This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Spring Time in Ohio
This is what it looks like in Ohio right now. I love spring, but I miss the snow. *looks longingly at Aksel's pictures & sniffles* The pictures were taken up in Kirtland, OH at the stone quarry that the Mormons used for the building of Kirtland Temple & at Historical Kirtland. I think I may have to take another trip up there.
@Mel Wow! I came back this evening from a trip on places like this! I walked in wood and not far from my home is a river with clear water! I ran with my dogs on the river side and I played soccer with my friends! Oh!And I picked up flowers... I spent a few hours in nature and it was great! What a pity I didn't take some pics!
Thanks for these beautiful pictures!!
@Anne-May Hello! Yeah, you're the first one! Congrats! Haha!
It is, but I'd rather be in Norway with the snow. I'm such a winter baby.
Well I'm off to get ready for work. I'm working a 5-9 tonight. So it's not too bad. *breaks into Dolly Partons song Working 9-5 & changes it to Working 5-9 what a way to make a living*
Really nice pics Mel! It doesn't look very different to springtime here in westphalia. I love it and spent the whole day out. Though I like snow very much, at the moment I enjoy the spring. We had 26° C today. After such a long winter I'm not used to such temperatures *lol*
And where is the party tonight? Or are you all sound asleep in the truck at the moment? :-D
Next time i´ll share my trip to holland with you. But, keep in mind, i really only went there bc of coffee not bc of the coffeeshops! haha
@Nicole: yeh i just tried to get some attention! Haha. get contact to our bartender, ya know?
How was your saturday, girls?
@Mel: your pic look great. i would like to go for a walk over there. i always feel like the forest look more boring over here! haha. do you need a proof?
btw: we got kicked in the ass at todays game :-/ bad start in the weekend for myself as i´m the coach! haha. but we got our new rainjackets for the kids: so i share my 10 lovely boys with you!
@ Buckeye Gal Go ahead I don't care. I love freak snow storms...
@ Teekanne your boys are adorable!
We have calmed down quite a bit. I'm done with work until Monday @ 2:30. Though I do have to get up early tomorrow & make cupcakes for my friends Birthday Party. *sigh* Once they learn you bake & your actually good at it, your doomed to bake for them for the rest of your life. Not that I mind I do love to bake.
I have a little story from work. One of the girls told me that my boyfriend came through her line. I asked which one? Tall, Dark & Yummy? She said yeah. I was telling her that someone was in my locker again. Mr. Tall, Dark & Yummy came walking by & went into the office. She said maybe it was Tall, Dark & Yummy & nodded her head toward the office. I said Aksel's not here & he doesn't have a key to my locker anyway.
Thank God he couldn't see us & that I can think on my feet sometimes. Could have gotten fired for that one because Mr. Tall, Dark & Yummy is Brian & he's a Co-Manager.
Didn't see Jake's calves today :-( it was cold out so he had jeans on instead of shorts.
@ Brenda I'd have to pick Aksel...Jakey smokes :-( *bummed out* I sent Daddy Svindal to bail them out. I don't really like facial hair. I guess I could get used to it, but it will take me awhile to do so.
@Mel... are you taking requests? I need a red/white/black guitar-shaped birthday cake. ;-) Seriously, though, I'm having a hard time finding that, for some reason. He wants either that or Spongebob... I'd rather have the guitar cake, lol.
Love your spring pictures. I've been taking some myself... I love spring! I am so done with winter, though. I don't want to see any more snow until Thanksgiving. Well, except for when we go to Yellowstone in June... I imagine we'll see some then. Hopefully at much higher elevations as I don't want to be in it. I need my warm weather!
Love the new video. Not sure about the unshaven Kjetil. Some guys can pull that off... I don't think he's one of them... not that that is a bad thing, it's certainly not. He's got one of those young faces that will age well. We should all be so lucky!
Anne-May... We love English Bulldogs. We've had 3 over the years. We had to put our last one down last fall. She was 13, which is very old for bulldogs! I just love them... even though they drool, snore, and pass horrid gas all the time, lol. We now have 2 mutts... both were rescues, and they're fabulous dogs. I am sure, though, that one day we will have more English Bulldogs. I can't imagine not having dogs... they are such an important part of our lives.
@Teekanne - love the picture. Thanks so much for sharing!!
@ Kim do you have a pat catan's near you? or another crafty type store? I've seen them at pat catan's. Joann fabrics might have it too. Or a party store might have the pan too. I think I spend too much time in craft/party stores. It's my calling I tell ya.
@Mel... Oh, I'm not making it, lol. I can bake a cake just fine, but the decorating part... uh uh. Especially since a lot of people will be seeing it. It would look like... well, like my son decorated it, lol.
I don't think we have a pat catan's here. I've not heard of it. Probably a good thing, as I spend lots of time/money at Joann's and Michael's. Just not in the cake decorating aisle. ;-)
@Mel... I've been looking at bakeries but I'm having a hard time finding one that does guitars. Weird. I would think that would be more popular than it obviously is!
I decided to have a little fun with a picture before I went to bed. *snickers* I hope you all enjoy the boys incognito...well only 2 of the boys...hopefully the link works if not i'll just put the pic on here.
Good morning party people! haha. i guess it calmed down a bit. did you find a new location?? or all on the trip to find my husband and the bridesmaid? Haha.
@Mel: i love this pic too! if i were him i would pic that as profile picture haha!
Do you know this one of kjetil??
@Mel--too funny! A sign of things to come for Kjetil...reminds me of Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther.
@Teekanne - he looks, ah, good! I'll allow him the 2-pack instead of the normal 6-pack. Looks like he was enjoying his vacation in Thailand (?) I don't doubt he will lose his little beer belly during summer training. You can lay your head down on it, though, so maybe there's a good use for it. haha
later girlz! Midnite here and round 3 with a paper tomorrow and church. See you tomorrow---er, later today, know what i mean! (**pats Viking on the head and pads off to bed**)
The photoshopped pic of Kjetil and Aksel is a riot! LOL!!
@Jo...thanks for the link to the interview, its always great to hear him talk (and in english for once, haha!)...not quite sure why she asked him about the desert though, strange question and he seemed a little miffed by it too.
It's raining here today, so its perfect day to stay home with the family and be lazy...sometimes you just need a break and today is it! :)
But I don't know what they think about us because in the end each of them says: "I'm too sexy for your party Too sexy for your party... I'm a model you know what I mean"
@Kim, Kristen, and baby-mamas Sorry I can't contribute to the topic about your that way! I babysit a 5 year old and 1(almost 2)year old! And they're growing up so fast! The 5yr old is learning how to read and the 1yr old is making up sentences!!! It's amazing! ;D
...also, I think my mom wants me out of the house...College next year!!! Woohoo!!! :D
@Mel *rolls around on ground* Still need someone to bail you out???
@Anne-May and dana Yay!!! A dog conversation!!! I love all those dogs...but I wouldn't want the little ones (they're cute, but they're yappers too)! ;P I have a golden retriever...and I really want a Border collie! ;D
@Teekanne Those boys are adorable!!! ;D Is that you in the pic too???
