This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Job Suggestion...
I've been watching the last ep of Lost & Jimmy Kimmel Live. At the end of the show they do this 'Where are they now' piece. Jack is a highly paid stubble model. *sigh*
So I figured when Aksel is done with skiing he can join Jack in being a highly paid stubble model. :-)
Yes he would be great as a stubble model! Surely a highly paid one! But I think he also can be a great phographer artist!! He has that artistic sense of photography! Don't you think?
Matthew looks great too!
@Mel I hope you're not angry with me, hun! And I hope you like the pics! I promise to not send another ones so soon! LOL
@all have a wonderful day! If somebody wants sun just let me know and I send you!
@Teekanne I send sun for free! You can keep it in a jar in a cold and dark place till next weekend!!!LOL Ha ha! I like the commercial! I'm in the lunch break now, I can't stay, I wanna see what's new on the blog! I need a holiday too but I can just dream of it! *sigh*
@Krsiten wooohoooooo just checked the internet and saw that the Flayers won!!! :D I bet it was an awesome game?! Since they neede to go into extra time! :D btw why do you play 2 times at one place and then change to the other teams home ice? just wondering bc here we change after every game! So that the team place every second game on home ice! :D
@Dana oh pretty please! can you send me some sun?! It's gone since monday already... :S I really hope next week will be better overseas, I want some sun!!!! :D
@Teekanne LOL That commercial is great! I've seen that once in tv once, some months ago! I was ROFL, litteraly! ;D haha
@Krys how are you doing? yea, house rule #4 is very essential! :D Hope you're ok? ;D
Good morning/afternoon! I am really, really, really, really tired today. Like exhausted. I am on my second iced latte so I should be bouncing off the walls soon.
@Mel I saw some baby geese on my way in today! First time ever.
LMAO @ highly paid stubble model. That's awesome. I am a huge fan of the 3 day beard and I don't mind the feeling of it at all. Actually in some places it feels really nice. Gutter alarm!
@Anja & corinna Hey! I am doing well. I had lots of work to do this morning but I am all caught up now. How are you girls today?
@Cricket Haha definately a gutter alert lol!
@dana Can I have some of your sun too? Its yucky here today. Grey skies and very humid!
@Mel Oh I meant to tell you that I am a huge Lost fan too! For the finale my friend threw an Island Party with palm trees and a brownie shaped like the island. I will have to get the pics up on my facebook to show you:) I am sad that its over too:(
@corinna I want to see that too but I will probably wait until it is on DVD. I hate going to the movies because it is so expensive. When I went to see Avatar it cost me almost $30US between the ticket and a snack. Let me know how you like it!
My day shouldn't be very stressful. I am usually busy in the morning and bored in the afternoon.
Are you all excited for tomorrow? I am excited for you:)
@Krys I am always in the gutter plus I have the mind of a 12 year old boy.
I am not much of a moviegoer either. Our theater is super small and it actually sells out. The last one I saw was Avatar and I drove an hour to see it in 3D. That was awesome! I think it's almost as good on my blu-ray though.
What do you do for work?
@corinna Any word on the hot guy in Italy? Is he there?
@krys i´m real excited, i had just pack my little bag for tomorrow
@krys & cricket since yet he is not down there but maybe he arrives today in the afternoon or tomorrow like me, let´s wait and the. and if not,i have the rest of the summer to see him again and i´m be sure that i´m going to see him again
normally i don´t go to the cinema too, but we want to see this film, i only go maybe twice in a half an year to the cinema and only if there are good film showing up
how about you two, what are you goint to do on the weekend?
@Cricket I saw Avatar in 3D too. It was really awesome and worth the money but it still hurt my pocket. I agree, you really don't miss the effect on blu-ray. Its just as good on my tv as it was in the theater.
haha Well at least your mind isn't homeless:) I have the mind of a 12 year old too so send my mind to the gutter with yours.
I work as a precertification representative for a big medical group. I am in charge of 14 doctors. Its not my lifes ambition but it pays the bills ;D
@corinna I hope he shows up! So, how often to you go to Italy? Do your parents own a house there? lol I am so nosey!
This weekend I am not going to spend any money:) Thats my plan anyway, we will see how it works out. Other then that I don't have any big plans. Every Sunday night I go to my friends house and we watch a movie but this week we are going to watch the Olympic recap DVD I bought her for her birthday. Hopefully there will be some Aksel on it!
@krys my parents have a little appartment in italy on the lago di garda it is in an vacation resort with two/three pools, tennis court, restaurant and a soccer field. so maybe it if works i will be down every two or three weeks over the weekend, because this year i have no summer vacation because i go to a work training on august and this is about 1 and a half week and in january i was on a 1 week skivacation in austria. and i also had a little vacation over eastern so all my vacation days except of three are already taken.
@corinna I googled the area and it is gorgeous, you lucky girl! At least you get to go on the weekends and it seems the hot guy may do the same:) I don't get a summer vacation this year either. I went to Florida in April and I am going on a cruise with my mom in November. I am trying to save my time up to do something special next year, just not sure what.
@krys the most of my vacation i need for work train, i have to be always on the newest therapy stuff and i decided to make bobath training this year, it is about all together 3 weeks 1 and a half in august and 1 and a half next year in january.
on the lago de garda you have everything mountains and the lake. it´s like my second home and i always enjoy it to get down there
@corinna Your job must be so interesting! So do you have to go to conferences and stuff to learn with other physios?
I get 3 weeks too but I am going to try to only use 2. We can carry over whatever vacation we don't use to the next year. So next year I can have 4 weeks.
It says its near Verona. Isn't that were most Shakespeare plays are set? So it must be historical. I am jealous of you second home ;D
yes it´s near verona or exactly where i´m been is btw verona and milano
yes i meet with others physios to learn new things, in my job you never stop to learn you learn your whole working live. but it is very intersting and i love it.
@krys you can google sirmione that´s where i´m be on the weekend, but i also like riva or torbole up in the north of the lake. or lazise this i a beautiful little village with small alleys. and in verona plays romeo&julliet from shakespear, there i go out of the train
I wish I loved what I did. I like my job but its not challenging enough for me. I think I am too smart for this job. I need to find something else but in our economy I am lucky to even have a job.
@Suzanne Hey! How are you? Another wax-a-thon today? No Kasper sighting that I know of yet. Hopefully soon. Aksel needs to feed our addiction soon!
I love the castle. Its so pretty. I looks like such a nice place to vacation. I love little towns with cute shops and resturants, they are so fun to visit! Take me with you! I beg lol ;)
@corinna Very nice! Oh so this could be an all summer thing? Awesome.
@Krys I actually love my job too, although some days I am not so in love with our clients. But they pay my bills and shopping addictions, so it's all good.
@Suzanne I try to crack people up! It's like my second job. When I was in college this a-hole of a professor told me I didn't need to be funny because I was cute. That made me want to try even harder!
You already know what I think. All that unpacking can't be easy. LMAO
@corinna OMG, I tooks so beautiful there. I would just be sitting outside staring at the water lol! I love water, its so calming. Is there boating and water sports on the lake?
@Krys I am operations manager at a wealth management company. Basically we help really rich people invest! I know first hand that money does not equal class.
He totally was a dirty old man. I wanted to smack him but I thought he would probably get off on it.
I just saw that Beaver Creek won the 2015 WC. Should I book now? is full on sport waxing today...wowza! it is totally kicking my ass...a wonderful problem to have in this economy:) and yes, our boy needs to feed our addiction soon!
@cricket...girl...funny and are the full package (in full on beavis and butthead mode: did she say package, yeah, yeah)
@corrina sounds like a fabulous weekend! can't wait to hear all about it:) are you able to post to the blog during your visits?
@crickt i think for 2015 it´s a little bit to early i would book it in 2011
@krys yes there a lot´s of boats on the lake and in the north there are a lot of ppl who do windsurfing and many ppl go with there bikes on the mountains
@corinna Maybe your hot guy has one and you could go out on it?!!! There is nothing better than the feel of the waves, a breeze, and a big glass of wine:)
@corinna haha You are in the gutter cause I didn't even think of that! And I am always in the gutter lol:) Wine makes me dizzy, but a good dizzy. Reisling is my favorite!
@Cricket I guess it depends on how you came into your money also. Someone that had to work for it probably appreciates it more then when it is handed to them.
I forgot to tell you all what I found out about Jake last night. He has a tattoo on his back! IDK what it is, but it goes across his shouldars & down his back. He was talking to another Associate about it. He had on a white shirt & had gotten a little wet from the rain. That was twice he had gotten wet yesterday. I was in heaven! I'm thinking it's a cross. I just don't understand him. He can have a tattoo, but I can't go to the bar with my bestest. Grr *throws hands up* Men appearently are complicated creatures.
@Krys It was raining all day yessterday & he got wet twice. The first time he had to change his shirt because it was drenched. :D When I told him that I was going to the bar with my bestest he told me I wasn't allowed, I asked what he was gonna do if I went & he said he would call the cops on me because bars are bad. That's why I can't go to bars, but seeing that I am who I am I never listen.
@Cricket I wish he was! He just thinks he can tell me what to do, but he can't. He doesn't own me & no man will ever own me. I have a mind of my own & I use it well. *breaks into 'You Don't Own Me' from First Wives Club*
@Cricket Yeah the market to sell anything now sucks. We have a little 20 footer but it has a bowrider, you feel like you are gonna fly out. We go tubing but this year I want to learn to wakeboard.
@Mel Good for you girl! Never let a man tell you what you can and cannot do. Not all bars are bad, only creepy ones, and what would the cops do? As long as you are of age. Does he drink or is he against that as well?
@Krys I don't think he drinks. The first bar I went to with some girls from work was a creepy one. I will never go to another bar with them. The one I went to with my bestest was a good bar. Except for the old drunk man asking people for cocaine. Then again that was just plain funny.
@Mel You're damn right! I hate when men think they can run your life. Ugh. Reason # 955 why I am not married. As long as he knows you're serious you'll be ok, and if not he isn't good enough for you anyway.
@Krys When I was in high school my dad lived on a small lake and he had an 18 foot bowrider. That thing was like riding a wild horse! We would wakeboard, waterski and tube. That was so much fun! My legs were black and blue for 3 summers straight.
@krys: kind of.. kind of horse, climbing frame, tennis partner, soccer partner.. ;-) but it was fun!
@mel: himself? like his name or doing the tattoo hisself? i kind of wonder about these ppl. who tattoo their own name i mostly think it´s for the sitation they are drunken and cannot remember their names. but it would be difficult with having it on the back... ;-)
@cricket: no, not really. my aunt is here with her kids for 3 weeks and they came over to a bbq. so the kids were kind of focusing on me! :-)
@mel: so he told you you´re not allowed to go? gosh.. what a man! *shake my head* i would allow him to tell me that he might be afraid of me if i go in such a bar.. but then he should tell it directly haha.. do you think it was bc he is afraid of you or only bc he is a man who wanna tell the women what to do?
