!
Well if waiting to drink is the right thing for you to do, do it! Don't let them convince you otherwise! And seriously being totally wasted (so that you have no idea what you're doing) is so NOT cool! Here it's mostly, "since it's not allowed to do, i gotta do it!" I guess our problem is more with pot! Way to many young ppl here smoke that shit! I can't understand that either!!! I was a nice girl too and waited till I was 16! :D It's not the same though! :) I know! It is insane! I hope he's going to jail for a while, really!
I know what you mean! Really ironic! haha Can't wait till Kjetil has a own blog!!! Then we have 3 blogs to spam!!! haha I wonder if he's going to like that! :D lol
@Anja Haha While other people make the worst decisions of their lives, I'll be able to think and make the right ones (hopefully ;P)! That's definitely how people act here! Thankfully, not many of my friends do drugs...but I know some! Smoking is big here too! I can hand-on-heart swear I will never ever smoke or do any drugs! Not me, and again, I have many dreams! I'm not going to throw it away!
Yeah, I actually had a conversation a while ago with some people about how in Europe, teens get many different responsibilities than American teens. I mean, we drive earlier (also don't see what the big deal is there) and get jobs pretty soon. Many European countries have lower drinking ages and students have more responsibilities in school. It's just a different way of life. I don't want to be seen the stereotypical teenager (which is, I guess, why so many adults say I'm more mature and why so many of my friends think I worry too much lol ;P)!!
Three blogs to spam!!!! I love that idea!!! ...might be a little bad too...I'm already addicted!!!! ;P
@Nicole haha so true! I'm sure you'll make the right decisions! :D Well I guess in that our countries are pretty much the same! I have way to many friends who smoke and that's quite annoying! But it's not like I can tell them to stop, they gotta know for themselfs! As long as I don't have to! :D Well I'd never do drugs or smoking either, but I like to go out and drink once in a while! :)
I know, it's kinda weird! And I don't get your school system, it's just so different from ours! :D But I think both systems has their advantages!
haha I wasn't the stereotypical teenager either, but I had my "phases" too! :D
oh yea, another blog to get addicted to! Well we'll see when he'll manage to finish his blog/homepage! :D I'm already way to addicted to this one! Thank god I don't have to get up early this morning! :D
Yeah, the school system here is interesting! I feel we get babied sometimes in our we'll see how some of my friends do next year in college!!! (I'm kidding, I'm sure they'll do fine)! I do feel that the advanced courses my school offers are really good! But there's too big of a concentration on sports!!! I don't mean it like that...I mean I love sports! (...I wouldn't be on this blog if I didn't! lol) but I'm in the band and we get a lot less than everyone else; if money needs to be cut, performing arts are the first to lose...:/ it's frustrating!
@Anja *gives a look* You like to go drink "once in a while" ...didn't we establish that you're an alcoholic?! LOL we should set up that AA meeting soon!!! ;P
You get to choose a major in college too right? So do you already know what you'll choose? Just curious! :D haha That's funny! Here it's the school sport that will get less money if they need to cut! :)
haha AA is for quitters! LOL have that one from Jeff Dunham's Bubba J! :D But at leas you have all that activities offered from the school! We haven't! If we want to do some sport or play an instrument, we have to organise it ourselfs. :)
haha I know! It really got serious. I wonder what the others will think of that! :P Well I'm just 3.5 years older than you, girl! :P and like I said before, you don't seem like soon to be 18! :D I like the balance, you can't talk about serious stuff, but also go really crazy here a minute later! :D
@Nicole haha I should have known I guess! But if I look at your poems, you sure will be a great writer!!! So in a couple of years we'll be able to read your books?! :D You'll for sure be great doing that! I kind of envy you and everyone else, who knows what they wanna do for the rest of their lives, from a early age! Haha I never was that lucky! :)
@Anja Thanks!!! I hope you'll be able to read my books!!! ;D
I've been writing since I was a little kid...always been my dream! ...But I've also wanted to do other things with it! one point, I wanted to be a vet (but I don't like thinking about doing surgeries *shivers*) ...and I like photography and music and there's a lot of things I like!
You got to explore and that's awesome!!! And now you kind of know what you want to do, right? ;D
@Nicole I hope so too! haha IF that blog is still on, (lol) you can send me one! :D
And some of the other things you can do besides writing books! :P
Well, I know now for sure what I don't want to do! I was pretty good at eliminating what I don't like to do! :D I'm now just going to study the two subjects I'm most interessted in, but I don't know yet what I'm going to do with that! :D
@Nicole haha it is! But my parents are slowly getting impatient! ;D Oh well, this is my second study I start and I promised I'll at least do my bachelor in this one! :D Yes, I'll start this summer. English as major and Politics as minor. We do learn to write, but more analytical then creative. That's what I was told. And we do some grammatic and history of literature, since it's actually a foreign language for me! :D
Good night Nicole! Sleep well and sweeet dreams! Talk to you tomorrow! :D
@Mel: You got to get your boy McDaniels to introduce me to Tim Tebow. Denver just took him in the draft! Maybe I can get to Denver to see Tim play and Aksel ski. I could die a happy woman!
*BIG HUG* @Dana...thinking positive thoughts for you!! xoxo
Great conversations on here today...the drinking/smoking issue, serious stuff but interesting to see how other countries besides the USA are. They finally passed a law in my state that there is no smoking allowed in any establishment that serves food, it's wonderful! :D I've never touched a cigarette a day in my long cougar life and never will. As for the alcohol, I waited till I was 21 (legal) I was always afraid of getting caught...I was really shy back then and really reserved...that has definitely changed as I've gotten older. haha! Hence us cougars being bad bad girls *wink*
American football rocks! I love it! :D I am a total sports fanatic, I grew up with 3 brothers, I am the only girl, sports ruled our house. I'm a huge hockey fan and just finished watching my beloved Philadelphia Flyers advance in the playoffs :D LIFE IS GOOD!
Off to bed...still wiped out from yesterday's road trip, these old bones don't recover quite as quickly as they used to.
CHEERS!! YAY for stoked he joined the HEAD team with Aksel.
Had a little too much fun with the magnet letters in preschool today. Thought I'd share.!/photo.php?pid=12175874&id=760275178
Boy, i sure missed a lot...then i'm just plain lazy to go thru 192 comments. But scanning through everyone, just wanted to toss this nugget out: it's never too late for change. Write, play with the kids, switch careers, travel, fall in love with a Viking...hope always and pursue with passion.
I guess that can apply to shirtless Norwegians who are on the HEAD team. And yeah, Buckeye and Deuce have me laughing til i pee'd in my pants. thanks, to the vitamin ghetto bears, i'll have to figure out how to slip you guys in the Viking t-shirt design somehow. I think i have it but will experiment a bit...
Oh...and so far, no winners for Brenda's Hawaiian surprise (contest: see who can get Aksel to respond to their blog comment) I'll expand it to include Kjetil's reply to your comment. no expiration date...just lemme know if one of you got a bite from Aksel or Kjetil.
Yoo-hooooo...Aksel...I know you're reading Mel's least throw a comment out to us. :o)
*stands up, sways & slurs* We are not lushes. *sways a bit too much & almosts falls* We just know how to have a good time.
@ Gordana Aksel jealous of my blog? All he has to do is say the word & we will be right back over there posting like crazy.
Kjetil getting a blog too? That would mean 5 blogs that I have to keep up with. I don't know if I can do it...I'll try really really hard to do it, but I may have to quit working or sleeping to do it.
Didn't see Little Mr. Jakey he was off today. I did see Brian though looking oh so hot in the new manager uniform. They have to be dressed up & wear ties. *sigh* I love my eye candy.
@ Brenda he's probably too terrified to comment on here.
