Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some New Videos

This makes 7 Aksel videos now. I think I qualify for creepy stalker chick now. LOL Thanks to Dana for the pictures. Some of which I have never seen. I picked Foot of the Mountain by a-ha. It was a toss up between that, Angel in the Snow & Crying in the Rain. I was leaning towards Crying in the Rain because it reminds me of an old country song Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain. I hope you all enjoy the video.

This video is just for fun. These are the guys of my own little world. At the end I put a few pics of my real world. I hope you all enjoy your visit to my world.


  1. @Mel THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! This is the song I was thinking about too! I'm happy you've chose it!
    You make my day! LOVE YOU MEL!!!

  2. @Mel May I join you in your "little HOT world"? We need a lot of icecream to resist in there!LOL

  3. @Mel You tease me again! I can't watch these until I get home from work:(

    @Cricket I have lived an hour from NYC my whole life and I still don't know how to get from Grand Central to Times Square. I don't visit very often in my defense:)

  4. @Dana Great minds think alike! Of course you can come on over to my world! Your welcome anytime.

    @Krys Sorry :-) Hopefully you get off work soon.

  5. BOO I hate that my company blocks everything good and I hate that the iPhone blocks flash video!!!!!!! That is my rant for the day.

  6. @Cricket My job blocks everything too. I think its a miracle that I'm even allowed on here!

    @Mel 5:00 can't come soon enough!!!

  7. @Mel I have no doubt every mind here is a great one, that's why we are together! Ha ha! Thanks again for your great job!!

  8. @Krys & Cricket Do I need to call your work & tell them that you have to be able to view everything on my blog? I will do it. I may even throw a temper tantrum to get my own way. I have witnessed it enough at work that I think I may be able to pull it off.

    @Dana Yes we all have great minds. Your welcome. I must admit I do like this job better than my other job. Though this one doesn't pay in money & kinda need money.

  9. Hi girls! :-)

    how was your start in the week?

    @mel: i saw your brother has nearly the same guitar.. haha did you take the pic? was he wondering why you did?

    thx for the videos!! Aksels new pics are most not the best ones right? haha..

    I was laughing so hard at the second one... i didn´t expect the vikings coming up but they did haha! :-) Thx!!!!

    So how is everybody doing? any news i missed yesterday?

  10. @Teekanne He took that pic when he got the living room remodeling done. I had to put the Vikings in the second one! They are part of my world now.

  11. @Mel Please do! I can't even view Aksel's site. It cuts off half way down the page. Its so annoying!

    @Teekanne Hey girl! How are you? My start to the week has been looooonnnngggg:)

  12. hi girls how you doing??

    @mel great videos thank you for create them and the music match to them

  13. @Krys *gasps in shock* How dare they interfer with your addiction!!!

    I forgot to tell you girls another story from work. It started storming while I was on self-check. Everyone in the whole store gasped & then it was silent. It was so funny. I was glad that I wasn't the only scaredy cat in the store. Usually I am. LOL

  14. @corinna Hey! How are you today?

    @Mel I know right? Its a travesty!! Talk about teasing:)

    We just had a storm here, the lights were flickering. I was hopeful that maybe we could go home if there was no power but it has cleared up:(

  15. @mel: haha so he doesn´t know? what might he do if he would find out? ;-)

    part of your world? hopefully a certain person doesn´t read it.. i´m not interested in trouble! ;-)

    @krys: i´m sorry for you! i´m doing good.. was a long day but only tomorrow and i will have a day of! :-)

    @corinna: Hey.. how are you? i´m good! :-)

  16. @mel i know this situation, i´m reall scared of storm too. and everyone look always on me and ask oh what is, it´s only a storm/thunderstorm

  17. @mel&krys: I love storms! :-) i love heavy rain (at least i´m inside a house) i love thunderstorms and storms! :-) i enjoy the power of the nature!

  18. @krys i´m real good today i had bought me this morning a biketrouser

    @teekanne i´m fine too. and you recovered of your celebrating?

  19. @corinna: haha.. it wasn´t that hard! :-) but yes i recovered! :-) and you?

  20. @teekanne i´m too. but this rainy weather sucks, sorry that i said this but i really have enough of rain. mh let see if some of my patient have right and it will be going to be good weather on thursday

    @krys how is the weather today in nyc?

  21. @Teekanne I love storms too, as long as I'm not out in them. I hate to drive in the rain! It makes me nervous.

    @corinna So you are a bike rider? You and Aksel should go together ;D

  22. @Teekanne I don't think he would mind. Totally terrified of lightning. Yup I'm a chicken.

    @Corinna Me too. Though I've been trying to be brave & stand at the front or back door when I'm home & it's storming. Just to prove to myself that it's not gonna hurt me.

  23. @mel if i´m at home i know nothing can happen but when i´m outside, i´m getting real nervous. i hate the thunders and the lightnings.

    @krys yes i´m a bike rider but not as good as aksel i think i will lose when i go with him to a bike tour

  24. @corinna: we had 20 degrees today but as i woke up this morning we had heavy fog. as least i don´t know if it was fog or clouds!
    so one of our patients? what are you doing? nurse?
    there will be sun and 27 degrees on saturday. we just booked a camping site for the weekend after this!:-) 3 days to the northsea!

    @krys: ok driving in heavy rain sucks.. i mostly stop somewhere and wait till it´s over! :-) we once had a storm and we were at at festival it was 3 pm and it was totally dark the sky was green.. that wasn´t fun at all.

    @mel: a chicken? so you might have a protector in your store?! nobody volunteering?

  25. @teekanne i´m a physio!
    oh we here at today something btw 8 and 10 degrees and new snow on the mountains

    @krys & teekanne a warm summer rain is so good but not a cold heavy rain

  26. @Mel Yes please! My boss even complains that he can't see Youtube. TISNF!

    So is this video fabulous enough for me to sneak upstairs and watch it while I am waiting for dinner?

    @Krys I am surprised this site works too! I don't want to jinx myself so I will shut up.

    @Teekanne I love storms too! The scarier the better for me. The last time I went to visit my Dad in Florida there was a wicked storm every day. It was so awesome.

    We are supposed to have some storms later, but I won't hold my breath for any excitement. Our storms are very weak.

  27. @Teekanne Thats what it was just like here. The sky got so dark, it looked like night. I was glad to be inside.

