Monday, June 14, 2010

Life Lessons

I love life lessons! I have a book that I write them all in. I think I may add Aksel's to my book. LOL


  1. I really hate wifi right now. I can't get on the net on my laptop. :-( I'm on my Mom's computer now. I'm off to work & will be back after 7p. Hopefully I can get the wifi to work then. Grr

    BTW Jimmy Dean has died. :-( I love his music. Not so much his sausage. Then again I hate sausage.

  2. Hi girls!

    I love this pic!!! I don't know why my mind always slides in the gutter when I see Aksel's tongue!!! LMAO And he takes it out like he knows that drives me crazy!!! Haha!

    I know I said this on the previous post too but I had to say it again here bc Mel has posted the pic!!! lol

    I like the view: everything green and two snow spots! But his tongue... LOL

  3. @ dana it associate me to Gene Simmons when i see his tounge. lol

  4. @Anne-May Hei hun! How are you?
    I've just watched the newest A-ha single on their blog and I saw some comments. One of them started with "Hei gutter"!!! And I was happy bc I know waht it means! LOL
    You're right about Gene Simmons!!! But Aksel's tongue looks better!!! LMAO
    Don't pay me attention, it's bc of the heat!!! Haha!

  5. hi girls! :-) I´m kind of back in life! haha..

    how are you?

    watched the game last night? did you see what soccer should be like? haha! :-)

    i´m a little disappointed aksel put his tongue in the pic but not the thumb?! :-/
    i thought he would listen!

  6. @Teekanne Congrats for 4-0!!!! Great match!
    How do you feel today? Did you miss your bed? Or it was better in tent? LOL

  7. @dana: haha yeh i definitely missed my bed! :-) at least i didn´t sleep bad in the tent but home is always better! ;-)

    i just feel a little exhausted... after yesterdays great night there is some sleep missing! ;-)

    How are you?

  8. @Teekanne "Home sweet home"- true words, right? lol

    I slept in my bed but I'didn't sleep very well bc of the heat! So I'm a little tired! I hope to stay awake for Italy-Paraguay!

    Any news from Anja?

  9. @dana: yeh so true! :-)
    uh the heat is annoying. it´s bad when it doesn´t cool down at night.

    Italy-Paraquay? uhh maybe we see more than 2 goals! haha..
    i first thought, uh you miss so many games at the weekend while camping but the matches i saw till now except germany were really boring.. gosh!

    no, no news from anja yet. think she has no internet! :-(

    so what about that bar guy? any news? did you visit him again?

  10. 2Teekanne Oh I visited him a while ago! He and his wife are separated for about 2 years but they didn't divorce! And i felt at least one of them hopes to make it up again! I don't know why he's so undecided! And I wanna stay away from this complication!

  11. Hey ladies! Happy Monday!

    Yeah, I think he looks too hot. He needs to unzip that jacket...

  12. @dana: uhhh.. separeted for 2 years but not divorced? that´s definitely not a good situation.. it´s not fun to be the third part in that mess!
    do they have kids?

    @giffy: hey there! :-)
    haha unzip the jacket? what if he wears a fine rip tank top?! ;-)

  13. @Teekanne Hello! Sorry you had a windy camping trip. Hopefully you're back to normal now.

    A ripped tank top works for me. Why not take the top off entirely. Much cooler for biking...and he's got a helmet on for safety.

    What sort of food do you think they sell in the huts in the woods around Oslo?

  14. @Giffy Hi! Happy Monday to you too!
    Unzip? good idea! LOL

    @Teekanne Yes, they have two teenager daughters! It's a complicated situation and I better stay away! He's not the only man on Earth! lol

  15. Good afternoon girls!

    This picture really made me laugh, and that is good because I have had a hell of a morning. One of our richest clients is such a d-bag and always talks to me like I am a cross between his personal secretary and his girlfriend. Of course he was here for 2 hours today. Gosh he skeeves me! He thinks I am impressed by his money. Not so much.

    So for all who were interested! My kegger was a huge success and 2 of the 4 Swedes were hot. One of them was taking pictures to send to his 9 year old brother back home. Guess the brother's name? Axel! HAHA

    @Teekanne How was your camping weekend? I haven't read the last post yet. I thought of you while watching Germany kick Australia's ass! That was a great match!

    @dana Yeah, good idea staying clear of that mess.

    I need to see Italy. They were my favorite back in 06.

  16. @Cricket Glad that the kegger was a good time. Did the good looking Swedes leave anything at house, towel, swimsuit, that they will need to come back for? I bet they like grilled fish!

    @Dana Hello! Lots of other fish in the sea!

  17. @Cricket His brother's name is Axel? OMG This is a sign! Ha ha!

    Many people with a lot of money are like your d-bag!!! My boss too!

