This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Next time I go bowling Aksel is on my team. Not many young people bowl. I got excited when Dana sent me this pic. I love to bowl. I totally suck at it, but it's so much fun. Last time I went bowling one of my friends fell on her butt. It was prcieless. *looks at Aksel* What do you say? Wanna go bowling?
*Walks up to the Bar and looks for Simen* Ahhh much better. *Slides an Aksel down to @Mel* Sounds like ya had a rough day chica? Come stare at Simen with me for a bit and you'll feel better.
I love bowling, it is so much fun. And I kinda secretly think the shoes are cool. Plus anyone can do it, so it's a great group party!
@Mel I know what ya mean, real life bowling I suck, I've even thrown the ball behind me ... BUT WII bowling now there I'm a rock star!... *shakes head* I Haven't been able to figure that one out yet!
@Krys haha thanks!!! Funny song and so true! ;) I do swear like that too in the car! lol thanks for searching it! ;D
@Corinna have a great weekend! Enjoy it and get some sun! :D Have fun!!! :D I do hope I'll see you on sunday or monday! I for sure will be on on these days! I need to feed my addiciton in advance! :D
@dana How are you doing? haha that vid is hilarious!!! ;D
So I'm off! Need to buy a new camera and me and my brother go to buy a new car in the afternoon! Oh well he buys and I tell him which one! ;D lol
@ Anja I'm fine :D How are you? Are your freat aunt better? I really do hope so! You may have written about her in some other post. I just haven't got the time to go in here the last couple of days.
@ All Bowling is so much fun!!! I have a son who loves bowling and basket ball so i play bowling a lot with him. He loves to beat his mom. LOL
@ dana I have never seen that pic of Aksel. Fun :D
@dana Where do you find these pics?! Secret, right?
I have never done "real" bowling except on the Wii (and I kick ass). Here we have candlepin, which is just smaller balls. OMG that went right in the gutter!
I will be at the salon for most of the morning. Yay! I am getting my hair cut and fixed back to my natural color (no more blond!), mani/pedi, eyebrows and the dreaded Brazilian. If you hear screaming from the East around 10:30, that's me!
@corinna Have a great time in Italy!! I can't wait for the report;D
@Mel Hope you have a better day today! I love to bowl but I suck! I like to use the bumpers:)
@Anja I love the part about not turning off the blinker! It is my pet-peeve when people drive around with their blinker going. uhhhh! Have fun camera and car shopping, even if its not for you. I love new car smell!
@dana I loved that video! It gave me a good laugh to get me through my day.
@Cricket I will join you in the gutter this morning by saying I prefer bigger balls ;D Haha!
Ha ha! I'm so happy you all like the picture! And I sent to Mel many others nice pics! Where did I find them? Right! It's a secret! @Mel If they are good girls you can show them one pic on every new post, hun!
Ooo, bigger balls!! You're right Krys! Ha ha! I join you and Cricket in the gutter!
I hope you all are fine! Have a good time here! I'd like to stay but I have a lot of housework to do! See you later!
did someone say balls? lol. looks like i'm rolling in the gutter with the rest of ya's.
@mel love the beefcake action shot. and count me in on the bowling! wii or otherwise.
@deuce have a pair bowling shoes...don't ask.
@cricket...i think i heard the scream. welcome to brazil. i let my clients shout out bad seems to help. also, have considered offering the tequila back wax. the name says it all.
@Anne_May I think so! But I can't help checking the blog from time to time! LOL Hugs, sweete! See you!
@Suzanne Hi! Ha ha! Noone's coming over but I work Saturdays and it's easier to me to do some things like cleaning up or laundry or cooking from today! I wanna have a rest in the Sunday (or riding, walking...)
... I like em big too ... and heavy ... you get a better grip ... *sly grin* we are talking bowling right! :D I'll just welcome ya'all to the gutter with me, since I don't ever seem to leave!
@Suzanne I'm definitely gonna ask for the "tequila wax back" next time.
@Cricket I feel for ya ... will plug my ears at 10:30 ... and have your shot ready! Although it sounds like for the rest of the day your getting pretty spoiled. :)
Anyone want to volunteer to clean my house? Bueller? Bueller?
I want Aksel stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will send the money for them!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm off to work. Fun, fun, fun. Don't wanna go. They all suck & are rude. *throws self on floor* I'll be back after 8p. I'll try to think positive thoughts.
@Nicole it's been quiet eventhough you were here?! ;P
Yes, I've had a great day! :D It's finally sunny again and I hope it will stay that way, since I have nothing to do this weekend and could finally enjoy some sun! :D
@Nicole oh ok! I never was into watching men run! I prefer watching them bike! Eventhough I don't like the sports much, bc of all that doping! But I like to see some good trained calves! ;D lol
Well my Grandpa just came, so I'll be off for a little while again! :D I don't have any plans for the rest of the evening though, still need to finish that book! :D Well talk to you in a while! have a nice afternoon! :D
@ Mel "throws herself on floor" LOL I want stamps too! I can't believe we can't write to the PO or something. Don't stamp collectors order stamps internationally all the time? I have to mail a pkg at my PO I'll ask them...
Is it just me or does Axl seem like a hot mess right now. How have I not heard this song before by Cobra Starship...I think it's my summer anthem.
@Anne-May sorry but you are our hope, hun! You will have to send stamps to all of us! Ha ha! Kidding! And I want you to send an e-mail to me too!! Nicole, I'm jealous!! And I'm not kidding! LOL Did you finish the housework? I have a few more things to do and I'm ready to party!
Hey everybody! Hope you all had or are having a good day so far.
I am home sick from work this afternoon. I spent about 45 minutes hugging my toilet last night so I figured its as good an excuse as any to use the sick time! I am happy to lay around watching movies and reading my book on a Friday afternoon:)
@Deuce Sure we were talking bowling balls *wink wink* LMAO!
@Anja & Nicole What are you girls reading? Anything interesting?
And let me add my pout here, I WANT AKSEL STAMPS!!!
Back from the PO and they said that we can customize our own postage at the website. You upload your own photo and voila print out instant Aksel stamps. Not the same thing as stamps from Norway though. She was not sure but thinks there may be an international stamp ordering website...need to do some more research.
Also, I went to Target this morning. Converse are $29 and they had some cute black and white check ones.
I am re-reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series. The third one is almost out in the US. I loved it.
@Giffy I agree, I think Aksel looks a little "road weary" in the Post Office Picture. But, he still looks Yummy! I'm sure it's from jet lag and just catching up!
@Mel Hope your day at work goes better than expected ... just super-impose Aksel's face on everyone who comes thru your line ... then you will SMILE!
@Dana You are almost finished cleaning house! Do you have big plans to go on a bike ride or visit a bar or something? Or do you have a guest coming over maybe?
@Deuce yes, he is jet lagged I'm sure, but tanned so that's always good. I wonder if he's had a chance to see the new Baby Attacking Viking. LOL that's a funny visual. A little berserker baby with a helmet with horns.
@Suzanne Ha ha! I told my son that you've asked me this and we've remembered that he asked me the same thing as a child! We couldn't stop laughing! LOL
@Deuce No visiting bars and no bike riding today! I'm a good girl now but I can't promise to be the same tomorrow or Sunday!Anyway the hot guy must wait for me! And first of all I have to find out if he's single! We'll see, I'll let you know! LOL
I'm gonna go for a run with Viking! It'll give us something to do! ;D *whistles and Viking comes running up, tail wagging crazily, making his hips dance! I run up to the bartender! "Give me a water" tosses it over "Allright, Viking! Let's go!"* ;D
@ dana Yup, i do remember my sweet little Daniela for sure!!! LOL
Of course i will try to help all out when i can!!! The stamps will only be sold here in Norway at one damn post office. So i Will do my best, chicas. LOL
@dana You're not betraying him!! You're just taking a short break! He'll always be there for you! He seems like a very patient and understanding man, so don't worry about it! ;D
@Anne-May Just make sure that your friend, when she goes to the post office, has a helmet and some padding! We don't want her to get hurt in the mob! ;D
@dana Remember to smile, flirt! Oh, and compliment him! Men want/like to feel manly!! ;D LOL
Hope everybody is fine? I finally made it back on earth or something like that *lol* Now I'll try to catch up with all the things I've missed. Think it'll take the next 2 or 3 years *lol*
Oh, I've been missed? *flush* Hm, I had a bad cold the last days, still coughing and my nose will fall out of my face *I swear* And such things always happen when you have no time to be sick. And how are you?
