Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Clothes

I love the new clothes. Though the pants could have been a different color. White is so hard to keep clean. I really love the coat. It's a very lovely shade of robins egg blue. Next to winter spring is my favorite time of the year.


  1. Hi Girls

    What do you think, Aksel poses in a funny way on this picture?? I do not really think he is that much fond of the new clothing!! The whole thing looks a bit feminin in my personal opinion. But the range of tastes is so big like the oceans! LOL

    Dont forget, today the first trainings in Val Gardena-Groeden with results on FIS!!

    Start list DH Training Men:


    Time: 12.15 (CET)

    All important racing dates for the next days:


    We will enjoy some exiting races, I am so much looking forward!!

    Weather in Zurich is very cold -3 until -9 and it is also a little snowing. No sunshine, I cannot recommend it. Brrrr!!!

    Enjoy your lovely plants on your balcony, little strawberry, how nice!! And if you can, the races as well!!!!

    I love the music of your Romanian composer Losif Ivanovici!! I know this music from somewhere and I love especially the Romanian polka because I love polka and walz very much.
    The ideal music while doeing some household work, ironing, etc. This music makes always a good mood!!

    Have a wonderful day and have fun, Girls!

  2. @Nicoletta.
    I have a little break to visit here to talk to you, Nicolettchen ! Cuche is doing marvelous now today ! Aksel is trying his ski, I think, and he is much faster tomorrow. Anyhow I'm so happy about the 1st training run with Cuche !!!
    Now I go back to FIS site. Very much thanks, Nicoletta, for the links of the important information on the races !!!

  3. HalliHallo Ekaterina!!!

    Wow, I am out of my socks because of Didier Cuche. The "old man" is still going very, very strong. He is and stays a kind of Downhill canon. LOL!

    Kroell, Walchhofer and Jaerbyn did impressing results too.

    Aksel has more to show, but he will get better and beter for the real race, I presume!

  4. @Nicoletta
    Haha! I like to listen to music while I'm doing housework or ironing too! Much better if is a happy music, I like to dance beside my ironing board! LOL

    Hope you'll not feel offended if I correct you, his name is Iosif, not Losif Ivanovici.
    And I'm glad you like his music!

    As Ekaterina said I'm so happy bc Didier feels good. He did a great training race today!

    How's your little sister doing? I haven't seen my squirrels for a few weeks, I guess it's too cold for them and maybe they live pretty far from me!

    Have a pleasant day, girls! Hugs!

  5. @Ekaterina

    Please check out some teaser of the Val Gardena racing slope, first a funny one:


    And hopefully you find on the right side some more serious ones. So you updated and familiar with the forthcoming racing dates. Ha, Ha.

  6. @ Hi Dana
    Sorry for the wrong name! Yes dancing is always good! Love it too.

    I am astonished how many racers are joining the training races! But I think Cuche doesn't get beaten anymore. Cool!

    @Ekaterina & Dana
    Have a happy evening or afternoon!

    Greetings Nicolettchen

  7. @Nicoletta. & @dana.
    First of all, I'm sorry I was also mistaken about name of Ivanovici. I understand now Iosif is correct.

    Though I don't know much about the races, I think the top 30 or little more than top 30 racers out of the training run are allowed to take part in the race. Or about 80 racers all take part in ? .....

    Cuche was so fast today, and I feel he is so determined to stand on the podium. Cheers ! D Cuche !

    Aksel was too slow today. I suppose he will run with another equipment tomorrow.

    btw, Nicolettchen, thanks for the link of Val Gardena ( start with PldM9y ----- ), but it does not show in my pc. .....

    and Yes, my baby sister is well and fine. Her daily routine differs everyday, and the recent hour of her " play time " is between 20:00 and 22:00, Japanese time ( 8 hours advance ). You know what I mean. ...;-))). So I was a bit busy checking out the live result of DH training today. Since she became my * real * sister in January, 2004, I've never refused to play with her whenever she wanted. It is actually sometimes difficult, but I manage to do it. So I was running with her while checking FIS site. Luckily I was able to watch the live monitor when Aksel and Cuche ran, but most of the time I ran with her, and watched the pc screen when I ran near my pc. I suppose it will be the same on Thuesday. !

    Have a beautiful evening, dear Nicolettchen and dear dana ! Good night. Hugs !

  8. @Ekaterina

    Ha, Ha, Ekaterina I have copied the name of Iosif Ivanovici from you.

    I did not watch the race constantly today either, but it was quite exiting to see all datas, especially the km/h. Amazing thing!!

    Did you notice, that before Janka and Svindal there was a break. Poor Mario Scheiber had some kind of accident and the training race was interrupted for several minutes. So Aksel and Carlo had to wait and I understand after an accident you have some difficulties to give everything and are not in the same mood again.

    Val Gardena the 2nd:



    Good Night, Ekaterina! Sweet dreams!

  9. Hi Girls

    Some news about the training run of today and about Mario Scheiber. Thanks God the accident was not so serious.

    Sorry, Google translator has to work. All in German!


    Have a beautiful time!
    Hugs & Kisses!

