This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
New Computer
Yup I got an Acer. They didn't have the Dell I wanted :-( so I went with my second choice. It's an Aspire 7736Z-4088, it has 3GB Memory & has 3.5 hours of battery life. I like it so far. I just gotta put all my stuff on here now. I'm very excited about playing with my new computer.
Congrats Mel on the sweet laptop! Acer, good choice and not only because they sponser ALS ;D
@Anja...I tried to post a comment on the other entry but it didn't show up??? Anyway...I loved the video link for the Lemon Tree song, its a very catchy tune and the animation is great! It's a great pick-me-up song for sure :-D
@ Anja I know, but my brother has 2 Dells, a laptop & a desktop. I wanted to be like my bubby, but I think I may like this one better than the Dell I wanted. It was only a 15inch & this one is a 17.3inch. Plus it's an Energy Star so it's green & I like going green. Well it is my favorite color to boot. I love blue. So it's all good.
@Kristen the other post was probably overheated again! I'm sure your post is going to show in a bit. :D Yea, I always listen to this song, when I'm upset or sad. :)
@Mel well I have a HP, so I shouldn't say anything! :D But its quite old and the battery sucks! :( haha I love the Dell commercial though! With the lollipop song. LOL
Dad & Mary have HPs, Dads's laptop is a Sony, George has 2 Dells, Mom has an eMachine & now I have an Acer. We are a very well rounded family when it comes to computers.
I'm watching Crook & Chase. They have Tanya Tucker on. I love the song What's Your Mamas Name, Child?
@ Nicole I'm supporting Aksel by helping out with Acer sales.
*opens new bottle of Jack Daniels & pours a couple shots & toasts new computer* Cheers!!! Great I'm drinking alone now. *notices Viking on the floor & calls him over*
@ Anja I'm loving it!!! I think I may go play some games on it. Well first I gotta put my iTunes on here & then maybe I'll play some games. I liked the Lemon Tree video.
@Mel :D so the graphic is pretty good then? Just don't load to many things on it! I did that once and my laptop was so slow afterwarts! It was unbearable, so I had to delete a lot of useless stuff! :D
Oh yea, iTunes is essential on every new one! :D I'm not a huge apple fan, but iPod and iTunes is great!! :D
oh don't worry! I don't think your's will be! I had just way to many games on my computer and language learning programms and stuff. That was what made it so slow! :D
I got my iTunes (with nearly 1'500 songs on it) and a lot of pictures on my laptop and he's still really fast! :D Well as fast as it can be! It's not the greatest laptop. :D
iTunes is done!!! I just gotta get on my Moms computer & get all my stuff from there on here. Well I'm gonna get off here & finish playing with my computer. *falls off barstool, gets up & stumbles out of the bar* Thank God I don't have far to go. I'll just crawl home. I'll be back a little later.
I'm heading to my precious bed... It's 2.35 am here! And I probably should sleep a bit, before I write something I'm going to regret! LOL As if I haven't already! :D
Oh well! Sleep well my friends and I'll see you tomorrow! Night!!! and Hugs to all of you!!! :D
(Walks in dragging her ass to the nearest Lawn chair **Sends a pleading glance to Mel for a very strong Jack and Rootbeer** and lands with a hurmph!) "I YI YI" I don't even know where to begin ...
While I've been 'stalking out' the Bakery waiting for Simen, the Party Exploded, and then I find out he's been here behind the bar filling in for Kjetil. :( But I do like the Pink...or was that green? ... boxers on Kjetil! Nice! But the towel would work too!
While I think the man looks totally yummy in anything ... or nothing *devilish grin* ... I have to agree that off-the-rack is not the way for Aksel to go. He needs to invest in some seriously hot custom made suits ... I mean if he can have sequined spandex for racing ... Slammin custom off the snow threads are a must!
BTW Cougars ... No pushing and shoving while measuring Aksel! ... *Looks around for Simen* ... Out of Family Support he's gonna need measured for some Slammin suits as well...and with those glasses *sly smile & slight blush* I better measure twice just to make sure I've got the inseam right!
Soo...If the Attacking Vikings read the Party Blog and don't comment, does that mean their Cougar Stalkers?????
@Mel...*High Five* The new computer looks great. *Hands Mel a Jack-N-Rootbee...(Hey don't knock it til you've tried it) give some Sista Cougar Advice to the YoungUn* Be his friend. I have a saying "It's harder to be friends than it is to be lovers". If your his friend...think of him as a brother...then you'll really get to know each other as a person and find out if there is something more to discover. Then it takes the pressure & expectations off of both of you. And if you find out you don't want to discover more, your still friends!
*sits back in chair, absorbing some sunshine and relaxing* I had a totally fun weekend chicas ... Mud-N-Guts Sports...more explaination later. *Locates Simen behind the bar* Be right Back! really gotta drink more, chica...your philosophical rants are starting to get interesting and naughty. I'm waiting for the naughty part to breakout more.
@Mel...nice laptop...way to validate Aksel choosing ACER as his sponsor...waiting for the HEAD skis to come out of the closet (you know you want some)
(**Heads over to Simen and Deuce to try a Jack and root beer...and spots Kjetil on Anja's balcony rummaging through piled up clothing...i don't remember if i put his stuff outside or in the wardrobe? matter, nice watching him shirtless and in boxers...nice tush...looks at Viking, who's whining for a piece of leftover cake**)
You see, Viking, THAT's why you invite Norwegian men to your party...
Oh...did anyone post the Kjetil news of him going over to HEAD on Aksel's blog?
This is NUTS! I'm gone 1 day, 1 DAY and I miss 314 comments on 2 blogs. I don't have that much time to get up to speed. @Mel- Awesome comp. I love my laptop. I have 2 dell's myself. But I think dell screwed me on my replacement hard drive, UGH long story. BTW did you say you were from Ohio? or were you refering to "us" as the group as a whole?
If its Simen's turn behind the bar does that mean that I can take Kjetil upstairs with nail polish remover and massage oil and help him recover from last nights wild party? Unless he belongs to someone else?
*comes in carrying cookies & a cake & heads over to the bar*
@ Deuce thanks for the drink. Yes Simen will need some suits too. I will totally help take his measurements.
@ Brenda how do you know I don't already have a pair ordered? Or that I don't already own a pair? JK I don't know how to ski. Use a computer yes. I'd most likely fall & kill myself while learning to ski. I'm a total clutz. I trip over flat surfaces add a pair of skis & that will make one funny youtube video.
To all who have given me advice about my little Mr. Jakey *giggles* He doesn't know about the nic-name. Thank you. I'm an old fashioned kind of girl & believe that the man should make the first move. Men love the thrill of the hunt or so I've heard. Maybe I'll get brave someday & make my move.
*walks back in slightly flushed and adjusts glasses* Why is everything kinda blurry??? *reaches over and trades glasses with Simen* Wow much better, how did those get mixed up! ;)
Hey chicas WhazzzzzzzUp? Nice Bling handed out by the King and Queen to ALS. *looks to @Brenda* How’s that Jack-N-Rootbeer?
Mel,nice laptop,enjoy it! I can say I envy you all are talking with so passion about computers! Me and technology are almost parallel!! I never spent so much time with my computer till I met Aksel and you all. Now I can't stop, I'm addicted...
Have a great day all of you, girls and boys! See you "tonight/ tonight/ lalalalalala tonight!"- New Kids On The Block
So, we had our annual Firemen vs. Medics Charity Fundraiser this weekend … we refer to it as Mud-N-Guts …it’s a Redneck NitroCircus … It all revolves around two teams and a mud pit the size of a soccer field! *Ya it’s a dirty kinda country to the core thing! Damn, sometimes my life is sooooooo hard!* There are just two rule … Play Nice and No Screamin Like A Girl! Winner chooses the charity and gets braggin rights!
Starts with Mud Pit Tug-O-War, moves onto mud Soccer and then up to Truck Muddin’ finishing off the evening (rather early morning) with a three story bonefire (remember these are firemen and they like to play with fire …Pure Heat)! *Damn* Even though I’m gonna be sore for weeks, when you weight the pain to fun ration it was so worth it. And the only thing better than Firemen without shirts … *Fans Self…Pass me a shot of pure Jack* … Well, they are up there with Vikings without shirts! *I don’t think I stopped drooling all weekend* Funniest part I don't know who won. Guess I'll find out at work tomorrow.
@Brenda… Quick distract Lars so we can hide his clothes…We need some boxers behind the bar! *think bubble ~ Tidy Whiteys show off the ASSets better *
So Aksel and Kjetil both choose HEAD … Wonder how long Lars can hold out? *blush* Ladies ...I’m talking about skis! :D
@Auntie Em That's about going to summarzie the comments you missed! :D
"Michelle said...
**WARNING: if you're catching up on the party skip this**
Now, for those left -- according to NBC (and we know how loved they were during the olympics) here’s the Norwegian alpine team:
Aksel - bridegroom Kjetil - dragqueen bartender/aksel's date last night/Anja's "friend" Lars - pizza delivery guy/backup bartender/Dana "friend" Truls - the one that got away (so far) from the cougas Leif - ?????? Simen - Mel's cleaning buddy/Deuce's "friend""
@dana oh I'm addicted to this blog too! Big time! Haha What am I going to do when I'm in my holidays! :P Can't even think about it!! :D
@Deuce I'm glad you finally found Simen btw! And that Mud-N-Guts sounds like fun! :D
So who want's some coffee? *heads to the kitchen for some coffee and breakfast* See you all later!!! :D
Hey Mel congrats. A new notebook is a nice thing to play with ;-)
@Anja: coffee sounds really good. I had a few this morning but I could need some more.