@dana: hey girl! :) how are you? had enought sun today?
we had.. it´s sunny and we have blue sky. i´m just afraid of tomorrow.. have to stay in the office till 4pm :-( i don´t want to.. so maybe i need to send you some sun in the morning and need some sun back after 4 pm! ;-)
@Teekanne It was a great day for me! I went to a bike tour with my friends and I met a very nice guy! And he talked to me! His name is Liviu and he ownes a bar,a terrace, where I and my friends stopped to drink a cola! My mates teased me all the way back! LOL
@Teekanne Ahh cousins! You're the free babysitter!
I didn't say that I will NEVER get married, but I don't revolve my life around it like some women do. I like to do what I want and I am not very good at sharing. Besides I would rather just have fun and be a cougar! Everyone tells me that is because I haven't met the right man yet, which is true.
I am not working tomorrow. I have to get my hair done and that is more important!
@dana: haha they teased you? only bc you were talking to him or bc you didn´t ask for his number?! so when are you going there again? i´m glad you had such a great day! :-) haha! *thumbs up*
@Teekanne When you tattoo someones name on yourself we say that you branded yourself. It's not a good thing to do. Yes he told me that I wasn't allowed to go! I know how dare he! I needed to get my drink on. LOL He cares & doesn't want anything bad to happen to me. When I was going through a difficult time last winter when ever I was talking about it he was always trying to listen in on what my friends & I were talking about. He knows part of the story, but not all of it. He always had this concerned look on his face. It was so very sweet. It's nice to know that he actually cares about what happens to me.
@cricket: yeh the free babysitter so my mom could talk to my aunt! ;-) and i´m pleased to be the babysitter since i mostly see them only once a year! :-(
oh ok.. not good in sharing is really a handicap on the way to get married! ;-)
think i will never meet the right man since this man doesn´t exist! i have to start baking! ;)
cougar isn´t that bad and it´s never too late to get married... only for kids! ;-)
you just said hairdressing is more important than working... haha i could imagine everythinkg is more important to me than working! :-)
@Dana *looks outside* Yup I got my sunshine! It's so much nicer than it was yesterday. Love the pics! I now have my fav pic! The one where he's in the trees in the snow. I love that one. I think I may make it my profile pic!
@mel: ah ok! i never really was in tattoos. :-/ thanks for explaining! ;-) yeh branding yourself is bad. a friend of my parents married and brand her name on his back between his shoulders really big. 2 years later they got divorced! haha.. poor boy. i was wondering if he would name his first kid after his first wife or only search for a woman with the same name haha
oh so he is really concerned about you! hmm.. will it ever get a step further with you two?
@Teekanne I don't see my cousins very often either. They live over 800 miles away.
Not sharing is my biggest problem! Sometimes I just like to be by myself. My friends always say I need to find a guy who travels a lot.
I almost got married once but I would have had to move across the country and I didn't want to give up my life here. It didn't feel right so I didn't do it, and it was the right decision.
I don't want kids! Plus I am getting too old for that anyway.
I am not into tattoos either. I think they look trashy, but to each their own. My mom's friend's son had his first wife's face tattooed on his arm and then they got divorced. He had to have the whole thing removed and I guess it was very painful. I think he learned his lesson!
@Mel haha Old man asking for cocaine! I bet that was priceless. I agree its nice that he cares what happens to you but he shouldnt try to control you.
@Cricket Black and blue for 3 summers... ouch but worth it huh?
I'm not good at sharing either, I'm spoiled!
@Teekanne I don't think my right man exists either. I am too picky:) I love that line from the movie clueless "you see how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet."
@cricket: for us it´s about 4400 miles! ;-) they live in the US and we in Europe! but 800 doesn´t make it easier!
haha so a skiracer might be the best or a actor or musician?! ;-) But i think being by yourself might not be the problem since houses have several rooms! ;-) but i think you meant being completly by your own.
you never wanted kids? honestly? why? or is it to personel?
i once had the idea of getting a tattoo but a friend asked me.. what do you want for a tattoo and i was like:... oh. i don´t know. i definitely could not find a tattoo i now know i will like in 10 years too. haha i bet i learned! :-)
if i ever get kids i will let their names or brithdates as tattoos.. maybe!
@Teekanne I have one tatoo of a celtic knot on my foot that I got last year. I had to think it over for about 7 years before I actually decided to do it but now I love it and am so happy I got it. If I don't want to look at it I can put on a sock:)
@Teekanne who knows if it will be anything more than friendship. I would love it to be, but I'm not gonna come between him & his current girlfriend. Tried that once & it back fired.
@Dana I agree he does! Uh-oh maybe the blog ate it.
@Krys It was priceless. Yes he shouldn't try to control me! He should just care & let me do my own thing. That's why I keep trying to get Amanda from work to tell him that I will never go to the bar again. Just to mess with his head because Kelli & I are going back to the bar in August.
@krys: i thought about "viva la vida" with these hibiscus flowers around and butterflies. but i don´t know if i will like it in a few years. and i didn´t know where to put it. and acutally i´m glad i didn´t do it! :-) foot is painful isn´t it?
@mel: current girlfriend? ok.. don´t try again. ignore him haha.. ;-) easy to say, i know. but normally men only leave girlfriends when they have something else IN their hand. but the question always is if it´s worth it to work about that soo hard!
@Teekanne That sounds pretty. It didn't hurt that bad actually. It was more of a scrapping then a poking. And it only took 3 minutes and 17 seconds lol! Its not very big.
@Krys I know, right? His mom said she told him it was such a bad idea but he did it anyway.
@Teekanne Where do they live in the US?
I think I could handle a ski racer (no gutter remarks!) but not so much an actor. I would not like the whole red carpet aspect of that! Separate rooms don't always work when I like to do my own thing. Some nights if I want to stay out until 2 am or have ice cream for dinner I don't want to hear another opinion.
I have never wanted kids. I can't really explain why, I just know it is not for me. I have a dog and that's enough.
@Krys I love biking and I hope to see him soon! My friends said from now on I can drink anything for free! They are crazy!LOL The guy has beautiful hands, like Aksel! I noticed this from the start!! My mind is sliding to the gutter again!
@Mel I think the blog ate it! I sent it twice and it never showed up!! That's it! Yes, the guy ownes a little bar! He's cute: dark blond hair and blue eyes! and as I said beautiful hands! LOL
@krys: haha that indeed doesn´t sound that big! haha! maybe i will try it with henna one day!
@cricket: in atlanta! you need not accomplain him on the red carpet. you know just stay at home! ok.. not hearing another opinion aboout having icecream for dinner haha that might be the biggest problem! ;-) you could handle it with "talk to my elbow my hand is busy with the icecream" ;-)
Tomorrow I'll be a good girl! No more biking, no more bars, no more hot guys! I have a lot of housework to do! Beside this I think I'll let him to miss me for a while! Not to think I'm crazy about him! Right? I'm not an old cougar for nothing! Ha ha!
Morning All ... Just rolling out of bed ... worked last night, got home in time to get the kids off to school and then slept for 4 hours ... I might need a nap again later. So, sounds like I've got some catching up to do!
@Dana I second @Mel WOOTAGE! A man with his own Bar ... Priceless! You Go Girl!
@Suzanne LMAO "package" ... You'd fit right in at work! ... I'm not sure all of us on the Blog weren't seperated at birth or at least share the same Gene Pool!!!!!!
@Cricket Sounds like you have a great understanding of yourself. I applaud that. Children are a very individual decision and I think more people in the world should put some thought into it BEFORE they have children. And make sure they are having them for the right reasons, not just because.
I am a total water/ocean girl. We spend all Summer on the lake water skiing, wake boarding, tubing (although I'm getting too old for that cuz tubing kills my back) and wind surfing! I work in one of the wind surfing capitals of the world (Hood River Oregon) and we go after/before work a lot! LMAO at the bruising, soooo true!
@Mel Next time your going to the bar and he says you can't go, invite him to join you ... He might surprise you!
@Tattoos I have a couple of them I got for personal reasons and there will never be a reason for me to have them removed. People need to think about how permanent they are and not just get them because it's trendy. I would say that if you've been thinking about it for 10 years and haven't gotten one, then you either probably don't really want one, or you haven't found the right reason to get one yet!
@Corinna *pout* I want to go with you this weekend to ... Hope HOT GUY is there!
Gonna peek over at ALS Blog and see what our boy's been up too! Will be back shortly!
@Deuce I will invite him next time! Maybe I should ask him since he has a tattoo if i can get one too. I know what I want I just don't know where to put it. I want an angel baby with my nephews name, but I have to get it where noone will ever see it because my parents would kill me.
@Deuce Hey, how are you? I agree about the children thing. Too many people have kids and then realize that its not for them and then the child suffers.
@Teekanne Well it looks like we should send Aksel to Hood River Oregon to make his windsurfing macarena video! I hope he practiced while he was in the Hamptons.
@Teekanne ... I could teach you! It is best to learn on a lake or inlet where the water is calm and the wind is somewhat "controlled". I have also kite boarded, but I am not very good at that and it kind of scares me. Hood River is a major wind surfing meca, cuz the winds are very strong!
@Mel I think you should invite him out for a drink to talk about tattoos? Not a date, just drinks among friends to find out his thoughts on tattoos! That way there is no pressure, it's just drinks among buddies. Sounds like a tattoo for the right reason. Your parents might surprise you and support the decision. Have you mentioned it to them? (Just thoughts as I am a parent myself).
Looks like our Viking hasn't updated ... maybe Daddy Svindal has him locked in his room and won't let him out until it's clean?
@Deuce Hello! The funny thing is I usually don't drink alcohol! Only beer from time to time!! But if the things get right I'll invite you all to his bar! Ha ha! Goooo Gougar!
@Mel Have a good day at work, hun!
I'm off to sleep! Have fun and be good girls! Keep a place for my in the gutter!Bye!
@mel...thanks for the the simen! look in the mirror for greatness my dear. :)and men..what a mystery they are, eh? sounds like we were separated at birth, you and me. cute, funny, independent and 4legged children over the 2 legged kind. the last boyfriend i had was a dutch merchant marine. he'd be at sea for 6weeks and in kc for 4 weeks. it was perfect! so hang out at the docks and look for cute sailors. lol!
