Friday, December 31, 2010


This year I have decided to make an easy resolution. Most people make resolutions that they never keep. I'm one of those people. I've decided that instead of making the same old 'I'm gonna loose 25lbs' resolution, I'm gonna follow my dreams & become what I've always wanted to be! HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!!!


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR in the United States of AMERICA !

  2. Hey girls. The ball has dropped in Times Square so I will wish you all a very happy, healthy, and safe New Year from New York!

  3. @Mel.
    Very Happy New Year ! Mel !
    love your resolution !!!
    As a matter of fact, I haven't decided it yet, but thanks to you, now I made up my mind.
    Breathe More Deeply, that's it !
    Hope you have a beautiful day, today, Mel ! Hugs !

  4. @Krys.
    Happy New Year ! Krys !!
    Nice to hear from the Big Apple !


    @Mel & Krys I wish you to be healthy, joyful, loved and happy in 2011!

    Mel, the third line is on my taste: eat more chocolate!!! I will! Promise! Haha!


    @mel i be the same, i always think you should do this and that, but to be as you are is the best, bc you are the best in the way you are and to want to change is in the most time not necessary!
    haha ok i think i can also lose some pounds, but the most important thing is that you feeling good how you are!

  7. @corinna.
    I hope you enjoy the first day of the year, corinna ! ( after hicks, hicks, ...!!! )
    btw, did you hear big sound of hooter by our big guy from A93 ? ...;-)))
    In Japan it has snowed a lot in many areas throughout the country and it is not so usual, but in Tokyo there is no snow yet, and it is quite usual.

    and, dear corinna, what is the " city event " tomorrow in Munchen ? Will Aksel ski in the city !?

    Anyhow, let's enjoy the race !
    and I hope you have more snow there as usual, corinna !

  8. @Nicoletta.
    Thanks for your nice new year greetings to me and my baby sister, Nicolettchen !
    I guess you look much prettier after visit to your hairdresser, and you enjoy the first day of the year now.

    In Tokyo, the weather has been good with sunshine, but a bit cold and very very dry. yes, it is terribly dry in Tokyo in winter. When you wash your hair in summer, for example, it takes more than 15 minutes to dry your hair with the powerful hair drier after towel, bc it's so humid in summer. But in winter it takes only a few minutes.

    Hope you have a fantastic first dream of the year, my dear Nicoletta !

  9. @dana.
    I hope you finally have a good rest in the 1st of January, my dear dana !

    I've been thinking about thyroid since I read your text, bc I remember I've heard about it often although I don't know much about it. And I just remember why I've known the term without any knowledge.
    dana, my country has the Imperial Family ( almost the same as the Royal Family ) and our Empress has had trouble with thyroid for many years. She is now about 76 years old and I've heard she has suffered from thyroid since she was young in 30's. The cause is said to be the stress. the same as you, dana !

    There is " the Chrysanthemum Curtain " in Japan. the chrysanthemum is the symbolic flower of the Imperial Family, and the chrysanthemum curtain is there between the Imperial Family and us, so we wouldn't feel familiar with them although they try to be opened to us.

    btw, I have an appointment with my friend to visit DARIE in the 24th for a lunch, and after that, I start with my second attempt at sarmale !

    dana, I hope you eat as much chocolate as you like !

  10. @ekaterina no sound today!
    here is a link to the city event

    they are skiing near the olympic stadium in the city of munich!

    and i feeling great i was just right now out for my first jogging round this year (ok it was a mix btw walking and jogging) but i feel real good!

    and you?

  11. @corinna.
    Thanks for the link, corinna ! The city event looks fun. It seems more like a show than a race, but they gain the FIS points. Furthermore I think it is a good opportunity to promote this sports in general.
    However, it starts a bit late for me, so I don't think I'll be check the FIS site live. I'll check it as soon as I wake up tomorrow in the morning !

    btw, corinna, it sounds you enjoyed the first jogging of the year. and I wonder about is it a jogging in jogging shoes ? or a cross country skiing in ski boots as Aksel did in X'mas holiday ?

    It has been really clear and lovely in Tokyo. In Japan we have a new-year tradition to visit the shrine during the first 3 days of the new year. I went to one of the famous and prestigeous shrine in the center of Tokyo with my dad and had a lunch there today. The shrine is located on top of the hill and I just thought it might be possible to make the course with man-made snow. ... :-)))

    Hope you enjoy the city event in Munchen, dear corinna !

    @corinna., @Nicoletta., @dana.
    If you have a chance to watch the city event on TV, I'd be pleased if you report on it !

    Have a nice day, ladies ! Hugs !

  12. Hola Chicas! Welcome to 2011!

    I pop in and check up on ya'all, but I don't have much time to visit lately. Hopefully 2011 will bring me 6 extra hours in every day so I can get everything done :)

    Happy New Year ... My resolution is to make more time to join the Akselized Party here ... miss ya'all!


  13. Hi Girls

    Hope very much you have started the New Year in a good mood and in good health.

    How nice that in Tokio people start the New Year with the visit of one of this famous shrines. I have googled this expression and I think this are really lovely places!
    I love the shrines because there are so many trees, plantes and flowers too. The culture of Japanese gardens is very special and unique in the world. I love it very much.
    Did I ever tell you that the singer of Gotthard, Steve Lee, was cultivating little Bonsai trees. It was his great passion and he said in an iterview: Maybe that is my kind of Ying and Yang.
    Do you also have a Bonsai plant on you balcony, Ekaterina?

    In my text of Wiki about shrines in Tokio I have read that to my great regret some shrines were destroyed during WW2 in 1945 and were built up totally. So that reminds me of your book about Switzerland. Have you already had time to read some pages in it. Hope it is still interesting for you.

    Regarding the Slalom races of today, I think also it is more a fun and easy going race. After Val Gardena and Bormio, Munich seems to be very relaxing and fun race! But like you said, points are points.

    For the New Year I wish you a special big, big wall against the STRESS. May this year bring you much, much more fun and happyness than migraine and thyroid troubles.

    We do not have an expression with "Du stehst mir auf dem Schlauch". Find it still very funny... LOL!
    Take care of you voice, Corinna!!

    Have a wonderful day/afternoon, Girls!! and if you can have fun while watching the race!!

  14. I forgot to mention, my resolution is: I try to look up more often words in the dictionary and try to keep them in my mind!! LOL!

    For those who are connected with Twitter here I post a link for a "daily delight" Ha, Ha. I mean if you are a follower they serve you every day with a new word explanation.!/CambridgeWords

    Have fun, ladies!!

  15. @Ekaterina
    Hope you have a good rest in January too, my dear Ekaterina, after Shiwasu, the busiest month of the year in Japan. I know you sent nengajo to your close persons and I hope you've got a lot of oseibo gifts! LOL
    I found an interesting site about Japanese New Year traditions and customs and I've learned that noodles are the symbol of longevity so you use to eat soba in the New Year's Eve. And you eat rice cake(moshi) during New Year's holidays. I've also learned about osoji, a kind of European extensive cleaning that we do in the spring, but you traditionally practice it when the weather is rather cold!
    It's nice to learn about other ppl traditions! And the Japanese ones are very special to me bc I relate them to you, my dear Ekaterina!