Btw ladies what did you do to that poor Norwegian skiteam *shocked* When I read the summary of what happend to them... in that state they sure aren't ready to compete *lmao*
@Mel: Alexander Skarsgard would at least be able to take care of his self. I just googled news about him and first thing to get in sight was an article that he had some conflict with paparazzi. Should that be a good choice for the vacant position? Maybe it would be nice to have a bad boy behind the bar *lol*
@cjal & Mel Alexander Skarsgard really? Hmmm, he's quite old though! :P Well for us young'uns I mean! :P
Oh well since we have to keep Kjetil behind the bar, till we have a replacement, I'm going to enjoy the time we got left... *tears running down her cheeks*
@Anja: please don't cry! Just imagine he would be restrain there and couldn't win some shiny medals next season. Maybe he could be the bartender one day a week?
Ah and thanks for the coffee :-) Could offer you some cookies in exchange (with or without chocolate?).
hi girls!! I made it through the ashcloud back online! Haha... it´s all about ash these days in europe. This vulcano nearly stops the whole life over here.
@mel: i have an acer too. aspire 5740G-434G32Mn but the batterie life isn´t that good. after 2 hours (just normal computer work) it´s dead. But it´s ok! ;-)
The video is great. Aksel looks great. I love the smirk he has in his face when he talks! :-) i think he really feels comfortable with the girls on stage :-)
as i see nearly all boys have a job now! haha. just leif is still on sale?!?
@cjal: i tried as hard as i could to stop them. but as you know when they once get started! ;-)
@mel: news about the male part of the world?
I still try to find out who this aksel-copy on saturday was i met. Haha... (i only know it was not the security guard)
btw: my song of the day:
Teekanne: Thought I would post a message to you so you didn't commit bloggers suicide:) We are here for you girl!:) New ALS blog is great! He looks fantastic!
So I made it back from some grocery shopping. Seriously how can anyone like doing that?! :D
OMFG This commercial with the gummybears...!!!!! LMAO *tears running down her face from laughing*
@cjal ok I think I can live with that solution! :D Ohhh cookies!!! Yes please please!!! oh and I love chocolate! Who doesn't?! :D
@Teekanne Hello! How was your day? Glad you found your way through the cloud! We have wonderful weather here! :D Well, what makes you think he read this blog? And if he does, I'm kinda of pissed a little he doesn't comment! :P
So off to read the comments on the other post! And I gotta watch this viedo again! Haha!
of cause he does! i wonder if it´s bc of the vitamin bears since he said he eats them every day. if it is i know a few ppl who should start eat them too! Haha.
how do i get this stuff on my mobile phone?? Haha
@anja: hi there. my day was bad.. my boss i a lazy ass... he makes jokes about the work we get bc he only delegates it and sees it again after it´s finished. i hate him .. no.. i just don´t like him! how was your day? bc of the gummibears.. i remember one of the first blogs!! (completely random) you´re right... that´s really rude he doesn´t comment.
@Teekanne oh I'm sorry to hear that! :( Such people really suck! At least Aksel and his commercial cheered you up a bit? :D Well I didn't do much, so not very exciting! Can't wait for this and next weekend though! :D
Oh right! You convinced me! He's reading this blog! Damnit! Does that mean I gotta watch what I'm saying?! *thinks about it* hmmm, nope! Where's the fun if your not making a fool out of yourself once in a while! :D
oh and Aksel or any other Viking, not commenting's really not the way to go! Do us a little favour and say something! :D
Yeh.. this commercial is awesome. i don´t think aksel will have problems to get a job after skiing! Haha... I´m a little bit disappointed that the gummibears jump around and don´t do the moonwalk.. ;-)
you didn´t do much? still spring break? i can´t wait till weekend either, but i sounds like you have big plans?
No... you already said too much. haha! you cannot amend that. so let just pretend they don´t listen. Think this blog causes me paranoid schizophrenia. haha.. oh then i´m sick and don´t have to work anymore! I stay!!
haha! The Moonwalk! Didn't think about that one! But that would have been awesome! Just imagine them dancing the moonwalk! Haha!
Well kinda yea. I quit my studies a couple weeks ago and start a new one in september. Turned out I didn't like the first one as much as I thought I would. So now I just gotta wait till september. And cos I'm going to Canada in June for 9 weeks, there's now way I get a job for just 5 weeks. Even though I learned one! haha So you see, I have a lot of time at the moment! :D Good thing there's this blog!!! :D
Jep I got plans for once! This weekend I'm going to be in Innsbruck with my grandpa and next I'm going to be in Rom! Sorry no intention here to make anyone jealous! :S
No I got RealPlayer and with that you somehow can download films. I can even download movies that are on the internet! :D
Hahaha!!! Aksel's commercial's really funny! And he looks great!!! Yeah...dreams, dreams, dreams...
@Teekanne I'm sorry you had a bad day, I think you're OK now after you've seen the gummybears!
@Anja I have a suggestion for you, the all young'uns. A new bartender, younger than Skarsgard. More than that he's a skier and norwegian too. If you like him, we'll hire him !
haha.. imagine that. is it possible the bears have short legs. i would look like a snake doing moonwalk! haha
ok, what did you study? English or do you start that in september? just remember the poem! haha
Oh canada... *dream* what are you doin there? i´d like to go there for a few month... planing a world trip but don´t know if it will work out to get one year off! :-( sad you don´t get money for blogging!
Innsbruck and Rome? hopefully driving and not flying. Haha. I never was in innsbruck or rome so far but definitely plan to go. Jealous? Did i mention that i will fly to Oslo in may and Kopenhagen in July? Haha...
hmm don´t have the realplayer. you can download haha. are you sure it´s the realplayer? maybe you can send me this video to teekanne310(at)
@dana hei girl! Don't worry! I made Teekanne a promise yesterday, or was it saturday... Anyhow I will not do anything girlish to the boys anymore! :D
@Teekanne Video is sent! :D I started to study veterinary in Zurich! and I'll start english in september in Bern. Don't worry I didn't forget about the peom! But I hoped you girls will! Haha :D
I made a farmstay there two summers ago for 3 months... :D And I'm going back to this farm for 5 weeks. And then my friends come over and we do a road trip! Or at least we try to! :D
No driving to Innsbruck, but yea, we're flying to Rom! Haha I wonder if we will or not! :D
oh Oslo and Kopenhagen! That sounds awesome too! I really wanna visit skandinavia too sometime! And not just bc of our beloved Vikings! So you're going to visit your fiancè? :P
@Teekanne oh no don't fire him completly please! cjal promised me he'll work there at least once a week... :( don't make me cry again! *lower lip starts to tremble*
@anja: i got it thanks!! :-) btw: i noticed that aksel isn´t a good actor yet. he´s already smirking on the way to the cupboard! haha.
ah.. yeh now i remember you said it already. sorry! We´ll never forget about the poem haha.
any special farm? any special man waiting there?? haha. road trip, i love road trips. we did a 5 weeks road trip in australia last year! it´s so easy!
it looks like it will work to fly to rome. sky is partly open again! too bad!! ;-)
Not only bc of the vikings, haha but mostly! ;-) yeh visiting my fiancé hopefully he is home. Still need to find out his adress, haha (keep on running aksel) we will be there for the national day so... i search for balloon sellers! Haha.
once a week? haha. i love such a job so i support that! i didn´t want to fire him just thought since dana engaged a new barman in tom hilde (or hilde tom, haha) you never know..
@Teekanne yea you're right he does! :D haha didn't realise that before! Don't worry, with this amount of comments you can't remember everything! Especially if you want to remember the really funny stuff! :D
Haha you gotta tell me if you found him then! And if you could keep from laughing, when you see him! :D
yay! so I gotta keep Kjetil, at least once a week?! :D LOL Hilde Tom! Haha!
@dana ok we can keep both! I mean with all of us around, there's plenty to do! :D
Ooooh, I've got a déjà-vu...gummy-bears...and now they're driving in a cabriolet. Good that it could be seen all over the world. So I don't have to blame it on bad things I did in my youth *lol*
@Teekanne After a few years we'll see you and your husband with your kids in napkins or some powder milk commercial! Don't forget us when you'll be famous, please!
@Anja Do you wanna say Hilde is not girlish at all?Hm!
@dana awww *looks around for help* well... um... u know... Well his long hairs makes him kind of girlish... But! I won't put him in a dress and high heels! Not me at least! :D
haha! I can't wait for that commercial to come! :D
@Teekanne LOL Well, if the ballon sellers resembles our dear Vikings! :P
just remember that pic from aksel having longer hair than today.. that was already scary!!! AHH
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Haha... i know where that tiara would fit in perfectly! ouch! sorry! Haha. thought about diamond earrings for men, bling bling stuff! hahaha... i would die of feeling embarrassment for us!
@Teekanne I don't understand what some of you have against this girl!?! I don't want to make you angry but I like her, she seems nice to me! Well, maybe I do not get the point!
@Anja I'm not too, but I admit there are men who look great with long hair.
@Gordana In these pics yes, he looks skinny, but I saw him at the Olympics this year and he looks better. In a few years he'll be a real man, you'll see! Well it's matter of taste... Anyway, he's cute!
@cjal glad to hear that! :D I slowly start to get back to my good behaviour, for now! :D Wonder how long that will last... haha!
oh btw, if anyone is interessted! This year there's going to be a long summer! We got a tradition in Zürich. They're burning a "Böögg" (hei not my word, we swiss are weird sometimes :P), its a figure made of wood. And it's full with explosive devices. And the faster this Böögg explodes the longer the summer's going to be! :D And today it took him only about 12 minutes, which is quite fast. Faster then last year and last year was a great summer! :D sorry had to share that! :D
@anja: are you sure it was only bc of the wood and explosive devices? maybe Hans-Eyjafjallajokull supported it! ;-) (i still have to look this name up in the internet, i should think about another name for our son)
@corinna and anja: maybe a plugin is missing? my firefox plays it!