  10. @Nicoletta & Ekaterina
    You don't have to be sorry about that! It's understandable, foreign names are sometimes difficult to pronounce or write! LOL

    I didn't watch the race today, I just saw the results, I didn't know about Mario!

    I'm very tired, I didn't sleep well last night and now I hardly can keep my eyes open! LOL

    Have a nice evening and a restful night, girls! Kisses!

  11. hi girsl!

    how is everyone?

    @nicoletta thanks for the vids!

    i´m a busy girl these days, have to work long, i can´t watch the race on friday bc of work and on saturday i can´t maybe watch it also! bc i go skiing!

  12. oh and i forget

    these new jacket and trousers are cool but i miss the old colourful ones

  13. @Nicoletta.
    Thanks for the link related to Mario Scheiber. It was lucky that his injury seemed to be a minor one.

    and Nicolettchen, thanks for the vids of Val Gardena ! The one starts with " pld " remainds not available, but I could watch the other one starts with " K8d ", and I love it ! So beautiful, isn't it, Nicoletta ! Not only the splendid view in the moutains, but I'm also fond of the atmosphere of the town !

    As for 2-day training run in the downhill, I think Aksel reserves himself for the coming 3-day battle. His strategy for the next 3 races seems going very well.

    btw, it's very cold in Val Gardena with -15C !

    Have a pretty nice evening, Nicolettchen ! Hugs !

  14. @dana.
    How are you, dana ? Did you sleep well last night ? .....

    btw, I become to think it's convenient for me to follow the race, bc it starts at night in Tokyo. I think it is not always easy for European people to watch the race in the morning or early in the afternoon. But of course you can watch VTR later and I think it nice, dana !

    Have a lovely evening in snow, dana ! Hugs !

  15. @corinna.
    ...so, you ski at the same time Aksel skis on Saturday, corinna ! That's great !

    Have a nice evening, corinna ! Hugs !

  16. @Ekateria
    I'm fine, thank you my dear Ekaterina! But unfortunately I didn't sleep well in last nights! I hardly fall asleep in the midnight and I wake up too early, though I have time to sleep. I think I sleep about 5-6 hours a night and during the day I'm tired and sleepy!

    How do you know here's snowing? :-))) It was very cold today and now it's snowing big snowflakes! It's like in a fairytale!

    The races tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be at 1:15 pm my time! And Sunday the race is earlier, at 10:45 am my time. So I'll watch them!
    I can't wait to see Aksel in action!

    Now I'm watching a handball game Romania-Russia but we already are qualify on the semifinals of the European Champs! The other three teams in the semifinals are Scandinavian: Norway, Denmark and Sweden! LOL

    Good night and sweet dreams Ekaterina! Hope tomorrow Aksel will be as fast as we know he can be!! I wish him to win a place on the podium!

  17. @ekaterina haha i think we go to skiing on saturday before 9am so we can ski the whole day! i can´t wait for it! i love to ski!

    have a great evening!

  18. Does everybody have their shopping done & all the presents wrapped? Are your houses all decked out? Lights & christmas balls on the tree? Are your cookies baked & iced? Candies made? We are baking the sugar cookies today & icing them Sunday. I have to bake my candy canes & milk & white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies. Plus I have to bake some Amish Friendship Bread. I hope that everyone is ready for Christmas.

  19. @Mel.
    ... not finished yet ... just call me lazy, Mel ! ...;-)))...
    I hope the next 7 days are kind enough for me to finish !
    In Japanese tradition, the New Year Day (Jan.01)seems the most important day with lots of preparation. So after we enjoy the busy days until Christmas, we'll have another busy days within the year. Then we finally start the new year holidays.

    How's your shoulder, Mel ? ...

  20. @dana.
    You once said you have snow in winter in Campina and that's why I imagined it snowed there. ...;-)))

    Hope you have a good sleep with good quality. I've heard the athlete like Aksel sleeps 8 - 9 hours a day to recover from daily tough physical work, however I'm not sure. ... ANyhow I do wish you, dear dana, enjoy a comfortable sleep.

    I've known from your talk with AM that handball is popular in your countries. In Japan, we don't hear about it so often. Probably I've never seen the game even in TV. ...!!!... I guess it is something mixed with basketball ( run and move ) and soccer ( goal ).

    btw, this morning my father talked to me to dine out together tonight. omg ! the race !
    Although his schedule is still pending, if he wants to, I think I have to dine out with my dad. So, maybe I check the result after I'm back.

  21. @dana.
    I clicked " post " accidentlly. sorry !

    Have a nice day, dear dana !

  22. @Ekaterina
    Thanks, I slept well last night! I even dreamt something but I don't remember! LOL

    Yes, handball is very popular here and we really have a good team (I'm talking about girls). You're right,it's "run and move" like in basketball but you haven't a basket and "goals" like in soccer but you don't have to touch the ball with your foot!
    It's a game with a lot of action and I like it!
    Here's a link with a few minutes from a handball game to get you an idea:

    So nice from your dad to invite you for a dinner tonight! Have a pleasant evening!
    You can see Aksel's next race!

    Wish you a nice and happy day! See you later, my dear Ekaterina! Hugs!

  23. @ALL.
    Please let me know what happened on Aksel !?

