Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ski Boots

Everywhere I look there are ski boots...
I could not imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by a ton of ski boots & trying to find the perfect pair. It would be overwhelming. All the luck in the world to our fav Vikings in finding the perfect pair of boots.


  1. I have high arches so buying any kind of shoe can be a pain in the butt! When I buy a pair they are worn out before I start the misery all over again.

  2. Oh, I now know why there is so much crap at his dad's house. The floor is probably covered in ski boots and there is a layer of clothing and other ski equipment on top! Makes me think he is not quite so lazy! But damn Aksel..you make too much money not to get your dad a maid!

  3. @ Buckeye Gal My Mom & Sister have that problem too. They are very picky about their shoes.

  4. oh a new blog! haha. didn´t see it!

    i´m not picky about shoes unless it´s converse! haha could buy these in every colour. :-)
    but i think 70% of men have more shoes than i have. espacially when ski boots count too! haha

  5. Oh hi! I am so out of it today.

    That sort of reminds me of my closet in the morning. I never know what I want wear until the last minute and choosing shoes is the hardest. I have a LOT of shoes.

  6. This has been bothering me for awhile now. On my Dashboard(where I edit my blog) it says i have 17 followers & on here it says I have 16. So one of my followers must have choosen to be invisable. When I click on the link for my followers I only see 16, but it says 17. It's freaking me out.

    So someone is following the blog, but doesn't want anyone to know. *scratches chin & wonders who it is*

  7. haha didn't see it either! :D

    Well ski boots! I don't have any! haha and my snowboard boots are actually quite comfortable! Oh well I guess, the boots I wear when I drive my race board are quite the same! :D

    lol converse conversation is coming up again! :D just bough some new one last friday! In petrol, love that color! And love the shoes!!! :D
    haha I don't have many shoes either! I'm with yuo there Teekanne! I always wear the same ones! My converse!!! :D haha

  8. @Mel haha maybe it's one of our Vikings!!! :D Who knows! :D

  9. @Mel I'm sorry it was me! I just looked at my settings and it said I was following anonymously. I guess I checked the wrong box, or something.

    I use two gmail accounts (one for work and one personal). I keep the work one open during the day and I don't like to switch back and forth for the blogs I read so I just use name/url.

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m-nyQlJX_g&feature=related

    check this out girls and good evening

  11. @mel: haha.. who do you think it is? haha

    @anja: of cause converse rulez the world! :-)
    i bought some on saturday. not real converse but i like the colour!

    oh petrol? that´s a colour i don´t have yet... haha. wait for cheap flights to NY in november but i think they can´t offer them cheaper. it´s 450 Euro at the moment. :-(

  12. oh it was cricket... are you now disappointed Mel?? ;)

  13. on 3:16 there are the vikings

  14. Oh boo! I retract my statement! It was the allergy drugs. We'll just pretend it was an invisible Viking. Plus you don't have to follow to read, so they could still be lurking around out there!

  15. @Corinna hei girl! How are you? Thanks for the link! What's that for a dance crew?

    @Teekanne haha yea they do! :D
    wow I like that color too! :D I'd love to have them like that in red! :D

    well 450 isn't thaaat much! Or do you get flights normally cheaper?
    That the normal price we have to pay here!
    My flight this summer was 1600 swiss franks! :(

  16. @ Cricket YAY now I know who my stalker is!!! I like knowing who my stalkers are.

    @ Teekanne I figured it was one of the girls & wished it was one of the boys. Actually I thought it might be my friend Jen. Love the shoes. Very pretty.

    I've become a little paranoid since I have 4 stalkers at work...don't ask...

  17. aksel had write it on twitter and then i search it on youtube.

    I´m fine and you?