    @corinna I bet you could keep up:) And you're a physio? You need to work for some skiers!

    @Cricket Since the storm was just here it is headed your way!

  28. @krys i need some more train. sometimes my condition is that good,

  29. @corinna: wow new snow?! :-)
    physio???? i loove physios haha! At least for massages! :-)

    oh i love summer rain.. the smell is unique!! :-)

    @cricket: storms here are boring too.. in the mountains it´s mostly heavier! I love to sit at the window and watch the lightnings! :-)

  30. @teekanne on our highest mountain and in our skiresort are since this weekend new snow. and yes here are storms real heavy.

  31. @corinna Sorry I missed your post before:( The weather in NY today is cloudy and humid.. yuck! Now I need to visit someone with sun;D

  32. @krys oh thats sucks too. how long do you need to work till you can go home?

  33. I haven't been around for four days. Does anyone know if Lars had his baby yet?

  34. Hi Teekanne & Corinna! Nice to see you! I'm sick of so much rain too! Waiting for sunny days!

    I think we should make a supporting signatures list to help Krys and Cricket to see everything on this blog at work! LOL Maybe this way we can convince their bosses! Do you think it works?

  35. @corinna Only 2 more hours:) Well actually 1 hour and 57 min if you want to be exact;D I work everyday 8-5.

  36. Hi Giffy! How are you? Unfortunately I didn't know anything about Lars and his baby!

  37. @corinna: that would be the perfect spot for me to live, right? ;-)

    @giffy: no. i don´t know! But since he didn´t update his twitter since 2 dayys... maybe! ;-)

    @dana: hey! How are you girl?
    i wanna join this list too.. i cannot see that blog cannot be on facebook or anything else.. but it´s ok. otherwise i wouldn´t work anymore haha.

    at least it´s worth a try!!

  38. @dana how are you? i´m fine

    @krys so lets count the minutes

    @teekanne you mean where i live, yes here it´s so beautiful

    to this list, i´m not going to the internet during work, but i can sign it if it helps

  39. @giffy i don´t know if he is now a daddy or they still wait for the baby

  40. Hei ladies!
    How are you doing? :D

    @Mel thanks so much for the vid!!!! Both of them! some of the pic from Aksel, yummy! ;P

    oh and I gotta say, I soo LOVE Dinoso!!!! ;P well the charakter! ;D

    So did I miss something interessting? :D

  41. @dana I would love that! Unfortunately my boss has no control over our blocked sites. That comes from our home office in NYC and they won't bend for anyone.

    I work 8-4 so I get to go home in 50 minutes. Yay!

  42. @anja good evening how are you?

  43. Hey! Ladies! What's up? Did I miss anything?
    Anything interesting going on? LOL! What a zoo...

    Hope you all had a nice long weekend.

  44. @Corinna hei! i'm doing good, thanks! And you? :D

  45. @anja i´m fine too. and what´s about your great aunt?

  46. @anja: Hey girl! :-) How are you?
    how was your meeting with the hairdresser? new cut?? ;-)

  47. @ Anja We posted almost exactly the same thing. Great minds think alike. As they say in the US - Owe me a coke!

  48. @Corinna My great aunt is gettin surgery tomorrow! They tested her heart, kidney and lung and there everything is good. So therefor she's getting operated. I hope she'll be ok, but I'm optimistic! or try to be! :D Thanks for asking! :D

    @Teekanne I'm good! :D nah no new cut, just cut the ends! ;D I like my long hair! :D
    how are you doing?

    btw when we're already talking here, I bought the tickets this afternoon! :D even saved 10.-, since we're that early! :D woho!!! :D

    @Giffy yea I just saw that too! :D haha
    how are you doing? :D

  49. @anja so i cross my fingers for tomorrow, but i really think everything will be fine

  50. @anja: sorry to hear about your aunt. hope she´s doing good! :-)

    only the ends? wow.. that´s not much at least nothing that fits for your new part of life which starts in about one week! ;-)

    woohooo.. really so i might book my flight tomorrow! :-) yiihhaa.. only need to know if you think you can stand me till monday morning! haha no think i will discover the city on monday for a bit and fly on the afternoon!
    just had the idea.. what about camping?! haha!

  51. @Dana That would be great! I am going to try and have our IT girl update my internet so its at least newer. Maybe I could see more then:)

    @corinna Yes! Lets! So now its 1 hour 36 mins lol:)

  52. @anja so you leave next tuesday?

    @krys ok that isn´t so long, you will make it

  53. @Anja I hope your great aunt will be ok.

    I need a haircut too. My hair is almost to my shoulders which is too long for summer! I have appointments Friday for haircut/wax/nails.

  54. @Anja Sending prayers & good wishes to your Aunt.

    I think I may get in the pool. It's 78F/25C. That's warm enough right?

  55. @Anja I am also sorry to hear about your Great Aunt. Hopefully the surgery will help and she will get better.

    @corinna I have been counting down since I got here! I have to get home and watch these videos :D

  56. @Corinna thanks! I hope so! :D I'll know by tomorrow afternoon I guess. :)

    @Teekanne well they're now like 3cm shorter, still! ;D haha why should I change my hair, it's not like they know me over there! Well except my friends! but still! ;D

    Well I bought them, so you're NOT allowed to say you're not coming! haha of course I can stand you 4 days! haha I'll do my best at least! haha ;D
    yea, you actually don't need much time to discover the city! it's not thaaat interessting! ;D

    well camping... in a tent... hmm! i'm no fan of camping since my one and only open air I even went to! and remember, there prolly will be no shower and stuff! :D
    but I'll ask some ppl! I do think we'll be able to stay there from saturday to sunday! :D

  57. @mel oh mel you teas us here in the rainy europe/bavaria. yes this would be warm enough

  58. @Corinna yea, I'll leave in exactly a week! woho! :D

    @Cricket, Krys and Mel Thank you so much! :D with all your good wishes she'll be fine I think! :D Thanks!!! :D

  59. @anja so you already bought the tickets for the wc final in lenzerheide??? yesterday somebody asked when the starts selling the tickets for garmisch

  60. @Corinna lol no, sorry! :D They're not selling them yet I think! :D
    We're talking about the Freestyle.ch in Zürich in September! ;D haha

  61. @anja oh, right you both talked about that too. sorry that i´m so curious

  62. @Mel That wouldn't be warm enough for me! haha Its gotta be like 90 here for me to go in, unless its a heated pool.

