Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm liking Aksels' new look. It looks like he's even letting his hair grow out.


  1. @Corinna No I haven't went on a date with him. Would love to, but I'm too shy to make the first move.

    So I was on the GM doors again & Brandon was leaving. He said Goodnight & gave me a big smile. I'm gonna have to do a little digging & find out all I can about him from Karen. I do know his initials are BJG.

  2. @mel go for it girl! don´t be shy!

    @all this moring the dvd "side by side" arrived at me! wow! amazing! i´m speakless!

    have all a great saturday

  3. @Mel Corinna's right, don't be shy! You have nothing to lose!

    @Corinna have you found your words again or are you still speechless? lol Hope you'll recover until tonight!

  4. @Mel.
    I feel the same as corinna & dana.
    Don't be shy. or at least don't be too shy.
    I think he is aware of something which is in your mind.
    Have a great weekend, Mel !

  5. @Giffy.
    happy to hear from you, Giffy !
    It's awesome you enjoyed Daytona Beach !
    yes, I'm trying to face with sarmale. It's still the first half of the cooking, that is, as you see, I'm raising the fresh cabbage to the pickled one.

    Wishing you a nice weekend, Giffy !

  6. @corinna.
    You are the first one to get it, corinna !
    I think I'll buy the video SBS in the shop, because you and I have the different mode for DVD, though I don't know why. Anyhow I checked it in internet and knew it sells in Japan. very much looking forward to it !

    Is Wendelstein covered with snow ? corinna ?

    Have a exciting weekend with a good health, corinna !

  7. @dana i found my words again! haha

    my mom and dad watched it with me and both said at the same time "don´t show this to your brother, not that he want to make the same!"

    i just showed my mom the pic of als with the beard and she was like: "wow cool, he looks great with it!"

    since she knowing that i cheer for him she makes jokes with me, especialy when i was in sölden! damn! she called me and said do you know he didn´t start and things like that!just to get me confused, i called her after i get the sign of him and she just asked: "from whom, never heared about that guy, are you sure that you been at the right place??? and where did he signed? on the bavarian flag?? that is great!"

  8. @ekaterina yes the wendelstein is covered with a bit snow, but not to much!

    on the second pic you see it! i hope you can hopen the link!

  9. @dana, @Giffy, @corinna, & @am.
    I also find the fingernails of ALS beautiful !
    They look very healthy, too.
    I don't know how dry it is in the ski resort, but I suppose it is not so dry as in Tokyo in winter. But I guess ALS use some kind of the hand cream which is also good for the nails.

    And the starting time at 11:30 local time, 19:30 and 20:30 ( in Ploiesti ) in European time means 27:30 in our time. ..... So when I get up, I check the FIS site first. But it seems it's more fun to check this site first !

  10. @dana.
    So I think I'm going to work hard next weekend while ALS is ready for the race, and I sleep when he runs. work for what ? off course the second stage ! I still have the link of the recipe. The smell has become a bit intense today. looks nice, I think. dana, I really enjoy it, and I don't think I can enjoy it without you ! First, I did not even know about the whole pickled cabbage. So if I just read the cooking book and know I need to make it by myself, because it is not sold in my country, I believe I would think it is not at all practical thing to do. But knowing you and talking with you, it seemed practical and found and find it very fun to do it, because I can ask you for the advices which have been quite helpful, dana ! And it is always very fun to challenge the new experience !

    Have a pleasant weekend, dana !

  11. @corinna.
    thanks for the link ! I've been there ! I remember I had plenty of the spot where I enjoy the nice view and it is one of them !
    I miss it ! corinna !

  12. @Ekaterina
    Hello Ekaterina! How's the cabbage doing?
    I'm thinking of you and I'm curious how you'll handle all this thing about sarmale! Now I wonder if the cabbage is big enough for 1kg of meat, but I have a suggestion if you'll not use all the mixture: you can try stuffed green pepper! The meat mixture is the same.
    Wash and clean inside the peppers but don't make a large hole to prevent the spreading of the composition (btw, you can put an egg it)Stuff them with the mixture, place them in a pot (but not in a large one, sets them side by side with the hole right up) and add the tomato sauce diluted 50%-50% with water.Add a little salt and pepper in it. The sauce has to cover the stuffed peppers. Let simmer on a low fire or in the oven about 1 hour until the meat and the rice is well cooked. Serve them hot and top the peppers with sour cream.
    Maybe next time you'll try this recipe and you don't have to wait as you've waited now for the pickled cabbage!

