This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Goodbye Marius :-( Atomic Vs. Head
I'm sad that Marius is leaving, but it will give him more time to spend with his family. Family is very important especially if you have young children. When I was little my Dad was away on a construction job & he shaved his beard off. When he came home I didn't know who he was. That just about killed him. He quit his job so that he could spend time with me. So I would know he was my Daddy. Back to Marius. Great guy gonna miss him. Rumor is Aksel has left Atomic for Head. Don't know if it's true or not. I've read the articles & read what everyone thinks. If they make him faster go for it. If it's for the money that's ok too. Traveling isn't cheap. Neither is paying people to take care of your equipment. Either way who am I to judge. I would go with the money as long as the skis made me faster. He still has Atomic on his blog.
It's a little bit sad! They seemd a great happy family! Marius knows what are his prioritys, it's understandable.I'm sure it was not an easy decision to take but the family is more important than anything!!
About Atomic vs Head I don't know...Aksel knows the best!
Oh quick shout out to my 11 followers. I love you all!!! *holds water bottle pretending it's an award* I would just like to say thanks to Aksel for bringing us all together. Can't forget all the other partiers on the blog. I love you all too!!! Peace out I'm off to get dinner.
I blame it on going to the dentist not once, but twice in the same day. Well that & Google translator...Cellar-boy LMAO
I'm sure Aksel knows exactly what he's doing. I feel a little pissed when i read comments from all who knows better... My god, this is a man who's been skiing since he was 3 years old. His career want last more than a few years and i have no problem at all that he will make some money these years ;)
Aksel is the only person who needs to feel comfortable with his decision. I did not start following Aksel because of the skis he wears. He is a marketing dream. How could Atmoic let that go!
@ Buckeye Gal Maybe Atomic just couldn't afford to have him in the team... We have to remeber that Aksel is like a DIAMOND now and i'm sure he can get whatever he ask for more or less. I sure cant care less of witch ski he's got under his feet ass long as he kicks some damn asses next season. And i'm sure he will do exactly that KICK ASSES! hehe
...I just hope Aksel makes a decision he's comfortable with...not a decision he was pressured to make. And I won't believe anything until he confirms it.
Shoutout to all the bloggers here and on Aksel's blog! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! It's so much fun talking with all of you! Thank you Aksel for bringing us together...and possibly putting yourself at risk? (we've got some wild ideas) lol ;D It's awesome to find people who are as crazy as you!!! ;P So thank you to all of you for an AWESOME time!!!!
@ Nicole Aksel is a grown up man with a lot of attitude and respect for sure. I just have to see his face on tv and i feel RESPECT ( Sorry Aksel if i have shown myself as disrespectful to you, that is not my intention!!!)I dont think anyone preasure that man to do anyting he dosen't feel right!
@dana Whoa!!! Not that kind of love...friend love! You know...FRIENDS! Sorry, but I wanna marry a man too!!!! ;D hahaha
@Anne-May I'm getting a little disappointed reading the other blog...there are many comments about money being the only reason and that's...well, disappointing. I'm going to trust Aksel to make his own decisions; he has his own reasons, and I hope that people don't judge him because of them. But I certainly don't think that Aksel is the type of man who would be driven only by money.
@dana haha What kind of man? ...honest, friendly, true to himself and to others, funny, and accents always win me over! But you never know!
...I like a very tall man, with a killer smile and personality that lights up a whole room...he's tall and muscular...he's Norwegian...and he's an okay skiier too! lol ;P
@ Nicole I do stay away from his blog and the reason why is beacuse i get a bit frustrated. Everyone has their opinion on this - and its mostly negative. First of all Aksel can do wtf he wants (exuse me for my language) He's a grown up man. And second, if he's doing it for the money so be it. My personal opinion is that he's doing both. Money and good equipment.
Atomic vs. Head...can't tell about quality but I totaly understand Aksel if he's doing it just for the money but I don't think that's the only reason. He knows best what's good for him.
@Anne-May I had to stay away for a while too. I didn't want to cause anything again. But that's one of the reasons why these blogs are great, and can be problematic, people can voice their opinions and express themselves. Unfortunately, that can get a little heated. I'm just waiting patiently...haven't read any news reports or anything...everything I know, I have gotten from the blogs, so it's not official information.
To be honest, I think Aksel's decision, and Marius' as well, are another part of life and they are choices that should be left to the two men. They are choices that impact their lives and futures, and shouldn't be judged by others. I don't personally know Aksel or Marius, so I'm not going to tell, or even suggest, to them what they should do. Their choice, and it's important to respect that. It's like any other business venture. You could be working for a company for twenty years. The people there have become your family, and the office could very well be like your home. But there may come another opportunity. The pay may be better, but that's not the point. The choice to be made is whether or not this new opportunity will make you happy, and will make you successful in your next chapter of life.
...sorry for the really long post...I just needed to get some things off my chest!
Okay... first, as for Marius leaving, I can totally understand that. I'm sure there are more reasons than family, but family is so important and I will always fully support someone doing something for the benefit of their family. As for me personally (as if anyone cares, lol!) it was the easiest decision to choose family over career. When I graduated college I was a hardcore career achiever... dead set on climbing the corporate ladder as quickly as I possibly could. Six years after getting married I got pregnant, and in an instant... literally the second I saw my son... I knew my career was done, and I didn't regret it one bit. I quit work, and my husband took a more lucrative job across the country so that I could stay home and raise my son (and daughter, when she came along). Kids really do change your life. They're our little pieces of heaven. They are little for such a short time, and I couldn't imagine missing out on so much of that time because of traveling. So... while I'm sure there were a myriad of reasons for Marius leaving, if family was one of them then I commend him for his decision.
As for the possible Atomic/Head situation, IF it is based on money I can totally understand that as well. Skiing doesn't bring in the $275 million contracts that American athletes get from their stupid sports (which I think is utterly ridiculous, but that's another topic). I am assuming Aksel has a standard of living he wants to maintain after retirement, and since an athlete's career is relatively short by standards, he has to prepare for that future now. If that requires a change, then so be it. If it's for other reasons, then so be it. It's really not for anyone to judge, it's his personal decision. I am sometimes surprised by comments made by others... isn't one of the responsibilities of being a fan to support the athlete in career-making decisions? I don't get people, sometimes.
Okay, I'm done. I get long-winded, sometimes. Forgive me. :-p
Yes Anne-May be bad, girl! If you need a black leather jacket can borrow from Nicole! I'm kidding
@Nicole I think I recognize the man you talk about but I don't remember where from! Hihihi! I like a tall man, with gorgeous smile and beautiful manly hands with long and lean fingers. with a huge sense of humour and great character. And I'd like a Norwegian one, if I don't ask too much! God our man are so alike!!!
@Nicole & Kim Thanks girls! I feel like you speak with my mouth! You're damn right! It's Aksel life and Aksel career and he know what is the best for him in this moment and in the future!
@ Kim in WA I totally agree with you! Sometimes i dont understand people and thats why i just write on the blog when he updates. I dont even read. And i hope to god that Aksel dosen't read all of it eigther.
@ Nicole That's exactly what i was wearing LOL On top of that a few drinks so i had some problems LOL But as the gentleman he is he came around helping this ''elegant'' lady.LOL
@Anne-May I just think that some people get carried away...m apologized for what was said. Sometimes, emotions can run high, but many rumors are being spread around and that's causing a lot of anxiety.
I mean BYE! HA HA I'm too tired! I really go now! Be bad, Anne-May, if youu wanna put them in the corner! I'm sure Nicole will help and protect you! Ha ha!
Sometimes I get mad while reading the comments on Aksel's blog. How can people think they could make his decisions? Or even convict them? That's such an arrogant manner *grumble* And sure it will fade some of his romantic and fairytale like patterns. But he isn't a monument or something like that. He is alive and has to make decisions. They sure can't fit to everybody.
About Marius - I think he decided right. Family is very important. And live could be short. Yesterday Hilde Gerg's husband Wolfgang Grassl died at the age of 40. They have 2 kids at the age of 3 and 1. Life can be so short *sad*
I agree, Anne-May and cjal. Thankfully, though, Mel created a place where we can bash the bashers. ;-)
I don't get why people take it personally. There is nothing "personal" about being a fan of a celebrity or an athlete. It's only personal for the celeb or athlete, just as it would only be personal if you or I took a new job for more money. The only difference is they are in the public eye, making it accessable to everyone. But it's still their personal decision. I'm going to say "personal" one more time to round it out to an even number. :-p
Q: Is what we read in press about you accurate? I once read an article that you "abstain" in order to train well for your skiing. Was that story completely bs? A: There is probably lots of bs. I don’t read all of it, but that is totally bs..
I know a little somethin somethin before would motivate me! Actually knowing I would get a little somethin somethin afterwards would make me go faster! Ha Ha!
@Anne-May and Nicole: oh, I would critize him if there would be something to critizise. But until now I didn't find something that needs to be critized. Or maybe I wouldn't write anything but leave his blog. At the moment I've problems with those people who wants to make Aksel fit in and don't accept that he's got a life of his own. Too many people seem to poke their noses in things that are none of their business. Some things which are written in his blog, I wouldn't even tell my closest friends in that way, even less to a stranger. And that's what he still is - a stranger to all of us. Also if we feel very familar with him cause he shares parts of his life with public.
