This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sleeping In The Breakroom
This is Rick & he fell asleep in the breakroom. So I had to take a picture of it. If you look at the left hand side of the pic you can see a little bit of Jake. :-) I tried to get him all in the pic without it being obvious, but he was watching me out of the corner of his eye! Those grey eyes see everything! I walked in & he gave me a huge smile. :-D I love his arms! I think I may cry when he leaves. I'm gonna invite him to a game & ask for his e-mail or number so I can let him know when & where it is. That is if he says yes to going to the football game. Hopefully he says yes & we can go to a game together. :-) I did my cards again & romance angels are helping you & eternal love came up in all the readings concerning Jake. *sigh* I gotta get my butt in gear!
Oh before I forget I found out that Amanda was not the one who told him about the cake first. Jess, yes the very one that commented on ALS & teases me lovingly about blogging, told him! He came through her line with a bunch of junk food & she asked him why he was buying all this junk when I had made him a cake. He asked her where it was. In the fridge of course & he said that he was gonna have to check it out. I'm assuming it was his lunch time because thats the only time that I have noticed that he buys stuff. *sigh* Amanda was supposed to find him & tell him. I'm starting to wonder if I can believe everything she tells me...
I'm off to work! Hopefully Jake will be there so I can ask him. Still feel like puking, but I'll try to tough it out because I gotta know if he likes me back.
how are you? keep my fingers crossed for you mel.. i´m really confused about your girls and their aims.. it´s so confusing.
so i´m off to a meeting and then will hopefully be back later... hope my stomach is doing better.. have some collywobbles (what a sweet word) think the heat makes me sick. :-/
Do we think Aksel's doing his Narvik cruise line thing? Maybe taping a promo?
@Teekanne Congrat's on your German win! Do you have a favorite on the team?
@ Mel You know you could do a white pages people search and it might tell you Jake's age. Google him. I think I'm going to have to make a Red Velvet Cake for Fourth of July and serve it with blueberries. I'm craving one for some reason! :)
I hope you all are doing ok! :D And yay! Netherlands won!!! Jiiiiiiiihhhhhhaaaaa
@ Giffy If he's doing his Hurtigruten cruise now i do NOT envy him. It's raining like hell all over North of Norway these days. But if he's going further sout it's much better.
@Giffy Nice to see you! I hope I'll have a piece of cake on 4th of July!!! LOL
@Anne-May Thank you for "draga mea" on Aksel's blog min kjaere jente! (sorry I have't your diacriticals!)Ha ha! I'm not living in the North of Norway but I can imagine I am bc here it's raining like hell too! LOL
I have declared it WTF Monday! *Ugh* Hope everyone else is having a better day!
@Mel you are a tease! First, when I read the headline "Sleeping in the Breakroom" my first thought was of you and Jakey *yep, even on WTF Monday my mind is in the gutter* AND then Second, we only get a very small, partial glimpse of Jakey! Looks like he has big hands and a man nose ... you know what that means! Go Mel! Go Mel!
@Giffy LMBAO I had to read your post twice cuz the first time I thought it said 'Maybe taping a Porno, instead of promo'! There goes the gutter again!
I think I need more Starbucks this morning! :)Or maybe I need a little 'something, something'!
Hope everyone is having a good Morning/Day/Evening!
@giffy: since i´m fan of bayern munich i of cause favourite these players! ;-) but i think i like thomas müller most. he´s the best young player at the moment and if you know only 1 year ago he played in germans 3rd league it´s amazing what he reached in this tíme. even though he´s down to earth!
in the interview after the game he aks if he could say hello to somebody via tv. and he said hello to his grandparents! :-) lovely! he´s really simpatico! :-) i give my shirt to a friend tomorrow his brother will add no 13 and müller on my back! :-))
narvik tour would be great... i would love to see pics of it! :-)
@am: yeh netherlands won BUT it wasn´t a good game... at least they were the better team but they should get better to fight brasil/chile.
it doesn´t seem to me that it will be a easy game for brasil. but it could change pretty fast! ;-)
for hurtigruten it wouldn´t be the perfect time since in august the will be whales right?
