This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Came out of work the other day & heard the rotors of a helicopter. So I listened more closely to see if it was civilian or military. Military! Got in the car & snapped this pic. They must have been training because half an hour later they flew back ove my house.
@Mel Cool pic! I have choppers flying over my house all the time. We have power lines near us so they are constantly checking to make sure they are ok.
Hey ya'll! This post said zero comments since Mel posted it so I didn't bother checking it, I just thought everyone was busy... :/
Summer is crazy busy for me, I wish I could spend more time on here chatting...
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far (I could do without the allergies!)
Unfortunately no World Cup action for me while at work, internet, tv, or otherwise. :( Looking forward to seeing Carlos Boncanegra on the DVR since I won't be able to watch the game on Friday. :)
@Anne-May Let me know when you get the $ for the stamps, I just want to make sure you received it ok. Thanks hun!!
Well I'm off, I just wanted to check in...hope everyone is doing well...take care chicas!!
LMBAO the comments section says 1, so I didn't check this posting today! DUH!
@Mel I think we've finally gone and broken the blog! Must be all the heat generated by the Soccer Hotties!
A friend and I went Mountain Biking today after work and we met some really cool Aussie guys & gals on the trail. They are here hanging out in Hood River for the summer ... mountain biking, wind surfing & summer skiing! Made plans to hang out a bit later this week! I havent met the whole group yet, but the accent alone is yummy, and the eye candy is a bonus!
We get such a great mix of people here in Hood River, I love it! You never know who your gonna meet. Summer is heating up!
Good morning! I am glad to see I was not the only one having problems here yesterday. I tried to get on like 6 times yesterday from work, my phone, and then from home, and nothing!
@Mel There is an Air Force base not far from my house, and we get planes and helicopters going over all day. Then sometimes the Coast Guard helicopters fly over the beach, and they get so close that you can see the color of the pilot's eyes!
@Deuce Hood River sounds like where I live! It's a totally different place winter vs summer.
@Mel & Krys Nice pic! We have power lines near us too and a few km upstream on the river not far from my house is a power station, so I have choppers flying over my house all the time!
@all Don't you have an impression that our guy likes to show us his muscles!!! Or is only in my head? LMAO Sometimes I think he does this purposely! Bc he likes to be admired!!! Ha ha!
@ Giffy LOL. I do absolutely everything gor not being first on his blog. Nice to see him though! :D But i don't like that it seems that he's lost some weight!! But he looks great!!! :D
@All How are you? Tried to get on here yesterday but it was hopeless. Think i posted 6 or 7 posts and the blog ate them all.
Btw, i'm still waiting for postman Pat to deliver the stamps and envelopes! Tomorrow i will take a call to the post office and aske if they will deliver it this year or next year;D
Hello Ladies!!! How is everyone today?? Happy Hump day!!!
I just watched Spain v Switzerland! Switzerland had great defense! I was really impressed! Spain just didn't have any luck today! btw, I thought Fernando Torres was kinda cute! :P I can't wait for the South Africa game! I really hope they do well! ;D
Dodgeball was awesome last night! My team won two games! One was forfeited and the other was a full-on battle! We were all sweating like animals! But it was definitely an awesome game! A couple of Matrix and James Bond moves showed up throughout the evening! :P LOL
Hello ladies!!! How is everyone today? What is going on with the blog. Its said 22 posts all day and then you come in here and there are a bunch? Weird!
We get to see muscles in the new post???!!! Stupid work computer! What am I missing?
@Anne-May Rub it in why don't ya ;-) I actually thought he looked like he had gained some weight in previous pics. Too much drinking in the hamptons possibly? I think it was a blog majority that we all like them BIG! LOL ;D
@dana I am well! Yes working... very hard... :-) I do most my work in the morning so then I can spend the afternoon talk to all of you lovely people! So Morten is making you sweat today? Or maybe its Aksel's muscles too?
@Nicole Thats lame! I hate when people have to cheat. It just means they aren't good enough to win on their own skills.
@ dana I'm glad you understood what i posted!lol I don't have all the signs you use in Romanian on my computer so it's difficult to get the words right spelled!! lol
@Krys Well, I have to admit this team is pretty good! They've got solid throwing skills but the cheating gets on everyone's nerves so no one notices the talent they may have! :/ The other teams agree with my team on no one likes them!
2Anne-May I've tryed to write you in Norwegian but I didn't get it bc I don't have your signs too, like the last o from Tromso and ae!! But I don't have romanian signs either on my pc! So it's OK! "Aksel have to be BIG" I don't understand! Translate for me please, use more words!!! LOL
@dana The way my mind is thinking...Anne-May means that Aksel needs big muscles....but also big down there! ;P LOL At least, that's my gutter mind talking!
@krys: at least i wanted the spain to be bothered! haha that means they probably only get second in their group and will play us at earliest in the final! :-)
@nicole: Have fun. at least i hope for more than just 1 goal! ;-)
@corinna: had a good day too.. work was ok, i don´t complain about my boss anymore haha.. since i set stupidness as a genetic fault. at least in his matter!! ;-) only a short lunch break? i had a long one.. met up with some ppl from my apprenticeship at starbucks! and enjoyed the soccer game and then an hour in the sun! :-)
@teekanne nothing mixed up today and i had my own assistent today lmao the men of my do it like me, i´m sitting on the couch watch tv and chat with you all
@krys hi hun how are you today? i´m real fine and had a real good day.
@Teekanne They don't want to miss any of the game while typing to us. I am a multitasker too. I am on the phone working while typing :-)
Well you can't say anything about your confidence ;D LOL! Thanks for the explanation though. I didn't think England was that great since they couldn't even beat the US who everyone is saying sucks?
Great the blog is eating posts again. I gotta remember to feed the darn thing. Saw the new post on ALS *drools* I'm till at my bestest's house watching movies. I'll check back in when I get home & see if the blog is still hungry.
@krys: haha so you think talking about gutter stuff distract them from soccer haha.. ok, i can handle that! ;-)
oh i think the us has some good young boys in the team but i didn´t expect a remis either. but we have to wait what they do next since they have time to get better..
It´s all about confidence. As Obama said: YES WE CAN! ;-)
@teekanne i told him who he had to called, there were so many phonecalls this afternoon and he did it for me, so i was full concentrate on the massage and manuell therpie and physiotherapy. it was real fun
@Teekanne Sorry I've not seen your translation till now! Really good! LOL Haha! I fool my boss every day about football! I know the TV programm and I watch sports news (for results!) and he's sure I'm a BIG (Ha ha!) fan and I watch all the games! I don't bc I have housework to do and I watch just parts of them! LOL
Hi Corinna! I'm glad you had a good day and a lot of fun!!