I agree it went a little crazy on his blog. I thought fans were supposed to love you no matter what you do. What ever reason he chooses to leave one sponsor for another is his business & we should support him not ridicule him.
Sad that marius is leaving. Pity he did not stay on in some capacity with skiing based in oslo.
As for atomic v head, I have been reading around and there is a lot more to it than aksel just moving to head. I first thought it was wrong, but the more i read, the more I think it is the right decision. As Aarmodts dad, a respected ski trainer thinks it is a good move, who are we to comment.
I think Aksel has been a lot clever with the deal than is apparent at first glance.
Has anyone read the book - 'who moved my cheese' - all about change in life and moving with it. Todays blogs on both sites remind me of it.
who died? and who is Hilde? And where can I get those slingbacks?????
Ya'll are good peeps. Remember the goal...bring Aksel to Mel's blog! I forgot to include a public service announcement on my post to raise funds to "save the Norwegian ski team" @Nicole...keep dropping the URL on the blog!
By the way...I'm lovin' Aksel's $16M retirement strategy. I just hope he has a huge garage sale for all the Atomic stuff he has.
Aksel knows what he's doing! And btw who are we to criteze him or anyone else for that matter. As long as he dosen't rob a bank he has my support whatever he likes to do!
@Brenda: Hilde was a German skier and olympic champion. She won 1998 gold in slalom and bronce in combined. She also won 4 medals at world championchips and 2 times the Super-G WC. Wolfgang Grassl was a coach of the German skiteam.
@Anne-May: very tired after only 5 hours of sleep ;-)
WOW I leave the blog for a couple days to do a little stalking in the real world and miss a lot ... BTW I didn't find Aksel anywhere in Oregon, Washington or Idaho ... I think I'm gonna need to brush up on my stalking skills! :)
Marius leaving his coaching position is a huge event for The Attacking Vikings. I applaud his decision to spend more time with his family. Even though he won't part of their daily lives, I'm sure he will still be available to The Attacking Vikings as a friend/mentor. All is Good! **slips into a red pair of peep toes and a leather jacket** Come on ladies I think we need to go buy Marius a beer for a job well done! He deserves a good night on the town Cougar style!
**Ladies lets get this party mobile...taps fingers on the dash board and hits the horn twice...Get your slingbacks on and Git in the truck** We gotta make a stop at Aksels garage sale! I wanna get there before the crowds ... and BTW I'm gonna push and shove to git one of those T-shirts!...**wink wink** and a 'little somethin somethin'!!!! :D
@Mel...Hows the "Buy the Norwegian Ski Team" Fund coming along? **Drops in the change from the morning Starbucks run** This weekend I saw a cute, 20something lad with a t-shirt on that said "Cougar Bait"...Maybe we need to buy one of those for our Attacking Vikings!
Cant see that there has been any confirmation yet by Aksel. But i think since he has removed the Atomic banner from his website speak for itself... Or what?
The fund is coming along nicely. Once all the ticket sales come in from the Viking fight to the Death Match for the Dragon Ship we should have enough. LOL
Some people are just crazy. I support Aksel in what ever he decides. If he decides to rob a bank I'll drive the get away car. Garage sale @ Aksels I'm in!
Hi everyone! @Mel Do you wanna run away with the car, the money and with Aksel too?
@Anne-May I'm fine,thanks! At noon the Atomic site (on his blog) was working. Now it's gone. I Have no comment about this, Aksel knows the best and I support him.
@ Dana Of course I'm taking the car, the money & Aksel. That's what the get away drive does...not that I have any experience in driving get away cars *innocent look on face* Ok maybe I do, but I can't talk about it. It's an on going case...
I think Skiing & Bull Riding are kinda the same in the money department. You have to make money when you can because sooner or later your not gonna be able to do your job. I've seen many Bull Riders do the same thing Aksel is. It doesn't change them just the brand they use.
I'm off to go get ready for work. I'll be back after 11p EST. Have fun girls.
i´m so sorry for Hilde and her Kids... so sad but unfortunately real life.
About that blog-stuff: (i didn´t get all your stuff in that short time) i think it´s kind of destroying a fictive picture of aksel where he isn´t into money the same way he isn´t into woman etc. it´s kind of the same way i was with 15 with Nick Carter (shame on me, i know).
For some it might be disappointing that he changes skies even though he always said that atomic is his favourite and what ever.
He´ll have maybe 5 or 6 years of good ski (maybe more) and he has to think about his future.
If the rumors are be true, he acted for the purpose of the team and head had the better package. they searched for a top man for the next years.. here he is: Aksel, and he brings Kjetil and Lars (a good slalomskier) with him. Raich isn´t that young anymore that it would be worth to give a contract over several years. So... head really spend money and time in the best skier of the world! :-)))
@ Teekanne Aksel have to do what he feels the best and as his fans we all should give him our support insted of making texas on his blog. People seems to take what he dicides as a personal matter and in my opinion its wrong. I dont mean we should agree to everyting but there have to be some limits. What kind of skiis he's got under his feet shouldn't matter. There is so many opinions out there it can make everyone a little bit nuts. As you said there is some fairytale going on like he s not into women. For christ sake he's a human being like the rest of us ;)After all, i dont think whats happening on his blog now is fun. Its seems like people starts a massive attac against him and thats unfair. He may skeed on Atomic all of his life but if everyone was thinking he'd never change i think that is the biggest fairytale. This might be a little messy written but i think everyone unerstand ;)
Hey girls, I realy don't get the discusion about the equipment. Some people are acting offended and I don't get it. I support Aksel and I don't question his decision at all.
Girls, I totally agree with you! I don't like what's happening on Aksel's blog! I think they forget the're guests and he's the host! In my opinion some of them became too aggressive in their language! Sorry for Aksel!
Let's get off this equipment topic...anybody shoping for bikini? :P Like this one so bad...I know it'll never look so good on me but I think I'm still buying it.
@ Dana To aggressive is i nice word, Dana ;) I think they should be ashamed on themselves. Maybe he should have made a comment on the blog of what he feels about what's happening in there.... Its totally unrespectful whats happening in there.
Hi ladies!!!! This is too and on the other blog! Ahh!!!
@gordana Thank you for trying to change the conversation...I've been trying, but unsuccessfully! lol Oooh, I love it...especially the turquoise, brown, white one!!! I think the green is a little too neon...highlighter!! lol ;P
@dana so, NOW you want to invite him?!?!?! girl, make up your mind!!! lol ;D
Go Buckeye Gal!!! Woohoo!!! *I'll cheer you on as you exercise...I had enough of that the other day! lol My hamstrings and quads are on fire today!!! ;P
@Anne-May and gordana should buy the bikini! Pretty colors...and the Victoria's Secret label...priceless!
WARNING! Don't eat/drink while read this comment! These are my first (and maybe the last) rhymes in english! I was inspired by our beloved friend and bt you all, ma sistas!
There is a handsome champion skier And a bunch of cougars came to see him here They're little crazy, but pretty funny Each of them would like him to call her "honey"! He has beautiful hands and a gorgeous smile Anytime they see him, the girls go wilde Once, one of them was glued to him The other girls didn't stand this scene. So they split up; they both are sorry! But wait!...This will be not the end of story!!! (devilish grin)
@dana LOL I LOVE IT!!!! What are you talking're really good!!! See, you are good with English! No more excuses, sista! haha ;D
Thanks for the warning too...I would've choked, I started laughing so hard!
She didn't understand The kind of talent she truly had That she was good This is fact!
Don't doubt yourself...any of you ladies!!! I will make you see how truly good you can be! Don't doubt yourselves, or this girl will make you realize it! lol ;D I mean it...all of you speak really really well!!!!
@dana Ooh, write one in your language please!!! Only if you want to though! You too Anne-May!!! I've written a few, so it's only fair!!! *kneeling on the ground looking up at you two with my puppy dog eyes* please! ;D haha
@Anne-May Yes, please!!! I may have to look for a translator, but I love languages and I love to learn! And I think it would be awesome!!! ;D
@cjal *gasp* I feel as though you have uttered taboo words! lol joking ;P Who does fit this predatory pattern of yours??? *turns on lamp and shines it in your face, slam my hands on shiny metal table between us* Answer me!!! lol ;P
"much" too young??? you crack me up!!! um...*clears throat* here are those six...let's make it 8 cocktails!!! *catch!
@Nicole: If I'm a cougar, I need some prey. In German it's called "Beuteschema" (if you're looking for a special type of man or woman) and I didn't really found a word in English. So if it's a tabu - shame on me *lol*
Btw what you are doing there with the light in my face and such's called torture and I have to call amnesty international :-P And you can torture me as much as you want, I can't answer the question properly. So maybe the answer is Captain Jack Sparrow - but not Johnny Depp or maybe Remington Steele (only with messed up hair) - but not Pierce Brosnan. Ah shit...I've never rhapsodized for a star. Perhaps I should try those cocktails?! *lol*
El mar, la tierra, el cielo, el fuego, el viento, El mundo permanente en que vivimos, los astros remotísimos que casi nos suplican, que casi a veces son una mano que acaricia los ojos.