IDK if he is reading my blog or not...too many coincidences going on over there...*looks around & spots someone dressed in all black with binoculars* Wonder who that could be...It's great if he does & gets a few laughs out of it. If he doesn't like it...well then say something Mr. Svindal. *raises eyebrow*
@ Aksel I think I may just challenge you again baby doll...gotta think of what to challenge you on though...I'll come back to that later...I know I won't comment on your blog until you comment on my wait that's not fair to me...I know!!! How many flavors do your Gummy Bear Vitamins come in?
Not a very good challenge. Nevermind I'll come back to it later. I'm too tired to think straight.
I got now!!! This is the most brilliant idea I have ever had...LMAO I need I making any sense?
Who ever can post the most randomest(no clue if that's a word, but it is now) picture wins the blog award!!! *throws white glove on floor* The challenge is set may the best randomest photographer win.
I think I've stopped making sense. Off to bed so I can maybe make sense tomorrow...wait no later today...
@Kristen We have that law too, since two years or so! We finally can eat now without having to breath in smoke. The law is also significant for bars and discos and stuff! No smoking at all and I love it! :D Though I never thought this is going to raise such a fuss here!
@Mel I'm nor so sure if I got it right. So we/you get the price, for the most random pic ever? Hmmm... :)
@Ida-Susann og Karoline Welcome!!! :D
So I'm off again, need some coffee! Talk to you ladies later! :D
Oh me first!
ReplyDeletedang it!
ReplyDeleteLOL now we are fighting over who gets first post
ReplyDeleteOk Mel I'm going to go to sleep too. night. I'll bet you that this one explodes while we're sleeping.
ReplyDeleteI'm seriously off to bed now. Goodnight & sweet Viking dreams to all.
ReplyDeleteWhew! I just finished skimming through all the comments on the last post...too funny!
ReplyDeleteMy mind is in the gutter as well Kim and Mel...LOL! I'm sure we could all "go there" and come up with some real funny comments on the HEAD/dating subject. Deuce is a friggin' riot!!!
I missed the *HOT* hot tub party last night, I can't be gettin' in no hot tub with any man other then my husband these days so it was probably a good thing I missed it! Alcohol and a hot tub, hmmmm...*mind in the gutter again*! LOL!
Off to bed, drove 300 miles today for work, I'm way past exhausted and should have gone to bed when the kids did but I had to have my nightly blog fix! Instead of reading a book before bed, I read the blog :D
Sweet dreams! See ya'll on the flip side...cheers!
Hot tub, dating, drinking, Head... it's all too much for my filthy little mind. I just keep saying to myself, "Gotta keep it PG...gotta keep it PG..."
ReplyDeleteKristen, that's some serious mileage for a day of work! I don't drive that much in one day unless hotels, mountains, or beaches are involved! Get some rest, girl!
Hey, how do y'all get your profile pic to show up beside your posts? Am I missing something cause I don't see it. *computer illiterate*
Ok so I didn't go to bed...I watched The Blind Side. I cried at the end. I'm such a sap, but I can picture my little brother doing that. He plays football & he's gonna play for the McKinley Bulldogs this fall!!! I can't wait!!! I'm requesting every game off so I can go cheer my baby brother on. *tears up* I forget what position he plays, but there will be lots of posts about the games this fall. I think he's the offensive end, but not quite sure. I'm gonna embarass him though. I'll be in my Mckinley shirt, black & red pompom in my hair, tats & his # on my face & a big ole sign saying 'GO JAY GO!!!' I can't wait for his first game.
ReplyDeleteI really am off to bed now. Goodnight/morning/afternoon where ever you are in this big ole world. Catch ya on the flip side.
Aloha everyone!
ReplyDelete(**slips Viking the Beagle a steak and pours Cristal in his dinner dish**)
So...not only does Aksel go on a date, but it's with a younger guy...(sigh) galz think he "threw" the race just for the date? Hmmmm....maybe I should start that rumor...
@Mel, make sure your digital camera is full-up on power. you'll have a great time.
@everyone...impressive helmet, eh? Sans labels on Aksel...though Kjetil is lookin' ghetto with the Atomic plain red. Someone has to dress that man up. @Nicole! @Anja! Armani over here...stat!
Hope everyone had a great day...i'm still jumpy from the homie bears in da hood!
Aloha group!
ReplyDeleteGuess what everyone? Kjetil jumped to HEAD also! woo-hoo! go blog about it on Aksel's side. (**starts doing moonwalk**) So happy!
time for bed here. see ya!
Ladies: NFL draft starts in 11 hrs. If you don't hear from me have a great day!
ReplyDeleteGood morning!
ReplyDelete@Brenda He totally mentioned the "date" for the comments! That was like throwing a piece of tuna in a shark tank. I am ok with that because I love a tease!
I really think I need a Viking helmet to wear while riding my Piaggio. My Speed Racer one just isn't cutting it anymore.
I am off to a family wedding for the weekend. I am psyched for free booze and a chance to hone my cougaring skills! YAY!
Good afternoon or morning i guess! :P
ReplyDeleteSo how is everyone?! (I'm getting kinda boring, I always ask the same question in my first post! haha :P)
@Cricket Good morning! Have a nice day and weekend! And don't drink and drive!haha :D
*grabs a Corona for a start and enjoys the sun on her balcony*
Going to be back... (for more alk, since I'm officially the alcoholic here since last night!)
Seeya later ladies! :D
@auntie: wedding is still on plan. at least for me.. don´t know what aksel thinks about that after his dinner last night! haha
ReplyDelete@brenda: AKSEL IS A SUGGAR DADDY at least for hans!! haha...
i´m glad kjetil joined!! :-)
but honestly don´t know if there is a link between the date aksel had with hans and the decision of kjetil! Haha.. maybe aksel said, he would go out with hans if kjetil doesn´t join... and kjetil didn´t believe until.. yesterday!
Hi ladies!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Kjetil with his HEAD-deal :)
And i really wonder about Aksels ''date''... ;D
He should tell us all the details.. hihi
I'm glad that Kjetil joined too!!! This calls for a celebration! *breaks out the champagne*
ReplyDelete@Teekanne so when we leave today to crash this party, we're going include your wedding in the trip? Lol
ReplyDeletehaha we should ask him, about this dare kinda thing! :D
@Mel Definetly!!! Woho champagne!!! *hold out towards her* Can I have some? :D
ReplyDeleteall details? you sound like dana! haha! ;-)
@anja: my wedding in that trip? though we would start immediately... ;-) but maybe we can follow the next 6 month so we can include the wedding! haha! 6 month with you? gosh... what a fun! haha!
Cheers! *grabs another glass vodka-bull*
@ Anja of course you can *flags down waiter* We need some glasses over here.
ReplyDelete@Mel: Did you watch Coyote Ugly? Haha. you post on aksels blog reminds me on Lils: "Jim, Jack, Johnny Red, Johnny Black, and Jose; all my favorite men." Haha!
ReplyDeleteHappy Earth Day everyone!!!!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne So the wedding's still on?! Good job...not giving up!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Mel haha I don't know anything about american football (not really) but congrats to your brother!!! ;D
@Cricket Oooh, have fun at the wedding!!! ;P
@Kim and Kristen You have me wondering about what's going on in your heads!!! lol ;P
The whole Aksel and Hands date thing is awesome! *wipes away tears* What if he's the one for him??? Aksel won't be alone in the airports anymore! I hope the date went well...maybe a second one soon?! ...if so, Aksel don't forget beer (that's a fast way to a guy's should know this)!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteAlso, I agree that Kjetil needs to comment!
ReplyDeleteKjetil!!! Come back...we need to know about this change...and the girls need drinks!!!