  18. @giffy: ok, take the shirt off too, would be great! ;-)

    food? dried fish? ;-)

    @dana: ok, if they were younger i would understand more, but not when they are teenagers. yeh there are a few more men on earth! ;-)

    @cricket: woow.. at least 50% of the swedens are hot? so i might go to sweden next yyear! ;-)
    guess what.. i prefer aksel over axel! ;-)

    my camping trip was windy and exhausting but great! ;-) we will go there again in summer! ;-)

    italy was your favourite? Is there a function to block ppl in this blog? ;-)

  19. @cricket. maybe you should wear a shirt with "make love not money" the next time! ;-)

  20. LOL Ladies I love the gutter talk on here...ripping shirts and tongues! Interesting combo! ;P

    Germany v Australia last night was crazy! I was definitely expecting Germany to win but more like a 2:1 situation...not the butt whupping they sent out! :P
    @Teekanne Who's this Podolski? Because he was CUTE! ;D

  21. @Giffy The Swedes didn't make it to the party. They just arrived Saturday morning so they had to get their house set up. A friend of mine is their neighbor, so she is going to have a little get together Friday night. I still have my "friend" here until the end of July, so I can't be too eager!

    @dana I know, right? I was trying not to crack up when he told me his brother's name. I didn't want to try to explain.

    Some of our clients are the nicest people alive. A lot of times with the old money you would never know the person is a multi-millionaire. They will come in with their LL Bean jackets and 20 year old Coach pocketbooks. Then some are very much into status like the Paris Hiltons with the Bentley and the LV.

    @Teekanne This year I am for US! And England.

    I'm glad you had fun.

    I think the "talk to the elbow" shirt would work too!

  22. So guy talk...I like it!

    @Cricket Sadly, that's what money does to men! They think money brings power and popularity! :/

    @dana You know that you've got Morten! He'll always be there for you! ;P
    But in the case of L, it depends on what kind of separation! I mean do they still talk and act like they want to get together? That's what makes a difference, I think...

  23. @Cricket I'm just wondering how old is this hot Swede if his brother Axel is 9?

    @Nicole your WC fever is infectious. Glad you are enjoying it all.

  24. @Giffy Thank you! LOL I get very very into it! ;P

    btw, did you happen to watch the Japan v Cameroon game?? Cameroon's goalkeeper is HUGE!
    And he's 36 but extremely fit! All of them was a little scary! ;D

  25. @nicole: Lukas Podolski? hmm.. he´s married and has a son Louis! ;-)
    he plays for cologne in the bundesliga but hadn´t a good season. He´s kind of stupid! ;-) or maybe not stupid but he talks stupid haha!

    It seemed like his shirt was 2 numbers too small! ;-)

    how are you?

    @cricket: ok i will send you one elbow shirt! ;-)
    so you gonna see the guys again?

  26. I have a question:

    do you ladies follow the Women's WC??? I know it's in Germany this year...but I usually don't watch those games! I think I'm going to watch some...

  27. @Cricket & Teekanne I've got a t-shirt from a friend of mine (crazy girl!!!) with "Don't look at my a**" on the back side!!! LOL And I never wear it bc I think is more like an invitation!!! Haha!

    Hi Nicole!!! What are you doing? Aksel is not enough for you and now ask about Podolski? LOL
    Yes they see eachother "for kids"!!!

  28. @Teekanne You're kidding!! He's so young and such good eye candy! The only one so far, in my opinion! ;P *sigh* They're always taken! Well, I'm still going to look! ;D

    I'm doing well! I definitely have WC fever!!! Definitely! But I love it! ;D
    How are you? It sounds like you had an awesome time last night! I was definitely cheering for Germany...intense playing! ;D

  29. @nicole:
    it´s next year. i´m undecided yet if i should buy tickets.. you never know what will be in a year! ;-)

    but normally i follow this, only bc it´s good soccer at least the big teams.

    @dana: haha i like that shirt...
    you know these with: "could you pls look me IN the eyes?"

  30. @Giffy He is 26. I didn't ask about the age difference. Maybe it's a half-brother or step situation?

    @Teekanne I will see them again Friday. My friend (their neighbor) is having a bbq.

    @Nicole The only women's sports I watch are skiing and tennis.

  31. @dana So what if it is an invitation?? I'm sure you've got a great butt! How are you going to catch young guys if you don't show off what you've got??? LOL

    :O I was only asking about Podolski but apparently he's married, so no competition for Aksel there! LOL ;D

    @Cricket You saved yourself by adding England to your list! :P LOL kidding

  32. @nicole: eye candy? gosh.. good that taste is different haha.. but i think it´s only bc i know what he´s talking! haha

    what about philip lahm or our goalie?

    i had a good time... at least i was on my couch and watching the game extremly loud for not falling asleep! ;-) but on friday we will go for a public viewing with about 3000 ppl i think! ;-)

  33. @teekanne Oh really?? I thought it was this year!
    I don't usually watch women's sports...there's not enough coverage! :/

    @Cricket ...I can't think of any women's sports (except track and field) that I watch avidly! Mostly, I just change channels and find a women's sport on! I just think that men's sports have more intensity!