    I knew that the chrysanthemum (Kiku) is the symbolic flower of your Imperial Family, but I didn't heard about "the Chrysanthemum Curtain". I think all the Imperial or Royal Families have that kind of invisible curtain.

    I remember my mom had some old tea cups made in Japan, with chrysanthemum painted on them! Unfortunately we have just 2 or 3 of them bc the others have broken during the earthquake in 1977!

    Finally you have an appointment to visit DARIE!! I'm glad and I hope you to find there a nice place to eat and to spend pleasant moments with your friends! And, of course, I hope you'll like the food!

    Have a nice Sunday afternoon, Ekaterina! Hugs!

    Hi, girl!
    Wish you a great 2011! Be happy!

    I don't get, 2011 will bring you 6 extra hours every day beside that usual 24? Bc I want something like this too! Haha! A day with 30 hours would be awesome! LOL

    We miss you too and hope you'll join us more often!
    Love you!

  16. @Nicoletta
    Thank you very much, I'll try to keep myself away from stress! Maybe I don't seem but I'm very shy and that causes me a lot of troubles, sometimes I can't control my emotions and that means more stress to me!!! I'm a disaster of nature!!!! LOL

    Your resolution is valid for me too! :))

    I have to thank you for the "treatment" I've learned from you: chocolate and red wine! LOL To be honest I prefer the first part, the wine always makes me sing! And I sing much better when I'm sober! Hahaha!

    Have a beautiful day and a wonderful year,dear Nicoletta! Kisses!

  17. @Nicoletta
    I forget to tell you that when I made the videos for Aksel's birthday I wanted to use Gotthard's song Top of the World but it was impossible bc it's not available in some European countries like mine, Norway and Germany!! So I used Kid Rock instead Gotthard!
    I'm sure you would been liked it more!

  18. @Dana

    What do you mean by shy, Dana??
    Do you mean introverted? For me you seem to be rather extraverted, and you are absolutely perfect, Dana!!

    As you are a Capricorn woman, maybe you want to be always perfect, take everything in life very serious and sometimes to much personal.

    My ascendent is Capricorn and I can also sing a little song about that. Some people or situations drive me mad, are getting on my nerves, and I am getting very concerned or hurt because of stubbornes or stupidness.
    I am always working on that, taking not everything so severe, but it is difficult and a long way.

    My aunt says always, having problems (or creating them in your mind)as well as troubles and sorrows makes you grow fat and sick, try to think POSITIVE!!
    My body for example answers very often with a cold!! That's the way it is.

    That was resolution no. 2,
    I confess, I am working on that too!

    Concerning the Gotthard song Top of the World, dear Dana, I would be so proud to hear this song combined with one of your videos.

    Here I found a link, perhaps it works??!!

    Have a beautiful afternoon, Dana!!

  19. @Ekaterina and all girls who were not able to watch the race

    The parallel slalom event took place in the later afternoon at the Olympia mountain in Munich. The place was totally illuminated. Two girls or two men are racing at the same time. The racing distance is very short and the racers change very quick.

    Aksel had 3 perfect runs. Unfortunately in the 4th run Aksel lost 0.06 seconds (what is almost nothing) against Julien Lizeroux and finished with the 5th place, what is quite good.

    The racers and spectators seemed to have a lot of fun, and later in the evening the whole place turned into a huge disco, and slope and people were moving to the music with disco lights in many colours. Funny to look at, the spectators were also moving their flags of any nation and were at the same time cheering for the racers.

    1. Maria Pietilä-Holmner
    2. Tina Maze
    3. Elisabeth Goergel

    1. Ivica Kostelic
    2. Julien Lizeroux
    3. Bode Miller

    So finally everbody had a fun evening in a relaxed atmosphere and it must have been great to be a part of it. I presume a fun night will follow. LOL!

    Good night, Ladies!

    Have a great start into week no. 1 of the year 2011!! All the best!

  20. @nicoletta well do you know "heut hast aber eine lange leitung" or "du stehst heut aber ganz schon auf der leitung"?

    @dana when do you have birthday?

  21. @Corinna
    Yes, yes, The one with "eine lange Leitung haben" I know - even in Swiss German it is "Du häsch aber a langi Leitig.." Ha, Ha.

  22. I love your resolutions girls! I spent New Years Eve with my bestest Kelli. We had a sip of Mams(her grandma) wine. It was made with tropical fruits & it was not very good. I'll stick with my vodka or whiskey. Though this year we couldn't drink like we did last year. :-( Stupid pain meds can't be mixed with alcohol.

    I hope that everybody has a great & healthy year.

  23. @mel oh yes the pain medicin doesn´t fit with alcohol!

    @nicoletta haha that´s a good one with "du häsch aber a langi leitig" in bavarian it sounds like this "du host aba a lange leitung"

  24. @Mel
    Have a happy and healthy New Year, Mel!!
    I can see, it would be worth to stopp the pain killers because of a drink or two.
    Wish you all the best for your sholder!!

  25. @Corinna
    You know Corinna, with your Bavarian dialect you would be easily able to understand the Zurich dialect. It is quite similar. You have just to get used to it. Ha, Ha.

    I can understand most of German dialects because of German TV. LOL!

  26. @nicoletta i have no problems with the swiss dialect!

  27. @Nicoletta.
    !!! I didn't know Steve cultivated bonsai !!!
    yes, it seems he understood bonsai much better than me. I think like that reading your text. It is said it is not so easy to cutlivate bonsai actually, and he had a high level of sense and taste with bonsai, bucause he felt Ying & Yang about it. I really think he was a great artist again, dear Nicoletta. ...
    I don't have bonsai at home, bc it needs skill to cultivate it . ...;-)))

    and thanks for the info about the City Event !
    It looks festival more than event ! I'm sure Aksel enjoyed it quite a lot, and could start the new year happily.

    btw I have not reached the climax of the book yet, I'm reading about Wiener Conference of 1815. This book shows unless we don't understand about the long way to the 20the century, we can't understand how Switzerland fought and could keep the neutral., you have the same sign as dana. and Aksel. Do you think he is a typical Capricorn or not ? ..:-))) my dear Nicoletta, you & dana know better about Aksel !
    Am I the only one here who thinks it makes this blog stronger ! ..... ?

    Have a pleasant new week of the new year, Nicolettchen ! Hugs !

  28. @Ekaterina

    Excuse me my dear Ekaterina, my zodiac sign is Leo and my ascendant is Capricorn.

    Have a nice day, Ekaterina & Hugs!

  29. Our flying reporter Hans did again a great job:

    Title: A great race, won by worlds best!

  30. @Nicoletta.
    Thanks for the link of Hans ! It also helped me see the atmosphere there.