@all: did you get that compliment on the yesterdays blog from anonymous.. haha. we are kind of popular and funny for outsider (oh, she´s a girl) ok, we are funny for female outsiders! :)
@Teekanne well who knows! haha! your "son" could have supported it! :D but just enjoy the knowlegde you got from our Böögg (haha I love that name btw) that this summer's going to be great! :D
Hmm, could be about the plugin! Corinna check that out before! Mine didn't work either, couldn't download it. Or I was just to stupid to do so! haha! :D
@Teekanne I understand now what's about JM! If at the Olympics they would made a beauty contest maybe Hilde would got a gold for himself...ha ha! He's pretty young, he has time to prove what he can! He's a baby boy, don't be cruel...Nicooooole,Tom needs you here!
@corinna I use firefox and I can't see the video, but I'm totally awkward about this things
@anja: over here they burn the hoppeditz after karneval! :-) even a good name. But just try to get one of our americans sai böögg! Haha!
mine didn´t do it before. but i just installed everything he told me! haha. now my notebook is a mess! ;-) you have to restart after installing. i don´t know.. i just don´t like the ie too many breakdowns
@corinna Sorry about that! But with the explorer it should work. it does with mine! :D
*looks at corinna shyly* Do you consider it rude, if i request sprite to the white wine? I'm more the beer typ a'girl or vodka/whiskey! No Twequilla though! I learned!!!! :D
@Teekanne Oh no I didn't see that one! Really looks like we're quite famous!
But you know, that means there are a lot of people sneaking around! :o *looks under the bar to see if someone's hiding there* :P
@Teekanne: oops, didn't notice that we are funny for outsiders...are we?! :-D
@Corinna: should be about a plugin. If you use a windows-pc, you don't have to install internet explorer. Should be already installed with windows. Maybe you need a newer version. You can check it out with windows update.
@arizona-Tina-Florentina Welcome and thank you very much for compliment and encouragement! I hardly keep up with the girls! But I try... Are you arizona on the other blog? With roots in Brasov? It would be great to be you!!
@dana LOL beauty contest! nono Aksel would have got gold! :P You know Tom's even a year older than me! :o so you consider me a baby girl?! :P *looks at dana with tears in her eyes and grabs the whiskey bottle*
@Teekanne Haha! I'd love to hear our american friend say Böögg! Or our Attacking Vikings! :D That I'd love to hear too!!! :D
@dana: beauty contest?? haha.. i agree with anja! of cause! it´s not a kids contest! haha..
@anja: he´s a year older haha.. so you are the young thing in this blog! Haha... i think for the vikings it´s not that strange... just look at their names! *oups* hehe..
girls.. it´s late (half past 10 pm. i´m off now) maybe see you 2morrow! have a quite night! don´t drink and drive!
@cjal It looks like it! Its probably bc we have so many guests hiding! :P
@Corinna yay Thanks! :D I like vodkabull too! but not the red one, which we call "gummibärli"! :D
@Teekanne LOL! But I would be quite mean to not allow other to read our comments! They are sometimes very funny! And honestly, some pictures we created still make me laugh! :D
@Anja Beauty contest for the ski jumpers! Aksel is in other category! He's the best, the greatest, the most beautiful (hey,Aksel, do you read my words?Do I deserve a friendly hug?)No offens, Teekanne,I said "friendly"!
@Teekanne I think the girls are precocious, that's why they like mature men!
Hey girls!!! Wow! What a day, first there is a video of Aksel singing and then the commercial! Both have made my crappy day good! I knew there had to be something here today to make me smile and laugh...I think today was a crappy day for a lot of people from the sound of it...
So do we have a bartender or not cause I need a cold one!! lol ;D
@Teekanne yea, I'm the youngest here I guess! But I'm kinda used to that! I also was always the youngest in school and so on! :D LOL So true! They probably wouldn't have a problem with "Böögg" Haha!
@Dana oh ok! Yea, there he could have win! :D I mean if I compare him to our ski jumper! Haha! :D He would have won with a lot advance! :P Was that mean to Ammann?! :P
@Corinna oh yea Baileys I love too! mhhh... Ok now I want one! :D I live in Graubünden! Surrounded by mountains! :D Love it!!! :D
@Kristen Hei! Sorry about your day! :( Yea we have two! Kjetil and Tom hilde! :D you can choose! :D
oh btw, I vote for a beauty contest here! So we get to see men shirtless and in shorts!!! :D ui that naughty, but I couldn't help my self!!! :D *glad she got the youngest and cute bonus* :P haha! are the youngest and I think I am the oldest! (I can still throw down and party with the best of em' though ;D)
Thanks, my day got better seeing Aksel's videos, how adorable is he?!?!?
Glad to see we have an extra bartender, sorry, I didn't know who Tom Hilde was so I had to Google him, I must say I'm not a fan of the long hair look...(I think ya'll were talking about that earlier). I saw on his blog that after the dinner the other night they "all went out to rock the streets of oslo" that was a blast! And why weren't we there?!?!? LOL!!! ;D
Thanks girls! I used explorer and I made it! What a star! @Kristen I want to bring another bartender from the ski jumping team but the girls make fun of him! And say he's too skinny for their taste!!! I'll bring Mr. Muscles for them.Ha ha ha!!!
@Anja Just said you're the youngest! How do you dare to even think about men shirtless and in shorts! This the cougars job! He he!
@Corinna Well depends where you live in the canton Graubünden, I live in it's capital. :) And from here I'd have about one and a half hours to galtür, I guess! :D But I never was in galtür! :D Why?
@Kristen I had to google him too! :D And I don't like long hair either, but he probably would look good with short hair! :D
@dana well we made fun of Kjetil too! It's kind of a initiation ritual! :P I know I know! I'm a bad girl! :D But hot men shirtless are just to much to resist! :D haha!
because i look it up on google earth, and i was a week skiing in january in landeck/serfaus fiss ladies and we also went up to galtür. and on google earth it looks very near to graubünden!
But hot men shirtless are just to much to resist! i agree with you
@Dana I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the others, he is to skinny for my taste too. ;P I tend to lean towards men that are in good physical shape, not bulging muscles, but defined. My husband is a trainer at the gym (now it's just a part time 2nd job cause he loves it) that's what he was doing when we met *gulp* 11 years ago though and I was instantly hooked...Aksel is in great physical shape (like we haven't noticed! LOL!), not too big (muscle-wise) or too skinny, perfect!!! *big wink*
@Corinna yea Paul's looks good too! But since we're already talking about hot men, who aren't skiing! you girls know the actor Jensen Ackles? He looks nearly as good as Aksel! :D one else was giving up their year so I didn't know if there was anyone out there close to my age, I'm from 1970...I'll be 40 and fabulous in July...that's the way I'm looking at it! ;D
@Kristen I totally agree with you! :D I like men who could actually protect me! Not that they would need to, but still the fact that they could! :D but no Arnold please! (mind you!) :P
@cjal...I feel the same way, 20 something felt like yesterday!!! I keep in good shape and eat right and feel really happy when someone is surprised to hear my age :D
@Kristen - I always say that age is a state of mind. A person is only as old as they feel. Unfortunately, sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel like I am 70 years old. That can't be a good sign.
@Kristen I don't like skinny men but I like this guy's pretty face! He's cute and funny! And he's pretty young! Please let him be our bartender!! You're right about Aksel - he's in a great shape, he looks like a real man (he IS areal man!)...Oooohhhh I'm dreaming with my eyes open!
@All The age doesn't matter! If you fell good with yourselves it's OK! Now I go for good! Kisses!
@Nicole Sorry didn't see your comment before! They're not leaving! Kjetil is still here. They allowed him to stay! *dances a little with joy* And well I guess Lars is still hiding under the bar... Teekanne took her fiancé to bed and the others I don't see at the moment! :D Dana just hired a second bartender, to unburden kjetil a bit! :D
@Becky: that's just another thing. Even when I was 20 I woke up some mornings and felt like 108. And still do often enough when I fall again off a horse for example ;-)
@dana of course he can stay sweetie! :D Rest well! You allowed me to keep Kjetil... I mean you allowed Kjetil to stay! :P It's the least I can do for you! :D
Whew!!! Oh my goodness! Finally finished reading everything!
Now, ladies, why are we getting rid of the Attacking Vikings??? Not allowing it...I will put this place on lock-down if I have to! People can join the party...but NO leaving!!! ;D
So much discussion about electronics...nothing bad but I got lost!!! lol ;P
Also, Anja and Teekanne Both of you make me jealous! I want to go on those trips!!! :{ I wish to travel the world...that's going to have to wait a little while! ;P
What else?...oh, can someone post the video of Aksel singing please?
Also, Tom...he looks like a kid compared to Aksel (don't want to sound mean)! But he's welcome!!! As I said, No one leaves! So we can have two bartenders (Kjetil being one of them)!!
@All If Anja's a baby on here...I'm not even born!!! ;P
@Nicole Well I'm going to be 22... in about 8 month and 11 days... :D
@Michelle wohoo So you going somewhere in your vacation? :D Well you can choose. Either Tom Hilde or Kjetil! :D Oh btw Kjetil makes some awesome whiskey cokes! :D yummy
@Nicole...He is isn't he?!?! I just wish I understood Norwegian! I like how he pipes it up at the end of the song...the ladies don't chime in until he sings "of the wooooorld"...haha, classic!!!
@Kristen ...No, no one is a mother on here...just Cougars, sistas, young'uns (babysitters)...well, I guess that's weird; the babysitters are babies and they're taking care of the adults??? lol ;P
@Nicole...I've never been to Indiana...I know what you mean about cornfields honey! I'm from Amish Country in PA (about an hr and 1/2 west of Philadelphia)...farms everywhere! Ooooh Puerto Rico!!!!! I love PR, we went there on our honeymoon!! My husband is 1/2 Puerto Rican (and 1/2 Italian).