  34. @teekanne :/ They're not my type really!
    Lucky! I want to go to a public viewing...but that would be extremely rare in Indiana! LOL ;P

    US's Donovan was voted one of the sexiest...I don't know what people are looking at! And I'm sorry to say this (don't kill me teekanne) but Univision voted Ronaldo as the sexiest player! :/

  35. @Nicole I know you're not a fan of the US, but what about Bocanegra? He's HOT. A few of the girls strongly agree with me on that!

    Donovan looks like my uncle so he's automatically out! And Ronaldo is an automatic gag. I think you could get the VD just by looking at him.

  36. Hey where is my comment?

  37. @nicole: this might be sth for you! ;-)

  38. @Teekanne I think Argentina's Higuain is pretty cute! ....there are some attractive guys out there but not many that are catching my eye! Well, I'm watching the playing more to be honest, but it's good to have something to look at too! ;P

  39. @nicole: no it´s next year.. there are some games next to me..

    no public viewing? you have to come over the ocean... here is public viewing in every city. they even open the big soccer stadiums for public viewing in hamburg there were 50.000 ppl watching the game last night!

    ronaldo for sexiest player? hahaha... ok thank god taste is different.. some has it some don´t!!

  40. @Cricket LOL on your Ronaldo comment! He's way too stuck up!

    Bocanegra is kinda know, his last name means black mouth in Spanish! LOL ;P

    @Teekanne LOL I love the video! THANK YOU!!! ;P I see what you mean though...there didn't seem to be much in between the ears! ;P LOL

  41. Hi ladies! How was everyones weekend?

    @Teekanne Did you have fun camping?

    @Cricket So there were hot swedes... and an Axel? Haha, what are the odds?

    Seems everyone is enjoying the WC!

  42. @nicole: i thought the danish goalie is good looking but i don´t find a pic where it proofs it! ;-)

  43. @teekanne "Soccer" is not that big of a thing here! :/ I wish!!! Some of my friends didn't even know what FIFA was!!! :O I's a crime! ;D
    In Puerto Rico and when I lived in was great! Lots of opportunities for public viewing ...but not here! :/ I definitely want to watch a Germany game in Germany...that would be insane!!!!! LOL

    Well, Univision obviously talks about the Latin players! :D You should have seen the women commentators when they mentioned him...they were fanning themselves and almost drooling! LOL ;P

  44. @Krys Hi! How are you??? Have you watched some games???

    @Teekanne I didn't watch that game...too early! :/

  45. @nicole: yeh that bocanegra is hot! ;-)

    and it´s not only bc he´s sleepy! ;-)

    oh.. what about joe cole? since my favourite owen hargreaves didn´t make it... i like joe cole.. ok, he´s a little small, but i can live with that! ;-)

    @krys: let me say... i survived and we had fun! ;-)

  46. @teekanne Joe Cole is pretty cute! ;D And he's English!!! Definitely a plus plus for me! ;D

  47. @nicole: haha yeh that would be... ;-) Germany-Argentina in 2006 was damn good.. woow!! :-)

    haha.. really? gosh.. girls and soccer haha! ;-)

  48. @Nicole I am well, and you? I did watch USA vs. England. Sorry but I had to support my country:-)

    @Teekanne Well at least you survived. Did you have any vikings to keep you warm?

  49. @Teekanne I bet! I would've like to see this last game though! Party all night! ;D

    I'm serious! And two of them play soccer so that's even worse! But a lot of my friends didn't even watch the Olympics! They may play the sport...but they don't follow it!

  50. @Krys *slight glare* I'm kidding! ;D
    I'm doing well! All my days are jumbling together though...that's the bad thing about summer! :P

  51. @Nicole Enjoy it while you have it! All too soon you will be sitting at a desk 5 days a week ( me... booooo). I really miss being able to sleep in!

  52. @krys: yeh we had a storm in the night and not the best tent! ;-)
    no, no vikings! :-( or better.. no young vikings.. there were some hotties, but unfortunately with kids and busy! ;-)

    @nicole: there would be a place in my flat free for you! :-)

    gosh.. so maybe that´s the reason why a lot of men in the us aren´t interested in soccer? ;-)

    i thought you´re so much into sports and tv that they follow everything what´s going on..
    at least you can watch all the games in the tv.

  53. @Krys Very true! But I don't like forgetting the day of the week! ;P

  54. @the technic cracks: how can i share a video without uploading it on youtube or sth like that?! i put it up on FB but i cannot share it public i guess. at least there is no link for it!

  55. @Teekanne Oh jeez! Sounds fun ;D Why is it that all the hot guys have kids? I guess that makes them DILFs?!! ;-)

  56. @teekanne Well, soccer has never been that popular over here...but Beckham is spreading the popularity a little bit!
    And the girls I know only really follow college sports! So they know a lot more about college teams than I do...but I know more about the world scene! ;P

  57. @Krys They're always taken or gay! :/

  58. @teekanne I'm not sure about the video there a way to set off privacy settings on fb just for the video?