    My dear Nicoletta, sorry for my mistake !
    I think I mix up sign and ascendant. In Japan, we talk almost only about the sign. Mine is Aries.

    btw, I went to the national museum of nature & science today. There is an exhibition about our history of air & space. The year 2010 was the 100th anniversary of the first flight by our manufacured aircraft in 1910. and the memorial exhibition has been taken place from late 2010 to early 2011 so that many people visit there during winter holidays. and the year 2010 was also the 100th anniversary of the first ski in Japan in 1910. yes, we came very late ... :-)))

    Have a nice afternoon ! Nicolettchen ! Hugs !

  31. @dana.
    Amazing! dana !
    yes, we call December Shiwasu. Generally we call the months as the 1st month (January), the 2nd month (February)...and so on. But we have also the Japanese original name of the months, and Shiwasu is our December. But I think about only 10% of Japanese can say them all in our original way. The 10% is mostly the elder people, I think. and the word Shiwasu is the best well-known among these 12 months. In fact, I can't say them all unless I look up in the dictionary.
    Nengajo or onengajo is our tradition just like your X'mas card. I send the both normally. and as I mentioned some weeks ago, our zodiac is different from yours. Your zodiac is to divide 1 year into 12 periods. We are also familiar with it. But our zodiac is the 12-year circle. The year 2010 was the year of Tiger and this year 2011 is the year of Rabbit, the next year : Dragon, and Snake - Horse - Sheep - Monkey - Rooster - Dog - Wild Boar - Mouse - Cow - , and again Tiger - Rabbit - ... and the year one was born is one's own zodiac year, but we seldom talk about one's own zodiac year after becoming 20 years old, bc one's zodiac year shows one's age, so people wouldn't think it fun after grown up, and some people don't like the animal of own zodiac year actually. For info, Aksel's zodiac year is the year of Dog. I think it's OK with him, bc Kira is his family member. ;-)))
    But the animal of the zodiac is very very, and very important for nengajo. Nengajo is the post card with new-year greeting message as " Shinnen Omedeto ". It is the basic and casual one, and I write " Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu ". and there is NO nengajo WITHOUT animal of the year.
    This year is the year of Rabbit, and shortly after X'mas in 2010, there were hundres of rabbit designed goods in any shop or store all over Japan. It continues until middle of January. I bought one small and lovely bell in the shape of a rabbit at the shop in the shrine yesterday. A little and cute baby rabbit rides on her mom rabbit's back. I put it in front of my mom's photo for one year, and I hope she likes it !
    And our family has sent nengajo every year with Ekaterina's pic since she joined our family. bc there is not cat in the zodiac, and her pic is printed with the animal of the year. I think nengajo is nice custom of Japan which I don't think we find anywhere else in the world. So, my dear dana, if you're interested in it, I'll be pleased to send it to you.


  32. @dana.
    the reason of ...continues... is the capacity of my pc. When I try to post the long text, it is refused.

    and, oseibo. yes it is similar to thanksgiving. and we have one more thanksgiving called ochugen in early summer. But the custom of oseibo & ochugen has been unpopular for the recent years. Because this custom was established in the feudal times and often without heart, so we now send gift with true heart to someone whom we really want to send anytime.

    YES ! We eat osoba in the new-year eve. It is not only for longevity, but also for the new-year eve's resolution of every Japanese which says to live modest. osoba doesn't have a strong taste and osoba is not strong. In Japan being strong has been taken as impudence for many years. Of course I don't agree with it, because the real strong person is always very modest, like Aksel.

    osoji, yes, I think it is simply because of our traditional and ancient religion which says God visits every house in the 1st ot January, so people have to clean the house to welcome God. Our traditional and abcient religion Shinto is the religion of the Imperial Family. Not so many people knows about Shinto now, and I don't know about it well, either, but it seems it remains in several occasion in our modern life.
    And, you're right, my dear dana, The Royal or Imperial family is invisible, and our Imperial family is said to be one of the most invisible. We cannot see anything beyond the Chrisanthemum curtain.

    And it's so pity for the earthquake in 1977 ! As you know, there have been many earthquakes in Japan, but I've not experienced anything broken yet.
    My dear dana, I'm very happy and honorable to know your mom loved those tea cups ! But I wonder a bit that are you and were your mom sure they were from Japan ? Because I think it is not easy for you to judge things which belongs to Japan and which belongs to China.
    And Rumania had been so-called Eastern Nation for years while your mom was alive, so I suppose Rumania had been more friendly to China during those period, and there were more opportunities for the people in Rumania to buy things made in China, not in Japan. But of course I do hope those tea cups of yor mom were from my country !!!

  33. @dana.
    Now the part 3.
    I'm so sorry for my loooong text, I'm afraid you'll be tired....

    I've been very glad that you know about my country, my dear dana. I also enjoy knowing about Rumania, because you are there, as well as enjoy knowing about Swizterland, bc Nicoletta is there. I think Aksel might feel a bit surprised and pleased if he knows some of the comments in ALS are from " Diplomat " like us !!!

    Hope you have a beautiful evening, my dear dana ! I'm going to take a bath, and go to bed.
    Good night, Hugs !

  34. Wow! I haven't been on in so long! I feel weird! LOL

    Happy New Year Ladies!!! :D

    Can you believe it's only a few more months before it's been a year since we've met!!!! :O I can't believe it! :D It's extremely exciting!

    My resolution: Well to smile and laugh more. Most importantly, to try to get on this blog more! I miss you Ladies so much! I haven't been writing/reading as much as I used to and I miss that terribly! :D So I promise to try more!

    Have an awesome Monday!

  35. @Ekaterina
    No, I'm not tired and I like to read your interesting comments here or on ALS!
    I told you I don't know much about Japan but I want to learn! And I have you to help me to find out so many beautiful things about your amazing country! As you say, I like to know more about Japan and Switzerland bc you and Nicoletta are living in these countries!
    I don't have to mention that I'm very interested on everything that Norway means! LOL Bc there is AM and of course AKSEL!

    About the cups: all I know about them is that they are very old, I don't know where my mom got them from, but she always said that they are Japanese!

    Can you tell me, please, if this year of Rabbit is a good one? I usually don't pay too much attention to the horoscope but I recognize myself in all that Nicoletta said about the Capricorns!:))

    @Nicoletta & Ekaterina
    When I said I'm very shy I meant not introverted but ashamed! And sometimes I talk to much to hide my shyness but this is not always a good strategy!Haha!
    Nicoletta, you are right, the stubbornness and the stupidity drive me mad! :)) Even if sometimes I'm stubborn and stupid too!! LOL

    Ekaterina, you said maybe Nicoletta and me can understand better how Aksel is. I'm not sure, bc I've never met him, but I think he's a perfectionist, he cares very much about what ppl say about him and about the things he does, that's why he tries to do everything he has to do as better as he can. I also think he's very sensitive and very easy to hurt, one word is enough, at least I'm that kind of person!
    And the family is for him an oasis of peace and tranquility, there he finds his energy!
    And I also think he's a bit shy too!
    The Capricorns have artistic skills and I think that's why Aksel is such a great photographer!:)

    Wish you a nice evening-Nicoletta and a good and restful night-Ekaterina! Hugs and kisses for both of you!

  36. @Nicole

    Thanks God I've lived long enough to see you here again! Haha!

