I was bored & listening to House Rules by Christian Kane & found this list of rules. So I came up with some rules for the blog...Welcome to my house buckle up tight...It's a country music, a little soul man it's a rock-n-roll rodeo...
1. Off topic conversations are encouraged, loved & smiled upon.
2. No mentioning of JM unless Aksel says they are dating, getting married, married, having an affair or having a love child.
3. A good time is mandatory.
4. No drinking or eating of any kind while reading this blog. It's bad for your health...trust me I've dang near choked enough laughing at the comments.
5. Only come to have fun we don't take kindly to serious.
6. Respect each other & the blog.
7. Don't touch the women, but they can grab what ever they want to. O;-)
8. Everybody sings, drinks, laughs & dances. ;-)
9. There is no last call. We'll pick you up when you fall.
10. Everyone is welcome.
I hope you all enjoy the house rules. Are there any other rules I forgot to mention? LOL
Yes, one rule more:
ReplyDeleteNo one will be throwed in some asylum for what she write, or better said - dream about Aksel!!! haha
I didn't say it for me,I promised to be good girl...
Have a nice and sunny day!
ReplyDeleteI like Christian Kane's House Rules! Nice voice, hot man! I saw him in some movies but I didn't know he's a singer too! Mea culpa!
You can be the DJ of the party. I like the music you choose!
@Mel ~ Amen to the House Rules! They Rock!
ReplyDeleteI love Christian Kane ... I race to this song all the time. And he's hot ... maybe we need to add him to the party "Guest List"!
@dana: noone but nicole ;-) you never know! *lol*
ReplyDelete@Mel: i love this rules.. i like no 7! :-)
btw: we could throw our party in nimbin. would feel like woodstock *lol*
Christian Kane on the "Guest list" that´s ok. He can play while our ROCKBAND takes a break!:)
@ Teekanne
ReplyDeleteIn fact I was the one who talk most impudently, not Nicole and I put this rule on the list to save my b... She's a James Bond girl (or a kind of "girl in black") and said she will take me out of there.
I just saw your cocktails list on Party Planning!!! If you wanna take me down give me one of them,hehe.
Well, I can drink a beer or a cup of champagne...
Rule no 7!...Yeah, I already have some ideas, hihihi!!!!!
Great rules Mel!! # 7 *insert evil grin*...hmmm...that one could get me in trouble for sure! ;->
ReplyDelete*takes a bow* Of course we have to invite Christian Kane. I love Rule #7!!!!
ReplyDelete@ dana if anyone is going to the asylum it's me. I'm the one that came up with the brillant idea of making a blog about a blog.
@ Teekanne party in Nimbin...I like it. We could have so much fun.
@ Kristen it could get me in trouble too...
On a side note: A storm called Easter ripped my ship apart. I only have 2 pieces left now.:-( I asked if I could have it & one of the managers said yes. I'm gonna ask a co-manager or the store manager if I can have it. I know, I know Mel your nuts. I think it's cool & I wanted it from the moment I saw it.
ReplyDelete@ Mel
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, we'll save you from any bad place! We thank you and love you too much to let you down! You're our sista, don't you?
See? I knew you are Jack Sparrow...now you want to take home The Vikings Ship, hehe
What about barbeque? Aksel said once that he likes it.
Oh yeh... BBQ in Nimbin! But honestly the place isn´t my favourite ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhat about Whitehaven Beach? Maldives?
@dana: it was nicole who gave aksel the hint to have a look at this blog in his blog.. ;-)
oh.. have a add to this movie list:
Yesterday i watched Zack and Miri Make a Porno.... nothing to add! *lol*
after that: the number 23... this one was terrifying but pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI know Nicole did this but she didn't forced me to say all those things. More than that she promised to protect me (after she dress up in her black leather suit-like Cat-woman I supose haha!) So I'll sacrifice myself and I'll go in that dark asylum!
But remember: my hand is glued to Aksel's hand!!! He he he
Of course we are sistas. Yup I'm Jack Sparrow & I need a ship! BBQ sounds really good right now.