YES! Only cougars, sistas, and young'uns is right!! Babysitters?!?! For us cougars eh? LMAO!!!
@Nicole starting in San Juan, then making our way around all the saints and virgins. all intentions of drinking *shaking head, yes, bad pun* in the culture of each island
@Anja HAHA I was a little worried about how you would react!!! ;P ...but, yeah, I get told I'm more mature for my age (...sometimes, it doesn't seem like it! lol) big plans as of now! We'll see! I'll probably be blogging nonstop!!!
@Nicole why should you be worried? :P Nono, if you would have said 15 or so, then I would have been kinda shocked! Mainly bc I was mislead you to alkohol! :D
did I make it? am I first?
ReplyDelete@Michell haha! Yep you made it! :D grats on being first! :P
ReplyDelete@Mel that a nice laptop, girl! haha
Oh Acer is going to be disappointed that he was just second choice! Since they're Aksel's sponsonrs! :P
Woohoo let's move our little party over here!!!
*settles at the bar with a corona and a shot, till Viking is bringing Kjetil back* :P
@Mel just saw you're comment on the other post!
ReplyDeletesounds like you were in a shopping frenzy! :D
Oh and you forgot:
Simen - Deuce's prey! :P
Congrats Mel on the sweet laptop! Acer, good choice and not only because they sponser ALS ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja...I tried to post a comment on the other entry but it didn't show up??? Anyway...I loved the video link for the Lemon Tree song, its a very catchy tune and the animation is great! It's a great pick-me-up song for sure :-D
@ Anja I know, but my brother has 2 Dells, a laptop & a desktop. I wanted to be like my bubby, but I think I may like this one better than the Dell I wanted. It was only a 15inch & this one is a 17.3inch. Plus it's an Energy Star so it's green & I like going green. Well it is my favorite color to boot. I love blue. So it's all good.
ReplyDelete@Kristen the other post was probably overheated again! I'm sure your post is going to show in a bit. :D
ReplyDeleteYea, I always listen to this song, when I'm upset or sad. :)
@Mel well I have a HP, so I shouldn't say anything! :D But its quite old and the battery sucks! :(
haha I love the Dell commercial though! With the lollipop song. LOL
@Mel haha An Acer!!! Look, Aksel!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja Oh, there's Viking! *in comes the dog, pulling Kjetil by his green boxers* lol ;P Good dog!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry, Acer!! HP and Dell, that's where it's at!!! Woop woop!
ReplyDelete@Anja Aww! Thanks for the comment on the other post! *wipes away tear* I do my best to protect all of you!!! ;D
ReplyDelete*claps her hands with joy*
ReplyDeleteGoood doggy! *gives Viking a treat*
@Kjetil hei sweetie!!! ;P
@Nicole oh do you want a drink? since you trained Viking so good, you definetly deserve a special one! :D
Allright, sistas! Heading out!!! Talk to all of you tomorrow!!!
ReplyDeleteBEHAVE!!!! lol
@Nicole bye bye hun! Seeya tomorrow! :D
ReplyDeleteWe try! Haha! :P
Goodnight Nicole...I 'always' behave ;D haha!
ReplyDelete1st award handed out tonight at the Juno awards in Canada...Single of the Year: Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble...of course! YAY!
ReplyDeleteHere's another short video from the MB concert again, he does tributes to Michael Jackson and Ferris Bueller...
Dad & Mary have HPs, Dads's laptop is a Sony, George has 2 Dells, Mom has an eMachine & now I have an Acer. We are a very well rounded family when it comes to computers.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching Crook & Chase. They have Tanya Tucker on. I love the song What's Your Mamas Name, Child?
@ Nicole I'm supporting Aksel by helping out with Acer sales.
*opens new bottle of Jack Daniels & pours a couple shots & toasts new computer* Cheers!!! Great I'm drinking alone now. *notices Viking on the floor & calls him over*
ReplyDelete@Mel No you're not drinking alone! Not as long as you got a jack with you! :P
ReplyDeletesorry was quite busy! :D
*sits down beside Mel and opens a new corona*
So how's your laptop working? :D I always love to explore new computers! Finding out what's new! :D
@Kristen & Mel thanks for the links! I enjoyed both of them! :D
@ Anja I'm loving it!!! I think I may go play some games on it. Well first I gotta put my iTunes on here & then maybe I'll play some games. I liked the Lemon Tree video.
ReplyDelete@Mel :D so the graphic is pretty good then? Just don't load to many things on it! I did that once and my laptop was so slow afterwarts! It was unbearable, so I had to delete a lot of useless stuff! :D
ReplyDeleteOh yea, iTunes is essential on every new one! :D
I'm not a huge apple fan, but iPod and iTunes is great!! :D
I just have to do my iTunes & my pictures so I can get them off my Moms computer. I don't want my computer to be slow.
ReplyDeleteoh don't worry! I don't think your's will be! I had just way to many games on my computer and language learning programms and stuff. That was what made it so slow! :D
ReplyDeleteI got my iTunes (with nearly 1'500 songs on it) and a lot of pictures on my laptop and he's still really fast! :D Well as fast as it can be! It's not the greatest laptop. :D
iTunes is done!!! I just gotta get on my Moms computer & get all my stuff from there on here. Well I'm gonna get off here & finish playing with my computer. *falls off barstool, gets up & stumbles out of the bar* Thank God I don't have far to go. I'll just crawl home. I'll be back a little later.
ReplyDeleteSo Ladies!
ReplyDeleteI'm heading to my precious bed... It's 2.35 am here! And I probably should sleep a bit, before I write something I'm going to regret! LOL
As if I haven't already! :D
Oh well! Sleep well my friends and I'll see you tomorrow!
Night!!! and Hugs to all of you!!! :D
(Walks in dragging her ass to the nearest Lawn chair **Sends a pleading glance to Mel for a very strong Jack and Rootbeer** and lands with a hurmph!) "I YI YI" I don't even know where to begin ...
ReplyDeleteWhile I've been 'stalking out' the Bakery waiting for Simen, the Party Exploded, and then I find out he's been here behind the bar filling in for Kjetil. :( But I do like the Pink...or was that green? ... boxers on Kjetil! Nice! But the towel would work too!
While I think the man looks totally yummy in anything ... or nothing *devilish grin* ... I have to agree that off-the-rack is not the way for Aksel to go. He needs to invest in some seriously hot custom made suits ... I mean if he can have sequined spandex for racing ... Slammin custom off the snow threads are a must!
BTW Cougars ... No pushing and shoving while measuring Aksel! ... *Looks around for Simen* ... Out of Family Support he's gonna need measured for some Slammin suits as well...and with those glasses *sly smile & slight blush* I better measure twice just to make sure I've got the inseam right!
Soo...If the Attacking Vikings read the Party Blog and don't comment, does that mean their Cougar Stalkers?????
@Mel...*High Five* The new computer looks great. *Hands Mel a Jack-N-Rootbee...(Hey don't knock it til you've tried it) give some Sista Cougar Advice to the YoungUn* Be his friend. I have a saying "It's harder to be friends than it is to be lovers". If your his friend...think of him as a brother...then you'll really get to know each other as a person and find out if there is something more to discover. Then it takes the pressure & expectations off of both of you. And if you find out you don't want to discover more, your still friends!
*sits back in chair, absorbing some sunshine and relaxing* I had a totally fun weekend chicas ... Mud-N-Guts Sports...more explaination later. *Locates Simen behind the bar* Be right Back!
Aloha all! really gotta drink more, chica...your philosophical rants are starting to get interesting and naughty. I'm waiting for the naughty part to breakout more.
@Mel...nice laptop...way to validate Aksel choosing ACER as his sponsor...waiting for the HEAD skis to come out of the closet (you know you want some)
(**Heads over to Simen and Deuce to try a Jack and root beer...and spots Kjetil on Anja's balcony rummaging through piled up clothing...i don't remember if i put his stuff outside or in the wardrobe? matter, nice watching him shirtless and in boxers...nice tush...looks at Viking, who's whining for a piece of leftover cake**)
You see, Viking, THAT's why you invite Norwegian men to your party...
Oh...did anyone post the Kjetil news of him going over to HEAD on Aksel's blog?
This is NUTS! I'm gone 1 day, 1 DAY and I miss 314 comments on 2 blogs. I don't have that much time to get up to speed.
ReplyDelete@Mel- Awesome comp. I love my laptop. I have 2 dell's myself. But I think dell screwed me on my replacement hard drive, UGH long story.
BTW did you say you were from Ohio? or were you refering to "us" as the group as a whole?
If its Simen's turn behind the bar does that mean that I can take Kjetil upstairs with nail polish remover and massage oil and help him recover from last nights wild party? Unless he belongs to someone else?
*comes in carrying cookies & a cake & heads over to the bar*
ReplyDelete@ Deuce thanks for the drink. Yes Simen will need some suits too. I will totally help take his measurements.
@ Brenda how do you know I don't already have a pair ordered? Or that I don't already own a pair? JK I don't know how to ski. Use a computer yes. I'd most likely fall & kill myself while learning to ski. I'm a total clutz. I trip over flat surfaces add a pair of skis & that will make one funny youtube video.
To all who have given me advice about my little Mr. Jakey *giggles* He doesn't know about the nic-name. Thank you. I'm an old fashioned kind of girl & believe that the man should make the first move. Men love the thrill of the hunt or so I've heard. Maybe I'll get brave someday & make my move.
@ Auntie Em I am from Ohio. Been here my whole life. I have a feeling that I may never ever leave.
