This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Let's Go Pups Let's Go!!!
*WOOF WOOF* M-C-K-I-N-L-E-Y P-U-P-S Oh yes the Pups are the best! They did a very good job. They beat the other team by 2 points. It was great watching them play ball. The other guys were very small compared to our big guys. It was a great game. On;y 2 people got injured. One from each team. One guy got his face mask stuck in the field. It was funny. LMAO Jay is the second one from the right hand side bottom. In the videos watch for #55. I'm so excited for his first game!!!! Oh not to forget it is someone's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LARS!!! I'll post the links to the videos in a comment. I'm not done uploading them to facebook & youtube.
Oh yeah I did change the colors. I figured I should use the school colors. I gotta go get a new McKinley t-shirt to wear to the games. I also want to get a jersey. Still waiting for the videos to upload.
Oh, okay! Well, I came on and I saw all this red and I went "Oh crap!" thinking something had happened to my screen so I refreshed the page like 3 times...and realized nothing was changing! LOL ;D
@Nicole LOL I know. I'm thinking it may be too much red.
The videos aren't uploading for some reason. I'm gonna upload all the pics I took on my facebook tomorrow after work. Gonna take some more meds, take a shower & head to bed. It's been a long day.
Trivia Question: What movie is the following line from? "Clearly, you haven't been to Singapore."
I'm seeing red. That means I'm angry in english.
@Mel Not really, it's sort of fun! Go Pups!
@AM You were on the same time as ALS. He posted right after you. Doesn't it give you a chill? He seems really excited about the trip. It looks every one got a fresh haircut for the trip. Also, it seems hazy in Singapore.
Pipi's airline excercises were hilarious. I really could visualize the Vikings foot wrestling.
I had posted earlier but apparently not! LOL Allrighty, well, I've been having some trouble getting on at the same time as everyone else! Everytime I visit, it's extremely quiet! So I'm going to come back later this afternoon and see if that works out for me! ;D
@ Giffy Nothing mch happening here today exsept I'm waiting for my new PC!! ;) We have a nice wether though, not like Singsapore but it's nice! The kids are going back to school tomorrow! What's up in the US?
@AM You're amazing!!! You told me this so much time before and you really was right! LOL He doesn't need paparazzi on his tracks, you know what is his next move before that he moves! LOL
how are you doing? I wanna go to Down Under too! :-(
btw. travelling that long isn´t that bad. at least you can watch movies and get something to eat every 3 hours! *lol* Believe me, after the first 10 hours of the flight you are tired so you WILL sleep on the plane! i had it last year 22 hours to Melbourne with an stopover in Hongkong. On my way back which was 2 hours shorter i even slept on the airport in hongkong on a bench! ;-)
Guess what... i´m going to Ireland! :-) just booked a flight with a friend! From september 2nd till 7th i will be out of the country!
Hope you´re all doing good! :-)
so did you check out when aksel and the vikings arrive in auckland? might be thursday morning?
@ teekanne I think they will arrive Auckland thursday morning... I don't have a 6th sense about this one! LOL How much fun going to Ireland!! That's on of my things on my to do list :)
How are you doing? :D I'm doing great! Just got an email today that I got the appartment I went to look at yesterday! :D Woho no more searching! :D
so Aksel's in Singapoor, huh? I'm soo jealous he's going to NZ! I wanna go there Too!!!! :( But I know, I'm not allowed to complain after this summer! ;)
@Teekanne haha do you need some vacations before you come to switzerland? ;P What are you going to do in Ireland? :D I've just been 4 days to Dublin, but it was amazing! A beautiful city! :D
@Nicole Thanks! Closer than now? Definitly! :D Now I'd have two and a half hours to university by train. :) And that place is 15min away by bus. :D So it's really really near! And it's also nice to get away from home and the life I know here! Eventhoug I'll probably come back every weekend. :D
so how is your cleaning up going? :) Making progress?
@Anja Wow! Still a trip but at least it's a little better! The cleaning...I'm taking a break right now because I'd been cleaning for 2 hours and it feels very overwhelming but I'll get back to it soon! :/ There's just sooooo much! LOL ;D
@Nicole Gooo, Nicole, gooo! I know you can! LOL You may ask Andrea to help you! Or Dina!! LOL If they both are too busy then I'll come to give you a hand! OK? LOL
@Nicole haha Seriously, what are you all cleaning out that it takes you so long? ;) or are you already packing for college? :D reminds me though, that I gotta do that too in a couple weeks... wonder how that goes! ;D
@Dana Thanks! :D I'm glad too! And yea it's a huge relief! so more worrying about that anymore! Haha I know!!! But I still wanna go! If I could I'd just be travelling all the time! Too bad I can't! :( But I agree, it's your turn now! :)
@Anja I keep all my papers!!! Everything from school! So I have to go through everything and throw out what I think I might not need...but I always feel like I'll need something!
@am: i will tell you if you need to go in the next weeks! ;-)
@anja: congrats to the appartment. so your brother is moving in with you? do you have pics of the roof terrace, pool in the basement and hot neighbours?
haha. yeh you´re not allowed to complain! but NZ is on my plan too someday!
yeh i think i need some holiday before switzerland and after switzerland, you know i´m going to poland in october for a week! :-) what am i going to do in ireland? i´m just trying to find it out. we´re flying to Kerry so we will be on the southwest coast (Kerry, Cork and Clare). but we just booked today and we have to find out!
@nicole: i´m sorry i´m not near to help,.. since i loooove cleaning! haha...
@dana No way!!! Andrea doesn't even come into my room and the dog is too lazy! I just need to get the motivation again...because I started, felt good about it, and then I saw my room covered and that was pretty daunting! ;P
@Nicole why the heck are you keeping all your school stuff? It just takes away space (for some books in my case)! ;P I alway threw mostly everything out after a while, but no wonder it takes you so long! :P
@Teekanne Thanks! Well I hope so! It depends if he passed his exams in july or not! ;D I hope I'll know this week! Otherwise he'll come next year! :D haha damnit now I know what is missing! A Pool and a roof patio! ;D well I don't know about the hot neighboors yet! I'll tell you though! Oh it's really near (like 5min by feet) by the football stadium! :D So maybe I'll see some hot football players! ;D
haha I know! :) NZ is on top of my list as soon as I can affort it! ;) My friend tells me every time I see her I gotta go! ;D
you do?! Hell you got to many holidays girl! ;D what are you going to do i Poland? Just remember, save some holidays for march! ;D Oh sounds nice! make some pics! I heard the south is gorgeous! :D
@Nicole you're like my grandma! LOL She also keeps everything! You should see her attic... full of stuff she think she'll need someday! ;D It's a big attic, packed! Good thing I don't think they'll ever move! ;D
@Corinna sorry about the hard day at work. :( At least it's already wednesday or hump day like Nicole likes to say! ;P Yes I'm moving to Bern for my studies! :D well I'll prolly be home every weekend, but still! :D you didn't miss so much! :)
@anja: so otherwise you could acoommodate somebody else for a year!! gosh girl, since you missed 2 of the 3 most important facts actually i´m not that positive about the hot guys haha. uh.. the real stadium? so you will be able to hear all the sounds? hot soccer players? haha. ok, but don´t let them talk, you remember?