But we have very nice and sunny weather so there are not too much reasons to gripe ;-)
@ cjal No fun being sick even if you have the time to be. lol an't say that we have sunny weather here. It's rainy and cold. No fun! Nice weaather to watch tv though. LOL Hope you'll feel better soon!!!!! :D
Hey, nothing to worry about. It sucks but I'm pretty sure that I'll survive *lol*
And I'm fine enough to tease Aksel about the stamps. In Germany we have a pick-up-line for men who wants to invite a woman to come home with him: "May I show you my stamp-collection?" It's pretty old and even cheap but I sure had to tease him :-D
haha I've just read it! LMAO!!! :D haha that's great! I think we have a similar saying! Just don't remember it that clearly! ;D Thank god noone ever said that to me! I'd have laughed right into his face! ;D
Hey girls just woke up from a lovely 2 hour nap;) What did I miss?
@Suzanne Thanks hun! I wish it was brown bottle flu lol! At least I would have had fun before hand. I actually think I picked up some food poisioning:( My weekend in Boston was great! We had so much fun, brown bottle fun lol ;D
@Nicole & Giffy Thats the next series I want to read so I'm glad you both like it!
@Anne-May Thanks for the link on the ALS blog! And may I add, really Aksel, that shirt AGAIN???!!!
Hi Krys! Food poisoning doesn't sound too good. Hope you'll be fine soon!
@Anja and Anne-May: sometimes I see it like Longstockings wrote a while ago...there is too much ego-rub for that viking-guy. And then I feel an urge to tease him *lol* That couldn't be normal cause normally I only tease people I'm really familiar with. So I don't know why but there is this urge and I can't resist :-D
@cjal Hey! Thanks, and I hope you feel better as well! I agree about the teasing, if he had no sense of humor it wouldn't be as fun to tease him. But the fact that he teases back is awesome. I thought your comment was hilarious! When I was in 4th grade I collected stamps, maybe I could use that line hahaha!!!
@krys I'm sorry to hear you don't feel good! :S Hope you feel better now, after a 2 hour nap!
haha you don't like caro? I gotta admit, I like these kind of shirts! ;D so no complaining about him wearing one from my side! ;D
@Cjal haha I know what you mean! ;D And it's actually good that someone teases him! :D And I'm sure he does get that kind of humor! :D Since we know HE still has his humor! :D But thanks for making me laugh anyways! :D
@Anja Thanks, I do feel a little better now. Dinner will be the test!
Its not that I don't like the shirt, its that he always wears it! There have been too many pics of that orange plaid shirt;D Time for an updated summer wardrobe.
Btw, I like the camera. Green is my favorite color too!
@Anne-May He does love it, its his go-to shirt:) haha
I think your friend is going to need more than just a helmet to brave the post office though. Lets add elbow, knee, and back pads, a chest protector, mouth gard, googles, etc. lol!
@Krys I hope you'll feel better soon! :S Being sick sucks! :(
oh well that's true! he does wear it alot! ;D And it's not like he cannot affort some new clothes! But I think anyways, that some of you girls have to go shopping for him and Kjetil for that matter! ;D LOL
Thanks! I love the color!!! ;D Looks like we got something in comon, Green's my favourite color too! :D
Ha, I collected stamps too when I was young. I had the complete set of Heinemann (a former federal president from Germany). In Germany the federal president is the only person alive who is shown on stamps. There are only a few exceptions like pope Benedikt XVI. So do you think I've missed a chance not to use that phrase? *lmao*
@Krys: yes, he must have lots of humour. And yes, I think he is teasing back from time to time.
@Anne-May...Add my name to the list for stamps chica!!! I will pay!!!!!!! ;D
I agree ALS looks very tired in the "stamp" pic on his blog but still delish as ever!!! HAHA! That damn shirt is back!!!!! WTF?!?! LOL!! He needs some help ladies...
@Anja I love the new camera! And the color ROCKS!!!!
@Anja Thanks, it does suck but I got an afternoon off of work and a nap for it;D
True, we can't just pick on Aksel, Kjetil needs help as well. Those plaid pants were awful!! Can I voluteer to play dress up with the vikings? *and yes my mind is in the gutter*
@all: btw I think Aksel has more than one of these shirts. And probably it's part of his charme that he doesn't dress up for such events. He's a kind of big boy ;-)
@cjal I agree, he is a big boy, but thats no excuse lol! Stores have a big and tall department. I like that he doesn't get all fancy for events too, I just want to see a different shirt, or perhaps no shirt ;D hahaha
And thanks, I love the color too! :D so excited, can't wait to try it out! ;D
@Krys oh an afternoon of work is nice! eventhough you're sick! :D
haha these pants were ugly! and yes, you can volunteer I guess! ;D I'm not in the line though, but maybe others! ;D I'm not good at dressing up others! :P lol but I'll gladly 'test' the new clothes!!! ;D
@Kristen Sorry about your headache, hope you feel better. Advil always works for me:) I think those pesky thunderstorms are going to be a daily occurance on the east coast for the rest of the summer. We are expecting them here too.
@Anja LMAO testing the clothes! What kind of tests are you going to put said clothes through??! haha
@Anja I am good (besides the headache) I'm ready for the hockey game (which starts in a little under 3 hrs).
@Krys It's the damn humidty that's causing all of the t-storms. I'm a big chicken tho when it comes to storms, worse then the kids thats for sure!! They better not ruin the weekend, I have fun plans!!! ;D
@Kristen I hate humidity! I can handle heat, but heat with humidity just plain sucks. I like storms. When they are at night I like to turn all the lights off and watch my windows light up. Oh big weekend plans? Whats going on if you don't mind me asking?
@anne-may Thanks for posting the link to the Post office article. I couldn't tell if the stamp was only available today, or he was only signing today. Google translation is crazy. I would love a stamp too and will pay everything. I also noticed that the plaid was in the newspaper article and not on the website. I think it is possible he's reading a little bit over here. I actually think the shirt is red/gray like the RTP tie.
@Suzanne Is a Brazilian wax just a clean up around the edges, the full monty, or a Telly Savalas?
@Kristen Sorry to hear about the headache! I hate having them! :S thank god I don't get them very often!
Oh in 3 hours?! GOOOOOOOOOOOO Flayers!!! ;D I'll be sleeping, but I try to cross my fingers! LOL :D You gotta tell me tomorrow how they did!
@Krys haha I do like it too! ;D I love being in the gutter, especially bc of the company there! :D 'fit is very important, especially in certain areas' LMAO!!! true! ;D
@Krys I hate the humidity too! Like you, I don't mind the heat but the humidity sucks! Nah, you won't catch me doing that, lightening scares me the most! ;D
No I don't mind you asking, tomorrow my cousin and I are heading to Philadelphia, we are going to the Philadelphia Phillies game tomorrow night (great seats I might add, 6 rows behind the Phils dugout). We will be staying overnight there and going to the bike race on Sunday. It's awesome! A total party!! I love going to Philly! :D
Thanks Anja! I will let you know tomorrow! It's been a tough series, we need all the help we can get!!
'fit is very important, especially in certain areas' HAHA, AWESOME!!! THE GUTTER! HELLO!?!? I love it there too!! You should hear the my work mates and I! It's gets really raunchy at helps us get through the day!! ;D
@Kristen sounds like you'll have a great weekend! :D So since I have no idea about ameican sports, what game are you going to? Basketball? Football? ;D
Thanks! ;D I'll keep my fingers crossed! :D woohooo ;P
haha the gutter is a nice place to stay and it is very helpful getting you trough the day! ;D I'm there way to often! ;D not that I mind! LOL :D
@Anja You do have lots of company in the gutter! I was flipping through the channels on TV beofre and a movie was on called In The Gutter! I'm gonna try and find it to watch from the beginning. It just seems fitting.
@Kristen I LOVE baseball! But sorry I am a Yankees fan ;D Sorry, but I am from NY! I think I am due to go to a game soon. Your weekend sounds great!
@Anja It's baseball...I seem to forget you are not in the US...sorry hun!! ;D
@Krys Of course you're a Yankees fan, most New Yorkers are! ;D My husband is from NY and luckily he is a Phillies fan, that might have been a deal breaker when we met! haha! ;D
Yea, let us know about this movie "The Gutter", I wonder if its "our" kind of gutter?!?! lol
I am really excited about getting's been way too long! My husband is not one for crowds and since the streets for the bike race are packed he is happy staying home. ;D He's awesome!
Great the TV just flashed a thunderstorm warning until 10pm! UGH!!! One good thing tho, I was watching the Ellen DeGeneres Show and Gerard Butler was on! Looking mighty hot I might add! YUM!! He has an awesome accent too!