@dana...the bar owner...excellent! sounds like lots of good times this summer:)
@krys...i have a weird ass teeth thing too. it can be a total deal breaker for me. and why are the ladies in your office talkin' all crazy? show them an image of our boy...and get them chatting about the good stuff:)
@Krys YES! I vote we send Aksel to Hood River! I will help him with his video and *cough, cough* be his assistant! *wink, wink* Strictly professional of course!
@teekanne...i love possums too! very cute, except for the tail...which freaks me out a bit:) the heck are you? @anja...hello sweet pea! so glad to hear your aunt is doing well
@Deuce Only if we can be, ahem, strickly professional right there with you! I mean you will need help with all those vikings and surfboards. Thats a lot to keep track of ;D
@Suzanne Im good ... rough night at work and I just rolled out of bed ... so I can't seem to decided if I want breakfast, a beer or more sleep! Choices ... choices? How about you? I need to head over to Twitter and catch up with ya'all!
@Deuce Thank you! I wish more people thought like you. People always tell me how much I will regret not having children, and I wonder why they don't just mind their own business.
I haven't done any of my old water sports for years because it's not so easy on the ocean! The most we do is ride jet skis or kayaks. I did para-sailing in Hawaii once. I have no religion but I prayed the entire time!
I think our Viking is still racked out. The last time I was jet lagged I was down for 3 days!
@Suzanne I think the same thing! We can be sisters from different misters! Hmmm sailors huh? I do like boats!
Good teeth are HUGE for me. There's no reason for bad teeth in this day and age. Thankfully I like pretty boys so that has never been an issue.
Ok girls I am off. Tonight is all about me! I am going to the pool (if it doesn't rain) and then home to kick my own ass at pilates again. Enjoy your evenings and I will check in tomorrow morning!
@Teekanne Hei hun! I'm fine and my day was uneventful! I just realised, that I really hate this day of the year! All ppl from the katholic parts of 'Graubünden' were down here in the capital! Gosh I haven't seen so much traffic in a while! and the worst thing, all of them were horrible drivers... Grrr, it's always the same!!! :S
My aunt is doing fine! Thanks! ;D I was there today and she's doing really good, considering that she got the surgery yesterday! Thanks for asking! :D
@Teekanne Haha road-kill is ugly. I counted 4 deer on the side of the highway this morning on my way to work. I always feel bad when their little tongue is sticking out :P
@Anja My day has been good so far. The weather is gross here too. We are supposed to have storms later tonight. I am glad to hear your aunt is recovering well from surgery!
@Cricket Enjoy your "me" time! Talk to you tomorrow:)
@Krys I don't want it to be big. I just want a small one.
@Deuce Talk to my parents about it...yeah right it's against my religion to have tattoos. My Grandpa had them & many of my Uncles so I grew up around tats & have no problem with them. They would freak out on me.
Yes I do think Daddy Svindal locked him in his room & is making him clean it before he can go out again. *muffled screams of help me! & let me out of here! coming from my closet* Pay no attention to's uh Jake...yeah that's it...I tied Jake up & he's in my closet...
@Dana I will try to have a good day at work. :-) Hopefully it's not crazy busy tonight.
@Suzanne Your welcome, my dear. *looks in mirror* Oh so that's what greatness looks like.
Well I'm HEADing out to work. I'll catch you chicas later. Hopefully ALS will give us an update while I'm at work.
@anja: haha yeh true.. there were these processions today! guess what i bet most of them were old or families.. so normal that they were driving like crazy! haha
I´m glad your aunt is doing good. so you could spend some time with her talking and not only watching her sleep?!
i´m doing good. bbq was great. ok i mostly enjoy salad and potatoes i don´t need meat at all ;-) but the kids were great and it was sunny all day! :-)
@krys: uhh! no details pls. :-( thank good we only have rabbits or bird on the street the bigger once need to be carried away. you normally have to call the police so they shoot them death and forester take them away. my brother told me once that he had to do it.. he wasn´t happy about that!
@mel: have "fun" at work.. i hope for whit shirts and rain! ;-)
@Mel Have a good night at work. Hopefully there is eye candy for you!
@Teekanne I'm sorry, that was a little morbid haha! Highway patrol usually takes the big stuff but it takes them a couple of days so you can't help but look :(
@Krys oh I love storms! I can sleep like a baby in a storm! Actually I wish we'd get one, but here it's just grey sky and rain off and on... Annoying! :S I'm glad to hear you're doing fine! ;D How is the Norwegian going? Another homework today? :D Thanks, I'm so thankful that she's doing fine! :D
@Mel have 'fun' at work! Hope it will not be too stressful! :D
@Teekanne yea, I guess there were. But these ppl came just for shopping down here! We're protestants here, so no day off! But still, pretty annoying! I would have moved away for today, would there have been a procession! lol
Thanks! Jup, we did some talking! :D haha no, no watching her sleep! ;D Eventhough she was pretty tired from all the medication and stuff! :D
are you a vegetarian? good to know! so no meat for you when you're here? :D do you don't like it, don't eat it out of coviction? :D oh you were the ones stealing the sun! I see!!! ;D
@krys: at least that is a good game to keep kids busy.. let´s play a game: count dead animals! haha
@anja: they came for shopping? so they thought they should drive like sundays since it´s a catholic holiday like sunday. move away only bc of a procession? i would see that! :-)
you´re always get tired in hospital you sleep 10 hours at night and can sleep 5 hours during day and still be tired. But i guess it was a good entertainment you showing up!
Haha no i´m not a vegetarian. i do eat meat and mostly i like it but i´m not that into it. you know my dad could eat only meat, think that is disgusting. ;-) i mostly eat all kind of meat but not like 10 pieces! i stay with one! ;-)
@Teekanne jup, they always come on this holiday! ;D But since we don't have a day off, I always forget that this day is coming up! haha :D haha exactly, they drive like on a sunday! ;D Didn't even think of it like that! :D Well I just don't like having slow ppl on the streets! haha I'm kinda swearing a lot bc of other drivers! ;D lol
I don't remember so clearly! The last time I was at the hospital was 9 year ago! And well, my memory off that day isn't complete! :D but I'll believe you about being tired! :D I do hope that! I tried to entertain her, not sure if it worked though! ;D
I see! Good! ;D Otherwise I'd have to do the 'Capuns' without the meat and then they're not as good! ;D ok, eat only meat is disgusting! We don't have it that often either, but I do like it! :D All except horse meat! :D Well you gotta tell me when you come, what you can eat and what not! ;D Just so I know it by then! :D
@Anja People in Switzerland eat horse meat?... interesting:) I guess its like Aksel eating Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeeer's heart... also... interesting!
Whats a capun? Sorry if I'm being nosey! I prefer to call it curious:)
@anja: you could mark it now in you calender for next year! ;-) yeh we call them "sundaydrivers" (some of them have these self-crocheted covers for toilet paper and this in the back!!)
you know this disease: driver tourette (that´s what i have)!! having tourette in my car everytime i drive! ;-)
i bet you gave her a better entertainment than the tv! :-)
it´s easy i eat everthing except horse (like you) innards and i don´t like sausagges that much! ;-) but if you cook for me i will eat all this stuff! haha
@krys: haha you know we did that with red or blue cars when we were younger or deerstands. there aren´t that much! :-) i think they should let it be with the big animals! :-) so you learn norwegian? is it hard?
@Krys Ok I can understand that! I don't like to drive in storms! I hope it won't hit till you're home! :D
Nice! :D oh colors and money! so you're doing good progress? Congrats! :D
unfortunatly they do! my whole family does! But here it's actually normal! I know in some countries (like Canada) they don't eat it! but I don't know why? :S haha yea, prolly! still, I guess I'd prefer rudolf then a horse! :D
That's a special dish, where I come from! :D don't worry, I'm nosy too! ;D all the time! :D
Hey girls! Can't stay long, I have Zumba in 45 minutes.
@Anja YES the Flyers games was AWESOME last night!! OT games are always a nailbiter! :D Yes, we play 2 games in each city and then out of 7 games which means if the finals goes the whole 7 games, the last game will be here in Philadelphia! :D :D :D
Glad to hear your Aunt is doing well... :D :D
On the topic of teeth, count me in! Nice teeth are a must have for me!!! The girls I work with think I'm crazy...they haven't exactly jumped on the ALS crazy train, they think I'm nuts and have been harrassing me about him...I take such abuse from them everyday! They call him Norge... haha!!!
@Teekanne haha I should! ;D We call them the same! I actually would like to tell them to stay off the road! :D
oh there's a diseas for that?! Good to know! I have it too, everytime I drive! not that I'm perfect, but not as bad as others! :D
Ok when i cook, there'll be no horse mean, no innards and no sausages! ;D So no blood sausage?! ;D Nah, I don't like the first two either, so no problem! :D no, you for sure won't have to eat something you don't like! I'm a good host! I know I don't seem like it sometimes, but I am! ;P You'll even get to decide what you'll want! ;D
@Anja & Teekanne I cannot say that horse meat is delicacy that I have had the pleasure of tasting lol! People ride horses in the US, not eat them haha. Though we do make glue out of them :) I stick to beef and chicken.
@Teekanne Yeah I am learning a little bit from a lady that I work with. She gave me a text book and she quizzes me daily. So far, so good I guess! Its not so hard to learn. Some of it sounds similar to English when its spoken, but everything is spelt different.
@Kristen Have a great Zumba class! Norge, hahaha thats funny. I get teased too by my coworkers. They just don't get it!
@kristen: yeh i saw that too! and the hummershoot seems to be the same aksel posted! ;-)
@anja: Haha.. i could bring you a sticker for the car or a shirt: "sundaydriver stay off the road" ;-)
hmm.. honestly i never tried blood sausage at least not on a bread. haha you don´t seem to be a good host? who told you? that person lied!!! decide what i want? noooo ;-) i might try some special swiss stuff i guess! ;-)
ok girls i´m heading to bed. so tired from the sun and need to work tomorrow! :-( see you these days! have a good night!
ok how cool is that?! I didn't know you can do that! ok and maybe I'm the only one, but at Quicksilver you can create your own boardshorts! I don't know if they're actually just for men, but I prefer them to go swimming, not that I go often! :D
@Anja I'm doing great, hon, and you? Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them too!
@Krys Thanks, it's a hot one out there today, Zumba is going to be HOT HOT HOT, and not just the dance moves this time!! ;D Yea, the coworkers just don't get it!?!? I can't see why?!?! lol
@krys: we ride horses too! :-) and some ppl like to eat them! so we eat deer, rabbit, hare, ostrich, kangoroo, duck, pig, lamb, etc. haha disgusting?
you do that while working? wow that´s good! :-) i would do that too! it sounds similiar to german too but not when aksel speaks, he speaks way too fast! ;-) and it´s written similiar
@Anja They don't play until tomorrow night, no game tonight. They get a day off in between each game. ;D I'm hoping they win so we can tie the series up! :D
Well I'm off, I need to change clothes and head to the gym, be back later...ciao chicas!!!