@Mel No, not the leg of a soccer player! Close! ;D ...and that photoshopped picture...LOL...priceless!!! ;P
I think if Kjetil wants facial hair...then go ahead! Anja, are you okay with kissing a guy with facial hair??? (I think that would be too...prickly)!!! LOL ;P
@Jo Thanks for the interview! :D I love his "concentration" face when he's listening to the questions! ;P
@Nicole hei girl? How are you doing? Did you have a nice weekend? Btw just saw your pic. Is that a leg?! :P lol
There was a dog conversation? lol Guess I should have read the comments. I really want a dog too, but I just have no time for one! :-( Maybe someday later... :)
@Nicole haha! Nope I wouldn't have a problem with that! As long as it's not way too long!
But seriously, am I the only one here, who actually likes it? :D lol I mean ok, you don't see it so clearly, but it's not a mustache. That wouldn't look good at all! :D
Glad to hear your weekend was good! :)
wohoo someone missed me! :P Thanks, hun! :D Well I gotta say, I missed you ladies too! :D
I couldn't read the comments very good on my iPod and I couldn't see Aksel's vid, which was very annoying! :(
Yeah, the little dogs are cute but very noisy! My schnauzer looks fiercely but is very friendly. The thunders scares him terrible!! The other one is playful and likes to fawn on me! Golden retrievers look superb!
@dana My dog HATES storms!!! I'm your baby!!! LOL ;P
@Anja and dana I think if guys want facial hair, then that's their decision! But I will only accept a few days of an unshaven face...not a bush growing from the face (like I said, prickly)!!! ;P
I missed everyone on here! I had so much to do, I couldn't get on and actually read and write properly!!! :{
@Anja Had a school dance Friday night...pretty boring but I took a ton of pictures (that's what I do! LOL) Then, I had a band concert yesterday...placed silver!!! Woohoo!! ;D (I messed up a note in one of my silvers but oh well)! ;P and that night, I helped out with a banquet!!! ;D
I wanna ask you something What if somebody cheer up a skier before a race saying "Break a leg!"? Oh! I think I know the answer- in the next few seconds that somebody will have both legs broken! Ha ha ha!!!
Wow! Wait, don't shoot me! It was a joke. I know, a bad one, but still a joke!!!
@Nicole I already have a supposition...about the leg owner!!! And yes, I like to spoil you callig you "my baby". Don't you like it? You can tell me!
@dana I don't want to shoot you! ...that was an okay joke! LOL ...kidding! Yes, I love you calling me "baby!!" ;D Definitely makes me feel spoiled! ;P lol
I was in Innsbruch yesterday and today, with my grandpa! Didn't see so much of the city though! :( Had to help out at their meeting! Oh well, at least it was interessting! And I got to drive there! :D I like to drive to places where I haven't been! :D
And thanks fot that link! I like the song! :D
@Dana :D So I'm not the only one?! :P haha Well it still depends on the man wearing a beard! Not everyone can wear it! :D But I do think it look good on both, Aksel and Kjetil! :D
back from soccer and soon off to get something to eat! yumm!!
@Nicole: yeh, probably it´s me! haha! Not the best colour to fit me, i know!
Ah.. Kjetil spoke to me via facebook! for heaven´s sake it nearly gave me a heartattack! haha!
@Brenda: i love the pic too... looks like summer! honestly a sickpack is overrated. you need something to snuggle into. I don´t want to snuggle with a statue. so i guess it´s ok!
@all: damn i found a pic of aksel without shirt. i saved it on my notebook.. but cannot find it anymore (think it was on facebook but cannot remember where). do you think i don´t care about the copyright if i post it here?? I guess i know the answer already! haha
@Teekanne Heart attack! I just read the comment! Great job!!! lol ;P I think the color suits you well!! ;D and yes, we need that shirtless picture!!!! ;P
@Nicole jup, it was a good weekend! :D just exhausting! :D
haha I have facebook, but your idea is quite dangerous! It's easy for them to get a restraining order, when they know your last name! :P And he probably will, as soon as he reads the comments of us dressing him up! haha :D
@Nicole haha! Oh well, maybe Teekanne will! She already posted on his fanpage and is friends with him, isn't she? :P Mabye if we bribe her with some beer? :P
Haha Yea, I think he would too! He has a great sense of humor! Or at least it appeared like that, on the few posts he commented on Aksel's blog! :D
I guess I'm the only cougar here on this moment! Girls, be good and leave the boy alone! Do you want scare him? Or do you want to read tomorrow an article like the one about Aksel and Tora? Maybe somebody will think that all this stuff about dressing up is real! Oh my God!! Haha!
@Anja Oh yeah, his posts were priceless!!! ;P He's not afraid to make fun of Aksel, or himself!! lol ;P
@Teekanne Could you pretty please with a cherry on top invite Kjetil to the blog????? I wouldn't mind, but I don't have a facebook :{ So pretty pretty please?!?!?! :) :D
So who's on duty right now then? (I mean bartending) ...I'm always on guard duty! lol I'd like a pina colada (non-alcoholic)!!! ;D
@dana Now, you have me a little scared! If someone believes that stuff is real...the asylum will become real!!!! :O *shivers*
It's a joke people!!! It's all joking!!! Well, except for the fact that we like them, that we're devoted fans, and that we're going to crash their party soon!!! LOL KIDDING!!!!
@dana we are good! :D We just want him to join the fun, don't you?! :P haha I'd love to read that article! Just imagine, what riot would be, when they give their source! haha :D
@Nicole Nope, he wasn't!!! I had a good laugh about these comments! :D You know, you could always make a fb account! I mean as much as you're on here! :D Wouldn't require much more pc time! :P
@dana Yes, I agree with Anja, we're good girls...for the most part!!! lol
@Anja haha Yeah, I'm on here A LOT!!! You girls are just so addictive! lol To be honest...and here's where I look like a kid...not allowed to have one! :{ LOL
@Michelle hello! I'm good! and you? I miss 2 days, but didn't even try to catch up! :D But I don't think we missed that much! They were quite calm and well behaved! :P
@dana Thanks! :D I like all kinds of music too! And since I was in Canada, I even love Country, what I didn't before! :D
*drools over pictures & video* Hot damn Kjetil is fine. *throws cold water on self* That video of Aksel...yeah...what were we talking about? I love watching him talk & he talks with his hands so they kept zooming in on them. *sigh* Do all Norwegians speak with their hands? I always thought it was an Italian trait. At least that's what I've been told & what I have observed of my Italian friends.
Love the music girls. Those are some old school jams.
I'm waiting for my cupcakes to cool so I can icing them. *breaks into song My cupcakes brings all the boys to the yard. Cause my cupcakes are better than yours*
If we bribe them with baked goods do you think they would join in the fun?
I gotta go icing my cupcakes & then brush my hair for the BBQ at my friends house. Catch ya on the flip side. It's such a lovely day in the neighborhood.
Now, you can't talk about music without including The Beatles!!! I love all their songs so I'm not going to post them all here!!! That would be too much!!!
See girls? We're so alike! Love the same kind of men, the same kind of music and in the same time we're so different! I'm really happy to met you, thanks to Aksel!!!!!
@ Anja - my friends and I are going over to south america for new year/early january and can't decide where to go cos is all looks just wondered if anybody had been and had any ideas!!