  18. @Corinna I'm fine too! Just a bit tired! But sooo excited for Thursday and this weekend! :D

    ah I see! Just checked his twitter! But sadly you see them just a sec! :(

    @Mel haha I did! Well you have! *hides her beer* we're becoming good girls/cougars is see! :P

  19. I'm not disappointed that it's Cricket. I think they have checked the blog out. I would check it out too if it was about me.

    Has anyone noticed that we stopped drinking?

  20. huh?! Am i becoming crazy?! Wasn't there a post from Mel?!
    About us stop drinking?! I'm confused... :S

    haha i just saw, funny i've seen the post befor it showed up! :D

  21. what is on thursday and this weekend?
    i´m to curious! lol

  22. @anja i´ve seen it to before showes up!
    so crazy

  23. @corinna don't worry! I'm curious too, all the time! :D
    I'm going to Rom thursday evening with friends for the weekend!!! :D Can't wait for it! :D So glad to get out of here for a while! Need that from time to time! :D

  24. @Mel Of course they have! They can't make themselves conspicuous, and being anonymous clearly draws more attention than not following at all.

    I am going back to lying down so I can watch a movie. Good night girls!

  25. @ Anja I did post it before, but I screwed up the wording so I deleted it forever & wrote a new one.

  26. @corinna: WOW! That rocks! is it imagination or were the fans louder as the vikings showed up?? ;)

    Haha. have to share a pic of my cousin (the one who said: "Ich liebe everybody - even the Deutsche")

    he looks soooo proud!

    @anja: i paid 450 euro for DUS-NY, NY-ATL, ATL-DUS last year... about the same time. much cheaper even for NY retour!
    in red? they had them in pink! haha..

    ah we really stopped drinking.. yeh it´s weekdays.. no matter.. vodka bull for me?!
    ahh now i know why we stopped drinking.. we have no bartender left bc we made kjetil mad about us! haha

  27. @ Cricket Goodnight enjoy your movie

  28. @cricket: good night and relax!

  29. @anja oh rom, it is so beautiful i was there in the year 2000.haha with an injured ankle. i like this city.

    @cricket good night

  30. @Cricket good night and hope you'll feel better tomorrow!

    @Mel ah good! So I didn't go crazy! :D was already worried about my mental health... oh well, about what's left of it! :P hehe

  31. @ Teekanne Awww adorable

    We still have bartenders Dean & Sam.

  32. @teekanne "is it imagination or were the fans louder as the vikings showed up??" i thought the same and your cousin is so sweet.

  33. @Teekanne omg your cousin's soo cute!! Did he catch that himself?! :D
    nah I'm not into pink! Can't stand that color on me!

    or maybe some of us have been attending AA meeting silently?!
    Well we have to replace Kjetil then or change his mind! :D

    @Mel they're still here?! Thought they were hunting a monster or demon at the moment! :P

  34. @mel: oh thanks for the update. i new these handsome boys who´re chatting with anja the whole time should do sth else but just chatting! haha.

    *sammy... flutter my eyelashes... put up my best smile... could you hand me a drink pls?*
    (@anja: nearly perfect i guess haha!!)

  35. @Teekanne haha! :D you caught me! I was trying to hide them from you! :P kidding! :D
    oh you're a sammy?! good i love dean! haha He's so funny! :D

    Good girl! I see you're practicing already?! :D

    btw. you see!!! The swiss ref is good!!!! (for you) :D
    gotta thank him! :D

  36. @corinna: haha. ok, my ears´re still working

    @anja: i don´t know but i guess he didn´t! haha. i wonder he hasn´t ask for thanksgiving dinner after catching it! haha.

    pink is great but i tried them and they weren´t that good.

    AA meeting? maybe nicole.. she isn´t here tonight.. haha

  37. btw. girls did you see the picture of aksel on leif kristian haug homepage? they are in december finally val´d isere 2. pic nr 8 and pic nr 12. and have a look on pic nr.9 thats a lot of stuff. haha

  38. @Teekanne gooaaalllllll!!!!!!! Congrats girl!!!!! :D

  39. @Anja: haha. i don´t even know sammy nor dean! so i don´t mind who hand me a drink as long as it happens soon!!!

    practice is the best preparation haha.


    yeh he´s pretty good!!!