@Teekanne No, I don't think its disgusting, its just different. Here we eat deer, rabbitt, duck, pig, lamb too. I just prefer beef and chicken! I am a simple kind of girl:)
Thanks! I can't understand it unless they speak real slow and Aksel mumbles! You would probably have an easy time learning it then. Here are some norwegian learning games I found, play when you're bored if you want. They are fun:)
@Anja A lot of people do have it! There is a really funny song about road rage by Jimmy Fallon. I can't find it at work because youtube is blocked but I will try when I get home. Its worth a listen!
@Anja I'm glad you liked them! I tried the one Nicole posted and I sucked at it. I think I got 20 out of 195 correct haha. I guess I have to study my flags more:)
@krys haha true! It's good not to be alone! ;D I never was good in flags though, not even with the ones from our cantons in Switzerland! ;D
Have a safe trip home! :D Well I guess, I'll be heading off now anyways! :D I wish you a great evening and sleep well later on! ;D Sweet dreams and talk to you tomorrow! :D
@Corinna Did you like the movie? I saw it last week. ;D Get some sleep girl!!!
Nice to see that Aksel posted a new blog entry, I was thinking of setting out on search mission...haha!! Having said that...the post, jiiiihaaa! Right here in the USA!! I'm ready to start planning my vacation to Vail/Beaver Creek for 2015!!! Who's in?!?!?! ;D
Off to the shower...Zumba was AWESOME! I wish it were longer then an makes me feel so good when I'm done. ;D
so girls i´m off now over the weekend! i wish you all the best and a lovly great and nice weekend,enjoy in the best way everyone of you can. with some party for nicole for your gratuation.
@anja if i don´t see you on sunday/monday i wish you a good fly and a great time in canada, enjoy it and take some pictures
so see you all on sunday evening. *a big Hugs to everyone you girls here on the blog are the best damn thing in the whole wide world*
@Corinna Dont vergisst, Kaffee draußen am Morgen zu haben, so können Sie auf Ihren heißen Nachbar stoßen. Hoffen Sie, dass Ihre Reise Spaß macht und Entspannen.
Okay, I declared today a Didn't Day Because ...
I didn't work out (No motivation) I didn't eat healthy (Well except for the 5 pounds of watermelon I ate today, but I'm questioning the healthfulness of that right now) I didn't do any chores (The house is a wreck) I didn't make dinner (left overs) I didn't take a shower (yes, I'm stinky) I didn't go get the mail (Walking to the end of the driveway was just way too much effort) I didn't answer my phone or text messages (It feels good to do that sometimes) I didn't work on any work related stuff (I'll suffer for that one when I have to catch up tomorrow) I picked up my kids early from school, cuz I missed them (yes, they skipped half a day @ school, YEAH! Sometimes ya hafta be a rebel and we went for ice cream for lunch) AND I didn't care that I didn't care!
Now, I'm NOT going to look thru their back packs to see what we're supposed to do for school stuff tomorrow, cuz we Dont Care ...
instead the Munchkins and I are going to curl up with a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie!
All-in-all, I'd say its been a pretty decent Didn't Day! ... Next time I think we'll take a Family Rebel Day!
*walks over to bar & orders an Aksel & a Simen & proceeds to down them both* Much better. I really, really want to switch departments. I had to bite my tongue way too many times today. I almost threw one of the baskets at a customer. Then I almost cussed out a customer for yelling at. Well excuse me, but why do the chips need to be double bagged? It's not like they are really heavy & might break the bag. Then I had someone tell me not to bag their shit because they like to bag it. I wanted to say 'Well take your shit & get the fuck out of my line & go to self-check' Grr I only saw my eye candy once & that was for a split second. *sigh*
Sorry about the rant. On the bright side the weather matches my mood tonight. It's storming again.
Hello my friends!
ReplyDeleteYes he would be great as a stubble model! Surely a highly paid one! But I think he also can be a great phographer artist!! He has that artistic sense of photography! Don't you think?
Matthew looks great too!
@Mel I hope you're not angry with me, hun! And I hope you like the pics! I promise to not send another ones so soon! LOL
@all have a wonderful day! If somebody wants sun just let me know and I send you!
good morning Europe! :-)
ReplyDeletei would prefer aksel! :-) just imagine him in a commercial for a shaver... normally they stand shirtless in front of the mirror, right? :-)
but i only found this haha so funny:
@dana: you send sun? thank god, we have some today too, but maybe i need some for the next weekend! ;-)
what are you up to today?
since i have a holiday i might open the bar at 10:30 am local time, right?
*asks Didrik for an ice cold aksel - cheers to lars little family!*
@Teekanne I send sun for free! You can keep it in a jar in a cold and dark place till next weekend!!!LOL
ReplyDeleteHa ha! I like the commercial!
I'm in the lunch break now, I can't stay, I wanna see what's new on the blog!
I need a holiday too but I can just dream of it! *sigh*
Good morning USA, Good afternoon Europe:)
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone today? Just checking in before I go to work and I am glad I did!
@Teekanne That commercial is hilarious! I laughed so hard I almost choked on my bagel, I guess I should have listened to house rule #4 lol :D
Talk to you all later!
Hello ladies! :D
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
@Krsiten wooohoooooo just checked the internet and saw that the Flayers won!!! :D I bet it was an awesome game?! Since they neede to go into extra time! :D
btw why do you play 2 times at one place and then change to the other teams home ice? just wondering bc here we change after every game! So that the team place every second game on home ice! :D
@Dana oh pretty please! can you send me some sun?! It's gone since monday already... :S I really hope next week will be better overseas, I want some sun!!!! :D
@Teekanne LOL That commercial is great! I've seen that once in tv once, some months ago! I was ROFL, litteraly! ;D haha
@Krys how are you doing? yea, house rule #4 is very essential! :D Hope you're ok? ;D
Good morning/afternoon! I am really, really, really, really tired today. Like exhausted. I am on my second iced latte so I should be bouncing off the walls soon.
ReplyDelete@Mel I saw some baby geese on my way in today! First time ever.
LMAO @ highly paid stubble model. That's awesome. I am a huge fan of the 3 day beard and I don't mind the feeling of it at all. Actually in some places it feels really nice. Gutter alarm!
hello girls!
ReplyDelete@teekanne i know this commercial too, it´s so funny
@krys how you doing girl?
@Anja & corinna Hey! I am doing well. I had lots of work to do this morning but I am all caught up now. How are you girls today?
ReplyDelete@Cricket Haha definately a gutter alert lol!
@dana Can I have some of your sun too? Its yucky here today. Grey skies and very humid!
@Mel Oh I meant to tell you that I am a huge Lost fan too! For the finale my friend threw an Island Party with palm trees and a brownie shaped like the island. I will have to get the pics up on my facebook to show you:) I am sad that its over too:(
@krys i´m doing go, going tonight in the cinema to watch sex and the city 2
ReplyDeletehope it isn´t so stressful for you today at the work
@corinna I want to see that too but I will probably wait until it is on DVD. I hate going to the movies because it is so expensive. When I went to see Avatar it cost me almost $30US between the ticket and a snack. Let me know how you like it!
ReplyDeleteMy day shouldn't be very stressful. I am usually busy in the morning and bored in the afternoon.
Are you all excited for tomorrow? I am excited for you:)
@Krys I am always in the gutter plus I have the mind of a 12 year old boy.
ReplyDeleteI am not much of a moviegoer either. Our theater is super small and it actually sells out. The last one I saw was Avatar and I drove an hour to see it in 3D. That was awesome! I think it's almost as good on my blu-ray though.
What do you do for work?
@corinna Any word on the hot guy in Italy? Is he there?
@krys i´m real excited, i had just pack my little bag for tomorrow
ReplyDelete@krys & cricket since yet he is not down there but maybe he arrives today in the afternoon or tomorrow like me, let´s wait and the. and if not,i have the rest of the summer to see him again and i´m be sure that i´m going to see him again
normally i don´t go to the cinema too, but we want to see this film, i only go maybe twice in a half an year to the cinema and only if there are good film showing up
how about you two, what are you goint to do on the weekend?
@Cricket I saw Avatar in 3D too. It was really awesome and worth the money but it still hurt my pocket. I agree, you really don't miss the effect on blu-ray. Its just as good on my tv as it was in the theater.
ReplyDeletehaha Well at least your mind isn't homeless:) I have the mind of a 12 year old too so send my mind to the gutter with yours.
I work as a precertification representative for a big medical group. I am in charge of 14 doctors. Its not my lifes ambition but it pays the bills ;D
@corinna I hope he shows up! So, how often to you go to Italy? Do your parents own a house there? lol I am so nosey!
This weekend I am not going to spend any money:) Thats my plan anyway, we will see how it works out. Other then that I don't have any big plans. Every Sunday night I go to my friends house and we watch a movie but this week we are going to watch the Olympic recap DVD I bought her for her birthday. Hopefully there will be some Aksel on it!
@krys my parents have a little appartment in italy on the lago di garda it is in an vacation resort with two/three pools, tennis court, restaurant and a soccer field. so maybe it if works i will be down every two or three weeks over the weekend, because this year i have no summer vacation because i go to a work training on august and this is about 1 and a half week and in january i was on a 1 week skivacation in austria. and i also had a little vacation over eastern so all my vacation days except of three are already taken.
ReplyDelete@krys hopefully aksel is on the dvd, i cross my fingers for you
ReplyDelete@corinna I googled the area and it is gorgeous, you lucky girl! At least you get to go on the weekends and it seems the hot guy may do the same:) I don't get a summer vacation this year either. I went to Florida in April and I am going on a cruise with my mom in November. I am trying to save my time up to do something special next year, just not sure what.
ReplyDelete@krys the most of my vacation i need for work train, i have to be always on the newest therapy stuff and i decided to make bobath training this year, it is about all together 3 weeks 1 and a half in august and 1 and a half next year in january.
ReplyDeleteon the lago de garda you have everything mountains and the lake. it´s like my second home and i always enjoy it to get down there
@corinna Your job must be so interesting! So do you have to go to conferences and stuff to learn with other physios?
ReplyDeleteI get 3 weeks too but I am going to try to only use 2. We can carry over whatever vacation we don't use to the next year. So next year I can have 4 weeks.
It says its near Verona. Isn't that were most Shakespeare plays are set? So it must be historical. I am jealous of you second home ;D
yes it´s near verona or exactly where i´m been is btw verona and milano
ReplyDeleteyes i meet with others physios to learn new things, in my job you never stop to learn you learn your whole working live. but it is very intersting and i love it.
hello all from sunny kansas city!