@ Dana @ Nicole - i know it's been a while but i've been so busy...hopefully things will quieten down soon........and if that wasn't enough i've been offered another job totally out of the if i haven't got enough on my
@Nicole I like them too! Haha I was in Liverpool 3 years ago and slept in the hotel, that was made out of the old house of their producer. If I remember correctly! We even saw the real "penny lane"! :D or at least a street with that name! haha
@Corinna welcome back! I love that song too! Shows what great musicians U2 are! :D My ring tone is ACDC Back to Black! Loove that song! :D
@dana You're soo true! I'm so glad I met you too! :D I really appreciate your "company", even though it's trough a blog! :D
@Angela UK Wow!!! Congrats on the new job offer!! ;D You should think about Argentina or Brazil!!! I think those are beautiful places (never been...but want to)! lol ;D
my favorites are ac/dc, guns´n roses, metallica, u2, some songs of greenday, more the rock bands, but i was grown up by bob dylan and johnny cash and joan baez, my mom hear this kind of music. when we were in us ´96 and drove the route 66 there we had only songs like the last ones i wrote on the radio.
@Corinna I like that one too! :) haven't seen the link before sorry!
@Nicole haha It would be amazing! :D I just pictured that! And now imagine their reaction! Haha At least they would have the loudest fans, I'd guess! :D Oh but we would need these shirts for that! :D the one Marius wore! :D
@Anja Definitely!!! That shirt would be so awesome!!! OH, and converse too!!! ;D And we could get jackets that say something like "Akselized Cougars and Sistas" LOL ;P
@Corinna ah ok! Yea I hadn't time to come on here, except for a minute or so, the whole weekend! :D My weekend was good, just exhausting! :D Had a good time with my grandpa! :D And what I saw from the city (which isn't much) was beautiful! I gotta go there next winter, for some boarding! :D hmm, guess all i gotta do is find someone to join me! haha :D
@Nicole haha!!! yea we should! So everyone recognizes us! And knows where the party is going to be the wildest and most fun! ;D
@anja i like innsbruck too, i always drive through it and take a rest stop when i go down to lago di garda, and in october i will be in sölden at the skiopening weekend, with a friend of me to watch the races and to go skiing by ourself. a other friend of mine which i had done my vocational training lives in innsbruck.
@Nicole haha true! I bet they already know that and are just too afraid to acknowledge it! :P haha
@Corinna oh I envy you about sölden!!! Maybe I'll be able to go to Wengen this year! Since I'm going to live in Bern in september! :) Where you in Sölden before?
I wonder... does someone know where the world cup final will be? I hope they're coming soom back to Lenzerheide!!! I was there in 2007, watched Aksel getting 15 in Slalom and receive the overall! :D was awesome!!! :D Saw the DH too live, but don't remember what place he was on! :D
I'm back! @Nicole I forgive you this time!Ha ha! I know it's a joke!
Taking the shower I was thinking that we forgot the Boy Bands!! New Kids On the Block, East 17, Take That, 5ive, Blue, Backstreet Boys etc!!!!
Girls, don't you think maybe the Vikings would like to see us cheering them shirtle......Oh no! I didn't mean it! The asylum comes to me, It's closer and closer!!! I think the water was too hot!!! Haha!
@Corinna omg Thanks!!!! They're really coming! That just made my week! Wohooo!!!! I was so hoping they would come again!!!! :D I was there in 2007 and saw the DH and SL live! :D I was so excited when Aksel got 15th in SL and received the overall! :D
haha so I guess I'll go see the finals next year, since its 15min from my home! :D haha omg can't wait for next year! :D
@Nicole haha I just checked too! My classes'll start the the 21. haha! I just hope I won't have test somewhen then! I woudn't be able to concentrate! ;D haha hei you still can come in march to Lenzerheide! :D World cup finals are special too, sure not as specials as WM but still! :D
@Anja Darn! They haven't decided the finals?!?! Oh please, oh please...I want to go!!! and...*gives look* I don't skip school...haven't missed a day in 6 years, not even when I was feeling bad...not going to start now! ;D
Why doesn't snow stick around so these competitions can be held in the summer??? ...kidding, I like snow, but I love summer! ;D
I'm the first to comment?? ;)
ReplyDeleteMy god how beautiful Ohio is in spring :D
@Mel Wow!
ReplyDeleteI came back this evening from a trip on places like this! I walked in wood and not far from my home is a river with clear water! I ran with my dogs on the river side and I played soccer with my friends!
Oh!And I picked up flowers...
I spent a few hours in nature and it was great! What a pity I didn't take some pics!
Thanks for these beautiful pictures!!
@Anne-May Hello! Yeah, you're the first one! Congrats! Haha!
It is, but I'd rather be in Norway with the snow. I'm such a winter baby.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off to get ready for work. I'm working a 5-9 tonight. So it's not too bad. *breaks into Dolly Partons song Working 9-5 & changes it to Working 5-9 what a way to make a living*
Hi all!
ReplyDeleteReally nice pics Mel! It doesn't look very different to springtime here in westphalia. I love it and spent the whole day out.
Though I like snow very much, at the moment I enjoy the spring. We had 26° C today. After such a long winter I'm not used to such temperatures *lol*
And where is the party tonight? Or are you all sound asleep in the truck at the moment? :-D
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteoops I posted it twice. Peace out chicas
ReplyDelete@ Donna Do you have two dogs? What kinda dogs? I also have two dogs and two cats :D My dogs are English Bulldog and a Papillon :D
ReplyDeleteFor heavens sake i meant @ dana.. I must be really tired right now :D
ReplyDeleteYes, I have two dogs: Zorro is a giant schnauzer and Misha is an ordinary watch dog. They're very good friends though they're both male!
ReplyDeleteI like the Papillon dogs, they're very cute!!! How your dogs make it up with cats?
*the party don't start until I walk in*
ReplyDeletehaha! :-)
HOw ya doin?
Next time i´ll share my trip to holland with you. But, keep in mind, i really only went there bc of coffee not bc of the coffeeshops! haha
@Nicole: yeh i just tried to get some attention! Haha. get contact to our bartender, ya know?
How was your saturday, girls?
@Mel: your pic look great. i would like to go for a walk over there.
i always feel like the forest look more boring over here! haha.
do you need a proof?
btw: we got kicked in the ass at todays game :-/ bad start in the weekend for myself as i´m the coach! haha.
but we got our new rainjackets for the kids: so i share my 10 lovely boys with you!
anyone there?
ReplyDeleteI like your boys! They're so cute! Really lovely!
Good night my Ladies! Don't drink too much and take care of the boys. Treat them nicely!
@dana: good night. sleep well!
ReplyDeletei guess i go to bed too. nobody there who takes a drink with me.. even there is no barkeeper? who took them home?
Hello Ladies! Long day and I am glad it's almost over!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne: Your boys are so cute!
@Mel: Ok. If we get another snow I am blaming you! We get 4 seasons each year and I like to enjoy all 4! No more snow!
Yet again, no time to read everything! I'll catch up tomorrow for sure!!!
ReplyDelete@Mel I love the pictures! ...and no, mine's not a horse! Good guess though! ;D
@Brenda So are we still trying to get Aksel and Kjetil to comment (or just Kjetil)?
@ Nicole is it the leg of a soccer player?