@ Giffy You're so welcome :D The stamps are avaliable as long as they have them. The problem is that i dont know how many there is bc it's limited. I will make a call to the post office first in the morning toorrow. And ask them nicely if they can send over some envolopes to Tromsø. I couldn't get a hold on my friend by phone this evening so i'll take everything in my own hands to be sure we might get the stamps :D
And yes, i'm sure he's jumping in here from time to
@kristen thanks! ;D You just way to many sports to remember all! haha and don't worry! ;D I'll soon be in North america at least! ;D
I bet you are! and you're husband stays at home with your kids! WOW he's really great! ;D Not every man would do that!
@Krys haha I guess I gotta check that movie on the internet! ;D
Thanks! :D I just seemed to have forgotten baseball! Eventhough that's the one american sport I actually like watching a bit, but not for to long, since I have no idea about the rules! Well of course Hockey is an exceptio! but since we play that here too, I don't think of it as a 'explicit' american sport! ;D
Movie critic Richard Roeper hosts this hilarious look at the best boundary-pushing gross-out comedies in film history, including Superbad, The Meaning of Life, Animal House, American Pie, Blazing Saddles, Porky's and many more. Along with classic (and outrageous) film clips, this special includes interviews with John Waters, Jason Biggs, Stephen Furst, Peter Riegert, Lin Shaye and a slew of other actors, writers, directors and film critics.
So I guess it really is in the gutter just like we are all in the gutter! I wonder if its ondemand?
@Anja Come to NY and I'll take you to a Yankee game and teach you:) Baseball and Football (american football haha) are my favorites! I don't really like basketball and I don't understand hockey.
@Krys yea, it does look like it! Truely our kind of movie! ;D LOL
I will! When I have again some money! ;D I always wanted to go to a Baseball game, actually! :D oh ok, I don't get Football and it goes way to long! haha but really, hockey is far easier to understand then football! ;D Well in my opinion! ;D
hmm, I did hear that the Yankee's are an awesome team! Are they still as good as I once heard? :D
@Krys WOW! Sounds like it's right up our alley! haha!! Let me know if it's on demand.
@Anja The hubby and I take turns having our free time, weekends etc, it doesn't happen often but it's super nice when it does. He's a total outdoorsman so his idea of a weekend away is in the woods, not so much for me, I like the city. We compromise when we go away together then ;D
@Krys A bowling alley in a bar! What could be better?!?! Sounds like my kind of place. ;D
So I guess you're a Giants fan too? I love football as well! (Eagles!) I grew up with 3 brothers, I was the only girl so all types of sports were on in our home all the time. I'm not a fan of basketball either.
@Anja In my humble opinion... of course, they are the best! They won the world series last season against the Phillies (sorry Kristen). They have the most championships all time with 27. This year we make it 28 ;D
Going to the games is so much more fun then watching it on tv! Its expensive but worth it. Baseball games have the best hotdogs, oh and let me not forget, any kind of beer you could imagine!
@Krys I see! Wow so they were right about the Yankees! :D 27 times winning the championships is huge! :o haha I love hoddogs, but you americans make it really different, I had to realise! ;D lol oh so you think they'll have some swiss beer?! Then I'll for sure once join you at a game! ;D lol
@Kristen haha I don't plan to get married! Gosh, I have so many other plans! There's no space for a husband! :D I definitly wanna travel as much as I can! And go and work some years abroad! :D
you really don't like storms?! :S Hope it will be over fast... :)
Hi Girls.. i just step in for a minute.. what a busy day! :-( I was home for like 10 Minutes today and just came back for 8 hours sleep. Wake up is as 8 am tomorrow! :-/
so.. just got sth about anne-may is buying stamps? anja got a new sony cam (i´m kind of disappointed it´s not a canon!!) and marathon ...
@Krisen I do! And I hope I'll be able to fulfill all of them! :D But I'll try! ;D I will enjoy life! As much as I can! you never know when you have to go! ;D
@Krys well they're actually inside in these baquette breads! and not one beard is sliced in half an there's the hotdog! Even found a pic of what I mean! haha
@anja: i´m fine! :-) it´s weekend, summer is calling and i´m finally at home for sleep! :-) did i mention that i love sleeping! ;-9
we have a meeting about a sponsorship for the team at 9!!!! am and i need to do some laundry and some fridge filling... plus i wanna spend the afternoon with my aunt and the kids! :-/ busy busy! ;-) and yours?
ahh for canada and my daily postcards! haha! :-)
"rather good english?" i doubt that! haha wooow you nearly spamed my email space! haha! :-) will check the vids later but at least they made the way to me! :-) thx hun!
I see! Really busy! :D But I can understand that, since they're not here often you gotta enjoy it! i'd do the same! :D
Well I'll go visit my family in the 'Oberland'! That's the last chance to say goodbye to them before I go! And I get to drive for 40min! ;D
Oh common, your english is really good! ;D Well just think about it! :D haha I know, I'm sorry!!! but there was no other option! I really do hope you can put them together again! :D You're welcome! :D
@krys haha nope! it's going to be the same like with the banana! LOL :D Well I'd like to choose, ketchup is getting getting old, and I like mustard! But no onion, I get headache from them! :S But hot dogs and beer is great! ;D So I definitly have to visit a Baseball game once! :D
@Krys Haha me neither!! I like ketchup on mine, but not too much! Now I will have to take a picture of the $10 hot dog I get at the game tomorrow night! I'll post the pics from the game on my facebook then...are you on FB Krys?
@krys: i love it! ok. i don´t realize that much while i sleep... mostly i wake up in the morning and wonder if anybody speed the time! :-( but i love it! :-)
@anja: yeh.. enjoy it while 2 kids use you as a tree or trampolin! haha! no it´s really fun!
wherefor do i have the weekends?
40 minutes? it´s not that far.. but you might be nearly in italy if you drive 40 minutes in switzerland, right? your so small! ;-)
i don´t need to think about that very long. just wrote you back! :-)
I hate to admit this but many many years ago (like 20, gulp!) I had passed out at a party and my friends decided to put a banana up to my mouth and take a picture of of my finer moments for sure!! LOL! I hope that photo never surfaces again!!! ;D
@Teekanne My day was ok. I left work early because I think I have a touch of food poisioning. I am feeling a little better now after I got a 2 hour nap! Have I mentioned that I love sleeping?!
@Anja I don't like onions either unless they are in ring form! I love onion rings. The resturant Sonic has the best ones!
@Kristen Yup I have facebook... Krystin Colwell. Friend me! I think is says UNC Charlotte Alum 07?
@kristen: haha so you wanna share this pic with us?! ;-)
@krys: uhh doesn´t sound that good! :-( but at least sleeping helps! haha there are so many things that will happen while you sleep. it health you from sickness, tiredness and it makes you slim (at least it doesn´t work with me!) :-(
@anja: yeh that´s why my back hurts a little bit.. ;-) maybe i will take my cam with me so i can take some pics to share... my cousin could be so my son! Haha
@krys: haha no!! that would be funny!!! ok, in america you have some really strange names but in germany it´s not allowed haha! ;-) you really thought that? did you ever try to get the translation? haha
@anja: i´m not mean! ;-) haha. let me think.. yeh he is sometimes but he really is lovely while being mean.. like me! :-)
I will NEVER!!! even in 9 month (where i have to admit you would have enough time in the wide space of canada to write it) ;-)
@krys: i aunt told me about some strange names: a friend of my cousin is called "honeypot" and another one "ikea" gosh how strange is that.. i would fit in there with Teekanne i admit... ;-)
@kristen: i will! :-) maybe there will be a night of too much aksels or lars....
@Teekanne lol so he really seems like he's like you! ;D mean, but in a nice way mean! ;D
haha well 9 weeks for writing a poem... haha you remember I said that, just to shut you and Nicole up, like in April! haha definitly more then 9 weeks ago! ;D I'll be too busy in Canada though! So much I can tell you! LOL :D
@krys well I'm not so sure about that! I just keep forgetting it! And well Teekanne and Nicole are so nice to remind me every couple weeks of it! I hope they'll get tired of it sometimes! ;D
@Teekanne Ikea hahaha, never heard that one. Celebrities name their kids all sorts of crazy names! Apple is a personal fav of mine:) My mom just wanted to spell mine all sorts of crazy! Krystin with a Y?
*Walks up to the Bar and looks for Simen* Ahhh much better. *Slides an Aksel down to @Mel* Sounds like ya had a rough day chica? Come stare at Simen with me for a bit and you'll feel better.
ReplyDeleteI love bowling, it is so much fun. And I kinda secretly think the shoes are cool. Plus anyone can do it, so it's a great group party!
@Mel I know what ya mean, real life bowling I suck, I've even thrown the ball behind me ... BUT WII bowling now there I'm a rock star!... *shakes head* I Haven't been able to figure that one out yet!
Hi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to go bowling, I've never gone! I think it's a lot of fun there, just take a look to this people! LOL
I'm off to work.Have a nice day!Hugs!