  13. @ekaterina i´m glad you can see the link!

    i think this night will come more snow! and the weatherforcast says a lot of snow on tuesday! yeahh so the skiseason can start soon up to the sudelfeld our little skiresort!

  14. @Ekaterina
    I'm glad you enjoy this new experience and I'm happy to join you in this adventure!
    Hope the sarmale will be as tasty as big is your enthusiasm!

    Have a nice evening and a happy weekend!

  15. @dana.
    Before buyign the cabbage, I visitd several grocery stores, and I bought the biggest one. In Japan, especially in Tokyo, we have a small family. So the grocery store sells everything small or small packed.
    But my big cabbage is relatively small for 1 kg of meat, so I'm going to buy 500g of meat. that is, 1/2 cup of rice. and as for the onion, I think 1 onion, not the half, is OK.

    I really thank you for thinking about me and what I'm trying to do, dana ! Day by day, I feel Ploiesti seems closer and closer to me !

  16. @dana.
    I'm sorry for the sudden end, dana ! But there is a reason. My pc is a little different from yours. Mine is for both Japanese language and the alphabetical language, including Russian alphabet, and when I touch the tab of the switch, the screen changes and I cannot go back. So I put off pc and put on again. And it happened just minutes ago when I wrote the last text.

    and back to our subject, thanks for the green pepper recipe. In case the meat is left, I try this.

    Thanks again, dana. Good night. Hugs !

  17. @corinna.
    yes, from the several spot in Wendelstein, I looked at so many slopes. My German friends and I were talking about the ski resort in the area. Now the cows left the Alm and downhill to their village ? It must be very beautiful in Bavaria in winter, too ! corinna !

    Well, I'm going to take a bath and sleep. ( not in the bathtub, but in the bed ...:-)))
    Hope you enjoy the weekend, corinna ! Hugs !

  18. @ekaterina the place where i live is the most beautiful in whole bavaria and germany, i know so many ppl who moved to here bc they loved it so much! yes the cows are already down! i think our skiresort open in the middle of december when there will be enough snow!

    have a good bath and great evening to you too!

  19. @Ekaterina Sorry I answer you so late, I had to do some housework.
    One normal-sized onion is fine! And as spices you may add in the meat mixture a little ground pepper, thyme and allspice. And in the chopped cabbage you may add some caraway. Hope my translation is right and you'll not add something else!:))

    I understand it's a bit complicated with your computer! And don't worry, I don't expect you to answer me right away!

    Hope you didn't fall asleep in the bath tub!
    Good night Ekaterina, sleep well! Hugs!

  20. Hello Ladies!

    How long do you think he's going to keep this no shave thing going? :D LOL

  21. @nicole i give him two weeks! not longer! but he look so hot with this beard!

  22. @am.
    Would you please check my comment in ALS and let me know about the pronunciation. I'd like to pronounce the foreign word correctly.

    And as for #4 with ALS's comment, it's really nice ! and I confess Simen is my type !

    Have a beautiful Sunday in holy white, am !

  23. @dana.
    Luckily I was able to wake up in my bed. ...:-)))

    Please don't worry about the quick reply, dana. It's the same as me.

    and thanks for the nice advice on the spice !
    I prepare tyme and caraway. sounds really nice !

    Have a restful Sunday, dana. I'm going to visit the book store and buy the book related Henri Guisan which I ordered last Sunday.

  24. @Nicoletta.
    Hi ! Nicoletta !
    I bought the book about neutral contries which I was recommended by the person in the book store last Sunday when I tried to order the biography on the general Guisan which I could not get anymore as it was published in 1985.
    This book is not only about Switzerland, but also about Sweden. It does not look easy to read fast, but I don't mind, I'll take a time and want to learn about it !