    I miss you! And I have to say this: I miss Angela UK too! I wonder where she is, why she hasn't visited us anymore? You both were the first girls that talked to me when I started to write on Aksel's blog! LOL

    Hope you'll keep your promise, to write more! And I'm waiting for your pics! LOL

    Have a nice afternoon, sweetie! Hugs!

  37. @Ekaterina
    That is very nice, that you are an Aries woman, Ekaterina. So we share the same Zodiac element, the FIRE! ... and it seems, we are sometimes on fire!!?? Ha, Ha.

    I love to read your interesting information about the way of life in Japan. Your culture is very old and you have so many traditions which are wonderful and are completly different than European traditions. I enjoy very much to hear from you, Ekaterina.

    Astrology it is very common in Europe and often we consider also the ascendant.

    They say, the ascendant is responsible for the kind of impression you make to people on the first sight. That means for my case, my Leo is only a "bling" not a "bling-bling" anymore. But maybe, I am more down to earth with my Capricorn ascendant and have more determination in live.

    Furthermore, I read that people with the same ascendant like for example Capricorn have a lot of understanding and even the same characteristics as well as feelings then people which are born under Capricorn. They say, that can be an ideal constellation for a longlasting friendship or partnership.

    My partner's birthday is the 5th January and I think we go on very well together, especially because we are willing to "not giving up very quickly" and living together means also to find somewere the balance that is comfortable for both side.

  38. Have a wonderful evening/afternoon and a good night!

    Greetings Nicoletta

  39. I have great news girls!!! The doctors office just called me & the surgery has been approved!!! A nurse is going to call me later today or sometime tomorrow to schedule it!!! Hopefully it can be scheduled before the 18th because that's when school starts. If not I'll have to schedule it on a Friday because I only have one class that day. Then I'll have the whole weekend to recover before class starts on Monday.

  40. @Mel
    It's a great news, sweetie! I'm glad you decided to do this! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
    You're young and I'm sure you will recover very quickly!
    I'll pray for you! Love you!

  41. @mel that is a great news, i hope that it will work out for you and that it will before the 18th!i cross my fingers for you!

  42. @Mel.
    I'm so glad to know you've started the new year with a great news, Mel !
    I think it's a bit late today, so you'll get a phone call from the nurse about the date of surgery tomorrow. I cross fingers for you, Mel !

  43. The doctors office called before they closed & I scheduled my surgery for the 13th of this month. I'm glad that I could schedule it before school started.

  44. @Mel.
    Great !, and that's OK.
    Mel, please let us know the time the surgery starts in the 13th so that we'll be able to share the concern which you may have and help you feel better.

  45. @Mel
    All the best for your surgery, Mel!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the 13th.
    Furthermore, I wish you a great start with the school.

    These are all very good news, I am happy for you. Good luck, Mel!

  46. @mel that is great i cross my fingers for you that everygthing will be good!
    and tha you can start your school without problems!

  47. @dana. & @Nicoletta.
    Thanks for your nice words for my country !
    As a matter of fact, it is sometimes a bit difficult to explain about Japanese culture to the foreign people. and I guess vice versa.
    Then my dear dana & Nicoletta, I think you may feel surprised to know the 2 things followed.
    1.) we take off shoes when we enter the house.
    2.) Our bathroom is separeted from the toilet and the washstand. In the bathroom, there is a small place to wash our body and hair next to the bathtub. We usually take shower there. and after that, we take a bath in the bathtub which is filled with the warm water around 38C. We always put some aroma oil in the bathtub.( we put yuzu on the day of winter solstice ) As we finish washing our body, we just make our body warm in the bathtub for about 15 minutes. For almost all Japanese, it is the most favorite 15 minutes of the day.
    These 2 customs is among a few things still strongly preserverd in our daily life.

  48. @dana.
    I believe these cups your mom loved are from Japan. I think she could understand the difference between China and Japan.

    The year of Rabbit is of course the good year, dana. There are no bad years, according to our zodiac ! But we often talk about the year related to the zodiac animal, and this year of Rabbit is said to be fruitful and also the year of leap ( not the leap year, of course ).

    and I also think and feel Aksel is the perfectionist, as you mention, dana.
    In Japan, we often talk about the blood type. I'm not actually sure if it shows something, but people likes to talk about it. Do you talk about it in Rumania ? I'm not asking you of it, bc Dracula was from there. ...;-)))

    Hope you have a happy afternoon, my dear dana !

  49. @Nicoletta.
    Yes ! our zodiac element is Fire ! Nicolettchen !
    Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries are burning, right ? ...;-)))

    I'm sure you're now busy thinking and doing for tomorrow, the birthday of your partner, dear Nicoletta !

    Hope you enjoy a very nice day tomorrow with your partner, my dear Nicoletta !

  50. @Ekaterina
    Japan is really an amazing country! And in many ways it seems mysterious to me, bc I know so less about it!
    You're right, it's hard to explain your culture and your traditions to the foreign people. We have this things in our ancient roots, we grow up with them, we feel them in a different way and it's hard to explain what you feel!

    No.1 of the things you said will surprise us is not very surprising to me bc we take off shoes when we enter the house too!:))
    Not all of us and not in every house, but most of us do this.
    I admit I didn't know about your bath system, that the bathroom is separated from the toilet and that you first take a shower and then you take a bath. But I know you have bathrooms for a very, very long time, even since the Europeans were stinking literally bc they were taking bath very seldom!:)) Though they were thinking they are the most civilized in the world at that time!

    So nice from you to tell us about these interesting things regarding your traditions and customs! Thank you, Ekaterina! I'm ready for more...

    Wish you a pleasant evening, my dear! Hugs!

  51. @Ekaterina
    Of course my mom could understand the difference between China and Japan!

    It's good to know the year of the Rabbit is a good one! Thanks! It would be great for me to take a leap over all the bad things I'm fighting to in this period!

    We talk about the blood type too! And not bc of Dracula!!! Good that one!!! Haha!

    I can't believe it!!! Your partner's birthday is on 5th of January!!! Just like mine!!! LOL

  52. @Ekaterina
    In Switzerland also many people go out of their shoes at home. We use to have house-shoes or warm socks at home.

    In bigger flats we have often a combination of bath/shower plus toilet and a separate 2nd toilet.
    We take a shower or a bath, but never both. I have heard Japanese people enjoy a great bathing culture. I think it is nice to do so.

    Has the separation of toilet and bath room to do with Feng Shui or is that Chinese culture?

    Dear Ekaterina, I know you mentioned the blood group once. I looked it up, and to my surprise I read flattering things about my blood group O. I hope sincerely Count Dracula does not prefer the O. LOL!

    I have bought a book about blood group diet. It is quite interesting, I should eat more meat, fish, some cheese, salads, vegetables and fruits and not so much carbohydrates for not taking weight.
    And to my asthonishment, it is like that.

    That is amazing, you have birthday on the same day like my partner. So I can never forget your birthday, Dana. Ha, Ha.

    Concerning Aksel being a perfectionnist. I think also Aksel is one, and furthermore he likes to hide some private secrets.
    Normally a Capricorn has a good relationship with money and they are often thrifty.
    I have to look for my partner that he buys sometimes new clothes. From time to time, I buy nice shirts, socks or clothes for him, because he does not like to go shopping.

