This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Complete Randomness
This past week has been crazy. We had the Pro Football Hall of Fame Festivities all weekend. Jay was in The Grand Parade. Went out last night with Angel, Jess & Heather. Went to eat at Buffet Dynasty & then went to the movies. We saw The Killers. It's a great movie. We laughed the entire time. Going out again today Actually in a few minutes with Jen & Mary. Then going on a picnic with Kelli Thursday. Will my busy week ever end?
@ giffy Hahaha... That gave me a good laugh! I saw that in the norwegian media early this morning! It's hilarious! The best part is on the other side... One say they have the same nose and the same smile! Well, well, no comment!LOL
@AM I don't know what you've seen so hot on the link from Aksel's blog bc I checked out and I saw Edvald Boasson!!! And I guess it's something about Aksel?? He he!
@AM When I checked out the first time was Thor and the second one was Edvald! The first big pic was not the same!!! And I'm not crazy!! LOL Just depressed He he! Replayed, Boss!
@am i think i feel first better at the weekend and when i can sleep at the poolside. lol i get up every day at 5:55am go out off the house at 6:45am and came home at 7:30 pm, i can´t believe that i be on my feets everyday for such a long time. lmao
@am yes and i go to bed btw 10pm and 10:30pm bc i can´t sleep when i go to bed at 9pm
and normally i don´t drink coffee or eat chocolate but the last week i drunk everyday a milkcoffee with lot of milk and very less coffee and eat chocolate cookies. awww i think i´m going to be crazy.
so my dears i´m going to bed now, need some rest for the last day of my work training. it end tomorrow a little bit earlier so i can go to the centre of munich to look for a present for the girlfriend of my brother
i wish you all a good night and sweet dreams *hugs and kisses* and i promise i will be on tomorrow again to talk with you
@ corinna I don't drink coffee but I love chocolate! I don't eat much of it but damn it's so good!! LOL I prefer poteto snack and things like that espercally once a month, you know what I mean. LOL
@am i know what you mean, but i really eat no chocolate. i don´t like it so much it is to sweet for me. i love more gummibears once a month you know! lmao and i also don´t like coffee but i don´t know what is wrong with me that i drink coffee the last days,maybe it is bc of that that i´m so tired and i hope that i don´t need it after the work training. i don´t like the taste of it
@AM Sorry, I took a shower! LOL And I'm off too, is pretty late for me! I hope you don't mind I'll answer you tomorrow! Take care my Boss! LOL Have HOT dreams and remember them!!! You know how much I love you!
Girls get prepared for more posts about FOOTBALL!!! Jays first game is in two weeks!!! I can't wait to see him play!!!
I was over on the other that what we are calling it now? I wanna know what the person that said they look alike is smoking. I don't see it. I think I might need some of what ever they were smoking.
@ Mel LMAO I was thinking the same ting! It has to be a lot of crack smoking on ALS (or the other side as we call these days!I don't see it either! At least we are talking about a guy who's having the most sparkling smile I have ever seen!!
I am really looking forward to some football posts in the next weeks!!!
I´m back! Just wanted to let you know that i´m still alive but busy! :-/ Hope i find some time these days to stay with you a little longer to get some updates! ;-)
I had a great time on the boat with my parents. It was relaxing and a wonderful time... uhh and there were a few hot guys kayaking!! :-))
How are you doing? :D What did I miss all these weeks? Please, get me updated. ;) I'm dying for some news... :D
Well I'm back home again! :S But I kinda miss Canada already... Oh dear, I'm weird. haha the last couple days in Vancouver I couldn't wait to come home and now I wish I could go back. But well just go back to my friends, but still... :D lol But my holidays were awesome nevertheless!!! :D Well except me hurting myself a couple times, but well I'm used to that! LOL :D
I really missed you guys though!!! It was soo hard not being able to talk to you every day and yea, befor I left it was every day!!! :D I was on withdrawal... :D I'm glad to be back on here though! :D
Well I gotta go run some errands, but I'll be back later! :D (and wanna hear some news... ;P) Hugs!!!
What happened to this site? It used to be lots of different girls and late night parties and now its the same 3 people who seems to be in a race of who can say LOL and LMAO the most. Was it Julia?
@Anon Nothing happend to this site! I mean it's summer and we all have a life beside this! (I don't know aboout you though...) I'd say that's one of the reasons that not as many are on here anymore right now! :) And well then me and my big mouth have been away for quite a while! ;P I bet this is going to change in 70 days when the season starts again!!! :D and yea, who's julia??? I don't think we have one on here, do we?