    @Teekanne & Anja I'm so jealous of you! I wish I lived closer to WC skiing. Even Beaver Creek would be far for me. Lucky ducks:)

  63. @everyone you are invited to come over to my house & swim in my pool & enjoy the nice weather.

  64. @Corinna we still go to Lenzerheide, I hope! ;D
    and don't worry, I'm nosy all the time too! ;D

  65. @cricket: i need a haircut too.. my bangs are to long! :( but i don´t have time for that! :-(

    @mel: yeh 25 is enough for pool! definitely!!

    @anja: 3cm? wooow haha.. that´s not much!
    true they don´t know you.. so you might have the chance to change if they will visit you here! ;-)

    haha no.. i definitely will. i asked my workmate today and he is there in this time. so i´m able to go and i will book my flight tomorrow. i will send you the confirmation so you see i did! haha :-)

    not that interesting.. but since we will cheer on TJ and Justin on saturday and sunday i will have monday morning for the city! :-)

    haha you´re not a fan of camping when there i no shower ok. i admit it´s not my world either!
    We just booked that camping site at the north sea for 11th till 13th and there is a thermal bath! :-)
    ok i would prefer taht too.. othersides we will stay at a hostel where hot men will stay too! ;-)

  66. @Krys yea, I know! Especially me this year and 2013 am a lucky dog! ;D Since the WC final is goint to be right in front of me!
    But you're place is for sure nice too! I bet a lot of ppl here envy you, bc you live that near to NYC! :D I do! :D Eventhough you don't have much time to go there! ;D
    Well if you ever make it to Switzerland for a WC, you're welcome to crash at my place! ;D

  67. @mel thank you for your invite

    @krys so what you will do this evening?

  68. @Krys I know, right? I can't see why they couldn't have a WC race at Sunday River or Lake Placid! I would be there if I had to ride my scooter.

    @Teekanne I need color too, and I can't wait for that! Right now my roots are growing in and my hair is two tone. Not such a great look.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. @Teekanne Its still closer then me! What kind of freestyle competition if you don't mind me asking? Skiing I assume but we learned yesterday not to assume ;)

    @Anja Rub it in why don't ya hahaha! Well thanks! And likewise if you ever come to NY. I told you I have many couches ;D

  71. @Teekanne haha true! :D But like I said, I like my hair long! had long enought to let it grow out! :D

    haha Jiihaa! :D Do you want me to sent you a proof that I bought the tickets too? I can scan them and sent them to you! :D

    lol now we just have to hope that both of them will be invited! :D
    were you ever in Zürich? I just gotta say, I won't be such a great guide, since the only thing I do there is shopping! ;D oh and go and eat sushi! :D

    oh well I wouldn't say no to camping when there is a shower or termal bath somewhere! ;D haha
    LOL we'll see about that! ;D I wouldn't say no to a bed and a place with some hot men! ;P haha

  72. @cricket: i know that.. i have blond at the moment but it´s about 4 weeks since i was at the hairdresser... so nearly time to go! ;-)

    if anybody is interested in biathlon in a stadium, nordic skiing in a big city at the rhine or vacation in the Ruhrgebiet... just let me know! :-)

  73. @krys haha I'm sorry! I know I'm spoiled! ;D

    we're going to this event:
    http://zurich.freestyle.ch/ should be in english, if not there's a little box to translate it, right under 'search'! :D

  74. @corinna Tonight I will do nothing!!! That is the plan anyway. I am still recovering from my weekend:) Its Tuesday so I will watch Glee! That is one of my favorite shows:)

    @Cricket I would be there if I had to ride my scooter. hahahaha Though is may be a little cold for a scooter in winter I am right there with you. Where is Sunday River? I have never heard of it. Lake Placid would be about 6 hours from me which is not so bad.

  75. @krys: honestly i don´t know haha!

    haha you didn´t really offer a couch in nyc, do you? gosh!!!! :)

    @anja: haha no i think i believe you. and if you don´t show up i might have 4 days in a city! haha

    yeh hopefully.. we should write them and if they might not qualitfy for this competition we should invite them for a shopping trip! ;-)

    shopping and sushi? 2 of my favourite S-Stuff haha! :-)

    you would even say NO if there was a thermal bad???? girl.. i will let you know if you missed sth! ;-)

    haha bed, hot men :-) i´m with you!

  76. @teekanne & cricket mh i´m only go twice a year to the hairdresser, mh ok i have dark brown hair so i need no colour

  77. @corinna: twice a year?? wtf? so you save money! ;-)
    i go every 6-8 weeks mostly!

  78. @krys Glee, never heard from that, so when i have the chance to come to nyc i will let you know.

  79. @Teekanne So you feel my pain! I had blond highlights and my hair is naturally very dark brown. Right now I look so confused.

    @Krys Sunday River is in Bethel, Maine. They have had the WC snowboarding there before.

    I love Glee too!!

    Ok I'm out girls. I will be back later to watch these videos.

  80. @teekanne twice a year is enough for me, i let them cut down to near of my shoulder and then i let them grow again. and the front i always cut by myself

  81. @Teekanne Well its not in NYC, about an hour or so north. The couch is free if you need it!!:)

    @Anja I don't like to camp either. I don't go anywhere where I can't shower daily:) And I like a bed too.

    @corinna I only cut my hair twice a year also:) You aren't the only one. Though I am due.. soon! Its driving me nuts lately.

  82. @cricket: oh that´s hard! :-/ so it´s really time.. ;-)
    i normally have kind of middle blonde and in winter i have brown, blond and golden highlights and in summertime only blond ones! :-)

    bye bye ! :-)

    @corinna: i cut the bangs myself too. but only once and then i go to the hairdresser.
    ok if your hair is already till the shoulder it doesn´t look that strange after a few month. but mine are only like chin long and they have to be cut before they reach the shoulders.. i hate it if they lie on them! :-/

  83. @Teekanne lol you don't know what it is is about?! Gosh! LOL

    @Krys & Teekanne There will be 4 disciplines; freeskiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and FMX (T guess that's with motorbikes) and they'll have a 'normal' competition. like at any other event! but at the same time there'll be a overall competition! But don't ask me how that's working! :D
    and the think is, it's right beside the lake and there will be snow, in summmer! So that's the special thing here! ;D

    @Teekanne haha i do show up! I wouldn't miss that for anything! ;D

    Well the competitiors get invited, not everyone get's to go there! just the ones with a good season go there! :D Well I think TJ going to be there, since I heard he had a great season! ;D
    LOL Shopping trip?! That would be awesome!!! haha :D

    yea, the sushi is awesome there! :D And cheap! :D

    nah, I said even I wouldn't (!) day no to that! ;D You gotta read right! haha ;P

    yea, with me in the gutter again?! LOL :D

  84. @krys: an hour north? it´s ok since i only need to go there for cheap shopping! ;-)
    i was there last november.. but since the euro is bad at the moment and the flights are about 450 euro it´s not decided yet if we go!