Good morning ladies!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
@Krys haha thanks!!! Funny song and so true! ;) I do swear like that too in the car! lol thanks for searching it! ;D
@Corinna have a great weekend! Enjoy it and get some sun! :D Have fun!!! :D
I do hope I'll see you on sunday or monday! I for sure will be on on these days! I need to feed my addiciton in advance! :D
@dana How are you doing? haha that vid is hilarious!!! ;D
So I'm off! Need to buy a new camera and me and my brother go to buy a new car in the afternoon! Oh well he buys and I tell him which one! ;D lol
have a great day all!!! :D
Hola chickas!! Just popped in for a quick hello! Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday...
Hi to all of you! :D
ReplyDelete@ Anja I'm fine :D How are you? Are your freat aunt better? I really do hope so! You may have written about her in some other post. I just haven't got the time to go in here the last couple of days.
@ All Bowling is so much fun!!! I have a son who loves bowling and basket ball so i play bowling a lot with him. He loves to beat his mom. LOL
@ dana I have never seen that pic of Aksel. Fun :D
Good morning!
ReplyDelete@dana Where do you find these pics?! Secret, right?
I have never done "real" bowling except on the Wii (and I kick ass). Here we have candlepin, which is just smaller balls. OMG that went right in the gutter!
I will be at the salon for most of the morning. Yay! I am getting my hair cut and fixed back to my natural color (no more blond!), mani/pedi, eyebrows and the dreaded Brazilian. If you hear screaming from the East around 10:30, that's me!
Hey girls! How is everyone doing today?
ReplyDelete@corinna Have a great time in Italy!! I can't wait for the report;D
@Mel Hope you have a better day today! I love to bowl but I suck! I like to use the bumpers:)
@Anja I love the part about not turning off the blinker! It is my pet-peeve when people drive around with their blinker going. uhhhh! Have fun camera and car shopping, even if its not for you. I love new car smell!
@dana I loved that video! It gave me a good laugh to get me through my day.
@Cricket I will join you in the gutter this morning by saying I prefer bigger balls ;D Haha!
Have a great day everyone!
Hi girls :D Here is a link to JM's site on facebook with a pic from the RTP gala. It's her, Aksel, Koss and his wife.
Hi my girls!
ReplyDeleteHa ha! I'm so happy you all like the picture! And I sent to Mel many others nice pics! Where did I find them? Right! It's a secret!
@Mel If they are good girls you can show them one pic on every new post, hun!
Ooo, bigger balls!! You're right Krys! Ha ha! I join you and Cricket in the gutter!
I hope you all are fine! Have a good time here! I'd like to stay but I have a lot of housework to do! See you later!
@ dana
ReplyDeleteI think there's two of us having a LOT of housework to do!! LOL
did someone say balls? lol. looks like i'm rolling in the gutter with the rest of ya's.
ReplyDelete@mel love the beefcake action shot. and count me in on the bowling! wii or otherwise.
@deuce have a pair bowling shoes...don't ask.
@cricket...i think i heard the scream. welcome to brazil. i let my clients shout out bad seems to help. also, have considered offering the tequila back wax. the name says it all.
@dana happy house cleaning:) who's coming over?
need to run...ttyl chicas:)
@Anne_May I think so! But I can't help checking the blog from time to time! LOL Hugs, sweete! See you!
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Hi! Ha ha! Noone's coming over but I work Saturdays and it's easier to me to do some things like cleaning up or laundry or cooking from today! I wanna have a rest in the Sunday (or riding, walking...)
... I like em big too ... and heavy ... you get a better grip ... *sly grin* we are talking bowling right! :D I'll just welcome ya'all to the gutter with me, since I don't ever seem to leave!
ReplyDelete@Suzanne I'm definitely gonna ask for the "tequila wax back" next time.
@Cricket I feel for ya ... will plug my ears at 10:30 ... and have your shot ready! Although it sounds like for the rest of the day your getting pretty spoiled. :)
Anyone want to volunteer to clean my house?
Bueller? Bueller?
Gotta Hit the Road! Catch Ya Later Chicas!
"Not many young people bowl"
ReplyDeleteUhhh, where you going then?? 'Cuz all of my friends and I bowl every year for my birthday!!! ;D LOL It's so much fun! We're pretty good too! :P
@dana That video is hilarious!!! People can be so stupid! :P They say "Don't cross the foul line" for a reason! LOL ;D
ReplyDelete@corinna Have an amazing time in Italy!!! ;D I hope you find some cute guys!!!
@Anja You gotta tell me which camera you get!!! ;D
@Cricket LOL Have fun at the salon!!! ;D
I was already in the gutter!!! LOL
@Krys I hate it when people don't even put on the turn signal!!! UGH!!!
@All :O 8/ What a gutter conversation!!! LOL
Had a visit from the Anti-Doping organization tonight. It took me some time, but I got them a urine sample eventually ~Lars' Twitter
ReplyDeleteLOL He cracks me up!!!!
You know what's a lot of fun: Cosmic bowling!!! That's fun! Wear white!!!
ReplyDeleteJust don't be like my friend, who wore a black shirt and a white bra!!! Trust me, it shows! LOL ;P
@ Nicole Hahahaha@ Lars. I'm sure it can take it's tome. LOL
ReplyDeleteNot tome but TIME.LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May LOL I wonder if he had to drink a lot of water!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteHow are you??
@ Nicole I'm fine, sweete :D I left you a post ''with Aksel'' and sent you an e-mail!! :D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I just replied to the e-mail! And I saw your Aksel post! ;D lol
ReplyDeleteI want Aksel stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will send the money for them!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm off to work. Fun, fun, fun. Don't wanna go. They all suck & are rude. *throws self on floor* I'll be back after 8p. I'll try to think positive thoughts.
@Mel Except for Jakey right??? Or did something happen there???
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just try to smile and stay happy!!! ;D
Hello laides!
ReplyDeleteI'm finally back home! ;D
How is everyone?! What did I miss?! :D
@Anja Hi Anja!!! You didn't miss much honestly! It's been quiet! ;D
ReplyDeleteDid you have a good day? ;D
@Nicole it's been quiet eventhough you were here?! ;P
ReplyDeleteYes, I've had a great day! :D It's finally sunny again and I hope it will stay that way, since I have nothing to do this weekend and could finally enjoy some sun! :D
How was your day so far? :D
@Anja LOL Yep! I had like 3 back-to-back posts!
ReplyDeleteGood day so far! Tv and the computer!!! Fun! ;D
@Nicole LOL :D I see the tv distracts you! ;P
ReplyDeleteSo is something interessting coming? :D
@Anja Just watching some news and whatever is on! Not much is interesting though! :/ LOL
ReplyDelete@Anja I'm watching a recap of the London marathon right now! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole LOL there's never on something good on tv over noon! Neither here! :D
ReplyDeletelol a recap of the marathon? is it interessting? ;D
@Anja It is! I watched the recap of the Rotterdam marathon yesterday! Those guys have such strength and power! It's really cool to watch! ;D
ReplyDeleteWhat are you up to? ;D
@Nicole oh ok! I never was into watching men run! I prefer watching them bike! Eventhough I don't like the sports much, bc of all that doping! But I like to see some good trained calves! ;D lol
ReplyDeleteWell my Grandpa just came, so I'll be off for a little while again! :D I don't have any plans for the rest of the evening though, still need to finish that book! :D
Well talk to you in a while! have a nice afternoon! :D
@Anja Have fun with you Granmpa! Say hi to him for me!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteAllright, ladies! I'm heading out!
I'm gonna keep reading my book! ;D
@Anja I meant "Grandpa" LOL
ReplyDelete@ Mel "throws herself on floor" LOL I want stamps too! I can't believe we can't write to the PO or something. Don't stamp collectors order stamps internationally all the time? I have to mail a pkg at my PO I'll ask them...
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does Axl seem like a hot mess right now. How have I not heard this song before by Cobra Starship...I think it's my summer anthem.
@Anne-May sorry but you are our hope, hun! You will have to send stamps to all of us! Ha ha! Kidding! And I want you to send an e-mail to me too!! Nicole, I'm jealous!! And I'm not kidding! LOL
ReplyDeleteDid you finish the housework? I have a few more things to do and I'm ready to party!
Hey everybody! Hope you all had or are having a good day so far.
ReplyDeleteI am home sick from work this afternoon. I spent about 45 minutes hugging my toilet last night so I figured its as good an excuse as any to use the sick time! I am happy to lay around watching movies and reading my book on a Friday afternoon:)
@Deuce Sure we were talking bowling balls *wink wink* LMAO!
@Anja & Nicole What are you girls reading? Anything interesting?
And let me add my pout here, I WANT AKSEL STAMPS!!!