ReplyDelete@ Buckeye Gal Go ahead I don't care. I love freak snow storms...
@ Teekanne your boys are adorable!
We have calmed down quite a bit. I'm done with work until Monday @ 2:30. Though I do have to get up early tomorrow & make cupcakes for my friends Birthday Party. *sigh* Once they learn you bake & your actually good at it, your doomed to bake for them for the rest of your life. Not that I mind I do love to bake.
I have a little story from work. One of the girls told me that my boyfriend came through her line. I asked which one? Tall, Dark & Yummy? She said yeah. I was telling her that someone was in my locker again. Mr. Tall, Dark & Yummy came walking by & went into the office. She said maybe it was Tall, Dark & Yummy & nodded her head toward the office. I said Aksel's not here & he doesn't have a key to my locker anyway.
ReplyDeleteThank God he couldn't see us & that I can think on my feet sometimes. Could have gotten fired for that one because Mr. Tall, Dark & Yummy is Brian & he's a Co-Manager.
Didn't see Jake's calves today :-( it was cold out so he had jeans on instead of shorts.
Aloha all. or never...Aksel or Jake?
@Teekanne - the boys are adorable! they make me smile.
Does anyone like the new scruff look of Kjetil? Since he vacated the bartender spot, i think he had time to grow it. Just needs a trim.
Is anyone springing the Vikings from jail? I came in late...perhaps we can break the tip jar from the previous party (buy the Norwegian ski team?)
@ Brenda I'd have to pick Aksel...Jakey smokes :-( *bummed out* I sent Daddy Svindal to bail them out. I don't really like facial hair. I guess I could get used to it, but it will take me awhile to do so.
ReplyDeleteI found this picture on Lars' facebook. It's funny as hell & I'm starting to worry about our fav Viking.
Reminds me of my good buddy John Bell. :-)
@Mel... are you taking requests? I need a red/white/black guitar-shaped birthday cake. ;-) Seriously, though, I'm having a hard time finding that, for some reason. He wants either that or Spongebob... I'd rather have the guitar cake, lol.
ReplyDeleteLove your spring pictures. I've been taking some myself... I love spring! I am so done with winter, though. I don't want to see any more snow until Thanksgiving. Well, except for when we go to Yellowstone in June... I imagine we'll see some then. Hopefully at much higher elevations as I don't want to be in it. I need my warm weather!
Love the new video. Not sure about the unshaven Kjetil. Some guys can pull that off... I don't think he's one of them... not that that is a bad thing, it's certainly not. He's got one of those young faces that will age well. We should all be so lucky!
Anne-May... We love English Bulldogs. We've had 3 over the years. We had to put our last one down last fall. She was 13, which is very old for bulldogs! I just love them... even though they drool, snore, and pass horrid gas all the time, lol. We now have 2 mutts... both were rescues, and they're fabulous dogs. I am sure, though, that one day we will have more English Bulldogs. I can't imagine not having dogs... they are such an important part of our lives.
@Teekanne - love the picture. Thanks so much for sharing!!
@ Kim do you have a pat catan's near you? or another crafty type store? I've seen them at pat catan's. Joann fabrics might have it too. Or a party store might have the pan too. I think I spend too much time in craft/party stores. It's my calling I tell ya.
ReplyDelete@Mel... Oh, I'm not making it, lol. I can bake a cake just fine, but the decorating part... uh uh. Especially since a lot of people will be seeing it. It would look like... well, like my son decorated it, lol.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we have a pat catan's here. I've not heard of it. Probably a good thing, as I spend lots of time/money at Joann's and Michael's. Just not in the cake decorating aisle. ;-)
you could always have a bakery make it for you.
ReplyDeleteIn the words of a Joe Diffie song 'Goodnight Sweetheart sleep tight wherever you are'
ReplyDeleteNight everyone. Sweet dreams to everyone of you. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
@Mel... I've been looking at bakeries but I'm having a hard time finding one that does guitars. Weird. I would think that would be more popular than it obviously is!
ReplyDeleteHave a good night!
I decided to have a little fun with a picture before I went to bed. *snickers* I hope you all enjoy the boys incognito...well only 2 of the boys...hopefully the link works if not i'll just put the pic on here.
Good morning party people! haha. i guess it calmed down a bit. did you find a new location?? or all on the trip to find my husband and the bridesmaid? Haha.
ReplyDelete@Mel: i love this pic too! if i were him i would pic that as profile picture haha!
Do you know this one of kjetil??
ReplyDelete@Mel--too funny! A sign of things to come for Kjetil...reminds me of Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther.
@Teekanne - he looks, ah, good! I'll allow him the 2-pack instead of the normal 6-pack. Looks like he was enjoying his vacation in Thailand (?) I don't doubt he will lose his little beer belly during summer training. You can lay your head down on it, though, so maybe there's a good use for it. haha
later girlz! Midnite here and round 3 with a paper tomorrow and church. See you tomorrow---er, later today, know what i mean! (**pats Viking on the head and pads off to bed**)
Hey Girls!
ReplyDeleteI found this random 15 minute interview with Aksel (in English!!) Though you'd all appreciate it :)
@ Jo
ReplyDeleteThank you! Very interesting! He's such a nice person! And I LOVE his accent!
*Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy*
ReplyDeleteUggggh!! Was out way too late last night dancing and now I'm paying the price. I haven't been out in it was totally worth it. ;D the pic of Aksel from Lars' Facebook page...I saw this one on there too...I love it!!/photo.php?pid=454211&id=593975004&fbid=16910310004
The photoshopped pic of Kjetil and Aksel is a riot! LOL!!
@Jo...thanks for the link to the interview, its always great to hear him talk (and in english for once, haha!)...not quite sure why she asked him about the desert though, strange question and he seemed a little miffed by it too.
It's raining here today, so its perfect day to stay home with the family and be lazy...sometimes you just need a break and today is it! :)
@Kristen at least now we now Aksel really doesn't like the idea of living in a desert lol!
ReplyDeleteIt's torrential rain here in England too :(
Hi girls! It's a beautiful sunny day here!
ReplyDeleteI found some funny pics and I thought to tell you a little story in images! So:
You know we've invited the Attacking Vikings to our party for many times, but they didn't come. I hope they'll show up and bring some drink!
Aksel could play the bagpipe to impress us!
Some of the boys run to get to the party!
But I don't know what they think about us because in the end each of them says:
"I'm too sexy for your party
Too sexy for your party...
I'm a model you know what I mean";w;677;t
Maybe they'll change their mind, we are still waiting for them!
Hope you like the pics!
Hello ma ladies!!!
ReplyDelete*crashes into the first chair, exhausted*
So how is everyone?! Did I miss something? :) I'm finally home, yay! :D
So it looks like you ladies calmed down over the weekend? Already tired?! :P
So I didn't read all your comments, just some of them and the links! Thanks for them!
I finally was able to see the video! haha Looks like they had fun! :D
@Dana Thanks for the pics! I liked all of them! :D
Cheers! :)
@Kim, Kristen, and baby-mamas Sorry I can't contribute to the topic about your that way! I babysit a 5 year old and 1(almost 2)year old! And they're growing up so fast! The 5yr old is learning how to read and the 1yr old is making up sentences!!! It's amazing! ;D
ReplyDelete...also, I think my mom wants me out of the house...College next year!!! Woohoo!!! :D
@Mel *rolls around on ground* Still need someone to bail you out???
