I don't support wars, but I do support the soldiers that fight them. These are just a few photos of the guys in my family that have gone to war or have served in the military. As you can tell I was raised to respect & love the boys in uniform. I can't help the pride I feel when I see a man in uniform. They have so much courage to give up their lives to protect the freedom of others. I cry everytime I hear that one of their lives have been cut short.
Hi Mel
ReplyDeleteAs you know I am raised in Switzerland,a neutral country.
I try now to understand your point of view a bit more. This pictures are all from your familiy. So many wonderfull men, and of course very good looking.
I can understand your proud and patriotism.
The only man, that I am honestly proud of, is General Guisan. He was the leader of the Swiss Army during the 2nd World War.
Without him, I belief we couldn't resist against the Nazis.
So far as I am informed, the Swiss soldiers and people did everything to defend us and to stay free. Switzerland is such so small country!
General Guisan was a small person, very clever, charming, a very good speaker and for sure a very good strategist.
He must have been very diplomatic by dealing with all the other European countries around us and especially with the Nazis.
But also Switzerland suffred a lot. So many young men lost their youth/lifes/health while being soldiers. I cannot say I a am really proud of the Swiss Army - they did what they have to do.
Please look at this video (it is ALL IN ENGLISH!) and I think it is quite interesting, kind of history lesson.
I am also sure, Switzerland was very privileged. We were just defending our country.
I am still convinced, it is better to avoid any war, because there are always more loosers than winners.
Have a happy day!
ReplyDeleteI'm not from the family which has a member on active service or a veteran, however, I know Veterans Day is very important day for the people in the States, and also the reason why.
Wishing all the servicemen safe both physically and mentally on the occasion of Veterans Day today.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the link of Helveria and General Henri Guisan.
Watching the video, I remembered my visit to Vatican, too !
I think the good strategy is the good diplomacy and it must help the military before it needs some help. The diplomacy starts from understanding which has made history.
Thanks again for the great video, Nicoletta !
Have a nice and not so cold evening ! Good-night.
ReplyDeleteSorry !!! Helvetia, not Helveria !
@Mel A lot of brave men in your family! And handsome as well!
ReplyDeleteI remember you posted on the blog a pic of you playing guitar and I think you're alike your grandpa George, especially your smiling eyes are alike! Am I wrong?
@Nicoletta Thanks for the link, very interesting video! It was so impressive to see the map of a blue Europe occupied by the Nazis and a white oasis representing Helvetia!
@Ekaterina How's the cabbage doing? LOL
Good night and sweet dreams!
Hi Dana
ReplyDeleteIt is good to know that you found the video also interesting. It is sometimes good to look back and to read something about history.
White oasis representing Helvetia. Yes, I think the Swiss are still a bit different. They like so much to be independent.
What do you think, Dana, it is very quiet here and also overthere in ALS's blog not much frequency.
Maybe some have already started with the hibernation??
Where is AM? Did you hear something from her lately?
So I wish you a nice evening and hope I can count furthermore on you and as well on our very much estimated Ekaterina!!
Have a peaceful evening. See or hear you soon!
Good night!
@Nicoletta Hello!
ReplyDeleteyes, it's a bit quiet on ALS's but I think everybody's waiting for his new post! I'm waiting for a pic too! LOL
Hibernation? me surely not, here is still warm and sunny, they said yesterday was the warmest November day since we measure the temperature in Romania!!!! +26*C!!
AM is OK, she's around here or on ALS! She just sent me a mail and I answered her.
Have a nice evening and a restful night my dear Nicoletta! Hugs!
@mel my grandfather was in the german militar or better saying he was flying a plane in the second world war! so i´m with you, i´m not for war, but i think we should remember all the ppl who had died in the first and second world war and in every other war!
ReplyDeleteso everyone make peace not war!
@dana hi girl how are you?
@nicoletta i have seen the vid too, i have to say that we have learned a bit in our history leason in the school
ReplyDelete@Corinna Hello! I'm very well, thanks! But my eyes are shutting down, I think I'll go to bed soon! LOL
ReplyDeleteHow was your day? Any news about your car? Have you decided about it?
@dana i´m so undecided about the new car and today we got a new offer! ahhhh i´m going crazy, i never thought that it will be so hard to find the perfect car or at least i have it but i don´t know what i want as the extras in the car! my dad said today girl i know you don´t want so many extras but some you really need! and i just thought why it is enough when the car drive! haha
ReplyDeleteexcept of this i´m fine!
@Corinna this happens always when you have too many offers! But I'm sure you'll find the perfect one for you!
ReplyDeleteGlad you're fine, so no headache anymore!
How's your little niece? LOL
@dana this morning i had a bad headache but after work it was good again!
ReplyDeletetoday in germany is "st.martin" and all little kids going trough the village with lanterns and so my little niece too, but unfortunatly i had to go to the denitst at the time when this was in the village where my brothers lives!
i think i already find the right one and with all extras i want. but today one seller say maybe this car is ok but not this type of car, you have to know that there a 5 different ways to have this car, so now this seller confuse me a little bit, ok the two ones he said i should had a look also on it have more inside but they are expensiver and i can´t but the extras inside bc it isn´t possible to do it inside and that one i want and decided at first i think is the best one, it has everything inside i want and i can do every extra inside i want without to do it without one thing i want!ahhhhhhhhh
but thanks god my dad stands behind me, bc my big brother already said why do you need such a big car a little one is enough for you, and my dad told him mh no, the little one has the same price like the big one so she better should take the big one! yes so one thing which works out for me! lmao
@Corinna Haha! this things about buying a car sound so complicated! LOL But with your dad's help you'll get the car you need and with all the extras you want!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see your niece among the others with her lantern! He! I wonder what she understood of all the things that surrounded her! lol
@dana after that walk trought the village they went all to the church and my parents was sitting behind them and she was always looking back and screaming "OPAAAAAA" haha she doesn´t want to carry the lantern so my mom did this for her but she wanted to carry a wooden stick! haha
ReplyDeletei never thought that this is so hard to buy a car, i always thought i went to the place where they sell the car which i want and say this one i want and then i get this one, but not that i have to choose this extras! ok the color and the engine but extras?????? for me a car is there for driving not more! haha the seller told me that i need a parkassitent i told him for what??? i can park my car i drive now for 8 years without accident then he asked me so never hit an other car during parking? i said noooo, i know how BIG my car is and how far away the other cars standing! then he looked at me but you are a girl and girls can´t park a car like that then i told him what??????