Esa llegada de la luz que descansa en la frente. ¿De dònde llegas, de dònde vienes, amorosa forma que siento respirar, que siento como un pecho que encerrara una música, que siento como el rumor de unas arpas angélicas, ya casi cristalinas como el rumor de los mundos?
Translation: Light
Sea, land, sky, fire, wind, enduring world we live in, remotest stars nearly imploring us, at times nearly become a hand caressing our eyes.
Arrival of light reposing on our foreheads, Where do you arrive from, where do you come from, loving form I feel breathing, feel like a breast enfolding a melody, feel like the sound of angelic harps, nearly transparent now like murmuring worlds?
@cjal Haha I'm interrogating torture! I'm not that kind of person! *innocent look* Although, if someone tried to hurt my sistas...then I'm a different girl! lol ;D
@dana sorry, I didn't notice that last line at first...but...truly funny! lol ;D I know spanish and can catch a few things in italian. I also know french so that really helps!
@Anonymous Welcome!!! We're here to smile, laugh, have a great time! Party!!! ;D
@Anne-May Well, I do! I don't know if you can share it...but If I click on your name (up at the top under "Followers") it takes me to your profile and your name is underlined and that takes me to your twitter that what you mean???
He seems genuine, respectful of the sport and his competitors. Not like the self-rightous attitudes you see in a lot of other athletes in the US. Not that I think he's a saint, just genuine.
@ Nicole I know you can do that ;) What i mean is: If you write anyting about me and i don't like what you are writing, is there anyting i can do about that? Or if we don't like what anomious writes can we do anyting about that since its anomious?
@Anne-May haha Do you mean like a "Meet me at this URL." kinda like a "we'll settle this in the parking lot" kinda thing!!!! lol ;D ...sorry, had to do it!
@ Nicole You have never offended anyone here, sweete :) I think all of us has spoken out loud over there from time to It's texas over there right now. Maybe Aksel should have made a little comment to all of them. I have a feeling that the blog can be taken off from his web site.....
@Anne-May Thanks Anne-May! No, I hope he doesn't do that! :( I just think it's one of those when it got heated toward the beginning of the's like a cycle. Hopefully, it'll blow over soon! I think once official news comes out, it will all stop. I really hope!
@Nicole - when I first read your comment I thought you were saying it's like PMS over there!LOL Aksel's blog has its own "cycle". Water went spraying everywhere.
This blog should come with a warning: NEVER, under any circumstance, eat or drink while reading.
To be honest: I could understand if he'd do. At the moment he can post whatever he wants, it gets out of hand. Sometimes the blog seems like his messy rooms. If I would be in his place I would at least stop blogging for a few weeks. I call that phenomenon "after-olympic jetlag" or it's kind of silly season since there aren't anymore races until autumn.
Anne-May, Nicole, cjal, Michelle and the others on the barricade It's very late for me! wish you have fun! hugs and kisses to everyone! Good night and nice dreams!!
@Michelle **waiving** Welcome! Jump right in...the door is always open...and you never know whos around or what adventure we're gonna be on next!
@All...**scratches head and rolls eyes** So, according to Aksel's Blog I have been accused of being a Stalker and now a Liar??? WTF!!! What is going on with Aksels Blog. Why are some people causing such a ruckus and speculating about stuff they have no idea about. Some people just need to learn to relax!
@All..I really think it's time to crank up this party and get all of the Attacking Vikings here for the fun and leave behind the drama party on the Blog!
You ladies are cracking me...but I am still at work and have to behave :( so I cannot join the party yet! You will keep it revvin up til I get back!
Maybe we need to invite the Attacking Vikings to the party and give them super secret user names, so they can join in the fun, without the drama party finding them????
@ Deuce His blog is texas at the moment. If people accuse you to be a stalker, just give a damn! Then we are all stalkers and that's so far away from the truth as it can be.
@everyone Sorry, I had to leave abruptly...I realized I was late!!! oops ;P
@ANNE-MAY LOL "we all have a cycle" oh boy, now we've really scared the guys away! haha ;D
right now, it's 9:11pm for me
@Michelle PMS...hilarious!!! lol :D ...oh yeah, sorry, we should've warned "House Rules" that has some advice lol no eating or drinking is kinda necessary...I've had some near-choking experiences! lol ;P
@dana I actually understood a few words!!! Unfortunately, not any sentences! lol ;D so I don't know what they said! haha ;P
@all I'm enjoying this blog! I enjoyed the other blog before too, but now it's very serious and I don't like the...negativity, for lack of a better word. I don't know. I think that if Aksel stays away for too long, everything will build up and end really badly. So I think news, even the slightest, might calm the storm. I'm just going to sit back, and enjoy this party. I've tried to add a few comments, to hopefully, change the atmosphere over there but it's not really working. :{ Just have to be patient...or try to be! ;D
@all I've invited Aksel, and I've invited Lars! Hopefully, they come and join some time (and let us know)!!! That would be so awesome! I don't know how to get a hold of Kjetil though! Maybe if one of them joins, they'll see how much fun we are, and spread the news *jumping up and down with a really eager face* lol ;D
I'm lonely...I'm so lonely...I have nobody...on my ooowwwnnn!!
lol ;D
Allright, Good night everyone! Hope you sleep well, get some rest! I hope to see more of you again! ...come back mel, teekanne, buckeye gal, brenda,angela uk, kristen, kim, becky, marie, michelle, dana, anne-may, deuce, cjal, gordana!!! ;D
*kids in bed, husband working* Time to catch up...I'm always a day late and a dollar short on joining the party here :( You gals have so much fun and your conversations are great, I wish I could join in but mommy duty calls during the "peak" hours here.
Welcome Michelle!!! Nice to have you join us here. :-)
I am so disheartened by some of the comments over on Aksel's blog! What the hell is wrong with some people!?!?! I usually keep my mouth shut and some people over there should learn to do the same...we are his fans and we should support him with any decision he makes, he is the professional, we certainly aren't and have no right to comment on what is best for him or what isn't. I feel bad that people choose to do that on his blog...he is kind enough to share his experiences with us...he doesn't deserve it.
OK...I think I've vented enough...sorry for rambling on...I think I need a drink there anything left?!?!?!
@Kristen~PA If mommy duty calls, then that's what's important! ...I think we've all needed to vent! haha It's okay!
hmm...drinks...well, I wonder where Kjetil is??? lol *sneaks over to the bar* let's see what's over here...oh, here....let's give you some cocktails! Now, sit back, and unwind! Enjoy your 'me' time!!! ;D
Nicole: Thanks! I will try it. French is next on my list. I may move it back one to learn Norwegian with the hope of vaguely understanding Aksel in his native tongue.
@Buckeye Gal...I'm drinking since this is the first chance all day that I've had to sit down and relax and after reading Aksel's blog I certainly need a drink or two!! ;D
I'm very glad I missed the cat fight. It has gone way too far over there. It's utterly crazy & gee I thought I had a bad day at work. Poor Aksel is getting chewed out by nearly everyone. *hugs to Aksel*
@ Michelle welcome to our humble little blog party.
I'm always on here after everyone has gone to bed or off to work. I miss the conversations. *pouts a little & blames my crazy work schedule* New blog entry coming up.
Ugh... I need a drink. This is definitely one of "those" weeks. We are soooo busy this week, and will be until Monday. I need a clone. Or two. :-p
I really hope Aksel's way of thinking in reference to his blog is that this publicity is good publicity, regardless of how heated the debate gets among fans. Really, comparing this to some American athletes and their constant negative light, this debate is small potatoes. I hope he appreciates the debate it has brought to people around the world, and overlooks the few nasty comments. It really is good PR, and I doubt he's as upset about it as some of us fans are. I just think a few have gotten close to crossing a line... state your opinion if you must, but there is no need to do so in an insulting way.
I do find it kind of funny that so many are upset about such a simple change. I don't know, maybe being an American ruins me for simple things such as this when we have athletes,celebs and politicians cheating with multiple women, being involved in gangs, dying of drug/alcohol overdoses, etc. I do love being an American, but we have so few truly positive roll models for our children here. *sigh*
Good night, ladies. Tomorrow evening we're taking the kids to see the Harlem Globetrotters. We're second row, center court! I've never seen them, so I'm just as excited as my son to go. I hope it is enjoyable for him!
Aloha everyone, especially the newcomers! (cracks open Corona and pours a little for Viking the Beagle and Fairy the Sheltie...hands the rest to Deuce...)
First off, we Americans have plenty of positive role models. It's just the bad ones that get all the press, so take heart my dear @Kim.
Second...yeah, whattup wid da negative vibes? I'll be honest...i actually don't mind the opposing opinions, and when you read them in a European frame of mind (not taking things literally), there are some good points to be had....o.k., maybe I also had a few drinks from Kjetil (damn him as the bartender) and really didn't give a F*&^ what was going on--which is fine too.
Finally, a prize to the first blogger on THIS side who can get Aksel to reply on his or Mel's blog to her/his comment. Won't tell you what that is, but I'll send a bit of Hawaii out to the winner. Heck...may as well make it a sport to see if we can get our favorite Viking riled or inspired enough to comment back.