ReplyDeleteI was watching Extreme Pools on the travel channel & they had a beer pool!!! I think we should move the party there.
I'm back!!!! *opens door, holds arms in the air, waiting for a hug......denied
ReplyDelete...kidding!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteWhoa!!!! I missed so much! You girls got *hot, hot, hot* Twister, and kissing games and drinks with explicit (well, kind of) names...and that led to thinking about the actual acts!!! Girls, you've got to get a hold of yourselves!!! haha
I'll stick with water for the party...I won't make a fool of myself, and I don't do alcohol! Count me in on photography (I'll take the pictures) and I'm willing to dance all night...oh, and how about card games for that party??? ...simple games...none of those "wild" ones! haha ;D lol
oh, you ladies are priceless! ;P
another rule: no killing!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm on duty all of the time! I'm watching all of you! I sleep with my eyes open! And if we have that party, single file ladies! No crowding around the man!
oh, also, I'm not a cougar...so he won't be scared of me! ...I hope!!!! ;P
@Nicole ... Welcome Back (**Heads Up...Catch...Bottled Water Coming Your Way**)Hugs all around...but Umm ... be careful when hugging @Dana watch out for the glue! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd you can stick too the Hot Tub, but the beer pool is also great for the hair! (**Okay that conjurs up images of Aksels chest...talks to self "don't go there, don't go there"**)
I'm up for Cards...A little Texas Hold'em, some good old fashioned Black Jack or 7 Card Stud (**images again..."don't go there, don't go there**) :D
It's getting warm in here, I think I'm gonna go see who's in the Beer Pool! Cheers!
I know this is a serious matter, but I hope that Poland is doing better. I find out about the news today, and my jaw dropped to the ground. It's absolutely devastating, and truly despairing. My heart and best wishes go out to all of Poland. Keep your head up high, and your pride and hope strong.
ReplyDelete@dana and Teekanne and all of those conspiring against me!!!! lol I got your back!!! Can't you see that?? oooh, I made it rhyme! lol ;D
ReplyDeleteI will save any of you if you get put into an asylum...and yes, with my awesome James Bond moves (all black...I don't know about the cat woman suit!) Security guard right here...to save the day!!! haha
and if I get put into the asylum...I just hope I can smuggle in a spoon, so I can dig my way out...maybe I can find a map to Mr. Svindal's house and I can hide under all that laundry! ...I think I might be put in a straight jacket though... oddly, I think it would be fun to bounce around that padded room! ;O :P
@Deuce Thanks for the welcome...and the bottled water...very refreshing! ;D
ReplyDelete@everyone BBQ sounds amazing!! I'm in!!! Dancing is a must...just know, that I can be a little crazy!!! ...as if you didn't know that already ;P lol
P.S. dana if you're stuck to Aksel's cardboard, I'll have to escort you around...don't want you bumping into people!
Oh, btw, I don't like the "leave your dog at home" rule on that poster...:{ dogs make people happy :) really really happy :D
ReplyDeleteAloha all...
ReplyDeleteAwright hosers...who let the dog in, and right before the party start time? She pee'd all over the Aksel Twister mat.
(**beagle puppy looking at me with sad eyes--sigh--damn my soft heart**)
Ok, ok...Nicole...you got dog duty. first order of business is naming the dog...
(Can one mask dog pee with a Blue Motorcycle? i guess we'll find out)
@ Nicole
ReplyDeleteThe dogs make people happy when they bite their b...haha!
Welcome back ma sista!
I don't conspiring against you! Never did! Contrariwise, I would sacrifice my freedom and go to asylum instead of you( as long as I am glued to Aksel I'll go anywhere!)
And is real Aksel!!! All of you stop with "Aksel's cardboard" up and down! I know you're envious because I was faster and nabed him first! Patience girls, one day I'll set him free!
Till then, if you wanna dance with him you'll dance with me too!
Am I devilish? ( What a pity you can't see my smile!!!)
ReplyDeleteDon't you remember Halle Berry In Catwoman suit? Watch this:
ohhh... i like the beerpool!!