@corinna: it wasn´t good and it wasn´t bad... ;-) i had trouble time at work.. since my boss is in a annoying phase it bothers me a lot talking to him and work for him! :-( but i need to live with that i guess. we have a big project in august and he´s planing his holidays in august for 3 weeks and said that it´s not his task he is only for coordinating and controlling BUT i think he should be there if there will be problems! i kind of hate him.
and we had over 30 degrees and it´s annoying to work while it´s so hot in your office. :-(
but i´m still living! :-) monday already passed :-) how was your day?
@teekanne i had a real good day today. i just get some photos down from my camera to my laptop and that need time. :( my mom want to make some photos for print. and my left ribs are hurting real bad, but at least it was a good day.
Just got home from one of the worst days at work...not work-wise tho...the air conditioning bit the dust in the office sometime over the weekend and with temps near 100 degrees all weekend (and today) we were dying in out office. I was sweating buckets, it was digusting! I would rather be doing Zumba or something *fun* (wink wink) to work up such a sweat. My mind has been in the gutter all day with the heat and the image of the hot pic Cricket posted on Twitter of Carlos Bocanegra (CB). ;)
Time for a cold shower and some food... I couldn't eat all day, it was too hot. :(
Hope everyone is doing of these days I'll get on here before everyone leaves.
I just got back from orientation and I had a great time! It was a pretty big group of students, and we got tours of the campus, and we got a lot of helpful information! And the program was led by students, so we weren't being lectured by professors, which is always nice! I've got my schedule now! So much time in between classes! ;D I can't wait for next year! And I tested into a high French we'll see how that goes! :P My parents went too, because they had a parent orientation at the same time and they really loved the campus! .....btw, my dad is not good with maps...he got us lost!!! ;P LOL
I tried to stay away from tvs while I was there! I stayed at a dorm for the night, so obviously no tvs around there! And I didn't watch tv in the hotel and I didn't have my computer...all to try to avoid FIFA scores! But did it help???....I'm sitting in a meeting for my honors college and somehow, the topic comes up! And some kid just blurts out that Germany beat England! ;( Congrats to Germany, I guess...but I was trying so hard not to find out!!! And I didn't know the score...but I made the mistake of telling my parents that I knew that Germany had won and my mom said, "Yeah, 4 to 1 is pretty bad" ;( You should've seen my face! I was so mad she had told me the score!!! LOL *sigh* And now I feel really lost because I missed four games!!! I've got to catch up! :/
btw, I am EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D I get home from the car trip! I walk down to get the mail! I open the mailbox! And I scream and I do a little dance! Yeah, neighbors were watching, but I was giving them a show! ;P I snatched the mail and ran inside and I opened my letter! And it was Aksel's signature!!!!!!!!! It was like the jackpot! I was dancing around the kitchen and my mom was wondering what had happened, so I showed her the letter! And she said, "Is it real? You really have Aksel's signature??" Yes I do!!!!!!! I have his signature, I have his signature...and STAMPS!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Anne-May!!! You're amazing! You're so awesome!!!! ;D ;D ;D Stamps master!!!!!
@Dana I'm starting to wonder if she is or not. I'm gonna be a little reserved around her from now on.
@Nicole No he didn't have a red mark on his face.
@Deuce Yup I know what it means & hopefully I will be able to sneak a real pic of him before Friday. I don't have a lot of time though I'm off the next 2 days & it would be a little odd for me to go around Wal-Mart on my days off with my camera out looking for Jake.
@AM Got my stamps/envelope today!!! It made up for not seeing Jake!!! You are the best!
hey girls! I miss ya'll. I have not had much time to write but I am still reading the posts when I can.
Nicole: Congrats on the stamps! You have hit the Aksel jackpot!
Kristen: Sorry to hear about your day. I am there with you but things will get better and don't worry...I think cooler weather is coming your way. It was actually not bad today. Of course. It think the hottest part of the day was during my 3 mile run. Mother nature is definitely a bitch sometimes:)
Teekanne: Congrats on the German win!