  40. @corinna nope didn't see it! You have the homepage adress? :D so I can look at them! :D

    @Teekanne lol Nicole of all ppl?! :D

    Look at that! That's dean! :D


    lol looks like I'm not the only one drinking here hidden! :D
    *tells her sammy to hand Teekanne a beer already* :D

  41. You know, it's just not right that I come home from the dentist hurting more than I did when I left. :-(

    You girls know what's better than shoes? Purses!! I'm not that big on shoes... I have long, narrow feet and it's hard to find shoes that fit, so it ruins the experience for me. But purses... OMG. It's like an obsession. I have quite a collection and plan on adding many more. ;-)

  42. @corinna: yeh know them. i like leifs photos.. he does good ones!

    @anja: ah ok, now i know!
    honestly he looks to serious. Do you have a pic where he smiles? i need to see a man´s smile before i know if i like him! haha. and the hands and the eyes..

    drinking hidden? we´re in europe not in america we can drink whereever we want to! haha

  43. @kim purses??? no i´m not. i don´t like to clear out all that stuff and put it back in a new one.. haha. to much work!

    Goal.. 3:0! didn´t expact it would be that easy!

  44. @anja

    *so if you girls drink, then i can have a drink too, mh i think today i need baileys on ice*

  45. @Kim aww, sorry about the dentist! :( Hope you'll feel better soon!
    lol my only obsession are books! :D

    @Teekanne I do!


    you know, some here *points at Nicole* said I drink to much! :P so I thought I'd drink somewhere she won't see me!!! :D

    Congrats again!!! haha G-ooolic! :D
    Sou you definetly go to Madrid! :D

  46. @ Anja: Yummy jensen ackles pic!

    @Teekanne: Cousin is adorable.

  47. Teekanne... then you carry too much stuff! ;-)

  48. @kim that doesn´t sound good, hope it will be better soon

  49. @corinna thanks for the link! Like these pic! of all the vikings! :D

    @Buckeye I know! Isn't he?! too bad he has a girlfriend! ;P

  50. @corinna: haha today you "NEED" baileys on ice?? haha.

    @anja: ok. i don´t have a opinion about him. he´s good looking i guess but i don´t know.. he doesn´t blow my mind!
    you drink too much? haha. you only have a lot time to drink as you don´t work at the moment haha. So nobody sees you drinking in the morning.. ;)

    I definitely go haha. fly from oslo to madrid! ;-)
    just bought the new trikot yesterday and a friend is going to put the 7 and SCHOLL on the back (good old times!!) ;-)

  51. Corinna, thanks for sharing the link. Great pictures!

  52. @kim: woman never carry too much stuff.. haha.
    btw: hope you´re doing better very soon.

    ok, i´m going to bed now.
    have a nice evening! :-)

  53. @Teekanne haha yea! Good thing noone sees that! I mean me drinking in the moring! :D

    Congrats btw!!! So you're able to convince someone to go with you?! :P

    Good night! Sleep well! Hugs! :D

  54. yes sometimes i need something on ice, and i think wishkey on the rocks will be to hard today.

    @teekanne good night sleep well and sweet dreams, i hope you had enjoy the game from the bayern.

  55. @anja: haha.. but i know it! doesn´t this make it worse? haha.
    convince? hmm. don´t know if i`d like to have company! depends how much they´ll pay. but not cheering for bayern but for Liverpool is more expensive haha

  56. @Teekeanne: Saw the pics at the airport. I wonder how much they pay each year in extra baggage fees? That is crazy!

  57. Thank you all. I just took a handful of ibuprofen, so hopefully it'll stop soon!

    Have a good night, Teekanne!