    He is always very happy because he likes what I bring at home, and he is proud to look good. As long as he pays for it, that is ok for me.

    For his birthday I bought a fragrance from Davidoff with the name "Adventure". He has already "Cool Water" and I hope he will like it too.

    My partner has a totally different character than you, Dana. He is completly self-confident and not at all shy, says directly what he wants and his mood can change from one minute to the other. One word to much and he explodes or attacks. Not always that much fun!

    But on the other hand he compensates that with being charismatic, very carying, very reliable and he has a great sense of humour. This is very important to me.

    In the Asiatic horoscope he is a tiger. And I believe he is really a typical one.

    Wish you a pleasant afternoon and/or evening, ladies!

  53. @Giffy
    Are you here, Sis? LOL

  54. @Nicoletta What's his element in the Asiatic horoscope? I'm a Fire Tiger & his temperment sounds like mine. Then again it could just be a Tiger thing. LOL

    @Ekaterina I never knew that's how people take baths in Japan. That's how I take a bath. On the 12th I will find out what time the surgery is & I will let everybody know.

  55. @ekaterina what kind of year is this year in the chinese horoscope?

    @dana and ekaterina i was born in the year of the rat does someone know something about this?! and i be a gemini!

  56. @Nicoletta
    I'm not totally different from him! That part about "his mood can change from one minute to another" and "one word too much and he explodes or attacks" is valid for me too! Haha! This has nothing to do with my shyness! I act like this only with people with whom I can afford!:)))

    @Ekaterina & Nicoletta In the Asiatic horoscope I'm a Goat/Sheep! Baa!!! Haha! I don't know if this is good or bad!:))

  57. @Mel

    You make me laugh, did not think you are so much interested in horoscope Asiatic and Western? one.

    I was checking it, and found out he is an Earth Tiger. What kind of Tiger are you, Mel??

    Tomorrow I must read the article again, I was collecting it in a file in 2001! I am sure, I will find some interesting aspects.

    I am a Wood Lamb, also bäh, bäh, like you Dana!
    Somewhere I read Tiger is the hardware and Lamb is the software, that sounds funny!

    Ha, Ha, did never expect that you are acting the same way. So that must be a Capricorn habitude. Good to know.

    In 1 hour and 30 min. you are celebrating your birthday Dana. Maybe you are dreaming then, wish you some extra happy & sweet dreams and may them all come true for you Dana.

    Good night, Girls! See you tomorrow.

  58. @Mel
    Sorry Mel. I saw that you are a Fire Tiger. Sounds pretty cool.

    I am so sleepy now, I say bye-bye to you.....

  59. @Dana My Dear Dana! I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday for tomorrow! You caught me. I was on briefly, and read through the comments, then I had to take my son to lunch and buy him pants to wear for an interview for a job. My New Year Resolution is to find a job for me too! I will try to visit here more often. Give my best regards and love to your Dad.

    @all I am a Taurus and don't know what year it is for me? I think Rooster, but I'm not sure.

    @Ekaterina I was in Tokyo many years ago for a library conference. I walked in to dinner behind the procession with the Japanese princess like I was in her entourage and waved to the crowds. I will have to tell you that story when I find my notes. I can tell you my experience on the commuter train. We were packed on like sardines, I got pinched, and I yelped. I was so surprised, this isn't Italy after all. And all the business men looked like, "It wasn't me?" We saw Fujisan and I went to the second largest temple in Japan, and rode on the bullet train. I need to find my journal...more soon.

    @Nicole You go get 'em. Have a great semester at school. Hope you had a wonderful time in PR. Are you tanned?

    @Mel Are you going to cooking school to learn how to run a bakery? I know you know how to bake. I make cookies at Christmas but not as many as you. Hope you surgery goes well and you heal quickly.

    @Nicoletta I am enjoying your comments about your partner. Hope he has a Happy Birthday too!

    @Corinna What did you do for New Years? I haven't seen any boyfriend reports from you. When do you see ALS again?

    I hope I may call you all "My Dear ..." I love the international diplomatic scenery in Mel's blog too. It's all very interesting.

  60. @Dana For your birthday I will celebrate by making a delicious chocolate cake, and eat it while watching your Youtube videos because I still haven't had time to do that. I will report back tomorrow. I will probably have dreams too. Have a wonderful day!

  61. @My Dear AM How are things in Norway the Land of the Midnight Sun? Anything to report?

  62. @Giffy

    Hahaha! You gave me a good laugh!! I'm so happy I caught you!!! LOL But I was confused bc I didn't see any comment from you! LOL
    Thank you so much my dear, I wish you the same!
    I have to tell you I made chocolate cakes and lemon cream cakes for my work mate and my bosses! LOL So I'll think of you when I'll eat the chocolate one! Haha!
    I also wish you a wonderful year and I hope you will find the job you want! Good luck on the interview to your son too!
    My greetings and all the best in the new year to your mom as well!

    Enjoy the videos! I really hope you'll like them!
    Love you my dear! Kisses and hugs!

  63. @Dana Yes, please do think of me while you eat the delicious cake. I wonder how you transport the cakes on your bike? I think of you often riding your bike around and I wish I could do that too! There is nothing close enough to me to ride a bike. I will give you a full video report tomorrow. I can't wait to hear the music.

  64. @giffy new year was quite! no report about a boyfriend i´m a happy single girl!
    maybe i have the chance to see him on 23.1 in kitzbühel!i go to there to watch the slalom! i can´t wait!

    oh and i go to ski on thursday by myself in söll, this is the biggest skiresort in austria and only 30 min away from me, i can´t wait, i go to there with my girls! i hope that the weather will be fine!

  65. @Corinna Good, glad you had a happy quiet New Year. Me too! Enjoy Kitzbuhel! I know you are looking forward to it. I'm glad you get to ski this weekend and hope you have good weather for skiing and safe driving too! Enjoy! How much longer for your new car?

    @Dana Sweet dreams, and good night! Happy birthday and many more my dear Sis.

  66. @giffy with much luck in the middle of march my new car is coming!
    we have on thursday bavarian national day! it is only a bavarian and badenwürttemberg national day!
    oh and i count the days down to kitzbühel! i try to make many pics again, but i don´t know if he is going to race the slalom!

  67. @Giffy
    I walk to work, it's very close to my house, so I'll not have to ride my bike with the cakes in my hands! LOL
    You'll have a surprise listening to the music of the videos, hope a pleasant one! You'll see why I say that! Haha!

    Thanks again, Sis! Have a pleasant evening! I'll wait for your report tomorrow! Ha! Hugs!

  68. @Corinna I know you will enjoy your new car when you get to pick it up. I think it will be a Man Magnet. LOL! Do you still have snow in March? I know you will want to keep it ALS white pants. Have a wonderful National Bavarian Day! What do you do to celebrate? Why won't he race slalom? Tell him you'll see him there, and take your flag...