ReplyDeleteBeer is good for hair (before you ask. yeh for all kind of hair!!!) ;-)
OMG it's a neverending quarrel on Aksel's blog! Some people can't ever have fun? They take life too seriously...
ReplyDeleteOMG, I don't have much computer time for a few days (that pesky thing called life is interfering with my computer time!) and now we're all stalkers?!? No, I don't like being called a stalker. I much prefer "stalking sex panther". Sharon needs to get that right. ;-)
ReplyDeleteAre men (aside from Aksel, of course) allowed at the party? My hubby is from Texas and he makes some killer BBQ. REAL BBQ, not that wannabe crap people from WA try to pass off as "Texas style" BBQ. One of these days I'm going to sue for false advertising, assuming I don't keel over from the nastiness of their cooking. Anyway, once he's finished cooking, we will kick him out. I can't be a stalking sex panther with my husband around, that would just be weird. ;-)
@ Sex Panther
ReplyDeleteI like the way you think! "Once he's finished cooking, kick him out!" Ha! Wow! You're cool sista!
ReplyDeletehe cares for our food! Damn he´s invited... and you decide when it´s time to kick him out! :-)
Do we need a barman?!
Yes on the beer pool, it sounds FANTASTIC!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes to Kim bringing her husband and his AUTHENTIC Texas Style BBQ! It sounds delish!!!! It is totally up to you when you want to give him the boot, LOL! I will, however, not be bringing my husband unless we need a bouncer, he could do that (it is his 2nd job and he's good at it)...haha!!
Hmmm...who could be our barman?!?1?!?! (**thinking**)
hmmm...barman...something tells me Kjetil might take that job! haha who knows??? ;D
ReplyDelete@dana so the real man...poor guy! XP
@Brenda I'm in on training the dog...I'd love to do it! ...you can pay me by playing that gummy bear song...that always makes me smile!!! ;P oh, lets name the dog Viking! Then, he can be a security dog with me and I can say, "Attack, Viking! Attack!" haha lol ;P
@Brenda cjal should be a trainer! ...pay her with...a dance with the viking of her choice! ;P ...provided that he wants to dance with her!!!! ;D
ReplyDelete...kidding, kidding!!!!!!!
@dana I remember the cat woman suit...that's not for me! Sorry, I prefer comfort! haha ;P
ReplyDeleteKjetil as barman?! Hell who could blame him for getting us drunken!?
ReplyDeleteCONFUSED ~ Wow one night of Rowdy Karaokee and I'm labeled a Stalker and a bad influence on children and charities... Guess I am a bit thick and not following the accusations from Aksel's blog. My brain is a bit foggy this morning, but have I missed something remotely related to stalking and/or inappropriate posts that would be detrimental or scarring on children or charities? Or do some people just need to RELAX a Bit! Hmmm just wondering.
ReplyDeleteNow onto the party ...
@Mel...LOL...Deleted post huh...Were you drinking and blogging again? HaHa
@Kim...Yes, Yes, Yes to the Hubby and his Texas BBQ (Yum)!...And he can hang around as long as you like...I'm sure anyone married to one of us 'sex panthers' has to fit right in!
@Nicole...Name the dog Viking (Thumbs Up!) I like it.
@Kristen...LOL We might need your hubby as our doorman to keep US under control and protect the rest of the world from our Stalker Bad Influence party :)
Okay, I'm off to spread my influence across the world (**Ohhh that kinda makes me sound like a superhero huh**) and finish out my runs for today (**Rowdy and I are probably not in the money but should increase in the standings ~ LOL Ya my horse's name is Rowdy, kinda fitting huh)...then off to my daughters little league baseball game...(**maybe I need to let the LL Board know about my stalker status, they might want to know their VicePres of 5 years is such a bad influence**)
Sorry I had to rant a bit about the Stalker comments...I'm done now! :)
ReplyDeleteI don't understand, why "poor guy"? What do you think about me? Louder, I can't hear you!!! (I'm really bad right now!)haha
I take care of him. I will set him free in a great shape! In the end HE will be the one who will does't wont to remove the glue, you all will see!!!