    Wishing you have a great Sunday, Nicoletta !

  25. @Ekaterina
    Hi! Ekaterina!
    When do you get to the next stage? Is the brine sour enough?
    Enjoy your book while the sarmale will simmer!:))

    Thanks! Have a beautiful Sunday too!

  26. @Ekaterina

    Hope very much you enjoy the new book about the neutral countries.

    Here I found a link in English
    with some quite interesting infos about General Guisan.

    And an other one which is about this time:

    I found this Swissinfo link just by chance because I was looking for some General Guisan books in Englisch. Maybe you find other interesting information there.

    @Dana & Ekaterina
    It is time now for Sauerkraut in Switzerland. Especially the butcher sell an excellent quality. You can choose already cooked or raw. I was asking myself it they have it into barrels like Dana?
    I have never heard that the Swiss made it at home, also not in the past - I do not remember that someone made it. Strange not?

    Good look for your "masterpiece" in Romanian cabbage!!!!

    I wanted honestly say to you, that you never should hide your light under the bustle, Dana. You are brilliant in several ways!

    I am like you an interested person in a lot of subjects. History and music are great possibilities to enjoy an to be inspired.

    Have a beautiful Sunday/Sunday evening and a lot of fun!

  27. @Nicoletta
    We, Romanians, eat a lot of pickled cabbage over the winter, not only in sarmale but also in any different combination and as salad. I think there's no home without a barrel of pickled cabbage in the cellar or pantry! LOL And all it's made home. Of course we can buy it from market too. But at home we don't use any preservatives so it's healthier.

    Thanks for your nice words, you're very kind!
    I know I have a lot of lacks and I hope to learn more! You know it says the more you learn the more you realize you know less! Well, not that is my case! LOL

    Have a nice day! Hope it's as sunny and warm as mine!

  28. @Dana
    At the moment it is around 1 degree, brrrr. Very cold! Next week we expect the first snow.

    So I will try to have the sun inside! LOL

  29. @nicolette where i was yesterday night out, there was snow! it was up on a mountain! haha
    the weatherforcast here where i live said on tuesday the next snow, we had already in october two days with snow!

  30. @Corinna

    Nice to hear from you, Corinna.

    So you will be lucky to try out your lovely new car, if it is ok during winter time! Ha, ha. I forget to say congrats for your car, I love it!

    To be honest, I do not love snow so much in the city, especially if it is icy. I like snow if it is just "sugar powder like" kind of decoration, or in the mountains, there it is great.

    In the city they have troubles with snow, they are always making a big mess with salt and things.

    So I am admiring all the ski racers which are skiing downhill on bare ice. That is for me the top of the world!!

    I was thinking of you, because of Aksel. My partner askes me very often:

    How is Aksel ...? and where is he staying...?

    Aksel has become a kind of family member by now. LOL

    And furthermore, he is a bit suspicious what I am writting all the time. I told him it is because of my English and I have got some nice new girl friends to talk with them.

    Have a great Sunday afternoon Corinna!

  31. @nicoletta i get my new car first next spring! the salesmen says not before april 2011! but that is ok!

    i love the winter time! i love it when everywhere is snow! and i live on the countryside and not in a big city, so i have no problems with snow and big mess on the streets!

    why do you of me bc of aksel? i didn´t understand that?!

    to you too a great sunday!

  32. @Corinna
    Because your parents were a bit teasing you about Aksel! Or did I understand something wrong??

    Don't worry, not so much important.

    Winter time has now got a much different dimension for my because I love watching the races on TV. Since Olympia I am absolutely into watching ski sport and I try also to see other kind of sports.

    Funny, I did not so much care about that before.

    But as more as I know about the racers, it is more fun to watch them.

    Nice Sunday Corinna, I try to go to do my workout today, so I have done also a bit of sport by myself. LOL!

