Friday, September 17, 2010

So Pretty

I was sitting outside the doctors office waiting for my sister to come pick me up. I was watching the sky & I thought St Joe's against the slate grey sky would make a great photo. It would be even better if all those building weren't in the way. :-) This is just the perfect fall/winter sky...well for Ohio.


  1. @mel great pic, looking real good

  2. @Corinna Thanks I do try.

    What the heck is going on over at ALS? I feel a fight brewing again.

  3. @mel i don´t know what is going on. but i also don´t care what this anon person say. i totally ignore her/him

  4. @corinna i don't care what they say either, but it's so not nice to come in & start a fight with people.

  5. @mel yes that´s true,and they start always a fight bc of nothing. just bc they don´t want that someone say something. in my opinion is this girl/boy a real poor one, bc they hide behind the anon sign and be strong about this. but i be sure when she/he would use his right name, that she/he would be real tiny and shy.

  6. i´m off for today

    see you on sunday *hugs and kisses*

  7. @Corinna Have a good weekend.

    I'm off too. I'm gonna go take a nap after I ice my shouldar.