@Teekanne lol Well actually you just need a registrar to get married! :P oh and a groom! Oh or you could go on that boad trip someone gave to Aksel! And the captain could marry you! Oh an of course we would be there to celebrate with you!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole heii girl!!! :D LMAO
Bartender, who ever's on duty, I need another drink here!!! :D
Hi everyone!
ReplyDeleteHow are you ,how was your day?
I've had a bad one. I spent the whole morning in hospital for a biopsy! Sorry, maybe it's not the right moment or the right place but I needed to say it! Sorry again!
I'm glad Aksel and Kjetil are together in the Head deal. They'll do a great job!
@Teekanne Yes,baby, I need to know everything!! Every little detail! Haha!
Bartender, a juice please! No alcohol tonight!
woops meant to write brigegroom!!! haha forgot he half world!!! lmao
ReplyDelete@Dana oh no!!! :( Are you ok? *Gives Dana a Hug*
ReplyDeleteThanks Anja, for the moment I'm fine. I have to wait 10-12 days. I hope things will be allright in the end!!
@ Teekanne yup that's one of my favorite movies.
ReplyDelete@ dana *hugs* I hope everything is ok.
@dana I'm really sorry to hear that, hun! I'll be thinking about you the next days! And I'm sure everything is going to be fine in the end! :-)
ReplyDelete@dana I'm sorry...I hope everything turns out well! :{
ReplyDelete@Mel sorry didn't catch you comment before! Thanks for telling the waiter to bring me some! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne btw how did your shopping trip go? did you go into a frenzy? Like most women I know! :P
@Nicole: just rumors, just rumors! ;-) Haha... something about he had a date with a man. i don´t believe that. just some jealous ppl, you know?!
ReplyDeleteJust read the comment about the underpants haha.. great! haha!
@anja: register? damn.. but hey.. it´s a viking... it´s a V.I.P. haha!
@dana: day was good. went shopping with my mom haha! :-))) i loooooooove shopping!
hospital? oh.. hope t´s donna be fine! *big hug to you*
Hmm.. keep my fingers cross for you the next 10-12 days!!!
@Mel: i love this movie too.. i love adam garcia. handsome man! haha!
@Nicole... you don't wanna know. Cougars are baaaad girls. ;-)
ReplyDelete*Love* Coyote Ugly. Is the reality show still on? If so, I must have missed it last year. I always enjoyed watching it. I've been to the bar in Nashville... if y'all have the chance to go, you must do so! Fun, fun, fun!
@Mel... you have to add Mark to your list of men. Please. :-D
@Dana... hope everything is okay!
@Teekanne What did you buy??? I'm sorry but the denial's not going to work...Aksel said "date" himself!!! lol ;P ...kidding he's still your fiancee...are you okay with sharing him with Hans (not Hans-Eyja)???
ReplyDeleteSo do you think that Lars is going to join the HEAD team??? ...well, he should at least join us here!!!
ReplyDelete@anja: yeh it was 25% off and my mother directly told me after work.. i got 2 hoddie jackets, shirts and a pant! haha.
ReplyDeletei wanted these jackets anyway (bench jackets) so it was so worth it! haha.
anyone should try to say shopping doesn´t make happy!
@Kim See, now you make me curious! ;D ...maybe translate it into something PG! lol ;P kidding!!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Sounds like a good shopping trip! I'm a hoodies girl too...I have sooo many!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole All of them should join us here! They are soooo missing out here!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne lol Otherwise we could bribe one! I mean with all the alkohol we're taking with us on our trip?! :P
lol am I the only female here, who doesn't like to go shopping?! :D
@Anja Definitely!!! I've invited Lars and Aksel but no reply! :{ ...they probably think I'm some insane stalker sending them messages!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteI like to go shopping but I hate trying on clothes...I love buying nailpolish, handbags, and trying on shoes (not necessarily buying them because they can be expensive)! Oh, and books, many many books...I practically have a library!!! ;P
@Kim: i was in a coyote ugly bar in NYC.. that sucked! haha..
ReplyDelete@nicole: don´t know if i would bet about that. you never know which contracts they have. btw. aksels is untill 2014 after Sochi!
read today that raich stays with atomic.. as if there was another possibility after aksel signed with head!
Honestly, Aksel needs to posts picture!!! I want to know how this date went!!!
ReplyDeletegood evening girls!
ReplyDelete@dana believe in it that everything gone be right
*i´m ready to crash the party*
@Teekanne Well, I support the Attacking Vikings no matter what skiis they use!!! ;D Aksel thinking about going to the Olympics (I need to know so I can start saving up)! lol :P
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha yea, probably! Just watch out! Maybe thei're showing up at your doorstep someday with a restraining order! :P
ReplyDeleteLOL I'm so with you with the books!!! I can be in a bookstore for ours!!! Got way to many books though, don't know where to put them!!! lol But clothes... :( Nah don't like to go and buy them! :/
@Corinna Me too!!! Let's go! You got that sport car of yours with you? :P
@anja yes i got it, and a little bar in the back
ReplyDeletebtw do we need some baileys too?
@Corinna haha! Bar in the back! I like that!!! :D mhhmm, jep Baileys definetly needs to be there too! And some ice to go with it! :D And Jack, Jonny, Jose... who else was there?
ReplyDeleteGosh, I really do sound like I drink to much! haha :D
ReplyDeleteListening to the wind
Rushing through
Pushing, swaying
Soft green grash
Thin soft bristles
Like a feather
Brushing against your cheek
Tenderly calming you
Closed lids
Everything looks orange, pink
Then a few shades of black
Here and there
Warmth from the sun
I can feel the light
On my cheek
Warming my face
I can feel the coolness
Of the grass beneath me
Wet from morning dew
Swaying, dancing in the wind
Blue Sky
White clouds
Standing still
While I seem to fly
They don't move
They look down upon this world
They look down upon me
They stay still and I seem to move
The earth moves with me
ReplyDeletehaha, me too! i always say: you have enough of that stuff. buy sth different.. but i like these jackets. so i end up with another one or two! haha
@anja: bribe? haha... i don´t know if anybody would take us serious haha.
with all this alcohol there might be a good chance to pick up some norwegians since alcohol is pretty expansive in the north!
@Nicole: you send them? how? package? haha.
they really will think that!
i love books too. i already considered to go to the real library as my living room is too small for the books! ;-)
Wow, sorry it's so long!!! It isn't polished either...I guess I should've checked that!!! oops! ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole: i hope so! haha. trying to get a place as volunteer if i get my year off :-) so we meet over there? haha that would be so much fun!
ReplyDeleteShopping, no matter what.. just shopping! haha. shopping makes happy! at least me! :-)
Hi to y'all!
ReplyDeleteBartender please hand me an Altbier! I need it after a chaotic but good day.
@dana: biopsy doesn't sound good in my ears. Hope you are ok?! *hug*
Think it's absolute ok if you write here about such things. So feel free if you want too!
@all: I'm still laughing about the Hans-date. Maybe that's a tit-for-tat response to the Joe who was mentioned during the fight on his blog about JM :-D
Whatever he meant with that post, he furnished us a fit occasion *lol*
Btw where the hell is Mr. Jansrud? He really should comment on his head contract. Or is he too jealous of Hans? *still giggling*
oh and i put some food in the car, what about enchiladas and tacos?
ReplyDeleteand we need some jim...
*put my party crash outfit on*
@Teekanne Well, I put posts on Aksel's blog...and I've sent messages through the contact information they have and youtube...but nothing! :{ Oh well, I know they're really busy!