  59. @krys: i don´t know... but it was cute watch them playing with the kids at the beach! they had fun!

    @nicole: i wonder if ballack will change in the us! ;-) would be really funny! haha

    i will search on fb!

  60. @Nicole That is also true, touche! Haha:)

  61. LOL I just got a letter from my university's rowing team! I can't row! :P

  62. Hi Krys!! Nice to see you!

    Ha ha! @Nicole I'd love to see you rowing!!! I have to tell this to Tudor!!! LOL May I?

  63. @dana Hey girl! How are you? Did you have a nice weekend?

    @Nicole You could meet cute crew boys. They would have nice arms at leat :D

  64. @dana Yes, you can tell him! LOL
    It's funny because the letter says they're looking for girls who are a certain size (I'm too tiny) and have a specific weight (again I'm too tiny) LOL I think I would break if I tried rowing! :P

  65. @Krys That's a very good point!!!

  66. @Krys Not a very nice weekend,but thanks! It was too hot and I stayed inside almost the whole Sunday! What about your weekend?
    You and Nicole have right: all the hot guys are taken or gay! Well not quite all of them...

  67. ok.. is that working?

  68. @teekanne It won't let me see it! :/

  69. @dana I'm sorry your weekend was ruined by the heat. My weekend went by too quickly! I could use another 2 days. It was good though.

    Alright girls, I'm headed to lunch. I'll be back later!

  70. I'm headed to lunch too!!! Be back soon!

  71. @Teekanne It wouldn't let me watch it either and we are fb friends? It said something about privacy settings.

  72. Ha ha! You both ARE right!!!

    Nicole imagine this: you and a hot guy in a boat, you're rowing back- forward, back-forward,while he's trying to kiss you!!! LOL I don't wanna be mean, just joking baby!!!

  73. ok.. so i will upload this on youtube... our samba dancing tent! ;-)

  74. Hey Chicas!

    How is everyone today? Other than the fact that it's Monday! Boo!

    For a hottie alert check out this webpage ... *T/U Suzanne for this totally HOT Gutter page* ... and Yes, it's for Gay men, but they do like their eye candy and they don't mind sharing with us straight ladies, after all were on the same team! Check out their World Cup Hottie of the Day pics. Okay today's pick is a jerk and I'm not interested, but scroll down a bit to Carlos Bocanegra (IMO he definitely gives ALS a run for his money) and remember to read the pic captions ... they are totally funny! Every straight girl needs at least one GGBFF (Gay Guy BFF)!

  75. @dana LOL The things you imagine! You're crazy! ;P

    That would be awkward and I would probably hit the guy! ;P

  76. @Deuce Great to have you back! You're hilarious! ;D

  77. @deuce: uhhh... todays hottie.. gosh this person followed me to hell! ;-)

    but carlos.. wooooow! :-)

    ok. the others are not my types... :-( gosh mario gomez looks stange with his abs

  78. @Nicole I dated a crew guy when I was in college. He did have fantastic arms, but he was kind of a star so he was really full of himself.

    @Deuce Woohoo Bocanegra!! I have 2 GGBFFs! I call them my gays, just like Kathy Griffin.

  79. OMG I totally forgot to comment on Aksel's tongue picture ... SHIZZLE! ... He does look a little HOT and SWEATY ... I think he needs to lose the shirt!

  80. @Cricket ... LOL I have 2 GGBFF's too ... cuz, I think they only come in pairs! We refer to each other as "Sistas from Different Misters"!

    @Teekanne Im not so interested in Todays Hottie either ... he's a man whore and very full of himself. I just don't see anything hot about him! I freely give him up to the Gays!

  81. Our dancing samba tent...

    I don´t have a GGBFF :-(
    still searching for.. maybe i need a announce in a newspaper "searching for GGBFF" ;-)

    @deuce: haha.. yeh give him without want sth for return! ;-) they can have it.. i would pay 100$ or more for it! ;-)

  82. @Deuce I have had one of my GGBFFs since 1995. We have been through so much together it's like we really are sisters. The other is more recent. I secretly wish they would be a couple but it will never happen.

  83. I don't have a GGBFF but that would be pretty awesome! ;D

    Allright Ladies! I'm heading out!
    Gonna get ready for the Italy v Paraguay game!!! ;D

  84. @teekanne the video: Is that from the rain??? Crazy!!!

  85. so who do you cheer for tonight?
    may i cheat a little bit?

  86. @nicole: yeh it´s from the storm! ;-)
    believe me it´s a good sound to fall asleep with! ;-)

  87. @teekanne 8O Oh boy! That's a picture!!! LOL

    I'm not sure who I want to win though!

  88. @Teekanne Who is that? I would like to fold some laundry on those abs.

  89. @nicole: i know who i want to win! :-) i just blocked italian food at the wc 2006.. today i tried it with pizza.. if they lose i eat italian food for the next 4 weeks!! haha

    @cricket. it´s roque santa cruz! :-)


  90. hi girls.

    didn´t read all the comments.

    @teekanne this is a funny video.