ReplyDelete*walks back in slightly flushed and adjusts glasses* Why is everything kinda blurry??? *reaches over and trades glasses with Simen* Wow much better, how did those get mixed up! ;)
ReplyDeleteHey chicas WhazzzzzzzUp? Nice Bling handed out by the King and Queen to ALS. *looks to @Brenda* How’s that Jack-N-Rootbeer?
@ Deuce LOL don't wear Simen out too much. He's got some cookies & a cake to taste test.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Mel- SWEET! Been here a few years myself and I don't see that I'll be leaving anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, ladies!
ReplyDeleteMel,nice laptop,enjoy it!
I can say I envy you all are talking with so passion about computers! Me and technology are almost parallel!! I never spent so much time with my computer till I met Aksel and you all. Now I can't stop, I'm addicted...
Have a great day all of you, girls and boys! See you "tonight/ tonight/ lalalalalala tonight!"- New Kids On The Block
So, we had our annual Firemen vs. Medics Charity Fundraiser this weekend … we refer to it as Mud-N-Guts …it’s a Redneck NitroCircus … It all revolves around two teams and a mud pit the size of a soccer field! *Ya it’s a dirty kinda country to the core thing! Damn, sometimes my life is sooooooo hard!* There are just two rule … Play Nice and No Screamin Like A Girl! Winner chooses the charity and gets braggin rights!
ReplyDeleteStarts with Mud Pit Tug-O-War, moves onto mud Soccer and then up to Truck Muddin’ finishing off the evening (rather early morning) with a three story bonefire (remember these are firemen and they like to play with fire …Pure Heat)! *Damn* Even though I’m gonna be sore for weeks, when you weight the pain to fun ration it was so worth it. And the only thing better than Firemen without shirts … *Fans Self…Pass me a shot of pure Jack* … Well, they are up there with Vikings without shirts! *I don’t think I stopped drooling all weekend* Funniest part I don't know who won. Guess I'll find out at work tomorrow.
@Brenda… Quick distract Lars so we can hide his clothes…We need some boxers behind the bar! *think bubble ~ Tidy Whiteys show off the ASSets better *
So Aksel and Kjetil both choose HEAD … Wonder how long Lars can hold out? *blush* Ladies ...I’m talking about skis! :D
@Deuce - done. ;o)
ReplyDeleteLars is in the bathroom so this is too easy...
Goood morning everyone!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
@Auntie Em That's about going to summarzie the comments you missed! :D
"Michelle said...
**WARNING: if you're catching up on the party skip this**
Now, for those left -- according to NBC (and we know how loved they were during the olympics) here’s the Norwegian alpine team:
Aksel - bridegroom
Kjetil - dragqueen bartender/aksel's date last night/Anja's "friend"
Lars - pizza delivery guy/backup bartender/Dana "friend"
Truls - the one that got away (so far) from the cougas
Leif - ??????
Simen - Mel's cleaning buddy/Deuce's "friend""
@dana oh I'm addicted to this blog too! Big time! Haha What am I going to do when I'm in my holidays! :P Can't even think about it!! :D
@Deuce I'm glad you finally found Simen btw! And that Mud-N-Guts sounds like fun! :D
So who want's some coffee?
*heads to the kitchen for some coffee and breakfast*
See you all later!!! :D
Hey Mel congrats. A new notebook is a nice thing to play with ;-)
ReplyDelete@Anja: coffee sounds really good. I had a few this morning but I could need some more.
Btw ladies what did you do to that poor Norwegian skiteam *shocked*
When I read the summary of what happend to them... in that state they sure aren't ready to compete *lmao*
@ Anja- Glad to know who belongs to whom.
ReplyDelete@Deuce- I agree Mud-n-Guts sounds like a blast!
@Cjal- Shall we round up the Vikings and set them free so they can get back to doing what they do best? Skiing, looking sexy in spandex, and dancing!
*hands cjal some coffee*
ReplyDeleteSugar? Milk? oh btw, even got coffe with chestnut flavour! :D I love nespresso!!! :D
@Em LOL yea, we should probably release them soon! Good thing though the season is over! :D
So who's going to replace Kjetil behind the bar then? :P
Oh no Anja...I prefer coffee without anything but a cup :-D
ReplyDeleteBut thanks for your offer.
And yes Auntie Em and Anja, I think it's time to release them. Otherwise we probably have nothing to celebrate next season *lol*
Haven't a clue about the bartender problem when Kjetil isn't there any longer. Maybe we should advertise that job?
Aksel Singing
Jules put it on ALS & I decided to put it here.
*grabs some hot chocolate & takes a sip* mmmm better. New bartender...Alexandar Skarsgard?
@Mel: Alexander Skarsgard would at least be able to take care of his self. I just googled news about him and first thing to get in sight was an article that he had some conflict with paparazzi.
ReplyDeleteShould that be a good choice for the vacant position? Maybe it would be nice to have a bad boy behind the bar *lol*
I'm off to work I'll be back around 7pm EST
ReplyDeleteHave fun
@cjal ok so coffee with just a cup it'll be!
ReplyDelete@cjal & Mel Alexander Skarsgard really? Hmmm, he's quite old though! :P Well for us young'uns I mean! :P
Oh well since we have to keep Kjetil behind the bar, till we have a replacement, I'm going to enjoy the time we got left...
*tears running down her cheeks*
@Anja: please don't cry! Just imagine he would be restrain there and couldn't win some shiny medals next season. Maybe he could be the bartender one day a week?
ReplyDeleteAh and thanks for the coffee :-)
Could offer you some cookies in exchange (with or without chocolate?).
hi girls!! I made it through the ashcloud back online! Haha... it´s all about ash these days in europe. This vulcano nearly stops the whole life over here.
ReplyDelete@mel: i have an acer too. aspire 5740G-434G32Mn but the batterie life isn´t that good. after 2 hours (just normal computer work) it´s dead. But it´s ok! ;-)
The video is great. Aksel looks great. I love the smirk he has in his face when he talks! :-) i think he really feels comfortable with the girls on stage :-)
as i see nearly all boys have a job now! haha.
just leif is still on sale?!?
@cjal: i tried as hard as i could to stop them. but as you know when they once get started! ;-)
@mel: news about the male part of the world?
I still try to find out who this aksel-copy on saturday was i met. Haha... (i only know it was not the security guard)
btw: my song of the day:
oh my gosh!!
ReplyDeletelaughing my ass off... aksels new blog! AHHHHH
this made my year! Haha!
honestly.. i really think he reads this blog! I´m frustrated now!
ReplyDeletethere is no place in space where you can hide anymore!
where are you? i need to talk to someone!! ahhh.. ok. talk to myself then. nothing new to me!!! Haha
ReplyDeleteTeekanne: Thought I would post a message to you so you didn't commit bloggers suicide:) We are here for you girl!:) New ALS blog is great! He looks fantastic!
ReplyDeleteSo I made it back from some grocery shopping. Seriously how can anyone like doing that?! :D
ReplyDeleteOMFG This commercial with the gummybears...!!!!! LMAO
*tears running down her face from laughing*
@cjal ok I think I can live with that solution! :D Ohhh cookies!!! Yes please please!!! oh and I love chocolate! Who doesn't?! :D
@Teekanne Hello! How was your day? Glad you found your way through the cloud! We have wonderful weather here! :D
Well, what makes you think he read this blog? And if he does, I'm kinda of pissed a little he doesn't comment! :P
So off to read the comments on the other post! And I gotta watch this viedo again! Haha!
@buckeye: oh.. there is someone! :-)
ReplyDeleteof cause he does! i wonder if it´s bc of the vitamin bears since he said he eats them every day. if it is i know a few ppl who should start eat them too! Haha.
how do i get this stuff on my mobile phone?? Haha
@anja: hi there. my day was bad.. my boss i a lazy ass... he makes jokes about the work we get bc he only delegates it and sees it again after it´s finished. i hate him .. no.. i just don´t like him!
how was your day?
bc of the gummibears.. i remember one of the first blogs!! (completely random)
you´re right... that´s really rude he doesn´t comment.
@Teekanne oh I'm sorry to hear that! :( Such people really suck!
ReplyDeleteAt least Aksel and his commercial cheered you up a bit? :D
Well I didn't do much, so not very exciting! Can't wait for this and next weekend though! :D
Oh right! You convinced me! He's reading this blog! Damnit! Does that mean I gotta watch what I'm saying?!
*thinks about it* hmmm, nope! Where's the fun if your not making a fool out of yourself once in a while! :D
oh and Aksel or any other Viking, not commenting's really not the way to go! Do us a little favour and say something! :D
could anyone tell me, what I gotta do to follow this side? Don't want to make a twitter acount! That would be great! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I just downloaded the clip on my computer. If you want I can sent it to you? If you haven't already figured it out on your own. :D
Yeh.. this commercial is awesome. i don´t think aksel will have problems to get a job after skiing! Haha...
ReplyDeleteI´m a little bit disappointed that the gummibears jump around and don´t do the moonwalk.. ;-)
you didn´t do much? still spring break? i can´t wait till weekend either, but i sounds like you have big plans?
No... you already said too much. haha! you cannot amend that. so let just pretend they don´t listen.
Think this blog causes me paranoid schizophrenia. haha.. oh then i´m sick and don´t have to work anymore! I stay!!
@anja: do i have to register for vimeo to do that?
ReplyDeletei just followed by adding my googlemail account!
haha! The Moonwalk! Didn't think about that one! But that would have been awesome! Just imagine them dancing the moonwalk! Haha!