so your friend was in NZ? a friend of mine was there too.. she was excited about the landscape!
i don´t have that much holidays i´m just on the road everytime i am able to! ;-) i only had one week for norway. all the other stuff was a long weekend. doing a week of sightseeing, like Krakow, Warsaw, Gdansk. yeh i know about march. but i don´t know yet if i´m allowed to "save" holiday for the next year! :-( i need to ask but i know if i ask they say no! :-/
@corinna: i´m good! just spend the afternoon on the couch with tea and a blanket. feels like november over here. :-(
@nicole: my mom told me once when i was younger. everything you didn´t need the past year you won´t need in the next one and if.. you could buy it! ;-)
@Teekanne haha right! And I know exactly what you're thinking! you naughty girl! haha ;D well like I said before, I live in Switzerland! You gotta search really hard for some really hot guys! ;D yes the real 'stade de suisse'! ;D if I remember correctly the opening game of the last EM was in that stadium! Well I hope I'm not able to hear that! Would be a sign of shitty walls and insulation! ;D haha yea, they just need to look good and shut up! ;P LOL
jup she was there 5 months and loved it! she also was very fond of the landscape!
I see! :D Well I'd go too if I'd have to money! :D Sounds like fun! And Poland isn't that expensive, is it? Well comparing to switzerland prolly not! Compared to here nothings expensive... :S so you already booked the flight to Poland?
Just tell me when you know, my mom told me they start searching for volunteers in December, so you still have some time you ask, till they wanna know it for sure! :D
@Corinna yea, bern is really nice! And it has such cute little bears! ;D I'm really excited to live there! :D well I can move as soon as we signed the contract. :) But I have to be moved till at least the 16th of september, bc on the 17th I got introdutions day. :D
I'm only back for this short hello. For those who wonder why I'm not here: my little sheltie died. She had such a needless accident and died in my arms. I can't handle this situation and will be off for a while. Maybe I'm back when the season starts.
@anja: i didn´t think about anyone exactly if you were talking about that! haha.. but i now wonder who you are talking about! haha
search hard? so i might spend a week at your place and still haven´t found any good looking guy?!
5 month? i wished...
no it´s not that expensive and since my friend is moving into her own unit she doesn´t have that much money this year. i would think norway and sweden might be more expensive than switzerland. and ireland isn´t that cheap either. no i didn´t book yet. but we will tomorrow i guess.
oh till december is still a long time. and i will know till then for sure! :-)
@nicole: have "fun"
@corinna: no i´m not ill and i had to work. but since it was raining like hell on my way back from work so i could only drive 80 on the autobahn i wasn´t motivated to to anything but read my guide book for ireland and drink tea. i think we only had 18 degrees today!
@Nicole have a great afternoon and have fun! ;D love ya too girlie!
@am oh you got a new pc? What kind? Acer? ;P I love exploring new pc's! It's kinda fascinating! :D I know, I'm weird! lol
@cjal I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! :( I understand why you won't be on here right now, just remember, if we can help or do anything, we'll be here for you! Hugs!
@teekanne ah no i got you. mh here it was first raining in the afternoon but not as bad as at your side. to be on the couch drink tea and read a book is always great when it is raining outside. so where do you go to ireland exactly? one of the best friends of my brother is from ireland.
haha girls i had asked my boss today if he knows is the german are also in NZ he told me, that only a part of the german skiers are in NZ the other part is in Saas Fee and also a part is in the Zillertal. and he also told me that the pubs in NZ are real crazy and great. lmao
@Teekanne well I didn't think about anyone in particular! ;)
Well I spent what 16 years now here in that area and have just found a few! And all of them were taken or assholes! :D But I don't know about Bern, maybe there it's different! :D (i'm hoping) lol
yea I wished too! She went there when she did hear gap year after high school! :) well when you do your world travel you can go for longer to NZ and Australia! :D oh maybe! I've never been to sweden and norway but I heard its expensive even for us! haha it was quite funny in canada, everyone was complaing that it is so expensiven. My friend and I just looked at eachother and went 'expensive'?!? lol :D since for us it was really cheap!
@Corinna well that's weird! Not all the germans at one place... I wonder why?! :) don't they like eachother? :P well I got to know some ppl from australia and NZ and they were well crazy! :D We never had a dull moment with them though! I wonder if all are like that! If yes, we would fit in there perfectly! LOL :D
@corinna: sorry that it wasn´t that clear! ;-) yeh being on the couch is great, but not in august! common... we have summer! *lol*
around Kerry and Cork. somewhere in the southwestern part since our flight goes till Kerry and we only have 5 days! where is this friend from?
so only a part is in NZ and the other part in Saas Fee? I just watched a video of Jon Olsson (via his homepage) where Felix Neureuther was in. so he might be in NZ then! haha.. i think pubs are great no matter where you go! ;-)
@anja and teekanne i don´t know why the germans are split up, my boss also don´t know it.he is also very interested in winter sport, so i asked him.(i mean the husband of my boss, he is like a second boss from me)
yes pubs are always great no matter where they are
@anja: haha.. i know that´s a lie! haha. but i´ll let you go with it.
since it´s kind of the on the other side of the country (as far as i remember) it might be possible! ;-)
world trip and spend 6 month in Australia.. there wouldn´t be enough time for the rest of the world anymore! haha.. no 6 weeks for the eastside of Australia was ok. so NZ is still in and the westside of Australia. BUt i first need this year off! :-( It doesn´t look that good at the moment.
haha.. so it´s kind of cheap nearly everywhere you go for vacation! haha.. you should come over here.. might be paradise! haha
@corinna&anja: maybe they really hate each other. Or there are these different sponsorships so that some ppl can afford to go to NZ and some not?!?