you have my vote for Kjetil as barman! Surely I'll drink only bottled water...If I'll get drunk I'll start to sing and the party it will be over,believe me
@dana haha Poor guy because you'll be stuck to him, and you'll probably faint, so he'll have to carry you around!!! haha Poor him...but definitely not poor you! ;P
ReplyDeleteand I kind of want to see the crazier side of you!!! So drink...enjoy! lol
@everyone Vote for Kjetil as barman! *hands out pins to everyone*
ReplyDeleteTruls on guitar, Aksel as the dancer and maybe lead singer...I can definitely see Lars rocking on the drums!!! haha ;D
More crazy than that? I'm ashamed to show you more...
ReplyDeleteOh,yes! Why not poor me? What if Kjetil (as barman) will get Aksel drunk? I'll have to carry him (and I'm just 170 cm!)
I still don't understand why do you all want to split us up?
I like The Vikings Ski-Rock band!
You better get your dogs out. When the band will start to play, they'll maybe start to howl! He he! Sorry I was mean!!!
@dana Ouch!!! Poor Vikings Ski-Rock band...you can be harsh! lol ;P haha
ReplyDeleteOh boy, if you, or Aksel, gets drunk, it's probably best that you sit down! You can still party but that big man walking around drunk could be a hazard!!! lol ;D
ReplyDeleteAksel is 189cm
Lars is 184cm
Kjetil is ...how tall is he?
You are 170cm
...I feel tiny!
@dana: that´s my plan! ;-) So do I: sing, dance... but honestly, that´s what i´ll do sober, too! ;-)
ReplyDeleteKjetil gets aksel drunken? Hehe... and you will carry him home? there might be nothing to carry bc. he´ll be gone before you´ll notice he´s drunken (guess where he´ll be!!! HAHAHA!!)
@deuce: you didn´t know you´re a stalker??
guess where i spend my weekend?! i drow 1600 km and didn´t found him in Innsbruck.
life as a stalker is bloody exhausting. Hehe...
@Teekanne Now, you definitely are a stalker!!! haha ;D
ReplyDelete@dana Enjoy Aksel while you can! Looks like someone else wants him (*cough Teekanne! *cough) haha
*crawls out of bushes, stumbles around a bit & slurs words* I was not drinking! *hiccup* I'm not a stalker! I'm so not a bad influence either. *gives camera to Bella & tells her to go take pictures of Aksel* Kjetil as barman *thumbs up* Authentic Texas BBQ oh yeah a must have. *crawls back in bushes, opens bottle of Jack takes a swig & gets binoculars out* O:-D
ReplyDeleteGirls,I told you many times before my english is not very good.So please explain me what a stalker is!!!Ha ha ha I can not even get angry because I don't understand the word!!! I can't stop laughing! Of me, of course!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's OK Nicole,I'm not gonna keep Aksel glued to me forever! I just need a little more time and then he's all yours! All I ask from you is patience!
Do you think I'm tall? I don't know but I like a tall man by my side!!! My ex is 194!!!
wooow... mel, that´s a devious i can´t believe aksel can say no to kids.
ReplyDeleteI have to lend a dog!! (wait... need a dog cam!!)
Jack? why do i sit here with a pot of tea??
A stalker is someone who follows you around, gives you the creeps & will most likely hurt you when you do something they don't like.
ReplyDeleteYup I'm very devious. I use my little brothers, sisters & niece to do my stalking. LOL
Thanks Mel
ReplyDeleteNow I can be angry too, hahahaha!
@dana A stalker...follows you, has an obsession with you, sometimes fantasizes about being in a relationship with you...sound similar??? kidding!
ReplyDeletestalkers can be serious threats though...they can become violent
@Mel You use children to stalk for you?! Shame!!!
@dana You're taller than me!!! And 194cm! How in the world?! haha
ReplyDeletenow you can be angry at us, bc. we are stalkers??
and our goal is your/aksels cardboard! ;-)
my big brother haven´t told me that i could take my little brother for this work :-( but now i know!!!! Thanks Mel!