ReplyDelete@Anja and Teekanne I have way too many books, but hey you can never have enough! I spend hours in the bookstore and I always have to buy at least one! ...I have so many books that they don't fit on my shelves! ;P
@ Nicole don't worry about not knowing anything about American football because after this fall you will know about as much as I do. Which isn't a lot, but it gets me by.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll just ask Josh McDaniels to help me out with football. He went to McKinley with my sister. He's the coach of the Broncs now. He was on my facebook, but he either deleted it or it got deleted by facebook. I had the biggest crush on him. Still is like fine wine he gets better looking with age. *sigh*
@dana I agree with cjal! Feel free to talk if you need to! ;D
ReplyDelete@cjal Kjetil does have to visit! His comments were always hilarious!!! ...maybe he is jealous though...he can always try to win him back! ...we'll help! ;D
@Nicole wow! What a beautiful poem girl! haha I know what you mean about the books! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne well we can at least try! :D haha so when alkohol is that expensive there, at least it the best gift, when we crash the party! :P
Oh i'd love to go to Sochi! But that's nearly impossible, isn't it. :(
@Cjal hello! Lol maybe he's sulking alone at home about Aksels date! haha just pictured that! Too funny! :D
@Corinna mhh, mexican food! I'm soo glad I'm driving with you! :D I'm gettin real spoiled! :P
@Mel haha So you have crushes on more than one man! btw, cracked up when I read about Jake's calves!!! lol ...I should at least understand it since I was in the marching band at school and we performed at football games (but I never paid any attention)!!! lol ;P my friends have tried to help me...but I just don't get it!
ReplyDeleteIt's quite funny though, because when I watch the Olympics, I watch all (and I mean ALL) the sports and I learn a lot of the rules...but not american football!!!! ;P
@cjal: did you know that i have the altbier around me? Haha.. Diebels ist just about 15 km from my home! haha!
ReplyDeleteat least kjetil is "active" in facebook haha!
maybe Mel should offer her blog to be kjetils blog? that would be a good idea.
we could change the name in.
kjetilized.. no, that sound strange... haha
@nicole: i will not wonder if your IP will be blocked in this blog from now Haha!
@Mel: i love american Football. i visited my auntie atlanta over thanksgiving last year! haha. Now i understand this game! Haha.
@Anja Aww! Poor Kjetil all alone at home....he can join us here...plenty of food and drinks to make him feel better!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@cjal & all my sistas here, thanks for your support!! I don't know what else I can say... Oh, I do: take care of your health!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Coyote Ugly too!
"You can try to resist
try to hide from my kiss"
@Nicole I agree!! Pic-ture! Pic-ture! Pic-ture!
@Mel American football is a big unknown to me! I don't understand anything! Ha ha!
Damn! I'm always behind with my comments!!
@Anja: I hate shopping, really hate it! But I could spent my life in a bookstore :-)
ReplyDelete@Teekann wait...did I miss something??? why would I be blocked??? :/ lol you're confusing me teekanne!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteSo you're going to volunteer at Shoji???...will I see you on tv dancing around?!?!?!
@ Nicole I was in the band too!!! What did you play? I played the clarinet. I loved after half-time when the guys took the field & stretched *sighs & drools* We just had to be careful because there was a girl on the team. No one could remember her number though.
ReplyDeletelol I don't get american football either! I prefer to watch hockey! It's faster and you get so see man bang (if that's the word) on each other too! :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole yea!!! I'm sure a lot here would love to comfort him! :P haha
@cjal me too! Totally agree with you there! :D
Why did I write "Shoji???" ...that's Japanese! *smack head* wow I'm stupid!!!!!
ReplyDeleteobviously, I meant Sochi!!!!!!
@anja: remember we crash a party of sportsmen... ;-) at least skier.. do they drink and drive btw?
ReplyDelete@dana: haha i love the soundtrack! "you´re unbelivable" haha
about this bookstore:
never let me go in the part with the travel guides.. ahh i leave with 10 new books about places i wanna go! haha
@Nicole Beautiful poem, You're great baby!
ReplyDelete@Anja I'm waiting your poem!!!!
I can take care of Kjetil if you want! I'll be nice and gentle! Promis!
@Mel I play the flute!!! The band had to sit at the endzone (I think that's right) and we'd play for touchdowns and time-outs...and talk the entire game becasue we never really played (our team is not that good)! ;P ...and it's dangerous being in that area because when they kick the ball...well, guess who's right in its path!!!!! one of the boys in my section got hit right in the crotch!!! *wipes away tears* everyone nearly died from laughing and he was in so much pain!!!! ;D *sighs* I'm a bad section leader!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@nicole: haha bc you spam aksels blog haha!
ReplyDeletedancing around? yeh.. after aksel wins gold! haha! i run directly to hug him! haha!
but yes. i´ll try to! first need my year off! :-/ Sotji? haha!
For those who don't know or don't understand American Football. Don't worry after the fall you will understand it just a little bit. Well I'm off to get ready for work. I'll be back after 12am. I don't wanna go to work. I hate this work days then work nights then days then nights. My body doesn't know when to sleep or be awake. *sigh*
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Sorry I misspelled your name earlier!!! oops! ;P
ReplyDelete@dana Thanks girl!
You girls are all amazing! Hilarious and have a love of books like me!!! I will buy any book that looks interesting! I'll walk around for hours, and get tons of books...but then I have to cut down the list because I don't have enough money!!! :{ Writing and reading are my passions!!! ;D
Hey girls,
ReplyDelete@dana big hug for you. Hope everything turns ok.
I just got back from my Freestyler class, brutal again, was sweating like big pig. lol
I'll pass on drinks today, so I can drive.
@Teekanne I do?!?!? lol I just wrote a few comments *innocent look* I'm a lot better than before! I mean, Tony's statistics showed that I wrote 28 comments for one post!!! That's insane! ...I'm trying to cut down...over there...over here, the party's on!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Ouch!!! Yeah endzone is right. That's where the band sits. Except we never sat in the middle of the stands we always sat on the side so we wouldn't get hurt. For games they had a net up so the fans would not get hurt. LMAO
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Well I heard that Aksel knows who to party! :P And I'm pretty sure the other Vikings know too!
ReplyDeletehaha drink and drive! lol I did that once! Not to be recommended! :D
@dana *looks at dana with innocent face* I don't know what your talking about? Which poem?! :P *mutters to herself, crap crap crap* :P
@Mel see you later then! have a nice day girl! :D
@Gordana ...You can pop into the hot tub! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Mel That sounds boring...and unfair! So many hours...but hey, will you see Jakey??? ;P
oh just to be clear! I drank a "little" and then had to board down the mountain to get home... :D I did not drive a car! I'd never do that!
ReplyDelete@Mel Wow...much better preparation than us!!! Yeah, he was in a lot of pain when he got hit...he got an ice pack from one of the band moms!!! *cracking up again* I'm so mean but it was so priceless!!! His voice cracked too!!! LOL ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja *gasp* NO Drinking and Driving!!! Forbidden!!! Ladies, if I have to, I will eliminate the alcohol!!! That's dangerous stuff!!!
@Teekanne: that sounds good...I like Diebels :-)
ReplyDeleteAgain: poor Kjetil...thinking of him how he's quietly crying in his pillow...I shouldn't laugh but I have to *LMAO*
So we're in hot tub
ReplyDeleteHave a feeling that Aksel is jealous on Mel's's so much fun here.
@Anja Good...that clears things up a bit!
ReplyDeleteLadies, I may be young, but I will NOT allow something like that!!! I am still the security guard!!! *whispers to herself, at least last time I checked I was* lol ;P
@anja don´t worry about that :) i belive you
ReplyDeletebtw. i got a lot of books too one amazing i think is this one
*put me a chair, sit down, drinking tea during i´m waiting what will happen*
@nicole: a few?? haha.