@Teekanne haha true! there wouldn't be any time left... :D and you've seen some of Australia. :) So at least you got something covered! ;P aww I'm sorry to hear that about your year! :( That really sucks! I'll still cross my fingers that they'll change their minds. :D
LOL Well Germany is really cheap for us or Austria! That's why a lot go shopping near the border! :D Well I guess I'll see as soon as I'll visit you up in the north!
@Teekanne & Corinna well maybe we'll find out when the season starts! I just read a interessting article about these training camps, bc the sponsorts and stuff are complaining about the cost. they just said if they wouldn't give the money or the technicians then they couldn't go! But obviously they're just complaing for the sake of complaining! lol :D
@anja: But i would like to spen 5 month in canada! :-) that would be worth it, i guess! i will call them end of this month again since i need an answer. otherwise i need another option. :-/ thx for crossing your fingers!:-)
in the north! hahaha.. yeh you will see that, i guess. just wait till september maybe we won´t talk to each other anymore haha..
@both: yeh if they were not playing, the skier couldn´t train on their stuff for the new season and they won´t be as good to be in the Top 10 (at worst). That´s a even situation i guess.
@Teekanne yea 5 months in Canada is definitly worth it!!! :D especially when you wanna do the east and the west coast! :D
well you are kinda in the north or well north west? :) Well I always sucked in geography! :D haha well we'll see! I doubt it though! that we won't talk to each other anymore! ;D
you're not excited about these news?! ;P hehe why did I kinda know that! LOL :D Don't worry I'm pretty sure if they invited the other two, the question is just if they wanna come or not! :D
well we'll see I guess! Have a good night and sweet dreams! Hugs!!!
yeh im more north than switzerland. but i´m not feeling nordic! haha
I don´t konw why you knew that haha.. they will come.. i will force them to come! haha but i have to say the videoblog of JO is great. wonder if he will meet with the vikings! ;-)
@Corinna you certainly have some really talented girls! I'm really curious who's going to make it, since also the americans have good female racers! :D
@Teekanne haha ok ok! I'll remember! ;D *mental note to myself* ;)
haha yea that was a reaaaally hard one! ;P LOL I wanna see that! So you'll go over to Canada and tell them to get their asses over here! LOL Just picturing that is hilarious! ;D I gotta catch up with his videoblog! The one from the gumball race was great too! :D Have a good night hun!
Well I'm off too! :D Going to read for a bit! Have a good night everyone and sleep well! Hugs!!!
I just wanted to drop by really quickly and offer my condolences to cjal! I'm so sorry about what's happened. I don't know what to say because I couldn't even imagine being in your situation. But I am truly truly sorry and I'm not going to say "feel better" because I don't think I would want to feel better. I'd want to cry and feel. But I'm really sorry and if I were there with you, know that you could lean on me if you needed to. I'm really sorry.
@ cjal Oh dear, I'm so sorry about what happened to your dog!!! :( This is the worse way you can loose your dog in!! One of the negastive things having animals is the day you loose them :-(
my mom had get her results from the blood test today, she was also in a computertomograhie and the result is that she has a pseudotumor in her bowel. and the one doc said that need to be operate and the other one says no opertaion is need.
@am thank you. i hope so too. but thank god is not a bad cancer, but she has to go the next week to the doc and has to take the next 10 antibotica. i was real shocked when i had read her sms today during my worktime.
@ corinna There is many of my family members who's got canser and that's some of the worse messages one can get!! It's so devestaiting to watch bc they have such pain and it's like they fade away when it's on it's worse!! I just hope she'll get the help she needs!!!
@am at least the good thing is that is a pseudo cancer. so it makes the pain like a cancer and it can going to be a cancer in the future but when you do something real fast against it, it will be everything good again. but first you are real shocked, bc there is a rest risk for getting a cancer
@ corinna Everything is fine with me!! LOL I just hope that you can manage to keep up with your good mood!! :) You know I am here when you need me!!! ;)
i´m a so perfect to be in a good mood, a lot of my patient have cancer. the most have breast cancer. and i´m a optimist. the first thing i told my mom today after work when i called her was i don´t think you have a cancer, i think maybe something like that but nothing bad. so i hope we will find now a specialist who will check out everything and give her some opinions what she can do
one of the best friends of my dad has his first cancer with 26 (now he is 58) he had a testicular cancer, then 7 years ago he get a Pancreatic cancer and then 3 years later he get a liver cancer, and he is still alive. that it is so awesome
@ corinna This is fantastic!! My grandfather died of cancer after god knows how many periods of it! It was just so terrible to watch him the last time he was in hospital!! He was so skinny and he just wanted to die. But the strange part was that he didn't have any pain!! And when he took his last breath he just looked at the nurse and said ''yes'' like to to tell her ''now it's happening. :(
@am wow he has no pain. i think the ppl who have cancer really know when they die. the friend of my dad is also real skinny. and he has big probs with his hips. but i don´t know if he had pain or not. my grandfather had a lung cancer after two strokes. he died when i was 5 years old. so i don´t had the changed to get him knowing real good, but my brother had this change
@corinna I'm really sorry about your mother and about your father's friend too! I hope everything works out well!
Cancer runs in my family too! So does heart problems! I've never been around when my family members had to deal with it though... But I hope everything works out!!! :D
@nicole thank you, well my mom and my dad has both also probs with there hearts, but they can live with it, both get medicine which help real good. and my mom is a good optimist, so we all think that it will be has a good end. at least we hope so. i´m sorry to hear this about your family
@Corinna I'm sorry your Mom had a shock yesterday. Hopefully, now that you know there's a problem it will be easily treated and not bother her for long...What's her name? I'll keep her in my prayers. You too!
@am my dad called me always "mäuschen" with mean in english little mouse. he say this always no matter who is in the near. and i´m 26 years old. and when your dad scream little mouse on the poolside and over the whole pool lmao
@ corinna Then you're at the same hight as me!! LOL BIG girls... Haha I really don't know why he is calling me Marte! I just think it's bc it goes together with Anne-May and from that Marte! LOL
I noticed one thing on ALS last blog entry that make me a bit curious... He said Jules have been in NZ for a while and will stay for a few morew days to come. What I am curious about is: Is she there as his girlfriend or ''on a secret mission to learn more about how the norwegians do their training'' I know from Aamodt and Kjus's time in the team that there were a policy of not taking their girlfriends on tour bc they needed to focus on what they were suppose to do. Is this something that has changed?? I mean, does Aksel have an benefit in this bc his girlfriend is also an proffesional skier in the world cup circus? What will this have to say for the rest of the team in the long term if that's the case... The rest of the team can't bring their girlfriends with them, the only thing they can do is to sit home in Norway and wait for the guys to show up on the door step ;) This was just some thoughts that crossed my mind while I read what he wrote, so please don't shoot me!! :D
@am i thought the same. i know that our germans soccers are also not allowed to see there wifes/girlfriend before a real important game or during the wc. and i know this from our skiers too. and no one else from that team has his girlfriend down there. mh that is really strange.
