Sunday, April 4, 2010


Foam egg Grandpa Joe painted.

Kate taking a pic of Emmy.

Becca looking for eggs filled with candy & surrounded by foam eggs.

Emmy found some candy filled eggs.

Josh has been Akselized...well just his shorts.

Bella is having fun.

The kiddies running around looking for eggs.
So that's what I do for Easter. I wanna know what you guys do. Hope you all enjoyed the holiday & had lots of chocolate.


  1. We do the same thing here Mel...the kids all running around the backyard looking for eggs, eating way to much chocolate and food, what could be better?!? The weather couldn't have been more perfect today either. Now its back to work for me tomorrow after a lovely 3 day weekend. :(

    Thanks for sharing your photos. :-)

  2. any one from living in norway tell us what the video about aksel says - i think it appeared 3 days ago?

    It can only be viewed in norway

    Sorry about being anonymous but Do not know much about blocks, so do not know how to select profile. What is URL, so cant insert name

  3. This year I shared Easter festivities with my anniversary (yes believe it or not I got married on April 1!). So we had 2 Easter egg hunts, softball games (neice) and me and my honey celebrated #11!

  4. Our weather didn't cooperate, so we decided to have a scavenger hunt inside. We invited some of my son's friends over to participate... not sure what I was thinking when I decided to have 5 6-year olds tearing through my house! My daughter is 18 months, so she wasn't really able to get into it (boys just kind of take over, you know? lol) so when the weather is nicer I may hide some outside for her. It's been a fun day. I'm tired, though!

    Mel, thanks for sharing the pictures. Looks like you all had fun!

    Buckeye Gal... Happy Anniversary!!

  5. Ooooh Kim, you are brave having those boys "tearing" through your house, haha...I certainly know where you are coming son is 5 and my daughter is 3 and she would get trampled. I always help her because she would end up with nothing if I didn't. It's always a fun day but I'm exhausted too!

    Buckeye Gal...Happy 11th Anniversary! :-)

  6. We spent the whole weekend skiing ... well mostly I was digging myself out of the 10 inches of powder...After two days of powder every muscle in my body is tired, but it was worth it! I guess I can spend all week at "my real job" recuperating!

    Our Fun Easter Surprise... All of us ski medics went into the Day Lodge Early this morning before it was open to the public and hid plastic, candy filled Easter eggs all over. It was total fun to see people finding them and then actually see people start searching for them and no one knew where they came from. We even hid some outside in very obvious places all over the hill like at lift lines, etc. How fun is that! :)

    My daughter(6 yr)is in the SkiWee program and she loved it~the kids kept looking for them all day. Priceless!

    Hope everyone had a great Easter ... I'm going to take a Nap! :)

  7. Hi everyone! I'm glad you all had a great Easter!
    Me too.I went to a trip on the hills around my town with my cousins. Beautiful views! My cousins and I live in the same courtyard so , at home, we ate a lot and had a great time! In my country we don't use to hide eggs for children. Easter Bunny brings them all kind of sweets - especially chocolate!

    Mel, thank you for sharing the pictures, very nice!

    Buckeye Gal - Happy Anniversary! I'm already waiting pictures from your 50th Anniversary!

  8. @ Buckeye Gal Happy Aniversary!!!

    After I posted this I was getting ready for work & heard on the radio that in some Eastern European countries on Easter the men hit their wives with a braided whip for good health. I don't know if it's true or not, but I thought it was a pretty strange tradition.

    I'm glad you guys liked the pics.

  9. I'm from an Eastern European country -Romania- but we haven't this tradition! Here men sprinkle their wives or girlfriends with perfume to be healthy, beautiful and happy all year long. But to hit them with a whip...weird mode to share your love...

  10. I'm from an Eastern European country but we haven't this tradition.
    Here men sprinkle their wives or girlfriends with perfume to be healthy, beautiful and happy all year long.
    But to hit them with a whip... weird mode to share your love...