@AM Thanks girl!!! :D I've seen the stamps yesterday when I came back home. It was like 10pm but I couldn't resist to check them out! Thanks again so much for sending them! :D
so this anon was commenting here frequently while I've been gone? haha maybe it's Kjetil! Didn't he move to Oslo??? lol ;D
hi anja.. (i honor you by welcome you personally!!) ;-)
how are you doing?
@anja: you hurt yourself? thought the horses did that! ;-)
@anon: what happened to the ppl who were brave enough to use a name when saying sth? i wonder why you care about this blog when you use it anonymously! tzzz
@giffy: Copenhagen? how long will he stay? Tivoli might be interesting for him, the new habour and maybe going to Malmö via the Oeresund Bridge. I was in Copenhagen 3 weeks ago. Great city but expensive! ;-) Otherwise the normal touristic stuff like Christianborg, Amalienborg, etc. The little mermaid wasn´t there... maybe he´s lucky! ;-)
So i´m off again. maybe step back in later. My parents are back from vacation and we will have a bbq! :-))) hugs!!
@Teekanne holy... now I fell special... I'm blushing! :D Thanks hun for the warm welcome though! I'm doing good! how about you?
Well no, one bucked me off, but I didn't hurt myself. I landed on my feet! :D Yea that surprised me too! LOL I actually hurt myself, bc I fell down a little hill! yea, you're allowed to make fun of me! ;D but I really hurt myself there. Me and my mom think it's a spinal contusion. I can't lift anything! ;) Travelling with all my luggage was hell! lol I'm kinda accident prone! :D Have a great bbq! :)
@dana Thanks girl! :D I miss you too! haha at least someone who missed that! ;D How are you doing?
@Corinna hei there! how are you doing? haha yea I 'bearly' made it in one piece! ;D Canada was awesome!!! Everyone should go there at least once!!! :D it's so great! :D
@ Anja You're welcome about the stamps sweete! :) Great to have you're big mouth back. Haha But not great to hear that you have injured your arm though!! Hope you'll be better soon!!!
@Corinna Oh that sounds great! I've seen above that you had some exams. Hope they went good! :D Nice, back to italy?! ;D You got a boytoy down there or are you just going back bc it's so nice? ;P
No, not my arm. It's my back, my shoulders and my neck. My necks really bad at the moment. :( yea, that happend when I fell down that little hill. lol We think it's a 'wirbelsäulen prellung', but I'll go to the doctor's next Tuesday, so I'll know for sure. :D So what's new? :D
@AM thanks! I'm glad to be back on here too! :D Well I'm getting kinda used to injure myself... I sometimes do that on a daily basis! haha just minor injuries though... :D I sometimes even hurt myself walking, but that's me! :D I'm used to being the subject of joke in that matter! ;)
@Corinna oh I see! Thanks! :D Sounds really interessting.
that's sweet! ;) I hope it soon stops raining though. I'm getting tired of it... :) I want the sun back, otherwise my tan is going to fade again. And this year is the first in ages, that I actually have a tan again! :D
@Corinna yes we did, most of the time! :D haha yea I got a farmes tan. I think that what it's called. :) bad thing about that tan, I was burned really badly first. Looked like a tomato! ;) haha
@AM haha That's a good question! Now I'm wondering too! ;) ok I'm curious, what's this about? Did you say something about these guys before or what? ;) I'm confused... haha
@Anja & Teekanne YAY!!! *hugs & a round of drinks for everyone* Are all of our girls back now?
@Anon I think we partied too hard & are taking a break & waiting for the season to start before we go crazy again. Though I do have an idea for a blog. Though I really don't know if I should post it...
@My Girls I was thinking of posting a response to Aksels blog I'M GETTING MARRIED??? Just a little joke blog post. You know Yes your getting married, where, when, who, your suit, her dress...What do you think? I really wanna do it because if the press really does get on here I wanna mess with them.
I'm off to go get ready for my picnic with Kelli. Excited to spend some time with my bestest. :-)
@ corinna I'm not sure if I belive him bc he said once on the blog when the hell broke loose that '' you have to spend time with someone to get to know them'' I wanted that time to respond to him. You need time to spend time with someone you have known for 3 years to get to know, then there's something wrong.
@Corinna haha It does sound funny! But I think that's what it's called when you can see where the shirt or tank top has been ;)
@AM I see! Well he is hot!! :D haha nice that I could see that pic too! Is he norwegian too? I guess I really gotta go there! lol
@Mel Thanks girl! :D I like the idea! I've seen this post and I kinda think it would be funny! I'm not sure if everyone gets the joke though... :) have fun at the picnic! :)
@ corinna Aksel said on the Hamptons entry when the hell broke through that you have to spend time with someone to get to know them. At that point he had known this woman for 3 years and acted like there was nothing between them. That's why I take everything with a ton of salt when it comes to he's denying of what the media writes!!