@ corinna Yes it is strange. I just wonder how this will effect the team if Aksel's girlfriend pops up everywhere the team might be or if he/she decide that she's gonna stay a few days extra so THEY can spend some time together. That's not fair to the other guys if they are not aloud to have their loved ones with them. There should be the same rules for everyone even if one guy happens to be with another skier. Just my opinion as always! lol
@am of course i will do this for you. so you can see our beautiful bavarian mountains in the morning, we go up in the dark, thank god i have a headlamp and i hope i will not be so scared
@am ah damn i hate this friend of mine, first she said oh yes let´s go up on a mountain so early and just in the moment she write a sms i don´t want to go up so early what do you think about going to breakfast at 10am?! wtf
@ corinna Thank you so much!! Why should you be scared? You don't like the dark? Oh, you will be just fine!! I will put my alarm on and think of you in the morning and you will be just fine!!
@am for an half an hour she was totally excited about to go on a mountain so early and now? she always do something like this. bc of this i first normally really proof if she really want to do something or not. we have this very often, when we want to go on a mountain or to ride the bike, she is first always totally excited and then she change her mine
@am we really don´t go tomorrow, now i´m really be pissed of. that is so .... i don´t know i ppl can be like that. i really don´t know. and then she wondering about that i don´t call her so much to do something. ah damn
@am but i´m going to ask another friend bc of going on a mountain in the morning but first in two weeks.bc she comes back tomorrow from hamburg and next week i´m in italy, maybe
@am she once told me that she doesn´t understand that a friend of her doesn´t talk to her anymore. and me and a other friend are really be pissed off of her and talked with her about that thing and she said, she dones´t mean it so, she doesn´t know that this is seems like that.
Whoa!!! Am I going crazy or is everything red????????
ReplyDeleteOh yeah I did change the colors. I figured I should use the school colors. I gotta go get a new McKinley t-shirt to wear to the games. I also want to get a jersey. Still waiting for the videos to upload.
ReplyDeleteOh, okay! Well, I came on and I saw all this red and I went "Oh crap!" thinking something had happened to my screen so I refreshed the page like 3 times...and realized nothing was changing! LOL ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole LOL I know. I'm thinking it may be too much red.
ReplyDeleteThe videos aren't uploading for some reason. I'm gonna upload all the pics I took on my facebook tomorrow after work. Gonna take some more meds, take a shower & head to bed. It's been a long day.
@ Mel When I first came in I thoght there was something wrong with my PC but I think the red color is cool!! LOL
ReplyDeleteTrivia Question: What movie is the following line from? "Clearly, you haven't been to Singapore."
ReplyDeleteI'm seeing red. That means I'm angry in english.
@Mel Not really, it's sort of fun! Go Pups!
@AM You were on the same time as ALS. He posted right after you. Doesn't it give you a chill? He seems really excited about the trip. It looks every one got a fresh haircut for the trip. Also, it seems hazy in Singapore.
Pipi's airline excercises were hilarious. I really could visualize the Vikings foot wrestling.
Hello Ladies!!!
ReplyDeleteI had posted earlier but apparently not! LOL
Allrighty, well, I've been having some trouble getting on at the same time as everyone else! Everytime I visit, it's extremely quiet! So I'm going to come back later this afternoon and see if that works out for me! ;D
@Nicole I was looking for you one day, and Dana said it was far to early. I guess we think you're sleeping late. How long till college?
ReplyDelete@ Giffy He IS excited no doubt about that!!! Yeah, I saw some minutes ago he posted right after me. Two A's after another - fun! LOL
ReplyDelete@AM What's up in Norway? When do the kids go back to school?
ReplyDelete@ Giffy Nothing mch happening here today exsept I'm waiting for my new PC!! ;) We have a nice wether though, not like Singsapore but it's nice! The kids are going back to school tomorrow! What's up in the US?
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!! Nice to see you my girls!
ReplyDeleteHa! I thought was something wrong with my pc too! LOL
I was right Dana, Aksel has bought himself an apartment in Lofoten! LOL
@AM You're amazing!!! You told me this so much time before and you really was right! LOL He doesn't need paparazzi on his tracks, you know what is his next move before that he moves! LOL
ReplyDeleteHi girls! :-)
ReplyDeletehow are you doing?
I wanna go to Down Under too! :-(
btw. travelling that long isn´t that bad. at least you can watch movies and get something to eat every 3 hours! *lol*
Believe me, after the first 10 hours of the flight you are tired so you WILL sleep on the plane!
i had it last year 22 hours to Melbourne with an stopover in Hongkong. On my way back which was 2 hours shorter i even slept on the airport in hongkong on a bench! ;-)
Guess what... i´m going to Ireland! :-) just booked a flight with a friend! From september 2nd till 7th i will be out of the country!
Hope you´re all doing good! :-)
so did you check out when aksel and the vikings arrive in auckland?
might be thursday morning?
@ dana I have a 6th sense when it comes to this guy! Haha
ReplyDelete@ teekanne I think they will arrive Auckland thursday morning... I don't have a 6th sense about this one! LOL How much fun going to Ireland!! That's on of my things on my to do list :)
ReplyDeleteHello again Ladies!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Giffy College is just around the corner...I'm actually trying to clean up my room and it's a mess!!!!!
Hello everyone?
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? :D I'm doing great! Just got an email today that I got the appartment I went to look at yesterday! :D Woho no more searching! :D
so Aksel's in Singapoor, huh? I'm soo jealous he's going to NZ! I wanna go there Too!!!! :( But I know, I'm not allowed to complain after this summer! ;)
@Teekanne haha do you need some vacations before you come to switzerland? ;P What are you going to do in Ireland? :D I've just been 4 days to Dublin, but it was amazing! A beautiful city! :D
@Anja Congratulations!!! So you'll be closer to school then? ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole Thanks! Closer than now? Definitly! :D Now I'd have two and a half hours to university by train. :) And that place is 15min away by bus. :D So it's really really near! And it's also nice to get away from home and the life I know here! Eventhoug I'll probably come back every weekend. :D
ReplyDeleteso how is your cleaning up going? :) Making progress?
@Anja Wow! Still a trip but at least it's a little better!