ReplyDeleteoh you were the one on the top haha! damn girl.. you are defintely spaming! haha.
but sometimes i really just send a comment and get a new idea but reminds me on not spaming so i leave the blog and after 5 minutes i forgot what to write.. as you see, it works! haha!
@anja: obviously they don´t know, at least not to party good otherwise they would join us here! haha. here is the party going on!
@gordana: hi there. drive? i can order a taxi?! my brother can pick us up later! haha
Hey I was singing in the school chorus! Teekanne, may I sing ay your wedding? Or maybe not, all the guests will run away... Haha!
ReplyDelete@Gordana Thank you sweety! I hope too!
@Anja Take off your innocent face and write! We're waiting for too long!
@Nicole You can win the gold for your big number of comments!!! Go Nicole!!
@cjal're so mean to Kjetil! (kidding ;P) ...we can lure him over here with ice cream and maybe some whiskey!
ReplyDelete@gordana "Jealous" ...yeah, he wants everyone to go post more on his blog! lol ...he should just join us here *HINT HINT AKSEL* lol ;P
@dana: as my guest mostly know my singing, i guess it would be a boom if you would give it a try haha.
ReplyDelete@nicole: haha you call cjal mean? who just began with the dresses and high heels? haha. poor kjetil!
@gordana: there is no reason to be jealous, we invited him several times... ;-)
@Teekanne and dana Sometimes I annoy ...and surprise...myself with how much I write!!! I've always written too much (and talked to much too)!!! ;D I just have so much to say!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Leaving the blog never helped me! I tried it a few times but I would go back and immediately remember what I hadn't written!!! LOL
@Nicole yea, I realise after the post, that you probably will think I drove with a car! Nope was "just" boarding down the hill! But still not to recommend. I'm a good border and I was no fun!
ReplyDeleteJep your still the security guard! :D With all your james bond moves you're perfect! :D
so is the party crashing trip delayed? *sigh*
Okee! *Grabs a whiskey and hops into the hot tup to gordana!*
@Nicole for this time I'm the pessimistic one. They don't read this blog, they don't laugh with us, they're not coming. LMAO
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I'm so tired today that if I dring I'll just go to sleep and I don't want to miss any havy party in hot tub tonight.
@dana haha Don't tempt me!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne *hands in air* Wasn't me! Don't look at me!! ...I added the lipgloss and gel...that's it!!! ;P
@Teekanne but he doesn't get it..HINT
ReplyDelete@Teekanne it was brenda i think! lol but we all did something mean to him actually! :D
ReplyDelete@dana I'm there! But i told you i suck at writng poems...
@nicole: my teachers always said: you did it much to short. the result is right but you have to write every step of your thoughts.
ReplyDeletei guess i thought faster than i wrote haha so i missed half of my thoughts!
keep it short! if the result is right, it´s more effecitve haha.
i never remembered i guess i´m too old?! my brain is older than my body?! gosh
@anja: no... we start exactly NOW!!! haha
@Anja...hmm...well, we have to wait for everyone...
ReplyDelete@Gordana :{ That makes me sad! will think positively! The Attacking Vikings have read our comments, they have received laughter and joy and inspiration from our comments (hence Aksel getting the idea to date a guy...Good job buddy!!!) LOL Sooner or later, they will comment! Sooner or later, their light will shine upon this blog and all our faces will melt! ...couldn't stop myself...I'm really lame
@Nicole: and I didn't even start to be mean... *devilish grin*
ReplyDelete@Teekanne ok ok *Grabs a towel and hurries out the hot tub, swaying a little* I'm ready, I can change in the car! :P Oh wait forgot my drink... :P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha I always get exactly the opposite! My teachers tell me I write too much!!! I guess that's good if I want to write a novel! lol ;P
ReplyDeleteAnd you're not old!!!
I'm positiv too that they're reading this blog and are just to shy to comment! :D
ReplyDeletehei a girl can dream... :P
@Nicole lol
Wait, we're going now!!! *rushes to office to get jacket and glasses. whistles and Viking comes running* Let's go!!! *runs at full speed gets to the R8 and jumps through window feet dangling out the side* I'm waiting!!!
ReplyDelete@Nicole you'll be fine in a minute.*give her something to drink*
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or are we drunk every night?lol There's so much alcohol talk and we're just grabing something all the need those AV so we can grab
@gordana: i´m tired too. this blog keeps me up to long. haha. it´s already 9.30 and i need to shower to clean my kitchen and to pack my bag for tomorrows training!
ReplyDeletei will be too late today too.
but drinking makes me only tired when it´s boring... so this would be the worst place to fall asleep bc of drinking haha.
@all: ok brenda started but... haha. ok, i added some stuff too! ;-)
@anja: change in the car? who do you think is driving behind us?? He? Haha
Go on dreaming! haha
*so i can start now the engine of the audi tt or should we also take a audi R8?*
ReplyDelete@Anja Shy?!?!?! Maybe so...I mean, Aksel didn't ask the King for a maybe he is a little shy ...that's a little odd to think about!!! lol
ReplyDeleteWait for me, I'm coming!
ReplyDeletehaha @nicole: do you wear a skirt! haha!
ReplyDeletewhere is my aston martin?
@anja: definitely shy... evevn hans had to ask aksel for a date just tried to hide it behind this trade haha.
Every night there is talk of ladies are drunkards!!! LOL kidding! ;P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne This blog has made me addicted to the computer...I'm on sooo much more than ever before!!! ;D
@Anja Will there be room for you to change in the car??? TTs and R8s are pretty small!!!
@ Nicole You never annoy, i love your comments (though sometimes I don't understand every word you say haha!)So keep writting!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I like a song but you have to teach the lyrics: "Eins, zwei, Polizei/ drei, vier"... I'm crazy!!!
I wonder if I'm the only sober here! You need a clear mind so I'll sacrifice myself! Doctor's order!
@Teekanne well you wanted to go immediatly and I didn't wanted to delay any further! :D
ReplyDelete@Corinna take the TT! :D I like that care! :D
@Nicole haha you never know! Maybe we intimidate them! haha :P
Ok, then I'll just show up in a bikini? :P
haha I'm on the computer way to much too since this blog! haha :D
so we ready?!
@nicole: as you know "Barking dogs never bite." haha.
ReplyDeleteyeh.. thanks good i have a notebook.. so i can do some stuff while being online! haha!
TEEKANNE!!! Nooo! I am not wearing a skirt! Jeans...I'm sticking with jeans!!! boy, a skirt would be bad business!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete*i´m ready the engine is on, the alcohol is in the trunk, so let´s start*
ReplyDelete@dana don't you dare pointing with this finger of yours at us...we're all sober here, all the
ReplyDelete1, 2 Polizei, 3, 4 Grenadier, 5, 6 alte Gags, 7, 8 gute Nacht! Haha...
where did you get that?
@anja: I dont mind.. but maybe others! Haha
i guess we´re ready!
Take care Vikings, here we start!! haha.. will be at your party in about 3 month! haha
@Teekanne...3 months...LMAO
ReplyDelete@Gordana OK, OK I'll drink too!!!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne It's an old song that I like! Gute Nacht? Maybe little bit later! I wanna stay with you fot a while
If I would drink so much as here is written...sheesh...
ReplyDeleteAnd now off for a break, can't see any computer no more for a moment. Fairy waits for me with a toy and wants to be entertained. See y'all later!
@cjal: yeh.. haha. after 2 beer i do and say things i better don´t do nor say! haha..
ReplyDeletewait.. i always do and say things i better won´t.