ReplyDelete@mel 'sup! as always many thanks for the beefcake du jour pic:)
@corinna lago de garda sounds long will you be there?
gutter brain and 12yo boy brain...add me to the! and @cricket...some places it feels good...lmao! girl you are cracking me up!
where is our boy? no blog for how many days now?
and speaking of our boy..any pics of baby kasper posted yet?
hope everyone is having a great day...ciao chicas:)
@krys you can google sirmione that´s where i´m be on the weekend, but i also like riva or torbole up in the north of the lake. or lazise this i a beautiful little village with small alleys. and in verona plays romeo&julliet from shakespear, there i go out of the train
ReplyDelete@suzanne i´m from tomorrow till sunday down there. but i will go very often this year down to it, i so love it
ReplyDelete@corinna So lots of shopping in Milano then? :-)
ReplyDeleteWell your mind will never go dull;)
I wish I loved what I did. I like my job but its not challenging enough for me. I think I am too smart for this job. I need to find something else but in our economy I am lucky to even have a job.
ah and btw i think he will post in this evening or tomorrow after he will be in Lillestrøm for sign his stamps
ReplyDelete@krys no i don´t go to milano, it´s about two hours away i think i go shopping in sirmione
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Hey! How are you? Another wax-a-thon today? No Kasper sighting that I know of yet. Hopefully soon. Aksel needs to feed our addiction soon!
I love the castle. Its so pretty. I looks like such a nice place to vacation. I love little towns with cute shops and resturants, they are so fun to visit! Take me with you! I beg lol ;)
@corinna Very nice! Oh so this could be an all summer thing? Awesome.
ReplyDelete@Krys I actually love my job too, although some days I am not so in love with our clients. But they pay my bills and shopping addictions, so it's all good.
@Suzanne I try to crack people up! It's like my second job. When I was in college this a-hole of a professor told me I didn't need to be funny because I was cute. That made me want to try even harder!
You already know what I think. All that unpacking can't be easy. LMAO
@krys after this castle is the old town of sirmione with lot of iceream shops and little tiny shops i love it so much
ReplyDelete@Cricket What is it that you do? Yeah I don't always love our patients either. Some people are just so nasty!
ReplyDeleteBtw, your professor sounds like a dirty old man lol!
@corinna JEALOUS!!! haha
hey cricket how are you?
ReplyDelete@krys this is which i talked about too
@Dana I'm not mad at you! Why would I be mad at you? I love the pics!
ReplyDelete@krys if i can do that i would take you with me
ReplyDeletei don´t want to make you jealous
@corinna OMG, I tooks so beautiful there. I would just be sitting outside staring at the water lol! I love water, its so calming. Is there boating and water sports on the lake?
ReplyDelete@Krys I am operations manager at a wealth management company. Basically we help really rich people invest! I know first hand that money does not equal class.
ReplyDeleteHe totally was a dirty old man. I wanted to smack him but I thought he would probably get off on it.
I just saw that Beaver Creek won the 2015 WC. Should I book now? is full on sport waxing today...wowza! it is totally kicking my ass...a wonderful problem to have in this economy:) and yes, our boy needs to feed our addiction soon!
ReplyDelete@cricket...girl...funny and are the full package (in full on beavis and butthead mode: did she say package, yeah, yeah)
@corrina sounds like a fabulous weekend! can't wait to hear all about it:) are you able to post to the blog during your visits? many days and counting?
omg...greatness has entered the room!
ReplyDeletehello @mel!!!
slide me a drink down the bar...any svindal boy will do!
@crickt i think for 2015 it´s a little bit to early i would book it in 2011
ReplyDelete@krys yes there a lot´s of boats on the lake and in the north there are a lot of ppl who do windsurfing and many ppl go with there bikes on the mountains
@mel hi girl how you doing?
ReplyDelete@suzanne no internet down there, so i post on sunday what happen down in italy
@Cricket That sounds interesting too! So rich people really are snobs?
ReplyDeletehaha You think he liked it rough lol?!
So now I will have to save vacation for 2015! Haha I always say the earlier you book the better:) I mean common its only 5 years ;)
@corinna I love speed boats! We have one here on a small lake but thats where I spend most of my weekends.
@suzanne what are you working?
ReplyDelete@krys yeah speed boats are funny my dad i thinking about if he will by one or not. i love lakes and the sea, i love the water
@corinna Maybe your hot guy has one and you could go out on it?!!! There is nothing better than the feel of the waves, a breeze, and a big glass of wine:)
ReplyDelete@krys now i´m in the gutter, oh damn There is "nothing better than the feel of the waves"
ReplyDeletei´m so sorry and don´t give me wine or you would that i laugh my ass of
so girls i´m off now, going to catch up my friends for girls evening and sex and the city 2. maybe i will later on again, after the film
ReplyDeletewish you all a nice evening *hugs*
@corinna haha You are in the gutter cause I didn't even think of that! And I am always in the gutter lol:) Wine makes me dizzy, but a good dizzy. Reisling is my favorite!
ReplyDelete@corinna Have fun at the movies!! Talk to you later:)
ReplyDelete@krys i´m so sorry that i had thought it in the wrong. i always start to laugh if i drink wine
ReplyDeletebut now i have really do go, see you later
@Suzanne Heh heh package! Nice.
ReplyDelete@Krys Some are snobs and some are really normal. It's the old money vs. new thing.
I love speedboats too. I like anything fast! My mom has a boat but hers is more like a floating condo.
Wine is a great dizzy!
@corinna I think you need to be in the gutter to be able to comment here. It should be rule #1!
Have fun and let us know how the movie is.
hi girls!
ReplyDeletehow are you?
@Suzanne *slides a Simen to ya* Greatness?!?!? *looks around*
ReplyDelete@Corinna I'm good! How are you?
@Cricket I guess it depends on how you came into your money also. Someone that had to work for it probably appreciates it more then when it is handed to them.
ReplyDeletehaha A floating condo? Does she have a yacht lol?
@Teekanne Hey! I'm good, how are you?
I forgot to tell you all what I found out about Jake last night. He has a tattoo on his back! IDK what it is, but it goes across his shouldars & down his back. He was talking to another Associate about it. He had on a white shirt & had gotten a little wet from the rain. That was twice he had gotten wet yesterday. I was in heaven! I'm thinking it's a cross. I just don't understand him. He can have a tattoo, but I can't go to the bar with my bestest. Grr *throws hands up* Men appearently are complicated creatures.
ReplyDelete@krys: i´m good.. a little tired after being a playing mate for 2 kids for 5 hours! ;-)
so he didn´t show that or tell you about before? maybe there is a girls name in... and i´m not talking about maria! ;-)
so white shirt and water isn´t the best combi ;-)
@Mel What was the second time? hahaha My mind is in the gutter now! Men are complicated. And why can't you go to a bar?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne So you were their punching bag? lol!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne LMAO I hope he didn't brand himself. White shirt + water = you can see everything under it.
ReplyDelete@Krys That is very true!
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't have a yacht. Her boat is 37 feet. She wants to sell it and downsize but there isn't much of a market right now.
@Mel Why can't you go to a bar? Is this guy your boyfriend?
Men are most definitely complicated. LMAO that is like the understatement of all time.
@Teekanne Were you babysitting?
@Krys It was raining all day yessterday & he got wet twice. The first time he had to change his shirt because it was drenched. :D When I told him that I was going to the bar with my bestest he told me I wasn't allowed, I asked what he was gonna do if I went & he said he would call the cops on me because bars are bad. That's why I can't go to bars, but seeing that I am who I am I never listen.
ReplyDelete@Cricket I wish he was! He just thinks he can tell me what to do, but he can't. He doesn't own me & no man will ever own me. I have a mind of my own & I use it well. *breaks into 'You Don't Own Me' from First Wives Club*
@Cricket Yeah the market to sell anything now sucks. We have a little 20 footer but it has a bowrider, you feel like you are gonna fly out. We go tubing but this year I want to learn to wakeboard.
ReplyDelete@Mel Good for you girl! Never let a man tell you what you can and cannot do. Not all bars are bad, only creepy ones, and what would the cops do? As long as you are of age. Does he drink or is he against that as well?
@Krys I don't think he drinks. The first bar I went to with some girls from work was a creepy one. I will never go to another bar with them. The one I went to with my bestest was a good bar. Except for the old drunk man asking people for cocaine. Then again that was just plain funny.
ReplyDelete@Mel You're damn right! I hate when men think they can run your life. Ugh. Reason # 955 why I am not married. As long as he knows you're serious you'll be ok, and if not he isn't good enough for you anyway.
ReplyDelete@Krys When I was in high school my dad lived on a small lake and he had an 18 foot bowrider. That thing was like riding a wild horse! We would wakeboard, waterski and tube. That was so much fun! My legs were black and blue for 3 summers straight.
@krys: kind of.. kind of horse, climbing frame, tennis partner, soccer partner.. ;-) but it was fun!
ReplyDelete@mel: himself? like his name or doing the tattoo hisself?
i kind of wonder about these ppl. who tattoo their own name i mostly think it´s for the sitation they are drunken and cannot remember their names. but it would be difficult with having it on the back... ;-)
@cricket: no, not really. my aunt is here with her kids for 3 weeks and they came over to a bbq. so the kids were kind of focusing on me! :-)
@mel: so he told you you´re not allowed to go? gosh.. what a man! *shake my head* i would allow him to tell me that he might be afraid of me if i go in such a bar.. but then he should tell it directly haha..
do you think it was bc he is afraid of you or only bc he is a man who wanna tell the women what to do?
Hello my girls!
ReplyDeleteI didn't read all the comments so I don't know what are you talking about! Something about bars and drinks? Sorry!
How are you? I've already sent the sun to the ones who need it!It's OK now? LOL
@Mel I'm glad you're not mad!!! Ha ha! And I'm happy you like the pics! Some of them are really cute! Aksel looks always great!
ReplyDeleteReason # 955 why i will never get married! :-(
my mom always tells me: "if you behave like that i don´t wonder anymore why you cannot find a man!" haha.
uh.. soccer starts! :-) last test before the wc!
@dana: hey girl! :) how are you?
ReplyDeletehad enought sun today?
we had.. it´s sunny and we have blue sky. i´m just afraid of tomorrow.. have to stay in the office till 4pm :-( i don´t want to.. so maybe i need to send you some sun in the morning and need some sun back after 4 pm! ;-)
@Cricket LOL I think I might like to know the other reasons now.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne It was a great day for me! I went to a bike tour with my friends and I met a very nice guy! And he talked to me! His name is Liviu and he ownes a bar,a terrace, where I and my friends stopped to drink a cola! My mates teased me all the way back! LOL
ReplyDelete@dana Are you sending secrets again?!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Ahh cousins! You're the free babysitter!