@Corinna Your niece is so sweet! What did she do with the wooden stick, took it home? LOL
ReplyDeleteHaha! Didn't you give a punch in the seller's nose??? Kidding! So if you are a woman you have to be clumsy or stupid or what? lmao
Have to go to bed! Talk to you tomorrow! Good night hun! Sweet dreams! Hugs!
@dana my big brohter made this wooden stick especial for her! so she took it from home to the curch and back! haha
ReplyDeletei thought the same, why should we girls not be able to drive a car or parking it???
good night girl! oh yes we will talking tomorrow again and on saturday night i go dancing for you! lmao love you and good night with lot of sweet dreams *hugs and kisses*
@Corinna I love your niece! She didn't lose her stick on the way! lmao
ReplyDeleteThanks for dancing for me! Haha! I can't wait!
Love you!
@dana no she doesn´t loose it sitting on her dads shoulders and looking all around! your so welome! i love her too so much!
ReplyDeleteso good night now with sweet dreams of m and a! i´m also off!
love you
Dude the blog ate my post!
ReplyDeleteThat's why you're great, Mel !
ReplyDeleteMy cabbage is doing well, I think. It still wants to float, but it looks it has started interested in sitting on the bottom little by little. It seems it does not know how to do it, so I told it, " Take your time. Sooner or later, you make a debut." I hope it understands what I said. It has been 5 days since I started it, and the brine is still just salty, but I admit some change. The smell.
dana, do you think I judge it is ready when it will not float and the brine tastes a bit sour ?
ReplyDeleteI just love you!! Haha! Do you talk to the cabbage? Wonderful! All the great chefs say the most important ingredient is LOVE! So you show the cabbage you love it!
I warned you about the smell! lmao The brine isn't turbid yet?
You're right, the brine has to be sour and the cabbage has to change its color to yellow!
Hola Chicas!
ReplyDeleteSheeze it's been so long since I've been on all the blogs ... Mels, SkiBoys, Lars, Kjetil's ... I've missed so much ESPECIALLY Luv the Team Underroos! OMG laughing my ass off! I think that pic needs to be my new screen saver!
Crazy busy life ... I work two jobs (ER/Paramedic)which I have been for about 17 years and a (Nutritionist/Health Coach) for about 3 years ... Plus, throw in 1 sweetie, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 3 motorcycles, 6 surf boards, & 9 horses ...I'm not even sure what day it is!:D
I miss all of the shennanigans around here. Hopefully life will slow down and I can jump in and create some chaos and debauchery with ya'all again!
So excited the WC Season is here! JiiiiAaaaa! I'm looking forward to sitting my ass on the couch and watching a few races!
Hope everyone is having a fantastic Day/Morning/Evening :D
Hi Ekaterina & Dana
ReplyDeleteWhenever I read about the cabbage I am seriously wondering myself if it is kind of white cabbage or red cabbage or green cabbage what Ekaterina is preparing?
So after finishing the Romanian cabbage with success, how about trying to do the German Sauerkraut, Ha, Ha.
Or is it nearly the same??
Do you know the Wittwe Bolte from Wilhelm Busch. Have a look:
Happy weekend!
so don´t worry for me, maybe i can come in from time to time on my parents pc!
@Hicoletta As you see this thing about pickled cabbage is VERY serious! lmao It's ordinary cabbage, we preserve the red one with vinegar not with brine! Are you interested? Hahaha! Kidding!
ReplyDeleteThanks for Widow Bolte story! I think sour/pickled cabbage is the same thing as your Sauerkraut!
Have a nice evening and a great weekend! Hugs!
@Corinna I'm sorry you have this kind of problems, wish your laptop it will be better soon! LOL And I hope your parents will let you to use their pc!
A pleasant evening and hugs to you too!
@dana tonight i can be online, i have to bring my laptop tomorrow to the service men and then he looks if he can fix it or if we need to send it in! i hope that he can fix it! i had bought today a extern hardware and did everything on it which is important for me pics and music and so on!
ReplyDeletehow are you today?
@deuce "Crazy busy life ... I work two jobs (ER/Paramedic)which I have been for about 17 years and a (Nutritionist/Health Coach) for about 3 years ... Plus, throw in 1 sweetie, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 3 motorcycles, 6 surf boards, & 9 horses ...I'm not even sure what day it is"
ReplyDeleteyou are real busy i espacilly love the last part with the 1 sweetie and so on! do you find time to relax????
girl have a great weekend
@Corinna No bragging, but I have to tell you Romanian women sword team just won the gold against German team, 35-26 at the Fencing World Championship in Paris! But congrats to you too for the silver medal!
ReplyDeleteYou know I had problems with my old pc and I had to buy a new one. Unfortunately I couldn't save anything I had on it, a lot of music, pics, games etc!
@Deuce Sorry, I didn't see your post before! Glad to have you here again!
I think you really love your crazy busy life but we miss you too, so hope to see you more often!
Hugs and kisses!
@dana thanks god i could save everything i need! so have a great evening