  33. @nicoletta no you understand that right about my parents, they love to make jokes and teasing me!

    i´m always in wintersport! i ski by myself since i been 3 years old and during the whole winter our tv is every weekend on and during the week when specail events are! my parents watch alpine, ski jumping and cross country! we was already several times in innsbruck at the "4 schanzentourne" when i was 14 till 17 years old! i like to watch it on the tv, but i also like to watch wintersports live! and doing by my self! i love to go skiing! i was growing up with these all! so also the olympic games!

    i´m not able to do anything today! my cold was coming back these night heavier then before! so i be only on the couch today and doing nothing!

    wish you lot of fun during your workout and once again have a nice sunday!

  34. @dana.
    I think the brine has become sour little by little. I set the date of the climax on next Sunday. Off course it depends on the condition of my cabbage. While sarmale simmers, I sit by the side of it preparing things for Christmas card instead of reading the book. We have many pretty postal stamps in my country and it takes time to choose which one to which person.

    You are really great, dana ! I love learning, too, though I'm not good at it !

    Enjoy the beautiful Sunday evening, dana ! Hugs !

  35. @Nicoletta.
    Brrr ! nearly zero temperature sounds really Brrr !

    Thanks for the link ! Nicoletta !
    But the first one on gereral Guisan did not show. There is the site, but it looks only the long lists of the link.
    However I could see the second one, the fact switzerland helped children recover from the shock and sadness. It is honestly heartbraking and touching, Nicoletta.

    I didn't watch the movie " Valkyrie ", but I watched the some part of the program produced by ZDF. I'm not sure, but Rahtgens was the officer who was always with Stauffenberg, wasn't he ? Because Stauffenberg lost one eye, one arm, and a few fingers on the survived arm, and he needed someone to help him. I thought he was also executed by the firing squad at Bendlerblock, but he was hanged at Plotzensee. I visited the both places on the occasion of my second visit to Berlin in 2001.

    The book about the neutral countries seems very interestng, however I have just checked the career of general Guisan only now. So later possibly this month, I may ask you some questions and I'd be much pleased if you talk over it with me, Nicoletta !

    and it's the same. When it snows in Tokyo, it is totally mess !

    Have a harmonized Sunday evening, Nicoletta ! Hugs !

  36. @corinna.
    sorry that your cold revived, corinna !
    But I suppose the beautiful nature in your place and the all plans about skiing in this winter cheer you up to recover from the stubborn cold !

    Have a good rest today so that you'll be able to go work tomorrow, corinna ! Good night. Hugs!

  37. @Ekaterina
    I think I'm as excited as you are! But I'm sure you'll do a good job!

    Thank you, Ekaterina, you're very nice! But I have to tell, you, more than me, are determined to learn new things, are interested on this, you buy books... I'm a bit lazy about it!

    What nice that you prepare all this things for Christmas! I just buy cards and send them! But I prefer to send cards than e-mails or to text on mobile if I have the mail address; handwriting is more personal, intimate and "warm" than a message! Don't you think?

    I have a sad news for you, though I don't know if you heard about this person before: Roxana Briban, a Romanian soprano, suicide today! Our all news channels talk about her, no one knows why! She was young but very appreciated as an artist! I'm sorry for her and for her family!

    Wish you restful night, my dear Ekaterina! And a great new week! Hugs and kisses!

  38. @ekaterina thank you! i hope that i will be able to work tomorrow! without voice is no problem but the headache! haha without voice i can play a pantomime, i don´t have really to talk!

    have a great evening and i wish you a good night!

  39. @dana here on german tv on 3sat is actually a movie about the karpaten and brasov and the bears and wolves where there live! i remember that you told us about the bears some blogs ago!

  40. @Corinna It's about the "garbage" bears or the wild ones? LOL
    Brasov will be the the host city of the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival in 2013! It's a beautiful place! I have a cousin living there but I visit her very rarely!

  41. @dana about both! the "garbage"bears and the wild ones! was very intersting! how far is brasov away from you?

    Have they there a big skiresort too?

  42. @Corinna It's a little more than two hours-driving- away from me.
    They have ski resort there and I know they're still building in Poiana Brasov and some other places near Brasov.I know OMV is a co-shareholder in this, especially in hills (or trampoline? I don't know the right word!)for ski jumping.

  43. @dana that´s cool! do you mean the austrian omv? where you can tank up your car?