    @mel thanks for this pic i love it

  91. @Teekanne My Twitter just said Santa Cruz is not playing! Why?

  92. @cricket: he was kind of injured on his knee so the coach decided not to let him play. let see if it was a mistake! :-(

    i loved to see him playing since he played for bayern munich some years ago and i haven´t seen him since then! :-(

    @corinna: hi there. how are you? How was your day?

  93. @teekanne i´m fine had a funny and hard work today. and you?

  94. another LEGO video of the goals from yesterday! :-)

  95. @corinna:
    a funny and hard work? that´s makes hard work easier,right? why was it funny?
    my day was good. :-) not that much work and time to watch the dutch game :-)

  96. I'm back! So it seems I missed a hot, shirtless footballer?! Yummy:)

    @Teekanne I'll have to watch the video when I get home but it must have been good for you to film it lol!

    @corinna Hey girl! How was your weekend?

  97. @teekanne today i make a big misstake but it was funny, ok i came to work this morning and my boss told me:thanks god you made a misstake, now i know you are only a women. i looked had her and asked what have i done? then she told me that i had written the wrong termin on the terminpaper from a patient so he was coming 20 min to early and can´t wait because he had to catch his train. then her husband said in a very funny sound you have your first warning, then he laugh very loud and she said noooooo, let´s go you give me now a massage

  98. @krys my weekend was good so far and your´s?

  99. @corinna It was good but too short! I really need a nap:) I have a saying above my computer that my friends at work gave me because I love to nap. It says "Consciousness: That annoying time between naps" ;D

  100. @krys that´s funny, i have no time for naps during working. but i need a post it for "you should drink something!"

  101. @krys: i think i was the only one who had the need to film that! haha...

    haha ok, so it´s a good way to make mistakes haha. but it´s not nice of your boss to say that she now knows you´re a woman. ;-)
    but her husband did´t show you a yellow card? haha.. just imagine that picture ;-)

  102. @teekanne he was just kidding! but it would fun if he put out a yellow card. my boss told me always you do everything so great without mistakes and today she mean good to know you just a women and not a superwoman, because normally i don´t make mistakes and do everything 100%, but she said it with a funny voice


  104. @Teekanne Well I'm glad you didn't blow away!

    @corinna I don't get time for naps on a workday either. It makes me sad. Every country should have siesta like Mexico does. Everyone gets a hour to rest. :-)

  105. @corinna: haha that definitely would have been fun! :-)

    haha ok, corinna superwoman! haha!
    so a relief for her that you´re human and not a machine! ;-)

    my boss never say sth like that... but if he does i wouldn´t believe him but wonder what he is about! ;-)

  106. @teekanne since we are only we both working she told it very often, sometimes i become to be red i my face. haha i´m not a superwoman, i´m just a normal women who works a lot. lmao

    @krys in italy they also make siesta.

    so goal for paraguay. that´s great

  107. @krys: we didn´t expect the wind that strong to blow the tent away with us 3 in! ;-)

    NO.. i don´t wanna have an hour for nap. that means i have to stay at work one hour longer! :-( i don´t like that!
    and sleeping with knowing you have to get up after 1 hour isn´t that nice...

  108. @corinna: but that shows she thinks you´re a good deal! :-) that´s good! :-)

    i´m off for a shower.. will be back after halftime break

  109. @Teekanne So we need a rule that doesn't tack an hour to the end of the day ;D I would say one hour is better than nothing, though I would prefer two. I would wake up feeling refreshed!

  110. @corinna Are you feeling any better?

  111. @krys i think when i sleep an hour so i want some more, when i have to get up. so i think i prefer to not go to sleep during work.

    @teekanne see you later. thanks for you comment.:) now i´m get blushed in my face

  112. @krys today i had some headache again and my throat was hurting to. but i can handle it, so it´s ok and i hope it will go away soon

  113. @corinna I think I just need a nap today because I didn't go to bed until 3am:( I am soooooo tired!

    I hope it goes away soon too! Do you have allergies? I get sore throats and headaches during pollen season. I hate it.

  114. I will be right back:) Time for some fresh air!

  115. @krys: what about... taking a nap is a duty but it´s already part of your working hours? ;-) so i would get paid for it! haha

  116. @krys no allergies, oh ok maybe one but i didn´t test it yet, but everytime i´m in a near of a cat i start to sneeze and cough and my eyes are start to get wet. but nothing else.

    i hope too that it would be better soon

  117. @Teekanne That would work too! Lol! I'm gonna run this past my boos ;-D

  118. @corinna Been near any cats lately? :) I have seasonal allergies so in the spring and fall when the trees change I get really sick. Pollen sucks!

  119. @krys: haha.. i think now i know where the word boss comes from! ;-)

    @corinna: i would let it test themsoon! it´s not nice to not knowing what it is..

  120. @krys no cats in my near, i prefer i think it maybe the weather today we had a mix btw. sun and rain.

    goal for italy

  121. grrr..... what a strange worldcup. thought there are the best players. where are the goalies?!?