  24. @Ekaterina

    Today was a really bad day for Aksel and also for his fans. He absolutely gave everything and he was attacking Michael Walchhofer (the best of today). Aksel had a sensationel start and were even faster then Michael with some seconds. Then this aweful mistake happend and he did not got the curve properly and struggled. He did not fall gravely, gave immediatly a sign with the hand and stood up quickly.

    Hope Aksel is fine for the next two races mentally and physically there is now problem I presume.

  25. @Nicoletta.
    Thank you very much for the information about DNF of Aksel, Nicoletta !!

    I was back home when it was in time for Cuche's run, and kept checking the FIS site. As soon as Aksel started, I almost felt Aksel would finish faster than Walchhofer, and suddenly red DNF was indicated on the screen. I waited for minutes and saw the next started and thought Aksel was not in the serious trouble. And now I understood what happened to him by your detailed text, Nicolettchen !!!

    It was also my surprise that 14 racers were DNF.

    Reading your report, Nicolettchen, I become to think Aksel is OK both physically and mentally and he is much more determined for DH tomorrow.

    Have a nice Friday afternoon, Nicoletta ! and thanks again !

  26. @Ekaterina

    I am happy, after reading Aksel's blog entry. He is even making jokes. That is a very good sign. So everything is fine and we can looking forward to tomorrow's race!!

    Good night, Ekaterina and have sweet dreams!

  27. @corinna.
    Have a wonderful Saturday, corinna ! in YOUR Piste !

  28. @dana.
    Thank you, dear dana for the link of handball ! It's so fun ! and I thought the goal keeper of handball has to work hard, because the shoot is hit from very short distance.

    yes, I watched the fis site from Cuche's run last evening after I enjoyed awesome dinner with my dad. It is a Japanese restaurant and I was thinking it would be nice if we all ladies in Mel's blog have a dinner together in that restaurant someday. ... !!!

    btw, dana, I have a quite mysterious happening today. My friend and I planned to have lunch in DARIE today and I was also going to ask them about sarmale. As you see, I made a call to DARIE a few weeks ago, and the restaurant person was so kind to me. But today, when we arrived at DARIE shortly before noon ( it opens from 11:30 ), the door was locked. There was no notice of close or anything else, so we called DARIE from in front of it, and no answer. We did not understand what happened !? My friend and I talked about calling it later again.

    Anyhow, it is the very season fo sarmale, and I'm not in a hurry.

    Before it, looking forward to DH today !
    Have a lovely weekend, dear dana !

  29. @Nicoletta.
    That's very good Aksel is OK, and I'm excited to watch -&+ figures and km/h. If you have a chance to watch TV live, please let me know what was like, Nicoletta !
    Have a beautifl weekend, Nicolettchen !

  30. Hi Girls, how are you today??

    We have a lot of snow nearly 20 cm new snow. Everywhere it is white, exept of the streets, there is a brownish sauce! LOL

    Oh, I would be so happy to join you to the Japanese Restaurant. Is it that kind with the cook in the middle, and the guests are sitting around him? That would be absolutely great!!

    This japanese cooks are preparing such wonderful, fresh food in front of the people, and some of this cooks make even jokes.

    Yes, Ekaterina I will watch the race and give you some comment. Yesterday I could watch it while working, but as I started to comment for you, I had one phone call after the other.

    Yesterday I saw the summary of sport news on SF TV. I am still not happy that you do not succed with this video.
    Let's have another trial.


    On the right hand, there are some short videos, you could click them. Take no. 3 Super G der Männer in Gröden, 03.41 min.

    If it is still not possible, we have to accept it.

    See you later, Ekaterina.

    To those who can follow the race in any variation, have fun! I think Aksel will be fine today. Good luck, Aksel!!

  31. @Ekaterina

    Another link, starting with Aksel!!!!


  32. @Ekaterina

    I hope you could also watch the DH race of today. It was an
    absolutely amazing and very exiting race.

    The weather in Groeden is excellent, cold minus 15, but good sight and sunny.
    The DH slope is absolut fun, you see hudge jumps, and racers are very fast. A big challenge for all racers.

    There were so many real cracks running down the slopes. Look at the Rankings. The results are very thight.


    The "oldies" Cuche (3), Jaerbyn (7) and Walchhofer (5) showed incredible runs today. But Silvan Zurbriggen (1) and Romed Baumann (2) were excellent!!

    Impressive runs also from Kroell (4) and Janka (8).

    Aksel showed a solid run, and he must have felt his blue parts while jumping. So he did well (around 20).
    Forgive me, the race is not yet finished, but I presume there will not be a lot of big changes anymore.

    Have a beautiful weekend, and maybe you have time to follow tomorrow the next exiting race at Alta Baldia!!

    Have fun girls!

  33. @Nicoletta.
    Thank you very much ! for the report on DH, Nicolettchen !!!
    Yes, I checked FIS site live and felt it was a truly close and tight race, 12 racers were within +1.00. and from the great winner Zurbrigen to the 5th Walchhofer were within 0.50.! So +1.85 was too slow and, Aksel and we have to accept the 26th. The world of alpine ski race is a world of 1/100 seconds ( 0.01 ).

    dear Nicoletta, it is so helpful for me to imagine the real race by reading your explanation of the course and weather, and your impression of the race.