  44. @Corinna I'm proud to tell you I work at a construction company that built some OMV station all over my country!
    My bike doesn't need gasoline so I don't tank up! lol I told you I have no car!

  45. @dana wow that is awesome! yes you told me that you have no car!

  46. @Corinna What is awesome, that I have no car? Hahaha! Kidding!

  47. @dana no and yes! no i mean that you work for that concern and that they have to do with omv and they have to do with this European Youth Olympic Winter Festival in 2013!

    my parents are real funny, they just called me to say to me! order something for you from the local chinese and we catch it up and bring it home! haha how funny, to order something to eat without voice! at least they take care of me and that i don´t have to go out of the house today!

  48. @Corinna I thought you feel a bit better but I see I was wrong! I sent you a few hours before an e-mail and I asked you if you'll go to work tomorrow. Will you?

    Your parents are really funny! And they like to tease you! LOL

  49. @dana yes i will go tomorrow to work! sorry i didn´t answer your question!

  50. @corinna Don't worry about the answer, It's OK!
    I'm glad you go to work bc I know you don't like to stay at home, in bed! LOL

  51. @Corinna I'm off for a while,see you later!

  52. @dana later i´m not online! so see you tomorrow!

    i have to take a shower and to catch up my working things!
    you are so right with that! i don´t want to stay at home in bed! but my mom said,better you stay tomorrow at home, bc you don´t look good girl! damn! i hope it will be better tomorrow!

    so have a great evening and sweet dreams later!

    *hugs and kisses*

  53. @Corinna

    Take care with your cold, Corinna!

    For beeing honest, my cough went back! Maybe I had not yet my 100 days of cough, like Ekaterina said. So I bought some pastilles against this nervous cough-cough and took 2 aspirines.

    On the bus, people looked very angry to me because of my coughing, and some were a bit astonished at the gym.

    But I wanted to do my workout!!! Since 2 hours I am quiet now. Hope tomorrow it will be ok for us two!

    It is lovly that you have grown up with snow & skis as well as the right environnment for skiing and lernt to ski early with your parents.

    That is absolutly a cool hobby and you meet definitely the right guys so!!

  54. @Ekaterina

    You are welcome, Ekaterina.
    Sorry, it was my mistake, I posted the wrong link!!

    Here the right one:

    Some of the information from Swiss Federal Archives (with some other links). Maybe it is interesting for you:

    If I can help you with any question regarding General Guisan, I am glad if I can support you. But you know, I am in general not such a deeply working woman like you.

    You are incredible, Ekaterina in any aspect. I like that, and I am always very much impressed about you, because you are definitely the opposite of beeing superficial regarding any topic. Just great!


    Regarding the making of Romanian cabbage, eventually Sauerkraut. I have great respect for you both. I am just not familiar with doing that at home.

    Have a great evening/sweet dreams!

  55. @nicoletta hope you will be fine tomorrow again!

    i don´t like to be ill!

    bc of this bus thing! when i was flying home from mallorca two years ago, i also had a cough and everyone in the bus to the airport looked at me real bad and on the plane also! they looked at me like i had something real bad! wow ppl can sometimes be real stupid!

    everyone around me, like to go skiing! but i´m the only one in (ok except of my brother) who really loves the winter! in summer time it is way to hot for me! bc i not a freezing type! i have always warm hands it can´t be cold enough for me!

    so have a great evening!

    i´m off now for today!

  56. @Nicoletta
    Agree with you about Ekaterina! She's simply amazing! I think the whole Japanese nation has this things in its genes, they have a real cult for work and for the things very well done! I remember I read a James Clavell novel and the most used word to describe the Japaneses was "patience"! "To hear the stone growing" he said! THIS means patience! Even when your worst enemy "upsets" you, don't reply him in and instant! Have patience! THINK!
    I confess that sometimes I'm superficial and lazy! That's not good, I know! LOL

    I also admire you! You're a very nice and friendly person and let me quote you and tell you're brilliant in many ways! Honestly! Thank you for so many interesting things I've learned from you!