@Anne-May and dana Yay!!! A dog conversation!!! I love all those dogs...but I wouldn't want the little ones (they're cute, but they're yappers too)! ;P I have a golden retriever...and I really want a Border collie! ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Those boys are adorable!!! ;D Is that you in the pic too???
ReplyDelete@Mel No, not the leg of a soccer player! Close! ;D ...and that photoshopped picture...LOL...priceless!!! ;P
I think if Kjetil wants facial hair...then go ahead! Anja, are you okay with kissing a guy with facial hair??? (I think that would be too...prickly)!!! LOL ;P
@Jo Thanks for the interview! :D I love his "concentration" face when he's listening to the questions! ;P
@dana Thanks for the pictures!!! Very nice!!! ;D
@Nicole hei girl?
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? Did you have a nice weekend?
Btw just saw your pic. Is that a leg?! :P lol
There was a dog conversation? lol Guess I should have read the comments. I really want a dog too, but I just have no time for one! :-( Maybe someday later... :)
So did actually someone miss me?! :P
@Anja Hi anja!!! My weekend well...very hectic!!! ;D ...yes, it's a leg...but whose??? ;P
ReplyDeleteA dog conversation towards the top of this blog topic!
I missed you!!! :D
@Anja oops, I meant "my weekend went well" lol
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha! Nope I wouldn't have a problem with that! As long as it's not way too long!
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, am I the only one here, who actually likes it? :D lol I mean ok, you don't see it so clearly, but it's not a mustache. That wouldn't look good at all! :D
Glad to hear your weekend was good! :)
wohoo someone missed me! :P Thanks, hun! :D Well I gotta say, I missed you ladies too! :D
I couldn't read the comments very good on my iPod and I couldn't see Aksel's vid, which was very annoying! :(
@Nicole & Anja Hi my baby girls!
ReplyDeleteYeah, the little dogs are cute but very noisy! My schnauzer looks fiercely but is very friendly. The thunders scares him terrible!! The other one is playful and likes to fawn on me!
Golden retrievers look superb!
@Anja Do you like men with mustache? Ha!
@Nicole Why the man in your pic is lame! Haha! I see just one leg...
ReplyDelete@dana My dog HATES storms!!! I'm your baby!!! LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja and dana I think if guys want facial hair, then that's their decision! But I will only accept a few days of an unshaven face...not a bush growing from the face (like I said, prickly)!!! ;P
I missed everyone on here! I had so much to do, I couldn't get on and actually read and write properly!!! :{
@dana HAHA I'm zooming out little by little! You'll see eventually who it is!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Dana :D lol I don't like men with mustache!!! haha But I actually do like bears, if they're not like this!!! haha
I'm more into 3 day beards! I think they're kind of sexy! :D Oh well, I know I'm weird! :D
@Nicole agree about the facial hair thing! lol
So what did you do, that keept you so busy? :)
@Anja Had a school dance Friday night...pretty boring but I took a ton of pictures (that's what I do! LOL) Then, I had a band concert yesterday...placed silver!!! Woohoo!! ;D (I messed up a note in one of my silvers but oh well)! ;P and that night, I helped out with a banquet!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteWhat did you do over the weekend???
I wanna ask you something
ReplyDeleteWhat if somebody cheer up a skier before a race saying "Break a leg!"?
Oh! I think I know the answer- in the next few seconds that somebody will have both legs broken! Ha ha ha!!!
Wow! Wait, don't shoot me! It was a joke. I know, a bad one, but still a joke!!!
@Nicole I already have a supposition...about the leg owner!!! And yes, I like to spoil you callig you "my baby". Don't you like it? You can tell me!
WOOHOO!!! My favorite Journey song just came on the radio!!!! Crank up the music!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteCouldn't find a good video though! :{
@Anja Ooooh! Not that kind of beard! I agree, men with 3 days beard look sexy!!
ReplyDelete@dana I don't want to shoot you! ...that was an okay joke! LOL ...kidding! Yes, I love you calling me "baby!!" ;D Definitely makes me feel spoiled! ;P lol
ReplyDelete@Anja oops, I meant to say that I messed up a note in one of my solos!!! ...I never learn from my mistakes, do I??? proofread, nicole!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja and dana I think 5o'clock shadow, or a clean face! Aksel rocks it!!! ;D
ReplyDeletehi girls!
ReplyDeletethanks for all the links.
hope your weekend was wonderful and sunny.
@anja and nicole i totally agree with the 3 days beard
@Nicole wow!
ReplyDeleteThat really was a busy weekend! :D
I was in Innsbruch yesterday and today, with my grandpa! Didn't see so much of the city though! :( Had to help out at their meeting! Oh well, at least it was interessting!
And I got to drive there! :D I like to drive to places where I haven't been! :D
And thanks fot that link! I like the song! :D
@Dana :D So I'm not the only one?! :P haha
Well it still depends on the man wearing a beard! Not everyone can wear it! :D But I do think it look good on both, Aksel and Kjetil! :D
oh i mean dana
ReplyDeleteHi girls! :)
ReplyDeleteback from soccer and soon off to get something to eat! yumm!!
@Nicole: yeh, probably it´s me! haha! Not the best colour to fit me, i know!
Ah.. Kjetil spoke to me via facebook! for heaven´s sake it nearly gave me a heartattack! haha!
@Brenda: i love the pic too... looks like summer! honestly a sickpack is overrated. you need something to snuggle into. I don´t want to snuggle with a statue. so i guess it´s ok!
@all: damn i found a pic of aksel without shirt. i saved it on my notebook.. but cannot find it anymore (think it was on facebook but cannot remember where). do you think i don´t care about the copyright if i post it here??
I guess i know the answer already! haha
maybe i can do it tonight after the barbie!
@Teekanne hei girl!
ReplyDeleteso did you or your boys play soccer? How did it go? :D
haha poor you! He spoke with you! :P At least you won the challange, he gave you an answer!!! :D
Looks like Kjetil is really active on that facebook page! :D
yea find it girl! I wanna see that pic! :P
@Teekanne oh and forgot! Enjoy and have fun at the barbeuce! :D
ReplyDelete@Anja Haha! of course, depends on the man!
ReplyDeleteHi Corinna & Teekanne!
Teekanne, don't be cruel, show us the pic of Aksel without shirt!!!
@Teekanne Heart attack! I just read the comment! Great job!!! lol ;P
ReplyDeleteI think the color suits you well!! ;D and yes, we need that shirtless picture!!!! ;P
@Anja Sounds like you had a good weekend too!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI don't have a facebook so someone should try to invite Kjetil over here!!! should send him to the posts when we dressed him up!!! LOL ;P
I believe a lot of the dressing up occured during the "Finally" post!!
ReplyDeleteKjetil!!! Please come join us!!! You're our bartender after all!!! ;D
@Nicole jup, it was a good weekend! :D just exhausting! :D
ReplyDeletehaha I have facebook, but your idea is quite dangerous! It's easy for them to get a restraining order, when they know your last name! :P And he probably will, as soon as he reads the comments of us dressing him up! haha :D
@Anja ...very true! ...well, you could say it was my idea!!! ...because it kinda ;P
ReplyDeletebesides, I really think that Kjetil would join the fun!!!