  69. @Dana You're not going to Rick Roll me again are you? I'm glad to know the cakes will be safe. Enjoy! Hope the men in your house will spoil you! Sweet dreams...

  70. @giffy we have "heilig drei könige",

    haha yes i try to keep it clean since it is going to be a white car haha!
    let´s see if this will be a man magnet!

    i have now go to bed, have to work tomorrow!and then on thursday we have national day and on friday i have to work again!

    i think i will let him knowing this just short before kitzbühel! or he read it here! and you know he read the comments here too!

  71. oh i was to fast with posting!

    to everyone have a great evening/night

    *hugs and kisses*

  72. @Giffy
    No Rick Roll you again! haha! Someone else!!!LOL
    Now I really go to bed, it's almost midnight!

    Love you, baby!

  73. @Corinna Good night. I hope you do have a great day tomorrow on Dana's birthday, and a very Happy and Festive National Day too! Yes, I think you are a very smart girl!

  74. @Corinna Epiphany - Three Kings night. We are Lutheran but don't celebrate that anymore. That's a shame isn't it? Do you bake a King cake? I have cake on the brain, again. Enjoy!

  75. @ Dana HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweete!! Love you so very much!!! :D

  76. @ Giffy Long time no see. LOL Nothing new to report from the land of the midnight sun. Here we now have totally darkness 24 hours a day so I can't even braggle about the sun. But I can braggle about the sun though!! LOL We have a hell of a lot of it!!!

  77. @ Giffy I ment braggle about the snow not the sun!! LOL It's 0114 in the night here so I'm getting tired!! LOL

  78. @Giffy I'm going for business management. I think that will be more useful than going to culinary school & relearning what I already know.

  79. @dana.
    Good morning !
    and my dear dana,
    Happy Birthday !
    Wishing you a peaceful & joyful one year !
    Hope you enjoy this special day with your family & friends !
    and, with us !!! Kisses & Hugs !

  80. @Nicoletta.
    Happy Birthday to your loving partner ! Nicolettchen !
    I'm definitely sure that he likes " Adventure " of Davidoff !
    Have a nice and pleasant day with him. my dear Nicoletta !

  81. Mel.
    Sure ! please let us know the time of surgery in the 12th when you are imformed.
    And please take care of you not to catch a cold, Mel, bc if you are not well before the surgery, it will have to be postponed. It's not fun.

    btw, studying business management sounds nice, Mel !

    Hope you have the best preparation for the surgery, and Mel, we're all crossing our fingers for you !

  82. @corinna.
    First, thanks for the link !

    The year of Rabbit is said to be " leap ", and " fruitful ", bc rabbit leaps and has many babies. It also says the year of rabbit is good bc rabbit does not look back.

    The year of Rat ( Mouse ) is also fruitful, and diligent, bc rat is always busy moving very fast.

    Hope you enjoy skiing tomorrow, my dear corinna !

  83. @Ekaterina
    Thank you so much! Of course I'll enjoy this day with you all too!
    Have a nice day, my dear Ekaterina! Hugs!

    Happy Birthday to you partner! Wish you both to have a pleasant day and many years together! Hugs!

  84. @Giffy.
    I'm pleased to hear from you, Giffy !

    I had an unbelievable experience in the much crowded commuter train in one morning. I had a tote bag that time. When I successfully got off the train and started walking to the gate, I was almost frozen to see a box of cigarette and a pack of sandwitch in my tote bag. I'm sure you can easily imagine it, Giffy. ... They were not mine, of course. They simply dropped into my bag from someone's hand or pocket. So, since then, I've not gone out with tote bag.

    looking forward to your report on your trip to Japan after you settle things with your son and have a time, Giffy !

    Hope you feel happy about your son's new job which I hope will be decided soon ! Giffy !

  85. @Dana


    Have a beautiful day and a lot of fun!!

  86. Sorry, DANA,
    that was not my intention to write DANA the small way!!

  87. @Giffy
    Wish you and your familiy a wonderful New Year! And good luck for the finding of a great job for your son.

    I had to laugh bc your comment regarding my words on my partner. Of course, he would be puzzled about me being so wordy about him. But I hope I said a lot of very positive things too.

  88. @Ekaterina

    Thank you so much for your kind wishes to my partner and me.
    At the moment he is still sleeping a good sleep. He has always a very flexible timetable, Ha, Ha.

    I do not know what this day will bring to us, but the sun is shining so much, it looks like going for a walk to the lake, and maybe sitting on a bench for enjoying the scenery.

    Have a beautiful afternoon, Ekaterina, and btw, I am deeply honored to be one of the Diplomatic Corps of Switzerland, even if I go from time to time totally out of topic!! LOL!

  89. @Nicoletta.
    YES ! You are one of the great members of the Diplomatic Corps, Nicolettchen ! and not only of Switzerland, but of International Switzerland. I mean the ultimate mission of the Diplomatic Corps is to pursue nationa's benefit and often put the others under disadvantage. BUT You're the member of the International Diplomatic Corps, IDC which has been born HERE and its code name is " Mel's ", and while the Diplomatic Corps is connected with politics, we IDC is connected with friendship, so we are all safe and peaceful. And you are the member of IDC of Switzerland. How do you think of this idea ? my dear Nicoletta ? ...

    and , I think I'm always busy taking out of topic. ...:-)))

    btw, I'm very happy to see it's sunny day in Zurich today. It must be so wonderful walking to the lake and spend time relaxing with your partner on his special day !

  90. @dana. & @Nicoletta.
    Hope you both have a beautiful day today now !

    Then, talking about our bath culture, I think there are some reasons for us to take a bath in this way.
    1.) Our ancient religion " Shinto " the original religion of our Imperial Family, thinks the most important thing is to clean one's body, or it'll be very impolite to the God of Shinto.
    2.) Our heating system had been poor compared with Europe and the States, so we needed to make our body warm.
    3.) In Edo ( Tokyo was called as Edo until about in 1868 ), we had the water supply for 24 hours a day when even in London water supply was limited to some hours a day in the 17th century. So we could use water as much as we liked to put the warm water in the bathtub.

    Nowdays, nobody thinks about the reason no.1).
    no.2 is partly alive even now, I think. Of course we have a good heating system now and it's comfortable at home during winter. Partly alive means it is good for our health to make our body warm.
    no.3 is sometimes on the social topic nowdays, bc we have to think about the natural resources. But I think Japan is the nation of water, actually it rains a lot, it snows a lot in some area, and we have many rivers and mountains in our land. Of course we have to pay the water charges as you do.
    In Edo, water main and pipe were made of bamboo. We had many bamboos. Bamboo is very strong and has a plenty enough space for water to run inside. As for the matter of natural resources, Japanese are now working hard to make the new system to decrease carbon dioxide to keep the nature healty.

  91. @Nicoletta. & @dana.
    I know Feng Shui and Ying Yong. But it is Chinese pronunciation, and we say Fusui and Inyo. The meaning is the same.
    It is true that Japan has leant so many things from China and Korea former times, I think it was mostly until the 15th century. So we had so many their influence in our culture.
    The city of Edo ( now,Tokyo ) was said to be built on the theory of Fusui ( Feng Shui ). But I think the layout of our bathroom is our original idea.

    btw, do you think Aksel races SL in Zagreb ? I tried the link AM kindly showed us, but I failed.

    let me say again to have a fun today ! my dear dana & Nicoletta ! Hugs !