  122. @teekanne i also think about a new test, i had done a test 2 years ago and my arm was real swollen and the doctor said no cat allergie and i ask him and why my arm is swollen then he said that he don´t know that.

  123. @corinna: haha.. that´s strange.
    normally they just do it on a small part of the arm don´t they? so your whole arm was swollen?

    maybe you should change the doc! ;-)

  124. @teekanne no just the part under my elbow. and it was red and itching. and it itch the whole day. since them i don´t go to cats

  125. @Teekanne I just think I have booze on the mind lol! I guess I need a drink with my nap:-)

    @corinna I don't know is not a very good answer to your question! I would be a little worried if your arm was that swollen. But at least there aren't any cats around to get you sicker.

  126. @krys but normally he is a good doc. so maybe it was only a bad day. but thanks god no cats in my near.
    so only 45 min left for you in work! what are going to do this evening?

  127. @corinna: that doesn´t sound good. so maybe you should test it with a cat.. that´s cheaper! ;-)

    @krys: haha... i don´t think a drink makes the nap refreshing for you! ;-)

    i´m off now.. hope you have a great night. talk to you tomorrow! :-)

    sleep well corinna and have a great evening krys.

  128. @teekanne sleep well too, see you tomorrow.

  129. @Teekanne It depends on how much I drink as to how refreshing it is ;D haha! Have great night, sleep well!

    @corinna Yes! I'm gonna go home and watch the season premiere of True Blood since I missed it last night. I was hoping the sun would come out because I really need to sit in my jacuzzi for a little. My knees and back have been bothering me but it looks like its going to rain:(

  130. @krys you have a jacuzzi? that´s great, my brother build up also a jacuzzi, he will a wooden one.

  131. @corinna Well its my parents but they let me use it. We don't have a swimming pool so thats our version :-) Ours is wooden on the outside. I love to sit in the hot water with the jets on. Its the best!

  132. @krys you also lived on your parents house? we don´t have a pool or jacuzzi, but we have some nice lakes in the near

  133. @corinna Yes unfortunatley! I love them and all but they get on my nerves. I had my own apartment for 4 years of college and then I had to move back home. If I didn't have so many bills I could move out but NY is a really expensive place to live! You live with your parents too?

  134. Hey gals! What's up?!?! Just got home from a grueling day at work, I have a massive headache. Luckily no one got injured during my shitty day today! haha! Glad to see ALS posted a new pic/entry. Poor dude looks spent!

    Haven't had time to read back through the posts yet...

    @Krys How was the concert?

  135. @krys yes i live also with my parents. it´s ok, i don´t have to pay anything, the only thing i have to do is, on thursday drive my mom to the week shop (eat and drink) and if she want to drive to somewhere when i´m at home then i drive her. i also use her car, but for this i pay or better saying i pay her the car, she bought it and now i give her she money back.but they don´t get me on my nervers they both are real lovely, at least my brother moved out last december so they have only me.lmao

  136. @Teekanne I love your camping pics and tent vid! Very cool! You guys look like you had a great time. :)

  137. @kristen hi how are you?

  138. @corinna I am good (besides the headache, now that I'm home it should go away, I think it was more of a stress headache from work then anything). And you? Feeling better?

  139. @Teekanne I see you're not too happy about the draw! ;P Have a great evening! ;D Goodnight!

    @corinna I love dogs too!!! They're so much better than cats!
    I don't have any allergies so I don't know how that feels! But I definitely know about the waking up with a sore throat! I'm sorry you're still not feeling too well!

    @Krys Is anyone going to join you in the jacuzzi??? ;P

  140. @kristen i also have a headache, oh i don´t like it.

  141. @corinna I hope you feel better soon! (I don't like it either) :(

  142. @Kristen Hey girl! I hope you feel better. Maybe you need a nap too!

    The concert was great except it rained on us for 4 hours waiting in line for general admission. We were really close, I only had 2 people in front of me. My friend and I were thinking this may be it for the BSB concerts casue we're getting too old for this! lol;)

    @corinna My brother moved out too so its just the 3 of us, but without him they only focus on me! I just like my space:) They try really hard though, I'll give them that. Thats nice that you take your mom where she needs to go.

  143. @Kristen Hi!!! It's been a while!!! ;D Maybe it's a headached from having to cram numbers! ;P

  144. @Krys and corinna I still live with my mom! LOL ;D

  145. @Nicole I wish! I need to find myself a hot jacuzzi buddy ;D But now its raining so no jacuzzi for me tonight:( Oh well, theres always tomorrow!

  146. @Krys A nap sounds wonderful, I've been saying all day that I needed one, I doubt that will happen now tho :( maybe an early bedtime, we'll see!

    Glad you had fun at the show, the rain part sucked but being that close had to be worth it! Did you or your friends take pics? If so are you going to put them on FB?