Does that make sense? Good rule Mel...don't drink and write.
I just remembered something that someone wrote. I forget who it was now, but I have an answer. I can delete any of the comments on my blog. Not just the ones I write.
Well I'm off to bed. Sweet Viking dreams to all of you who are asleep or about to & for those who are awake or about to sweet Viking day-dreams to you. TTFN
@ Brenda *giggles like a school girl* A prize for getting Aksel to respond to us on here or his blog...interesting very interesting. *taps chin & thinks out loud* How to get a Viking to respond...*hums Push It by Salt-N-Peppa* Now my minds in the gutter again. Don't drink & blog!!! It made perfect sense. *thinks to self maybe it was a bad idea for Kjetil to be the bartender*
Sorry couldn't resist to write again. You guys are just so much fun. And I'm kinda bored at the moment. It's much more fun here then over there.
So how is everyone doing?
@Kim & Brenda That's why i love to live in Switzerland. We don't know such things as paparazzis and stuff. Sure we have our own scandals, but i'm glad the press isn't all over it for too long. Maybe I'm mistaken about america. Correct me if I am! :)
So thanks again to all of you to bring a smile on my face. And thanks for the "no eat/drink and read" warning. That safed me a lof of times from choking to death. :D
Damn, we're inviteing I've to shave my legs. LMAO
It's a little bit sad! They seemd a great happy family! Marius knows what are his prioritys, it's understandable.I'm sure it was not an easy decision to take but the family is more important than anything!!
ReplyDeleteAbout Atomic vs Head I don't know...Aksel knows the best!
Yeah family is very important. At the end of the day they are always there no matter what you do.
ReplyDeleteYeah only Aksel can decide that for himself.
Oh quick shout out to my 11 followers. I love you all!!! *holds water bottle pretending it's an award* I would just like to say thanks to Aksel for bringing us all together. Can't forget all the other partiers on the blog. I love you all too!!! Peace out I'm off to get dinner.
ReplyDeleteI blame it on going to the dentist not once, but twice in the same day. Well that & Google translator...Cellar-boy LMAO
I'm sure Aksel knows exactly what he's doing. I feel a little pissed when i read comments from all who knows better... My god, this is a man who's been skiing since he was 3 years old. His career want last more than a few years and i have no problem at all that he will make some money these years ;)
ReplyDelete@ Mel Love u too!! And thank u Aksel for bringing those crazy girls together, without u we could never have made it :-))
ReplyDeleteAnd to all the rest of u : '' shouting out loud'' LOOOOOOOVE U ALL :)))))))
@Anne-May you're right! I don't think is fair to blame Aksel for leaving Aomic! Skiing is his job and is normal to make money from this.
ReplyDelete@Mel we love you too SISTA!!! And we all are grateful to Aksel for bringing us together! Love him too!
Enjoy your dinner!
@Anne-May You are crazy,baby! And I like it!
ReplyDeleteAksel is the only person who needs to feel comfortable with his decision. I did not start following Aksel because of the skis he wears. He is a marketing dream. How could Atmoic let that go!
ReplyDeleteSkis do not make the man, the man makes the skis!
@Buckeye Gal Very true! The skis are nothing without the man!
ReplyDelete:{ Here's an article I found...
@ Buckeye Gal Maybe Atomic just couldn't afford to have him in the team... We have to remeber that Aksel is like a DIAMOND now and i'm sure he can get whatever he ask for more or less. I sure cant care less of witch ski he's got under his feet ass long as he kicks some damn asses next season. And i'm sure he will do exactly that KICK ASSES! hehe
ReplyDeleteHi the James Bond girl! I just readthe article, thanks!
@ Dana baby I can be a bit crazy with the right people aroun... LOL
ReplyDeleteAnne-May: Totally agree that they probably couldn't afford him.
ReplyDeleteAny skiers out there know if Atomic is just doing that poorly from a financial standpoint?
@Anne-May RIGHT!Hahaha! I'm one of the craziest!And I take medicine! Useless! hehe!
ReplyDelete...I just hope Aksel makes a decision he's comfortable with...not a decision he was pressured to make. And I won't believe anything until he confirms it.
ReplyDeleteShoutout to all the bloggers here and on Aksel's blog! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!! It's so much fun talking with all of you! Thank you Aksel for bringing us together...and possibly putting yourself at risk? (we've got some wild ideas) lol ;D It's awesome to find people who are as crazy as you!!! ;P So thank you to all of you for an AWESOME time!!!! sounds like someone died....
@dana and Anne-May I always say that it's okay to be's okay to look're making someone smile, and that's all that matters!!!! ;D
ReplyDeletebut, we are pretty wild! ;P
@Nicole Love is in the air...
ReplyDeleteI love you too. But I wanna marry with a man! Hope you don't mind, do you? Ha ha ha! Talking about craziness...
@ Nicole Aksel is a grown up man with a lot of attitude and respect for sure. I just have to see his face on tv and i feel RESPECT ( Sorry Aksel if i have shown myself as disrespectful to you, that is not my intention!!!)I dont think anyone preasure that man to do anyting he dosen't feel right!
ReplyDelete@dana Whoa!!! Not that kind of love...friend love! You know...FRIENDS! Sorry, but I wanna marry a man too!!!! ;D hahaha
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I'm getting a little disappointed reading the other blog...there are many comments about money being the only reason and that's...well, disappointing. I'm going to trust Aksel to make his own decisions; he has his own reasons, and I hope that people don't judge him because of them. But I certainly don't think that Aksel is the type of man who would be driven only by money.
@Nicole & Anne-May I don't like either that the others blame Aksel. Its not fair to think for Aksel money means everything! He's not that kind of man!
ReplyDelete@Nicole If you say so I believe you! What kind of man do you like? If may I ask, of course!
@dana haha What kind of man? ...honest, friendly, true to himself and to others, funny, and accents always win me over! But you never know!
ReplyDelete...I like a very tall man, with a killer smile and personality that lights up a whole room...he's tall and muscular...he's Norwegian...and he's an okay skiier too! lol ;P
How about you???? and you Anne-May??? haha ;D
@ Nicole I do stay away from his blog and the reason why is beacuse i get a bit frustrated. Everyone has their opinion on this - and its mostly negative. First of all Aksel can do wtf he wants (exuse me for my language) He's a grown up man. And second, if he's doing it for the money so be it. My personal opinion is that he's doing both. Money and good equipment.
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Hahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteHe's tall, dark, got the most sexy hairy chest!! And off course a beautiful smile. But i'm not sure if he's norwegian though ;)
Atomic vs. Head...can't tell about quality but I totaly understand Aksel if he's doing it just for the money but I don't think that's the only reason. He knows best what's good for him.
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I had to stay away for a while too. I didn't want to cause anything again. But that's one of the reasons why these blogs are great, and can be problematic, people can voice their opinions and express themselves. Unfortunately, that can get a little heated. I'm just waiting patiently...haven't read any news reports or anything...everything I know, I have gotten from the blogs, so it's not official information.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I think Aksel's decision, and Marius' as well, are another part of life and they are choices that should be left to the two men. They are choices that impact their lives and futures, and shouldn't be judged by others. I don't personally know Aksel or Marius, so I'm not going to tell, or even suggest, to them what they should do. Their choice, and it's important to respect that. It's like any other business venture. You could be working for a company for twenty years. The people there have become your family, and the office could very well be like your home. But there may come another opportunity. The pay may be better, but that's not the point. The choice to be made is whether or not this new opportunity will make you happy, and will make you successful in your next chapter of life.
...sorry for the really long post...I just needed to get some things off my chest!
Okay... first, as for Marius leaving, I can totally understand that. I'm sure there are more reasons than family, but family is so important and I will always fully support someone doing something for the benefit of their family. As for me personally (as if anyone cares, lol!) it was the easiest decision to choose family over career. When I graduated college I was a hardcore career achiever... dead set on climbing the corporate ladder as quickly as I possibly could. Six years after getting married I got pregnant, and in an instant... literally the second I saw my son... I knew my career was done, and I didn't regret it one bit. I quit work, and my husband took a more lucrative job across the country so that I could stay home and raise my son (and daughter, when she came along). Kids really do change your life. They're our little pieces of heaven. They are little for such a short time, and I couldn't imagine missing out on so much of that time because of traveling. So... while I'm sure there were a myriad of reasons for Marius leaving, if family was one of them then I commend him for his decision.
ReplyDeleteAs for the possible Atomic/Head situation, IF it is based on money I can totally understand that as well. Skiing doesn't bring in the $275 million contracts that American athletes get from their stupid sports (which I think is utterly ridiculous, but that's another topic). I am assuming Aksel has a standard of living he wants to maintain after retirement, and since an athlete's career is relatively short by standards, he has to prepare for that future now. If that requires a change, then so be it. If it's for other reasons, then so be it. It's really not for anyone to judge, it's his personal decision. I am sometimes surprised by comments made by others... isn't one of the responsibilities of being a fan to support the athlete in career-making decisions? I don't get people, sometimes.