Back from the PO and they said that we can customize our own postage at the website. You upload your own photo and voila print out instant Aksel stamps. Not the same thing as stamps from Norway though. She was not sure but thinks there may be an international stamp ordering website...need to do some more research.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I went to Target this morning. Converse are $29 and they had some cute black and white check ones.
I am re-reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series. The third one is almost out in the US. I loved it.
@Giffy I agree, I think Aksel looks a little "road weary" in the Post Office Picture. But, he still looks Yummy! I'm sure it's from jet lag and just catching up!
ReplyDelete@Mel Hope your day at work goes better than expected ... just super-impose Aksel's face on everyone who comes thru your line ... then you will SMILE!
@Dana You are almost finished cleaning house! Do you have big plans to go on a bike ride or visit a bar or something? Or do you have a guest coming over maybe?
@Deuce yes, he is jet lagged I'm sure, but tanned so that's always good. I wonder if he's had a chance to see the new Baby Attacking Viking. LOL that's a funny visual. A little berserker baby with a helmet with horns.
ReplyDelete@mel@krys@giffy add me to the list of pouty girls stomping around wanting aksel stamps. sorry to hear of your toilet hugging adventures. brown bottle flu? or a little bug you picked up? how was boston last weekend? re house cleaning. who's coming over was always a standard question i asked my mother, as a child, when she made me clean house.
@deuce the tequlia is here and ready, my dear. holla at cha girl when you are ready for the alcohol laden waxing tx. lol:)
@anja camera report chica!
@nicole...hi! happy friday.
friends don't let friends stop the gutter talk on a friday...let's keep it alive sistas!
@ cricket/krys Loved the Anchorman comment on ALS website. LOL! "You may not know this but I'm something of a big deal."
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Ha ha! I told my son that you've asked me this and we've remembered that he asked me the same thing as a child! We couldn't stop laughing! LOL
ReplyDelete@Deuce No visiting bars and no bike riding today! I'm a good girl now but I can't promise to be the same tomorrow or Sunday!Anyway the hot guy must wait for me! And first of all I have to find out if he's single! We'll see, I'll let you know! LOL
ReplyDelete@Giffy and all That's the series I'm reading! I'm on the second book "The Girl Who Played With Fire" Very very good! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana You must must must tell me what happens with L! ;D
@dana and all That's how it is at my house too! If we plan some event, we know we'll be spending the days cleaning! ;D
ReplyDeleteAm I scaring people away?? It seems that when I get on, everyone vanishes!!! :{
ReplyDelete@Giffy The third book "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" came out the 25th! At least for me! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole We too! LOL
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I'll not keep secret what happens with L! LOL
Ha ha! It's weird: Tudor is sniffling too! I wonder why? LOL
I'm gonna go for a run with Viking! It'll give us something to do! ;D *whistles and Viking comes running up, tail wagging crazily, making his hips dance! I run up to the bartender! "Give me a water" tosses it over "Allright, Viking! Let's go!"* ;D
ReplyDelete@dana Oh, never mind! I'm back!!! *stops Viking at the door! Grabs a tennis ball and throws it* I can't be mean and deprive him of exercise! ;D
ReplyDeleteTudor is sniffling because we hung out together the other night and caught the same thing! ;D LOL
@Nicole This is what I'm talking about! Ha ha! Just hang out?...I'm crazy!
ReplyDelete@dana What are you suggesting?? ;D *tsk tsk* Your poor son! The things that his mother comes up with! LOL ;P kidding! ;D
ReplyDeleteYes, just hang out! ;D Ask him!
@Nicole Yes I'm sure he'll tell me the truth! LOL Well is non of my business! Just take care!
ReplyDelete@dana LOL He better not tell you! We agreed that it would be our little secret!!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteWhat about you??? Did you just hang out with L??? ;P
@ ALL I'm trying to get the stapms for all of you! I have some friends in the aria of Lillestrøm and i will do my best for all of you :D
ReplyDelete@ Dana I will send you an e-mail sweete!! I have just been kinda busy the last couple of days ;D
@Anne-May You are awesome!!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteFor gos sake... I meant STAMPS!!! LOL
ReplyDelete@Nicole We just talk once! I hope Sunday it'll be good weather to go again with my friends at his little bar! And I'll see if the guy worth my effort!
ReplyDelete@dana Just saying! A lot can happen in one meeting!!! ;P
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Thank you, hun! I knew you still love my! I'm your little Daniela, remember?LOL
ReplyDelete"love ME" lol
ReplyDelete@dana Don't forget to smile next time you see L...and flirt! And just know that if he doesn't work out, you still have M waiting for you at home!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@ dana Yup, i do remember my sweet little Daniela for sure!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteOf course i will try to help all out when i can!!! The stamps will only be sold here in Norway at one damn post office. So i Will do my best, chicas. LOL
2 dana LOL Do you have guys all over? LMAO
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Only one post office??? Wow, sales will skyrocket then! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole You're amazing my dear Young'un! Ha ha! I like to flirt! Poor M, always waiting for me!See? How can I betray him? LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I think she does! She's just a very luring Cougar!
ReplyDelete@dana You're not betraying him!! You're just taking a short break! He'll always be there for you! He seems like a very patient and understanding man, so don't worry about it! ;D
ReplyDelete@ Nicole Yes, they will only be sold at Lillestrøm!! That's why i haven't gone to the post office here in Tromsø to get them. LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I met a very nice guy yesterday! Oh and you know who M is!!!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May LOL I see! I can just imagine a long line of Aksel fans, waiting outside this one post office! Screaming and pushing just to get stamps!
ReplyDeleteAnd'll be empty! LOL ;P
@Anne-May I think it will be a real war at this post office!
ReplyDelete@dana "a very nice guy" ...who you would like to see again and possibly join on a bike ride? LOL ;P
ReplyDeleteAllright, Ladies!! I'm heading out!!!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Just make sure that your friend, when she goes to the post office, has a helmet and some padding! We don't want her to get hurt in the mob! ;D
@dana Remember to smile, flirt! Oh, and compliment him! Men want/like to feel manly!! ;D LOL
@ Nicole Ha ha! You make me laugh so loud that my dad came into my room to see what it happened!
ReplyDeleteLets see if the guy is single, then I'll act!
@dana True! He's gotta be single! :/ Find that out first, and then I'll give you some more tips!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, say hi to your dad for me! Just tell him that you're talking to an insane girl who should probably shut up, but just can't! ;D
@Nicole Bye baby! Have a great evening! Thanks for the flirt lessons! Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@dana Oh, tell your dad he's very handsome for his age! ;D
ReplyDeleteI'll stick around for a little least until I'm forced off the computer! LOL
@Nicole Thanks, I'll tell him! But you're not insane! you're a young happy girl and you like to have fun!
ReplyDelete@dana Very true, very true!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana Allright, I'm being forced off the computer!!! LOL :P
ReplyDeleteHave an amazing day!
Bye Ladies!!!! ;D
@dana...awesome! so glad you and your son got a good giggle:) great minds think alike, eh?
ReplyDelete@Nicole Thank you so much!He really is! Is your mom there! Tell her from she has a great daughter!
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Great minds are in the gutter! LOL
ReplyDelete@Nicole "Tell her from ME she"... Bye beautiful!
*plops in and grasps a beer*
Hope everybody is fine? I finally made it back on earth or something like that *lol*
Now I'll try to catch up with all the things I've missed. Think it'll take the next 2 or 3 years *lol*
@ Nicole LMAO A helmet.... I'll tell her to wear two of them. LOL I'm just praying to the higher state that she get's the stamps.:D
ReplyDeleteBTW, I think she might have to wear a suit for survivior. LOL
Hi cjal. How are you? Yeah, a lots of things have been going on here the past days. lol You've been missed! :D
ReplyDeleteOh, I've been missed? *flush*
ReplyDeleteHm, I had a bad cold the last days, still coughing and my nose will fall out of my face *I swear*
And such things always happen when you have no time to be sick.
And how are you?
But we have very nice and sunny weather so there are not too much reasons to gripe ;-)
@ cjal No fun being sick even if you have the time to be. lol an't say that we have sunny weather here. It's rainy and cold. No fun! Nice weaather to watch tv though. LOL Hope you'll feel better soon!!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteso looks like I missed a lot! :D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May just read about the stamps! Are you serious?!?! omg you're great!!!! :D
@Krys I'm reading 'Spirit Bound' by Richelle Mead! It's the 5th book of that series and it's awesome! :D
@Suzanne I bough a normal digital camera and it's green! haha I love the color. It's a sony! ok found it on the internet.