ReplyDeleteThe cleaning...I'm taking a break right now because I'd been cleaning for 2 hours and it feels very overwhelming but I'll get back to it soon! :/ There's just sooooo much! LOL ;D
Hi again!
ReplyDelete@Nicole Hmmm! So you haven't finished to clean up your room? Lazy girl!! Kidding!
Nice to see you sweetie!
@Anja I'm glad for you! I think is a great relief!
You're really naughty to ask an another vacation in NZ!!! Now is the turn of the rest of us! LOL
@dana You should see it right now!!! Books and papers everywhere!!!!!
ReplyDelete@Nicole Gooo, Nicole, gooo! I know you can! LOL You may ask Andrea to help you! Or Dina!! LOL If they both are too busy then I'll come to give you a hand! OK? LOL
ReplyDelete@Nicole haha Seriously, what are you all cleaning out that it takes you so long? ;) or are you already packing for college? :D reminds me though, that I gotta do that too in a couple weeks... wonder how that goes! ;D
ReplyDelete@Dana Thanks! :D I'm glad too! And yea it's a huge relief! so more worrying about that anymore!
Haha I know!!! But I still wanna go! If I could I'd just be travelling all the time! Too bad I can't! :( But I agree, it's your turn now! :)
wooops I meant 'no more worrying'! ;D Sorry about that! Even after all these months I still haven't figured that 'readproof' thingy out! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja I keep all my papers!!! Everything from school! So I have to go through everything and throw out what I think I might not need...but I always feel like I'll need something!
ReplyDelete@am: i will tell you if you need to go in the next weeks! ;-)
congrats to the appartment. so your brother is moving in with you? do you have pics of the roof terrace, pool in the basement and hot neighbours?
haha. yeh you´re not allowed to complain! but NZ is on my plan too someday!
yeh i think i need some holiday before switzerland and after switzerland, you know i´m going to poland in october for a week! :-)
what am i going to do in ireland? i´m just trying to find it out. we´re flying to Kerry so we will be on the southwest coast (Kerry, Cork and Clare). but we just booked today and we have to find out!
@nicole: i´m sorry i´m not near to help,.. since i loooove cleaning! haha...
@dana No way!!! Andrea doesn't even come into my room and the dog is too lazy! I just need to get the motivation again...because I started, felt good about it, and then I saw my room covered and that was pretty daunting! ;P
ReplyDeleteI just didn't realize I had so much crap!!!!
ReplyDeletehi girls!
ReplyDeletehow is everyone?
@Nicole why the heck are you keeping all your school stuff? It just takes away space (for some books in my case)! ;P I alway threw mostly everything out after a while, but no wonder it takes you so long! :P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Thanks! Well I hope so! It depends if he passed his exams in july or not! ;D I hope I'll know this week! Otherwise he'll come next year! :D
haha damnit now I know what is missing! A Pool and a roof patio! ;D well I don't know about the hot neighboors yet! I'll tell you though! Oh it's really near (like 5min by feet) by the football stadium! :D So maybe I'll see some hot football players! ;D
haha I know! :) NZ is on top of my list as soon as I can affort it! ;) My friend tells me every time I see her I gotta go! ;D
you do?! Hell you got to many holidays girl! ;D what are you going to do i Poland? Just remember, save some holidays for march! ;D
Oh sounds nice! make some pics! I heard the south is gorgeous! :D
@Corinna Hi there! I'm doing good and you? :D
@Anja I always feel that I'll need it in the future!!!! So I keep everything!
ReplyDelete@corinna HI!
@Nicole I gather all kind of crap too and then I get mad and throw out everything! But then I start again! LOL
ReplyDelete@anja i´m fine to, had a long working day, but it´s ok!
ReplyDelete@Nicole you're like my grandma! LOL She also keeps everything! You should see her attic... full of stuff she think she'll need someday! ;D It's a big attic, packed! Good thing I don't think they'll ever move! ;D
ReplyDeleteHi girls how are you all?
ReplyDelete@ Anja congrats on a new apartment!! :)
@ corinna There are you too!! LOL hope you're fine!! ;)
ReplyDelete@anja do you move to another city? what did i missed?
ReplyDelete@am yes i´m fine just answerd you e-mail and no prob of yesterday
ReplyDelete@am thanks! :D How are you doing?
ReplyDelete@Corinna sorry about the hard day at work. :( At least it's already wednesday or hump day like Nicole likes to say! ;P
Yes I'm moving to Bern for my studies! :D well I'll prolly be home every weekend, but still! :D you didn't miss so much! :)
ReplyDeleteso otherwise you could acoommodate somebody else for a year!!
gosh girl, since you missed 2 of the 3 most important facts actually i´m not that positive about the hot guys haha.
uh.. the real stadium? so you will be able to hear all the sounds? hot soccer players? haha. ok, but don´t let them talk, you remember?
so your friend was in NZ?
a friend of mine was there too.. she was excited about the landscape!
i don´t have that much holidays i´m just on the road everytime i am able to! ;-) i only had one week for norway. all the other stuff was a long weekend.
doing a week of sightseeing, like Krakow, Warsaw, Gdansk.
yeh i know about march. but i don´t know yet if i´m allowed to "save" holiday for the next year! :-( i need to ask but i know if i ask they say no! :-/
@corinna: hi girl! :-)
how are you?
@teekanne i´m fine and you
ReplyDelete@anja ah bern, such a nice city. so when do you move?
@corinna: i´m good! just spend the afternoon on the couch with tea and a blanket. feels like november over here. :-(
ReplyDelete@nicole: my mom told me once when i was younger. everything you didn´t need the past year you won´t need in the next one and if.. you could buy it! ;-)
@Teekanne haha right! And I know exactly what you're thinking! you naughty girl! haha ;D
ReplyDeletewell like I said before, I live in Switzerland! You gotta search really hard for some really hot guys! ;D
yes the real 'stade de suisse'! ;D if I remember correctly the opening game of the last EM was in that stadium! Well I hope I'm not able to hear that! Would be a sign of shitty walls and insulation! ;D
haha yea, they just need to look good and shut up! ;P LOL
jup she was there 5 months and loved it! she also was very fond of the landscape!
I see! :D Well I'd go too if I'd have to money! :D Sounds like fun! And Poland isn't that expensive, is it? Well comparing to switzerland prolly not! Compared to here nothings expensive... :S
so you already booked the flight to Poland?
Just tell me when you know, my mom told me they start searching for volunteers in December, so you still have some time you ask, till they wanna know it for sure! :D
@Corinna yea, bern is really nice! And it has such cute little bears! ;D I'm really excited to live there! :D
well I can move as soon as we signed the contract. :) But I have to be moved till at least the 16th of september, bc on the 17th I got introdutions day. :D
Allright Ladies! I'm heading out!