I didn't say that I will NEVER get married, but I don't revolve my life around it like some women do. I like to do what I want and I am not very good at sharing. Besides I would rather just have fun and be a cougar! Everyone tells me that is because I haven't met the right man yet, which is true.
I am not working tomorrow. I have to get my hair done and that is more important!
ReplyDeletehaha they teased you? only bc you were talking to him or bc you didn´t ask for his number?!
so when are you going there again?
i´m glad you had such a great day! :-) haha! *thumbs up*
@Teekanne When you tattoo someones name on yourself we say that you branded yourself. It's not a good thing to do. Yes he told me that I wasn't allowed to go! I know how dare he! I needed to get my drink on. LOL He cares & doesn't want anything bad to happen to me. When I was going through a difficult time last winter when ever I was talking about it he was always trying to listen in on what my friends & I were talking about. He knows part of the story, but not all of it. He always had this concerned look on his face. It was so very sweet. It's nice to know that he actually cares about what happens to me.
ReplyDeleteyeh the free babysitter so my mom could talk to my aunt! ;-)
and i´m pleased to be the babysitter since i mostly see them only once a year! :-(
oh ok.. not good in sharing is really a handicap on the way to get married! ;-)
think i will never meet the right man since this man doesn´t exist! i have to start baking! ;)
cougar isn´t that bad and it´s never too late to get married... only for kids! ;-)
you just said hairdressing is more important than working... haha i could imagine everythinkg is more important to me than working! :-)
@Dana *looks outside* Yup I got my sunshine! It's so much nicer than it was yesterday. Love the pics! I now have my fav pic! The one where he's in the trees in the snow. I love that one. I think I may make it my profile pic!
ReplyDeleteah ok! i never really was in tattoos. :-/ thanks for explaining! ;-)
yeh branding yourself is bad. a friend of my parents married and brand her name on his back between his shoulders really big. 2 years later they got divorced! haha.. poor boy. i was wondering if he would name his first kid after his first wife or only search for a woman with the same name haha
oh so he is really concerned about you! hmm.. will it ever get a step further with you two?
@Mel I love this one too! He looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteI lost the previous comment!!!
@Teekanne I don't see my cousins very often either. They live over 800 miles away.
ReplyDeleteNot sharing is my biggest problem! Sometimes I just like to be by myself. My friends always say I need to find a guy who travels a lot.
I almost got married once but I would have had to move across the country and I didn't want to give up my life here. It didn't feel right so I didn't do it, and it was the right decision.
I don't want kids! Plus I am getting too old for that anyway.
I am not into tattoos either. I think they look trashy, but to each their own. My mom's friend's son had his first wife's face tattooed on his arm and then they got divorced. He had to have the whole thing removed and I guess it was very painful. I think he learned his lesson!
I am back from lunch.
ReplyDelete@Mel haha Old man asking for cocaine! I bet that was priceless. I agree its nice that he cares what happens to you but he shouldnt try to control you.
@Cricket Black and blue for 3 summers... ouch but worth it huh?
I'm not good at sharing either, I'm spoiled!
@Teekanne I don't think my right man exists either. I am too picky:) I love that line from the movie clueless "you see how picky I am about my shoes and they only go on my feet."
@dana Oh a possible love connection?!
Having someones name (or face for that matter) tatooed on you is a bad omen! The relationship never lasts and then you are stuck with them.
ReplyDelete@Krys Oh I don't know! Maybe! He looks great!
ReplyDeleteAww! I don't like tattoos! Ha ha! His wife's face! My God!
ReplyDeletefor us it´s about 4400 miles! ;-) they live in the US and we in Europe!
but 800 doesn´t make it easier!
haha so a skiracer might be the best or a actor or musician?! ;-)
But i think being by yourself might not be the problem since houses have several rooms! ;-) but i think you meant being completly by your own.
you never wanted kids? honestly? why? or is it to personel?
i once had the idea of getting a tattoo but a friend asked me.. what do you want for a tattoo and i was like:... oh. i don´t know. i definitely could not find a tattoo i now know i will like in 10 years too.
haha i bet i learned! :-)
if i ever get kids i will let their names or brithdates as tattoos.. maybe!
@dana Are you going to see him again? Another bike ride in the near future? ;D
ReplyDelete@krys: haha that sentences is awesome.. haha i need to remind that! :-)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I have one tatoo of a celtic knot on my foot that I got last year. I had to think it over for about 7 years before I actually decided to do it but now I love it and am so happy I got it. If I don't want to look at it I can put on a sock:)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne who knows if it will be anything more than friendship. I would love it to be, but I'm not gonna come between him & his current girlfriend. Tried that once & it back fired.
ReplyDelete@Dana I agree he does! Uh-oh maybe the blog ate it.
@Krys It was priceless. Yes he shouldn't try to control me! He should just care & let me do my own thing. That's why I keep trying to get Amanda from work to tell him that I will never go to the bar again. Just to mess with his head because Kelli & I are going back to the bar in August.
@krys: i thought about "viva la vida" with these hibiscus flowers around and butterflies. but i don´t know if i will like it in a few years. and i didn´t know where to put it.
ReplyDeleteand acutally i´m glad i didn´t do it! :-)
foot is painful isn´t it?
@Dana You found a man that owns a bar? Wootage!
ReplyDelete@Anja Glad your Aunt is doing well.
@mel: current girlfriend? ok.. don´t try again. ignore him haha.. ;-) easy to say, i know.
ReplyDeletebut normally men only leave girlfriends when they have something else IN their hand.
but the question always is if it´s worth it to work about that soo hard!
@Teekanne That sounds pretty. It didn't hurt that bad actually. It was more of a scrapping then a poking. And it only took 3 minutes and 17 seconds lol! Its not very big.
ReplyDelete@Krys I know, right? His mom said she told him it was such a bad idea but he did it anyway.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Where do they live in the US?
I think I could handle a ski racer (no gutter remarks!) but not so much an actor. I would not like the whole red carpet aspect of that! Separate rooms don't always work when I like to do my own thing. Some nights if I want to stay out until 2 am or have ice cream for dinner I don't want to hear another opinion.
I have never wanted kids. I can't really explain why, I just know it is not for me. I have a dog and that's enough.
@Krys I love biking and I hope to see him soon! My friends said from now on I can drink anything for free! They are crazy!LOL The guy has beautiful hands, like Aksel! I noticed this from the start!! My mind is sliding to the gutter again!
ReplyDelete@Mel I think the blog ate it! I sent it twice and it never showed up!! That's it!
ReplyDeleteYes, the guy ownes a little bar! He's cute: dark blond hair and blue eyes! and as I said beautiful hands! LOL
@Mel I LOVE YOUR PROFILE!!!!! Gorgeous!
ReplyDelete@krys: haha that indeed doesn´t sound that big! haha!
ReplyDeletemaybe i will try it with henna one day!
@cricket: in atlanta!
you need not accomplain him on the red carpet. you know just stay at home!
ok.. not hearing another opinion aboout having icecream for dinner haha that might be the biggest problem! ;-)
you could handle it with "talk to my elbow my hand is busy with the icecream" ;-)
so the dog is kind of your child?
@dana New guys are so exciting! I love hands too. And teeth:) Aksel has great teeth! Free drinks, that sounds like a good man to have around.
ReplyDelete@dana: haha sounds like the perfect match for you! :-)
ReplyDeleteso what are you up to tomorrow?
i know there is these little bar where you can go by bike ;-)
@Teekanne Haha, It isn't any bigger than a quater!
ReplyDeleteTomorrow I'll be a good girl! No more biking, no more bars, no more hot guys! I have a lot of housework to do! Beside this I think I'll let him to miss me for a while! Not to think I'm crazy about him! Right? I'm not an old cougar for nothing! Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@dana Haha yeah make him wait! Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Do you have many cougar tricks up your sleeve?
ReplyDelete@krys: ah ok.. so a short work for the tattooer! :-)
ReplyDelete@dana Nice! Next time you go he'll be all over you.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne If "talk to my elbow" would work I would use it every day!
Yes, my dog is like my child. I have had him since he was born and he is now 8 years old.
@dana: haha so you quit biking bc of the man? haha
ReplyDeleteyeh right that might be the better strategy. since i´m young i don´t know these tricks.. ;-)
@cricket: haha it works. but mostly the ppl are angry afterwards! ;-)
ReplyDeletei never had pets.. :( but i think they are a good accompanists...
I don't wanna go to work! Good thing is it's a short shift! Hopefully 2 of my eye candies will be there. *crosses fingers*
ReplyDelete@Mel I will cross my fingers for you too! It makes the day go by faster when there is something nice to look at ;D
ReplyDelete@mel: i will keep my fingers crossed for you! sth distracting at work is always good! :-)
ReplyDeleteThe ladies I work with are talking about rats, snakes, roaches, and possums right now. I have the hibey-jeebies now!
ReplyDeleteMorning All ... Just rolling out of bed ... worked last night, got home in time to get the kids off to school and then slept for 4 hours ... I might need a nap again later. So, sounds like I've got some catching up to do!
ReplyDelete@Dana I second @Mel WOOTAGE! A man with his own Bar ... Priceless! You Go Girl!
@Suzanne LMAO "package" ... You'd fit right in at work! ... I'm not sure all of us on the Blog weren't seperated at birth or at least share the same Gene Pool!!!!!!
@Cricket Sounds like you have a great understanding of yourself. I applaud that. Children are a very individual decision and I think more people in the world should put some thought into it BEFORE they have children. And make sure they are having them for the right reasons, not just because.
I am a total water/ocean girl. We spend all Summer on the lake water skiing, wake boarding, tubing (although I'm getting too old for that cuz tubing kills my back) and wind surfing! I work in one of the wind surfing capitals of the world (Hood River Oregon) and we go after/before work a lot! LMAO at the bruising, soooo true!
@Mel Next time your going to the bar and he says you can't go, invite him to join you ... He might surprise you!
@Tattoos I have a couple of them I got for personal reasons and there will never be a reason for me to have them removed. People need to think about how permanent they are and not just get them because it's trendy. I would say that if you've been thinking about it for 10 years and haven't gotten one, then you either probably don't really want one, or you haven't found the right reason to get one yet!
@Corinna *pout* I want to go with you this weekend to ... Hope HOT GUY is there!
Gonna peek over at ALS Blog and see what our boy's been up too! Will be back shortly!
@Dana I love your strategy ... GO C-O-U-G-A-R!
ReplyDelete@Mel Maybe you should have a conversation about Tattoos at work and he'll show you his? *Up out of the gutter girl* Tattoo ... show you his tattoo! :D
@Cricket LOL My Mom always tells people I have 6 children ... My Son, My Daughter, 2 Dogs and 2 Horses!
