Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More Pics!!!

Man: Are you a bird?
Thanks for playing that game with me. Now onto more serious things.
Well I was worried for a minute, but it turned out great.
Boy: Wow your really tall!
Yeah it was awesome!
You want me to do what?
Look Ma I got a kid!
That was a good one.
What do you mean I can't keep him? I was gonna teach him to ski just like me!


  1. @Corinna Wow! The pics are great! Thanks, hun!

    @Mel Baby, you are simply amazing!!!! I LOVE your comments!!! This pics truly inspire you! Haha!

  2. I gotta tell you girls what happened to me last night! I was at the door & this guy who either works in the Pharmacy or is a zone manager came up right behind me & said in my ear 'Have a good night.' I was so stunned that all I could think about was how nice his voice was & his full head of gorgeous coal black hair. I wanted to call him back & run my fingers through his hair! *sighs & fans self*

  3. @Dana They do! Well that & the Vicoden...I get really silly when I take it.

  4. @corinna.
    Thanks for the great pics, corinna !

    I'm inspired by you, Mel !
    #1. " Yes, I am ! and I'm pround of it ! "
    #2. " no, I'd like to talk more about the serious thing that I'm a bird. ... "
    #3. " You see, my wings worked very well !"
    #4. " yes, I'm really heavy, too. "
    #5. " Stay tuned, everybody ! "
    #6. " holding 40 cats in my arms at one time ? here ? right now !? no, I'm sorry I can't. I left them in the Olympic gym in Oslo. "
    #7. " We are exactly alike ! "
    #8. " Then, I had another one, too. ... "
    #9. " It's the traditon, my family tradition. Look, he accepted with joy ! "

  5. @dana.
    The problem I have now is about the pickled cabbage. We don't have the pickled cabbage, so I'd like to start from prepareing this. Do you think I'd better use the olive oil or the grape seed oil ? and the wine vinegar or something else ?

    Thanks, Nicoletta !
    and please let me know when you find more !

    Have a happy evening ( especially AM, though seems already happy ...;-)) ), I'm goint to bed to sleep.

  6. @Ekaterina
    You may scald for a few minutes the cabbage leaves to make them easy to roll and use a little lemon salt-I don't know if my translation is the right one-to make it sour! But not vinegar! You may dissolve less than a TEAspoon of lemon salt in the water you add to boil them! Not more, to not make them TOO sour! LOL I don't think olive oil is good, you better use sunflower oil and a little pork lard! But sunflower oil is good enough if you don't like lard.
    I know the taste will not be the original one but I wish you good luck! I hope you'll find some pickled cabbage some day! Or maybe you'll find a Romanian restaurant!!! LOL

    Good night, Ekaterina! Hugs!

  7. hi girls!

    how are you all tonight?

    @mel thanks for posting the pics and the comments are real great! i love special the pic of kjetil and the kid

  8. http://www.kjetil-jansrud.com/en/#3/blog/382/chill../#content

    do you all see the colourful jacket in the back side of the pic?!

  9. @ekaterina haha your replays to the comments are great!

    and girls i can´t get this song out of my head


  10. @mel oh where are my thoughts today, what have you done know with that men???

  11. @Corinna Haha! I love Phil Collins! He has great songs!
    I saw your comment on K.J. blog!

  12. @dana haha i coudln´t resist to do this!

  13. @dana i love this song from phil collins! i heared it today during driving to work! haha

  14. @Corinna it happens to me too to hear a song before to go to work and then all day long I have that song in my mind, though I listen to some other songs! lmao

  15. @dana then you stand in work and could sing all time long this song! haha

    i go now to bed! see you all tomorrow hopefully

  16. @dana i´m today faster with sending then with tipping

    good night and sweet dreams! oh btw did you dreamed last night from a sword?

    hugs and kisses love you

  17. @Corinna I have to go to bed too!
    Unfortunately I didn't dream anything but I don't lose my hope! LOL
    Did you?

    Good night my dear and sweet dreams! About anything you want to! LOL
    Kisses and hugs!

  18. @dana i also didn´t dreamed about a sword!

    good nighte once again!

    for you too sweet dreams! from a and m! haha i know you go to be with the one and wake up with the other one!lmao

    hugs and kisses love you

  19. @Corinna Oh, yes, you're right!!! That's why I go to work with one of Morten's song in my head! haha!
    But I hope to dream about a thin mustache tonight! lmao

    Love you sweetie! Good night again!

  20. @Ekaterina LOL Those are funny!

    @Corinna Well when I go in tomorrow I'm gonna try to figure out who it was. i was off today. I would know that head of hair anywhere. I think I have a secret admirer. :-) BTW I love the song!!!