Okay, I'm done. I get long-winded, sometimes. Forgive me. :-p
@Anne-May hahaha sounds like a really good man!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteYes Anne-May be bad, girl! If you need a black leather jacket can borrow from Nicole! I'm kidding
ReplyDelete@Nicole I think I recognize the man you talk about but I don't remember where from! Hihihi!
I like a tall man, with gorgeous smile and beautiful manly hands with long and lean fingers. with a huge sense of humour and great character. And I'd like a Norwegian one, if I don't ask too much!
God our man are so alike!!!
LOL Nicole... we're thinking alike!
ReplyDelete@Kim Looks like we got over writer's block!!! haha ;D
ReplyDelete@Kim haha Yes we are!!! lol
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Feel free to borrow my jacket! ;D
@dana Well, great minds think alike!!! lol I wonder where we could find this man! ;P
@Nicole & Kim Thanks girls! I feel like you speak with my mouth! You're damn right! It's Aksel life and Aksel career and he know what is the best for him in this moment and in the future!
ReplyDelete@ Kim in WA I totally agree with you!
ReplyDeleteSometimes i dont understand people and thats why i just write on the blog when he updates. I dont even read. And i hope to god that Aksel dosen't read all of it eigther.
On a lighter note:
ReplyDelete"High heels look very uncomfortable" Aksel wrote this once
....well, take a look at this! :O
@ Nicole I really could use that jacket for my next date. LOL
ReplyDelete@ Nicole LOL Do u see now why he helped me??
ReplyDelete@Anne-May All right! Here's the jacket! *do you think I could throw it all the way across the ocean? haha
ReplyDeletelol You were wearing those?!?!?! haha ;P
OMG I hope not this shoes are the reason for Alexander McQueen suicide! Sorry!
ReplyDeleteIs there anything news on his blog girls?
ReplyDelete@ Nicole That's exactly what i was wearing LOL On top of that a few drinks so i had some problems LOL But as the gentleman he is he came around helping this ''elegant'' lady.LOL
What's wrong with people?? I couldn't resist reading what Ms been writing. Very very rude!
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for our friend. He does NOT deserve BS like this!!!
@ Anne-May
ReplyDeleteI'm dissapointed too!
Hey chica I like your spanish!!! I saw your comment on the other blog!
@ Dana
ReplyDeleteI think people should calm down a little bit. Aksel has NOT confirmed anything yet even that Atomic have been out with their tounge.
Girls it's two o'clock in the morning and tomorrow I have to go to work So I wish you to have a nice time.
ReplyDeleteHugs for everyone! Thanks for today!
@Anne-May You are right!
ReplyDeleteI feel like we are protected here from all the wickedness and bad things from the other blog! kisses!
@dana Haha Thanks dana!!! Get some rest!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I just think that some people get carried away...m apologized for what was said. Sometimes, emotions can run high, but many rumors are being spread around and that's causing a lot of anxiety.
I had to write a bit on his blog now. There is so much crazyness now. Just hope i didnt say anything wrong....
ReplyDeleteBy Nicole,be good girl!
ReplyDeleteI mean BYE! HA HA I'm too tired! I really go now!
ReplyDeleteBe bad, Anne-May, if youu wanna put them in the corner! I'm sure Nicole will help and protect you! Ha ha!
Sometimes I get mad while reading the comments on Aksel's blog. How can people think they could make his decisions? Or even convict them? That's such an arrogant manner *grumble*
ReplyDeleteAnd sure it will fade some of his romantic and fairytale like patterns. But he isn't a monument or something like that. He is alive and has to make decisions. They sure can't fit to everybody.
About Marius - I think he decided right. Family is very important. And live could be short. Yesterday Hilde Gerg's husband Wolfgang Grassl died at the age of 40. They have 2 kids at the age of 3 and 1. Life can be so short *sad*
@cjal Wow, that's really sad about Hilde Gerg. It also reminds me about Poland. I just think the decision is his, and we'll be here to support him.
ReplyDelete@ cjal
ReplyDeleteAgree agree agree. I just couldn't resist to go in on hos blog and write a few words.
Life is to short and i think Marius has done the right thing. Its a tragydi when so young people are leaving this world ;(
I agree, Anne-May and cjal. Thankfully, though, Mel created a place where we can bash the bashers. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI don't get why people take it personally. There is nothing "personal" about being a fan of a celebrity or an athlete. It's only personal for the celeb or athlete, just as it would only be personal if you or I took a new job for more money. The only difference is they are in the public eye, making it accessable to everyone. But it's still their personal decision. I'm going to say "personal" one more time to round it out to an even number. :-p
I'm so tired today. I hope I'm making sense, lol!
I love high heels. Makes me feel like a woman!
ReplyDeleteAksel also said this:
Q: Is what we read in press about you accurate? I once read an article that you "abstain" in order to train well for your skiing. Was that story completely bs?
A: There is probably lots of bs. I don’t read all of it, but that is totally bs..
I know a little somethin somethin before would motivate me! Actually knowing I would get a little somethin somethin afterwards would make me go faster! Ha Ha!
@Anne-May and Nicole: oh, I would critize him if there would be something to critizise. But until now I didn't find something that needs to be critized. Or maybe I wouldn't write anything but leave his blog.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment I've problems with those people who wants to make Aksel fit in and don't accept that he's got a life of his own. Too many people seem to poke their noses in things that are none of their business. Some things which are written in his blog, I wouldn't even tell my closest friends in that way, even less to a stranger. And that's what he still is - a stranger to all of us. Also if we feel very familar with him cause he shares parts of his life with public.
@ Kin in WA
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your support on his blog ;)
@Buckeye Gal LOL ;D oh. my. goodness. "something somethin"
ReplyDelete@cjal, Anne-May, Kim We'll just have to see how it all plays out!
Whew...sorry, I need to laugh right now...
ReplyDeleteI love this woman! The video's kinda long but she's so sassy!!! ;D
This dog cracks me up!!! Love it!
Also, this is a video that Lars put on Twitter!
Great videos *lol*
ReplyDeleteEspecially the dog - love it too!
@cjal I love how the dog is spasing at the end!!! Poor thing...just wants to be free! ;D
ReplyDeleteI agree it went a little crazy on his blog. I thought fans were supposed to love you no matter what you do. What ever reason he chooses to leave one sponsor for another is his business & we should support him not ridicule him.
ReplyDeleteSad that marius is leaving. Pity he did not stay on in some capacity with skiing based in oslo.
ReplyDeleteAs for atomic v head, I have been reading around and there is a lot more to it than aksel just moving to head. I first thought it was wrong, but the more i read, the more I think it is the right decision. As Aarmodts dad, a respected ski trainer thinks it is a good move, who are we to comment.
I think Aksel has been a lot clever with the deal than is apparent at first glance.
Has anyone read the book - 'who moved my cheese' - all about change in life and moving with it. Todays blogs on both sites remind me of it.
aloha everyone!
ReplyDeletewho died? and who is Hilde? And where can I get those slingbacks?????
Ya'll are good peeps. Remember the goal...bring Aksel to Mel's blog! I forgot to include a public service announcement on my post to raise funds to "save the Norwegian ski team" @Nicole...keep dropping the URL on the blog!
By the way...I'm lovin' Aksel's $16M retirement strategy. I just hope he has a huge garage sale for all the Atomic stuff he has.
Aksel knows what he's doing! And btw who are we to criteze him or anyone else for that matter. As long as he dosen't rob a bank he has my support whatever he likes to do!
ReplyDeleteHow are u girls today?
Hugs :-D
@Brenda: Hilde was a German skier and olympic champion. She won 1998 gold in slalom and bronce in combined. She also won 4 medals at world championchips and 2 times the Super-G WC. Wolfgang Grassl was a coach of the German skiteam.
ReplyDelete@Anne-May: very tired after only 5 hours of sleep ;-)
WOW I leave the blog for a couple days to do a little stalking in the real world and miss a lot ... BTW I didn't find Aksel anywhere in Oregon, Washington or Idaho ... I think I'm gonna need to brush up on my stalking skills! :)
ReplyDeleteMarius leaving his coaching position is a huge event for The Attacking Vikings. I applaud his decision to spend more time with his family. Even though he won't part of their daily lives, I'm sure he will still be available to The Attacking Vikings as a friend/mentor. All is Good! **slips into a red pair of peep toes and a leather jacket** Come on ladies I think we need to go buy Marius a beer for a job well done! He deserves a good night on the town Cougar style!
**Ladies lets get this party mobile...taps fingers on the dash board and hits the horn twice...Get your slingbacks on and Git in the truck** We gotta make a stop at Aksels garage sale! I wanna get there before the crowds ... and BTW I'm gonna push and shove to git one of those T-shirts!...**wink wink** and a 'little somethin somethin'!!!! :D
@Mel...Hows the "Buy the Norwegian Ski Team" Fund coming along? **Drops in the change from the morning Starbucks run** This weekend I saw a cute, 20something lad with a t-shirt on that said "Cougar Bait"...Maybe we need to buy one of those for our Attacking Vikings!
Hi Ladies
ReplyDeleteWhatever Aksel decides, I can live whis his decision. I am very proud for him that he has so much success.