  85. @Cricket have a nice afternoon! talk to ya later! :) bye!

  86. @anja i also need a shower at the campingplace, but i like camping. it´s funny and if you can sit down on nite on the fire oh that´s great.
    i can sleep everywhere so i don´t need a bed, a hot guy would be enough! lmao i mean is stomach or chest to put my head on it

    @krys mh i think i will let them cut down first in september or october i really love my long hair

  87. @corinna Let me know and I'll find you a pillow and blankets :) Glee is such a great show. Its about a High School Glee club and its really funny. They also sing alot of cover songs anywhere from Madonna to Lady GaGa to Journey. Its really good. Maybe it will air in Germany soon!

  88. @Krys & Corinna I need my daily shower too! ;D It's hard if I can't! :D
    Well I can do camping if I have to, IF the ground is more or less flat and not to many drunk ppl are going to want into my tent! I mean without my permission! ;D
    I wouldn't say no to a stomach or chest of a hot men either! ;P

  89. @teekanne i had nearly every kind of haircut short and long. if i was younger i had a real good looking dark red colour, but since i´m being older had the most time my naturel colour dark brown and sometimes some sweet highlights in it from golden to bronze to red to blonde to middleblond and copper

  90. @krys it´s sounds good. thank you so much for this

    @anja i know you wouldn´t say no to a stomach or a chest

  91. @Anja Thanks for the explanation. I can't open your link until I get home. Stupid work computers! grrrrrrr:(

    @corinna That is the best kind of pillow ;D unless said hot man is really muscular, then it might be a little hard lol!

    @Teekanne I love to shop in the city! There are so many choices. I love to cheap shop in China Town. I buy my sunglasses there. Everything is like 5 dollars.

    @Cricket Have a safe trip home from work. Talk to you soon!

  92. @anja: haha.. no at least i know the programm. so i know what it is about but not ecxactly since i never attent such an event! ;-)

    miss what? my face seeing you?? haha ;-) i´m so looking forward for it! :-)
    my mom was just like... you´re doing what? Yeh.. meeting with a girl?! What is HIS name? ;-)haha

    he had a great season.. and he had that great video... gosh i missed watching them on he weekend.. i need to do this weekend! :-)

    we watched hangover on friday for another time.. haha!! "we´re the 3 best friends..."

    shopping trip.. but not only books! ;-) need to find out what is cheap over there.. besides chocolate! haha

    cheap sushi??? wow.. not like in Norway like 15 Euro haha

    ah ok.. i need to learn reading still.. you know since i skiped kindergarden! ;-) i didn´t have these parents who pay the teachers! haha

    yeh you in the gutter.. I know what kind of a shirt you will get... ;-)

    @corinna: i had orange and short.. like 5 cm!! haha that looked terrible!! i know now!! unfortunately i didn´t years ago! :-(

  93. @krys: gosh i hated china town.. everybody is talking to you haha.. frustrating! ;-)
    we had these kit kat commercial years ago.. i don´tknow if you know that:


    i was in new jersey for shopping! :-) it´s only so much cheaper than here...

  94. @Teekanne Oh I LOVE the Hangover! When I was in Boston this past weekend I bought a shirt that says "One Man Wolf Pack" with Alan's head on it. I was so excited when I found it!

    My mom would have asked what HIS name was too lol!

  95. @Teekanne haha They do talk a lot in China Town. They want you to buy their stuff. You gotta bargain with them for the cheapest price. Shopping is much cheaper where I live then in NYC. Everything in NYC is expensive!

  96. @krys & teekanne my mom would say the same and then see would ask since when did you know him

  97. @krys: haha gosh that shirt is lovely!
    i love the baby! it´s gorgeous! :-)

    Carlos! haha :-)

    my mom is sooooo curious!! unbelievable!! haha but i will take some pics of hot men (wait i will go to switzerland where anja said are no hot men)... damn. i need to find a pic in the internet...

  98. @krys: i believe it´s cheaper a little more outside. it´s the same in germany... so it´s good to have a car and be able to drive! :-)

    @corinna: haha where did you get to know him? why are you visiting? what is he doing?
    and then: I don´t like it you go, but i cannot stop you, right??

  99. @Krys you're welcome! :D Just check it out at home! it's pretty interessting! :D

    @Teekanne haha at least that! ;D I see, you're skills in stalking a person is better than getting information about an event! ;P
    well I never was there before either, noone ever wanted to come! :D But I heard it's awesome! just a lot of ppl, but well that's normal! ;D

    haha yea, that too! ;D but meeting you in general! ;D I'm already excited actually! another thing I'll look forward after I come back! :D
    haha so your mom thinks I'm a man?! LOL I see, my fb pic isn't enough proof?! haha

    right! i'm pretty sure he'll be there! :D omg girl! you gotta watch them! Especially the american boys! ;D and once or twice the canadians! ;D Just to know, what you'll have to look out for! :P

    LOL I love hangover!!! :D soo funny!
    they said that there somewhen?! really?! Don't remember it soo clearly, since we watched it in German! :D ...dementia!

    haha you're coming to switzerland girl, nothings particulary cheap here! ;D haha I love book shopping, but for you, I'll make an exception and go normal shopping! :D

    haha no! it's more like around 12 CHF which is around what? 6 Euros or so! :D really cheap for us! ;D

    LMAO I forgot! ;D haha I think I gotta talk to your parents about that! ;D haha

    :o what shirt?!

  100. @Teekanne Hahah Carlos! My friend got a shirt with Carlos on it with him in the backpack so when she wears it it looks like she is carring the baby. Old people kept giving her funny looks.