I just need it for pic during my holidays, nothing professional, so this is enough! ;D I just like the color very much! :D lol
@Cjal sorry to hear you're sick! :S that sucks! :(
Recover soon!!! :D
Hey, nothing to worry about. It sucks but I'm pretty sure that I'll survive *lol*
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm fine enough to tease Aksel about the stamps. In Germany we have a pick-up-line for men who wants to invite a woman to come home with him: "May I show you my stamp-collection?" It's pretty old and even cheap but I sure had to tease him :-D
@cjal I hope you'll survive! ;D lol
ReplyDeletehaha I've just read it! LMAO!!! :D haha that's great! I think we have a similar saying! Just don't remember it that clearly! ;D
Thank god noone ever said that to me! I'd have laughed right into his face! ;D
Thanks god none ever asked me that. I would have died with laughter :-D
ReplyDelete@ cjal your comment on the other side is pricless. LMAO We have the same saying here in Norway.LOL
ReplyDelete@ Anja Yes, i'm serious!!! I'm trying my best to fix this!!
@cjal lol me too! Though it seems like noone has seen it or we're the only one's who find that funny! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May omg you're awesome!!! :D Just that you know, I'd pay everything of course! ;D
Hey girls just woke up from a lovely 2 hour nap;) What did I miss?
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Thanks hun! I wish it was brown bottle flu lol! At least I would have had fun before hand. I actually think I picked up some food poisioning:( My weekend in Boston was great! We had so much fun, brown bottle fun lol ;D
@Nicole & Giffy Thats the next series I want to read so I'm glad you both like it!
@Anne-May Thanks for the link on the ALS blog! And may I add, really Aksel, that shirt AGAIN???!!!
Hi Krys!
ReplyDeleteFood poisoning doesn't sound too good. Hope you'll be fine soon!
@Anja and Anne-May: sometimes I see it like Longstockings wrote a while ago...there is too much ego-rub for that viking-guy. And then I feel an urge to tease him *lol*
That couldn't be normal cause normally I only tease people I'm really familiar with. So I don't know why but there is this urge and I can't resist :-D
@cjal Hey! Thanks, and I hope you feel better as well! I agree about the teasing, if he had no sense of humor it wouldn't be as fun to tease him. But the fact that he teases back is awesome. I thought your comment was hilarious! When I was in 4th grade I collected stamps, maybe I could use that line hahaha!!!
ReplyDelete@krys I'm sorry to hear you don't feel good! :S Hope you feel better now, after a 2 hour nap!
ReplyDeletehaha you don't like caro? I gotta admit, I like these kind of shirts! ;D so no complaining about him wearing one from my side! ;D
@Cjal haha I know what you mean! ;D And it's actually good that someone teases him! :D And I'm sure he does get that kind of humor! :D Since we know HE still has his humor! :D
But thanks for making me laugh anyways! :D
@ krys LMAO Belive me, i thought of that. I think he loves that shirt. The worse is that i knew he was wearing it. LOL
ReplyDelete@Anja Thanks, I do feel a little better now. Dinner will be the test!
ReplyDeleteIts not that I don't like the shirt, its that he always wears it! There have been too many pics of that orange plaid shirt;D Time for an updated summer wardrobe.
Btw, I like the camera. Green is my favorite color too!
@ Krys Did you see that he got the shirt off on his own pic? Wonder
ReplyDelete@Anne-May He does love it, its his go-to shirt:) haha
ReplyDeleteI think your friend is going to need more than just a helmet to brave the post office though. Lets add elbow, knee, and back pads, a chest protector, mouth gard, googles, etc. lol!
@Krys I hope you'll feel better soon! :S Being sick sucks! :(
ReplyDeleteoh well that's true! he does wear it alot! ;D And it's not like he cannot affort some new clothes! But I think anyways, that some of you girls have to go shopping for him and Kjetil for that matter! ;D LOL
Thanks! I love the color!!! ;D Looks like we got something in comon, Green's my favourite color too! :D
Ha, I collected stamps too when I was young. I had the complete set of Heinemann (a former federal president from Germany). In Germany the federal president is the only person alive who is shown on stamps. There are only a few exceptions like pope Benedikt XVI.
ReplyDeleteSo do you think I've missed a chance not to use that phrase? *lmao*
@Krys: yes, he must have lots of humour. And yes, I think he is teasing back from time to time.
Hello ladies!! YAY!! It's the weekend!!!!!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May...Add my name to the list for stamps chica!!! I will pay!!!!!!! ;D
I agree ALS looks very tired in the "stamp" pic on his blog but still delish as ever!!!
HAHA! That damn shirt is back!!!!! WTF?!?! LOL!! He needs some help ladies...
@Anja I love the new camera! And the color ROCKS!!!!
@Anja Thanks, it does suck but I got an afternoon off of work and a nap for it;D
ReplyDeleteTrue, we can't just pick on Aksel, Kjetil needs help as well. Those plaid pants were awful!! Can I voluteer to play dress up with the vikings? *and yes my mind is in the gutter*
Hey @cjal, Welcome back girl! I agree, colds suck!
ReplyDelete@Krys Sorry to hear you're under the weather.
:( Feel better soon!!!
@Kristen Hey girl! Thanks, I hope so too. How was your day? TGIF!!
ReplyDeleteHuhu Kristen!!!
ReplyDelete@all: btw I think Aksel has more than one of these shirts. And probably it's part of his charme that he doesn't dress up for such events. He's a kind of big boy ;-)
@Krys My day was very busy and I have a headache! UGH! I have a busy weekend ahead, just hoping the thunderstorms stay away! ;D
ReplyDelete@cjal I agree, he is a big boy, but thats no excuse lol! Stores have a big and tall department. I like that he doesn't get all fancy for events too, I just want to see a different shirt, or perhaps no shirt ;D hahaha
ReplyDelete@Kristen hei girl! How are you doing?
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks, I love the color too! :D so excited, can't wait to try it out! ;D
@Krys oh an afternoon of work is nice! eventhough you're sick! :D
haha these pants were ugly! and yes, you can volunteer I guess! ;D I'm not in the line though, but maybe others! ;D I'm not good at dressing up others! :P lol
but I'll gladly 'test' the new clothes!!! ;D
@Kristen Sorry about your headache, hope you feel better. Advil always works for me:) I think those pesky thunderstorms are going to be a daily occurance on the east coast for the rest of the summer. We are expecting them here too.
ReplyDelete@Anja LMAO testing the clothes! What kind of tests are you going to put said clothes through??! haha
Now I'm off...still early tired *hmpf*
ReplyDeleteWish you all a good night, evening, day...where ever you are!
Feels good to be back here :-)
@cjal Have a great night! Sleep well and feel better:)
ReplyDelete@Krys well you know, how good they fit and how tear-resistant they are! ;D and yea, I'm totally in the gutter now! ;D LOL
ReplyDelete@cjal It's good to have you back! Good night and sleep well! Talk to you soon! :D
@cjal Goodnight, sweet dreams! And it is so nice to have you back dear! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja I am good (besides the headache) I'm ready for the hockey game (which starts in a little under 3 hrs).
ReplyDelete@Krys It's the damn humidty that's causing all of the t-storms. I'm a big chicken tho when it comes to storms, worse then the kids thats for sure!! They better not ruin the weekend, I have fun plans!!! ;D
@Anja I like the way you think!! lol:) Yes fit is very important, especially in certain areas ;D
ReplyDeleteThe thunderstorms better not ruin the weekend, not the kids...that looked funny once I read it after I hit post! ;D
ReplyDelete@Kristen I hate humidity! I can handle heat, but heat with humidity just plain sucks. I like storms. When they are at night I like to turn all the lights off and watch my windows light up. Oh big weekend plans? Whats going on if you don't mind me asking?
ReplyDelete@anne-may Thanks for posting the link to the Post office article. I couldn't tell if the stamp was only available today, or he was only signing today. Google translation is crazy. I would love a stamp too and will pay everything. I also noticed that the plaid was in the newspaper article and not on the website. I think it is possible he's reading a little bit over here. I actually think the shirt is red/gray like the RTP tie.
ReplyDelete@Suzanne Is a Brazilian wax just a clean up around the edges, the full monty, or a Telly Savalas?
@Kristen Sorry to hear about the headache! I hate having them! :S thank god I don't get them very often!
ReplyDeleteOh in 3 hours?! GOOOOOOOOOOOO Flayers!!! ;D I'll be sleeping, but I try to cross my fingers! LOL :D You gotta tell me tomorrow how they did!
@Krys haha I do like it too! ;D I love being in the gutter, especially bc of the company there! :D
'fit is very important, especially in certain areas' LMAO!!! true! ;D
@Krys I hate the humidity too! Like you, I don't mind the heat but the humidity sucks! Nah, you won't catch me doing that, lightening scares me the most! ;D
ReplyDeleteNo I don't mind you asking, tomorrow my cousin and I are heading to Philadelphia, we are going to the Philadelphia Phillies game tomorrow night (great seats I might add, 6 rows behind the Phils dugout). We will be staying overnight there and going to the bike race on Sunday. It's awesome! A total party!! I love going to Philly! :D
Thanks Anja! I will let you know tomorrow! It's been a tough series, we need all the help we can get!!