ReplyDeletecould you stop your mental cinema stuff?! It´s infectious!!!! ;-) 170/194.. hm...
Okay, so we've talked about food, drinks, music, jobs for the vikings, a dog named Viking...
ReplyDeleteWhat about location??? Where are we going to get together girls? And when? haha ;D
...how about trip to Norway on May 17th? :P
@Teekanne ...mental cinema stuff??? what do you mean??? ;D
ReplyDeletewe talked about nimbin, woodstock, whitesunday island...
ReplyDeletebut norway? I´ll be there may 14th till 21st! 17th in oslo... the street is the location! *lol*
Oh shit...really...I have to train a beagle to get a dance with a man of my choice? That's sure hard work for little counter value *rofl*
ReplyDeleteI've a better idea: I bring my sheltie Fairy with me. She doesn't pee inside and she's a real cute one. Maybe I could borrow her to you Teekanne...at least for a moment. She also could show a few tricks, so you could get the attention of the audience ;-)
About Kjetil as barman...I'm not sure if that's a too good idea - maybe if there isn't whiskey around him. But if you take the risk I'll vote for him *lol*
@cjal I think we can take the risk with Kjetil! Vote for him!!!!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Lucky, you're already visiting Norway!!! I'm jealous! :{
@cjal: a beagle?? good luck!!!
ReplyDeleteattention of the audience? i just need the attention of one man for that i doubt i need a horse... ;-)
@nicole: just a week, oslo and hopefully bergen. book a flight and we meet over there! :-)
@Teekanne...just ask me. I could borrow you a horse too. She is a nice westphalian mare. And she's like her father's name: pure dancing dynamite. If you can't get attention with her, I think nobody can help you. Ok I ask her owner if I could take her to a party *rofl*
ReplyDeleteBtw I thought Viking is a beagle?!
Wait a minute! "will most likely hurt you when you do something they don't like"! THEY hurt our feelings because they don't like our off topic comments! So who are stalkers?
Thanks for "stalker" definition! I see, you use any motive to make me drop Aksel! Hmh, I'll think about it!
Now what girls? You envy me for my 194cm ex? Yes he's a handsome guy but he likes almoust all the women he meets. I'm pretty generous person but I don't like to share "ma man"! So for the moment hands off Aksel! He'll be yours soon!
I like to be bad!(devilish grin!!!)
Aha, so you'll travel in Oslo without me? I'm already crying!
I'll never let you see
The way my broken heart is hurting me
I've got my pride and I know hwo to hide
All my sorrow and pain
I'll do my crying in the rain...
@cjal: i let you know if i need the horse
ReplyDeletea beagle? i thought these are the most forgetful dogs on earth... he would even forget aksel *buhuhuuhu*
@dana: what exactly are you´re plans?
it´s just i don´t like to get the remains... that´s how i is in real life and this isn´t real life!! *buhuhuhu No. 2*
I have no plans. I don't want anything from anybody. Aksel is safe and sound, thanks God! I'm just kidding and fooling around...
ReplyDeleteI'm sad! No one noticed my new profile picture! I was ready to party...(I'm like a little bunny with lopy ears...)
ReplyDelete@ dana is it a pug with a beer? It's cute.
ReplyDeleteHey gang. My party planning mood has gone south for the next day. My favorite golfer, Fred Couples, made a great run today at the Masters and came up short. For 50 yrs old not too bad but it makes me very sad for him. Getting older and these chances will not come as often. way off topic...oh wait we can do that here:)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I wish I could book a flight, but it's not going to happen...a lot is going on that week! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana haha We're not trying to split you up! I think you're just paranoid! Gotta protect your valuables!! haha ...I noticed the picture...but I couldn't tell if the dog was licking the beer, so I didn't want to say something and then seem stupid! haha ;P
@Buckeye Gal Yes, off topic is welcome! ...I'm just glad a certain man, who is in the spotlight recently for the horrendous acts he's committed, didn't win! :D
@cjal and Teekanne Viking has to be a strong dog...no offense to the beagle, but that's not very scary! There are some cool Norwegian breeds out there! The Norwegian Lundehund has six toes...now that's cool!!! ;D The black Norwegian Elkhound is gorgeous too!