@all I'm off too! Have a great evening/night! Hugs!
@krys: haha.. at least i think i´m not that much affected by the gutter! Soccer is more important! ;-)
@corinna: oh the one with the braid? or the capitano? i thin the capitano is nice! ;-)
@dana: Google did it good! ;-) haha so your boss didn´t try to talk about all this soccer stuff? i was mad at my boss today. we bet on the german games for 2 Euro each. and i had my tipps on the result for Serbia and Ghana.. and he took the same result.. Gosh so i needed to change! :-/ i could have killed him.. (literally) ;-) so i now have 4:0 agains serbia and 4:1 against ghana! :-(
@corinna Here its cloudy. Its not too chilly but its not hot either. Its supposed to storm later and bring the heat in for the rest of the week. How about in Germany? Hope it was nice weather to go along with your nice day!
@Teekanne More important than the gutter? What are you smoking? ;-) Where would we be without our gutter thoughts? But then again I guess they agree with you since they left us in the gutter to go watch... Oh well!
@Teekanne That sounds like a good place to be ;-) Except the part about Aksel wearing clothing. Why would he do that??! (thought I don't know what you are talking about because I cannot see said shirtless, oily picutre at work... grrrrrrrr!!!!)
@Teekanne Now that I could see! Oh to be that toothbrush!!! ;D Thank you.
Wait, hes not oily? Travesty I say! I was all excited for shiny, lubed up, Aksel ;-)
Ok we can compromise on him wearing the shorts since I love them so. He can wear the Elvis glasses as well :-) Because apparently he wears them for everything, even teethbrushing.
@teekanne tomorrow i work from 7:40 am to 2 pm after this i drive to munich and on friday i work from 8 am to 2:20 pm so no german soccer game on friday for me :(
@am i´m fine too, did i said it before i´m a workaholic lmao
so they also strike in norway, mh, yes there will be a big chaos. my brother had a work meeting in stockholm and he was 3 hours to late lmao, but he has two days left to do it.
@teekanne yes, but one had said i have a termin on 1 pm can i change it to watch soccer?
i go to metro for shopping and to munich city to look on a park&ride station which i need in august and i have to check the "u-bahn" because i have to use it too in august. and i never had drive with it before so i don´t know how to get a ticket and with this thing with the "zonen" works
@krys from monday to wednesday i have to work till 7 or 7:30 pm on monday and wednesday from 8:40 or 9 am to 7 or 7:30 pm and on tuesday from 2 pm to 7 or 7:30 pm normally but in the summermonth there a more to do. the most time i work more than i have to do
@corinna So you get tortured too:-) But its nice to have the afternoon off sometimes. You can get things done without having to deal with the weekend crowds.
@krys because of that i have worktimes like that, my boss really look after me. my tortured isn´t so bad. so i have my tuesday morning and my thursday afternoon for me, to make bike trips or jogging rounds or to go for shopping lmao
@krys: haha. i´m not asking, it´s about how much you would pay for such pics! ;-)
oh it´s not about that we are talking about him, but what we are talking about in connection with him! haha..
no.. we don´t want a aksel as mr. krabs
@corinna: so you don´t have a appointment at 1 but later? watch how it works with the tickets??? haha.. ok, wish you luck! why do you need it in august? are you moving?
@cricket. so dana didn´t do a good job? ;-) no just kidding. i just found it today and wanted to share...
@ corinna Deuce refere to the forbidden letter as Mrs big, haven't you seen that?? lol That post was meant for krys about the airport stuff. About APT. LOL
@teekanne i do a "fortbildung" in august in munich city. so i drive with the car to the park&ride then i go to the u-band and then i need to go by tram. and that for one and a half week. no i never want to move to munich, it is to big for me, i´m more the country girl living btw wood and fields. i think i will have a appointment on 1 pm but maybe he change with an other patient, i have to talk to him tomorrow how he will do it
@anne-may no i didn´t see that, sometimes i´m blind and oversee somestuff. and than i wonder when this was written. but thank you! i thought i had read something about HEAD and he need to visit it yet to get somebody knowing?
@Teekanne My offer would be high but the amount on my paychecks isn't high in response ;D
I think he would think we are funny. I least in my mind he thinks its funny. He probably would really think we are nuts!
I don't want Askel as a crab or to have crabs for that matter LMAO!!!! This is why he needs to steer clear of Paris Hilton haha ;-)
@corinna Its nice that they take care of you. You should go biking in Norway one day. But not on a Monday because those little huts in the woods are closed! haha
@Anne-May Not speculating right? lol! Mrs. Big... haha. Is that because she looked big in those right to play pics or because we aren't supposed to say her name? haha ;-)
@corinna: ah ok, so it might be a busy time for you, right? at least i think it might not be that difficult to get to the city since i found it pretty easy to go around there.
@krys: haha. so it´s a bouncer? ;-) at least i need hidden offers of everybody! ;-)
haha i bet he mostly think we are crazy, unmatured and talking shit all day! ;-)
crabs and paris hilton? is there sth i missed? :-(
@teekanne a good friend had said he borrow me his "navi" haha ok walking around is easy but driving with the car, mh i have to see, never do this before. not a busy time but a lot of learning time haha
@krys: i bet he could! haha... at least i hope! :-)
uhhh... ok! I didn´t know that.. but then i prefer him as mr. krabs as with crabs! ;-)
@croinna: oh you could use google maps on your phone.. since it shows you your position in a surrounding of 1.7 km, which is not that much! ;-) using a navi might be the easiest way... but if you check it out 1,5 week before it might work out for you! ;-)
@teekanne i have no internet on my mobile phone, maybe i use the navi from my friend and i look tomorrow how i have to drive, and there is also map24 lmao,
@krys if i will fall down then i hope first nobody stands around me and second that i will get up real quick and drive away lmao
@krys as long as there are no hot vikings around it will be fine.oh once something like this happend to me. i was standing with the bike on the street to go over it, one feet in my click pedals and one off and suddenly i was falling down real slow on the left side. i was standing up real quick and just 5km ago i notice that i was hurt on my right knee and the blood was running down on my feet.