  11. God, I think I drank too much yesterday!!! I sent my message twice...

  12. Happy anniversary @Buckeye Gal.
    And thanks for sharing those nice pics @Mel.

    I spent some time with my family. My 2 brothers, my parents and me live all in the same town. My sister visited from good friday to yesterday. So we had a great time with the whole family. My autistic brother painted eggs - he doesn't want to be a grown-up and loves to celebrate christmas and easter like a child. And we all love him and his painted eggs :-)
    I did also some training with one of the young horses I work with. Except of Good Friday. That day is a sad anniversary for my riding-friends and me cause last year's Good Friday one of our friends had a bad crash from horseback and still is in vegetative state.
    So this Easter was very ambivalent for me...great time with my family and very much sad thoughts

  13. Happy anniversary to you Buckeye Gal.
    Thanks for the pics, mel. Love Joshs pants. :-)

    cjal, i´m so sorry. hope your friends gets well soon.

    for us easter is thoughtful time. my brother had a bad car crash 2 years ago a few days after the easter break. we spent every day in hospital for 3 and a half week. thankfully he had 1000 guardian angels.

    The big holidays (easter, christmas) we always have a big dinner with my family (my brothers, the partners and my grand parents). it´s a good time. you never know when you can come together the next time (even though we live around 10 km.)
    but it´s only one day the other days i spend with friends or do normal weekend stuff.

    i love to see, that there is still the tradition to do the easter egg hunt! i loved it when i was young (years ago ;-)) but unfortunately in germany it often falls through bc of rain.

    but in the pics it looks like the eggs are pretty easy to find. My grandparents had the best hideouts.. sometimes we found the stuff weeks later while gardening! :-)

  14. @ Buckeye Gal This is for you, a kind of modest gift for your anniversary! Hope you like it!

  15. Deuce, that sounds like fun! What great memories for everyone. :-)

    cjal, I'm sorry to hear about your friend's accident. I can't imagine what his/her family is going through. And I bet your brother's eggs are fabulous. :-)

    Easter is over. Now it's time for warm weather and water sports. It snowed here today, so I guess I can't bring out the shorts and flip flops just yet! I'm getting impatient...

  16. @Kim in WA ... As much as I love the late season skiing and here in Oregon on Mt. Hood we have a Summer Ski which is pretty fun ... I am so ready for HOT weather too!

    ...*** Day Dreaming of Wind Surfing ...Wake Boarding ...Hanging Out by the Pool ...Summer Evening Horseback Rides ... Oh and who is that tall, dark and handsome Viking next too me (Sigh)***

    Ooops ... guess my ADHD was kicking in again! :)

  17. oh, so here's where the party's at;-) I just visited and all I see are the gummy bears;-)nice.

    It seems like you guys will have lots of fun here, enjoy!

    and Mel, cute kids on the pics!

  18. So....I am a loser mom. I had to get up early to go to church and totally forgot to put my kids easter baskets out. I realized my error at about 7:00 last night. Thank goodness my kids had forgot about it as well. No permanent damage...I think:)

    It is nice to hear everyone had a great easter! Gotta go and get ready for NCAA championship game (Go Blue Devils)! Exercised and need a shower before the game starts. Had to work extra hard tonight cause I gained a pound over the easter/anniversary weekend:(

  19. @ cjal sorry to hear about your friend. What kind of horses do you work with?My cousins own Clydesdale & I think the little ones are called Welsh Ponies.

    @ A. Yup the party moved here. Yeah they are cute kids.

    @ Duece I love your ADHD!

  20. @Mel: it's my second hobby besides dogs. Since last year I work with a now 5 year old mare and a 4 year old gelding. Both are westphalian warmblood and I train with them first steps to be ridden. That means dressage or if you like: playing in the sandbox :-D

    Btw. Clydesdales are great horses and I love ponies. My mentor (kind of second father for me) was a pony-breeder and a friend of mine bought those ponies after he passed away.

    That friend with the accident - nobody knows if she ever could head back to a normal live. We actually never lost all hopes but it's a very long way and the progresses are really small. Even the docs don't know what are the chances.

    Phew - I got up too early or should I say I've joined the party for too long last night?! I'm so tired...

  21. @cjal I hope your friend gets better! Don't give up hope! :D

  22. @ cjal those are pretty horses. I googled them. Don't give up hope for your friend.