    @corinna and Teekanne Aparently mothers are the same no matter what country you live in.

    @Anja I can't believe that there are NO hot guys in Switzerland. There has to be at least one lol!

  101. did you read aksels blog? so he will fly home to sign stamps... haha what a freaky life! haha...
    ok who is going to norway next? i need a stamp of him! :-/

  102. @teekanne haha yeah right my mom sounds the same way. oh and my neighbour, he had actually asked me if i had a new boyfriend down in italy or why i go down so often. oh i have to say that my neighbours are like second parents for me

  103. @Teekanne haha but remember, there will be some men from other countries at that event! ;D So you'll get your pics!
    And well, prolly I'm just to used to the men around here! since I see them everytime when I go out! ;D

  104. OK there are some hot men around here! Just they're gay or taken! ;D
    and like I said, I'm used to them! I've seen them way to many times drunk and vise versa! ;D

  105. @Anja haha So this event you are going to will broaden your men horizons! Or perhaps you will me a hot shirtless Canadian while you are there. You have 9 weeks! lol

  106. *meet* I can't type today:( Is it 5 here yet?

  107. @anja: haha gosh that was mean girl! ;-) at least i mostly go there to visit you since i don´t think i will be able to talk to TJ! ;-)

    so this topic is increasing on your list! :-)
    haha i didn´t show her a pic since i didn´t want to scare her.. but i might do these days! ;-)

    yeh alan sings it in the car when they drive back to Las Vegas after they found out what Rufus could stand for! haha we watched it in german too but i recognized the sound and it´s kind of easy to translate i guess haha

    yiihaa.. normal shopping! yeh switzerland isn´t cheap!! ;) so let me know if you need something from cheap germany! haha

    6 euro is cheap i guess... need to check that tomorrow in lunch break! ;-)

    so doesn´t your mom already know i´m coming?

    this one?

    oh really there is a shirt with the baby?? haha
    oh yeh this is it, right?

    gosh i need it too! :-)

  108. @Krys haha I'll see! ;D I for sure hope so! :D
    LOL I do hope to meet some hot canadians during my 9 weeks over there! :D That'd be awesome!!! :D lol

  109. @corinna: haha gosh i think your parents talked to your neighbours, right? haha
    i don´t have that.. haha.. thank good!

    @anja. yeh true so many nations over there! :-)
    i only need 1 pic! ;-)

    so i go off now.. heading to bed! :-)

    hope you have a great night.. will be on tomorrow afternoon! :-) have nice dreams and a good sleep!

  110. @Teekanne Yeah those are them! hahaha :) I think I may get the Carlos one too just because it is hilarious!

  111. @teekanne this t-shirts are funny i didn´t have seen hangover till yet but i will watch it to

    @krys here it´s about 10:30 pm

  112. @corinna Maybe your parents and neighbors are ganging up on you? haha I hate when you are with a guy and they say "Is that your boyfriend?" I find it so irratiating!

    @Anja I wish you good luck on your mission lol!

    @Teekanne Goodnite! Sleep well:)

  113. @teekanne i already live in my parents house and my neighbours mh my mom talk to them nearly every second day. i know them since i´m been 5 years old and if i was younger (not 18) and my parents are over the weekend on travelling my neighbours look after me and had a second key for the house because i often forgot to take the housekey with me

    i wish you a good night and sweet dreams

  114. @Teekanne haha I thought I'll be mean for a change! ;D would be getting boring otherwise, don't you think? ;D

    LMAO so you think she'll be scared of me or the fact that I might be a bad influence?! If so, my mom should fear the same I guess! haha ;D
    lol you gotta tell me what she said!

    Really?! I gotta check that out tomorrow!!! :D

    haha I'll let you know, thanks! :D

    Jup she knows! ;D I think she's kinda curious to meet you! And well I showed her a pic of you! haha ;D Don't worry she wasn't scared... yet! ;D

    btw if you wanna see if you understand our accent, check that vid! ;D

    I like the song! and that's how the 'Zürcher' talk! Mine is a little different! Much more beautiful for that matter! ;D

  115. @Teekanne good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams! Talk to you tomorrow! :D

  116. @krys oh yes i know what you mean. or if your dad ask the men do you want to stay for dinner if he pick you up the first time

  117. @corinna I have 19 minutes til 5! yay:) I can't wait to go home. You guys stay up late lol. On weekdays I am usually so exhausted I am asleep by 9:30. But I get up at 4:45 every morning or at least I use that as my excuse;) I just like to sleep! lol

  118. @krys i get up btw 7 and 8 am and normally go to bed btw 10 and 11:30 pm

    so the last 19 minutes so how long do you need home?

  119. @krys i know i know i get up latly but i work more in the evening than in the morning, because of all the working ppl

  120. @Krys wow 4.45?! That's early!!!
    I'd be exhausted too then in the evening! :)

    ok... I'll not tell you when i get up... :D lol

  121. @corinna It takes me about 30 minutes to get home depending on traffic of course:( And here it is storming again so people will be driving slow.

    I wish I could get up that late! Now even on the weekends when I can sleep in my body is so used to getting up early that I wake up at 6 in the morning.

  122. @Anja Don't make me jealous of anything else lol!

  123. @Krys I wont! :D
    Why do you have to get up that early?

  124. @Anja I usually get into work at 7:30 and it takes me 30 minutes to get here so I set my alarm for 4:45, get out of bed at 5 and get myself ready for work and leave my house by 7 at the latest. I could probably wake up at 5:30 but then I would feel rushed to fit everything in.

  125. @Anja And I have unruley hair lol:D It takes a lot of effort.