ReplyDelete'fit is very important, especially in certain areas' HAHA, AWESOME!!! THE GUTTER! HELLO!?!? I love it there too!! You should hear the my work mates and I! It's gets really raunchy at helps us get through the day!! ;D
@Kristen sounds like you'll have a great weekend! :D So since I have no idea about ameican sports, what game are you going to? Basketball? Football? ;D
ReplyDeleteThanks! ;D I'll keep my fingers crossed! :D woohooo ;P
haha the gutter is a nice place to stay and it is very helpful getting you trough the day! ;D I'm there way to often! ;D not that I mind! LOL :D
@Anja You do have lots of company in the gutter! I was flipping through the channels on TV beofre and a movie was on called In The Gutter! I'm gonna try and find it to watch from the beginning. It just seems fitting.
ReplyDelete@Kristen I LOVE baseball! But sorry I am a Yankees fan ;D Sorry, but I am from NY! I think I am due to go to a game soon. Your weekend sounds great!
haha before not beofre!
ReplyDelete@krys haha that's for sure a fitting movie! I wonder what it is about?! ;D haha eventhough I can imagine that, but you never know! :P
ReplyDeletehaha so Kristen's going to a baseball game! lol sorry about that! ;D
@Anja It's baseball...I seem to forget you are not in the US...sorry hun!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Krys Of course you're a Yankees fan, most New Yorkers are! ;D My husband is from NY and luckily he is a Phillies fan, that might have been a deal breaker when we met! haha! ;D
Yea, let us know about this movie "The Gutter", I wonder if its "our" kind of gutter?!?! lol
I am really excited about getting's been way too long! My husband is not one for crowds and since the streets for the bike race are packed he is happy staying home. ;D He's awesome!
@Anja I have no idea what its about, I just liked the title:)
ReplyDeleteYes the Phillies are a baseball team, and don't apologize, you didn't know. I don't know much about European sports except skiing so I would ask too:)
Great the TV just flashed a thunderstorm warning until 10pm! UGH!!! One good thing tho, I was watching the Ellen DeGeneres Show and Gerard Butler was on! Looking mighty hot I might add! YUM!! He has an awesome accent too!
ReplyDeleteI just google in the gutter and this is what I found. Also fitting for this post since its bowling:)
I want to go to the gutter! haha
@ Giffy You're so welcome :D The stamps are avaliable as long as they have them. The problem is that i dont know how many there is bc it's limited. I will make a call to the post office first in the morning toorrow. And ask them nicely if they can send over some envolopes to Tromsø. I couldn't get a hold on my friend by phone this evening so i'll take everything in my own hands to be sure we might get the stamps :D
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, i'm sure he's jumping in here from time to
@kristen thanks! ;D You just way to many sports to remember all! haha and don't worry! ;D I'll soon be in North america at least! ;D
ReplyDeleteI bet you are! and you're husband stays at home with your kids! WOW he's really great! ;D Not every man would do that!
@Krys haha I guess I gotta check that movie on the internet! ;D
Thanks! :D I just seemed to have forgotten baseball! Eventhough that's the one american sport I actually like watching a bit, but not for to long, since I have no idea about the rules! Well of course Hockey is an exceptio! but since we play that here too, I don't think of it as a 'explicit' american sport! ;D
@Krys HAHA! The Gutter looks awesome! Brooklyn eh?!? Sounds like fun! That's too funny that its a bowling alley! ;D
ReplyDeleteAccording to Netflix In The Gutter is:
ReplyDeleteMovie critic Richard Roeper hosts this hilarious look at the best boundary-pushing gross-out comedies in film history, including Superbad, The Meaning of Life, Animal House, American Pie, Blazing Saddles, Porky's and many more. Along with classic (and outrageous) film clips, this special includes interviews with John Waters, Jason Biggs, Stephen Furst, Peter Riegert, Lin Shaye and a slew of other actors, writers, directors and film critics.
So I guess it really is in the gutter just like we are all in the gutter! I wonder if its ondemand?
@Anja Come to NY and I'll take you to a Yankee game and teach you:) Baseball and Football (american football haha) are my favorites! I don't really like basketball and I don't understand hockey.
ReplyDelete@Kristen Apparently its a bar first and a bowling alley second. I think that this really is our home! A bar in the gutter:) What could be better?
ReplyDelete@Krys yea, it does look like it! Truely our kind of movie! ;D LOL
ReplyDeleteI will! When I have again some money! ;D I always wanted to go to a Baseball game, actually! :D
oh ok, I don't get Football and it goes way to long! haha but really, hockey is far easier to understand then football! ;D Well in my opinion! ;D
hmm, I did hear that the Yankee's are an awesome team! Are they still as good as I once heard? :D
@Krys WOW! Sounds like it's right up our alley! haha!! Let me know if it's on demand.
ReplyDelete@Anja The hubby and I take turns having our free time, weekends etc, it doesn't happen often but it's super nice when it does. He's a total outdoorsman so his idea of a weekend away is in the woods, not so much for me, I like the city. We compromise when we go away together then ;D
@kristen I see! That's nice! It's all about compromises anyway, in my humble opinion! ;D I can't really tell, since I've never been married! ;D
ReplyDeleteI see, so you got camping once and next time to the city? ;D I love to go camping, if it wouldn't be for the tent! LOL :D
@Krys A bowling alley in a bar! What could be better?!?! Sounds like my kind of place. ;D
ReplyDeleteSo I guess you're a Giants fan too? I love football as well! (Eagles!) I grew up with 3 brothers, I was the only girl so all types of sports were on in our home all the time. I'm not a fan of basketball either.
@Anja In my humble opinion... of course, they are the best! They won the world series last season against the Phillies (sorry Kristen). They have the most championships all time with 27. This year we make it 28 ;D
ReplyDeleteGoing to the games is so much more fun then watching it on tv! Its expensive but worth it. Baseball games have the best hotdogs, oh and let me not forget, any kind of beer you could imagine!
@Krys Hey no problem! You won fair and square last year, it was nice being there 2 years in a row, which is a tall feat for us!!
ReplyDeleteYea, I can hear my pockets screaming already from the prices that we'll pay at the ballpark. Totally worth it tho!!
@Kristen GIANTS!!! haha I only have 1 brother and he hates sports but my dad is a huge sports fan so I was always watching with him.
ReplyDelete@Krys I see! Wow so they were right about the Yankees! :D 27 times winning the championships is huge! :o
ReplyDeletehaha I love hoddogs, but you americans make it really different, I had to realise! ;D lol
oh so you think they'll have some swiss beer?! Then I'll for sure once join you at a game! ;D lol
@Kristen haha I don't plan to get married! Gosh, I have so many other plans! There's no space for a husband! :D I definitly wanna travel as much as I can! And go and work some years abroad! :D
you really don't like storms?! :S Hope it will be over fast... :)
Hi Girls.. i just step in for a minute..
ReplyDeletewhat a busy day! :-(
I was home for like 10 Minutes today and just came back for 8 hours sleep. Wake up is as 8 am tomorrow! :-/
so.. just got sth about anne-may is buying stamps? anja got a new sony cam (i´m kind of disappointed it´s not a canon!!) and marathon ...
how are you?
@Teekanne hei hun!
ReplyDeleteI'm doing fine and you? what are you're plans then for tomorrow? :)
Well the canon was way to expensive! I need money for Canada girl! AND! ;D lol
btw check your email! And I'm really really sorry! LOL
Nice to see you @Teekanne! Hope you get some good sleep!! :-)
ReplyDelete@Anja Sounds like you have great plans! Good for you! :D ENJOY LIFE! :D
@Anja What are hotdogs like in Switzerland? I bet they have swiss beer though it would probably cost you a fortune!
ReplyDelete@Kristen I found the movie on Starz ondemand, if you have that?
So this storm should be coming my way now:( Hopefully it won't last too long! Summer storms are usually quick.
@Krisen I do! And I hope I'll be able to fulfill all of them! :D But I'll try! ;D
ReplyDeleteI will enjoy life! As much as I can! you never know when you have to go! ;D
@Teekanne Hey girl! How are you? Sounds like you had a busy day!
ReplyDelete@Krys well they're actually inside in these baquette breads! and not one beard is sliced in half an there's the hotdog! Even found a pic of what I mean! haha
hope it works! :D
@Anja You're right!! ;D You never know...
ReplyDelete@Krys I will have to check that out then, I wonder if our "on demand" movies are the same?