@Nicole haha!
ReplyDeleteOh well, maybe Teekanne will! She already posted on his fanpage and is friends with him, isn't she? :P
Mabye if we bribe her with some beer? :P
Haha Yea, I think he would too! He has a great sense of humor! Or at least it appeared like that, on the few posts he commented on Aksel's blog! :D
I guess I'm the only cougar here on this moment!
ReplyDeleteGirls, be good and leave the boy alone! Do you want scare him? Or do you want to read tomorrow an article like the one about Aksel and Tora? Maybe somebody will think that all this stuff about dressing up is real! Oh my God!! Haha!
@Anja Oh yeah, his posts were priceless!!! ;P He's not afraid to make fun of Aksel, or himself!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Could you pretty please with a cherry on top invite Kjetil to the blog????? I wouldn't mind, but I don't have a facebook :{ So pretty pretty please?!?!?! :) :D
So who's on duty right now then? (I mean bartending) ...I'm always on guard duty! lol I'd like a pina colada (non-alcoholic)!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana Now, you have me a little scared! If someone believes that stuff is real...the asylum will become real!!!! :O *shivers*
It's a joke people!!! It's all joking!!! Well, except for the fact that we like them, that we're devoted fans, and that we're going to crash their party soon!!! LOL KIDDING!!!!
now, I'm paranoid! lol
Well, at least I tried to stop you...*winking my eye*
ReplyDelete@dana we are good! :D We just want him to join the fun, don't you?! :P
ReplyDeletehaha I'd love to read that article! Just imagine, what riot would be, when they give their source! haha :D
@Nicole Nope, he wasn't!!! I had a good laugh about these comments! :D
You know, you could always make a fb account! I mean as much as you're on here! :D Wouldn't require much more pc time! :P
@dana Yes, I agree with Anja, we're good girls...for the most part!!! lol
ReplyDelete@Anja haha Yeah, I'm on here A LOT!!! You girls are just so addictive! lol To be honest...and here's where I look like a kid...not allowed to have one! :{ LOL
Cougar Production presents a new movie
ReplyDelete"The return of the asylum"!( I like it!)
yea, who's on bartender duty? I wondered that too, Nicole! :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole oh ok! Haha That's ironic! Since we're pretty naughty here sometimes! :D But don't worry, you don't miss out, if you don't have one! :D
@dana well you've done your duty, by trying to stop us! But were unstoppable! :D Now you can join us!
Want a drink? :P
haha!!! That's hilarious! :D
Another great song!!!!!!! Crank. it. up!!!! The radio's really good today! ;D
@Nicole I see, we have the same taste in music! :D
ReplyDeleteI soo love this band! :D
@dana LOL I spit out my milkshake!!! I like it...but you forgot one key character:
ReplyDeleteThe psycho: dana
@Anja Yeah, it's ironic!!! lol ;P I'm an oldies kind of offense to anyone! lol ;D
Okay! Another one of my absolute favorites!!!!!!!
@Nicole...Usain Bolt on your profile picture.
ReplyDeleteHey, I see you like good music!!!! What else you like it?
ReplyDeleteYes the psycho: dana
The Doctor: Aksel!!!!!
@Nicole haha didn't even realised she forgot the most important character! :D
ReplyDeleteMe too! But I like newer music too! :D
Thanks for the link! never knew the singer of that one!
I love that song! One of my favorites ever!!!
Bravo, Nicole! That's my girl! Good music!
ReplyDeleteTest:Do you like something by A-HA?
Hello Hello! I missed a couple of days and now I have absolutely no idea what's going on. How is everyone?
ReplyDelete@Nicole great music
Anja, you too? Super! I like you both more and more! I love almoust any kind of music,old or new!
ReplyDeleteHi Michelle!
@Michelle hello! I'm good! and you?
ReplyDeleteI miss 2 days, but didn't even try to catch up! :D But I don't think we missed that much! They were quite calm and well behaved! :P
@dana Thanks! :D I like all kinds of music too! And since I was in Canada, I even love Country, what I didn't before! :D
Oh that's a great song too! :D
Another one!
And another!
The weekend of music!!!!!!!! ;D
@Dana loved your picture story earlier.
ReplyDeleteGotta have Van Halen!!!
*drools over pictures & video* Hot damn Kjetil is fine. *throws cold water on self* That video of Aksel...yeah...what were we talking about? I love watching him talk & he talks with his hands so they kept zooming in on them. *sigh* Do all Norwegians speak with their hands? I always thought it was an Italian trait. At least that's what I've been told & what I have observed of my Italian friends.
ReplyDeleteLove the music girls. Those are some old school jams.
I'm waiting for my cupcakes to cool so I can icing them. *breaks into song My cupcakes brings all the boys to the yard. Cause my cupcakes are better than yours*
If we bribe them with baked goods do you think they would join in the fun?
Hi are you all..??
ReplyDeleteI'm exhausted...just trying to get my house straight...!!..
Has anyone been to south america??
Thanks Michelle, I'm glad you do!
ReplyDeleteGirls, what about this one
@Gordana Geesh!!! Yes!!! How'd you know it was Usain?!?!?
ReplyDeleteHI Angela UK!!!! ;D
@Anja haha just noticed you posted the same song!!! We do share the same taste!!! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@dana I love A-HA!!!
Priceless!!! Classic!!!
@Angela UK I've been to Brazil once
ReplyDelete@Mel At least someone understood why I like his hands ( oh, Angela like his hands too!)
ReplyDeleteHello Angela! Nice to see you!
@Nicole Thanks! Love all of them! :D Just keem them comming! :D haha we do share the same taste! :D Finally I found another one like me!
ReplyDelete@Mel I see you made it out of the jail save? :P
Well we could always try! :D
@Angela Well I'm fine and you? Nope, I haven't! "Just" to middle ameica! Why? :D
@dana Oh I love that one too! :D Thanks!
I love this!!! Exchanging music!!! All of the songs are AWESOME!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Mel I talk with my hands too!!! lol ;P
@Angela UK I'm doing well! How are you doing? It's been a while!
Nicole, please tell me the title of the song because in my country is no more availebe so I can't see ot! I guess it's A-HA
ReplyDelete@dana It's "Take on Me" ...LOVE that song!!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteAloha all!
ReplyDeletewho's the winner of the Hawaiian "wake-up" party pack (coffee and macadamia nuts)? And bout damn time Kjetil got some kinda blog/post/FB thing!
here's the link...!/K.Jansrud
@Nicole haha can you imagine! I love that one too! It such a great song! :D
ReplyDeleteCouldn't see it either, so thanks for giving the name! :D
Oh I just saw it earlier! I don't understand why I can't see it now?? There's another version
@Nicole haha you're awesome! Love the pink floyd song! Sorry, can't watch the first one and no rem fan! :D
ReplyDeleteAnother one from me! :D
The ones I just posted are Pink Floyd's Brink in the Wall; REM Losing My Religion and Everybody Hurts!!!
ReplyDelete*looks at boys* I will bake for you if you join in the fun.