  58. @Teekanne nah, if it's just you! I trust you to not blow my cover! :D hehe
    why is cheering for Liverpool more expensive? just curious! :D

    @Buckeye I wondered that too! And if there's any spave left for the luggage of other passangers! :D haha

  59. @ buckeye gal and anja
    my dad had said two weeks ago that i have more baggage than paris hilton, just because i had one sport ash packed, my laptop, one neck strap bag and my handbag for one weekend. then i showed him this picture and said first if i had so much stuff for one weekend he can called worse than paris hilton.

  60. @corinna haha That's a good one! :D I gotta remember that, next time someone tells me I have to much stuff! :D

    The funny things is, for a weekend I take way to much stuff with me! But if I go for a week or longer, I take the same amount of clothes with me, like when I go for a weekend! :D haha crazy! :D

  61. @anja me is the same, if i go on vacation for a week or longer i don´t need more stuff then like for a weekend.
    but i think it´s normal for womens/girls

  62. @corinna yea probably! It's still weird! :D haha
    I hate packing though, never know what I should take with me... :( It's not like I need all the stuff i pack, but I could need them! You never know! haha :D

    Well ladies, I'm off to bed too! Wish you all a good night, sleep well and nice dreams! :D hugs to all of you! :D

  63. i´m off too, good night sleep well and sweet dreams too. *hugs*

  64. @Teekanne and Anja Love the soccer conversation on the other blog!!! Never been on a team for a sport...but I love them sooo much!!! I watch sports all the time (I'm the weirdo at my house who printed out the chart for FIFA 2006 and sat in front of the tv for 3 games a day with a HUGE bowl of popcorn)! And yes, I do yell at the tv!!! ...I'm like this too during the Olympics...woke up so early to watch the skiing live in the morning, then got home from school and watched it again on tv!!! ;P ...I know, no life! LOL ;P

    @Kristen ...sax...hmmm, many many jokes just popped into my head! ;P "this one time at band camp" LOL btw, I play the flute!!! ...again, many many jokes

    @cjal, deuce, other horseback riders I was reading an article for psychology and I read this...."A teenage girl's passion for horseback riding might be interpreted as sublimated unacceptable sexual desires." ...WHAT?!?!?! Freud is messed up! LOL ;P

  65. @Mel I count 17!!! Are you okay??? LOL ;P

  66. @Teekanne Those are kind of what my converse look like!!! Love them! ;D

  67. I love Dean!!! He's cute! ;D I couldn't stand Sam's face when he did the whole demon thing....I cracked up every time!!! ;P

    Well, since we're talking about alcohol...a girl in school asked to go fill up her water bottle, and the teacher said, "Don't forget to bring back Jack?" and she said, "Wait, who's Jack?" ...the whole class just stared and laughed at her!!! ;P OH, to be innocent! lol

  68. @Teekanne and Anja What's this talk about me going to an AA meeting???? Excuse me!!!

    ...btw, that picture of DEAN is *hot!* ;P

    ...apparently, I like older men!!! LOL ;D

  69. @corinna and Anja I never know what to pack, so I pack it ALL!!! I always have way too much!!!

    ...:{ looks like I missed everyone!!!!! I've been blogging by myself for the past half hour!!!!

  70. New team leader for The Attacking Vikings: Håvard Tjørhom, just the right man for the job! Pieces are finally falling into place.

    ~from Lars' Twitter!!!

  71. I checked on my Dashboard again. It says that I have 18 folowers now & only 17 on here. So my stalker is not Cricket.

    Now I'm gonna read the comments.

  72. The airport pic of aksel is awesome. That is the way a man should wear scruff! Actually kjetil's scruff doesn't look bad either.

  73. @Mel Mine says '17' and I count 17....is it counting you too???

  74. Hey ya'll...finally home from an 11 hr day at the office...I need a drink!!! Who said we stopped drinkin?!?!? LOL!! Do we have any Stella Artois?