@krys the next day my knee was real hurting and my i didn´t felt my feet anymore, then i was going to the doctor, first he had laugh then he said i had injured my meniscus and the three ligaments on my right anckle but 2 days ago i was on my bike again. ok i have to say i had an injured meniscus before from my snowboard accident and i snatch my ligaments of the anckles (right and left) many times before, i think on the right side four times and on the left side three times
@corinna Oh geez! You really are a tough girl. I pulled a muscle in my knee once and was on crutches for 4 days. I've sprained both my ankles too many times to count. I had to buy my own pair of crutches because I was constantly using them. lol! I guess I am kind of accident prone?
@krys i have also crutches at home. and the funny thing is i never hurt me during my 14,5 years of teakwondo, i always snatch my ligaments during jogging or walking with the dog. lmao. i´m a little bit clumsy. i never thought to much about that what happend and i don´t want to be hurt for to long so i started to train real quick again. after my knee operation in 2003 i was only 3 days in the hospital and after 4 days at home i started to bike again bc the doctor said it is good for me
@corinna I guess once you start to use it you get used to the pain and it can heal while you have a life. I am useless when I hurt myself! If I had surgery I would be milking it for all it was worth :-) I would be off work and laying around watching tv and reading. Oh, the life :) But that would get boring after awhile.
@krys the funniest thing that happend to me after my surgery was that, my mom my brother and me was flower shopping i had used my crutches bc it was only 4 days after the surgery, in the shop one sales woman asked me if i need a chair to sit down, it was real nice but i didn´t used it. i can´t sit on my butt for to long so i decided the most time to start train again early,
@corinna Haha. I would be scared that I would damage the work that was done during the surgery or ripping stitches. I give you credit though for getting right back up and moving. Thats a good attitude to have!
@Anne-May LOL! Well, Teekanne and I discussed Aksel wearing no clothes then said he could wear the palm shorts and sunblock because we don't want him to burn. She then said he would look like a crab and I said I would not want him to look like a crab or have crabs either lol! Sorry we confused you:-) Poor Kjetil does not have crabs (that we know about at least). He was not the butt of our joke today ;D
@corinna I have to go to walmart tonight after work to pick up some things. But other than that, no plans.
@ corinna I think ALS will have some travelling around the next week before his holiday. But on the other hand, that guy do not stay at the same place for too long anyway. lol I think he's got some sponsor work to do according to VG.
@ krys LOL Thanks for the update! :D It's not easy to keep going in here all the time. LOL His palm shorts. LMAO You really do have a BIG thing for those shorts. lol
@am as long as he knows his limit it is good, sometimes you need one or two days off oh damn i don´t want to go to the bed, but i have to get up tomorrow early
girls what happend to the blog?
ReplyDelete@mel great picture
@ corinna Did something happen?
ReplyDeleteIs the blog eating comments again?
ReplyDelete@Mel Cool pic! I have choppers flying over my house all the time. We have power lines near us so they are constantly checking to make sure they are ok.
@anne-mayi can´t read the comments on the previous post, i had post something about three post and none showed up
ReplyDelete@krys i´m fine today and you?
@ Krys Seems like the blog is a bit hungery... lol
ReplyDeleteAnd Korea have a goal...
the blog is eating posts again.
ReplyDelete@corinna I think you passed me your headache:( Work has been crazy today!! I can't wait to go home and relax.
ReplyDelete@krys your poor one. hope you will better soon.
ReplyDelete@anne-may the post is real hungry
@Anne-May How are you? You would think the blog would be stuffed by now ;-D
ReplyDelete@corinna Thanks! I just took some Advil so it should start working soon. Are you feeling better yet?
ReplyDelete@krys i feeling real great today.
ReplyDelete@corinna Good! I'm glad:-) Just stay away from those damn cats. lol!
ReplyDelete@krys i was just actually on the garage to make inspection for my car it is on a farm with many cats lol but the guys was real funny
ReplyDelete@corinna Oh geez! Steer clear of them. We don't want you to get all red and puffy!!!
ReplyDelete@krys haha i think the guys will watch on me, that this will not happen. lol
ReplyDelete@corinna Haha, good!
ReplyDeleteAny cute patients today?
@krys mh no *smile* one maybe he is cute in his own way.
ReplyDelete@corinna LOL! In his own way?! :-) Has your little guy been back?
ReplyDelete@krys yes, he was so cute today lol
ReplyDelete@corinna Haha! Enjoy feeling him up!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWell I am headed out for the evening. Have an awesome night. Sweet dreams, talk to you tomorrow!
@krys talk to you tomorrow, sleep well and sweet dreams
ReplyDeleteHey ya'll! This post said zero comments since Mel posted it so I didn't bother checking it, I just thought everyone was busy... :/
ReplyDeleteSummer is crazy busy for me, I wish I could spend more time on here chatting...
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far (I could do without the allergies!)
Unfortunately no World Cup action for me while at work, internet, tv, or otherwise. :( Looking forward to seeing Carlos Boncanegra on the DVR since I won't be able to watch the game on Friday. :)
@Anne-May Let me know when you get the $ for the stamps, I just want to make sure you received it ok. Thanks hun!!
Well I'm off, I just wanted to check in...hope everyone is doing well...take care chicas!!
Hey Chicas!
ReplyDeleteLMBAO the comments section says 1, so I didn't check this posting today! DUH!
@Mel I think we've finally gone and broken the blog! Must be all the heat generated by the Soccer Hotties!
A friend and I went Mountain Biking today after work and we met some really cool Aussie guys & gals on the trail. They are here hanging out in Hood River for the summer ... mountain biking, wind surfing & summer skiing! Made plans to hang out a bit later this week! I havent met the whole group yet, but the accent alone is yummy, and the eye candy is a bonus!
We get such a great mix of people here in Hood River, I love it! You never know who your gonna meet. Summer is heating up!
Hope everyone is having a Great Day!
Good morning! I am glad to see I was not the only one having problems here yesterday. I tried to get on like 6 times yesterday from work, my phone, and then from home, and nothing!
ReplyDelete@Mel There is an Air Force base not far from my house, and we get planes and helicopters going over all day. Then sometimes the Coast Guard helicopters fly over the beach, and they get so close that you can see the color of the pilot's eyes!
@Deuce Hood River sounds like where I live! It's a totally different place winter vs summer.
Aksel just posted a new photo on his website and I was first to comment. Why is that so fun!
ReplyDeletehi there! :-)
ReplyDeletehow are you?