Yea, the storm seems to be blowing through pretty quickly...its already getting lighter out...:D :D :D :D :D
@Anja Thats not too different, here we just use a bun. Thanks for the pic! And btw, my mind is totally in the gutter LMAO!
ReplyDeletei´m fine! :-) it´s weekend, summer is calling and i´m finally at home for sleep! :-) did i mention that i love sleeping! ;-9
we have a meeting about a sponsorship for the team at 9!!!! am and i need to do some laundry and some fridge filling... plus i wanna spend the afternoon with my aunt and the kids! :-/ busy busy! ;-)
and yours?
ahh for canada and my daily postcards! haha! :-)
"rather good english?" i doubt that! haha
wooow you nearly spamed my email space! haha! :-) will check the vids later but at least they made the way to me! :-) thx hun!
@kristen: nice to see you too! :-)
@Krys I gotta say I like your's better, since you can put on a lot more stuff!
ReplyDeleteomg! LMAO!!!! Now that you mention it, I'm there with you again! lol I'm so used to them, I don't even realize it anymore! haha ;D
@Krys & Anja The hotdog is one of the classic gutter foods! That and the banana! ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I love to sleep too! People always make fun of me for it. They say you can't love something you are unconsious for. lol!
ReplyDelete@Anja You will never eat a hotdog the same way again! LMAO. I have to say, I like mine plain, I'm not a ketchup, mustard, relish kind of girl.
@Teekanne I love to sleep too! :D
ReplyDeleteI see! Really busy! :D But I can understand that, since they're not here often you gotta enjoy it! i'd do the same! :D
Well I'll go visit my family in the 'Oberland'! That's the last chance to say goodbye to them before I go! And I get to drive for 40min! ;D
Oh common, your english is really good! ;D Well just think about it! :D
haha I know, I'm sorry!!! but there was no other option! I really do hope you can put them together again! :D
You're welcome! :D
@krys: hey girl! Yeh kind of busy. since friday is training for the kids i´m normally not much at home! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHow was your day so far?
@Kristen haha Yes the banana! Its a little croked though ;)
ReplyDelete@krys haha nope! it's going to be the same like with the banana! LOL :D
ReplyDeleteWell I'd like to choose, ketchup is getting getting old, and I like mustard! But no onion, I get headache from them! :S
But hot dogs and beer is great! ;D So I definitly have to visit a Baseball game once! :D
@Krys Haha me neither!! I like ketchup on mine, but not too much! Now I will have to take a picture of the $10 hot dog I get at the game tomorrow night! I'll post the pics from the game on my facebook then...are you on FB Krys?
ReplyDelete@krys: i love it! ok. i don´t realize that much while i sleep... mostly i wake up in the morning and wonder if anybody speed the time! :-(
ReplyDeletebut i love it! :-)
@anja: yeh.. enjoy it while 2 kids use you as a tree or trampolin! haha!
no it´s really fun!
wherefor do i have the weekends?
40 minutes? it´s not that far.. but you might be nearly in italy if you drive 40 minutes in switzerland, right? your so small! ;-)
i don´t need to think about that very long. just wrote you back! :-)
oh.. hot dog gutter alarm! :-/ girls girls
ReplyDeleteI hate to admit this but many many years ago (like 20, gulp!) I had passed out at a party and my friends decided to put a banana up to my mouth and take a picture of of my finer moments for sure!! LOL! I hope that photo never surfaces again!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne My day was ok. I left work early because I think I have a touch of food poisioning. I am feeling a little better now after I got a 2 hour nap! Have I mentioned that I love sleeping?!
ReplyDelete@Anja I don't like onions either unless they are in ring form! I love onion rings. The resturant Sonic has the best ones!
@Kristen Yup I have facebook... Krystin Colwell. Friend me! I think is says UNC Charlotte Alum 07?
@Teekanne haha trampolin?! Ouch!
ReplyDeletehaha well within 2 hours I'm in Milano for that matter, in 40min I'll be at the 'Tessin' or so! ;D but yea, we are really small! haha :D
haha I've seen it! :D Glad you're interessted!!! :D
@Krys I just friended you! I have a Flyers jersey as my profile pic. :D
ReplyDelete@Kristen Haha you are accepted!
ReplyDelete@kristen: haha so you wanna share this pic with us?! ;-)
ReplyDelete@krys: uhh doesn´t sound that good! :-( but at least sleeping helps! haha there are so many things that will happen while you sleep. it health you from sickness, tiredness and it makes you slim (at least it doesn´t work with me!) :-(
@anja: yeh that´s why my back hurts a little bit.. ;-) maybe i will take my cam with me so i can take some pics to share... my cousin could be so my son! Haha
@Teekanne oh yea please! Share some pics!!! :D haha bc of how he acts or bc of how he looks? ;D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I'm not so sure about that slimmig thing. I would be a stick figure if that worked!
ReplyDelete@Krys, thanks!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne HELL NO!! I will never show that pic to anyone!! It's terrible!! haha!!
@anja: both! ;-) haha.
ReplyDeletehe wispered to me yesterday: "ich liebe dich" :-)
@krys: i´m still in that testing phase! haha... still hope it works with 12 hours of sleep.. ;-)
@kristen: booooooooh!! haha we will ask for it every now and then.. like for ANJAs POEM!!!
Anja's writting a poem? When do we get to see this poem? What is the topic of said poem? hahaha
ReplyDelete@Kristen I agree with Teekanne, we wanna see the pic. You can't just throw that out there lol!
@Teekanne wait... so your name isn't really Teekanne? LMAO!
@Teekanne oh how cute!!! :D lol so he's as mean to other ppl as you are?! ;P Kidding! :D
ReplyDeleteomg you'll never forget about that, will you?! ;P
@Krys I have no idea what she's talking about! :P There won't be a poem, prolly! Since I'm not creative at all!!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@krys: haha no!! that would be funny!!! ok, in america you have some really strange names but in germany it´s not allowed haha! ;-)
ReplyDeleteyou really thought that? did you ever try to get the translation? haha
@anja: i´m not mean! ;-) haha. let me think.. yeh he is sometimes but he really is lovely while being mean.. like me! :-)
I will NEVER!!! even in 9 month (where i have to admit you would have enough time in the wide space of canada to write it) ;-)
@Teekanne Haha!! You can keep asking...I don't even know where it is anymore it was so long ago! ;D
ReplyDelete@krys: i aunt told me about some strange names: a friend of my cousin is called "honeypot" and another one "ikea" gosh how strange is that.. i would fit in there with Teekanne i admit... ;-)
ReplyDelete@kristen: i will! :-) maybe there will be a night of too much aksels or lars....
have a nice night.. i´m definitely of now! :-)
@Teekanne lol so he really seems like he's like you! ;D mean, but in a nice way mean! ;D
ReplyDeletehaha well 9 weeks for writing a poem... haha you remember I said that, just to shut you and Nicole up, like in April! haha definitly more then 9 weeks ago! ;D I'll be too busy in Canada though! So much I can tell you! LOL :D
@Teekanne Hahah No, I figured it was just Anne lol! I didn't realize it had a translation. Now you have me all curious... whats it mean?
ReplyDelete@Anja Probably means there is still chance!
@Teekanne sleep well hun! Sweet dreams and talk to you tomorrow! Oh and have fun with your cousins! :D
ReplyDelete@Anja I totally forgot about the poem!!! Let's focus on that instead of my 'gutter' picture!!
ReplyDeleteLOL!! ;D
Goodnight Teekanne! You never know what I'll do after too many Aksels!! *wink*
ReplyDelete@krys well I'm not so sure about that! I just keep forgetting it! And well Teekanne and Nicole are so nice to remind me every couple weeks of it! I hope they'll get tired of it sometimes! ;D
ReplyDelete@Kristen haha no way!!! ;P But I guess they'll just keep harrassing both of us!!! ;D LOL
ReplyDelete@Anja I couldn't write a poem either girl! I'm terrible at that kind of stuff! ;D LOL!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Ikea hahaha, never heard that one. Celebrities name their kids all sorts of crazy names! Apple is a personal fav of mine:) My mom just wanted to spell mine all sorts of crazy! Krystin with a Y?
ReplyDelete@Kristen Me too! I'll just keep ignoring them! ;P lol I'm good at that! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Goodnight girl! Sweet dreams, talk to you tomorrow!
ReplyDelete@Anja I doubt that! I can't write poems either so I'm right there with you!
Ok ladies! I've gotta go! Have a few things to do before the game starts! I'll check back in throughout the evening...have fun!! ;D
ReplyDeleteLET'S GO FLYERS!!!
@Kristen Have a good night! I have my fingers crossed for your Flyers. Have fun on your weekend if I don't "see" you tomorrow!