Here a little video with Aksel. Kind of souvenir from Narvik. Enjoy!
Have a great evening!
Hi girls
ReplyDeleteHow are we today?
Cant see that there has been any confirmation yet by Aksel. But i think since he has removed the Atomic banner from his website speak for itself... Or what?
@ Nicoletta Thanks for the link :)
The fund is coming along nicely. Once all the ticket sales come in from the Viking fight to the Death Match for the Dragon Ship we should have enough. LOL
ReplyDeleteSome people are just crazy. I support Aksel in what ever he decides. If he decides to rob a bank I'll drive the get away car. Garage sale @ Aksels I'm in!
Hi everyone!
ReplyDelete@Mel Do you wanna run away with the car, the money and with Aksel too?
@Anne-May I'm fine,thanks!
At noon the Atomic site (on his blog) was working. Now it's gone. I Have no comment about this, Aksel knows the best and I support him.
@ Dana Of course I'm taking the car, the money & Aksel. That's what the get away drive does...not that I have any experience in driving get away cars *innocent look on face* Ok maybe I do, but I can't talk about it. It's an on going case...
ReplyDeleteI think Skiing & Bull Riding are kinda the same in the money department. You have to make money when you can because sooner or later your not gonna be able to do your job. I've seen many Bull Riders do the same thing Aksel is. It doesn't change them just the brand they use.
I'm off to go get ready for work. I'll be back after 11p EST. Have fun girls.
Hi Girls,
ReplyDeletefinally time to party on the blog again. :-)
i´m so sorry for Hilde and her Kids... so sad but unfortunately real life.
About that blog-stuff: (i didn´t get all your stuff in that short time) i think it´s kind of destroying a fictive picture of aksel where he isn´t into money the same way he isn´t into woman etc. it´s kind of the same way i was with 15 with Nick Carter (shame on me, i know).
For some it might be disappointing that he changes skies even though he always said that atomic is his favourite and what ever.
He´ll have maybe 5 or 6 years of good ski (maybe more) and he has to think about his future.
If the rumors are be true, he acted for the purpose of the team and head had the better package.
they searched for a top man for the next years.. here he is: Aksel, and he brings Kjetil and Lars (a good slalomskier) with him. Raich isn´t that young anymore that it would be worth to give a contract over several years.
So... head really spend money and time in the best skier of the world! :-)))
Send you a big hug!!!
@ Teekanne
ReplyDeleteBig hug and kisses for you too! Welcome back! About Nick Carter - don't be ashamed! I liked BSB too! Now I'm cured
@ Teekanne Aksel have to do what he feels the best and as his fans we all should give him our support insted of making texas on his blog. People seems to take what he dicides as a personal matter and in my opinion its wrong. I dont mean we should agree to everyting but there have to be some limits. What kind of skiis he's got under his feet shouldn't matter. There is so many opinions out there it can make everyone a little bit nuts. As you said there is some fairytale going on like he
ReplyDeletes not into women. For christ sake he's a human being like the rest of us ;)After all, i dont think whats happening on his blog now is fun. Its seems like people starts a massive attac against him and thats unfair. He may skeed on Atomic all of his life but if everyone was thinking he'd never change i think that is the biggest fairytale.
This might be a little messy written but i think everyone unerstand ;)
Hey girls,
ReplyDeleteI realy don't get the discusion about the equipment. Some people are acting offended and I don't get it. I support Aksel and I don't question his decision at all.
@ Teekanne BTW Hugs and kisses from me to you :)
ReplyDelete@ Gordana The fun part is that i think there are a mostly people who really dont know hat they are talking about that scream the most ;D
ReplyDeleteHi to you too btw ;)
Girls, I totally agree with you! I don't like what's happening on Aksel's blog! I think they forget the're guests and he's the host! In my opinion some of them became too aggressive in their language! Sorry for Aksel!
ReplyDeleteLet's get off this equipment topic...anybody shoping for bikini? :P Like this one so bad...I know it'll never look so good on me but I think I'm still buying it.
@ Dana To aggressive is i nice word, Dana ;) I think they should be ashamed on themselves. Maybe he should have made a comment on the blog of what he feels about what's happening in there.... Its totally unrespectful whats happening in there.
ReplyDelete@ Gordana I really like it ;) You should buy it, sweete :)
ReplyDeleteLet' bring Aksel here, in this peaceful and funny place!
ReplyDelete@Gordana really nice! I say the same: buy it!
@Gordana: Love the bikini! Get it! Oh to be young and thin again (she says as she thinks about pulling out the Wii fit)! 16lbs down...7.5 lbs to go!
ReplyDeleteHi ladies!!!! This is too and on the other blog! Ahh!!!
ReplyDelete@gordana Thank you for trying to change the conversation...I've been trying, but unsuccessfully! lol Oooh, I love it...especially the turquoise, brown, white one!!! I think the green is a little too neon...highlighter!! lol ;P
@dana so, NOW you want to invite him?!?!?! girl, make up your mind!!! lol ;D
P.S. I watched Lost last night!!!
Hi Nicole! Yes I want to invite him here because he needs some fun after those bad words saying there!
ReplyDelete@dana Well, I've invited him twice! So keep your fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteI also invited Lars!!! ...maybe he'll join us too! That would be so much fun!!! ;D
Go Buckeye Gal!!! Woohoo!!! *I'll cheer you on as you exercise...I had enough of that the other day! lol My hamstrings and quads are on fire today!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Anne-May and gordana should buy the bikini! Pretty colors...and the Victoria's Secret label...priceless!
WARNING! Don't eat/drink while read this comment!
ReplyDeleteThese are my first (and maybe the last) rhymes in english! I was inspired by our beloved friend and bt you all, ma sistas!
There is a handsome champion skier
And a bunch of cougars came to see him here
They're little crazy, but pretty funny
Each of them would like him to call her "honey"!
He has beautiful hands and a gorgeous smile
Anytime they see him, the girls go wilde
Once, one of them was glued to him
The other girls didn't stand this scene.
So they split up; they both are sorry!
But wait!...This will be not the end of story!!!
(devilish grin)
@ Dana Hehe The poem is sweet ;)
ReplyDeleteAND I'm sure Aksel has already been in here to see what's going on ;)
@dana LOL I LOVE IT!!!! What are you talking're really good!!! See, you are good with English! No more excuses, sista! haha ;D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the warning too...I would've choked, I started laughing so hard!
She didn't understand
The kind of talent she truly had
That she was good
This is fact!
Don't doubt yourself...any of you ladies!!! I will make you see how truly good you can be! Don't doubt yourselves, or this girl will make you realize it! lol ;D I mean it...all of you speak really really well!!!!
@Anne-May Well, next time he drops by...he better say hi!!!
ReplyDeleteSay hi Aksel!!! We don't bite!!! You too Lars, and Kjetil, and any other Attacking Viking that might be sneaking around!! lol ;D
@ Nicole. Thanks! We are doing are best to keep it
ReplyDeleteThanks girls!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nicole for dedicating me a poem!
In my language I can do best easy, in english was a little bit hard! Thanks again!
@dana Ooh, write one in your language please!!! Only if you want to though! You too Anne-May!!! I've written a few, so it's only fair!!! *kneeling on the ground looking up at you two with my puppy dog eyes* please! ;D haha
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Maybe he's got a feeling that we are totally out of our minds or something in that direction. lol
ReplyDeleteIt's poetry month
ReplyDeleteSo I vote we all write
Express ourselves
Man, that'll be quite a sight
Anybody, join in
I'd love to read these
I know I'll be laughing
These poems will definitely please me!
@Anne-May ...I think we're out of our minds!!! least half the time lol ;P
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Do you want a poem about Aksel in my language?
ReplyDeleteJust have to eat my food and then i will find some beautiful lines... hehe
dana said: Each of them would like him to call her "honey"!
ReplyDeleteOMG - no way dana. Aksel sure is a good looking young guy but he fits in no way into my predatory-pattern *lmao*
And btw he's much too young :-D
Ok...give me 5 or 6 of those cocktails and I forget what I've written above *lol*
@Anne-May Yes, please!!! I may have to look for a translator, but I love languages and I love to learn! And I think it would be awesome!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@cjal *gasp* I feel as though you have uttered taboo words! lol joking ;P Who does fit this predatory pattern of yours??? *turns on lamp and shines it in your face, slam my hands on shiny metal table between us* Answer me!!! lol ;P
"much" too young??? you crack me up!!! um...*clears throat* here are those six...let's make it 8 cocktails!!! *catch!
lol ;D
A venit toamna
ReplyDeleteAcopera-mi inima cu ceva
Cu umbra unui copac
Sau mai bine cu umbra ta!
by Nichita Stanescu
The autumn has come
Cover my heart with something
With a shadow of a tree
Or better with your shadow
@ cjal
ReplyDeleteDon't take it literally! This is the way the story goes! haha I didn't find another rhyme...