    I presume Aksel has a pain with muscle. During 2 Training Run,I suppose he checked the course and made a final strategy, but it seems it didn't react as he imagined. I hope a quick recovery from the crash yesterday.

    I'm a bit sleepy, Nicolettchen. See you tomorrow.

    @all ladies.
    Have a great weekend !!!

  34. @ekaterina unfortuntaly i wasn´t skiing today bc i going to be ill! my throat is hurting and my head is hurting!

    @nicoletta today for dinner we had a swiss "käsefondue" real tasty i love the swiss food, like "raclette" or "käsefondue" or "schweizer rösti und geschnetzeltes"

    @mel how do you feel? does this lawyer had helped you? or do you have still problems with your work?

    @all have a great evening and cross your fingers for aksel tomorrow

  35. @Corinna
    Sorry to hear about your throat sore and headache! Take care Corinna, and look after you!!

    Try to see it the positive way, staying at home while watching the race is the 2nd best possibility.

    Yes, Swiss food is great. Especially during the Winter cheese fondue and raclette are very popular.

    You know, we have in the middle of Zurich a restaurant with the name "Swiss Chuchi".
    It is always fun to see the tourists eating Fondue on the terrasse of the restaurant during Sommer when it is really warm weather around 30 degrees! But I am always happy to see that people are enjoying it!!

    Good night! See you tomorrow.

  36. @corinna.
    How is your throat, corinna ?
    I think the same way as Nicoletta. You can enjoy watching the race at your sweet home, and I hope Aksel runs today's GS for you, corinna !
    But seriously talking, I'm not sure if he runs, because his " a little blue " might be a little worse after running DH yesterday and might need a few days off for next week. Of course Aksel always knows the best and he is used to managing a hurt.

    So, corinna, please have a good rest to recover from a cold. I think there are still some months for you to enjoy skiing. Until about when is it possible to ski in your area, corinna ? ...

  37. @Nicoletta.
    Surely you are very much welcome to Japanese restaurant in Tokio, dear Nicoletta !
    The reastaurant I visited last Friday is a different type from one you know about. The restaurant you mentioned is not Japanese traditional style and it was originatively produced for the foreign guests. The Japanese restaurant in Berlin which I take my German friends to while I stay in Berlin is this type.
    It's sometimes like a show, isn't it ? and I think the main meals there are grilled in the center of the table. But the one I visited last Friday is more like Japanese original that means various kind of meals by various ways of cooking in various shape of the plates and so on. So I imagine when I take you there, every time the plate is brought, you become so excited, and once you eat it, you become so quite, because it tastes really good !

    And, Nicolettchen, I like Cheese Fondue, too. But to my regret, there are not so many restaurant which serves it in Tokyo. It is true that Japanese people likes cheese, butter, and white wine. But I think cheese and butter are a bit expesive here. Last summer in Berlin, I accompanied my German friend to the grocery. She bought 1kg of fresh and excellent quality of butter, and paid less than 8 Euro. If I buy the same butter 1kg, I think I have to pay 32 Euro in Japan. and cheese is much more expensive than butter in my country. Of course we have a butter and cheese from our domestic product and they are not so expensive, but not as good as in Europe, especially cheese, I think.

    Have a nice Sunday, Nicolettchen !
    If you can watch the race, I'd be happy with your report. ... ( thanks in advance ! ) I check FIS site live.

  38. @dana.
    Everything is OK with DARIE, dear dana ! I called it last evening and knew that DARIE had a sudden order of catering yesterday. I'm going to visit DARIE tomorrow for a lunch.

    It has been colder and colder in Tokyo, and it's normal, but seems still warm enough for my strawberries, dear dana.
    These days I've been busy with the seasonal matters and I think all the rest of us are the same. It's December. Tomorrow on the way to or way back DARIE, I visit the flower store to order the flower baskets for 4 families which have been quite familiar with us. It's my favorite things to do in December. It's so fun talking with the flower store person about the concept, tone of colour, which kinds of flowers, and the whole impression of the flower basket. It may be easy to order the same flower baskets for 4 different families, but I'm fond of think and order 4 differnt and respective ones.

    Let's enjoy today's GS together, dear dana !!!
    and Have a beautiful Sunday in holy white !

  39. @Nicoletta.
    I'm just aware that I didn't talk about the link.
    Thanks for the links, dear Nicoletta ! But videoportal.sf.tv is not available for my pc...

  40. @Ekaterina
    Hello my dear Ekaterina!
    I just watched Aksel on his first run and he was very good, more confident and fast! For the moment is on third place, but I guess you already know it!

    I'm glad you may go with your friends to Darie for lunch and I hope you'll order sarmale! And more than that I hope you'll like them! lol

    Here is very cold too, especially by night, we had about -15*C! But we also have snow and I like it!
    I'm glad there is warm enough for your strawberries. Have them turned red?

    So nice from you to order flowers for the ppl you are familiar and close! When we visit someone in this period of Christmas we usually bring flowers pot, especially Poinsettia.
    Yesterday I sent the Christmas cards to my relatives and friends!