@anja: haha just found that which proofs it wasn´t a foul from franckie! haha
@dana & Gordana lol yea, we're all totally sober here! Lmao
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha I do that too! :D And I think I'm soo funny with what I gotta say! :D lol
Haha That vid is awesome! LMAO Thanks for sharing! Still laughing! :D
ReplyDeleteThat's why I almoust never drink! I'm afraid of what I could say or do!He he he! And if are men near me I could be really dangerous!! Hey, I'm joking, don't believe my every word! I think it's from anaesthesia! lol
@ teekanne haha funny, i just actually watch the football game HSV against FC Fulham
ReplyDeleteHopefully little Mr. Jakey is working today. If not hopefully one of my other 2 eyecandies are. If not I always have my videos of Aksel to watch. I have to have my hot guy fix.
ReplyDeleteHere's a couple pic of McDaniels
Gotta go make my dinner for work. Catch ya on the flip side.
@dana lol I don't care! Where's the fun if you're not embarassasing yourself once in a while?! :P
ReplyDelete@Corinna So how is the HSV doing? I'm watching hockey, so you care for a update? :D
@anja: i new you´ll like it! Haha
ReplyDelete@dana: that´s why i offer to be the driver. i don´t even wanna be trained more! haha.
dangerous? haha. i think when i´m drunken i would talk even more shit to men than sober. haha.
@corinna: i do too. i´m a little bit nordish now! ha. just noticed that fulham has a norwegian playing.
he´s handsome. now i´m confused who i wanna win! haha!
i think not bad till yet. there wasn´t a goal till yet. but the fans are more excited.
ReplyDeletei always sit between the chairs, my dad is from hamburg and my mom from the near of munich. it´s always some fun if fc bayern play against hsv.
@mel: WOW.. i like the 2nd one! don´t give me a heartattack!
ReplyDeletei notice: handsome men don´t live next to me... i have to move!
@anja: haha. 0:0 they were quite good in the first half. but didn´t score. guerrero has a bad day today! not as bad as franck yesterday but..
@corinna: haha so you´re a half fishhead and half david hasselhoff? haha
ReplyDelete@Mel and Niciole: Band Geek here! I played snare drum in the marching band.
ReplyDelete@Girls interested in football: If you can't find a hot guy to teach you about the game feel free to ask me anything. I have been addicted to the sport since I was about 5yrs old. I was the skinny (but tough) little kid who wanted to play football but my mom would not let me:(
It's 23:17 so it's late. Beside this Dr. House it has started!
ReplyDeleteSo good night all of you! Thanks for your encouraging words! Hugs!
See you tomorrow
@Teekanne haha Gosh you already know me way too good! :P
ReplyDeleteHe is quite good looking, but I prefer our Attacking Vikings! :P
@Teekanne & Corinna thanks for the update! :D
oh ok! That's the problem when I watch a football game, I actually don't care who wins! Since there is no chance that a swiss team is ever going to be good in cl! :D
But of course when there's WM or EM I'll cheer for Switzerland!
ahhh i´m excited. today at oprah there is a new trailer release for ECLIPSE... ahhh.. now i cannot sleep anymore! :-/
ReplyDeletecan´t wait for tomorrow..
@ teekanne
ReplyDeleteyes if you want called it so, then yes. but i see me more like an bavarian then like david hasselhoff.
good night dana sleep well
ReplyDelete@dana good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams!
ReplyDeleteSeeya tomorrow! Hugs!
@Teekanne lol eclipse? I like the books, but new moon, the movie, really sucked! :P So I don't have any hope for eclipse, since they had to produce it so fast!
*take some baileys on ice and fall back on a chair*
ReplyDeletei didn´t read the books and also i didn´t have then a movie from this vampires
@dana: good night!
ReplyDelete@anja: he is hot! ok, only this pic! haha!
you don´t care? common... as long it´s not italy or cristian ronaldo! haha... i thought it´s all about the color of the shirts. that how my mother did it! haha. "oh they wear red. i like red"
@anja: i loved the books, never was interested until i saw twilight. new moon was pretty bad in german.
i watched it in NYC haha. the movie was great. so much better BUT! NEVER AGAIN.
i felt like a backstreet boys concert. the moms the kids, the boys everybody was screaming anytime: as the light went out, as the reviews began, as the movie started, as taylor showed up.. don´t need to tell you what happened as tayler took of his shirt or rob was naked in italy! haha. gosh it was like hell!
girls: i´m in bed now! busy day 2morrow.
i´ll stop by 2morrow night i guess!
stay civil.. and don´t do stuff i won´t do! ;-)
I'll go to bed with this picture in my mind *sigh*
I can't help to show it you again! Good night you too Teekanne! Kisses!
just an idea:
ReplyDeletei think kjetil shows up in a few days with his own homepage! just give him a few days! ;-)
good night teekanne and dana, sleep well and sweet dreams
ReplyDelete@Teekanne ok, and I always was for everyone who played against a german team. But I wasn't brave enough to say that! :P But I got to know some germans better over the last one two years, so I'm not that mean anymore! :P
ReplyDeleteOh yea, agree with ronaldo and Italy! But honestly, I mostly cheer for the team with the better looking men! Haha I'm shallow!
Yea the book are good, but I've read betters! also about vampires and so on!
haha yea, we looked new moon in german and it was pretty bad! But we had fun in the cinema, while making fun of others and the movie! :P
haha we had that too, but now as bad! :D
Good night and sleep well! Yay so we're allowed to do everything we want! :P
*takes a whiskey and plops into a chair beside Corinna* reason for
ReplyDeleteI'm off, have to get up at 5.30 and I desperately need my beauty sleep. See you all tomorrow...behave.
@Dana: *Hug*
ReplyDelete@Twighlight girls: I never had to invest in the books because my neices won't shut up about it! Nice when you can get stuff for free!
@Teekanne seen it on facebook? haha I thought that too after I checked that page before! :D
ReplyDeleteyou think he's going to mention it on Aksels blog?
haha another one we can go and spam! :P
@Teekanne and dana sweet dreams.
ReplyDeletegood night gordana also sleep well and sweet dreams
ReplyDelete*looks at anja, what do you think about the poolbar, should we go over to there?*
@Gordana good night!
ReplyDelete@Corinna haha we definetly should! haha we're always the last one's on here! :D
Means we got our bartenders to ourselfs! :D If I would just remember who's on duty tonight! Kjetil, Dean, Luke...? :D
*takes her drink and joins Corinna at the poolbar* :D
yes, it´s always the same with me, if i go out with my friends i don´t want go home earlier, and the girls with i go out something btw 18 and 21. and they can´t get up as long is i with my 25. mh that´s strange! :)
ReplyDelete*i think kjetil makes the best drinks, give me a hurricane please*
not is i mean as
ReplyDeletehaha I'm the same! I don't go out every weekend, but when I go out, then I'm not home early! :P lol you obviously got the better endurance! :D
ReplyDeleteok we go with Kjetil! :D mh, I'll take a hurricane too! I hope it is any good? ;D
omg I just found the cutest pic of Aksel ever! :D
Isn't that adorable!!! :D
@Corinna and Anja: I remember staying out at the country bar until 6:00am. It gets alot harder to do that the older you get:) I would like to think I could make it until midnight now:) With a late afternoon nap I might be able to make it until 1:00am:)
ReplyDelete* 3 cl brauner Rum
ReplyDelete* 3 cl weißer Rum
* 1 cl Maracujasirup
* 2 cl Limettensaft
* 2 cl Ananassaft
* 2 cl Orangensaft
it´s taste real good, as i said before i don´t drink a lot of alcohol i prefer to drive, but if i drink only the good stuff *lol*
the most time i go out on saturday, sometime on friday and very less on thursday (only i don´t have to work on friday)
@ anja i know this picture it is soooooo cute
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal haha, it´s like me 6 weeks ago and about the last 5 and a half year, there i had a boyfrind and now i´m a single and go out longer and harder
@ anja i like this picture the most
@Buckeye lol I still do that sometimes,stay out till 6! but yea, not as often as I did with 16! haha :D
ReplyDelete@Corinna mhh, sounds tasty! :D I like rum! :D
Well, since I can normally walk home, after a night out, I don't need to be sober! :P But I drink mostly beer, bc the other stuff is quite expensive! :D
I seldom go out Thursday, since I normally have to get up in the morning or everyone else! :D
@Corinna yea that's great picute too! But I couldn't decide on a pic I like the most! He's such a handsome man and so photogenic! :D
ReplyDeleteif i was 18 the longest time i was go out was half past eight in the morning. and once we had sleeped in the car, outside was a snowstorm an - 15°C. but we had a warm car inside with a lot of cover, then i said never again mybe in the summer not in the winter *lol*
ReplyDeletehaha well I once stayed out till 3 or 4 pm! but jeezz was i tired! :D
ReplyDeleteLol ok I never sleeped in a car yet, maybe this summer!