@corinna: about your party on saturday. just say you have headache! ;-) so you cannot drink! ;-)
@nicole: lucky you. having the summer free! :-) enjoy it.. hard times are coming tooo soon! ;-)
So you watch the spain game? we need to cross our fingers for Anja! :-)
@mel: maybe they were searching for you? ;-)
ReplyDeleteGOAAAAAAAAL for Switzerland! :-))) hahaha
ReplyDeletegosh.. is nobody in, what is going on here? is it about the weather? where are the 28 followers?
ReplyDeletebtw. for causing some talking:
imagine aksel shirtless with sunblock (oily) on this maschine... haha...
Hi everyone!!
ReplyDelete@Giffy Congrats for being first, hun!!!LOL
@Mel & Krys Nice pic! We have power lines near us too and a few km upstream on the river not far from my house is a power station, so I have choppers flying over my house all the time!
@all Don't you have an impression that our guy likes to show us his muscles!!! Or is only in my head? LMAO Sometimes I think he does this purposely! Bc he likes to be admired!!! Ha ha!
@Teekanne Hi! "You are not alone"...LOL
@ Giffy LOL. I do absolutely everything gor not being first on his blog. Nice to see him though! :D But i don't like that it seems that he's lost some weight!! But he looks great!!! :D
ReplyDelete@All How are you? Tried to get on here yesterday but it was hopeless. Think i posted 6 or 7 posts and the blog ate them all.
Btw, i'm still waiting for postman Pat to deliver the stamps and envelopes! Tomorrow i will take a call to the post office and aske if they will deliver it this year or next year;D
ReplyDeleteHello Ladies!!! How is everyone today?? Happy Hump day!!!
ReplyDeleteI just watched Spain v Switzerland! Switzerland had great defense! I was really impressed! Spain just didn't have any luck today! btw, I thought Fernando Torres was kinda cute! :P
I can't wait for the South Africa game! I really hope they do well! ;D
Dodgeball was awesome last night! My team won two games! One was forfeited and the other was a full-on battle! We were all sweating like animals! But it was definitely an awesome game! A couple of Matrix and James Bond moves showed up throughout the evening! :P LOL
Hei Nicole!
ReplyDeleteI like your comment on Aksel's blog!!! I think that too!!! LOL
I wonder if Anja was watching the game! ;P Any updates from her lately?? I bet she's having an awesome time!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Deuce I'm with you on the accent! :D
@corinna Count me in! I'll protect you on Saturday! ;D
@dana I agree! ;P
@Kristen I hope you're getting some rest and some "me" time here and there! ;D
@Teekanne Yep, I watched the Spain game but they just didn't have luck on their side!
btw, I'm liking that image of Aksel! ;P
@dana LOL It just seems like he likes the ladies talking about him! Well, what guy wouldn't?? ;P
ReplyDelete@dana How are you??? ;D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May It's been a while! ;D How are you???
ReplyDeleteMy neighbors' names are Pat! Both the husband and wife...Pat and Pat! ;P
@Nicole I'm fine hun! How are you? I've just read your e-mail! You're so funny! LOL
ReplyDeleteYeh he likes the ladies talking about him!!! Hehe!
@dana I'm doing well! ;D
ReplyDeleteWhy am I funny??? ;P
How's the heat today???
...the blog is really slow today! :/
@Anne-May Where are you?
ReplyDelete@Nicole You are funny in a good way! Hei, I like the way you write me!
Is very hot, I took a shower an hour ago and now my t-shirt is wet again!
I thought it works slow just for me!!!
@dana LOL That hot??? It's not Morten that's making you feel that way right??? ;P
ReplyDeleteIs your dad sneaking out yet??? ;P LOL
Nope, the blog is eating posts and also taking forever to show the new ones! :/
@ dana Check out the other blog. lol I know i didn't get it all spelled right but i hope you understand. lol
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Hi!!! Long time no see!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteHello ladies!!! How is everyone today? What is going on with the blog. Its said 22 posts all day and then you come in here and there are a bunch? Weird!
ReplyDeleteWe get to see muscles in the new post???!!! Stupid work computer! What am I missing?
@Krys Hi! How are you?
ReplyDeleteAll you're missing is a shirtless Aksel running on a treadmill with a tube in his mouth! ;P
@Nicole I am good. How are you? Congrats on your dodgeball victories! Whats your record now?
ReplyDeleteOh thats all I'm missing... WHAT??!!! I wanna see *pouts* I'm such a brat lol :-)
@Anne-May ha ha! Such a beautiful surprise!!! Thank you! You're awesome!!!
ReplyDelete@Krys I'm sorry you can see Mr. Muscles! Wait till you get home! He looks great!
@Nicole Ha ha! I'm thinking of Morten and I swet!
@ Nicole Yeah, long time no see!!! lol I'm so busy playing football these days that i hardly have time to eat. LOL
ReplyDelete@ Nicole I almost passed out when i came in on his blog and the first thing i saw was THAT. LMAO
ReplyDelete@Krys I'm great! Very lazy! back is kinda sore which is weird too! ;P LOL
ReplyDelete3:1 ...we play the cheaters next week! :/
@Anne-May You're playing football?? That's awesome! ;D
LOL Do you need a paramedic? ;D
@dana I thought so! How is he? Is he sleeping after last night??? ;D
@all I am VERY jealous ;D Can't wait to go home and check him out!
ReplyDelete@dana & Anne-May How are you?
@ dana you've got the mail. lol
ReplyDelete@ krys I'm fine thanks :D How are you?
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Yes, playing football in front of the tv. LMBAO. I'm exchusted by now. LOL
@Nicole Oh to be young and lazy... ;D You need a nice massage for your back. Pick a viking, any viking!
ReplyDeleteSo is that their team name or are they really cheater? lol:-)
@ krys you should be!! He looks great except that he lost some weight bc i like him BIG! LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Yes, thanks! I see you've got mine! So I'm hired? Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@Nicole I'm waiting for him! I know he will come tonight again! LOL
@Krys I'm fine, thanks! How are you? Working? Well...on the blog!! Ha!
@Krys hmmm...that's very tempting! LOL
ReplyDeleteOh, they're definitely cheaters! They get hit but if the ref doesn't see it, they try to hide it!