    I keep my fingers crossed for Aksel's second run! Hope he will be on the podium!

    Have a happy afternoon my dear Ekaterina! Hugs!

  41. Hi Girls, everyone in race fever???

    Here a short summary about the conditions in Alta Badia:

    All racers were transported by helicopter to Alta Baldia.

    - very ici, sleepery slope, material of ski (set up) very important. The slope has never much sun.

    - extreme difficult and demanding

    - at the beginning very steep about 53 %, at the end more flat

    - my speaker said: some racer are like from an other planet today, because of the extreme different results.

    - and he mentioned about Aksel: Though guy, RESPECT! He was racing all three races, and despite of his blessures he did today a wonderful job!!!

    - Dani Albrecht made a little mistake, but could easily finish the race, so far it is ok for him.

    Enjoy the the 2nd run!! Exiting race today, I like it!

    Really curious what Aksel can do in the 2nd?? Good luck, Aksel!

    Hugs & kisses!

  42. @dana, & @Nicoletta.
    I watched the monitor and found Aksel was the 3rd(+0.80) in the 1st run. Thanks for your information, dear dana & Nicoletta !
    And Nicolettchen, your text makes me imagine and enjoy the 2nd run much much better !
    and my dear dana, three tiny strawberries look proud of being pretty red now.

    See you later. The 2nd run starts in one hour !

  43. @Nicoletta, @dana, @corinna,
    @ladies who was sitting in front of TV.

    I think Aksel did his best, but he ran slow in the 2nd run, the 19th out of 30 racers. Maybe a little blue still hurts him. But that's OK, bc he can rest for a few days before the DH training starts. I'd be pleased if you let me know of your impression of his 2nd run just some minutes ago.

    Have a nice afternoon !

  44. @Ekaterina
    Unfortunately I didn't watch the second run on tv, only on FIS site bc on Eurosport they broadcast biathlon! So I don't know more than you know! LOL
    Anyway I'm sorry for Aksel, I know he wanted more than that! He's in a great shape, but I don't know how's his moral! Or maybe that "little blue" is not so "little" and hurts!

    Have a pleasant Sunday evening, dear Ekaterina!

  45. Hi Dana & Ekaterina

    That was a very exiting 2nd run. After a very fast crack, the next crack was on the run and had even better results!

    I would say, Aksel tried to be on the safe side, not totally attacking, and not risking to much. He was also slightly slipping on the slope, the speaker mentionned.
    But the speaker said also, Aksel has a wonderful technic to coope with that.

    He was again saying that Aksel might still feel his blue parts, and obviously Aksel's crash were more intensif that it looked like. I think the blue parts are rather big!! and Aksel is a tough guy.
    With his 7th place, he was pretty good today.

    I presume Janka (26th)did exactly that, what Aksel wanted to avoid, taking to much risk. He had also problems with the ski setup and could not control them properly, so he made a big mistake and lost a lot of time.

    But the highlight of today was the 2nd run of Leif Kristian Haugen. He was getting for several minutes on the 1st place. His face were just one big laughing and he was totally happy. With his red hair and beard he looked amazing. It is a very good result for him to reach the 11th place.

    Ted Ligety was again the super crack. Wonderful, he is THE slalom specialist of this season!

    Several French and Italian racer showed impressive runs the last 3 days, today Cyprien Richard (2th) and Thomas Fanara (3th) were today doing an excellent job.

    Cuche (4th) saved the team result of the Swiss, he was also great.

    Wish you a pleasant Sunday afternoon or evening!

    Hugs & Kisses!

  46. Correction:

    Aksel finished with the 6th place and had bib number 7!!!!

    Sorry, Girls!

  47. @dana.
    From my impression I get from - & + figures in the FIS site, Ted chooses the race he mostly concentrates, and he ran very fast and sharp.

    My dear dana, I'm not at all the specialist in the alpine ski race, but so long as I know, the posture of the ski racer helps us understand how he or she is going on. The posture is crouching style and it is the very thing racers try to polish to win, bc it is the most important element in aerodynamics in the alpine ski race. The best crouching style is close to the ground as possible as he can. It requires the strong strenght of muscle, the good sense of balance, and the patience like an iron. And it is almost the same as the downforce in the motor car race. So, dear dana, if you have a chance to watch the race video, please check his posture in the race, and if possible, please compare his with Ted's. Besides the posture, there is one more important element. It is how much the skis flop. If the skis look like still, it's OK, bc if they flop, they lose the speed.
    I think that's all I know about the alpine ski race, dana. and my conclusion of Aksel's latest 3 races is he may not be in good shape even before the crash, I mean at least he is not in the best shape. But we don't have to worry so much about this, bc there are more races coming and Aksel is better and better, I believe so.

    btw, my dear dana, the flower pot of poinsettia is also popular and welcom in Tokyo, and also the pot of cyclamen.

    And it is beautiful you posted Christmas cards, dana. I'll do it tomorrow. and please wait for my report on DARIE.

    Hope you have a joyful Christmas week, my dear dana ! Hugs !