But we seldom go out, where we have to take a car! Then we would have to drive for more than 30min and that's just not worth it! :D
Since I'm kinda living in the country, there's not much to go out to here! :D
the next big city is about 20 min ago from me.
ReplyDeleteso there is always one of who have to drive.
this one is also great
but now i have go to bet, tomorrow i will be alone at work.
ReplyDeletegood night, sleep well and sweet dreams
Thanks for the link!
ReplyDeletegood night corinna! sleep well too! And some nice dreams of our Vikings! :P
See you tomorrow! :D
and tomorrow i will be longer on! :)
ReplyDeletesee you tomorrow evening?!
Jep, I'll be on tomorrow too!
ReplyDeleteRest well and we'll talk tomorrow evening! If it's like last weekend, this party is going to be wild! :D
Ahh!!! My stupid computer got really slow and then it crashed so I missed so much!!! :{
ReplyDeleteGood night ladies! Sleep well!!! ;D
I love all the links and pictures posted! Thanks so much for sharing!
So is Kjetil finally getting a site or something??? Am I misunderstanding?
@Anja and Corinna Wow, I'm 18 and I don't even stay out that late!!! ...I guess I'm not cool! lol ;P
@Anja This party is ALWAYS wild!!! ;D
ReplyDeletebtw all of the Aksel pictures ...making me melt!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole That has nothing to do with being cool! :P But you're living in America, where you're officially allowed to drink with 21! Here in switzerland you can drink beer with 16 and everything else with 18, that's why everyone here goes out with 16/17! :D
ReplyDeleteWell on the site of Kjetil, he didn't made it himself, he mentioned that he's working on a side.!/K.Jansrud?ref=ts
haha true, but last weekend it was really really wild, with putting Kjetil in a dress! :P That was fun! :D
haha me too! :D
ooops on the side on facebook, I meant to say!
ReplyDeletesorry about the melt down of your pc btw! :D
@Anja Yeah...drinking when I'm 21! To be honest, there's a huge fascination with drinking here (lots of underage drinking at the college I'm going to next year) and I don't see why it's so exciting! I mean it's alcohol...and I get if you want to drink but the 'kids' (because that's how they act here) treat it like it's candy or something! There's news all the time about people dying from binge drinking!!! I mean honestly! Why would you throw your life away like that? I'm not drinking until I'm 21; and I'm perfectly fine with that!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo...Kjetil might get a site! That's truly exciting!!!!
Thanks, my pc is stupid sometimes! It slows down and then it's good, and then it crashes! Ugh!!! ;P
I know what you mean! America is weird concerning alcohol! I mean, I don't really get it! Especially the spring break thing! But I guess it's everywhere the same, they don't know how to handle it!
ReplyDeleteBut wow on your decision to wait till you're 21! :D I bet there are a lot of your friend or ppl you know, who think diferently!
Well you got kids killed by alcohol, we have the problem that some get very agressive when drinking and beat up other people!
In my neighboor town, a bouncer beat someone up, till he ended in coma... I mean hello?!
yea, I wonder when he finally manages to create one! Maybe that's why he doesn't comment on Aksel's blog, bc he's busy with his! :D
@Anja I definitely have many friends who have different opinions! Many of them want to 'experiment' next year, and I truly hope they don't! I don't see what's so exciting about it! And it's all about the "don't tell me what to do" mentality! Many kids I know drink just to get into trouble; just to see how much they can get away with and it's sickening! Waiting until I'm 21 may seem crazy to some, but I have many hopes and dreams and I don't want to mess that up!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be able to spam Aksel's blog, his blog, and have this party too!!! ;D That's awesome!!!!
@Anja Wow...a coma! That's insane!!! The things we do to look "cool" ...disappointing!
ReplyDeletehaha I love how we're talking about how bad alcohol can be and we talk about drinks so much on here!!! Ironic!!! LOL ;P
Well if waiting to drink is the right thing for you to do, do it! Don't let them convince you otherwise! And seriously being totally wasted (so that you have no idea what you're doing) is so NOT cool!
ReplyDeleteHere it's mostly, "since it's not allowed to do, i gotta do it!" I guess our problem is more with pot! Way to many young ppl here smoke that shit! I can't understand that either!!!
I was a nice girl too and waited till I was 16! :D It's not the same though! :)
I know! It is insane! I hope he's going to jail for a while, really!
I know what you mean! Really ironic!
haha Can't wait till Kjetil has a own blog!!! Then we have 3 blogs to spam!!! haha I wonder if he's going to like that! :D lol
@Anja Haha While other people make the worst decisions of their lives, I'll be able to think and make the right ones (hopefully ;P)! That's definitely how people act here! Thankfully, not many of my friends do drugs...but I know some! Smoking is big here too! I can hand-on-heart swear I will never ever smoke or do any drugs! Not me, and again, I have many dreams! I'm not going to throw it away!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I actually had a conversation a while ago with some people about how in Europe, teens get many different responsibilities than American teens. I mean, we drive earlier (also don't see what the big deal is there) and get jobs pretty soon. Many European countries have lower drinking ages and students have more responsibilities in school. It's just a different way of life. I don't want to be seen the stereotypical teenager (which is, I guess, why so many adults say I'm more mature and why so many of my friends think I worry too much lol ;P)!!
Three blogs to spam!!!! I love that idea!!! ...might be a little bad too...I'm already addicted!!!! ;P
@Nicole haha so true! I'm sure you'll make the right decisions! :D
ReplyDeleteWell I guess in that our countries are pretty much the same! I have way to many friends who smoke and that's quite annoying! But it's not like I can tell them to stop, they gotta know for themselfs! As long as I don't have to! :D
Well I'd never do drugs or smoking either, but I like to go out and drink once in a while! :)
I know, it's kinda weird! And I don't get your school system, it's just so different from ours! :D But I think both systems has their advantages!
haha I wasn't the stereotypical teenager either, but I had my "phases" too! :D
oh yea, another blog to get addicted to! Well we'll see when he'll manage to finish his blog/homepage! :D
I'm already way to addicted to this one! Thank god I don't have to get up early this morning! :D
@Anja haha Your "phases" ...I like that!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteYeah, the school system here is interesting! I feel we get babied sometimes in our we'll see how some of my friends do next year in college!!! (I'm kidding, I'm sure they'll do fine)! I do feel that the advanced courses my school offers are really good! But there's too big of a concentration on sports!!! I don't mean it like that...I mean I love sports! (...I wouldn't be on this blog if I didn't! lol) but I'm in the band and we get a lot less than everyone else; if money needs to be cut, performing arts are the first to lose...:/ it's frustrating!