ReplyDeleteWell kinda yea. I quit my studies a couple weeks ago and start a new one in september. Turned out I didn't like the first one as much as I thought I would. So now I just gotta wait till september. And cos I'm going to Canada in June for 9 weeks, there's now way I get a job for just 5 weeks. Even though I learned one! haha
So you see, I have a lot of time at the moment! :D Good thing there's this blog!!! :D
Jep I got plans for once! This weekend I'm going to be in Innsbruck with my grandpa and next I'm going to be in Rom! Sorry no intention here to make anyone jealous! :S
No I got RealPlayer and with that you somehow can download films. I can even download movies that are on the internet! :D
Wohoo made it! Thanks for the instructions! :D
ReplyDeleteSalut! I'm back!
ReplyDeleteHahaha!!! Aksel's commercial's really funny! And he looks great!!! Yeah...dreams, dreams, dreams...
@Teekanne I'm sorry you had a bad day, I think you're OK now after you've seen the gummybears!
@Anja I have a suggestion for you, the all young'uns. A new bartender, younger than Skarsgard. More than that he's a skier and norwegian too. If you like him, we'll hire him !
But you have to promise me you'll be good girls! No dress, no lipstick, no high heels!
haha.. imagine that. is it possible the bears have short legs. i would look like a snake doing moonwalk! haha
ReplyDeleteok, what did you study? English or do you start that in september? just remember the poem! haha
Oh canada... *dream* what are you doin there?
i´d like to go there for a few month... planing a world trip but don´t know if it will work out to get one year off! :-(
sad you don´t get money for blogging!
Innsbruck and Rome? hopefully driving and not flying. Haha.
I never was in innsbruck or rome so far but definitely plan to go.
Jealous? Did i mention that i will fly to Oslo in may and Kopenhagen in July? Haha...
hmm don´t have the realplayer. you can download haha. are you sure it´s the realplayer?
maybe you can send me this video to
haha.. dana. you can invite.. i´m not interested! Haha! i stay with my husband!! :-)
ReplyDeletebtw: you have to fire kjetil as barman. or do we need 2??
what about bobbie peers or endre midtstigen?
@dana hei girl!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry! I made Teekanne a promise yesterday, or was it saturday... Anyhow I will not do anything girlish to the boys anymore! :D
@Teekanne Video is sent! :D
I started to study veterinary in Zurich! and I'll start english in september in Bern. Don't worry I didn't forget about the peom! But I hoped you girls will! Haha :D
I made a farmstay there two summers ago for 3 months... :D And I'm going back to this farm for 5 weeks. And then my friends come over and we do a road trip! Or at least we try to! :D
No driving to Innsbruck, but yea, we're flying to Rom! Haha I wonder if we will or not! :D
oh Oslo and Kopenhagen! That sounds awesome too! I really wanna visit skandinavia too sometime! And not just bc of our beloved Vikings! So you're going to visit your fiancè? :P
btw I really hope the viedo is working... :S
@Teekanne oh no don't fire him completly please! cjal promised me he'll work there at least once a week... :( don't make me cry again! *lower lip starts to tremble*
ReplyDelete@anja: i got it thanks!! :-)
ReplyDeletebtw: i noticed that aksel isn´t a good actor yet. he´s already smirking on the way to the cupboard! haha.
ah.. yeh now i remember you said it already. sorry! We´ll never forget about the poem haha.
any special farm? any special man waiting there?? haha.
road trip, i love road trips. we did a 5 weeks road trip in australia last year! it´s so easy!
it looks like it will work to fly to rome. sky is partly open again! too bad!! ;-)
Not only bc of the vikings, haha but mostly! ;-) yeh visiting my fiancé hopefully he is home. Still need to find out his adress, haha (keep on running aksel)
we will be there for the national day so... i search for balloon sellers! Haha.
once a week? haha. i love such a job so i support that! i didn´t want to fire him just thought since dana engaged a new barman in tom hilde (or hilde tom, haha) you never know..
Why I thought Auntie Em said we have to set them free? That's why I said to replace Kjetil. But we can keep them both. If you like Tom of course!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne yea you're right he does! :D haha didn't realise that before!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, with this amount of comments you can't remember everything! Especially if you want to remember the really funny stuff! :D
Haha you gotta tell me if you found him then! And if you could keep from laughing, when you see him! :D
yay! so I gotta keep Kjetil, at least once a week?! :D
LOL Hilde Tom! Haha!
@dana ok we can keep both! I mean with all of us around, there's plenty to do! :D
Ooooh, I've got a déjà-vu...gummy-bears...and now they're driving in a cabriolet. Good that it could be seen all over the world. So I don't have to blame it on bad things I did in my youth *lol*
ReplyDeletem posted this on the other blog! Awesome!!
@Teekanne oversaw that sorry! The owner breeds horses! And no no special man there! :P I just love the country and the family I was with! :D
ReplyDeleteOh australia! Now I'm jealous!!! :D
@dana yea I saw that video too! I superb, just great! :D I love when he falls into the pool! haha!
@dana: of cause. at least i don´t mind (yet). hopefully he can behave! Haha.
ReplyDeleteYeh.. even with the funny stuff it´s hard. i always have to look up who said what.. haha. i´m getting old!
Hopefulle he can keep from laughing... haha. I´m going to share the pics with you! :-)
plenty.. they can clean for us! Haha.
@cjal: haha! i remember the german disney gummi bears:
i loved them!
@Anja & Teekanne you already are making fun of him!!! HILDE TOM??? Hhmm!!! Bad girls... I'll send him back if you don't stop!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne you definetliy gotta share the pics!
ReplyDeletehaha I know how you feel! I have to too! And I'm even younger than you are! :D
Omg I loved these Gummi Bears! I was always watching them!
@dana I'm sorry dear! I promise I'll try to behave! But we can tease him a little, can't we? Just no girlish things! :D
Hm, I never watched the Disney gummy-bears. I'm too old *sigh*
ReplyDeleteHilde Tom...omg...that sure should cause some exciting again...I have a feeling about that *lol*
@Teekanne After a few years we'll see you and your husband with your kids in napkins or some powder milk commercial! Don't forget us when you'll be famous, please!
ReplyDelete@Anja Do you wanna say Hilde is not girlish at all?Hm!
@dana: sorry honey! i just had to! ;-)
ReplyDeletebut i think it´s an old one he already knows!
i´ll never forget you!!
@anja: i will! :-) form the balloon sellers! haha..
ok, horses aren´t mine...
yeh australia!! it´s great i loved it. the ppl are so nice!
@Mel How can I share my "Bears" picture with everyone?
ReplyDelete@cjal I don't know what to do with this girls! Need some help here to put the things right! I didn't watch this gummy bears either!
ReplyDeletejust try to find a homepage in the web where you can upload pics. in germany there is one
this is in english:
@dana awww *looks around for help* well... um... u know... Well his long hairs makes him kind of girlish... But! I won't put him in a dress and high heels! Not me at least! :D
ReplyDeletehaha! I can't wait for that commercial to come! :D
@Teekanne LOL Well, if the ballon sellers resembles our dear Vikings! :P
@dana: I fear we can't do anything. Somebody let them loose and now everything's going on like a perpetual motion *shocked*
ReplyDeletehaha.. commercial? first of all commercial for jewelry.. you know which kind of jewelry?? haha.. ;-)
Just have time for this...still laughing...the gummy bear commercial is insane...LMAO.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne *hugs for you after not so good day at work*.
ReplyDeleteImagine Aksel with a long hair like that! lol
@Teekanne Do you mean SOMEBODY'S TIARA???
TOM HILDE...I'll pass, he's way too skiny for my taste.
ReplyDeletejust remember that pic from aksel having longer hair than today.. that was already scary!!! AHH
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Haha... i know where that tiara would fit in perfectly! ouch! sorry! Haha.
thought about diamond earrings for men, bling bling stuff! hahaha... i would die of feeling embarrassment for us!
@cjal oh common! We're not thaat bad! We behave better than this weekend! I mean all Vikings are dressed and that in man clothes! :D
ReplyDelete@dana omg oh no I don't want to imagine that! :D I'm not into man with long hair, sorry! :D
@gordana: thanks for the hug! I´ll keep it till 2morrow bc i don´t think it´s getting better! :-(
ReplyDeleteyeh far too skinny!!!
@Anja: nobody in here is bad! All too funny folks, I just enjoy :-D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I don't understand what some of you have against this girl!?! I don't want to make you angry but I like her, she seems nice to me! Well, maybe I do not get the point!
ReplyDelete@Anja I'm not too, but I admit there are men who look great with long hair.
@Gordana In these pics yes, he looks skinny, but I saw him at the Olympics this year and he looks better. In a few years he'll be a real man, you'll see! Well it's matter of taste... Anyway, he's cute!
hi girls!
ReplyDeletehow was your day today?
how can i see this video?
i had try everything but it doesn´t work!
@cjal glad to hear that! :D I slowly start to get back to my good behaviour, for now! :D Wonder how long that will last... haha!
ReplyDeleteoh btw, if anyone is interessted! This year there's going to be a long summer!
We got a tradition in Zürich. They're burning a "Böögg" (hei not my word, we swiss are weird sometimes :P), its a figure made of wood. And it's full with explosive devices. And the faster this Böögg explodes the longer the summer's going to be! :D
And today it took him only about 12 minutes, which is quite fast. Faster then last year and last year was a great summer! :D
sorry had to share that! :D
@corinna are you using firefox? I can't watch it with it either. I had to use the explorer!
ReplyDelete@dana I don't have anything against her too! But I would have to know her, to say if I like her or not. :D
ReplyDeletehaha... it wasn´t personally against her... only as aksels wife i don´t want to copy jm haha! ;-)
i get something better than this tiara...
i don´t know her better, i´m not interested in her so i don´t judge her!
i think she´s nice. at least i like her more than lindsey ;-)
so i´m not angry or sth. my post wasn´t about jm just about tiara! Haha.
Hilde looked better at the olympics? so that´s why he only got a medal with the team? he was too thick.. haha!
yes i have firefox on my laptop! how can i get the explorer?