@dana Ooh, very nice! Deep! ;D really quick, is the pronunciation close to spanish? I want to learn how to read it...then I can show off!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Nicole: If I'm a cougar, I need some prey. In German it's called "Beuteschema" (if you're looking for a special type of man or woman) and I didn't really found a word in English. So if it's a tabu - shame on me *lol*
ReplyDeleteBtw what you are doing there with the light in my face and such's called torture and I have to call amnesty international :-P
And you can torture me as much as you want, I can't answer the question properly. So maybe the answer is Captain Jack Sparrow - but not Johnny Depp or maybe Remington Steele (only with messed up hair) - but not Pierce Brosnan.
Ah shit...I've never rhapsodized for a star. Perhaps I should try those cocktails?! *lol*
Vicente Aleixandre-La luz
ReplyDeleteEl mar, la tierra, el cielo, el fuego, el viento,
El mundo permanente en que vivimos,
los astros remotísimos que casi nos suplican,
que casi a veces son una mano que acaricia los ojos.
Esa llegada de la luz que descansa en la frente.
¿De dònde llegas, de dònde vienes, amorosa forma que siento respirar,
que siento como un pecho que encerrara una música,
que siento como el rumor de unas arpas angélicas,
ya casi cristalinas como el rumor de los mundos?
Sea, land, sky, fire, wind,
enduring world we live in,
remotest stars nearly imploring us,
at times nearly become a hand caressing our eyes.
Arrival of light reposing on our foreheads,
Where do you arrive from, where do you come from, loving form
I feel breathing,
feel like a breast enfolding a melody,
feel like the sound of angelic harps,
nearly transparent now like murmuring worlds?
@cjal Haha I'm interrogating torture! I'm not that kind of person! *innocent look* Although, if someone tried to hurt my sistas...then I'm a different girl! lol ;D you like pirates??? lol
@ Nicole
ReplyDeleteIf you know spanish or italian can learn easy romanian. Just need the phonetical translation.
I see noone noticed my last line!!! Hahaha!
@Nicole again Very beautiful!!! I understand everything from spanish version but I can't write in spanish!
long time follower (on Aksel's site); first time blogger...
ReplyDeleteHad to come over here for a couple of laughs and i knew I could count out you ladies!
*I meant to say count ON, not count OUT (damn - I need to edit my own entries)
ReplyDeleteOh, I wanna dance with somebody
ReplyDeleteI wanna feel the heat with somebody...
Would you like to dance a tango?
@ Anonymous Welcome! But why anonymous?
@dana sorry, I didn't notice that last line at first...but...truly funny! lol ;D I know spanish and can catch a few things in italian. I also know french so that really helps!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Welcome!!! We're here to smile, laugh, have a great time! Party!!! ;D
@Anonymous You should join us!!!
ReplyDeletehow do I use my name? I don't want to be anonymous
ReplyDelete@soon-not-to-be-anonymous Choose Name/URL and type in the name you want to use! You can leave the url blank!!! Yay!!!! Another partier! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana & Nicole: that might be an idea...tango with a pirate *hm* Or a paso doble? Write a memo *have to book some dance lessons*
ReplyDelete@dana Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody! With somebody who loves me!
ReplyDeletesomebody, oooh
somebody, oooh
nice tango!!! lol ;D
@cjal tango, paso doble....rumba!!!
ReplyDeleteor salsa....Hey!!! haha ;D
Not with a pirate but with J C Van Damme!!
ReplyDelete@Nicole I know a little bit french too.
"Vous voulez couche avec"...well, this is your own option...HEHEHE!
@cjal cha-cha!
now that I'm not anonymous, can I get one of those blue motorcycles?
ReplyDelete@ Michelle welcome to the party!
ReplyDelete@dana LOL HAHA oh boy!!! ...well, like I said I love you as FRIENDS!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@dana&cjal cha-cha, tango, paso doble, rumba, salsa...what else???...merengue, bomba, danza...
Yes rumba...really sexy :-D
ReplyDeleteI love the rumba Torvill&Dean performed at Lillehammer.
Ooops I love to watch ice dancing AND alpine skiraces...I sure am a case for a madhouse *lmao*
Hey Michelle!!! Welcome!!! Well, let me get Kjetil over here to serve you one! lol ;D
ReplyDeleteGirls, we have to add some easy dances for the boys to keep up...nah, who needs 'em??? lol ;P
Welcome to the party Michelle!
ReplyDelete@Nicole I said you choose the BOY, not one of us...Bad bad girl!!!
ReplyDelete@cjal ooh, very nice! I love ice dancing...looks incredibly hard though! ;D
ReplyDeleteI love Dancing With the Stars:
@dana Well, I wouldn't choose a boy...I would choose a man!!! ...ayayay I am bad...or crazy today!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Can we leave the URL blank!? That i was't aware of. If we use the URL can someone give it to others by any request?
ReplyDelete@Michelle So Michelle! What do you like about the Attacking Vikings...or Aksel specifically??? lol ;D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Well, I do! I don't know if you can share it...but If I click on your name (up at the top under "Followers") it takes me to your profile and your name is underlined and that takes me to your twitter that what you mean???
ReplyDelete@Anne-May btw, I love your words: "A girl in every way-that's all" haha ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole: tztztz you found a new victim for your interrogating?! :-P
ReplyDeleteThe dance video is really nice. But they are both pros?
He seems genuine, respectful of the sport and his competitors. Not like the self-rightous attitudes you see in a lot of other athletes in the US. Not that I think he's a saint, just genuine.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, and not bad on the eyes
@ Nicole I know you can do that ;) What i mean is: If you write anyting about me and i don't like what you are writing, is there anyting i can do about that? Or if we don't like what anomious writes can we do anyting about that since its anomious?
ReplyDeleteMy god this became messy... lol
@ HEHE Thanks Nicole :) I am a girl in every way... hahaha
ReplyDelete@ Michelle Welcome into our little party ;D
@cjal No...not a victim! lol ;D yes, they are pros...but I love the dance!
ReplyDelete@Michelle I like your description!!!
@Anne-May Just speak your mind, I guess! I hope I don't offend anyone here though! It seems like I did enough of that on Aksel's blog!
btw, I'm getting a little worried and scared with what's going on over's getting really heated. :{
@Nicole I think is a good idea to choose a man! Seems you need somebody to hold your wilde horses! I'm kidding... I guess I need it too...
ReplyDelete@Anne-May haha Do you mean like a "Meet me at this URL." kinda like a "we'll settle this in the parking lot" kinda thing!!!! lol ;D ...sorry, had to do it!
ReplyDelete@ Nicole You have never offended anyone here, sweete :) I think all of us has spoken out loud over there from time to
ReplyDeleteIt's texas over there right now. Maybe Aksel should have made a little comment to all of them. I have a feeling that the blog can be taken off from his web site.....
@dana need a man!!! lol ;D kidding!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Thanks Anne-May!
ReplyDeleteNo, I hope he doesn't do that! :( I just think it's one of those when it got heated toward the beginning of the's like a cycle. Hopefully, it'll blow over soon! I think once official news comes out, it will all stop. I really hope!
okay, happy thoughts! let's be happy! ;D
@Nicole I found a merengue from romanian Dancing with the star (Dancing for you ) where you can listen at first how it sound my language!
They're no pros, She's the star - singer.
I agree Anne-May Nicole you're always very nice and funny!
@ Nicole We all have a cycle... hahaha
ReplyDeleteI'm very
@ All What time is it in your contries now? Here in Norway its 00:46.
@dana Thanks! ...I'm blushing!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI love your pretty! The lady is really pretty skinny!!!! lol ;P
@Nicole - when I first read your comment I thought you were saying it's like PMS over there!LOL Aksel's blog has its own "cycle". Water went spraying everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThis blog should come with a warning: NEVER, under any circumstance, eat or drink while reading.
@Anne-May In Romania is 01:51!! I did it again! Last night I went to bed at 2 o'clock in the morning!
ReplyDelete@Nicole Did you understand a word?
To be honest: I could understand if he'd do. At the moment he can post whatever he wants, it gets out of hand. Sometimes the blog seems like his messy rooms.
ReplyDeleteIf I would be in his place I would at least stop blogging for a few weeks.
I call that phenomenon "after-olympic jetlag" or it's kind of silly season since there aren't anymore races until autumn.
@Anne-May: in Germany it's 01:00 h in the morning. We share the same timezone ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnne-May, Nicole, cjal, Michelle and the others on the barricade
ReplyDeleteIt's very late for me! wish you have fun! hugs and kisses to everyone! Good night and nice dreams!!
Same to you dana!
ReplyDeleteFor me it's time to go to bed too. Good night and much fun. Write nothing I wouldn't write too *lol*
@Michelle **waiving** Welcome! Jump right in...the door is always open...and you never know whos around or what adventure we're gonna be on next!
ReplyDelete@All...**scratches head and rolls eyes** So, according to Aksel's Blog I have been accused of being a Stalker and now a Liar??? WTF!!! What is going on with Aksels Blog. Why are some people causing such a ruckus and speculating about stuff they have no idea about. Some people just need to learn to relax!
@All..I really think it's time to crank up this party and get all of the Attacking Vikings here for the fun and leave behind the drama party on the Blog!
You ladies are cracking me...but I am still at work and have to behave :( so I cannot join the party yet! You will keep it revvin up til I get back!