@Anja Wow! LOL Our conversation got so serious!!! ...but it's awesome to be able to talk to adults who don't look at me like a 'kid' LOL ;P
ReplyDelete...even though we do act a little crazy on this blog!!! ;P
@Anja *gives a look* You like to go drink "once in a while" ...didn't we establish that you're an alcoholic?! LOL we should set up that AA meeting soon!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha :D you're mean! :P
ReplyDeleteYou get to choose a major in college too right? So do you already know what you'll choose? Just curious! :D
haha That's funny! Here it's the school sport that will get less money if they need to cut! :)
haha AA is for quitters! LOL have that one from Jeff Dunham's Bubba J! :D
But at leas you have all that activities offered from the school! We haven't! If we want to do some sport or play an instrument, we have to organise it ourselfs. :)
haha I know! It really got serious. I wonder what the others will think of that! :P
Well I'm just 3.5 years older than you, girl! :P and like I said before, you don't seem like soon to be 18! :D
I like the balance, you can't talk about serious stuff, but also go really crazy here a minute later! :D
woops that "haha AA is for quitters! LOL have that one from Jeff Dunham's Bubba J! :D"
ReplyDeleteshould be at the end! Don't know how it ended up there! :D
@Anja Yep...I've known for a long time! Majoring in English with a concentration in Creative writing!!! ;D I want to write books!!!
ReplyDelete"AA is for quitters!" LOL :P
@Nicole haha I should have known I guess! But if I look at your poems, you sure will be a great writer!!! So in a couple of years we'll be able to read your books?! :D
ReplyDeleteYou'll for sure be great doing that! I kind of envy you and everyone else, who knows what they wanna do for the rest of their lives, from a early age! Haha I never was that lucky! :)
@Anja Thanks!!! I hope you'll be able to read my books!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI've been writing since I was a little kid...always been my dream! ...But I've also wanted to do other things with it! one point, I wanted to be a vet (but I don't like thinking about doing surgeries *shivers*) ...and I like photography and music and there's a lot of things I like!
You got to explore and that's awesome!!! And now you kind of know what you want to do, right? ;D
@Nicole I hope so too! haha IF that blog is still on, (lol) you can send me one! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd some of the other things you can do besides writing books! :P
Well, I know now for sure what I don't want to do! I was pretty good at eliminating what I don't like to do! :D
I'm now just going to study the two subjects I'm most interessted in, but I don't know yet what I'm going to do with that! :D
@Anja Knowing what you don't want to do is definitely good! ;D You're studying English too, right??
ReplyDelete@Anja Allright, I have to head out! I will talk to you tomorrow...maybe we'll have another serious conversation!!! It was serious but fun!!! lol ;P
ReplyDeleteGoodnight sista!!!! ;D
Goodnight to all the Cougars and Sistas!
@Nicole haha it is! But my parents are slowly getting impatient! ;D Oh well, this is my second study I start and I promised I'll at least do my bachelor in this one! :D
ReplyDeleteYes, I'll start this summer. English as major and Politics as minor. We do learn to write, but more analytical then creative. That's what I was told. And we do some grammatic and history of literature, since it's actually a foreign language for me! :D
Good night Nicole! Sleep well and sweeet dreams! Talk to you tomorrow! :D
@Mel: You got to get your boy McDaniels to introduce me to Tim Tebow. Denver just took him in the draft! Maybe I can get to Denver to see Tim play and Aksel ski. I could die a happy woman!
ReplyDeleteLate again, as always. :(
ReplyDelete*BIG HUG* @Dana...thinking positive thoughts for you!! xoxo
Great conversations on here today...the drinking/smoking issue, serious stuff but interesting to see how other countries besides the USA are. They finally passed a law in my state that there is no smoking allowed in any establishment that serves food, it's wonderful! :D I've never touched a cigarette a day in my long cougar life and never will. As for the alcohol, I waited till I was 21 (legal) I was always afraid of getting caught...I was really shy back then and really reserved...that has definitely changed as I've gotten older. haha! Hence us cougars being bad bad girls *wink*
American football rocks! I love it! :D I am a total sports fanatic, I grew up with 3 brothers, I am the only girl, sports ruled our house. I'm a huge hockey fan and just finished watching my beloved Philadelphia Flyers advance in the playoffs :D LIFE IS GOOD!
Off to bed...still wiped out from yesterday's road trip, these old bones don't recover quite as quickly as they used to.
CHEERS!! YAY for stoked he joined the HEAD team with Aksel.
Had a little too much fun with the magnet letters in preschool today. Thought I'd share.
Aloha all!
ReplyDeleteBoy, i sure missed a lot...then i'm just plain lazy to go thru 192 comments. But scanning through everyone, just wanted to toss this nugget out: it's never too late for change. Write, play with the kids, switch careers, travel, fall in love with a Viking...hope always and pursue with passion.
I guess that can apply to shirtless Norwegians who are on the HEAD team. And yeah, Buckeye and Deuce have me laughing til i pee'd in my pants. thanks, to the vitamin ghetto bears, i'll have to figure out how to slip you guys in the Viking t-shirt design somehow. I think i have it but will experiment a bit...
Oh...and so far, no winners for Brenda's Hawaiian surprise (contest: see who can get Aksel to respond to their blog comment) I'll expand it to include Kjetil's reply to your comment. no expiration date...just lemme know if one of you got a bite from Aksel or Kjetil.
Yoo-hooooo...Aksel...I know you're reading Mel's least throw a comment out to us. :o)
*stands up, sways & slurs* We are not lushes. *sways a bit too much & almosts falls* We just know how to have a good time.
ReplyDelete@ Gordana Aksel jealous of my blog? All he has to do is say the word & we will be right back over there posting like crazy.
Kjetil getting a blog too? That would mean 5 blogs that I have to keep up with. I don't know if I can do it...I'll try really really hard to do it, but I may have to quit working or sleeping to do it.
Didn't see Little Mr. Jakey he was off today. I did see Brian though looking oh so hot in the new manager uniform. They have to be dressed up & wear ties. *sigh* I love my eye candy.
@ Brenda he's probably too terrified to comment on here.
ReplyDeleteIDK if he is reading my blog or not...too many coincidences going on over there...*looks around & spots someone dressed in all black with binoculars* Wonder who that could be...It's great if he does & gets a few laughs out of it. If he doesn't like it...well then say something Mr. Svindal. *raises eyebrow*
@ Aksel I think I may just challenge you again baby doll...gotta think of what to challenge you on though...I'll come back to that later...I know I won't comment on your blog until you comment on my wait that's not fair to me...I know!!! How many flavors do your Gummy Bear Vitamins come in?
Not a very good challenge. Nevermind I'll come back to it later. I'm too tired to think straight.
I got now!!! This is the most brilliant idea I have ever had...LMAO I need I making any sense?
ReplyDeleteWho ever can post the most randomest(no clue if that's a word, but it is now) picture wins the blog award!!! *throws white glove on floor* The challenge is set may the best randomest photographer win.
I think I've stopped making sense. Off to bed so I can maybe make sense tomorrow...wait no later today...
Nice blog:)
ReplyDelete@Mel- yeah not sure that made a whole lot of sence but I follow. Who is the judge of randomness?
ReplyDeleteGood morning girls and cougas!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Kristen We have that law too, since two years or so! We finally can eat now without having to breath in smoke. The law is also significant for bars and discos and stuff! No smoking at all and I love it! :D Though I never thought this is going to raise such a fuss here!
@Mel I'm nor so sure if I got it right. So we/you get the price, for the most random pic ever? Hmmm... :)
@Ida-Susann og Karoline Welcome!!! :D
So I'm off again, need some coffee! Talk to you ladies later! :D