To the rest of you ladies...I hope you have a great tomorrow! Now I have to go convince my husband to rub my feet!
@Giffy I have googled him & I get nothing. I just went to & it says 18-24. *rolls eyes* I already knew that, but I did learn his address. I'm thinking a road trip is needed to make sure that I have the right Jake.
Hi girls... i just got home from work better from the doc. woke up this night at 3 am with a horrible sore throat. couldn´t sleep anymore but went to work. but it´s not getting better... now the doc gave me an antibiotic to avoid a tonsilitis since the tonsils really hurt and are damn swollen. gosh never had it that bad..
@nicole: i´m sorry your mother ruined the day by telling you the result! :-( but at least aksel brought you´re mood back to normal! ;-) Thanks aksel! :-)
@am: yeh the tour he won.. at least he could also pay for another tour.. i wonder if he does that or if he´s back in business. Think he cannot relax and be on vacation without doing sth businesslike.
@mel: you´re a stalker! ;-) is there a word for a cougar and stalker? Stoukar?
@ Teekanne The cruise he won is with the Hurtigruten. That's a cruise you can take from destinations all over north of Norway to the south or from the south to the north. I don't think he's on this cruise now. If he's on this cruise i think it's a bit strange he's not showing us some pics bc the coust of Norway is beautiful!!!
@ Mel and Nicole So happy to hear you've got it!:D I'm always a little worried when i mail things over seas that ppl want have what they what they're suppose to have. LOL
Today we fainally have some sun in the north and good temperatures so we can stay out without looking like a wet cat when you get indoors again. And it's my son's birthday today so there is some action in the house today. LOL
@Teekanne Thanks! I'll have to look up Muller. He sounds like a good guy. I hope you feel better?
@Dana I would love to give you some cake...come on over. We'll bbq.
@Nicole I'm glad you had a good trip. Did you meet anyone incredibly good looking? LOL! What are you looking at, and can't stop looking at? hm?
@Duece I'll try to say video next time. The same thing happened to me. My niece texted she was going to pom camp (cheeleading), I read porn camp, and I thought "why would her parents agree to that?"
@AM I love the term, raining little devils, I'll have to use that. We say "cats & dogs." You are spreading joy, and letters, all over the world! :)
@Mel If Jakey is 19, that's prolly why he didn't want you to drink. He probably thinks you aren't old enough either? OMG What now?
@AM Gratulerer med dagen til Daniel! Ha en god fest! LOL
@Giffy Thanks! I love bbq too but cakes are my favorites! Ha ha! We say "it pour with rain" or "rain comes down in buckets" lol
@Mel Ha ha! Welcome in The Cougars Club!!!
@Teekanne I'm so sorry you're not well! I hope to recover soon! Take care, hun! Maybe a hot tea and a good football game will make you feel better! lol
@Anne-May I GOT EM!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! I can't stop touching the spot where he signed and pressed the pen in a little hard ;D You are the best! Tell your son happy birthday:-)
@Teekanne Feel better girl! Sore throats are the worst since there is nothing you can really do for it. Drink lots of tea and eat lots of soup and ice cream! Doctors orders;D
@am: that´s a point for you.. he would share that adventure with us i guess.