  126. @krys aww thats a real earl wake up call

  127. @Krys I see! Unruly hair can take a while! :S I was actually wondering, before I saw the second post, what you have to do for 2 hours! ;P But i know, I do that too, giving me enought time in the morning! just not when that requires to get up that early! ;D
    I had that for 3 years, that I had to leave at 7, but I didn't get out of bed before 6, I just couldn't bring myself to do so! ;D

  128. Alright ladies, Its 2 minutes to 5 and I am out of here. If you both go to bed before I get home to watch videos and look at websites, have a great night. Sweet dreams to you both. If not, I'll talk to you in a bit:)

    Later Gators ;D

  129. @krys and anja in my social year i had to get up at 5:30am because i start work at 6:45 am it was so hard for me
    i don´t need so much time in the morning

  130. @Krys Well have a save journy home! :D And maybe talk to you in a bit! :D

    @Corinna I hate getting up early! I'm so not a morning person! ;D
    Last year, till a couple weeks ago, I had to get up at 5am too and catch a train at 6am and go to university! Gosh I hated that! :S

    Me neither, like 15min (without coffee) till I'm ready, but I need my coffee in the morning! ;D

  131. @anja i mostly go for a shower in the evening so i don´t have to do this in the morning, i need something about 25 min. but with put some mascara and kajal on my eyes, no i don´t drink coffee

  132. @Corinna yea, when I have to get up that early, I take my shower in the evening too, mostly! To save some time, which I can remain in bed! lol
    I couldn't survive the day without a coffee in the morning! that's one of my few vices! ;P

  133. @anja i´m not a coffee junkey! i also do no breakfast. i can´t eat something in the mornging

  134. i´m off for bed now
    need some sleep

    @krys i wish you too a nice and relaxed evening

    and to all a good night and sweet dreams talk to you tomorrow evening

  135. @Corinna good night to you too! Sleep well and talk to you tomorrow! :D

  136. Ok I am home so time to catch up since I am no longer blocked!

    @Mel Finally got to watch the videos and they are both awesome. I haven't seen many of those Aksel pics. I have to say I too love True Blood (yummy Viking Vampire Eric)and you know I have to represent my NY Yankees!! Awesome job!

    @Anja Freestyle Zurich looks so cool. Kind of like the X Games here. You and Teekanne will have a blast! I bet there will be tons of hot guys too ;D

  137. Aksel's blog ate my post. I went to post it & it took me to the homepage. That's crazy right?

  138. Nice videos!

    @Mel I think you and I could end up in a boy related hair pulling catfight! James Purefoy?! I actually squealed! OMG I have been in love with him for YEARS. And David James Elliott? I have every season of JAG on dvd in my secret stash.

    I just kicked my own ass with pilates. I need to crash and watch Glee. I will talk to you all tomorrow. Have a great night/morning wherever you are.

  139. Sweet vids Mel! They are both smokin'! All those hot dudes, whew wee!!! NICE!!! ;D

    One complaint tho, the NY Yankees?!?!? BOOOO!!! ;D Guess who I am a fan of, yep, the Philadelphia Phillies...you whooped our ass in the World Series last year (lets just say it was awesome enough to return to the series for our second year in a row). Otherwise, great pics!!

    SOOOOO...how does one get a hold of these Aksel stamps?!?!?!!? Too freakin' cool!!!! Anne-May?!?!? Any ideas?!?!?

    Sorry I missed the party today, work was really hectic, it's always double the work after having a holiday. Almost not worth it sometimes.

    Goodnight ladies!
    Sweet dreams!

  140. @Mel Loved the videos ... SMOKIN! I had to watch them twice just for the drool factor ... but, I have to admit I loved Aksel's the best. There were some pics that I've never seen. :)

    I am always struck by how genuine ALS appears ... this might not make sense but... to me he projects the unspoiled innocence that children have that allows them to be amazed and entertained by all the wonderment in the world ... Unjaded by life's less savory aspects. That is rare in an adult, but very endearing. LOL ... and as an adult he is Uber HOT! ... geeze ya had to know I wouldn't stay out of the gutter very long!

    @Kristen I know what ya mean ... Having a holiday always seems like a great idea, but then you have to go back to work and catch up .. that always sucks!

  141. @Mel LMBAO Just read your comment under the video "creepy stalker chick" ... This is the dark side remember ... In Liquortopia creepy stalker chick is a total compliment! :D

  142. @Cricket I never fight over eye candy. I'm willing to share. I love DJE!!! He's going to be on a new series on ABC or CBS. Can't remember the name of it right now.

    @Kristen That's my team. I love the Yanks!

    @Deuce LMAO It is a compliment here. Not so much in the real world. I agree he does appear to be genuine. I love how he loves life & enjoys it as much as possible.

  143. Just read ALS twitter and looks like he's heading back to Norway for a stamp festival. How cool is that to have stamps in your honor. How do we get our hands on them in US? ... LMBAO Makes my mind dive to a whole new level of gutter ... I wonder if they are self stick stamps or 'lick 'em' kind!

  144. WOW ... What happened ... my post was eaten and now it's coughed back up twice! My gutter thoughts must have over heated the Blog without me even posting them! :D

  145. @Deuce I was wondering the same thing. I hope they are the lick'em kind. *settles into the gutter*

  146. Hi everybody!
    I'm glad you like the pics from the new video!
    I see you had a great time here last night! I just read your comment!

    I'm off to work! Have a beautiful sunny day!

  147. Good Morning everyone! Hey at least it's Wednesday, 2 days till the weekend! YAY!!

    @Anja I wanted to let you know that I will be thinking of your Aunt today as she has her surgery. Please let us know how everything goes. *hugs*

    Have a great day Akselholics!!


  148. Hello ladies! :D

    How is everyone doing so far? :D

    @Deuce & Mel LMAO I hope they'll be the lick'em type too! ;P haha

    @Kristen Thanks hun! :D I really appreciate that! I guess I'll know that in a couple hours! I have no idea how long that takes... :S

    btw did the Flyers win? ;D they played yesterday or the day befor yesterday, no? :D

    Ok I'm off again! Going to buy a ton of Chocolate for Canada! :D

  149. did someone say licking stamps? and chocolate? you are so speaking my language:) what a nice way to start my day.

    and would love to follow fellow akselaholics on the twitter...my twitterhandle is CDaestheticsKC, so give a follow if you are so inclined:)

    @mel thanks for the eye candy vid. another nice way to start the day:)

    @anja the countdown is on...less than a week! and do keep us posted on your aunt.

    oh..does anyone know if lars' baby was born?

    ok..need to run..hope everyone has a great day!

  150. @all I just checked Lars' webside!

    His baby was born sunday!!! It's a boy named Kasper!!! :D

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :D I bet that's going to be one happy baby!!! :D

  151. awwww....sweet kasper:) that's awesome! thanks for the info @anja!

  152. Good morning! My boss has his son in today and the kid loves me.

    @Deuce LMAO @ lick 'em. Do they even make stamps like that anymore? I haven't had one in years!