ReplyDeleteI have to get back to cleaning! ;P
Have an amazing evening everyone! Love ya!
@nicole have a great rest day. not to clean to much
ReplyDeletelove you too
@teekanne are you ill? or don´t you have to work today?
@anja that sounds great
@ Anja I'm fine! Just trying to find out about my new PC! lol
ReplyDeleteHello to all!
ReplyDeleteI'm only back for this short hello. For those who wonder why I'm not here: my little sheltie died. She had such a needless accident and died in my arms. I can't handle this situation and will be off for a while. Maybe I'm back when the season starts.
Wish you all the best!
@cjal that is so sad. hope you will feel better as soon as possible. my thoughts are with you. *hugs* i think we are all here for you
ReplyDeletei didn´t think about anyone exactly if you were talking about that! haha.. but i now wonder who you are talking about! haha
search hard? so i might spend a week at your place and still haven´t found any good looking guy?!
5 month? i wished...
no it´s not that expensive and since my friend is moving into her own unit she doesn´t have that much money this year. i would think norway and sweden might be more expensive than switzerland. and ireland isn´t that cheap either.
no i didn´t book yet. but we will tomorrow i guess.
oh till december is still a long time. and i will know till then for sure! :-)
@nicole: have "fun"
@corinna: no i´m not ill and i had to work. but since it was raining like hell on my way back from work so i could only drive 80 on the autobahn i wasn´t motivated to to anything but read my guide book for ireland and drink tea. i think we only had 18 degrees today!
@Nicole have a great afternoon and have fun! ;D love ya too girlie!
ReplyDelete@am oh you got a new pc? What kind? Acer? ;P I love exploring new pc's! It's kinda fascinating! :D I know, I'm weird! lol
@cjal I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! :( I understand why you won't be on here right now, just remember, if we can help or do anything, we'll be here for you! Hugs!
ReplyDeletei´m so sorry. with you all the best.. take some time! :-)
we will wait for you to come back!!
take care
@teekanne ah no i got you. mh here it was first raining in the afternoon but not as bad as at your side. to be on the couch drink tea and read a book is always great when it is raining outside. so where do you go to ireland exactly? one of the best friends of my brother is from ireland.
ReplyDeletehaha girls i had asked my boss today if he knows is the german are also in NZ he told me, that only a part of the german skiers are in NZ the other part is in Saas Fee and also a part is in the Zillertal. and he also told me that the pubs in NZ are real crazy and great. lmao
@Teekanne well I didn't think about anyone in particular! ;)
ReplyDeleteWell I spent what 16 years now here in that area and have just found a few! And all of them were taken or assholes! :D But I don't know about Bern, maybe there it's different! :D (i'm hoping) lol
yea I wished too! She went there when she did hear gap year after high school! :) well when you do your world travel you can go for longer to NZ and Australia! :D
oh maybe! I've never been to sweden and norway but I heard its expensive even for us! haha
it was quite funny in canada, everyone was complaing that it is so expensiven. My friend and I just looked at eachother and went 'expensive'?!? lol :D since for us it was really cheap!
@Corinna well that's weird! Not all the germans at one place... I wonder why?! :) don't they like eachother? :P
ReplyDeletewell I got to know some ppl from australia and NZ and they were well crazy! :D We never had a dull moment with them though! I wonder if all are like that! If yes, we would fit in there perfectly! LOL :D
@corinna: sorry that it wasn´t that clear! ;-)
ReplyDeleteyeh being on the couch is great, but not in august! common... we have summer! *lol*
around Kerry and Cork. somewhere in the southwestern part since our flight goes till Kerry and we only have 5 days!
where is this friend from?
so only a part is in NZ and the other part in Saas Fee? I just watched a video of Jon Olsson (via his homepage) where Felix Neureuther was in. so he might be in NZ then!
haha.. i think pubs are great no matter where you go! ;-)
@anja and teekanne i don´t know why the germans are split up, my boss also don´t know it.he is also very interested in winter sport, so i asked him.(i mean the husband of my boss, he is like a second boss from me)
ReplyDeleteyes pubs are always great no matter where they are
ReplyDeletehaha.. i know that´s a lie! haha. but i´ll let you go with it.
since it´s kind of the on the other side of the country (as far as i remember) it might be possible! ;-)
world trip and spend 6 month in Australia.. there wouldn´t be enough time for the rest of the world anymore! haha.. no 6 weeks for the eastside of Australia was ok. so NZ is still in and the westside of Australia. BUt i first need this year off! :-(
It doesn´t look that good at the moment.
haha.. so it´s kind of cheap nearly everywhere you go for vacation! haha.. you should come over here.. might be paradise! haha
maybe they really hate each other. Or there are these different sponsorships so that some ppl can afford to go to NZ and some not?!?
@teekanne which video do you mean?
ReplyDelete@corinna&anja: i just read that they will be in NZ and Chile in august too.. at least the ladies. I don´t know about the men!
ReplyDelete@corinna: on the todays blog
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha true! there wouldn't be any time left... :D and you've seen some of Australia. :) So at least you got something covered! ;P
ReplyDeleteaww I'm sorry to hear that about your year! :( That really sucks! I'll still cross my fingers that they'll change their minds. :D
LOL Well Germany is really cheap for us or Austria! That's why a lot go shopping near the border! :D Well I guess I'll see as soon as I'll visit you up in the north!
@Teekanne & Corinna well maybe we'll find out when the season starts! I just read a interessting article about these training camps, bc the sponsorts and stuff are complaining about the cost. they just said if they wouldn't give the money or the technicians then they couldn't go! But obviously they're just complaing for the sake of complaining! lol :D
@Teekanne oh btw since you mentioned Jon Olsson! He'll be in Zürich in September... He's the only confirmed freeskier so far though! :D
ReplyDelete@anja i posted yesterday this link
@teekanne thank you, i just saw the vid
ReplyDeleteBut i would like to spen 5 month in canada! :-) that would be worth it, i guess!
i will call them end of this month again since i need an answer. otherwise i need another option. :-/
thx for crossing your fingers!:-)
in the north! hahaha.. yeh you will see that, i guess. just wait till september maybe we won´t talk to each other anymore haha..
yeh if they were not playing, the skier couldn´t train on their stuff for the new season and they won´t be as good to be in the Top 10 (at worst). That´s a even situation i guess.
ok i´m off girls. see you tomorrow! (hopefully!)