congrats to you son! :-) hope he has a great birthday and he got a lot of presents! ;-)
@giffy: yeh you should. ok he´s not that handsome and he´s married since a year (in age of 20).. but he´s cute in his way! :-)
@dana: thx hun.. since the game Paraguay-Japan isn´t taht good i don´t feel better yet. hope the night will be calm and i will get a few hours of sleep. sleep always helps! ;-)
@krys: thx. i will try :-) icecream sounds good i just started with frozen grapes.. that´s good... :)
so tonight spain-portgugal?! i think spain will win. at least i hope so bc of my special friend CR! ;-)
@Giffy I can't stop staring at the stamps and Aksel's signature! It's amazing!!!! ;D I saw a couple of cute guys around but there were immature and they weren't social! :/ Oh well! I still had a great time! ;D
@teekanne I hope you feel better soon! ;D ...I thought the Japan v Paraguay game was boring too! No action around and the ref wasn't consistent in his calls! :/ But Spain v Portugal should be interesting tonight! My mom's really worried because she wants Spain to do well and she thinks that Portugal will beat them! ;D I think Spain will win! I hope so! ;D
@Buckeye Gal and Kristen It's really nice to see you ladies again!!! ;D
@all the ladies who haven't been able to blog We miss you very very much! And hopefully, you can join us again soon!!! ;D
btw, ladies, I'm a little sad regarding FIFA! Tonight is Spain v Portugal but then there are no games on Wednesday or Thursday! :{ What am I going to do??? :/
@Nicole It's always great when a guy thinks your younger than you are. No 19 isn't too young. My Mom on the other hand does not agree. Both my Mom & sister married younger guys. Dad is 3 months younger than Mom & Dan is 2 years younger than Mary. So I guess I was bound to be a cougar. LOL
No FIFA Wednesday or Thursday?!?!? Well you could always come here & hang with us cougars. Or you will have to find a show to watch or movies or bowling.
@ Mel Thanks so much! There's no plans today. He did celebrate his birthday a week ago with friends bc they have finiched school for the summer. But this thursday the family will have a little celebration! :D AND jake is NOT too yong for you!!!!
@Corinna What's up? You don't have a certain German futbol player you watch? I am surprised that Muller is married at 20, but he must have found "the one."
@giffy mh no germany football player i like the most,i think they are good but thats all, i don´t think that one of them is hot. my ribs a little bit better today. how are you?
@dana we had a lot of sun today and it was real warm/hot
It took a while for the game to get going and what was up with Portugal being so late for the first half? Trying to psych out Spain??? Well, it didn't work! Just take your time, Portugal, because Spain will take it and warm up! ;D Also, a little advice to Portugal, if you're going to rip people's shirts, make sure you rip the shirt off completely!!!! LOL
Oh before I forget I found out that Amanda was not the one who told him about the cake first. Jess, yes the very one that commented on ALS & teases me lovingly about blogging, told him! He came through her line with a bunch of junk food & she asked him why he was buying all this junk when I had made him a cake. He asked her where it was. In the fridge of course & he said that he was gonna have to check it out. I'm assuming it was his lunch time because thats the only time that I have noticed that he buys stuff. *sigh* Amanda was supposed to find him & tell him. I'm starting to wonder if I can believe everything she tells me...
ReplyDeleteI'm off to work! Hopefully Jake will be there so I can ask him. Still feel like puking, but I'll try to tough it out because I gotta know if he likes me back.
@Mel Keep my fingers crossed for you my sweetie!!!! Are you sure Amanda is your friend??? Take care! Good luck! Hugs!
ReplyDelete@Mel I hope we can see "the whole" Jake in the next pic not just his hands and his nose!! LOL Kisses!!
ReplyDeletehi girls,
ReplyDeletehow are you? keep my fingers crossed for you mel.. i´m really confused about your girls and their aims.. it´s so confusing.
so i´m off to a meeting and then will hopefully be back later... hope my stomach is doing better.. have some collywobbles (what a sweet word) think the heat makes me sick. :-/
talk to you later
Hi! Ladies, how is everyone? I hope well.
ReplyDeleteDo we think Aksel's doing his Narvik cruise line thing? Maybe taping a promo?
@Teekanne Congrat's on your German win! Do you have a favorite on the team?
@ Mel You know you could do a white pages people search and it might tell you Jake's age. Google him. I think I'm going to have to make a Red Velvet Cake for Fourth of July and serve it with blueberries. I'm craving one for some reason! :)
Hi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI hope you all are doing ok! :D And yay! Netherlands won!!! Jiiiiiiiihhhhhhaaaaa
@ Giffy If he's doing his Hurtigruten cruise now i do NOT envy him. It's raining like hell all over North of Norway these days. But if he's going further sout it's much better.
Hei my ladies!
ReplyDeleteHow are you? I'm happy too for Holland!