  147. @nicole hi girl, hope you are fine.

    now when you come i leave :(

  148. Have you Ladies been reading Lars' Twitter??? He's really into FIFA as well!!! ;D ;D ;D

    But Lars, Heskey is awesome!

  149. @Nicole Hey sweetie!! It has been a long time! I think you're right, numbers will do that to ya from time to time...and Monday's in general ;D How have you been? Enjoying the summer so far?

  150. @corinna Awww, you're leaving??? I hope you feel better! Have an amazing evening!!! ;D

  151. @Krys and Kristen I still can't believe that there are Backstreet Boys concerts! That seems weird! ;P

  152. @krys thanks god they don´t focus so much on me.

    so girls i´m going to bed, maybe then my headache will be better.

    hope to talk to you all soon/tomorrow.

    good night/evening and later a sleep well with sweet dreams *hugs and kisses*

  153. @Kristen I've been well! I am enjoying the summer! Especially the FIFA part of it! ;D It's weird not having anything to do though! :/ I feel like I'm wasting so much time!

  154. @corinna Goodnight dear! I hope your headache goes away and that you get some peaceful sleep!


  155. @nicole yes hun, i need sleep so i´m leaving now :( but talk to you soon again

  156. @Kristen Ok so no nap, perhaps a drink??!!

    Of course they are going up on fb:) I haven't gotten a chance to steal them from my friend yet but when I get home I will have more time to go through them. I'm sure there are a ton.

    @Nicole The man installed a 47 inch TV so he could watch. lol:) I think he just as excited as you are!

  157. @Nicole I see that you've been pumped up for the World Cup, I did catch some of the US/England match the other day but the noice from those darn horns drove me batty!!! :/

    Enjoy the time you have to do nothing! I miss those days! You will have plenty of time to study and work...oh to be young again ;D

  158. @corinna Have a great night! Sleep well. Hope you feel better!

    @Nicole I have a long term relationship with them! haha. I have loved them since I was 11. They aren't very popular anymore but that just makes it better:)

  159. @Krys Maybe a drink, that sounds like a good idea!! I just needed to sit down and relax for 5 minutes...I've been spinning all day.

    I'm a picture buff, (if you haven't noticed). Can't wait to see em'! :D

  160. Well chicas, time for me to start dinner...I'll check back in was good chatting with ya'll.


  161. @Kristen That tv of his makes me jealous! :P

    I am enjoying my free time! A lot! Especially because I start band next month and then I've got university at the end of things are going to wind down soon! I'm going to enjoy the time I can spend in front of the tv and the computer! ;D

  162. I'm headed out too! Its finally 5!!!!! Have an awesome evening ladies, talk to ya'll tomorrow:-)

  163. @Kristen Have a great dinner! ;D It was great to see you again! ;D

  164. @Krys Bye!!! Have a great evening! I hope the weather clears up for you so you can get into your jacuzzi!! ;D

  165. Well, I'm excited for tomorrow! New Zealand plays in the morning (let's see if they rock as much as their rugby team) ;D And then Portugal's game and then Brazil's in the evening! It's going to be pretty awesome!!! ;D ;D ;D

    And I have dodgeball tomorrow! And it's my mom's birthday tomorrow! much to do!!!! ;D

    Allright! I'm heading out!
    Goodnight Ladies! Good morning to others possibly!
    See you tomorrow!!! ;D

  166. You've got to love Andres Cantor!!! ;D
    The video quality is really bad but the screaming will start around 1:58!
    This one's hilarious! He screams during a replay!

  167. No Jake eye candy today.:-( Though I did see Bill & he got his hair cut really short like Aksel. Looks like you girls had fun today. Off to finish watching RHONY. Love love those ladies.

  168. @Nicole I was thinking of you! My husband is in Brazil on business. The guy he travels with, Homero, said, "We have a problem today, everything is closed in prep for the WC match Brazil/N Korea." He's in Sao Paulo and the whole town is decorated with their colors. If they lose tomorrow everything will be closed again in mourning. If they win, they will all be celebrating.

    Really no one's been in here all day? What's up?

  169. @Giffy They must all be watching a game. Either that or they want a new topic.

  170. @ Giffy I think no ones been here bc of the FIFA. LOL Today it's been 2 matches and still one to go! :D I think we all are waiting for Brazil vs N Korea now. Here in Norway the match begin at 20:25 :D


  171. Hey Chicas!

    I agree with @Giffy ... Where is everyone????

    @Giffy ooooohhhhh Sao Paulo is a fun town ... If they win ... they will party like no others!

    @Mel sorry no eye candy for u yesterday! Maybe you should take a picture of Carlos Bocanegra to work with you ... just in case you need a candy fix!

  172. @Anne-May My husband said he's sitting in a Brazilian sports bar eating peanuts and watching the game. I hope Brazil wins, otherwise he will be in the middle of a mob scene...enjoy! Is your son watching with you?