  92. @AM.
    Thanks for the link in ALS ! AM ! But the link has not been shown in my pc, to my regret...

    Does the article say anything about his broken rib ?

    btw, AM, I understand you have much sun in summer and less sun in winter. and how about the wind ?

    Hope you enjoy the beautiful snow, AM ! and with your good health ! Kisses and Hugs ! Good Night !

  93. @DANA HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweetheart!

    @nicoletta also to your partner happy birthday!

  94. @giffy no cake tomorrow but the kids of the town (that ones who want and were sign in) wear three kings costumes and go from house to house to bless it, they are send out from the church!

  95. First things first.

    @Dana Happy Birthday Beautiful! Hope you had a very Happy Birthday and enjoyed all your presents and cakes. Yum! I was just on ALS looking for your videos and saw AM's post...back soon with more, don't think I sneaked off again.

    @AM LOL! That is called rolling in the hay hair!

  96. @Corinna I love the children's pagents. So cute, it always makes me cry. Is your niece too young to wear a costume?

  97. @Dana My darling Dana. I am getting a new furnance for your birthday and Epiphany. I will soon be warm again. The furnance blew before Christmas and they put some temp "blower" in and just now they have arrived with the replacement and I will have a new one today! On your birthday. Hooray! Still looking for your youtubes.

    @AM You can braggle all you want about sun, snow, or anything else.

    @Mel Management sounds great. I know you're a fantastic baker already. Good luck!

  98. @Corinna & Giffy
    Thank you so much, my ladies! Yes, I had a nice and happy day, but it would been happier if I wouldn't be caught a cold! LOL Or I'm just getting old! :)))
    And I spent so much time on the phone to talk to friends that called to congratulate me! My ears burn and my arms are numb! Haha!

    @Giffy I hope you'll watch my videos till the end of this year! LMAO

  99. @giffy yes my little niece is a way to young to wear a costume like that one of the three kings! she is on the 12 of january going to be 19 month!

    @dana haha so like you told me yesterday about the phonecalls!

  100. @Giffy
    Now I'm sure you'll remember me every time you'll see your new furnance!!! Hahaha!

    If you don't find the links of the vids, I can post them here again for you!

  101. @Corinna Yes, it's the same every year! LOL
    But it's nice to see how many ppl love you, care of you or, at least, remember you!

    We celebrate the Epiphany tomorrow too, but we haven't tradition like yours, we just go to the religious ceremony at the church!
    And on 7th of January we celebrate St. John(Ion), so it's my dad's name's day! LOL We end the year celebrating and begin the new year celebrating!!! LOL

  102. @Dana LOL yes, I hope I see the video's before the end of the year too! I get distracted by the previous entries and the fascinating reading and I forget what I'm looking for. I'm afraid I'll dream about ALS and my hair will be a mess and I won't have a hairbrush. ROFLOL (AM!) I will always be older than you. So no excuses. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Vitamin C. You need some gummi bear vitamins...BRB. :)

  103. @Giffy
    You're so damn right! I didn't think about it, so I have to ask Aksel nicely to bring me some gummi bears! LMAO
    And I thought today that maybe he's working on some videos for my BD, that's the reason he didn't update yet! Hahaha! I'm raving, but I have no fever!!

  104. @giffy haha this dreaming thing is real funny! haha

    @dana maybe he does this!
    haha and this is great ending with celebrating and beginning with celebrating! taht is real good

  105. @Giffy
    Don't be afraid to dream about Aksel! I and the girls that dreamt about him woke up with no messy hair! LOL

    I wonder where he will find pics of me?? LOL

  106. @dana haha maybe he make a vid with private pics of him for you!

    @giffy i also not wake up with messy hairs!

  107. @Dana HA!Ha! I hope he does make a video for your BD you deserve it! I loved the three video's Haruian & you did. The Attack of the Viking, I love the music, who was it? It looks like ALS popped and locked in his skiis in time to the music. I don't know how he can say his skiing isn't beautiful, this video is proof. I think it is! The Fast Strong and Untamed one by Kid Rock, LOL, my neighbor...It's very good. The Movember pictures always surprise me. Good shot of Papa and Gpa S. The Simply H, Joan Jett? Love the zorro beginning and ending. I had to sop and replay several times. Too bad there's no reverse on Youtube. Lots of good photo's I haven't seen. Loved it, well done, Congratulations. Very good. I'm going back to watch them again...then brush my hair!

  108. @Corinna
    WOW!!! You're smart, girl! I can imagine how he looks like in this private pics!! LMAO

  109. @Corinna My hair is always a mess. It says, "I'm ready for anything..." LOL!

    I haven't been on for a long time and now you can't stop my long ranting posts. You'd think I drank champagne for Dana's BD.

  110. @dana and all just for your birthday!

  111. @giffy haha that was a good one! lmao

    so you have drunk the whole champagne bottle alone?

  112. @corinna Yes, I did drink the champagne because I didn't want Dana to drink alone. No comment on the private pics or I'll have to delete my browsing history again.

  113. @giffy are you so naughty about the private pics?!

  114. @Corinna I just don't want Dana to end her birthday in the gutter...And you have a holiday to celebrate!

  115. @giffy i be sure that dana has nothing against to be in the gutter, or dana?

    and i go skiing tomorrow so i have also no problem with the gutter

  116. @Dana Happy Birthday dear!!! Hope you are having a wonderful you!!!


  117. @Giffy
    I'm so happy you like them!!! Honestly!
    The song from "Attack of the Viking" is Lock it Down by Digital Assassins (soundtrack of Fast & the Furious)
    When I said you'll have a surprise I was talking about Kid Rock! You know, it's funny i talk so much about him but i don't know more than2 or 3 songs of him. I chose this one bc I like the lyrics, they fit with the event for which I made the vid.

    Sorry, I had another phone call, from my brother!

    Thank you sweetie! I think it was my happiest BD in the last 3 years! And it's awesome to have you all by my side in a day like this!
    Love you too!

    @Giffy & Corinna
    I'd love to end this day in the gutter! And I'd like to share my champagne with you all, my ladies! It has no fun to drink alone! But I have to warn you that I might start to sing after a couple of cups! LMAO
    But I'll not do the penguin dance! Hehe!

  118. @dana you can sing you can dance, it is your birthday!

  119. @Corinna
    Yes, but I don't want my guests to leave bc of me! Hehe!

  120. @dana i think that they will join you with dancing and singing

  121. @Corinna I think I have to get them drunk before this! LOL
    You better ask Aksel to post the video he made for my BD!!!!! LMAO

  122. @dana look on the other side! haha you know the bright side haha

  123. @Dana I would love to hear you sing! You can do what you want. It's your birthday! And I'm very glad your brother called. IDK I had a step brother. Enjoy!

    @Corinna The bright side is hilarious today! :) Why don't Teekanne and Anja love us anymore?