  48. @Nicoletta.
    Thank you very much ! for the great report of the race, Nicolettchen !!!
    Yes, I presume that Aksel wanted to try attacking, but he couldn't for some reasons, maybe due to the blue parts.
    And as for Janka, I was a bit upset with the result, and now I understood by your report that the setup did not meet, but he took risk more than he could today.
    And Cyprien Richard and Thomas Fenara made me so excited today. I think we can expect lots of heros in this season. Cuche is really professionable. and Ted Ligety. I felt he was overwhemming from FIS site today. He is one of the close American friends of Aksel, isn' he ? ... and Leif ran very great in the 2nd run.
    ...and... I'm so happy that Dani ran today. I don't mind about the time, bc he is apparently on the best way to recover from the nightmare. When do you think he will run, dear Nicoletta ?

    Have a nice evening, and a great new week of holy Christmas, my dear Nicoletta ! Good night. Hugs !

  49. @Ekaterina
    I don't know much about alpine skiing either! But I've learned more since I follow Aksel's blog!
    Our commentators said on the first run that Aksel has a great technique and he's a massive athlete-which is a good thing!

    I always check his posture in the race and I like to see his moves in slow motion! It's very interesting to watch the position of his body and the position of his skis when he changes the direction! He uses his weight to get speed. I love to watch him in action!

    Oh, my dear Ekaterina, my mom loved cyclamen! Thanks for reminded me of her this way!

    Have a nice time at DARIE tomorrow, I can't wait you to tell me your impression! I really do!

    Wish you a happy next week too!
    Good night and sweet dreams! Kisses and hugs!

  50. @nicoletta and ekaterina thank you girls!
    i´m feeling better today!

    i watched the race on orf1 and the commentator said before aksels second turn that he talked to him in the break and that aksel said to him: what icy? no it isn´t icy today!!

    such a great guy!

  51. @Dana
    You have really cold with minus 15 degrees, Dana! I saw on TV that a lot of European countries have much snow and cold temperatures. And therefore aeroplanes got into troubles with delays, etc., and Aksel got lost in Munich, Ha, Ha!

    Regarding weather in Zurich, we make again the zig-zag. This week it will be around 4 degrees, and on Sunday evening it was getting warmer and warmer, and we had little storms and rain. This morning snow has disappeared.

    I can imagine and perfectly understand, that you have much more elegant, and of course several fine variation of restaurant in Japan.

    Restaurant "Swiss Chuchi" is kind of tourist trap too.
    But I regret, we have just a few Japanese Restaurant in the way I told you and they are extremely expensive.

    It is interesting that cheese and butter in Japan are so expensive. I did not know that. I presume it has the reason that in Germany, Austria, Denmark, France, England as well in Switzerland, they have a lot of cows producing milk. You can see it if you drive through these countries, with all the huge fields and all the cows. Switzerland has small fields if you compare, maybe more cows???

    It is funny, but I eat every day cheese. I love different ones, typical Swiss cheese like Tilsiter, Gruyere, Emmentaler, Bündner Bergkäse, etc. but also Feta (sheep cheese)and Mozerella, as well as Camenbert and other French cheese. Sometimes I prefer cheese to meat.

    Now I have to make a break and I wish to come back to your interesting remarks to differnt styles of skiing. That was a very interesting report, Ektaterina.

    Have a good time! See you later...

  52. @Ekaterina

    I am coming from reading Aksel's new blog entry and I most say, it is always interesting to learn how ski racers are living during the races and how their live in general is.

    There are obviously a lot of ups and downs regarding training possibilities, weather conditions as well as different hotels and appartments.

    So I dare to say, Aksel had not the best possibilities to train on skis the last couples of month, so he is not yet in his absolute bestform. But because he loves his profession, and is mentally and physically a very strong person, I think everything is possible for the upcoming races.

    Regarding different styles of bodies of the ski racer, it is so much fun to compare their styles. I am especially astonished about Bode Miller and Ted Ligerty, this two American have a wonderful style in my opinion. They combine strenght with beauty and they are quick in their movements and they are rather dancing over the slopes. LOL!

    You can say every Nation has his own style and some racer look nearly the same. But Aksel is totally different, I would say you cannot compare him with anybody else. Aksel is unique, and I am admiring to see his massive body gliding on the slopes. He can be very fast and is despite of his size very agile and has immense strenght. Only Didier Cuche makes nearly kind of the same impression to me.

    Today I read an amazing article about cabine hotels in Osaka (in the main railway station area). Very funny story, Ekaterina!
    This kind of hotels are only for men, mainly the one how have missed a train.
    Everything is there, huge flat TV, internet access, and the room is so small, you have nearly no space to make a mess. (You know what I mean!!)

    The rooms have only kind of stiff curtains, no doors and you cannot lock it up. You have only the possibility to lay a little bag under the bed, and there is a little safe. And you get alredy a kind of pijama, toothbrush, soap, etc.

    Huge Japanese bathing zone is also there, incl. massage, etc. and prices seem to be rather cheap.

    I wonder if in the later future we have these cabine hotels in Zurich too?

    Have a wonderful evening and a pleasant pre-Christmas week, Ekaterina.