@Giffy Nice to see you! I hope I'll have a piece of cake on 4th of July!!! LOL
@Anne-May Thank you for "draga mea" on Aksel's blog min kjaere jente! (sorry I have't your diacriticals!)Ha ha! I'm not living in the North of Norway but I can imagine I am bc here it's raining like hell too! LOL
Hey Chicas!
ReplyDeleteI have declared it WTF Monday! *Ugh* Hope everyone else is having a better day!
@Mel you are a tease! First, when I read the headline "Sleeping in the Breakroom" my first thought was of you and Jakey *yep, even on WTF Monday my mind is in the gutter* AND then Second, we only get a very small, partial glimpse of Jakey! Looks like he has big hands and a man nose ... you know what that means! Go Mel! Go Mel!
@Giffy LMBAO I had to read your post twice cuz the first time I thought it said 'Maybe taping a Porno, instead of promo'! There goes the gutter again!
I think I need more Starbucks this morning! :)Or maybe I need a little 'something, something'!
Hope everyone is having a good Morning/Day/Evening!
@Deuce Huh! I'm glad I'm not the only one with the mind in the gutter! I thought is something wrong with me! LMAO
ReplyDeletehi girls
ReplyDeletehow is everyone tonight?
@deuce lol about the guy with the head swim pants
@mel go for it girl
@giffy: since i´m fan of bayern munich i of cause favourite these players! ;-)
ReplyDeletebut i think i like thomas müller most. he´s the best young player at the moment and if you know only 1 year ago he played in germans 3rd league it´s amazing what he reached in this tíme.
even though he´s down to earth!
in the interview after the game he aks if he could say hello to somebody via tv. and he said hello to his grandparents! :-) lovely!
he´s really simpatico! :-)
i give my shirt to a friend tomorrow his brother will add no 13 and müller on my back! :-))
narvik tour would be great... i would love to see pics of it! :-)
@am: yeh netherlands won BUT it wasn´t a good game... at least they were the better team but they should get better to fight brasil/chile.
it doesn´t seem to me that it will be a easy game for brasil. but it could change pretty fast! ;-)
for hurtigruten it wouldn´t be the perfect time since in august the will be whales right?
@deuce, dana: so you´re in the gutter again?? ;-)
hi teekanne how are you?how was your day?
ReplyDelete@corinna: it wasn´t good and it wasn´t bad... ;-) i had trouble time at work.. since my boss is in a annoying phase it bothers me a lot talking to him and work for him! :-( but i need to live with that i guess.
ReplyDeletewe have a big project in august and he´s planing his holidays in august for 3 weeks and said that it´s not his task he is only for coordinating and controlling BUT i think he should be there if there will be problems! i kind of hate him.
and we had over 30 degrees and it´s annoying to work while it´s so hot in your office. :-(
but i´m still living! :-) monday already passed :-)
how was your day?
@teekanne i had a real good day today. i just get some photos down from my camera to my laptop and that need time. :( my mom want to make some photos for print. and my left ribs are hurting real bad, but at least it was a good day.
ReplyDeleteoh you poor one about your boss
@ Teekanne There are whales through the whole year :D
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of Narvik tour are you girls talking about? The cruise he won in Narvik?
hi am how are you?
ReplyDelete2 dana You're welcome :D It's raing little devils around here now.. But they say it will be better in the end of the week. Really hope so!!
ReplyDelete@Corinna I'm fine hon! :D How are you?
ReplyDelete@am i fine too, only my ribs hurting. but that doesn´t bother me very much.
ReplyDeletehere it is real hot and lot of sun
girls i´m off need some sleep
ReplyDeleteto everyone i wish you all a great night/evening and sleep well and sweet dreams
Hello ladies!
ReplyDeleteJust got home from one of the worst days at work...not work-wise tho...the air conditioning bit the dust in the office sometime over the weekend and with temps near 100 degrees all weekend (and today) we were dying in out office. I was sweating buckets, it was digusting! I would rather be doing Zumba or something *fun* (wink wink) to work up such a sweat. My mind has been in the gutter all day with the heat and the image of the hot pic Cricket posted on Twitter of Carlos Bocanegra (CB). ;)
Time for a cold shower and some food... I couldn't eat all day, it was too hot. :(
Hope everyone is doing of these days I'll get on here before everyone leaves.