@krys: haha i can understand that! :-) but possums are cute!!
ReplyDelete@deuce: so you could teach me wind-surfing? haha.. i wanna learn that or at least try it! :-)
our boys remain silent! ;)
@Deuce I will invite him next time! Maybe I should ask him since he has a tattoo if i can get one too. I know what I want I just don't know where to put it. I want an angel baby with my nephews name, but I have to get it where noone will ever see it because my parents would kill me.
ReplyDelete@Deuce Hey, how are you? I agree about the children thing. Too many people have kids and then realize that its not for them and then the child suffers.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Well it looks like we should send Aksel to Hood River Oregon to make his windsurfing macarena video! I hope he practiced while he was in the Hamptons.
@Teekanne Cute unless they are road-kill:( Then they smell lol!
ReplyDelete@Mel It all depends on how big you want it as to where you can put one.
@Teekanne ... I could teach you! It is best to learn on a lake or inlet where the water is calm and the wind is somewhat "controlled". I have also kite boarded, but I am not very good at that and it kind of scares me. Hood River is a major wind surfing meca, cuz the winds are very strong!
ReplyDelete@Mel I think you should invite him out for a drink to talk about tattoos? Not a date, just drinks among friends to find out his thoughts on tattoos! That way there is no pressure, it's just drinks among buddies. Sounds like a tattoo for the right reason. Your parents might surprise you and support the decision. Have you mentioned it to them? (Just thoughts as I am a parent myself).
Looks like our Viking hasn't updated ... maybe Daddy Svindal has him locked in his room and won't let him out until it's clean?
good evening ladies!
ReplyDeletehow are you doing? :D
Did I miss anything interessting? I'm too lazy to read all 112 comments! ;D
@Deuce Hello! The funny thing is I usually don't drink alcohol! Only beer from time to time!! But if the things get right I'll invite you all to his bar! Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteGoooo Gougar!
@Mel Have a good day at work, hun!
I'm off to sleep! Have fun and be good girls! Keep a place for my in the gutter!Bye!
@mel...thanks for the the simen! look in the mirror for greatness my dear. :)and men..what a mystery they are, eh? sounds like we were separated at birth, you and me. cute, funny, independent and 4legged children over the 2 legged kind. the last boyfriend i had was a dutch merchant marine. he'd be at sea for 6weeks and in kc for 4 weeks. it was perfect! so hang out at the docks and look for cute sailors. lol!
@dana...the bar owner...excellent! sounds like lots of good times this summer:)
@krys...i have a weird ass teeth thing too. it can be a total deal breaker for me. and why are the ladies in your office talkin' all crazy? show them an image of our boy...and get them chatting about the good stuff:)
hi @teekanne!
@Krys YES! I vote we send Aksel to Hood River! I will help him with his video and *cough, cough* be his assistant! *wink, wink* Strictly professional of course!
ReplyDelete@teekanne...i love possums too! very cute, except for the tail...which freaks me out a bit:) the heck are you?
@anja...hello sweet pea! so glad to hear your aunt is doing well
@Anja Hey girl! How was your day?
ReplyDelete@dana Goodnight, sweet dreams (of your new guy!!)
@Suzanne Agreed! To me bad teeth = bad hygeine:( Haha They don't understand my obsession, they think I'm nuts!
@Deuce Only if we can be, ahem, strickly professional right there with you! I mean you will need help with all those vikings and surfboards. Thats a lot to keep track of ;D
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Im good ... rough night at work and I just rolled out of bed ... so I can't seem to decided if I want breakfast, a beer or more sleep! Choices ... choices? How about you? I need to head over to Twitter and catch up with ya'all!
ReplyDelete@krys: yeh we should send him to deuce and meet up there! ;-)
ReplyDeleteuhh road killed animals are bad... i saw so many stuff in australia! ugly!
@deuce: ok so i might find a spot for my next holiday. :-)
@anja: hey girl! :-) how are you how was your day? how is your aunt going?
@dana: bye bye girl.. have a nice sleep with interesting dreams! :-)
@suzanne: hi there! :-) good to see you!
haha the tail freaks you out? haah
@Dana good night! :D and sleep well!
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Hei dear! :D How are you doing?
I'm glad too! :D thanks so much! I was there today and she really is doing better! :D
@Krys My day was fine! When I overlook the rain! ;D how is your's so far? :D
@Deuce Thank you! I wish more people thought like you. People always tell me how much I will regret not having children, and I wonder why they don't just mind their own business.
ReplyDeleteI haven't done any of my old water sports for years because it's not so easy on the ocean! The most we do is ride jet skis or kayaks. I did para-sailing in Hawaii once. I have no religion but I prayed the entire time!
I think our Viking is still racked out. The last time I was jet lagged I was down for 3 days!
@Suzanne I think the same thing! We can be sisters from different misters! Hmmm sailors huh? I do like boats!
Good teeth are HUGE for me. There's no reason for bad teeth in this day and age. Thankfully I like pretty boys so that has never been an issue.
Ok girls I am off. Tonight is all about me! I am going to the pool (if it doesn't rain) and then home to kick my own ass at pilates again. Enjoy your evenings and I will check in tomorrow morning!
@Teekanne Hei hun! I'm fine and my day was uneventful! I just realised, that I really hate this day of the year! All ppl from the katholic parts of 'Graubünden' were down here in the capital! Gosh I haven't seen so much traffic in a while! and the worst thing, all of them were horrible drivers... Grrr, it's always the same!!! :S
ReplyDeleteMy aunt is doing fine! Thanks! ;D I was there today and she's doing really good, considering that she got the surgery yesterday! Thanks for asking! :D
How are you doing? How was the bbq? :D
@Cricket have a good evenning! :D Enjoy your 'you' time! :D See you tomorrow! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Haha road-kill is ugly. I counted 4 deer on the side of the highway this morning on my way to work. I always feel bad when their little tongue is sticking out :P
ReplyDelete@Anja My day has been good so far. The weather is gross here too. We are supposed to have storms later tonight. I am glad to hear your aunt is recovering well from surgery!
@Cricket Enjoy your "me" time! Talk to you tomorrow:)
@Krys I don't want it to be big. I just want a small one.
ReplyDelete@Deuce Talk to my parents about it...yeah right it's against my religion to have tattoos. My Grandpa had them & many of my Uncles so I grew up around tats & have no problem with them. They would freak out on me.
Yes I do think Daddy Svindal locked him in his room & is making him clean it before he can go out again. *muffled screams of help me! & let me out of here! coming from my closet* Pay no attention to's uh Jake...yeah that's it...I tied Jake up & he's in my closet...
@Dana I will try to have a good day at work. :-) Hopefully it's not crazy busy tonight.
@Suzanne Your welcome, my dear. *looks in mirror* Oh so that's what greatness looks like.
Well I'm HEADing out to work. I'll catch you chicas later. Hopefully ALS will give us an update while I'm at work.
@anja: haha yeh true.. there were these processions today!
ReplyDeleteguess what i bet most of them were old or families.. so normal that they were driving like crazy! haha
I´m glad your aunt is doing good. so you could spend some time with her talking and not only watching her sleep?!
i´m doing good. bbq was great. ok i mostly enjoy salad and potatoes i don´t need meat at all ;-) but the kids were great and it was sunny all day! :-)
@krys: uhh! no details pls. :-( thank good we only have rabbits or bird on the street the bigger once need to be carried away. you normally have to call the police so they shoot them death and forester take them away. my brother told me once that he had to do it.. he wasn´t happy about that!
ReplyDelete@mel: have "fun" at work.. i hope for whit shirts and rain! ;-)
@Mel Have a good night at work. Hopefully there is eye candy for you!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I'm sorry, that was a little morbid haha! Highway patrol usually takes the big stuff but it takes them a couple of days so you can't help but look :(
@Krys oh I love storms! I can sleep like a baby in a storm! Actually I wish we'd get one, but here it's just grey sky and rain off and on... Annoying! :S
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear you're doing fine! ;D How is the Norwegian going? Another homework today? :D
Thanks, I'm so thankful that she's doing fine! :D
@Mel have 'fun' at work! Hope it will not be too stressful! :D
@Teekanne yea, I guess there were. But these ppl came just for shopping down here! We're protestants here, so no day off! But still, pretty annoying! I would have moved away for today, would there have been a procession! lol
Thanks! Jup, we did some talking! :D haha no, no watching her sleep! ;D Eventhough she was pretty tired from all the medication and stuff! :D
are you a vegetarian? good to know! so no meat for you when you're here? :D do you don't like it, don't eat it out of coviction? :D
oh you were the ones stealing the sun! I see!!! ;D
wopps there should be an 'or' between 'don't like it' and 'don't eat it'! Sorry, proofread is difficult! ;D
ReplyDelete@krys: at least that is a good game to keep kids busy.. let´s play a game: count dead animals! haha
ReplyDelete@anja: they came for shopping? so they thought they should drive like sundays since it´s a catholic holiday like sunday.
move away only bc of a procession? i would see that! :-)
you´re always get tired in hospital you sleep 10 hours at night and can sleep 5 hours during day and still be tired. But i guess it was a good entertainment you showing up!
Haha no i´m not a vegetarian. i do eat meat and mostly i like it but i´m not that into it. you know my dad could eat only meat, think that is disgusting. ;-)
i mostly eat all kind of meat but not like 10 pieces! i stay with one! ;-)
yihhaa.. germany just shoot the 3:1 in a friendly match! :-)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne jup, they always come on this holiday! ;D But since we don't have a day off, I always forget that this day is coming up! haha :D
ReplyDeletehaha exactly, they drive like on a sunday! ;D Didn't even think of it like that! :D Well I just don't like having slow ppl on the streets! haha I'm kinda swearing a lot bc of other drivers! ;D lol
I don't remember so clearly! The last time I was at the hospital was 9 year ago! And well, my memory off that day isn't complete! :D but I'll believe you about being tired! :D
I do hope that! I tried to entertain her, not sure if it worked though! ;D
I see! Good! ;D Otherwise I'd have to do the 'Capuns' without the meat and then they're not as good! ;D ok, eat only meat is disgusting! We don't have it that often either, but I do like it! :D All except horse meat! :D Well you gotta tell me when you come, what you can eat and what not! ;D Just so I know it by then! :D
@Anja I love storms too, but I don't want it to hit until I get home!
ReplyDeleteNorwegian is going good lol! I practiced my flash cards today so my "teacher" wants me to start a new chapter tonight. I think its colors and money?
@Teekanne LMAO! That would be a fun game :-P They would loose track with the amount of dead squirrels and chipmunks around here.
@Anja People in Switzerland eat horse meat?... interesting:) I guess its like Aksel eating Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeeer's heart... also... interesting!