    About the cabbage: it's so easy to do this! Put the cabbage in a jar or barrel and pour brine over it! And wait for it to become sour! It's one of the easiest pickle to do! I think the visitors of this blog already hate me for talking so much about cabbage and pickles! Hope not, though! Haha!

    Have a good night and a great new week! Hugs and kisses!

  57. I think I broke the blog. :-( I'm trying to upload pictures to a new post, but it won't let me. I guess I'll have to try again later.

  58. @Dana

    Thank you Dana for all the nice words about me. Yes I think in comparison with Ekaterina we are a bit different. But exactly for that reason we go on very well together, don't you think so?

    I know, I am a bit unsteady, before we have finished the General Guisan topic I am already talking about Frederico II. LOL!

    But I like to make some recherches and the articles must be fascinating and also a bit entertaining too, that we can easily imagine how it realy was. I hate very dry stuff!

    As I was a young child I was very much attracted by adventure films which I looked with my grandfather during the holidays. I spent nearly all my holidays with my grandparents and grandpapa wa my favorite.

    Since then I love films like the Musketeers!!! (thanks Dana for the comparison in ALS), Robin Hood, etc. as well as all films with a historical background.

    In school I loved history very much. WW2 was not yet discussed in my school, so if they bring something on TV I watch it with patience, because I like to learn as much as possible, also about the background reasons, etc.

    Regarding patience. Normally this is a "unknown word" to me. But I am working on it.

    Have a beautiful day, Dana!

  59. Hi Ladies

    Do not miss that one! Again from Hans Olsson's Blog. He is a funny fellow and I like his blog too.

    What about staying some days in this romantic, oldfashioned hotel?? Must be amazing .....

    Enjoy your day!

  60. @Nicoletta
    Patience is not one of my main features either! lol

    You know, as a kid I spent so many vacations with my grandparents and I liked adventure films too, about cowboys, musketeers, Robin Hood...
    And yes, I think Kjetil looks like a musketeer! Haha!

    My mom was a teacher and she had a real passion for history, not just for the facts themselves, but more for the real meaning of these facts, for the "backstage" life of the historical characters!

    In school I was most into Romanian literature and sports, and I like very much poetry! Unfortunately now I haven't too much time for reading, especially since the Winter Olympics, when I've started my internet "adventure" beside Aksel's fans! LOL
    You said you told your partner you spend much time here bc of your English just to comfort him, but in my case it's true! LOL My English is not as good as I'd like, so it takes me so long to write a comment! Haha!

    Have a good day! Hugs!

  61. @Dana

    No, no, it is true, Dana. I mean it very much honestly regarding of my English. I take every opportunity to use it, it is a nice way to practise this language and furthermore it is so nice to get in touch with all the girls from so different countries.

    Have a nice afternoon, Dana.

  62. Nicoletta You're right! I've never practiced my English till I've started to follow Aksel's blog! And the beginning was awful!!!I hardly was capable to write a line! But now is much better and I'm happy I've met you all! It's great you can talk to ppl all over the world! Even if you're English is not as good as them, but you can understand what they say! LOL
    Anyway, your English seems better than mine!

  63. @dana, & @Nicoletta.
    TYVM, dana & Nicoletta ! But your warm-hearted compliments sting me to be spoiled ! ...;-)))
    As for patience, I don't think I'm patient enough to make a success, but I always think I try to be patient to avoid the fight and the useless trouble. It takes time to find the way to avoid them, and duirng those time I try to think various things, and it may be called the patience. So I think my patience is not at all different from yours, my dear dana & Nicoletta !

    And it is all the same that we are interested in many things. Life is not always beautiful, but as long as you are interested in things you like, life is almost always beautiful.

    Both of my grandparents did not live in Tokyo, so I don't have so much memory of them, but I really enjoy reading yours.

    Then, my English. I admit it's so poor and every time I post the comment here and ALS, I thank all the visitors for their comprehension in advance.

  64. @Dana

    Yes Dana, the best of all is, that obviously all of us not natively English speaking people have made progresses and furthermore have fun while getting our English better and better.

    It was always my main target to be able to speak about everything in a foreign language, for that reason I followed several conversation courses in English.