  124. @giffy haha i don´t know, go and ask them!

  125. @Corinna HaHa! You're smart and funny! Ever since I realized you can google the comments you make on his site I don't post there anymore. Eek! Hope you have a great trip, fantastic skiing, and meet some interesting people apres ski.

    @Dana I have to log off, but wanted to say one last time Happy Birthday. Please enjoy the rest of your birthday. Pleasant dreams, more soon...

  126. @Giffy
    Maybe when I'm sober! Haha!

    Sorry, please translate "IDK" you know my English is not that good! lol

  127. @Giffy
    Thanks! It was so nice to have you here tonight! (night for me!) Hope to see you tomorrow or very soon!
    Love you, Sis!

  128. @giffy what do you mean with google the comments?!

  129. @Dana: you're lovely! haha... perfect mood for your birthday, huh?

    Good old times on ALS blog?? ;-)

    I´m really sorry i didn´t step in that often anymore, but this week is kind of the only week since month that i spend on my couch (mostly bc I'm sick)...
    hope you're all great! :-)

  130. @teekanne i think this evening is real fun! but also we have some other posters on our neck!

  131. @Corinna & Teekanne
    I really have fun with you all! Other posters? Who cares?

  132. @dana haha we hijacked the blog of him tonight! and i think some don´t like it!

  133. @dana what should i tell him?!

  134. @Corinna
    about the private pics!!!! Don't you see what's on the pic? His naked leg!!!! Hahaha!

  135. @dana oh that you mean! but have you seen he heared me, bc of the new post!haha

  136. @Corinna
    Yes, I think you yelled so loud! He! And thanks for telling him!

  137. @dana no prob. for that i be here!
    haha he leave and i come for skiing! haha

  138. @Dana I had to check my furnace guys, and they're doing fine. As a gift, I want to give you a laugh. I give you a youtube video list below. If not, search for the Kings of Leon Dance off 2010. Hope you like it! IDK means I don't know...LOL! The love this guy Chromeo.

  139. @Dana I mean the song they're dancing to is Needy Girl by Chromeo. Gosh you'd think I was drinking...Night!

  140. @giffy do you know this guys on the vid?! and what furnace guys?!

  141. @Giffy
    I'm drunk!!! Now I realized you were talking about my brother!!! LMAO

    Haha! Funny video, thanks for the gift!

  142. @Corinna LOL The guys on the video are the Kings of Leon. I'm getting a new furnace for Dana's birthday.

    @Dana I had a feeling you might be happy, and almost ready for the penguin dance! Maybe you can have a dance contest at your house...

  143. @giffy i don´t know the kings of leon!

  144. @Corinna This is their most famous song: Use Somebody.

  145. @Giffy
    I'm not that drunk to do the penguin dace! LOL

    @Corrina Kings og Leon
    "Use somebody", "Sex on fire", "Notion"... you don't know these songs?

  146. Do you think we can get to 200 comments for Dana's birthday?

  147. @giffy and dana no i don´t know all these songs!

    i have now to go to bed! i catch up my girls tomorrow at 8am to go to skiing! i can´t wait!

    *hugs and kisses* love you all!
    and special dana!

    i wish you all a good night and sweet dreams with messy hairs haha


    and you are all just simply the best!!!!

  149. @Dana HaHa! you got your own post again at ALS. That is a good present. How many times has that happened? I hope you don't have to work tomorrow! LOL!

  150. @Corinna

    Good night, sweetie! Rest well and have an awesome time skiing!
    Watch out what you'll dream about and take care of your hair! LOL
    Love you!

  151. @dana i tell you tomorrow what i dream tonight! i write you then a e-mail! haha!

    oh and i take care of my hairs now problem! haha

    love you and have a great rest evening/night!

  152. Lei dette tullet her!

    I'll tell you all what I dream tomorrow too!

  153. @Giffy Me too! But she said she doesn't care! LOL

    @Corinna Bye, baby! Sleep well! Hugs!

  154. Girls! Thank you all for this beautiful BD!!! I really enjoyed to be here with you and I had a lot of fun! I hope Aksel won't go mad on me for all that stuff about my BD on his blog!LOL
    It's wonderful to know you have good friends all around the world!

    Now I have to go to bed, the party's over for me! Enjoy the evning/night!
    Love you all, my dear friends!

  155. @dana.
    I bet Aksel wanted to join you on your BD party last night, but he couldn't due to that big mark, and instead of coming, he posted that twice, and one for you, dana ! bc if he joined the party and drank, he'll be scolded by his coach ! ...;-))), and our BIG GUY shrinks, shrinks, ...

    Bur seriously speaking, even though the racer has a crash often, Aksel doesn't have a crash so often like that. He has not been back to his top form yet, I think.

    Hope you're free from hangover today, my dear dana !

  156. @corinna.
    Have a happy skiing day, my dear corinna !

  157. girls i be back from skiing!

    haha i had a great funny crashy day! thanks god nothign serious happen, i lost some nerves and my license plate bc i was stock into some snow with my car! but thanks god there where some mens who pull my car out or the snow! that was on the car park! i wanted to park my car and i did it, but i didn´t saw two little holes under my front wheels of the car so i was sliding into them and hit the snowwall before the car!

    the other crash was on the slope i was skiing down, thought on nothing bad and suddenly my skies stopped i felt a hit into my right knee and a hit into my right ribs, then i was looking to my right said and there where a ohter skier, who crossed over my skies and hit me with his/her pole in my right knee and with his/her elbow my ribs! i had a good reaction so i wasn´t fall down! the second crash was on a real icy slope and suddenly there where some powder snow and my skies stopped in the powder and i make a salto and slide a bit down! but the rest of the day was good!

  158. @Corinna

    What a precise report of a "crash" day, Corinna. I was really shocked to read this kind of stories from you!! The last sentence gives me some comfort again: ... but the rest of the day was good!

    Hals und Beinbruch, Corinna!! Take care!!

  159. @nicoletta haha the funniest thing was my salto, bc it wasn´t a real salto, my skies stopped and i was falling into front and was suddenly on my back and again on my front and then i was standing again! with lot of snow under my jacket!
    my license plate is also again on my car, thanks a lot to my dad!

  160. @Corinna

    Ha, Ha, Corinna. Next time somebody should install a hidden camera for you .....! Can you repeat that salto?
    I do not really think so.

    And, ... with a lot of snow under my jacket! That is a good one too.

    As long as we can laugh about, everything is allright.

    Do you ski also tomorrow, Corinna?? I mean ski not doing some salti again. LOL!

    Have a pleasant evening, Corinna.

  161. @nicoletta now tomorrow i have to work again!
    haha i think a camera would be good! and also a sign with "hit me i have nothing against it"

    and i don´t think too that i can´t make a replay of that salto!

  162. @nicoletta and oh yes of course as long as we can laugh about it and i be sure that the ppl around me had something to laugh when they saw me making my salto! haha


    this is the interview from tonight aksel has with universal sports!
    does somebody can maybe download it and post it here?
    it works for me, but maybe some of you doesn´t see it, and i can´t download it i try it but it doesn´t work after download!


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