Helloooo Ladies!!! I missed you all SO much!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI just got back from orientation and I had a great time! It was a pretty big group of students, and we got tours of the campus, and we got a lot of helpful information! And the program was led by students, so we weren't being lectured by professors, which is always nice! I've got my schedule now! So much time in between classes! ;D I can't wait for next year! And I tested into a high French we'll see how that goes! :P My parents went too, because they had a parent orientation at the same time and they really loved the campus! .....btw, my dad is not good with maps...he got us lost!!! ;P LOL
I tried to stay away from tvs while I was there! I stayed at a dorm for the night, so obviously no tvs around there! And I didn't watch tv in the hotel and I didn't have my computer...all to try to avoid FIFA scores! But did it help???....I'm sitting in a meeting for my honors college and somehow, the topic comes up! And some kid just blurts out that Germany beat England! ;( Congrats to Germany, I guess...but I was trying so hard not to find out!!! And I didn't know the score...but I made the mistake of telling my parents that I knew that Germany had won and my mom said, "Yeah, 4 to 1 is pretty bad" ;( You should've seen my face! I was so mad she had told me the score!!! LOL *sigh* And now I feel really lost because I missed four games!!! I've got to catch up! :/
btw, I am EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
I get home from the car trip! I walk down to get the mail! I open the mailbox! And I scream and I do a little dance! Yeah, neighbors were watching, but I was giving them a show! ;P I snatched the mail and ran inside and I opened my letter! And it was Aksel's signature!!!!!!!!! It was like the jackpot! I was dancing around the kitchen and my mom was wondering what had happened, so I showed her the letter! And she said, "Is it real? You really have Aksel's signature??" Yes I do!!!!!!! I have his signature, I have his signature...and STAMPS!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Anne-May!!! You're amazing! You're so awesome!!!! ;D ;D ;D Stamps master!!!!!
@teekanne btw, Congrats to Germany! ;D It was well-deserved! I don't know where England's game was...but it was definitely not present then! ;P
ReplyDelete@mel Did Rick have a bright red mark on his face when he woke up??? I hate it when that happens! ;D
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Ladies!!! I'll talk to you tomorrow!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteYay...back to FIFA! ;D
Bad news Jake was not at work today. :-(
ReplyDelete@Dana I'm starting to wonder if she is or not. I'm gonna be a little reserved around her from now on.
@Nicole No he didn't have a red mark on his face.
@Deuce Yup I know what it means & hopefully I will be able to sneak a real pic of him before Friday. I don't have a lot of time though I'm off the next 2 days & it would be a little odd for me to go around Wal-Mart on my days off with my camera out looking for Jake.
@AM Got my stamps/envelope today!!! It made up for not seeing Jake!!! You are the best!
hey girls! I miss ya'll. I have not had much time to write but I am still reading the posts when I can.
ReplyDeleteNicole: Congrats on the stamps! You have hit the Aksel jackpot!
Kristen: Sorry to hear about your day. I am there with you but things will get better and don't worry...I think cooler weather is coming your way. It was actually not bad today. Of course. It think the hottest part of the day was during my 3 mile run. Mother nature is definitely a bitch sometimes:)
Teekanne: Congrats on the German win!
To the rest of you ladies...I hope you have a great tomorrow! Now I have to go convince my husband to rub my feet!
@Giffy I have googled him & I get nothing. I just went to & it says 18-24. *rolls eyes* I already knew that, but I did learn his address. I'm thinking a road trip is needed to make sure that I have the right Jake.
ReplyDeleteI followed a link on The only Jake in Cuyahoga falls is 19 years old. I'm a cougar!!! He's a baby!
ReplyDeleteHi girls... i just got home from work better from the doc. woke up this night at 3 am with a horrible sore throat. couldn´t sleep anymore but went to work. but it´s not getting better... now the doc gave me an antibiotic to avoid a tonsilitis since the tonsils really hurt and are damn swollen.