@Corinna LOL Well for what do I have you guys if not for you telling me what interessting thigs happend? ;) hehe Well but reading all that stuff would just annoy me, bc when the topic is on him and jm the anons show up and talk BS... :) I don't care so much if they're together or not! :) Gosh I'm so glad when the season starts again and we can talk about the stuff that really matters over there! :D
@am because of the climatic situation. they think it is not good to make the olympic games in small valleys. but there are also some problems with the farmers, bc they don´t want to give there ground away for the biathlon. i got your e-mail and sitting on the answer
girls i just phoned today to sölden bc my wc tickets didn´t arrived and i orderd them two and half week ago, then the men on the phone said me, that the tickets didn´t arrived them yet and they waiting for it everyday lmao
@ Anja True!! Most of the time I don't read everything! The best comment was the other day when someone anon said that Aksel and JM look so alike... That someone must have smoked crack!lol
@corinna: that´s bad about Munich. I was looking forward to 2018.. think it was a good plan to do it there but in Germany you have always ppl who complain about such big things! stupid!!
i´m sorry about the tickets but since they didn´t get it either.. ;-)
@am haha yea you do! Gosh I went to the wrong country! LOL :D
@corinna aww hope the tickets come soon! And btw I'm jealous!!! Sölden! :) wave into the camera so we can see you, ok? ;)
@Teekanne welcome back! well my suitcase was 23.4 but my backpack was really heavy! Shouldn't have bought so many books in Vancouver... haha :) Well it's bad since 2 weeks now, but I hope it's getting better! ;) I can't even blame someone else but me! ;) how was the bbq?
@anja i really wave into the camera and i gonna make a lot of pics. to share with you all. i´m sure you will see me. i´m going with my best friend and she want a us flag for bode miller on one cheek and on the other the norway flag. i will have maybe on both cheeks the norway flag. lmao and my big norway flag in my hands lmao
@corinna: bbq was good... a little cold after a while but i made it! ;-) It´s august and i still wear a jacket after 8pm.. that´s strange!!!
husband and wife???? haha.. poor kjetil.
@am: hi to the north! how are you doing? :-)i´m pretty good!!! :-)
@anja: 23.4? haha.. that´s heavy! so you had a suitcase AND a backpack? a big backpack like 70 liters or only a small one? You and books... why did you buy it there.. did you had that much time to read? so you tripped and fell down a hill?
BAD memories? that were the best! :-) *all the crazy shit i did tonight- those would be the best memories* haha
so no cowboys for me? so i need to find a nice swiss in september huh?
@teekanne my whole face in the norway colours. ok then my boss will call me crazy bc she and her husband said, they will view it in the tv and will look if they will see me. lmao
@Corinna yea do that! So we'll know you're the one with the big norway flag! ;D But seriously, body miller?! ;P
@Teekanne I know! But thankfully the guy at the airport was nice enough so I didn't have to pay! :D well yes and a purse! ;) It was a 'rucksack' and it's pretty big. I don't know how much though. I'm a girl in some ways after all! LOL well in Van we had yea, it was raining all the time... But I just cannot resist to buy books in bookstores... and they're cheaper there than here! haha just wait till you see my room! Way to many books in there! ;)
haha i kinda did yea! But it was early in the morning and I wore flip flops! I cannot walk with them at all! LOL :D it wasn't a big hill though, went just like 2m down or so...
ok they were! haha ;) I just have to laugh when I think about them... The red dress and shoes... LMAO
I'm sorry no! :( I guess I gotta go to the Stampede next year to find one! :) haha if you can find any good looking one here! ;) Btw I just got my timetable for next semester, have friday afternoon and monday mornings free! So I don't even have to skip class to get you at the airport! :D yay! :D
@anja my best friend think that bode miller is hot. i also was shocked if she said this. lmao and don´t forget i´m that one with the norway flag over my whole face
@corinna: do you think they will recognize you under this much colour? ;-)
@am: thx! :-) it´s nice to be around again since the last weeks were pretty busy! :-) you had sun? i miss the sun most times of the day.. :-( it´s more like april or october.. :-(
@anja: lucky you.. pay all these weight must be pretty expensive, right? ok, i think i would have bought some books too! ;-) so i will have to borrow some books from you when i visit! :-) i wanted to bring you one, right? do you remember what it was?? haha forgot it! :-/
i knew i should accompany you to save you from slipping and tripping! ;-) but i came back from 4 days boat trip with my parents with my legs blue from bruises.. haha.. i´m not so much better either! ;-)
vera wang.. haha!! LMAO and LOL!!! :-)
yiihhhaa.. so i don´t feel bad for my flight times haha! but you know i would have spend the time in town till my flight!