@anja: YIIIHAAA! :-/
ReplyDelete@teekanne good night girl have sweet dreams *hugs and kisses*
ReplyDelete@corinna: that´s interesting.. i´m already waiting for the results! ;-)
ReplyDeletejust found this:
@Teekanne yea 5 months in Canada is definitly worth it!!! :D especially when you wanna do the east and the west coast! :D
ReplyDeletewell you are kinda in the north or well north west? :) Well I always sucked in geography! :D
haha well we'll see! I doubt it though! that we won't talk to each other anymore! ;D
you're not excited about these news?! ;P hehe why did I kinda know that! LOL :D Don't worry I'm pretty sure if they invited the other two, the question is just if they wanna come or not! :D
well we'll see I guess! Have a good night and sweet dreams! Hugs!!!
@teekanne sounds like our girls will be rock the next winter
ReplyDeletei wanna drive from east to west! ;-)
yeh im more north than switzerland. but i´m not feeling nordic! haha
I don´t konw why you knew that haha..
they will come.. i will force them to come! haha
but i have to say the videoblog of JO is great. wonder if he will meet with the vikings! ;-)
ok, now i´m really off
@Corinna you certainly have some really talented girls! I'm really curious who's going to make it, since also the americans have good female racers! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekanne haha ok ok! I'll remember! ;D *mental note to myself* ;)
haha yea that was a reaaaally hard one! ;P LOL I wanna see that! So you'll go over to Canada and tell them to get their asses over here! LOL Just picturing that is hilarious! ;D
I gotta catch up with his videoblog! The one from the gumball race was great too! :D
Have a good night hun!
Well I'm off too! :D Going to read for a bit! Have a good night everyone and sleep well!
@anja good night to you too. i´m also off too. have to work tomorrow real early.
ReplyDeletesweet dreams *hugs and kisses*
I just wanted to drop by really quickly and offer my condolences to cjal! I'm so sorry about what's happened. I don't know what to say because I couldn't even imagine being in your situation. But I am truly truly sorry and I'm not going to say "feel better" because I don't think I would want to feel better. I'd want to cry and feel. But I'm really sorry and if I were there with you, know that you could lean on me if you needed to. I'm really sorry.
ReplyDelete@cjal I'm sorry to hear about your doggie. :-( *hugs*
ReplyDeleteI uploaded the pictures. Still working on the videos. They keep having upload errors. Hopefully this link works. If it doesn't let me know.
What hsppened to cjal little dog?? Sorry, but I'm not updated on this!!! :/
ReplyDelete@AM Her doggie had an accident & died in her arms. :-(
ReplyDeleteOff to go do some grocery shopping. Thank God it's pay day!
@ cjal Oh dear, I'm so sorry about what happened to your dog!!! :( This is the worse way you can loose your dog in!! One of the negastive things having animals is the day you loose them :-(
ReplyDeletehi girls!
ReplyDeletethis day sucks!
my mom had get her results from the blood test today, she was also in a computertomograhie and the result is that she has a pseudotumor in her bowel. and the one doc said that need to be operate and the other one says no opertaion is need.
hope everyone had a great day today.
@Corinna I'm sorry to hear that. *hugs* I hope your Mom gets a second opinion. Or third opinion. I hope she gets better soon.
ReplyDelete@mel i´m going to ask my boss, if she or he knows a good doc for that. thank you
ReplyDelete@ corinna There's a lot of bad news on here today!! :( Sorry to hear about your mom!!! :( Hope she'll get better soon!!! ''hugs''
ReplyDelete@am thank you. i hope so too. but thank god is not a bad cancer, but she has to go the next week to the doc and has to take the next 10 antibotica. i was real shocked when i had read her sms today during my worktime.
ReplyDelete@ corinna A message like this is always a shock!! Does she has a lot of pain?
ReplyDelete@am yes she is the whole day in the bed and she has something again that pain. send you a e-mail.
ReplyDeletemy boss was looking at me and asking what happend.i told it then and she was also real shocked.
@ corinna There is many of my family members who's got canser and that's some of the worse messages one can get!! It's so devestaiting to watch bc they have such pain and it's like they fade away when it's on it's worse!! I just hope she'll get the help she needs!!!
ReplyDelete@am at least the good thing is that is a pseudo cancer. so it makes the pain like a cancer and it can going to be a cancer in the future but when you do something real fast against it, it will be everything good again. but first you are real shocked, bc there is a rest risk for getting a cancer
ReplyDelete@am i´m sorry to hear that about your family! and what about you?
ReplyDelete@ corinna Everything is fine with me!! LOL I just hope that you can manage to keep up with your good mood!! :) You know I am here when you need me!!! ;)
ReplyDelete@am thank you so much for this.
ReplyDeletei´m a so perfect to be in a good mood, a lot of my patient have cancer. the most have breast cancer.
and i´m a optimist. the first thing i told my mom today after work when i called her was i don´t think you have a cancer, i think maybe something like that but nothing bad. so i hope we will find now a specialist who will check out everything and give her some opinions what she can do
one of the best friends of my dad has his first cancer with 26 (now he is 58) he had a testicular cancer, then 7 years ago he get a Pancreatic cancer and then 3 years later he get a liver cancer, and he is still alive. that it is so awesome
@ corinna This is fantastic!! My grandfather died of cancer after god knows how many periods of it! It was just so terrible to watch him the last time he was in hospital!! He was so skinny and he just wanted to die. But the strange part was that he didn't have any pain!! And when he took his last breath he just looked at the nurse and said ''yes'' like to to tell her ''now it's happening. :(
ReplyDelete@am wow he has no pain. i think the ppl who have cancer really know when they die.
ReplyDeletethe friend of my dad is also real skinny. and he has big probs with his hips. but i don´t know if he had pain or not.
my grandfather had a lung cancer after two strokes. he died when i was 5 years old. so i don´t had the changed to get him knowing real good, but my brother had this change
@am i´m off see you tomorrow. hopefully.
ReplyDelete*hugs and kisses* and a great night with sweet dreams
@corinna I'm really sorry about your mother and about your father's friend too! I hope everything works out well!
ReplyDeleteCancer runs in my family too! So does heart problems! I've never been around when my family members had to deal with it though...
But I hope everything works out!!! :D
@nicole thank you, well my mom and my dad has both also probs with there hearts, but they can live with it, both get medicine which help real good. and my mom is a good optimist, so we all think that it will be has a good end. at least we hope so.