@Buckeye Gal...I was rooting for Freddy too! I'm really bummed he didn't win... :( and I agree, with him being older who knows if he'll ever get that close again. There are some strong contenders out there!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne said..."it´s just i don´t like to get the remains" ...dana, what are you doing to Aksel??? You can stay glued to him, no one is forcing you to let go...but don't hurt him! I have to protect you...but I have to protect him too!!! haha ;D
ReplyDeleteHey, Mel! Your blog has ten followers...nice, round number! Woohoo!!! ;P
ReplyDeleteokay...if I use one of my current accounts...can I customize it on here???
ReplyDelete@Nicole You can Follow by using one of your current sites (like Yahoo) and then once you have signed in, go to Basic and customize the information and photos as you like. At least that's how I did it.
ReplyDeleteYea, the little dog is licking the beer!
ReplyDeleteI became paranoid and annoying so I took my medicines and I was thinking through the night and I decided: Aksel is free!
It's a relief for me, not only for him(and for you)
My little angel returned on my right shoulder and I'm a decent girl now ( I can't promise it's for a long time!)
So I grab a beer in a hand, my little dog in the other and I'll stay in my corner watching you all dancing...
Hey, you know I'm kidding, don't you? Have a nice day!!!
PS Don't worry, I don't drink, the beer is for the puppy! Haha
ReplyDelete@dana You let him go?! ...and don't even think about going to the corner...you can dance with me!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@dana That dog is not going to be able to walk well...that's kind of how I felt today! I did some exercises and stairs (Aksel, you know what that feels like! haha) After, I couldn't walk...my legs felt so numb and I was wobbling!!! I couldn't walk straight! I must've looked really funny! ;P
ReplyDeleteYes baby, finally I let him go! Hope you all are happy now. Take care of him!
Do you start your physical preparation for the party? haha
@dana I guess it could work for the party! haha ;D ...I just felt weak...so I decided to work out...then I felt really weak! haha ;P
ReplyDeleteI can practise with you, if you let me. It's more funny! And it's good to laugh, makes good for abdomen!!
ReplyDelete@dana Definitely!!! Laughing is great!!! And, we can show Aksel our moves!!! haha ;P
ReplyDeleteI like to move it! Move it!
ReplyDeleteWe can learn some moves from MJ or BSB-haha! or Shakira(!!!) to surprise Aksel...
@dana Haha I can see you shaking your hips like Shakira!!! lol ...I'll have you know that I am an island girl! (I have some moves) haha ;P
ReplyDeleteI'm a Balkan girl so I can try a belly dance like Shakira! We need a song. What about Gummy Bear? hahaha
ReplyDelete@dana Oh yes...the Gummy Bear song!!! I don't think I'll be able to move my hips to that though...I'll be bouncing around too much! haha
ReplyDeleteI found the song: Village People YMCA!!!
ReplyDelete@dana Yes! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteAlso, "I gotta feeling" and "Rock that Body"...Black Eyed Peas are AWESOME!!!! ;D oh, and "Boom Boom Pow"
You will perform a belly dance to YMCA?!?!
ReplyDeleteOk if you really do, I'll take photos...and after that I'll die laughing :-D
@dana Wow...we've got a good playlist going!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@cjal We'll probably die laughing, while we do it!!! ...can you imagine Aksel's face??? (I'm thinking shock...confusion...asylum, here we come)!!! lol
ReplyDelete@Nicole: I think that lacy thing has already shocked him. But if I think about Aksel in a tutu...adorable *devilish grin*
ReplyDeleteI died laughing when I read that some people thought that texasgirl was called lacy. What a hilarious mistake.
Ooops I've got to stop my fingers or I'll end up with dana in asylum *can't stop laughing*
ReplyDeleteNever mentioned a tutu *conspirative smile*
@cjal A tutu?!?! (will it fit him...all I can picture is a very teeny...okay, stopping now before this gets out of hand! lol) Your mind is wild!!! lol
ReplyDeleteI can't stop laughing about the lacy/lazy thing!!! Great!!! ...We probably scared him a long time ago! haha ;D
Oh I'm afraid he will go willingly in a asylum just to escape from us! He he he!