@Anja WELCOME BACK!!!!! Besides getting hurt (I hope the Doctor can help you feel better) I hope you had a fabulous trip! We want details!
@AM I know anon left the Hot Guys link for you ... but I had to take a peek! I agree, Vikings do have a rather HOT gene pool. Is every male walking the streets of Norway totally HOT?
@Teekanne A family vacation sounds like fun! How are the wind surfing lessons coming along?
@Anon Just an FYI for you ... I welcome & encourage comments and opinions from everyone, but I dislike Anon comments (except for links to HOT men) :) ... Because, I personally see it as a form of "hiding" and not taking responsiblity for your comments. Plus, if there is more than one person posting as Anon, how is everyone supposed to distinguish who is who. So, if you want to join in the fun, cause havoc, create drama, have an opinion or whatever the purpose you choose, I would suggest you pick a user name and consistently use it.
@Chicas Just an FYI ... I have choosen to ignore all Anon comments, both here & on ALS blog. I find the lack of a user name to be rude, inconsiderate, immature & not worthy of replies!
I am off to do some indoor rock climbing during my lunch break and then back to work. Will try and check back in later!
@ teekanne Everytime I look at your nick I feel like a cup of tee! :) Yeah, here we have sun and it's so beautiful. We take everyday with sun with open hands bc we have had a terrible weather this summer!
@Corinna I see! so he was hitting on you?! Lucky you! :D
@Dana ok I gotta ask, what made you so dizzy? ;P too much fun? ;P Sorry I couldn't resist...
@Teekanne haha 50.- since I was allowed to take 23 with me! haha 400g are quite expensive, especially when you've been shoppin like hell in Canada! ;P
haha you can if you find one you like! :) I even got loads in english! ;) oh right! haha I forgot it too! ;) I didn't even remember we said that! LOL :D
yea you should have! ;) but I don't think you would have been able to prefent that! well I kinda deserve it, I should have gone down the path that was like 2m away from where I went down! LOL oh I'm sorry! how did that happen? :S btw I've seen the pics, really beautiful! :D where did you go? Nordsee?
LMAO... I gotta go back and reread these posts... just for the fun of it! ;D lol
well I works out really good, so don't worry! And of course I would have skipped! I mean it's university, it's not like i'm going to be there ever single lecture! ;) btw you gotta give me the time and flight number somewhen by mail. :) So I won't miss you! ;)
@Deuce Thanks! Well there are not to many details to tell! We had fun, met some ppl and went out! But nothing more than that! ;D no cowboys around for me! :D have fun climbing! :)
@deuce: Amen!!! :-) Thx for your comment. that´s what i do on ALS too for 99,99%! but it´s so damn hard not to say something...
btw: i got my surf licence and am allowed to borrow surfstuff... we will go for another day next weekend if there is more wind (at the moment it´s only about 2 bft. not that much! :-(
have fun! and try not to fall down! ;-)
@am: haha.. you feel like a cup of tea? like the little one from the beauty and the beast! ;-) i believe that. and since you don´t have that much sun in wintertimes it´s more important to take as much as you can in summer! we had a great june and i hope for a good september.. that would be great.
@Corinna haha well you could wear it over warm clothes... eventhought that'd look even weirder... LOL ;) oh I know, make a shirt with something like 'for my crazy girls in front of the tv being jealous'! ;P lol that'd be funny!
@Corinna well true, but I don't think he's checking that blog here and as long as you don't write something with 'akselized fans' or something I don't think he'll know! Though if Kjetil or someone is really checking this one, (like some think) they will prolly run! haha :D
@am: since anja is back this blog is back alive! ;-)
@anja: wooow... you gave him your numbre since he saved you from spending alot of money?! so you found some clothes? you know what? i was in copenhagen and they have an abercrombie $ fitch store there.. BUT IT WAS CLOSED!!!!!!!!! AAAAARG so i wasn´t allowed to go shopping there! :-( and now i found out that they bring up Hollister in a shopping mall next to me! that sucks... :-(
in english is good since i need to improve my skills for next year! haha
oh yeh.. than you deserve that haha... how did that happen? i don´t know.. the chair was in my way.. i hit the corner of the door.. etc.. just typical me! haha. No it was in Mecklenburg Vorpommern - Müritz and Havel!! Wonderful countryside!!