And another
and another
*gets in lowrider with the bears & cranks this song*
oh let's not forget this band here!!! My favourite band over years! :D
I sooo love this band! Haven't seen them live yet, but my best friend has in New Zealand! And thei're awesome! Hope I'll make that soon! :D
Girls I'm amazed! So much great songs! I like it!!
ReplyDelete@dana I soo agree! :D
ReplyDeleteTeekanne will not have problems with the music at her wedding! :P And neither will anyone of us for that matter! haha :D
@ Anja Love that song!!!!
ReplyDeleteDo you like these guys? YOU TOO!!!!
I gotta go icing my cupcakes & then brush my hair for the BBQ at my friends house. Catch ya on the flip side. It's such a lovely day in the neighborhood.
ReplyDelete@Mel Me too! I love that one too!
Well I just love the whole band and most songs! haha :D
@dana oh dear! Who doesn't?! :D I like that one! :D Has so much meaning to it!
@All I love all of these songs!!!! ;D We're so AWESOME!!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Anja You're right! Talking about wedding song I have a suggestion for Teekanne
Now, you can't talk about music without including The Beatles!!! I love all their songs so I'm not going to post them all here!!! That would be too much!!!
ReplyDeleteBut here's Let It Be
@Mel bye! And see you later! Have fun!
ReplyDelete@dana that's such a beautiful song! and that would definetly fit! :D
@Nicole haha you're right! No way to not include these boys! :D
@all thanks for sharing all this links! :D
We're great girls! What a pity the boys don't dare to join us!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I just said this!!!!!!!Hahaha!
And Yesterday and Michelle and Jude and All you need is love....
@dana I love U2! They're priceless!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana found another one for the wedding! :D
you're so right! Too bad they're afraid! haha :D
Well someone needed to say it out loud! :D
@dana I love pretty much every Beatles' song!!! Penny Lane and Eleanor Rigby and Let It Be are my all time favs!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteso i´m back
ReplyDeletewhat do you think about that one?
if my mobilephone ring i always hear it
See girls? We're so alike! Love the same kind of men, the same kind of music and in the same time we're so different! I'm really happy to met you, thanks to Aksel!!!!!
ReplyDelete@ Anja - my friends and I are going over to south america for new year/early january and can't decide where to go cos is all looks just wondered if anybody had been and had any ideas!!
ReplyDelete@ Dana
@ Nicole - i know it's been a while but i've been so busy...hopefully things will quieten down soon........and if that wasn't enough i've been offered another job totally out of the if i haven't got enough on my
@Nicole I like them too! Haha
ReplyDeleteI was in Liverpool 3 years ago and slept in the hotel, that was made out of the old house of their producer. If I remember correctly! We even saw the real "penny lane"! :D or at least a street with that name! haha
@Corinna welcome back! I love that song too! Shows what great musicians U2 are! :D
My ring tone is ACDC Back to Black! Loove that song! :D
@dana You're soo true! I'm so glad I met you too! :D I really appreciate your "company", even though it's trough a blog! :D
@Anja *gasp* I was going to post that song too!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Corinna I was going to post that too!!! ;D
We all think so alike!!! ;P
@Angela UK Wow!!! Congrats on the new job offer!! ;D You should think about Argentina or Brazil!!! I think those are beautiful places (never been...but want to)! lol ;D
ReplyDeletea second ring tone for some friends of me is this one
i love it so much, guns ´n rose rock!
@Anja ACDC are awesome!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteIt's so awesome being able to come to this blog and 'let loose' and have tons of fun with you ladies!!! I really want to meet you in person!!! :D
@Angela Sorry to hear that you've so much stress at the moment! :( I hope it's going to quiet down soon!
ReplyDeleteOh nice plans! Sorry I was in Costa Rica, which I can only recommend, but not in south america! :D
@Nicole haha The "wedding" song? :D
We really think alike!!! :D That's probably why we come up with really funny/weird ideas sometimes! haha :P
@corinna Yes! Guns 'n Roses are awesome! So many legendary bands out there! ;P
ReplyDelete@Corinna oh yea! I nearly forgot! Guns'n'Roses! A must know!!! :D Love them too! :D
ReplyDeleteOh let's not forget him! :D I know, it's an old one, but I can't help it! I love this song! :D
@Nicole They are! :D Can listen to them over and over again! :D
haha meet in person! That would for sure be very interessting! :D Well I am in north america this summer! But still quite far away from Indiana! :D
@Anja Agreed! ...another "wedding" song:
Couldn't find a good video...but it's the song that matters! ;D This song makes me smile every time!
@Anja haha Arrangements can be made!!! This group getting together would be epic!!! ;P
ReplyDeletemy favorites are ac/dc, guns´n roses, metallica, u2, some songs of greenday, more the rock bands, but i was grown up by bob dylan and johnny cash and joan baez, my mom hear this kind of music. when we were in us ´96 and drove the route 66 there we had only songs like the last ones i wrote on the radio.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you say about this
@Angela Bravo Angela! Congrats! But I hope to see you more often here!
@Anja haha I always try to find the original video...but that doesn't always work out! lol
ReplyDeleteI love the lyrics of Obladi-Oblada! They're so funny! And it's a great song for dancing and being weird! lol ;P
@ dana what is the last one you post i can´t see it
ReplyDelete@Angela congrats from me too,
@dana Wow! I haven't heard Smash Mouth in ages!!! I love them! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana haha that's a great song too! :D Haven't heard that song way to long! :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole true about the arrangments! haha We should meet at a World cup race, so the boys would be there too to join the fun! haha :D
@Corinna its Smash Mouth - Walking on the sun
what do you think about that one, i had posted some days before too
@Anja HAHA That would be amazing!!! All the cougars and sistas lined up, waiting for them, cheering louder than everyone else there!!!! ;D
ReplyDeletethat post before was me
ReplyDelete@Corinna It's Smash Mouth - Walking On the Sun!
ReplyDeleteI'll go to take my shower. Please don't post too much, I can't read it(my bad english- my eternal excuse!) See you in a minute!
@corinna HAHA Getting tired of writing your name! lol kidding ;P
ReplyDelete@dana A shower in a minute! :O wow, that's fast!!! LOL ;P (sorry, I know that was a bad one)
@Corinna I like that one too! :) haven't seen the link before sorry!
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha It would be amazing! :D I just pictured that! And now imagine their reaction! Haha At least they would have the loudest fans, I'd guess! :D
Oh but we would need these shirts for that! :D the one Marius wore! :D
@anja i had posted it on friday i think.
ReplyDeletehow was your weekend in innsbruck?
@Anja Definitely!!! That shirt would be so awesome!!! OH, and converse too!!! ;D And we could get jackets that say something like "Akselized Cougars and Sistas" LOL ;P
ReplyDelete@Corinna ah ok! Yea I hadn't time to come on here, except for a minute or so, the whole weekend! :D
ReplyDeleteMy weekend was good, just exhausting! :D Had a good time with my grandpa! :D And what I saw from the city (which isn't much) was beautiful! I gotta go there next winter, for some boarding! :D hmm, guess all i gotta do is find someone to join me! haha :D
@Nicole haha!!! yea we should! So everyone recognizes us! And knows where the party is going to be the wildest and most fun! ;D
@Anja "And knows where the party is going to be" Absolutely!!! ;D The Attacking Vikings would finally realize how awesome we are! lol ;P
ReplyDelete@anja i like innsbruck too, i always drive through it and take a rest stop when i go down to lago di garda, and in october i will be in sölden at the skiopening weekend, with a friend of me to watch the races and to go skiing by ourself.