    Hugs & Kisses

  53. @dana. & @Nicoletta.
    First, let me please report my health condition.
    On last Sunday, in the crowded city, I remembered something heavy of someone's hit my neck badly, but I didn't care at all, bc I had no pain. And I spent rest of Sunday in good health condition as always, from evening ( Tokyo time ) I enjoyed GS with you exciting as you see, then went to sleep.
    But on Monday ( yesterday ), when I woke up and was about to get out of my bed, a sudden dizziness assaulted me and I felt quite uncomfortableness in my neck. The long story short, I couldn't walk in normal way due to dizziness. Then, my father's house keeping woman took me to the doctor. According to doctor, I hurt the part of my neck which works with the nerve in the ear part, and these part is working the balance of the body. And he said my neck hurt itself was not serious but it took some days to recover completely, so to stay at home until I found I had a normal balance. And he prescribed the loxonin tape which is popular remedy against inflammation in Japan. He also gave me an intravemous drip of feeding, bc I could not eat anything because of sick due to dizziness.
    So I went to bed 18:00 putting loxonin tapes on my neck and around, slept, slept, and slept for 12 hours. When I woke up 06:30, I still have a dizziness, but not as bad as yesterday.
    But I could't eat breakfast, only had three forks of cake. and I put another new loxonin tapes on my neck and rested in my bed for a while, and now around 11:00 here, I feel better than this morning.
    As it is one of the busiest period of the year, I'm a bit disappointed with my sudden health condition now, bc I have to make several cancellation in Christmas week. But I think I'd better listen to my doctor to rest for a while. Actually the loxonin tapes are working so well, so the dizziness is weaker and weaker, but my doctor told me to wait until I feel no more even a slight dizziness.

    So I could't even sit in front of my pc yesterday, but I can today.

    I just take a look at my baby sister whom my dad's house keeping woman taking care of, and later in the afternoon, I'm back here. Because, my body is in such a trouble, out of control nearly, but at the same time I'm very fine, I mean inside of my heart and mind.
    See you later !

  54. @dana.
    I feel fine, much much better than a few hours ago. The loxonin tape is just super. Although I still have a small portion of meals, I had a small piece of cake, 1/2 apple, and one small cup of yogurt, and a cup of tea for a lunch. My doctor prescribed only loxonin tape abd no medicine to be taken.

    Yes, I learned most of things about the ski from ALS, as you do, dear dana. There are lots of new things to me, too. Especially for a person like me living in Tokyo where it does not snow often !
    I think of your mother whenever I see the cyclamen, my dear dana. In Japan, besides the standard cyclamen, the mini-cyclamen has been so popular and it is tough for a low temperature ( at least in Tokyo though... ), so many people put it in the garden, and I have 4 different colour of mini-cyclamen in the garden with my " strong " strawberry. I think the big pot of a standard cyclamen soon arrives my house, as my friend sent it to me every year around Christmas.

    Hope you enjoy the beautiful days, my dear dana, and of course with a good health.
    I think I've been a little tired without noticing, so such an accident of hitting neck brought a hell day of yesterday.
    My baby sister is a good girl indeed. She is sleeping and gives me a rest. ...
    I'm going to visit DARIE next week. I think it becomes winter in Tokyo at last, so it will be truly winter when I start with a pair of the pickled cabbage !
    Have a nice day, my dear dana !

  55. @Ekaterina
    Oh, my dear Ekaterina, I didn't know what happens to you, I thought you're busy, not in a bad health condition! I'm so sorry for you! But I don't understand what hit you on your neck? I mean someone hit you on purpose or it was an accident in the crowd?
    Good for you to go to the doctor! Rest as much as you need and take care of you, sweetie!
    We use that kind of tapes for pain, I don't know if they are loxonin too bc is written in Japanese! LOL

    So cute your little sister, she's a good girl and stay quietly to let you rest!

    I know just two colors of cyclamen-the ordinary one and white. And thank you so much for thinking of my mom!

    Talk to you later, now I have to go to work! Please, take care of you and recover quickly, we need you here! Hugs and kisses!

  56. @Nicoletta.
    I'm back here after a lunch, feel better now.
    When I moved my head, I felt dizzness in this morning, but it's almost OK now. I can't even believe what happened on me yesterday, it was really like a nightmare... I thought I knew the neck is the important part of the body, and I think about it again.

    and yes, I also think the same as you, Nicolettchen. Aksel is unique. I think Didier Cuche and Aksel both weigh around 100kg, but they react very agile in skiing especially in the race. These technique have been gained through long-year hard training and I also suppose they are a kind of sense which they've had since childhood.
    and, though I don't have many opportunities to watch the races, I understand every national team has its own policy or tactics decided by the head coach, and their form often look alike.
    I'm looking forward to seeing DH in Bormio about how much speed Aksel can get. I guess he'll be much better after a good rest with his family ( and possibly with Julia )in Oslo.
    For me, I think I was lucky I got sick yesterday, not the race's day...