  173. hi girls, hi vikings! :-)

    how are you doing?

    anyone disappointed about the worldcup results?;-)

  174. Everyone is very quiet today! What's going on??

    Hope you must be having great days since there is no one here:)

  175. Hey Ladies!!! I can't stick around too long! I'm watching the Brazil game right now!!! ;D

    I've watched all three today!!!! All three! That's a lot of soccer! ;D I've got to say, I wasn't impressed with Portugal! Cote d'Ivoire was really good...I enjoyed them! But Ronaldo was really annoying me! :/
    North Korea is putting up a good fight right now too!!!

    ...I did stop by a couple of times today but I noticed that no one had written anything so I didn't want to post again and again and again! :P

    @teekanne Not really disappointed! It's gone pretty much as expected! ;D Although, Brazil isn't looking too sharp right now (I was expecting more goals by now) ;D

    Well, Ladies! I'm heading out!
    Enjoying the game and I have dodgeball tonight! Have fun!

  176. Uh... i´m not alone! :-)

    hey krys: how are you?

    I cannot understand that everybody is that quiet since the games are so boring. :-/

  177. I guess everyone's working! :/ I've been watching the games, but I still stop by a lot!

  178. @nicole: you was annoyed by ronaldo! haha.. how does that come? ;-)

    did you notice that all girls were screaming when he got the ball? haha what a freak show! ;-)

    i watched all 3 games yesterday and the first one today.. gosh they are so boring. it´s not soccer!!

    have a great night nicole! :-)
    do we cross our fingers for Anjas Switzerland tomorrow?

  179. @nicole: oh yeh right.. work! haha.. i stop working daily at 13.30 bc that´s the time the first games starts and the TV in my office works perfectly! :-)

  180. @Nicole Don't forget the 5 D's of dodgeball!! :-)

    @Teekanne I'm good! How about you?

  181. @teekanne Well...I don't work and I don't have school so I can watch football all day long! Except for the first one...I'm usually sleeping! ;D LOL

    I think most of them have been interesting games! But Ronaldo annoyed me because he kept diving when there was no contact at all!!! I'm happy he got that yellow card, but he acted like such a baby throwing himself on the ground so much! Get up and play the game!!!

  182. @Krys I won't!!! ;D I'll do my best at least! :P

  183. @Teekanne Lucky duck, I wish I could watch TV at work! My mom works for a cable company and she has her own personal TV at her desk.

  184. @Krys and Teekanne My mom said that she kept sneaking onto the FIFA website to check up on the Portugal game! :P

  185. Hello my dear Akselized girls!

    I drop in just to show you I'm alive!! And very tired, I worked a lot today!
    I hope I'll have nice dreams about...well, it's secret!!! Ha ha!

    Have a great time! Hugs for all!


  186. @Nicole Haha! I think you have her hooked. You should tape them for her.

  187. @dana I'm happy you are alive :-) I bet I know your secret... does it begin with a M???!!! Have a great night, sleep well!

  188. @krys: i´m fine. :-) at least reloaded my power! ;-)

    how was your day so far?!

    i just watch tv. i don´t mind what my boss says! haha. no at least they accept it bc otherwise i would go at home or just be in the internet! i brought my TV from home so my workmate is happy about it! haha

    @nicole: you don´t work and you don´t watch the first game? so what are you up all days?

    uh i just saw 15 minutes of the game bc i had training with the kids. but i´m kind of happy he got yellow! haha.. he acts like the italian!

    i think the games are boring. so much tactic without something to happen! :-(

  189. @dana: hi there. good to see you´re still alive. so you have hot dreams? isn´t the weather hot enough?

    @krys$nicole: i would watch it in the internet if i hadn´t a tv but it would be so slow since 90% of the company watch it via internet! ;-)

  190. hi girls.

    how are you?

    @nicole i think i need you as my bodyguard on saturday.

  191. @Krys I definitely have her hooked! She keeps going to the FIFA website and tries to give me updates of the games and I have to tell her "Yes mom. I actually watched that game" ;D I've done my job...she's hooked! ;P
    I wish we could record them but we don't have DVR and our stupid machine is messed up! :/

    @dana Get some rest! But I think I know who will be in your dreams tonight! :P Goodnight! Sweet Dreams!!! ;D

    @teekanne Well...a very lazy summer! I sleep in a lot (about 12 hours of sleep) ;D It's very nice, I must say! And then I watch the games...and I blog...and I read...and I watch more football! ;D

  192. @corinna I'm there! What do you need??


    Brazil!!! ;D

  194. @corinna: why do you need a bodyguard?

    @nicole: haha ok.. i bet you deserve that for a while! ;-)

    so you start your day with soccer? i cannot imagine a better start! :-)

  195. ok.. one goal is ok. i bet it would end 1:0 for Brasil. so stop shoting goals! ;-)

  196. @Teekanne I think the girls passed me their headaches but otherwise its been good so far.

    I love that you brought your own tv! Thats awesome. And the fact that no one minds that you brought it is fantastic. I want to try that out and see how it goes ;-)

    @Nicole You've created a monster! But at least you have someone thats as crazy about it as you are.

    @corinna Hey girl! How are you feeling?