ReplyDelete@cjal please,don't die! You better take some pics and join us! We can teach you!
God, Aksel in a tutu... I can imagine that!!!
I can't stop laughing...
@cjal I can't stop laughing...Tony's comment on Aksel's blog is priceless! oh...good times!
ReplyDeleteHey, I've lived in Berlin for 12 years and I'm used to see guys in tutus :-D
ReplyDelete@Nicole: yes Tony's comment is great. And yes, good times are back and soon the anonymous brigade will appear and grumble *rofl*
@cjal lol There's lots of guys in tutus there?!?! ;D
ReplyDeleteshhh...let's not jinx it!!! hahah ;P
Imagine Aksel in a tutu and spandex pants!!! And a tiara on his head!
ReplyDelete@cjal Dudes in tutus?? Interesting. *lol* ;)
ReplyDelete@dana Let's keep Aksel looking like the manly Norwegian we all like!!! lol ;D
ReplyDeleteYes I swear! Everything is possible in Berlin.
ReplyDeleteFor example: every summer they play the Rocky Horror Picture Show in a huge open air theatre called Waldbühne . All the people who go there to watch the movie wear suspender and corsages - even the guys. And all the people are heavy rouged. It's a great night every year and you hardly can get tickets.
I just thinking he will borrow the tiara from Julia!!! I hope you don't mind I said "Julia"! It's OK with me!
ReplyDeleteYou're right, I prefer his manly attitude, his manly HANDS with long and lean fingers...( Stop, Dana, don't forget the asylum!!!)
@cjal That sounds like so much fun!!! ;D I guess, Berlin is a crazy place! lol
ReplyDelete@dana Stop it...I'm laughing so hard I think I'm going to pee soon!!!! XD lol
ReplyDeletethat comment goes out to all of you!!!! lol XP
ReplyDeleteI definitely need to travel more! I am so sheltered here...I've never vacationed outside the US. :( Well, I guess you could count a cruise to Mexico "outside" but not that far.
ReplyDeleteThe Rocky Horror Picture Show is a big deal here too but its held at an indoor theatre... the open air theatre sounds AWESOME!!
This open air cinema isn't placed there any longer I've read just now. It was to expensive to clean up after the Rocky Horror and the Blues Brothers fans. That's a pity cause it really was fun to watch that movies with 17000 fans who could quote every line in unison.
ReplyDelete@cjal...Awwww, that is a shame!!!! I bet that was quite an experience! WOW! I'm sure there was one heck of a mess after those "parties" ;D
ReplyDelete...and his precious smile...and his hair on the chest...Oh, no, sorry, this is for Anne-May!
ReplyDeleteWhat about Berlin, guys in tutu, open air theatre... I can't see anything but HIM...Eeehee!!!
I've never been to a Rocky Horror Picture show...but now it sounds interesting!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Kristen: you can bet! Everybody was throwing meal and rice. And it's often rainy in Berlin. That sure was a mess. But you're right: it's a shame!
ReplyDelete@Nicole... you have to see it! Everyone needs to go to the Rocky Horror Picture show at least once. You will never forget it, for sure!
ReplyDeleteHi everyone!
I have an idea! To learn HAKA dance and present it to Aksel when he will come to visit this blog. Not to scare him, but to impress him and make him...SMILE!!! Watch this and imagine: we all in black sport suits and in the middle, without T-shirt - AKSEL!!! Well, this it means we have to teach him the moves.
@dana Oh my goodness!!! lol That was a little scary!!! lol ;D
ReplyDeleteBut very impressive!!! And a big boy like Aksel is not easy to scare! Beside this, don't you like to see him without T-shirt? EEEHHH!!!
ReplyDelete@dana haha I know what you're thinking about today!!! lol ;P ...but, yes!
ReplyDeleteHow do you know I'm not thinking everyday? Oh, what do you think I'm thinking? Maybe we talk about different things...HAHA