    I used my English nearly every day in my job, but you know, you use all the time approx. the same expressions. Here it is different, we change all the time the topics and speak also about a lot of every day themes.

    Thanks Dana, my English is not better than yours! Sometimes it is kind of Swinglish(that name was created of my former English teacher and means Swiss-Englisch, Ha, Ha.)

    But I have noticed that we all might invest a lot of time with our "internet work" but it is worth, because it is an "open window" to the (modern) world.

    See you, Dana!

  65. Hello Ladies!!!

    Happy Monday!

    I'm so excited! Guess who goes home today!!! Yup Yup! I can't wait to see my dog!


    I saw Harry Potter last night! UNfreakingBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing!!! GO SEE IT!!!!

  66. @Nicole Hi beautiful Young'un!
    So you go home today, I'm happy for you! How long you'll stay there?
    Give my best regards to your all girls, including Dina!

    I saw on the news that Harry Potter had the world premiere! I confess I'm not so into Harry Potter, I like more The Lord of the Rings! LOL

    Have a pleasant journey and a great time with your friend from home! Hugs!

  67. @Nicoletta The only English classes I took were at school. But I've learned a lot talking here with the girls. They are great and help me very much, I just have to ask if I don't understand a word or an expression!

  68. @dana.
    Hi, dana !
    Actually the e-mail is indispensable, but the Christmans card and the New Year Greeting card are another, so-called something special !

    I'm shocked to hear about Roxana Briban from you, dana. ..... I still cannot accept what happened on her. She has an outstanding transparent soprano voice, and she is so beautiful.

    I'm fond of thinking about the hidden background of the historical facts like you mother whom I believe is now a friend of mine.

    @Nicoletta, & @dana.
    Talking about " Guernika " by Pablo Picasso, a lamp is painted and there have been long-year arguments and analyses about it. I think it is easy to understand that the arguments were going on, because the work " Guernika " itself is the controversial one. And the conclusion which is however a tentative, is just to bring us to become conscious. One day, one of his grandchildren explained about the room where Picasso painted this great work, both spiritually and substantially ( 3,5m x 7,8m ). I don't remember well, but it was something like a storage house. And there is a lamp quite similar to the one in the work on the ceiling. Picasso finished this work in only one month. He had so much emotions and many thoughts, but the work was done so speedy. and he needed the ladder to paint this tall work, and a lamp happened to be there close to his eyes. That's all and why he painted that lamp in his work, and there is not such a serious motivation.

  69. @dana.
    The brine does not taste so salty today and has a mixed taste of sour !
    seems going well.
    Thanks for your constant help, dana !

    Have a happy week, dana ! Hugs !

  70. @Nicoletta.
    Thanks for the link, Nicoletta !
    But to my regret, I cannot see the link about general Guisan again. How would you think I can manage to do ?
    Then I'm going to check the second one tomorrow, simply because it's a bit late in Tokyo.

    and how is your breath ? Nicoletta ? Cough consumes energy. just eat well and have a good sleep !

    Do hope you have a better health than yesterday, and wish you a nice week, Nicoletta ! Hugs !

  71. @Ekaterina
    It was the second time when Roxana Briban tried to suicide. She was decided to end her life! The way she did it is terrible, so hard to believe and hard to understand! Awful!
    She was 39! And as you said she was very talented and very beautiful!
    She also performed on the stage of Volksoper Wien, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse, Teatro Municipal de Santiago de Chile and Het Muziektheater Amsterdam.
    What a great loss!

  72. @corinna.
    I don't like to stay in bed in daytime, either ! corinna !

    Here is the link about the cute bears. It is from dana. In case you haven't watched it yet, I post it here for YOU !

    You'll see they talk in almost pantomime ! ... :-))) !

    Wishing you a rapid recovery and a jump into the snow, corinna !
    I'm going to take a bath, and go to bed. Good night. Hugs !

  73. @Ekaterina It seems the first stage of your cabbage goes very well, I'm glad. In a few days you'll eat sarmale made by yourself!
    You welcome, it's a real pleasure for me to help you!

    Have a good night,Ekaterina! Hugs!
