So I have been avoiding Diana from personnel for about 3 weeks. I had a feeling that they were going to try to screw me. Sorry, let me start from the beginning. The doctor put me on permanent restrictions for work last month. They had me fill out some paperwork for disability. They have their own private disability company. Anyway, they denied it & now I'm on leave with no pay. :-( They have 60 days to find me a position if they don't I'm gone for good. Yeah I hate working for them, but at least I had money. After next pay I don't know if I'm gonna get anything. I don't think I have any personal time left. I may have some sick time, but I don't really know. There is always my vacation time, but I was saving that for Florida. I'm gonna give them a week or two & if they haven't found me another position I'm gonna go apply were my brother-in-law works. Plus there is still no snow. I'm thinking I'm a little depressed...who wouldn't be when your put on permanent restrictions, it's winter & there is no snow & to top it all off your basically out of a job. :-( *bangs head on keyboard* Do you think Aksel would hire me to cook & clean for him? LOL Oh & to make awesome drinks for everybody. ;-)