@Anne-May The BIG discussion again! LOL ;P
@Krys It is nice being lazy! LOL
ReplyDelete@dana Oh, so he's not around the house? :/
@Anne-May LOL I see! My sister and I tried to play some football yesterday...but she's not into sports! :/
@ Nicole LOL BIG IS BIG. HAHA Naa, just kidding! Not so into what's big and what's not. Haha
ReplyDelete@ dana yup, you're hired! lol
@ Nicole i do love sports! But it's so damn hard to keep it going without someone gives you a kick in the ass!!! Think i need a personal trainer. lol
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Rub it in why don't ya ;-) I actually thought he looked like he had gained some weight in previous pics. Too much drinking in the hamptons possibly? I think it was a blog majority that we all like them BIG! LOL ;D
ReplyDelete@dana I am well! Yes working... very hard... :-) I do most my work in the morning so then I can spend the afternoon talk to all of you lovely people! So Morten is making you sweat today? Or maybe its Aksel's muscles too?
@Nicole Thats lame! I hate when people have to cheat. It just means they aren't good enough to win on their own skills.
@Anne-May and dana Oooh, what's the job??? ;D LOL
ReplyDeleteAre you ladies going to watch the South Africa game??? I'm really rooting for them! I want them to do well! ;D
@AM & Nicole What's BIG???? LMAO
ReplyDelete@ dana I'm glad you understood what i posted!lol I don't have all the signs you use in Romanian on my computer so it's difficult to get the words right spelled!! lol
ReplyDelete@Krys Well, I have to admit this team is pretty good! They've got solid throwing skills but the cheating gets on everyone's nerves so no one notices the talent they may have! :/
ReplyDeleteThe other teams agree with my team on no one likes them!
@Krys Ha ha! They both make me swet Aksel by day and Morten by night!!! LOL I like to speak to you all too!
ReplyDelete@ Krys Maybe he's having way too much training if the forbidden letter are in oslo. lmao I like him BIG BIG BIG. LOL
ReplyDelete@ Nicole I'm playing fottball for Africa tonight. lol
@ dana Aksel have to be BIG!! Are you still sweating?? lol
ReplyDeleteHi there... finally discoverd from cheering for Switzerland.. haha hope i get sth in return from anja! :-)
ReplyDelete@nicole: you play against italy? wow. i that´s why they are lame at the worldcup... they need everyone to fight you! ;-)
@ Nicole Dana is going to work in my ex boyfriends restaurant! :D
ReplyDelete2Anne-May I've tryed to write you in Norwegian but I didn't get it bc I don't have your signs too, like the last o from Tromso and ae!! But I don't have romanian signs either on my pc! So it's OK!
ReplyDelete"Aksel have to be BIG" I don't understand! Translate for me please, use more words!!! LOL
@teekanne LOL Ouch! That's harsh! ;P
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Ooh, nice! Does she get free food??? ;P
I just see gutter alarm...
ReplyDelete@dana The way my mind is thinking...Anne-May means that Aksel needs big muscles....but also big down there! ;P LOL At least, that's my gutter mind talking!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne As soon as the word "big" showed up, my gutter alarm was loud and clear! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole So that has to give you the motivation to beat them! I'm rooting for you :-)
ReplyDelete@dana Oh yes, how could I forget? So sorry ;D
@Anne-May Haha! BIG times 3!
@Teekanne Hey girl! How are you? You are a good friend to root for switzerland ;-)
@Krys Lots of motivation! But at the same time, we don't think we're going to win! But we definitely know we'll do our best and more! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana: maybe "Aksel este mare" or "Aksel este imense".... is that better to understand?
ReplyDelete@nicole. only the truth! ;-)
@ Nicole Yes, she will have all the food she can put in her body. lol
ReplyDelete@ krys Right now i've got the money from you! Thanks so much!! :D
@Nicole Oh it's about long fingers, big feet and noses, right!!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Hi! Welcome in the gutter! LOL
@ Krys And your norwegian is great! :D Love ya girl!! lol
ReplyDelete@dana Let's go with that! ;D
ReplyDelete@krys: at least i wanted the spain to be bothered! haha
ReplyDeletethat means they probably only get second in their group and will play us at earliest in the final! :-)
hi girls how are you?
ReplyDelete@corinna HI!!! How are you??? I'm doing well! ;D
ReplyDeletehi corinna! :) how are you, how was your day?!
ReplyDeleteAllright Ladies! I'm heading out!
ReplyDeleteSorry to leave when so much fun is going on...but the South Africa game is soon and I don't want to miss that! Plus, I need some popcorn! ;P LOL
See you after the game!!! ;D
@teekanne i will try it,
ReplyDelete@nicole thanks hun
@Anne-May Great! I like spicy food! And turkish sweets are delicious! But I'll not work there to grow fat!!!
ReplyDelete@Nicole Bye my girl! GO South Africa!!!
@teekanne i really had a good day, with lot of fun and a short lunch break
ReplyDeleteand you?
@nicole so now youre gone when i come!? lol
@ All Now i'm gone! LOL The match begin now and i will not miss it!!
ReplyDelete@nicole: Have fun. at least i hope for more than just 1 goal! ;-)
had a good day too.. work was ok, i don´t complain about my boss anymore haha.. since i set stupidness as a genetic fault. at least in his matter!! ;-)
only a short lunch break? i had a long one.. met up with some ppl from my apprenticeship at starbucks!
and enjoyed the soccer game and then an hour in the sun! :-)
so you didn´t mix up appointments?
@Anne-May Good, I sent it a week ago so I was hoping it would be soon! Well thanks, I tried :-) And no google translation!
ReplyDelete@corinna Hey hun! How are you?
@Teekanne I know nothing about football. Is Spain a good team? Are you worried about them possibly facing Germany?
@Nicole Think positive thoughts and you will have a positive outcome. Talk to you later. Enjoy your game!
ReplyDeletewhere for are there notebooks? ;-) i lie on my couch watching soccer and write with you!
I´m a REAL woman.. i´m multitasking able! ;-)
@krys: spain is good. at least the won the european championship 2 years ago! everyone expected them in the final 16 automaticly.
ReplyDeleteno i´m not worried about spain.. the germans are only worried about england, according to their coach! haha
we don´t fear anybody since there is no need too... we´re the best! ;-)
@teekanne nothing mixed up today and i had my own assistent today lmao the men of my do it like me, i´m sitting on the couch watch tv and chat with you all
ReplyDelete@krys hi hun how are you today? i´m real fine and had a real good day.
@Teekanne They don't want to miss any of the game while typing to us. I am a multitasker too. I am on the phone working while typing :-)
ReplyDeleteWell you can't say anything about your confidence ;D LOL! Thanks for the explanation though. I didn't think England was that great since they couldn't even beat the US who everyone is saying sucks?
@corinna: assistent? so he could give you the massage oils and tools?