ReplyDeleteWhats a capun? Sorry if I'm being nosey! I prefer to call it curious:)
@anja: you could mark it now in you calender for next year! ;-)
ReplyDeleteyeh we call them "sundaydrivers" (some of them have these self-crocheted covers for toilet paper and this in the back!!)
you know this disease: driver tourette (that´s what i have)!! having tourette in my car everytime i drive! ;-)
i bet you gave her a better entertainment than the tv! :-)
it´s easy i eat everthing except horse (like you) innards and i don´t like sausagges that much! ;-) but if you cook for me i will eat all this stuff! haha
@krys: haha you know we did that with red or blue cars when we were younger or deerstands. there aren´t that much! :-)
i think they should let it be with the big animals! :-)
so you learn norwegian? is it hard?
@Krys Ok I can understand that! I don't like to drive in storms! I hope it won't hit till you're home! :D
ReplyDeleteNice! :D oh colors and money! so you're doing good progress? Congrats! :D
unfortunatly they do! my whole family does! But here it's actually normal! I know in some countries (like Canada) they don't eat it! but I don't know why? :S
haha yea, prolly! still, I guess I'd prefer rudolf then a horse! :D
That's a special dish, where I come from! :D don't worry, I'm nosy too! ;D all the time! :D
Hey girls! Can't stay long, I have Zumba in 45 minutes.
ReplyDelete@Anja YES the Flyers games was AWESOME last night!! OT games are always a nailbiter! :D Yes, we play 2 games in each city and then out of 7 games which means if the finals goes the whole 7 games, the last game will be here in Philadelphia! :D :D :D
Glad to hear your Aunt is doing well... :D :D
On the topic of teeth, count me in! Nice teeth are a must have for me!!! The girls I work with think I'm crazy...they haven't exactly jumped on the ALS crazy train, they think I'm nuts and have been harrassing me about him...I take such abuse from them everyday! They call him Norge... haha!!!
@krys: you never ate horse meat?
ReplyDeletein germany ppl do that too.
the real sauerbraten is with horse meat!!
JM posted some more pics from the NY trip on her Facebook, she has a better shot of the Bon Jovi stage then ALS... ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha I should! ;D We call them the same! I actually would like to tell them to stay off the road! :D
ReplyDeleteoh there's a diseas for that?! Good to know! I have it too, everytime I drive! not that I'm perfect, but not as bad as others! :D
Ok when i cook, there'll be no horse mean, no innards and no sausages! ;D So no blood sausage?! ;D
Nah, I don't like the first two either, so no problem! :D
no, you for sure won't have to eat something you don't like! I'm a good host! I know I don't seem like it sometimes, but I am! ;P You'll even get to decide what you'll want! ;D
@Kristen hei girl! how are you doing? :D
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the Flayers!!! ;D I'll keep my fingers crossed! :D
Thanks! :D I'm glad too!
Oh looks like I gotta check JM's twitter out! ;D Thanks!
@Anja & Teekanne I cannot say that horse meat is delicacy that I have had the pleasure of tasting lol! People ride horses in the US, not eat them haha. Though we do make glue out of them :) I stick to beef and chicken.
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Yeah I am learning a little bit from a lady that I work with. She gave me a text book and she quizzes me daily. So far, so good I guess! Its not so hard to learn. Some of it sounds similar to English when its spoken, but everything is spelt different.
@Kristen Have a great Zumba class! Norge, hahaha thats funny. I get teased too by my coworkers. They just don't get it!
@kristen: yeh i saw that too! and the hummershoot seems to be the same aksel posted! ;-)
Haha.. i could bring you a sticker for the car or a shirt: "sundaydriver stay off the road" ;-)
hmm.. honestly i never tried blood sausage at least not on a bread.
haha you don´t seem to be a good host? who told you? that person lied!!!
decide what i want? noooo ;-) i might try some special swiss stuff i guess! ;-)
ok girls i´m heading to bed. so tired from the sun and need to work tomorrow! :-(
see you these days! have a good night!
ok how cool is that?! I didn't know you can do that! ok and maybe I'm the only one, but at Quicksilver you can create your own boardshorts! I don't know if they're actually just for men, but I prefer them to go swimming, not that I go often! :D
@Anja I'm doing great, hon, and you? Thanks! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them too!
ReplyDelete@Krys Thanks, it's a hot one out there today, Zumba is going to be HOT HOT HOT, and not just the dance moves this time!! ;D Yea, the coworkers just don't get it!?!? I can't see why?!?! lol
@Anja & Teekanne Here we call that road rage! But I like drivers tourettes better. I suffer from this as well!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne well you still have time to think about that! ;D and well you'll see afterwards if I'm a good host or not! lol :D
ReplyDeleteGood night! Sleep well and sweet dreams! :D
@Teekanne Yep, saw that too! ;D Goodnight hon, sweet dreams! Tomorrow is Friday, YAY!!!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Goodnight and sweet dreams! Talk to you tomorrow:)
ReplyDelete@Kristen I'm doing good as well! Kinda getting excited! :D
ReplyDeletehaha I'll be asking tomorrow how it went! ;D Hope they'll win again! :D
@Krys I bet a lot of ppl suffer from that diseas! My parents and my brother does too! :D
@krys: we ride horses too! :-) and some ppl like to eat them! so we eat deer, rabbit, hare, ostrich, kangoroo, duck, pig, lamb, etc. haha
you do that while working? wow that´s good! :-)
i would do that too!
it sounds similiar to german too but not when aksel speaks, he speaks way too fast! ;-) and it´s written similiar
so good luck with learning
@Anja They don't play until tomorrow night, no game tonight. They get a day off in between each game. ;D I'm hoping they win so we can tie the series up! :D
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off, I need to change clothes and head to the gym, be back later...ciao chicas!!!
@Teekanne No, I don't think its disgusting, its just different. Here we eat deer, rabbitt, duck, pig, lamb too. I just prefer beef and chicken! I am a simple kind of girl:)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I can't understand it unless they speak real slow and Aksel mumbles! You would probably have an easy time learning it then. Here are some norwegian learning games I found, play when you're bored if you want. They are fun:)
@Anja A lot of people do have it! There is a really funny song about road rage by Jimmy Fallon. I can't find it at work because youtube is blocked but I will try when I get home. Its worth a listen!
ReplyDelete@Kristen have fun in your Zumba class! :D Talk to ya later!
ReplyDelete@krys I've tried them, they're awesome! thanks again for posting them! :D
@Anja I'm glad you liked them! I tried the one Nicole posted and I sucked at it. I think I got 20 out of 195 correct haha. I guess I have to study my flags more:)
ReplyDelete@Krys I just tried to find it one youtube, no way I can find it! ;D haha
ReplyDeletehaha I didn't even get 20!!! I so suck at flags I just realised! ;D I was horrible! LOL :D but hei, we got other qualities!!! ;D haha
@Anja Well at least we both suck together! And we do have other qualities dammit:) just not at recognizing flags.
ReplyDeleteYay! Its finally time for me to go home:) If you go to bed before I get back on my computer have a wonderful night!!!
@krys haha true! It's good not to be alone! ;D I never was good in flags though, not even with the ones from our cantons in Switzerland! ;D
ReplyDeleteHave a safe trip home! :D Well I guess, I'll be heading off now anyways! :D
I wish you a great evening and sleep well later on! ;D Sweet dreams and talk to you tomorrow! :D
@Anja Oh oh oh, I found it! For your viewing pleasure, I give you Road Rage by Jimmy Fallon! The video is some other kid though.
hi girls how are you!?
ReplyDeletei´m just came home from the cinema here is alreday 12:30 am and my wake up call is on 6:30 am so what did i loose this evening?
@Corinna Did you like the movie? I saw it last week. ;D Get some sleep girl!!!
ReplyDeleteNice to see that Aksel posted a new blog entry, I was thinking of setting out on search mission...haha!! Having said that...the post, jiiiihaaa! Right here in the USA!! I'm ready to start planning my vacation to Vail/Beaver Creek for 2015!!! Who's in?!?!?! ;D
Off to the shower...Zumba was AWESOME! I wish it were longer then an makes me feel so good when I'm done. ;D
@kriste i love this film i can see it once againa and again
ReplyDeletebut now i cannot sleep i´m so excited oh
i wish you a great evening
ReplyDeletei love this song
so girls i´m off now over the weekend! i wish you all the best and a lovly great and nice weekend,enjoy in the best way everyone of you can. with some party for nicole for your gratuation.
ReplyDelete@anja if i don´t see you on sunday/monday i wish you a good fly and a great time in canada, enjoy it and take some pictures
so see you all on sunday evening. *a big Hugs to everyone you girls here on the blog are the best damn thing in the whole wide world*
sorry but this have to been said
@Corinna Dont vergisst, Kaffee draußen am Morgen zu haben, so können Sie auf Ihren heißen Nachbar stoßen. Hoffen Sie, dass Ihre Reise Spaß macht und Entspannen.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I declared today a Didn't Day Because ...
I didn't work out (No motivation)
I didn't eat healthy (Well except for the 5 pounds of watermelon I ate today, but I'm questioning the healthfulness of that right now)
I didn't do any chores (The house is a wreck)
I didn't make dinner (left overs)
I didn't take a shower (yes, I'm stinky)
I didn't go get the mail (Walking to the end of the driveway was just way too much effort)
I didn't answer my phone or text messages (It feels good to do that sometimes)
I didn't work on any work related stuff (I'll suffer for that one when I have to catch up tomorrow)
I picked up my kids early from school, cuz I missed them (yes, they skipped half a day @ school, YEAH! Sometimes ya hafta be a rebel and we went for ice cream for lunch)
I didn't care that I didn't care!
Now, I'm NOT going to look thru their back packs to see what we're supposed to do for school stuff tomorrow, cuz we Dont Care ...
instead the Munchkins and I are going to curl up with a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie!
All-in-all, I'd say its been a pretty decent Didn't Day! ... Next time I think we'll take a Family Rebel Day!
*walks over to bar & orders an Aksel & a Simen & proceeds to down them both* Much better. I really, really want to switch departments. I had to bite my tongue way too many times today. I almost threw one of the baskets at a customer. Then I almost cussed out a customer for yelling at. Well excuse me, but why do the chips need to be double bagged? It's not like they are really heavy & might break the bag. Then I had someone tell me not to bag their shit because they like to bag it. I wanted to say 'Well take your shit & get the fuck out of my line & go to self-check' Grr I only saw my eye candy once & that was for a split second. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteSorry about the rant. On the bright side the weather matches my mood tonight. It's storming again.
I just created a Twitter. I'm MelArcher555 if anyone else has Twitter.