ReplyDeletei´m sorry to hear this about your family
@Corinna I'm sorry your Mom had a shock yesterday. Hopefully, now that you know there's a problem it will be easily treated and not bother her for long...What's her name? I'll keep her in my prayers. You too!
ReplyDelete@giffy her name is traudi, it´s her nickname and everyone says that to her. thank you so much
ReplyDelete@ corinna It's funny about nicks. I also have a nick my dad's been using since I was born and it's Marte! LOL
ReplyDelete@am my dad called me always "mäuschen" with mean in english little mouse. he say this always no matter who is in the near. and i´m 26 years old. and when your dad scream little mouse on the poolside and over the whole pool lmao
ReplyDelete@ corinna Hahaha, are you little since he uses that nick?
ReplyDelete@am i´m 169 cm. i don´t think that i´m so little but i think i´m always his little daughter, no matter how old i am. lmao
ReplyDeleteand why does you dad says marte to you?
@ corinna Then you're at the same hight as me!! LOL BIG girls... Haha
ReplyDeleteI really don't know why he is calling me Marte! I just think it's bc it goes together with Anne-May and from that Marte! LOL
@am haha two BIG girls in a BIG world. lmao
ReplyDeleteso do you like your nickname?
@ corinna Hahaha yeah, two BIG girls in a BIG BIG world! LMAO
ReplyDeleteI think I could have a worse nickname than that though!! LMAO
@am as long as the nickname is not so bad i can handle it
ReplyDeleteI noticed one thing on ALS last blog entry that make me a bit curious... He said Jules have been in NZ for a while and will stay for a few morew days to come. What I am curious about is: Is she there as his girlfriend or ''on a secret mission to learn more about how the norwegians do their training'' I know from Aamodt and Kjus's time in the team that there were a policy of not taking their girlfriends on tour bc they needed to focus on what they were suppose to do. Is this something that has changed?? I mean, does Aksel have an benefit in this bc his girlfriend is also an proffesional skier in the world cup circus? What will this have to say for the rest of the team in the long term if that's the case... The rest of the team can't bring their girlfriends with them, the only thing they can do is to sit home in Norway and wait for the guys to show up on the door step ;) This was just some thoughts that crossed my mind while I read what he wrote, so please don't shoot me!! :D
ReplyDelete@AM I kinda wondered that too. I don't think anyone here is gonna shoot you.
ReplyDeleteAnyone want a 17 year old pain in the ass? Or better yet does anyone know a big burly cop that could come over & scare him straight?
@am i thought the same. i know that our germans soccers are also not allowed to see there wifes/girlfriend before a real important game or during the wc. and i know this from our skiers too. and no one else from that team has his girlfriend down there. mh that is really strange.
ReplyDelete@ corinna Yes it is strange. I just wonder how this will effect the team if Aksel's girlfriend pops up everywhere the team might be or if he/she decide that she's gonna stay a few days extra so THEY can spend some time together. That's not fair to the other guys if they are not aloud to have their loved ones with them. There should be the same rules for everyone even if one guy happens to be with another skier. Just my opinion as always! lol
ReplyDelete@am i´m totally with you about this.
ReplyDeletewake up call tomorrow 4:30 am. so i can laugh about a breakfast at 5:30 am. lmao
ReplyDeletewe going up on a mountain tomorrow morning to see the sunrise.
@ corinna hahaha, are you going on a mountain?
ReplyDelete@am yes but only on a short one, we need 45 min up to it. sunrise is at 6:15 am
ReplyDelete@ Corinna Oh, it sounds so beautiful!! You can get up and eat breakfast with Aksel then! LMAO
ReplyDelete@am haha yes haha but he is at the other end of the world and when i get up he go to bed
ReplyDelete@am i will take some pics tomorrow morning.
ReplyDelete@ Corrinna That's true! LOL yOU CAN EAT DINNER WHEN HE'S HAVING BREAKFAST! haha
ReplyDelete@am haha yes that´s true
ReplyDelete@ corinna Yes, you have to do that so I get the chance to se! ;)
ReplyDelete@ corinna It's funny to think about it's sunday morning down there and we haven't gone to bet yet. haha
ReplyDelete@am of course i will do this for you. so you can see our beautiful bavarian mountains in the morning, we go up in the dark, thank god i have a headlamp and i hope i will not be so scared
ReplyDelete@am ah damn i hate this friend of mine, first she said oh yes let´s go up on a mountain so early and just in the moment she write a sms i don´t want to go up so early what do you think about going to breakfast at 10am?! wtf
ReplyDelete@ corinna Thank you so much!! Why should you be scared? You don't like the dark? Oh, you will be just fine!! I will put my alarm on and think of you in the morning and you will be just fine!!
ReplyDelete@am haha no i not scared about the dark. first we have really to proof if we go or not
ReplyDelete@ corinna It can't be possible?? Is this friend of yours nuts? Your friend could have given you the message a bit earlier then!!
ReplyDelete@ corinna Haha, that's some kind of friend though!
ReplyDelete@am for an half an hour she was totally excited about to go on a mountain so early and now? she always do something like this. bc of this i first normally really proof if she really want to do something or not. we have this very often, when we want to go on a mountain or to ride the bike, she is first always totally excited and then she change her mine
ReplyDelete@ corinna I have a couple of friends that behave in the same way and it's so f***** annoying!!!
ReplyDelete@am we really don´t go tomorrow, now i´m really be pissed of. that is so ....
ReplyDeletei don´t know i ppl can be like that. i really don´t know. and then she wondering about that i don´t call her so much to do something. ah damn
@am but i´m going to ask another friend bc of going on a mountain in the morning but first in two weeks.bc she comes back tomorrow from hamburg and next week i´m in italy, maybe
ReplyDelete@ corinna some ppl are just like that! but the worse is that they don't understand what a problem they are and can become for their friends.
ReplyDelete@am she once told me that she doesn´t understand that a friend of her doesn´t talk to her anymore. and me and a other friend are really be pissed off of her and talked with her about that thing and she said, she dones´t mean it so, she doesn´t know that this is seems like that.
ReplyDelete@ corinna sent you an e-mail.
ReplyDelete@am i´m just write you an e-mail with pics from that mountain from last ocotber, but it took so long to load the pics up lmao
ReplyDelete@ corinna I'm waiting. lmao
ReplyDelete@am i have to send you that e-mail again, bc it came back to me, it was to BIG lmao
ReplyDelete@am you got it?
ReplyDelete@ corinna I have to check. lol
ReplyDelete@am haha then check, at least it isn´t come back to me till yet lmao
ReplyDelete@ corinna Mel just posted a new entry. lol