Maybe we need to invite the Attacking Vikings to the party and give them super secret user names, so they can join in the fun, without the drama party finding them????
ReplyDelete@ Deuce His blog is texas at the moment. If people accuse you to be a stalker, just give a damn! Then we are all stalkers and that's so far away from the truth as it can be.
@everyone Sorry, I had to leave abruptly...I realized I was late!!! oops ;P
ReplyDelete@ANNE-MAY LOL "we all have a cycle" oh boy, now we've really scared the guys away! haha ;D
right now, it's 9:11pm for me
@Michelle PMS...hilarious!!! lol :D ...oh yeah, sorry, we should've warned "House Rules" that has some advice lol no eating or drinking is kinda necessary...I've had some near-choking experiences! lol ;P
@dana I actually understood a few words!!! Unfortunately, not any sentences! lol ;D so I don't know what they said! haha ;P
@all I'm enjoying this blog! I enjoyed the other blog before too, but now it's very serious and I don't like the...negativity, for lack of a better word. I don't know. I think that if Aksel stays away for too long, everything will build up and end really badly. So I think news, even the slightest, might calm the storm. I'm just going to sit back, and enjoy this party. I've tried to add a few comments, to hopefully, change the atmosphere over there but it's not really working. :{ Just have to be patient...or try to be! ;D
@all I've invited Aksel, and I've invited Lars! Hopefully, they come and join some time (and let us know)!!! That would be so awesome! I don't know how to get a hold of Kjetil though! Maybe if one of them joins, they'll see how much fun we are, and spread the news *jumping up and down with a really eager face* lol ;D
A note to the Attacking Vikings:
nicole wrote this, but we ALL mean it...
@dana, cjal, Anne-May Wow! You ladies blog really late!! lol ;D
ReplyDeleteI'm lonely...I'm so lonely...I have nobody...on my ooowwwnnn!!
ReplyDeletelol ;D
Allright, Good night everyone! Hope you sleep well, get some rest! I hope to see more of you again! ...come back mel, teekanne, buckeye gal, brenda,angela uk, kristen, kim, becky, marie, michelle, dana, anne-may, deuce, cjal, gordana!!! ;D
OK. German speakers. I am trying to learn and need a good tool to use. Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteOh, I wasn't alone! Hi Buckeye Gal! Unfortunately, I can't help you...don't speak German...wish I could though!
ReplyDeleteI do find that, while learning french, helps me with verbs and vocab usage!
Shout out to D in Connecticut, and Auntie Em and all the other bloggers (whether sistas or brothas) who've commented!!! ;D
ReplyDelete*kids in bed, husband working* Time to catch up...I'm always a day late and a dollar short on joining the party here :( You gals have so much fun and your conversations are great, I wish I could join in but mommy duty calls during the "peak" hours here.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Michelle!!! Nice to have you join us here. :-)
I am so disheartened by some of the comments over on Aksel's blog! What the hell is wrong with some people!?!?! I usually keep my mouth shut and some people over there should learn to do the same...we are his fans and we should support him with any decision he makes, he is the professional, we certainly aren't and have no right to comment on what is best for him or what isn't. I feel bad that people choose to do that on his blog...he is kind enough to share his experiences with us...he doesn't deserve it.
OK...I think I've vented enough...sorry for rambling on...I think I need a drink there anything left?!?!?!
@Kristen~PA If mommy duty calls, then that's what's important! ...I think we've all needed to vent! haha It's okay!
ReplyDeletehmm...drinks...well, I wonder where Kjetil is??? lol *sneaks over to the bar* let's see what's over here...oh, here....let's give you some cocktails! Now, sit back, and unwind! Enjoy your 'me' time!!! ;D
Nicole: Thanks! I will try it. French is next on my list. I may move it back one to learn Norwegian with the hope of vaguely understanding Aksel in his native tongue.
ReplyDelete@Kristen~PA Sorry to leave you now, but I really have to go! :( ...we'll catch up tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteSee ya couga! lol ;D don't drink too much!!!
@Nicole THANKS! That hits the spot!! It's been a long day!!! ;) Yea, where is Kjetil???
ReplyDelete@Buckeye Gal oooh, I like your thinking!!! lol ;D
ReplyDeleteGood night! ...this is for real, this time! lol
@Nicole...I won't!! Have a good night hon!!
ReplyDelete@Kristen~PA Don't know where Kjetil is!!! He vanished on us!!! lol ;D
ReplyDelete...allright, I really mean it this time! lol see ya ladies!!! ;D
p.s. this blog is just too addictive!
Hey we are drinking? Someone our me a Jack and Coke! It was a rough day! Aksel's blog isn't helping either. I am not going back for awhile.
ReplyDeleteFive sconds later....ok does that count as a while?
@Buckeye Gal...I'm drinking since this is the first chance all day that I've had to sit down and relax and after reading Aksel's blog I certainly need a drink or two!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI'm very glad I missed the cat fight. It has gone way too far over there. It's utterly crazy & gee I thought I had a bad day at work. Poor Aksel is getting chewed out by nearly everyone. *hugs to Aksel*
ReplyDelete@ Michelle welcome to our humble little blog party.
I'm always on here after everyone has gone to bed or off to work. I miss the conversations. *pouts a little & blames my crazy work schedule* New blog entry coming up.
Ugh... I need a drink. This is definitely one of "those" weeks. We are soooo busy this week, and will be until Monday. I need a clone. Or two. :-p
ReplyDeleteI really hope Aksel's way of thinking in reference to his blog is that this publicity is good publicity, regardless of how heated the debate gets among fans. Really, comparing this to some American athletes and their constant negative light, this debate is small potatoes. I hope he appreciates the debate it has brought to people around the world, and overlooks the few nasty comments. It really is good PR, and I doubt he's as upset about it as some of us fans are. I just think a few have gotten close to crossing a line... state your opinion if you must, but there is no need to do so in an insulting way.
I do find it kind of funny that so many are upset about such a simple change. I don't know, maybe being an American ruins me for simple things such as this when we have athletes,celebs and politicians cheating with multiple women, being involved in gangs, dying of drug/alcohol overdoses, etc. I do love being an American, but we have so few truly positive roll models for our children here. *sigh*
Good night, ladies. Tomorrow evening we're taking the kids to see the Harlem Globetrotters. We're second row, center court! I've never seen them, so I'm just as excited as my son to go. I hope it is enjoyable for him!
Aloha everyone, especially the newcomers!
ReplyDelete(cracks open Corona and pours a little for Viking the Beagle and Fairy the Sheltie...hands the rest to Deuce...)
First off, we Americans have plenty of positive role models. It's just the bad ones that get all the press, so take heart my dear @Kim.
Second...yeah, whattup wid da negative vibes? I'll be honest...i actually don't mind the opposing opinions, and when you read them in a European frame of mind (not taking things literally), there are some good points to be had....o.k., maybe I also had a few drinks from Kjetil (damn him as the bartender) and really didn't give a F*&^ what was going on--which is fine too.
Finally, a prize to the first blogger on THIS side who can get Aksel to reply on his or Mel's blog to her/his comment. Won't tell you what that is, but I'll send a bit of Hawaii out to the winner. Heck...may as well make it a sport to see if we can get our favorite Viking riled or inspired enough to comment back.
Does that make sense? Good rule Mel...don't drink and write.
I just remembered something that someone wrote. I forget who it was now, but I have an answer. I can delete any of the comments on my blog. Not just the ones I write.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off to bed. Sweet Viking dreams to all of you who are asleep or about to & for those who are awake or about to sweet Viking day-dreams to you. TTFN
@ Brenda *giggles like a school girl* A prize for getting Aksel to respond to us on here or his blog...interesting very interesting. *taps chin & thinks out loud* How to get a Viking to respond...*hums Push It by Salt-N-Peppa* Now my minds in the gutter again. Don't drink & blog!!! It made perfect sense. *thinks to self maybe it was a bad idea for Kjetil to be the bartender*
ReplyDeleteI'm seriously going to bed now. Night everybody.
Hei everyone!
ReplyDeleteSorry couldn't resist to write again. You guys are just so much fun. And I'm kinda bored at the moment. It's much more fun here then over there.
So how is everyone doing?
@Kim & Brenda That's why i love to live in Switzerland. We don't know such things as paparazzis and stuff. Sure we have our own scandals, but i'm glad the press isn't all over it for too long. Maybe I'm mistaken about america. Correct me if I am! :)
So thanks again to all of you to bring a smile on my face. And thanks for the "no eat/drink and read" warning. That safed me a lof of times from choking to death. :D
*wonders if it's to early to drink a beer*
Have a nice day y'all!
The Akselized Fans Blog Members said...
ReplyDeleteA note to the Attacking Vikings:
Damn, we're inviteing I've to shave my legs. LMAO
ReplyDeleteYou're crazy and I love you baby! Ha ha! Before shave your legs you must make some cakes, remember? I'm here if you need help!
@Anja Welcome to the party!!!
ReplyDelete@Brenda Hey, I've been inviting them...does that count??? lol ;D
@gordana LOL What?!?!?! Was NOT expecting that one!!! ;D ...and I'm eating a jolly rancher...that is extremely dangerous!!! lol ;D