    @Anja Are you bringing your own chocolate? Nice! What kinds?

    Yay for Lars!

    @Suzanne How about chocolate flavored stamps? Or, even better, chocolate flavored boys?

    My twitter is capecodcricket. I check it once or twice a day.

  153. @Suzanne sorry, I don't use Twitter! ;) I don't get it really, how that works! FB is more than enough! ;P

    Jup I'll get ya all updated! I gotta make a call later anyhow! :D

    You're welcome! :D
    ok am I the only one, but that name reminds me of the Ghost who was named Kasper! ;D LOL But I bet he's a cutie! like most babies! :D

    @Cricket jep I do! But for them and not for me! ;P lol
    they don't have good Chocolate there in Canada! And these are not my words! lol So I though I'll bring them some! ;D
    Well I bought a lot of different flavours but all from the brand 'Lindt'! They have the best Chocolate in the world!!! ;D
    From white one with nuts, milk chocolate or dark one! I got all! :D

  154. LOL! Yes, Congratulations to Lars! I just looked on the website and laughed at the way Lars is carrying his baby in the car seat? I don't know why it strikes me funny that he's only had the baby two days, and poor Kasper is backward like another piece of luggage...Men. I hope he didn't leave his gf at the hospital.

  155. @Anja They have better chocolate in Canada than here in the US. Most of ours is too sweet. Lindt is awesome! I also like Ritter Sport and English Cadbury.

    @Giffy It's a rear-facing car seat. Here it is the law that a baby has to be in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least a year old.

  156. HI girls! :-)

    Congrats to lars! :-) So now he has his own "puppet theater" at home since in german it´s called "KASPERletheater" ;-)

    So end of my fit perfectly :-)

    @Giffy: haha at least he could take a look at him while walking :)
    think the gf needed to take the pic.. poor betina! haha.. I wonder that the baby seat is boring... no funny colours!! :-)

    But you have to admit.. who doesn´t want such a hot daddy?! So new kind of workout for him! :-)

    @anja: so you bring chocolate to canada?! My aunt takes it with her too back to america.. i tried hersheys once.. terrible! that´s not chocolate! ;-)

    How are you all doing?

  157. @cricket: have you ever tried milka or Kinderschokolade? The last one has these surprise eggs made out of chocolate with a toy inside! :-)

    But lindt is definitely chocolate! :-)

    @anja: forgot: booked the flight this morning. 24th till 27th :-)

  158. @Giffy haha i wondered that too at first! :D lol

    @Cricket I like Ritter Sport too, but I love Lindt! They're really dark chocolate is awesome! The one with like 95% Cocoa! mhmmm
    Ok we gotta stop, otherwise I'll eat all the chocolate I just bought! ;D and that'd be a lot! ;D

    @Teekanne Hei hun! how are you doing? :D

    Jup I bring them some! :D I hope they'll like it, but well who doesn't like swiss chocolate?! ;D
    I even have to cook for them at least once this time, since I wanted to make 'Capuns' the last time and we couldn't find any swiss chard! :D

    I'm doing good! :D Thanks!

  159. @Teekanne haha Kinderschockolade is great too!!! ;D I even got some in the fridge!

    Niceeee!!! :D When are you arriving on friday? I gotta write that into my agenda! :D haha I'm already excited! :D

  160. @anja: I´m doing good... public holiday tomorrow and my aunt and the kids are coming for a bbq! :-)
    getting stressy with all the stuff to do till your flight goes?!

    all like swiss chocolate! :-) I love Toblerone think that will be the stuff i put my luggage full off on my flight back haha!

    what is capuns? haha never ate it i guess!

    always in the fridge that´s the reason why my friends come to visit: oh i bet you have kinderschokolade in the fridge, right?! haha

    14:50 :-) and leaving at 15.30! :-)
    I´m soo excited. cannot believe we´re really meeting up. but it´s sooo long till september and you will be somewhere in nowhere for 9 weeks! :-(

    oh i nearly killed my boss today (literally). i had the chance to go to Dresden for this weekend from tonight till sunday with 40 young ppl for 80 Euro. but my workmate has a holiday on friday (to have a long weekend with his gf). so the only chance was to get the day from my boss (who planed that too as a holiday) but he said he will go somewhere for the weekend. so another workmate asked him today where he will go this weekend and he was: oh no i will stay at home...
    gosh and therefor i need to stay at home too??? sometimes i really hate him! No i normally do!! Grrr

  161. Morning/Afternoon ladies!!! How is everyone doing today? Its a beautiful day here in NY. Sending everyone some sun:)

    Congrats to Lars on baby Kasper!

    @Deuce I would love to lick Aksel! haha See my mind is already in the gutter and its only 10:30 here:)

    @Anja I was thinking Kasper the friendly ghost too lol.

    We have a Lindt chocolate store in my mall. The truffles are soooo good!

    I have my fingers crossed for your great aunt today:)

    @Teekanne He is a really hot daddy ;D He can use him as weights now, do some bicep curls.

  162. @Teekanne I have tried every chocolate I can get my little hands on! I will agree that Hershey's is the worst. I didn't even like that when I was a kid.

    I have had Milka once and I really liked it, but it is not easy to find here. Lindt and Godiva are easy to find because they have their own stores. I also like Toblerone which you can get that at the drugstore. Is Kinderschockolade the same as Kinder Egg? I have had that before too. I think I need to take a chocolate vacation of Europe! When I went to Amsterdam a few years ago I brought back like $50 US worth of chocolate hidden in my bag!