ReplyDeleteDo you think it has something to do with the nation?? ;-)
@corinna I'm good! Not too busy today which makes me happy :-) Glad you had a good day too!
ReplyDeleteGreat the blog is eating posts again. I gotta remember to feed the darn thing. Saw the new post on ALS *drools* I'm till at my bestest's house watching movies. I'll check back in when I get home & see if the blog is still hungry.
ReplyDeleteI meant still not till.
ReplyDelete@krys: haha so you think talking about gutter stuff distract them from soccer haha.. ok, i can handle that! ;-)
ReplyDeleteoh i think the us has some good young boys in the team but i didn´t expect a remis either. but we have to wait what they do next since they have time to get better..
It´s all about confidence. As Obama said: YES WE CAN! ;-)
@teekanne i told him who he had to called, there were so many phonecalls this afternoon and he did it for me, so i was full concentrate on the massage and manuell therpie and physiotherapy. it was real fun
ReplyDeletemaybe it has something to do with the country
@mel: hi there. i think it was only bc we was getting over 200. that´s where it always had problems, right?
ReplyDelete@Mel Rubbing it in too? I need to go home and see this droolworthy picutre! What movies are you watching? Have fun!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne The gutter stuff is very distracting ;D It takes your mind to all kinds of places it shouldn't be!
Haha, I love it! Yes you can :-)
@teekanne the first one in the blue sweater with the blond hair is hot! what do you think?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Sorry I've not seen your translation till now! Really good! LOL
ReplyDeleteHaha! I fool my boss every day about football! I know the TV programm and I watch sports news (for results!) and he's sure I'm a BIG (Ha ha!) fan and I watch all the games! I don't bc I have housework to do and I watch just parts of them! LOL
Hi Corinna! I'm glad you had a good day and a lot of fun!!
@all I'm off too! Have a great evening/night! Hugs!
@corinna: so it was really a help. it´s not always like that.
ReplyDeletebut i would prefer an unmarried man who would help! ;-)
@dana Goodnight! Don't let those boys get you all sweaty while you sleep... or better yet let them ;-) Sweet dreams.
ReplyDeletehi dana i wish you a great evening and i hope you had a real great day too. *hugs*
ReplyDelete@krys how is the weather today in nyc?
@corinna Was he at least cute? It would be fun to boss around a cute boy ;D Make him your slave! For one day anyway.
ReplyDelete@krys: haha.. at least i think i´m not that much affected by the gutter! Soccer is more important! ;-)
ReplyDelete@corinna: oh the one with the braid? or the capitano? i thin the capitano is nice! ;-)
@dana: Google did it good! ;-)
haha so your boss didn´t try to talk about all this soccer stuff?
i was mad at my boss today. we bet on the german games for 2 Euro each. and i had my tipps on the result for Serbia and Ghana.. and he took the same result.. Gosh so i needed to change! :-/ i could have killed him.. (literally) ;-)
so i now have 4:0 agains serbia and 4:1 against ghana! :-(
bye dana!
@corinna Here its cloudy. Its not too chilly but its not hot either. Its supposed to storm later and bring the heat in for the rest of the week. How about in Germany? Hope it was nice weather to go along with your nice day!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne More important than the gutter? What are you smoking? ;-) Where would we be without our gutter thoughts? But then again I guess they agree with you since they left us in the gutter to go watch... Oh well!
ReplyDelete@teekanne i mean the capitano of urugauy
ReplyDelete@krys he is married to my boss, but he helped me with the phone calls so i can focus me on my work.
i would prefer also a singel hot looking men
@corinna Hahaha Oh well nevermind then! Its always good to get some help. You'll have to get your boss to find you a single, hot assistant ;D
ReplyDelete@krys: i don´t know where you would be but kjetil would be still in his spandex and not wearing vera wang! ;-)
ReplyDeleteand aksel would be fully dressed and not shirtless and oily on this maschine! ;-)
for this blog the gutter is enormly important but now it´s soccertime! ;-)
@corinna: oh.. the captain was hurt! :-( he plays in istanbul...
gosh.. toooooo much!
@Teekanne That sounds like a good place to be ;-) Except the part about Aksel wearing clothing. Why would he do that??! (thought I don't know what you are talking about because I cannot see said shirtless, oily picutre at work... grrrrrrrr!!!!)
ReplyDelete@teekanne oh sorry then i did´nt mean the capitano i mean this guy
ReplyDeletehaha.. since it´s only shirtless and not oily, and took with his phone and not with his great new camera don´t expect that much! ;-)
ok, aksel at least wears his palm shorts... that´s good! ;-)
maybe you could watch this pic?
@corinna: ah ok, then he was the one getting hurt.. ;-)
@teekanne hot hot where did you have this picture from? have you more like that?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Now that I could see! Oh to be that toothbrush!!! ;D Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWait, hes not oily? Travesty I say! I was all excited for shiny, lubed up, Aksel ;-)
Ok we can compromise on him wearing the shorts since I love them so. He can wear the Elvis glasses as well :-) Because apparently he wears them for everything, even teethbrushing.
i like that Tschabala only bc of his name... you can sing it pretty good on this song! :-)
ReplyDeletehaha it´s from my private collection! ;-) no at least i found it on facebook.
@krys: haha the toothbrush is the last think i saw in that pic! haha...
no i´m afraid he´s not, but maybe till you go home he changed the pic in an oily one! ;-)
NOOOO no glasses. i wanna see his eyes plsss.... :-)
GOOOOOOAL!!! 0:1 Uruguay!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne *drools* Hot damn!
ReplyDelete@teekanne so from your private collection,lmao
ReplyDelete@mel hi how are you?
@Teekanne I think you need to share your private collection with the peanut gallery! We wanna see :-)
ReplyDeleteI do hope he is reading this and changed his pic to an oily one ;D A girl can dream...
Ok ok no glasses, just shorts. I would be ok with that.
girls what means apt?????
ReplyDelete@corinna It mean apartment or appointment, but it could depend on context I guess.
ReplyDelete@ Corinna i think it means airport..
ReplyDelete@krys thank you, sometimes i have some problems with the english abbreviations.
ReplyDelete@teekanne tomorrow short work day??
@corinna. you don´t believe me? ;-)
ReplyDelete@krys. i need to? depends on the money you´ll pay! ;-)
haha... that would be really terrible!!! not the pic but if it´s bc he read that over here... haha
ok just shorts... and maybe some sunblock
@anne-may in sweden today the air traffic controllers had a strike my brother landed in stockholm with an 3 hours delay. how are you?