ReplyDelete@anja: are you sure it was only bc of the wood and explosive devices? maybe Hans-Eyjafjallajokull supported it! ;-) (i still have to look this name up in the internet, i should think about another name for our son)
ReplyDelete@corinna and anja: maybe a plugin is missing?
my firefox plays it!
@corinna: try it with windows media player plug in for firefox
ReplyDeletei had insatll all plugins, so now i had download the explorer maybe it will work?
ReplyDelete*put two bottles of white wine on the bar hope you drink white wine*
@all: did you get that compliment on the yesterdays blog from anonymous.. haha. we are kind of popular and funny for outsider (oh, she´s a girl) ok, we are funny for female outsiders! :)
ReplyDelete@Tina/Florentina: you are welcome to join!
@Teekanne well who knows! haha! your "son" could have supported it! :D but just enjoy the knowlegde you got from our Böögg (haha I love that name btw) that this summer's going to be great! :D
ReplyDeleteHmm, could be about the plugin! Corinna check that out before! Mine didn't work either, couldn't download it. Or I was just to stupid to do so! haha! :D
@Teekanne I understand now what's about JM!
ReplyDeleteIf at the Olympics they would made a beauty contest maybe Hilde would got a gold for himself...ha ha! He's pretty young, he has time to prove what he can! He's a baby boy, don't be cruel...Nicooooole,Tom needs you here!
@corinna I use firefox and I can't see the video, but I'm totally awkward about this things
it works, yes i had download the plugin and now it works. thank you!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete@anja: over here they burn the hoppeditz after karneval! :-) even a good name. But just try to get one of our americans sai böögg! Haha!
ReplyDeletemine didn´t do it before. but i just installed everything he told me! haha. now my notebook is a mess! ;-)
you have to restart after installing. i don´t know.. i just don´t like the ie too many breakdowns
@corinna Sorry about that! But with the explorer it should work. it does with mine! :D
ReplyDelete*looks at corinna shyly* Do you consider it rude, if i request sprite to the white wine? I'm more the beer typ a'girl or vodka/whiskey! No Twequilla though! I learned!!!! :D
@Teekanne Oh no I didn't see that one!
Really looks like we're quite famous!
But you know, that means there are a lot of people sneaking around! :o
*looks under the bar to see if someone's hiding there* :P
btw. the video is great, also the video with the vitaminbears! it´s so funny... i´m speakless
ReplyDelete@Teekanne: oops, didn't notice that we are funny for outsiders...are we?! :-D
ReplyDelete@Corinna: should be about a plugin. If you use a windows-pc, you don't have to install internet explorer. Should be already installed with windows. Maybe you need a newer version. You can check it out with windows update.
ReplyDeleteWelcome and thank you very much for compliment and encouragement! I hardly keep up with the girls! But I try...
Are you arizona on the other blog? With roots in Brasov? It would be great to be you!!
@dana LOL beauty contest! nono Aksel would have got gold! :P
ReplyDeleteYou know Tom's even a year older than me! :o so you consider me a baby girl?! :P
*looks at dana with tears in her eyes and grabs the whiskey bottle*
@Teekanne Haha! I'd love to hear our american friend say Böögg! Or our Attacking Vikings! :D That I'd love to hear too!!! :D
@Corinna glad it worked! :D
*argh* Is in here any overblogging again? 7 minutes later I could see the posts *lol*
ReplyDelete*no problem with the sprite, put two bottles of it on the bar*
ReplyDeletei don´t drink beer, i don´t drink a lot of alcohol. but if i drink i like vodkabull or
i had download the plugin for firefox on and now it works
@anja: as is said yesterday lars tried to hide under the food table... these must be a lot of space (as he fits in *ooops*)...
ReplyDeletedamn i realized yesterday that i´m not hermine granger so i can´t preform magicals to avoid unbidden guests! ;-)
@dana: beauty contest?? haha.. i agree with anja! of cause! it´s not a kids contest! haha..
ReplyDelete@anja: he´s a year older haha.. so you are the young thing in this blog! Haha...
i think for the vikings it´s not that strange... just look at their names! *oups* hehe..
girls.. it´s late (half past 10 pm. i´m off now) maybe see you 2morrow!
have a quite night! don´t drink and drive!
haha. overblogging. it will be solved as soon as i´m off! haha!
ReplyDeleteHug you all!
good night teekanne
ReplyDeleteGood night and sweet dreams Teekanne!
ReplyDelete@cjal It looks like it! Its probably bc we have so many guests hiding! :P
ReplyDelete@Corinna yay Thanks! :D I like vodkabull too! but not the red one, which we call "gummibärli"! :D
@Teekanne LOL! But I would be quite mean to not allow other to read our comments! They are sometimes very funny!
And honestly, some pictures we created still make me laugh! :D
@Teekanne Good night and sleep well! Hugs right back at ya! And tell your fiancé I told him good night too!
ReplyDelete@Anja Beauty contest for the ski jumpers! Aksel is in other category! He's the best, the greatest, the most beautiful (hey,Aksel, do you read my words?Do I deserve a friendly hug?)No offens, Teekanne,I said "friendly"!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I think the girls are precocious, that's why they like mature men!
the red one i don´t like too,
ReplyDeletewhat i also like to drink is baileys or avelana (it´s a spanish hazelnut liquer)
where a you live in swiss?
i mean are, sorry.
ReplyDeletei think a beauty contest would be great something new one! and also be quite funny
Hey girls!!! Wow! What a day, first there is a video of Aksel singing and then the commercial! Both have made my crappy day good! I knew there had to be something here today to make me smile and laugh...I think today was a crappy day for a lot of people from the sound of it...
ReplyDeleteSo do we have a bartender or not cause I need a cold one!! lol ;D
@Teekanne yea, I'm the youngest here I guess! But I'm kinda used to that! I also was always the youngest in school and so on! :D
ReplyDeleteLOL So true! They probably wouldn't have a problem with "Böögg" Haha!
@Dana oh ok! Yea, there he could have win! :D I mean if I compare him to our ski jumper! Haha! :D He would have won with a lot advance! :P Was that mean to Ammann?! :P
@Corinna oh yea Baileys I love too! mhhh... Ok now I want one! :D
I live in Graubünden! Surrounded by mountains! :D Love it!!! :D
@Kristen Hei! Sorry about your day! :(
Yea we have two! Kjetil and Tom hilde! :D you can choose! :D
oh btw, I vote for a beauty contest here! So we get to see men shirtless and in shorts!!! :D
ReplyDeleteui that naughty, but I couldn't help my self!!! :D
*glad she got the youngest and cute bonus* :P haha!
ReplyDeleteis graubünden in the near of galtür? are the youngest and I think I am the oldest! (I can still throw down and party with the best of em' though ;D)
ReplyDeleteThanks, my day got better seeing Aksel's videos, how adorable is he?!?!?
Glad to see we have an extra bartender, sorry, I didn't know who Tom Hilde was so I had to Google him, I must say I'm not a fan of the long hair look...(I think ya'll were talking about that earlier). I saw on his blog that after the dinner the other night they "all went out to rock the streets of oslo" that was a blast! And why weren't we there?!?!? LOL!!! ;D
Thanks girls! I used explorer and I made it! What a star!
ReplyDelete@Kristen I want to bring another bartender from the ski jumping team but the girls make fun of him! And say he's too skinny for their taste!!! I'll bring Mr. Muscles for them.Ha ha ha!!!
@Anja Just said you're the youngest! How do you dare to even think about men shirtless and in shorts! This the cougars job! He he!
@Corinna Well depends where you live in the canton Graubünden, I live in it's capital. :) And from here I'd have about one and a half hours to galtür, I guess! :D
ReplyDeleteBut I never was in galtür! :D Why?
@Kristen I had to google him too! :D And I don't like long hair either, but he probably would look good with short hair! :D
@dana well we made fun of Kjetil too! It's kind of a initiation ritual! :P
I know I know! I'm a bad girl! :D But hot men shirtless are just to much to resist! :D haha!
because i look it up on google earth, and i was a week skiing in january in landeck/serfaus fiss ladies and we also went up to galtür. and on google earth it looks very near to graubünden!
ReplyDeleteBut hot men shirtless are just to much to resist! i agree with you
The commercial is EPIC!!!! Cracked up so hard when Aksel started bouncing his head!!! HILARIOUS!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Kristen: you think you're older than me? I'm from 1967, so I think that's really old *lol*
ReplyDelete*resists to comment about shortless man in shirts or was it the other way round?! smirk*
hey girls what do you think about paul walker for a new bartender i know he is no skiing or skijumper but he is also quite hot
ReplyDeleteThe whole family's laughing at that commercial!!! lol ...I made them watch it!!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja Ok, initiation, but only for the first night as bartender! Please,be gentle with him for my sake!
ReplyDeleteIt's very late for me AGAIN!!!!! I kiss you all good night. Behave!!!
Hi,Nicole! Good bye, Nicole! Hugs!
@Corinna haha! was just on Google Earth to check out Galtür! It does look really near! :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole Me too!!! But I love it! Even downloaded it on my laptop! its just soooo funny! :D
@cjal oh no cjal, thats not old yet! and hei you're still partying with us here! Respect! :P
LOL I don't care which way around it is actually! :P
@dana we will promise!!! :D
ReplyDeleteGood night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams!
@Dana I'm sorry, but I have to agree with the others, he is to skinny for my taste too. ;P I tend to lean towards men that are in good physical shape, not bulging muscles, but defined. My husband is a trainer at the gym (now it's just a part time 2nd job cause he loves it) that's what he was doing when we met *gulp* 11 years ago though and I was instantly hooked...Aksel is in great physical shape (like we haven't noticed! LOL!), not too big (muscle-wise) or too skinny, perfect!!! *big wink*
ReplyDeletegood night and sweet dreams girls
ReplyDeletei´m off now
@Corinna yea Paul's looks good too! But since we're already talking about hot men, who aren't skiing! you girls know the actor Jensen Ackles? He looks nearly as good as Aksel! :D
Wait!!! What's this business about the Vikings leaving us????