ReplyDeletegosh never had it that bad..
@nicole: i´m sorry your mother ruined the day by telling you the result! :-(
but at least aksel brought you´re mood back to normal! ;-) Thanks aksel! :-)
@am: yeh the tour he won.. at least he could also pay for another tour.. i wonder if he does that or if he´s back in business. Think he cannot relax and be on vacation without doing sth businesslike.
@mel: you´re a stalker! ;-) is there a word for a cougar and stalker? Stoukar?
@ Teekanne The cruise he won is with the Hurtigruten. That's a cruise you can take from destinations all over north of Norway to the south or from the south to the north. I don't think he's on this cruise now. If he's on this cruise i think it's a bit strange he's not showing us some pics bc the coust of Norway is beautiful!!!
ReplyDelete@ Mel and Nicole So happy to hear you've got it!:D I'm always a little worried when i mail things over seas that ppl want have what they what they're suppose to have. LOL
ReplyDeleteHow are you all??
ReplyDeleteToday we fainally have some sun in the north and good temperatures so we can stay out without looking like a wet cat when you get indoors again.
And it's my son's birthday today so there is some action in the house today. LOL
Hope you all are having a great day today!! :D
@Teekanne Thanks! I'll have to look up Muller. He sounds like a good guy. I hope you feel better?
ReplyDelete@Dana I would love to give you some cake...come on over. We'll bbq.
@Nicole I'm glad you had a good trip. Did you meet anyone incredibly good looking? LOL! What are you looking at, and can't stop looking at? hm?
@Duece I'll try to say video next time. The same thing happened to me. My niece texted she was going to pom camp (cheeleading), I read porn camp, and I thought "why would her parents agree to that?"
@AM I love the term, raining little devils, I'll have to use that. We say "cats & dogs." You are spreading joy, and letters, all over the world! :)
@Mel If Jakey is 19, that's prolly why he didn't want you to drink. He probably thinks you aren't old enough either? OMG What now?
@AM Tell your son Happy Birthday from the US! Will you have a house full of boys? Enjoy...
ReplyDeleteHi my dear ladies! Is everything fine?
ReplyDelete@AM Gratulerer med dagen til Daniel! Ha en god fest! LOL
@Giffy Thanks! I love bbq too but cakes are my favorites! Ha ha!
We say "it pour with rain" or "rain comes down in buckets" lol
@Mel Ha ha! Welcome in The Cougars Club!!!
@Teekanne I'm so sorry you're not well! I hope to recover soon! Take care, hun! Maybe a hot tea and a good football game will make you feel better! lol
Hi girls!! Hope everyone is having a great day.
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I GOT EM!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! I can't stop touching the spot where he signed and pressed the pen in a little hard ;D You are the best! Tell your son happy birthday:-)
@Teekanne Feel better girl! Sore throats are the worst since there is nothing you can really do for it. Drink lots of tea and eat lots of soup and ice cream! Doctors orders;D
I will talk to you ladies later!
@am: that´s a point for you.. he would share that adventure with us i guess.
ReplyDeletecongrats to you son! :-) hope he has a great birthday and he got a lot of presents! ;-)
@giffy: yeh you should. ok he´s not that handsome and he´s married since a year (in age of 20).. but he´s cute in his way! :-)
@dana: thx hun.. since the game Paraguay-Japan isn´t taht good i don´t feel better yet. hope the night will be calm and i will get a few hours of sleep. sleep always helps! ;-)
@krys: thx. i will try :-) icecream sounds good i just started with frozen grapes.. that´s good... :)
so tonight spain-portgugal?! i think spain will win. at least i hope so bc of my special friend CR! ;-)
@ dana Mulumesk pentru Dana!!Sper ca esti ok! Te ibuesk mai mult! lol
ReplyDelete@ krys Glad you got them!! Dont eat it up. lol
ReplyDelete@ teekanne and Griffy Thank you so much girls!! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne LOL Stoukar Love it!