ReplyDelete@corinna: tomorrow? no, on friday... since then i will finish work at 12 to be ready for the game at 13.30! what about you?
ReplyDeletebut the whole week was a short week since we normally watch soccer from 13.30 till end! ;-)
@ krys Mari wrote on Aksels blog '' saw you at the apt today'' so i think she means airport..
ReplyDelete@teekanne tomorrow i work from 7:40 am to 2 pm after this i drive to munich
ReplyDeleteand on friday i work from 8 am to 2:20 pm so no german soccer game on friday for me :(
@ corinna they strike here in Norway too and it sure makes a caos. I'm fine :D How are you?
ReplyDelete@am i´m fine too, did i said it before i´m a workaholic lmao
ReplyDeleteso they also strike in norway, mh, yes there will be a big chaos. my brother had a work meeting in stockholm and he was 3 hours to late lmao, but he has two days left to do it.
@corinna: maybe one day! ;-)
ReplyDeletewhat are you up to in munich? i´d love to go there too! :-( i love that city!
but next stop will be Kopenhagen!
no game? gosh.. hope you will survive that. are you sure there are appointments after 13.30 on friday?
@Teekanne Well that would depend on how much you are asking...?
ReplyDeleteYou don't want him to know we are talking about him? Haha Why not? The title of the blog is Akselized fans, I think he knows ;D
Sunblock is very sensible. We wouldn't want him to burn now would we?
@Anne-May Oh, just kidding then :-) I can't see his blog.
@corinna You have great hours! I wish I could be off by 2! I am tortured to stay until 5 every day.
@teekanne yes, but one had said i have a termin on 1 pm can i change it to watch soccer?
ReplyDeletei go to metro for shopping and to munich city to look on a park&ride station which i need in august and i have to check the "u-bahn" because i have to use it too in august. and i never had drive with it before so i don´t know how to get a ticket and with this thing with the "zonen" works
@ corinna It's good to work :D But sometimes one should take it a little easy or even you'll hit the wall. lol
ReplyDeleteHi girls! I haven't been able to get on here again today. Are we crashing the internet?!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne NICE picture. My goodness! Are you holding out on us? I thought that was Dana's job?
I am still shocked that Switzerland beat Spain!
@krys from monday to wednesday i have to work till 7 or 7:30 pm on monday and wednesday from 8:40 or 9 am to 7 or 7:30 pm and on tuesday from 2 pm to 7 or 7:30 pm normally but in the summermonth there a more to do. the most time i work more than i have to do
ReplyDelete@am hit the wall? lmao no no before that i go out for a jogging round or a bike round
ReplyDelete@corinna So you get tortured too:-) But its nice to have the afternoon off sometimes. You can get things done without having to deal with the weekend crowds.
ReplyDelete@ corinna he might have left the country with or without Mrs BIG as Deuce refere. LMAO
ReplyDelete@Cricket Nice to see ya girl :D How are you?
I go from one name to another but you know who it is!! lol
@krys because of that i have worktimes like that, my boss really look after me. my tortured isn´t so bad. so i have my tuesday morning and my thursday afternoon for me, to make bike trips or jogging rounds or to go for shopping lmao
ReplyDelete@ corinna I'm not a big fan of jogging. lol I prefer to take the bike - go fast you know. lol
ReplyDelete@anne-may when deuce said something like this? did i missed something?
ReplyDelete@cricket hi girl how are you?
@krys: haha. i´m not asking, it´s about how much you would pay for such pics! ;-)
ReplyDeleteoh it´s not about that we are talking about him, but what we are talking about in connection with him! haha..
no.. we don´t want a aksel as mr. krabs
@corinna: so you don´t have a appointment at 1 but later?
watch how it works with the tickets??? haha.. ok, wish you luck!
why do you need it in august? are you moving?
@cricket. so dana didn´t do a good job? ;-) no just kidding. i just found it today and wanted to share...
@anne-may i prefer biking too, but sometimes i need a jogging round to get down and power out. lmao
ReplyDeletemrs big?? now i checked what you mean!lmao haha
i prefer aiden more lmao
@ corinna Deuce refere to the forbidden letter as Mrs big, haven't you seen that?? lol That post was meant for krys about the airport stuff. About APT. LOL
ReplyDelete@teekanne i do a "fortbildung" in august in munich city. so i drive with the car to the park&ride then i go to the u-band and then i need to go by tram. and that for one and a half week. no i never want to move to munich, it is to big for me, i´m more the country girl living btw wood and fields.
ReplyDeletei think i will have a appointment on 1 pm but maybe he change with an other patient, i have to talk to him tomorrow how he will do it
@anne-may no i didn´t see that, sometimes i´m blind and oversee somestuff. and than i wonder when this was written. but thank you!
ReplyDeletei thought i had read something about HEAD and he need to visit it yet to get somebody knowing?
@Teekanne My offer would be high but the amount on my paychecks isn't high in response ;D
ReplyDeleteI think he would think we are funny. I least in my mind he thinks its funny. He probably would really think we are nuts!
I don't want Askel as a crab or to have crabs for that matter LMAO!!!! This is why he needs to steer clear of Paris Hilton haha ;-)
@corinna Its nice that they take care of you. You should go biking in Norway one day. But not on a Monday because those little huts in the woods are closed! haha
@Cricket Hey girl! How are you?
btw: did you check out leifs page.. he has some pics of the trianingscamp... i love the first one of the beach!!! :-) awesome! the green and blue!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Not speculating right? lol! Mrs. Big... haha. Is that because she looked big in those right to play pics or because we aren't supposed to say her name? haha ;-)
ReplyDelete@krys i think if i go biking on monday in norway i will take everything with me in a huge backpack haha
ReplyDeletei´m looking for these article where it was written that he go to HEAD but i don´t find it
@corinna: ah ok, so it might be a busy time for you, right? at least i think it might not be that difficult to get to the city since i found it pretty easy to go around there.
ReplyDelete@krys: haha. so it´s a bouncer? ;-)
at least i need hidden offers of everybody! ;-)
haha i bet he mostly think we are crazy, unmatured and talking shit all day! ;-)
crabs and paris hilton? is there sth i missed? :-(
@Teekanne At least we enjoy ourselves while being crazy, immature, and talking shit! I'm sure he could appreciate that ;D
ReplyDeleteCrabs is a type of sexually transmitted disease! At least thats what we call it here:-)
@corinna Just don't fill the back pack too much or you be unbalanced and fall over!