ReplyDelete@Corinna good night to you too! Sleep well! :D
ReplyDeletegoodnight dana!
ReplyDelete@Anja: funny thing...I don't feel like my age should make me feel like. Don't know when that happens to me. I could swear: yesterday I was 20 *lol* one else was giving up their year so I didn't know if there was anyone out there close to my age, I'm from 1970...I'll be 40 and fabulous in July...that's the way I'm looking at it! ;D
ReplyDeleteANd goodnight Corinna!
ReplyDelete@Kristen I totally agree with you! :D I like men who could actually protect me! Not that they would need to, but still the fact that they could! :D but no Arnold please! (mind you!) :P
ReplyDelete@cjal...I feel the same way, 20 something felt like yesterday!!! I keep in good shape and eat right and feel really happy when someone is surprised to hear my age :D
ReplyDelete@Anja, Definitely NO ARNOLDS! That's just nasty!!!
ReplyDelete@Kristen - I always say that age is a state of mind. A person is only as old as they feel. Unfortunately, sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel like I am 70 years old. That can't be a good sign.
ReplyDeleteI don't like skinny men but I like this guy's pretty face! He's cute and funny! And he's pretty young! Please let him be our bartender!!
You're right about Aksel - he's in a great shape, he looks like a real man (he IS areal man!)...Oooohhhh I'm dreaming with my eyes open!
@All The age doesn't matter! If you fell good with yourselves it's OK! Now I go for good! Kisses!
@Becky...Agreed on the state of mind thing...Oh I have those days too, believe me! LOL!!
ReplyDelete@Dana...he can stay...I have no problem with him hun! Sweet dreams! xoxo
@Nicole Sorry didn't see your comment before! They're not leaving! Kjetil is still here. They allowed him to stay! *dances a little with joy* And well I guess Lars is still hiding under the bar... Teekanne took her fiancé to bed and the others I don't see at the moment! :D
ReplyDeleteDana just hired a second bartender, to unburden kjetil a bit! :D
@Becky: that's just another thing. Even when I was 20 I woke up some mornings and felt like 108. And still do often enough when I fall again off a horse for example ;-)
ReplyDelete@dana of course he can stay sweetie! :D Rest well! You allowed me to keep Kjetil... I mean you allowed Kjetil to stay! :P It's the least I can do for you! :D
ReplyDeleteWhew!!! Oh my goodness! Finally finished reading everything!
ReplyDeleteNow, ladies, why are we getting rid of the Attacking Vikings??? Not allowing it...I will put this place on lock-down if I have to! People can join the party...but NO leaving!!! ;D
So much discussion about electronics...nothing bad but I got lost!!! lol ;P
Also, Anja and Teekanne Both of you make me jealous! I want to go on those trips!!! :{ I wish to travel the world...that's going to have to wait a little while! ;P
What else?...oh, can someone post the video of Aksel singing please?
Also, Tom...he looks like a kid compared to Aksel (don't want to sound mean)! But he's welcome!!! As I said, No one leaves! So we can have two bartenders (Kjetil being one of them)!!
@All If Anja's a baby on here...I'm not even born!!! ;P
Good night to all of the Cougars leaving!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja Nice picture btw!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja I love your profile pic...very nice!!!!
ReplyDelete@Nicole Here you go, hopefully it will work for you...
So...I'm off for tonight. Much fun to everybody...keep partying ;-)
ReplyDelete@Kristen Thanks so much for posting that!!! ;P LOL oh boy...almost peed!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole nononononono we're not getting rid of them! I'll help you put it on lock down! :D Woho sleepover!!! :P
ReplyDeleteWell come visit me when I'm in canada! You're from america right?
so you're even younger than I am? Oh well, well just be the "babies" with the "being cute and young bonus" :D
*singing to herself- Jump around jump around get up get up and get down -, bobbing head, bouncing up to the bar* Hey ladies!
ReplyDelete@Nicole ask and you shall receive
@cjal good night and sleep well!
ReplyDelete@Kristen & Nicole Thanks! I like it too! :D was the best I foung of these two! :D
@Michelle Heelloooouuu!!! :D How ya doing?
ReplyDelete@cjal Bye cjal!!! We'll party...but not too much! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Michelle Thank you!!!
ReplyDelete@Anja You said you were 22, right??? If yes, then I am younger!!! lol ;P ...birthday's next month!!!! Wooohooo!!! And yes, I am in America!!! ;D
@Michelle and Kristen Aksel is so charming and handsome in that video!!! ;D Thanks!!!
ReplyDelete@Anja its a good day, only a week left until vacation!!!!! So who's working the bar tonight? I got lost in the posts today
ReplyDelete@Nicole, what state are you in? You got me thinking *Nicole is probably young/old enough to be my kid* LOL! I am no ones mother on here though haha!!!
ReplyDelete@Michelle One week?!?!...lucky!! ;P ...I think Kjetil and Tom??? Not sure...just grab what you want!!!
ReplyDelete@Nicole Well I'm going to be 22... in about 8 month and 11 days... :D
ReplyDelete@Michelle wohoo So you going somewhere in your vacation? :D
Well you can choose. Either Tom Hilde or Kjetil! :D Oh btw Kjetil makes some awesome whiskey cokes! :D yummy
@Nicole...He is isn't he?!?! I just wish I understood Norwegian! I like how he pipes it up at the end of the song...the ladies don't chime in until he sings "of the wooooorld"...haha, classic!!!
ReplyDelete@Kristen lol I'm in Indiana (been here a while)! Cornfields galore!!! But an island girl at heart...born and raised in Puerto Rico!!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Kristen ...No, no one is a mother on here...just Cougars, sistas, young'uns (babysitters)...well, I guess that's weird; the babysitters are babies and they're taking care of the adults??? lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja Kjetil wins!*tapping him on shoulder* hook me up, I love my whiskey :D
ReplyDeletetwo weeks of island hopping in the caribbean
@Kristen haha Agreed!!!
ReplyDelete@Anja Yep! I'm younger...that's weird!!! lol ;P
Have we overloaded the blog again??? Posts aren't coming up!!! *shakes head* We're crazy! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole...I've never been to Indiana...I know what you mean about cornfields honey! I'm from Amish Country in PA (about an hr and 1/2 west of Philadelphia)...farms everywhere! Ooooh Puerto Rico!!!!! I love PR, we went there on our honeymoon!! My husband is 1/2 Puerto Rican (and 1/2 Italian).
ReplyDeleteYES! Only cougars, sistas, and young'uns is right!! Babysitters?!?! For us cougars eh? LMAO!!!
@Michelle Make sure you visit Puerto Rico!!!! ...and get a Pina Colada (that's where it was invented...don't believe otherwise)! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha, I thought it was just me *wiping brow* glad to know i'm not blacklisted
ReplyDelete@Kristen I wish too! I'd love to know what he's telling the reporter! but at least we get so see his awesome smile! :D
ReplyDelete@Michelle :D he's great isn't he! LOL
Oh nice! Enjoy enjoy enjoy :D
@Nicole but now a lot youger I'd guess? :D
We're good at overloading it! wohooo :D
@Kristen Nice!!! Puerto Ricans are awesome!!! lol ;P ...Yay cornfields! *groan*
ReplyDelete@Nicole starting in San Juan, then making our way around all the saints and virgins. all intentions of drinking *shaking head, yes, bad pun* in the culture of each island
ReplyDeleteNah we don't need babysitters! Our great security guard Nicole will protect and take care of us! :D
ReplyDelete*toasts to Nicole with her whiskey* :D
darn overloaded again?! Can't see any posts... :(
ReplyDelete@Michelle You are too funny I loved the pun! LOL! You will love it there! Have an awesome time, *jealous* ;D
ReplyDeleteok nevermind! I'm just impatien... :P sorry! :D
ReplyDeletewho's up for a game of five card stud? hmmmmm... where o' where can we take this topic
ReplyDelete@Michelle Yay!!!! Starting in San Juan!! Awesome!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja Next month, I will be...
ReplyDeleteGosh is my laptop suddenly so slow or is it overheated?!
ReplyDelete@Nicole :D ok you're younger! hihi :D but you know, you don't seem like it! :D
So big party next month?
@Michelle So you going to explain the rules?
lol seriously?! That's getting annoying... :D Where the heck are my posts! :D
ReplyDelete@Anja on the blog version, no rules. Lets see where it goes. First card = Aksel, ace of hearts
ReplyDelete@Anja HAHA I was a little worried about how you would react!!! ;P ...but, yeah, I get told I'm more mature for my age (...sometimes, it doesn't seem like it! lol) big plans as of now! We'll see! I'll probably be blogging nonstop!!!
ReplyDelete@Michelle My card=Cougars, Joker lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Michell Haha had to google "five card stud" :D
ReplyDeletejust so you know, I suck at pocker and don't know how to play! That's why I never play strip pocker!!! LOL :D
Do I get to draw a card yet? :)
Ahhh!!! We're overheating the blog again!!! I'm can I protect my sistas if I'm blind???
ReplyDelete@Nicole why should you be worried? :P Nono, if you would have said 15 or so, then I would have been kinda shocked! Mainly bc I was mislead you to alkohol! :D
ReplyDelete@Michelle so I gotta choose? :)
@Michelle I know what game Anja wants to play when Kjetil's around!!! Lol ;P
ReplyDeleteoops meant misleading! :D sorry! :D
ReplyDelete@Anja hey now! no strip poker unless the bartenders are joining us *oh please oh please oh please*