    It's true Japan is a nation of less consumption of milk, and there is a reason, that is, we Japanese started eating beaf, pork, butter, cheese, cream ( milk, too ) from very late of 19th century. Until that time we had only Japanese food, like rice, otofu, something like that, and before the end of WWII, the western meals belonged to the very limited high society people. Now we can eat any Wetern foods, but the cheese still remains very luxury items. Japanese dairy farm has been trying to produce the good product, but I've never been contented with them, so I buy imported foreign prodct of cheese, but Japanese government put high tax on it to protect the Japanese dairy farm, that's why the cheese remains very luxury items in my count.

    and as for " cabine hotel ", it is also called as " capsule hotel ". bc when it first started business, it did not give good service as now. At first it was only a place of a small container inside the building and costed much more cheaper. and it developed like one you talked about in Osaka. There is also one cabine hotel near Ebisu station. In Japan, cabine hotel is accepted for poor business people normally, but I think " demand & supply " becomes bigger, bc the recent cabine hotel gives good service, so not so poor business people who hated cabine hotel before changed their attitude and some of them stay there. But of course the successful business people never stays there because they have a pride which makes them avoid from staying there, naturally.

    Hope you have a pleasant days of Christmas week, my dear Nicolettchen !

    When I saw the pic of the last ALS, it made me sick. ...:-)))... If I'm in good health, I think I posted some comment as usual,but it really made me sick... So I think I like to wait for his new entry and hope the next new one is not from " Mr. Messi ".....

  57. @Ekaterina

    Dear Ekaterina,

    I am very concerned about your accident with the neck. And I am glad to hear that you are in good doctor's hands and are taking good care of you.

    I missed you very much, also on Aksel's site, but did not think such things like illness etc.

    It is good, you seem to be a patient and understanding girl and I hope you will recover soon. Take care, Ekaterina!!

    Regarding the capsule hotel, I thought it might be that way you have explained. It was more a little joke because of messi Aksel. There, he would have no space to mess up the floor! LOL!

    Today I have to go to the dental hygienist. I dont like that, but she is like a girlfriend to my and we are laughing a lot.

    Have a beautiful day, Ekaterina eventually with your baby sister, and stay as quiet you can.

    And please do try to eat something.

    Hugs & Kisses!

  58. To all girls!

    Have a pleasant and not too busy time before Christmas Holidays!

    Wish you a great day!

  59. @dana.
    Thank you so much, my dear dana, for warm-hearted words !!!
    It was purely an accident, I think. And when something heavy hit my neck, I moved improperly almost simultaneously, and I twisted my neck, and what was worse, it seemed I twisted the same part during sleep that night, and I met the nightmare next morning. So there is no " a little blue " on my neck in spite of being hit. I'm so glad the loxonin tape works so well.
    and my dear dana, in Japan it sells various kind of the tape against pain in the pharmacy, but the loxonin is only available by doctor's prescription. I suppose Aksel put something like loxonin tape on the part of a little blue after a crash, because loxonin tape is good for inflammation.

    The 4 colour of my mini-cyclamen in the garden are red, pink, purple, and mix of red & white with more frill. I like red cyclamen most and I think red poinsettia is the best, too. Recent years in Japan, pink poinsettia called " dolce rosa " has become also popular and I think it nice, but my image of Christmas is red poinsettia and red cyclamen. and I'd like to add my favorite from this season " florile dalbe "......., thanks to you, dear dana !

    Have a beautiful evening with full of joy, my dear dana ! Hugs & kisses !

  60. @Nicoletta.
    Thank you so much, my dear Nicoletta, for heartfelt words !!!
    Hour by hour I feel fine, and I had some meal for dinner, and I could play with my baby sister for an hour tonight ! She knows I feel better, but tonight she judged my condition, so she was not so " wild ". Seek & hide, run and chase, those two are her favorite and she always decide which is to seek or which is to run, and she often changes it during play ..... and of course she likes play with me using toys.

    As for capsule hotel, yes there are no space to mess up, but before that I think Aksel is a little TOO BIG to stay there. In Japan, there are not so many men as tall as Aksel. ...;-)))

    and visiting dental hygienist is also highly recommended in Japan, bc the Health Ministry has a policy of 20/80. It means 80 years old person has 20 own teeth and

  61. @Nicoletta.
    sorry, I touched wrong tab and could not continue in the last text.
    ...and to accomplish it people has to start visiting dental hygienist, BUT everyone hesitates to do so, bc they don't like it ! So I think it is so nice you met a good dental hygienist !

    Aksel has not updated his blog yet....messy one...

    Hope you enjoy a lovely evening , my dear Nicolettchen, and in good health for Christmas ! Hugs & kisses. Now I go to bed putting loxonin tape. Good night.

  62. @Ekaterina
    I'm so happy you feel better! Wish you to recover completely very soon! But for this you have to rest and eat properly, my dear Ekaterina!

    I imagine you playing with your little Ekaterina! LOL I think you both have a lot of fun together! I remember one cousin of mine had a little cat called China and I liked to keep her in my hands to hear her purring! Haha! She was a tabby cat, so cute!

    Yes, now I remember I saw red cyclamen too! I like these flowers, they are so delicate!

    Thank you, the same to you, but I'm really busy these days! I have a lot of things to do for Christmas, you know how it is! LOL

    @Nicoletta and Ekaterina
    Wish you beautiful pre-Christmas days in good heath and joy! I'll try to visit you here as often I can! Kisses and hugs!