    @Nicole...sax, lol...now now...have us cougars corrupted you?!?! American Pie...classic movie! :D

    @Kim in WA...I LOVE PURSES TOO!! I have an addiction to purses...more so then shoes. I hope you feel better soon, I have a dentist appt on Monday that I am not looking forward to. :(

  75. Great now I have another blog to stalk...I'm spreading myself too thin with all this stalking. I have 7 people at work that I stalk: Brian, Jake, Bill, Jess, Angel, Ashley & Amanda. Two of them expect me to stalk them online as well: Jess & Angel. Now I have to keep up with 4 blogs?!?!?!?! ALS, Lars, Leif & mine. Not to mention keeping up with Facebook & my apps. I need a vacation...*takes a swig of her A&W rootbeer*

    @ Nicole no I am not ok I'm freaking out because I have a mystery blog stalker.

  76. @ Nicole I don't think it is counting me because before I got a follower it said 0 followers.

  77. @Kristen BAND corrupted me!!! lol ;P

    Shoes, purses, nail polish....I'M THERE!!! ;D

    @Mel ...hmmm...this is a pickle!

  78. This is so cool!!!! This is kid is AMAZING!!! ;D

  79. @ Kim I hope you feel better.

    The bar is fully stocked. I don't know what's all there, but I'm sure we have everyone's favorite drink.

    I think we need to rename a couple really good drinks after the Vikings. Like Kjetil would be whiskey because he likes whiskey. So instead of saying 'I'll have a shot of whiskey' you would say 'I'll have a shot of Kjetil'

    *thinks about it for a minute* Did that sound dirty to anyone besides me?

  80. http://www.youtube.com/user/jwcfree?blend=1&ob=4#p/u/46/tsmtekPP4wM




    This kid is brilliant! Check him out on youtube!!! (Sungha Jung)

  81. @Mel More violent than dirty!!! LOL ;P

  82. @ Nicole *sigh* Now that you mention it, it does sound a tad bit violent. Ok no nameing shots after the Vikings.

    I'll be back in a few. I gotta go check out some drinks.

  83. BA-BAM!!!! Yes!!!


  84. Here's my song ladies! LOL


    and this one's from Quantum of Solace



  85. Here are 2 options for Kjetil & Aksel. I'm working on the others. I love Mixology for iPods/iPhones.

    Kjetil/Bohiemian Bad Ass
    3oz Bailey's Irish Cream
    2oz Beer
    1oz Whiskey
    Mix in a collins glass
    Kjetil/Damned If You Do
    3/4oz Whiskey
    1/4oz Dekuyper Hot Damn 100 Proof Cinnamon Schnapps
    Pour into shot glass. Shoot!

    1oz Vodka
    1/4oz Peach Schnapps
    1tsp. Condensed Milk
    1/2cup Orange Juice
    Blend all ingredients together. Pour pver ice into a highball glass
    Aksel/Air Gunner
    6oz Vodka
    drop(s) Blue Curacao
    2oz Lemon Juice
    2tbsp Sugar
    Build in a collins glass

  86. @Mel I have a feeling the party is going to get wilder now! ;P

  87. Here are 2 options for Leif & Lars. Should I pick 2 for Simen too?

    Leif/Colorado Skies
    1oz Blue Curacao
    1oz Tequila
    5oz Grapefruit Juice
    Pour into a highball glass
    Leif/Cowboy Killer
    1/3oz Bailey's Irish Cream
    1/3oz Butter shots
    1/3oz Tequila
    Mix with ice & strain into a shot glass.

    Lars/Loco Lemonade
    1 1/2oz Tequila
    1oz Grenadine
    1/2oz Lemon Juice
    build over 4 ice cubes & squeeze a lemon over top.
    1/3oz Jack Daniel's Whiskey
    1/3oz Peppermint Schnapps
    1/3oz Tequila
    Coca Cola
    Mix & serve in a cocktail glass.