ReplyDeletea other friend of mine which i had done my vocational training lives in innsbruck.
@Nicole haha true! I bet they already know that and are just too afraid to acknowledge it! :P haha
ReplyDelete@Corinna oh I envy you about sölden!!! Maybe I'll be able to go to Wengen this year! Since I'm going to live in Bern in september! :) Where you in Sölden before?
I wonder... does someone know where the world cup final will be? I hope they're coming soom back to Lenzerheide!!! I was there in 2007, watched Aksel getting 15 in Slalom and receive the overall! :D was awesome!!! :D Saw the DH too live, but don't remember what place he was on! :D
one of the last races next year will be in lenzerheide 16.-20.03.2011, but i´m not sure if this is the weltcup final.
ReplyDeletei never be in sölden before, and i never had watch a skirace before live, it´s going to be the first time.
It's raining it's pouring & I'm gonna cry. It was such a lovely morning & now it's storming. *pouts* I'm off to the party.
ReplyDeleteHow about these for the wedding
@mel have fun at the party, and don´t think about the weather
ReplyDelete@Anja Not sure...Would it be too early to find out about that???
ReplyDeleteI'm back!
ReplyDelete@Nicole I forgive you this time!Ha ha! I know it's a joke!
Taking the shower I was thinking that we forgot the Boy Bands!! New Kids On the Block, East 17, Take That, 5ive, Blue, Backstreet Boys etc!!!!
Girls, don't you think maybe the Vikings would like to see us cheering them shirtle......Oh no! I didn't mean it! The asylum comes to me, It's closer and closer!!! I think the water was too hot!!! Haha!
*wow* we have a disco tonight. Thanks for bringing CCR in the disco :-)
ReplyDeleteLynard Skynard shouldn't be missed at the party (quality isn't too good)
And our favorite slow one to dance in a tight embrace
A real slow one never does any harm on a party :-D
@Corinna omg Thanks!!!! They're really coming! That just made my week! Wohooo!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was so hoping they would come again!!!! :D
I was there in 2007 and saw the DH and SL live! :D I was so excited when Aksel got 15th in SL and received the overall! :D
haha so I guess I'll go see the finals next year, since its 15min from my home! :D haha
omg can't wait for next year! :D
@dana haha!!!
@dana Maybe they would like that...but I'm not going to freeze!!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteHAHA I love all the songs!!! Thanks for contributing everyone! ;D
Is there anybody who wants to go to Garmisch for the world championships?
ReplyDelete@cjal meee!!!! :D Have my mom and Grandpa organising that! :D
ReplyDelete@cjal woops posted to soon! Meant to add, that I hope it's going to work out! haha :D
ReplyDelete@cjal Meeeeeee twooooo!!!!!!! I want to! *jumping up and down, waving arm as high as possible* Me, Me, Me!
ReplyDeletemaybe it will work, i´m going to be there too.
ReplyDelete@Anja: I'll try to visit my uncle in the near of Munich. That would make a trip of 50 km to Garmisch. Hope it'll work out.
ReplyDeleteA real fan never complains! Hehe! Doesn't take much, just a few minute,much shorter than my shower!!
For all of you:
@all Me too! Me too! Don't leave me here alone!
@cjal I hope it's going to work out for both of us! :D 50km aren't much, I'd drive 3 hours, would have to sleep there! :D
ReplyDeleteWell good thing, we have more than enough time! :D
@Nicole oh yea come over the pond! :D Would be fun! :D
I see, let's meet in Garmisch! haha :D Party at the world championships haha! :D
@cjal When will those be held???
ReplyDelete@dana When I'm about to turn purple and look like a popsicle, I will complain! lol ;P
*hmpf* half of the videos couldn't be seen in Germany due to copyright *stamp foot*
ReplyDeletewoops meant to say "we have more than enough time to organise" haha sorry! :)
ReplyDelete@Nicole its held at the 8. - 20. February 2011 :D
@Nicole: 8. - 20 Feb
ReplyDelete@nicole i had posted the whole termins a few post again but here once again
@corinna Thanks for the link! ;D
ReplyDelete@cjal and Anja Shoot! I think I'll have classes during that time! :{ ...wait, let me see!
Thanks for that link corinna!
ReplyDeleteDarn it! Yes, classes are in session then! :{
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha I just checked too! My classes'll start the the 21. haha! I just hope I won't have test somewhen then! I woudn't be able to concentrate! ;D haha
ReplyDeletehei you still can come in march to Lenzerheide! :D World cup finals are special too, sure not as specials as WM but still! :D
Someone planning to come there? Besides me?! :D
@Nicole oh crap! :(
ReplyDeletei have maybe a stupid question, but what in hell is SG, i knwo what dh, gs, sl and sc is, but sg????
ReplyDelete@Nicole We'll paint your face any colour you want and nobody will notice you're purple!
ReplyDeleteHey I promise to keep my clothes on! I wanna go with you all to Garmish!
@corinna super-G :D And it's not a stupid guestion, i had dificulties too at the beginning! :D
ReplyDeleteWell, I have spring break in March for Lenzerheide!!!
ReplyDelete@dana LOL I will so paint my face! That would be hilarious!!!
@anja thank you i´m so stupid i know super-G but i don´t think if i read SG about super-G :)
ReplyDeleteUgh!!! Now I'm mad about Garmisch!!!! Why, school, why?????? :{
ReplyDelete@nicole don´t be sad about that, i have to work in the week so i´m just be able to go to there on the weekends, maybe.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Nicole: so sorry :-/
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I'll make it cause it could be that I have to teach seminars at that time.
But tell me, would you really come over to Europe for such an event?
@Anja Darn! They haven't decided the finals?!?! Oh please, oh please...I want to go!!! and...*gives look* I don't skip school...haven't missed a day in 6 years, not even when I was feeling bad...not going to start now! ;D
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't snow stick around so these competitions can be held in the summer??? ...kidding, I like snow, but I love summer! ;D
@all haha sorry for the deleated post! Sometimes I'm so stupid! Was a mistake I wrote there!
ReplyDelete@Corinna well I don't either, think of a super-G! :D
@Nicole you could still skip some classes? :P Well i woudn't either but still! :)
Come in March, I even have a spare bed! haha :D
@Nicol loool sorrry!!!!!!!! what I wrote was crap! it is in Lenzerheide! haha I misread the dates! Like I said, I'm sor stupid sometimes! :D
ReplyDelete@cjal Yeah!!! I would definitely go for such an event!! Get to see Aksel, and you ladies!!! That would be awesome!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja Oh, okay, good! But I still don't know if I can go for sure!!!! :{
ReplyDelete@Anja I don't skip!!! lol ;P Too nerdy, I know! LOL ;P *sigh* If only things were easier! ...nope, life's not like that! ;P
ReplyDeletehaha you girls a so funny:)
ReplyDeletei hope in october will be a lot of snow in sölden and don´t be like last year. remember aksel post if he was go up there