ReplyDelete@Giffy Your probably right. Like I said everyone at work thinks I'm only 20. So he's probably in the majority & thinks I'm his age.
@AM Happy Birthday to your son! What are the party plans?
@Dana Thanks for the welcome in to The Cougars Club! It's great to be here.
Hello Ladies!!!
ReplyDelete@Giffy I can't stop staring at the stamps and Aksel's signature! It's amazing!!!! ;D
I saw a couple of cute guys around but there were immature and they weren't social! :/ Oh well! I still had a great time! ;D
@teekanne I hope you feel better soon! ;D
...I thought the Japan v Paraguay game was boring too! No action around and the ref wasn't consistent in his calls! :/ But Spain v Portugal should be interesting tonight! My mom's really worried because she wants Spain to do well and she thinks that Portugal will beat them! ;D I think Spain will win! I hope so! ;D
@Buckeye Gal and Kristen It's really nice to see you ladies again!!! ;D
@all the ladies who haven't been able to blog We miss you very very much! And hopefully, you can join us again soon!!! ;D
@Anne-May Happy Birthday to your son! ;D
@mel Hey, if he thinks you're younger, that's better for you, right? ;D Plus, 19 isn't too young! :P LOL
ReplyDeletebtw, ladies, I'm a little sad regarding FIFA! Tonight is Spain v Portugal but then there are no games on Wednesday or Thursday! :{ What am I going to do??? :/
ReplyDelete@Kristen and Buckey Gal I like the new pictures!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole It's always great when a guy thinks your younger than you are. No 19 isn't too young. My Mom on the other hand does not agree. Both my Mom & sister married younger guys. Dad is 3 months younger than Mom & Dan is 2 years younger than Mary. So I guess I was bound to be a cougar. LOL
ReplyDeleteNo FIFA Wednesday or Thursday?!?!? Well you could always come here & hang with us cougars. Or you will have to find a show to watch or movies or bowling.
@Mel Of course I'll hang out with you Cougars!!! Of course!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteLOL Bound to be a Cougar then! ;D ...I seem to like older guys! ;P LOL
@Nicole I usually do like older guys. I guess you just can't fight fate.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna go get in the pool before all the kids come home & want to get in with me. Catch ya later.
ReplyDelete@ Nicole You can stay on the blog with the rest of us!!! LOL
ReplyDelete@ Mel Thanks so much! There's no plans today. He did celebrate his birthday a week ago with friends bc they have finiched school for the summer. But this thursday the family will have a little celebration! :D
ReplyDeleteAND jake is NOT too yong for you!!!!
hi girls,
ReplyDeletehow is everyone?
@teekanne i hope you feel better soon
@mel no jake isn´t to young for you
@am happy birthday to your son
@Anne-May Did you drink thinking of me? LOL
ReplyDelete@Corinna Hi, hun! How was your day? I'm watching the game! Hope Spain will win!
@dana my day was good so far and yours?
ReplyDeletei also watch the game, but i´m not for some one special. let see who will win
@Corinna What's up? You don't have a certain German futbol player you watch? I am surprised that Muller is married at 20, but he must have found "the one."
ReplyDeleteAre you feeling better? How are your ribs?
@Corinna My day was good too! The only thing that bothers me is the rain! I want a little bit of sun!!! lol
ReplyDelete@giffy mh no germany football player i like the most,i think they are good but thats all, i don´t think that one of them is hot. my ribs a little bit better today. how are you?
ReplyDelete@dana we had a lot of sun today and it was real warm/hot
ReplyDeletei love this commercial so much
or this one it´s nearly the same
or this
@AM & Corinna I agree Jake is not too young for me.
ReplyDeleteHello Ladies!!! How are you??? ;D
ReplyDeleteSpain wo-on! Spain wo-on! Spain wo-on! ;D
It took a while for the game to get going and what was up with Portugal being so late for the first half? Trying to psych out Spain??? Well, it didn't work! Just take your time, Portugal, because Spain will take it and warm up! ;D Also, a little advice to Portugal, if you're going to rip people's shirts, make sure you rip the shirt off completely!!!! LOL