@teekanne a good friend had said he borrow me his "navi" haha ok walking around is easy but driving with the car, mh i have to see, never do this before. not a busy time but a lot of learning time haha
ReplyDelete@krys: i bet he could! haha... at least i hope! :-)
ReplyDeleteuhhh... ok! I didn´t know that.. but then i prefer him as mr. krabs as with crabs! ;-)
@croinna: oh you could use google maps on your phone.. since it shows you your position in a surrounding of 1.7 km, which is not that much! ;-)
using a navi might be the easiest way... but if you check it out 1,5 week before it might work out for you! ;-)
ReplyDeletei found it
what a pity for south africa. penalty and red card.... :-/
ReplyDelete@teekanne i have no internet on my mobile phone, maybe i use the navi from my friend and i look tomorrow how i have to drive, and there is also map24 lmao,
ReplyDelete@krys if i will fall down then i hope first nobody stands around me and second that i will get up real quick and drive away lmao
@Teekanne We don't talk too much shit... about him anyway ;D Usually just about Kjetil-poo but thats all in good fun!
ReplyDeleteEven if he had crabs I wouldn't want to know about it. He can keep that to himself... no pun intended LMAO!!
poor south africa :(
ReplyDelete@corinna Hopefully while those watching were laughing at you they would also help you up! :-)
ReplyDelete@corinna: ok... let me know if it worked! ;-)
ReplyDelete@krys: haha... yeh kjetil is the poor baby in this blog! ;-)
you don´t want to know that? haha... i don´t think he will twitter about that! haha...
ok girls, i´m going to bed. hope you have a great night. see you tomorrow.
@krys as long as there are no hot vikings around it will be fine.oh once something like this happend to me. i was standing with the bike on the street to go over it, one feet in my click pedals and one off and suddenly i was falling down real slow on the left side. i was standing up real quick and just 5km ago i notice that i was hurt on my right knee and the blood was running down on my feet.
ReplyDelete@teekanne good night and sleep well talk to you tomorrow *hugs*
ReplyDelete@Teekanne You don't think he would tweet that? He says he is open and honest with his fans. LOL! Goodnight, sweet dreams!
ReplyDelete@corinna You must have banged yourself up pretty good and didn't even notice. Tough girl!
@krys the next day my knee was real hurting and my i didn´t felt my feet anymore, then i was going to the doctor, first he had laugh then he said i had injured my meniscus and the three ligaments on my right anckle but 2 days ago i was on my bike again. ok i have to say i had an injured meniscus before from my snowboard accident and i snatch my ligaments of the anckles (right and left) many times before, i think on the right side four times and on the left side three times
ReplyDelete@corinna Oh geez! You really are a tough girl. I pulled a muscle in my knee once and was on crutches for 4 days. I've sprained both my ankles too many times to count. I had to buy my own pair of crutches because I was constantly using them. lol! I guess I am kind of accident prone?
ReplyDelete@krys i have also crutches at home. and the funny thing is i never hurt me during my 14,5 years of teakwondo, i always snatch my ligaments during jogging or walking with the dog. lmao. i´m a little bit clumsy. i never thought to much about that what happend and i don´t want to be hurt for to long so i started to train real quick again. after my knee operation in 2003 i was only 3 days in the hospital and after 4 days at home i started to bike again bc the doctor said it is good for me
ReplyDelete@corinna I guess once you start to use it you get used to the pain and it can heal while you have a life. I am useless when I hurt myself! If I had surgery I would be milking it for all it was worth :-) I would be off work and laying around watching tv and reading. Oh, the life :) But that would get boring after awhile.
ReplyDelete@krys the funniest thing that happend to me after my surgery was that, my mom my brother and me was flower shopping i had used my crutches bc it was only 4 days after the surgery, in the shop one sales woman asked me if i need a chair to sit down, it was real nice but i didn´t used it. i can´t sit on my butt for to long so i decided the most time to start train again early,
ReplyDelete@krys if you have the power to start training soon again than it is good, your body mostly knows it best. you have to feel it.
ReplyDelete@ krys i'm lost here noe. lol Who's got crabs? And wtf is crabs?lol And who is open and honest to his fans??
ReplyDelete@corinna Haha. I would be scared that I would damage the work that was done during the surgery or ripping stitches. I give you credit though for getting right back up and moving. Thats a good attitude to have!
ReplyDelete@krys so enough from pain and hurtings and injures
ReplyDeletedo you have some plans for tonight?
@am they both talked about ALS or Kjetil
ReplyDelete@ corinna ALS open and honest to his fans... and Kjetil's got
ReplyDeleteI'm comepletly lost in here. lmao
@am like me sometimes lol
ReplyDelete@Anne-May LOL! Well, Teekanne and I discussed Aksel wearing no clothes then said he could wear the palm shorts and sunblock because we don't want him to burn. She then said he would look like a crab and I said I would not want him to look like a crab or have crabs either lol! Sorry we confused you:-) Poor Kjetil does not have crabs (that we know about at least). He was not the butt of our joke today ;D
ReplyDelete@corinna I have to go to walmart tonight after work to pick up some things. But other than that, no plans.
@ corinna I think ALS will have some travelling around the next week before his holiday. But on the other hand, that guy do not stay at the same place for too long anyway. lol I think he's got some sponsor work to do according to VG.
ReplyDeleteToo bad about South Africa!! :(
Ok ladies, I am off for the evening. Have a great night! Sweet dreams:-)
ReplyDelete@krys so you go shopping lmao, that´s always goog
ReplyDelete@am so he is going to see a lot during the summertime,on one hand good but on the other hand he need some time to rest and save power
girls i´m off, see you tomorrow evening
sleep well and sweet dreams *hugs*
@ krys LOL Thanks for the update! :D It's not easy to keep going in here all the time. LOL
ReplyDeleteHis palm shorts. LMAO You really do have a BIG thing for those shorts. lol
good and not goog
ReplyDelete@ corinna I don't think he really knows what the words free time and rest means...! But i think he knows his own limit.
ReplyDeleteI'm back home & now I can give my full attention to the blog.
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone?
@ corinna See you tomorrow girl :D Sweet dreams!! :D
ReplyDelete@am as long as he knows his limit it is good, sometimes you need one or two days off oh damn i don´t want to go to the bed, but i have to get up tomorrow early
ReplyDelete@ Mel How are you? Haven't seen you for ages! :D
ReplyDelete@mel nice to see you but i have to go to bed now :(((
ReplyDeleteso see you all tomorrow nice dreams once again