  163. @krys: kind of unhandily i think.. but i bet he will give it a try! :-)

    i keep myself out of the lick and stamp discussion since the most interesting parts are hid or not in the stamp! :-)

    Kaspar the ghost.. true. i didn´t think about that! ;-)

  164. @Teekanne Nice! I was already wondering why you have a holiday tomorrow! ;D Seen it on fb! :D

    Well i start to, I guess! :D I still need so much stuff, like some shorts (since mine are realy worn out) and a new camera! And I have to see when I got time for that, need my mom with me to go shopping! ;D And well tomorrow I'll be visiting my family, who're living 40min away and this weekend I'm with my grandpa and a grasski race! uhm, now it looks like I'm really busy even to me!!! ;D LOL

    oh yea toblerone is good to! especially the white one!!! mhh.... :D

    It's a speciality from my canton! ;D Maybe I can talk my grandma into it to make us some when you get here! or I try to make it myself! ;D It's delicious! I love it!!! :D And when you get here anyway you have to try it! :D

    Ok it's in my agenda! :D Or well iPod! Now I won't forget it! ;D
    yea, it's kinda strange! But I'm excited!!! :D haha that's going to be awesome! :D
    I know, but I will try to drop in as often as I can! :D and I'll keep at least my fb updated! :D

    sorry about your boss! That's really annoying! Tell me if you need help with him?! ;D I'll be there for you! ;D

    @krys how are you doing?
    Thanks dear! I'm still trying to reach her sister to get to know how she is, but it's always busy! ;D

    @Cricket that's about what I take to Canada, but i guess I'll tell them at the customs duty and not hiding! Just to be sure! ;D

  165. @cricket: oh good to know that not all chocolate is bad in the us! ;-)

    If you like i could send you some chocolate! ;-) Milka or whatever you want!

    Yeh kinderschokolade is Kinder Egg i guess.
    Chocolate vacation? oh there is a museum in cologne and in brussels there is a chocolate fontain for free! :-) anything to add for your holiday? haha
    And Belgium has really tasty chocolates filled with stuff... :-)

    @anja: yeh :-) another public holiday in germany! :-)))

    Uhhh sounds like a really busy weekend. Hope you get all you need. :-( There is a camera i could suggest you... Canon 7D ;-) only a little expensive!
    in your ipod? i never put dates in there... think i don´t even know how that works or better if! :-(

    and i will keep my Fb updated for swiss soccer results! ;-) so that you know!

    need help? yeh... i need somebody who holds him while i punish! ;-)

    ok i´m out.. go for some walking with a friend and later chinese dinner! :-) yummy!

  166. @Anja I am well! Just working again. I feel like this week will never end and it just started. Sounds like you are getting all ready for your trip. I would be freaking out trying to pack for 9 weeks!

    @Teekanne Hahaha Those interesting parts are hidden which is such a shame lol! Have a good evening. Enjoy your chinese food. Have an eggroll for me ;D

    @Cricket A chocolate vacation? Where do I sign up? The closest thing to that we would have here is Hersey Park. I do love Reeses:)

  167. @Teekanne haha you're getting spoiled! ;D I gotta wait till the 1st of august for a public holiday! :D

    yea, I just realised that too! haha weird! ;D
    well I cannot spent alot on a camera! The most like 200.- and I bet that one is much more expensive! ;D
    but maybe my mom and me are buying a SLR camera together, but a chaper one! ;D
    I'll see, otherwise a digital camera has to be enough! :D

    Well I have an iPod touch and I do that all the time! I wouldn't know where els. :D and my iPod is everywhere with me, don't leave the house without it!! :D

    wohooo thanks so much for that!!! :D I'm still a bit disappointed to miss the world cup! :S

    Have a nice evening then! mhh Chinese sounds delicious! ;D Enjoy it! :D

    @Krys Glad to hear you're doing good! and even this week is ending somewhen! ;D
    I am! I can't wait to leave rainy Switzerland! :D
    haha I'm used to pack for so long! and since I had to pack once for 3 months, I'm used to it! Good thing I can wash my stuff! ;D

  168. @Anja How many bags are you allowed to bring? I usually have 2 suitcases for a week lol. I always overpack though. Yeah it is a good thing you can wash your stuff. I could only imagine if you couldn't how much you would have to bring.

  169. @Teekanne Chocolate fountain? OMG I would be like the boy in Willy Wonka who fell in the chocolate river! I would not be able to resist.

    @Krys I'm thinking I would just go to Switzerland, Germany and Austria and bring an empty suitcase!

    @Anja I am the same with my iPhone. My mom says I should just glue it to my hand.

  170. @Cricket Hopefully customs won't get you with that empty suitcase. I love Willy Wonka. I always wanted to be in that candy room where everything is edible! I would be swimming in the chocolate river too:)

  171. @Krys I'm allowed to bring a bag a 23kg with me and a handluggage for 10kg I guess! :D I definitly will have a hard time to not overpack and omg to come back will be hard! ;D haha i'll just pack all into my handluggage! :D
    wow 2 bags for a week?! that's alot! ;D lol I'm not that bad, I don't have a lot of stuff and I wear a lot the same! ;D
    yea, thank god I can wash! There would be no way without that! ;D

    @Cricket haha glue it to your hand! ;D That's great! I'm just like that with my iPod and music! I can easily forget my cellphone at home! I don't need it that much! :D

  172. @Krys I over pack too. I always bring two outfits for each day because I like to have choices!

    I would bring a small bag inside my main suitcase so you don't see it at all. That is what I did in Amsterdam.

    @Anja The iPhone is all in one! It has the phone, music, pictures, apps, etc. I really could glue it to my hand.

  173. @Anja haha Stuff it all in your carry on! You are gonna have a massive carry on bag then! If you buy anything you can always ship it back home. That may get expensive though.

    @Cricket Exactly! I need choices because I am so fickle with what I wear. One day I would like it and the next I hate it. And you never know what kind of weather you will encounter so I always pack extra:)

  174. oh there is a new post. lol That Mel is so sneaky:)

  175. Howdy Ya'All!

    @Lars CONGRATULATIONS to the proud Papa & Mama! I love the name Kasper the Viking! I am so happy for them. It's gonna be a great adventure, children are the best part of this world!

    @Teekanne @Anja *pouts* No fair that you guys get to meet up ... Kool ...I wanna come! I am planning to be in Germany sometime in the Fall ... we need to connect! Or maybe we need to have a Blog party in Hawaii or something (Norway)! Any ideas girls?

    @Anja where are you going to be in Canada ... cuz, parts of Canada are only about 12 hours away from Oregon!

    @Teekanne *puts on leather coat and dark sunglasses* Sounds like we need to have a talk with your boss ... or Maybe you should start coughing and complaining of a sore throat today and call in sick! :D

    Yum Love Chocolate, but I try not too eat it very often ... but, when I do I like really, really, really dark bitter chocolate! I am not a Hersheys Chocolate Fan. I am kinda addicted to Jelly Belly Jelly Beans I love making up flavor combinations!

    hmmmm Lick'em and Chocolate ... *sits down in the gutter* :D