  88. @ Nicole I think it just might.

    Here are the rules for the drinks. Everyone gets a vote on which one they like for each Viking. Only vote once per Viking please. The one with the most votes wins & the winning drinks will be the house drinks.

    Thank you for playing & come back again to your favorite corner bar, Rule #7.

  89. @Mel How about Truls??? ...and maybe Simen too

    Oh and Mr. Svindal!!! ;D

  90. Here's 2 for Simen. Am I forgetting anyone?

    Simen/Blame It On Rio
    1/4oz Absolut Vodka
    1/4oz Amaretto
    1/4oz Banana Liqueur
    1/4oz Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum
    1/4oz Malibu Rum
    1/4oz Peach Schnapps
    1 1/2oz Pineapple Juice
    Soda Water
    Shake & pour into a tall glass. Top with soda & garnish with lime squeeze.
    Simen/Honey Bunny
    2oz Absolut Vodka
    1oz Blue Curacao
    1oz Peach Tree Schnapps
    Pear Cider
    2oz Sour Mix
    Lemon Juice
    Serve in a highball glass & use lots of ice. Stir it all together.

  91. Why am I encouraging this???? LOL ;P

  92. Here's Truls

    1 1/2oz Gin
    1/2oz Creme de Banane
    1/2oz Galliano
    1/2oz Grapefruit Juice
    Shake with ice & strain into a cocktail glass.
    Truls/Blue Nuke
    1oz Bacardi 151 Proof Rum
    1oz Blue Curacao
    1oz Blueberry Liquer
    1oz Gin
    1oz Vodka
    Sour Mix
    Mix liquor in a collins glass with ice & fill with Sour Mix.

  93. Allright, I have to get going! Goodnight Ladies!!! Don't drink too much!!! ;D

    Do you think the Vikings will enjoy these drinks???? lol ;P

  94. I think I may be starting to sound like an alcoholic again. I'm not I just like mixology on my iPod. Some drinks have funny names others are just plain dirty.

    @ Nicole Mr. Svindal? I did Aksel already. I just did Simen. Anyone else, my dear?

  95. Here are my votes:
    Kjetil: Bohiemian Bad Ass
    Aksel: Addiction
    Leif: Colorado Skies
    Lars: Assassian
    Simen: Honey Bunny
    Truls: Blue Nuke

  96. Took me a bit to get through all the comments!

  97. @ Aunti Em I know it takes forever to read them all, but they are worth it. Thanks for your votes.

  98. Oops I meant Auntie Em. I need to learn to read before I post.

  99. Why can't we have them all? (the drinks that is:)

  100. I agree with @Buckeye Gal...how 'bout keeping them all? Oh, we were talking about drinks?!?
    *devilish grin* ;D

  101. We can, but we can only name one drink after each Viking. We can't have two drinks named after the same person. It would be confusing.

  102. LOL! I agree Mel...here are my votes...

    Kjetil/Bohiemian Bad Ass
    Aksel/Air Gunner
    Leif/Cowboy Killer
    Simen/Blame It On Rio
    Truls/Blue Nuke

    I can't drink anything with Peach in it...I had a real bad run in with Peach Schnapps many moons ago and it ruined me for life! I can't even smell a peach candle or lotion and it makes me ill! It was a bad night waaaay back when...haha!

  103. @Mel- Iagree it would become rather confusing. One drink per Viking. Maybe we should start a drink list somewhere or have an entire post just about our favorite drinks? Think that would get the vikings out and posting with us???

  104. Next blog entry will be about drinks.

  105. SWEET! Let me know if you would like help getting the list together. :D
    Can't wait to read what you ladies have to say next!

  106. @MEL- Love the new pic!
    Calling it a night ladies! Keep it crazy!

  107. @ Auntie Em Thank you. Goodnight & sweet dreams.

  108. Find the perfect pair of ski boots, white iceberg earth on the shuttle.