  21. @dana.
    Florie dalbe. ... I love the melody so much, dana ! and I'm also much pleased that the word I first learned in Rumanian is such a pretty one.

    As for the pickled cabbage, I think I can manage to do it. Thanks for the helpful instruction ! I don't have the lemon salt in our kitchen though, I read the recipe how to make it. I'm going to try the sunflower oil as you do, dana.

    Hope you have a nice day, dana. Today is our national holiday. The day of culture !

  22. Hi girls

    Thanks for posting the pics and the incredible comments!!

    Congrats to your admirer. I am awaiting for the news.

    Thanks for the pics, they are great! I am sure, you had a wonderful time!
    Love Phil Collins too.

    Enjoy the national holiday!!

    Here a special video for you. Hope you haven't seen it already?


    Enjoy the day!

  23. @Ekaterina
    If you know to make pickled cabbage is great, the taste is better than to scald the fresh cabbage and use lemon salt to sour it! The only bad point is that you have to wait till the cabbage gets sour! LOL
    If you don't know how to make it, I can tell you: increase and remove the spine of every cabbage and put in that little hole a tbls of salt (use coarse salt, is better than table salt), put the cabbage in a large jar or in a plastic can, depends how many cabbages you have! Make the brine: dissolve a tbls of salt for every liter of water you need and pour over cabbage. For a good taste you can put in the jar, among cabbages, some dry dill. Cover the jar and let it to ferment till you think is ready! take care that the cabbage stays under the water, put some sticks over the cabbage and pour brine to fill the jar Hope my explanation is not very complicated! lol

    The singer is Stefan Hrusca, he began as a folk music singer and he has many Christmas Carols in his repertoire!

    Considering your huge and ancient culture it means today is an important day in Japan! Congrats!
    Enjoy it, my dear Ekaterina!

    Wish you good luck on pickled cabbage and sarmale! LOL
    Have a pleasant evening and a good and restful night! Hugs!

  24. @Nicoletta Hahaha! That's a good one! I'm sure Anne-May will be delighted!!! The video is great!!! LOL

    How do you feel? Hope you are better!

    Have a nice day! Hugs!

  25. @dana how do you find out that with the sword???

  26. @Corinna Hi there! I send you an e-mail right now!!! LOL

  27. @dana so i check it out!

    how are you?

  28. @dana i have no e-mail!

  29. @Corinna I'm fine! How are you?
    I sent the mail!

  30. @dana now i got it and replayed!

    i´m fine thanks for the mail

  31. @Corinna Have you got it!

  32. @Corinna I'm glad! What do you think about the sword? BIG enough? lmao
    I like that on Joker's arm is written DIE!!! Haha!

  33. @dana i think it is a little bit to small haha

  34. @ Nicoletta Hahaha, I love the vid!! Thanks!!

  35. @Corinna Aren't you satisfied? God, what are you expecting for? LMAO

  36. @AM Where have you been? I was waiting for you!

  37. @dana a bit bigger is better haha i have high expectings about a sword!

    @am hi girl how are you?

  38. @AM Oh that hairy guy!!! Haha! Do you like it?

  39. @mel how was working today and what about the men????

  40. @ the girls. Are you still on to that sword of his... lol I have a damn headache so I won't be here for long.

  41. @ dana I dont like that much hair!! It's too much!! LOL

  42. @am we are always in the gutter with his sword! haha

  43. @am so your headache isn´t better! poor girl i hope tomorrow it will be better

  44. @ corinna I can see that. lol

  45. @AM I have my headache too! And I think I'll go to sleep soon!

  46. Hey, I'm talking about a real sword! What do you think? you naughty girls! Haha!

  47. @ corinna I hope so too! When I get it like this I have for 3-4 days before I get rid of it.

  48. @am and dana haha i have no headache but my feets are hurting real bad today and i think i go to bed real real soon, so i off now for today!

    so i wish you a great evening and sweet dreams!
    and to you both the best to get over the headache soon

    hugs and kisses and love you girls

  49. @ dana His REAL sword!! Hahahaha Have you seen it... Hehe

  50. @dana i was talking also about the real sword! haha what do you think i talk about?

  51. @ corinna Nighty night! See you tomorrow. Love you too! I'm off now too!!

  52. @Corinna are you off?
    Good night then and wish your feet feel better tomorrow!
    Love you too!

  53. @AM Good night to you too!
    Hope our heads will be fine! LOL Do you think the sword gave us this headache? Haha!

    Sweet dreams baby! Love you!
    I'm off!

  54. @dana so this one now and then i off

    when the sword would give you the headache then i would have also one! haha

    so now i´m really off goog night ans sleep well everybody