Just university.. haha.. ok!! :-) i will let you know.. send it to you tomorrow! btw. you won´t miss me.. haha. i will but a banner on the plane to let you know
@anja and corinna: i really would like to see you corinna in that dress... think you will earn a special blog post on Mels blog! isn´t that worth it? ;-9
haha yea I'm back! Told ya me and my big mouth... ;P I wonder if that's a good or a bad sign...
@Teekanne nah he wasn't good looking or anything, just nice! :) haha yea, I found too many clothes! Why has Roxy and Billabong & co to be so cheap over there? ;) aww poor you! That really sucks! I never was in a Abercombie but I heard they have nice stuff! What's hollister? A brand? :) Oh poor you, you're being forced to shop! lol
hehe I do actually! ;) me being stupid... oh I see, you're like me!!! :D I'm the same, but I swear the chairs and doors just jump in my way on purpose so that i hit my toes! :D I see! Looks really beautiful, especially the sunset! ;)
Oki doki! :) oh and what will it say, Watch out teekanne is coming? ;P lol oh I should make a sign too I guess, so you'll recognise me! ;P
@corinna: i know you know what i know and we all know! ;-)
@anja: hmm. damn it! not even the airport guys were hot! haha This stuff is cheap there??? Gosh i think i will go to canada next year! haha hollister is this surferbrand from abercrombie they have really great clothes.. no it´s not that i´m forced to shop but that every honk will wear this stuff over here pretty soon! in copenhagen there was every 3rd person wearing abercrombie!! i need a new brand!! ;-)
haha... i tried that too, but my parents explained me that chairs and doors cannot jump in your way. And even if they do, it´s my fault bc i made them to! :-( But these are bruises i know where they´re coming from! haha.. Yeh the sunset was brilliant. And sitting on a boat, drinking beer you have plenty of time to take pictures and try the camera! i think i have about 50 pics of that sunset!
I´m coming to getcha!! ;-) bring up a rose... haha that would be a good sign!
ok girls i´m heading out. have a wonderful evening! :-) take care
@Teekanne haha nope, not even they were hot! but I gotta say there were hot guys, we just didn't talk to them, bc we've seen them walk by or so! ;) oh I see! :( Here everyone is walking aroung in H&M! LOL :D
oh really! damn it! ;) yea at least you know where they came from! I got loads where I have no idea where they came from! LOL :D
LOL I will! Trust me, standing there with a rose, not a red one though. I don't like red one's so much! ;D
have a good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams! :)
Oh, hey! New post!
ReplyDelete@ Giffy No I haven't been on the other side. Whats up??
ReplyDelete@AM Ja, vi er kjærester
ReplyDelete@ giffy Hahaha... That gave me a good laugh! I saw that in the norwegian media early this morning! It's hilarious!
ReplyDeleteThe best part is on the other side... One say they have the same nose and the same smile! Well, well, no comment!LOL
@AM Vi er elskere også!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@ dana LMAO I don't know if I should be laughing or crying... I'll send you an e-mail right now!
ReplyDelete@ dana Ja, vi er elskere vi også!!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@ dana Mail sent!!
ReplyDelete@AM I don't know what you've seen so hot on the link from Aksel's blog bc I checked out and I saw Edvald Boasson!!! And I guess it's something about Aksel?? He he!
ReplyDelete@AM Thanks! We posted in the same time! LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana It's Thor Hushovd! LOL And he's HOT!! LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana Maybe he will take over Aksel's throne in womens heart! LMAO
ReplyDeletehi girls
ReplyDeletei see you are today real talkalike lmao
@AM When I checked out the first time was Thor and the second one was Edvald! The first big pic was not the same!!! And I'm not crazy!! LOL Just depressed He he!
ReplyDeleteReplayed, Boss!
@Corinna Hi hun! How was your exam today? I hope you did a great job, right?
ReplyDelete@AM I ment Replyed!!! LOL
ReplyDelete@dana i don´t know how it was i can´t say it was good and i also can´t say it was bad. i have to wait till tomorrow and then i know how it was.
ReplyDelete@ dana Sent you the reply! LOL
ReplyDelete@ corinna Hi, how are you? Any news on the ex?
@Corinna You studied in the weekend so at least you may say it wasn't too bad! You have to go all this week too? Do you have more exams?
ReplyDelete@AM Wow! you're so fast my dear! LOL
ReplyDelete@dana only tomorrow again and on thursday i have to go to work again, no exams again thanks god and on friday i go again to itlay
ReplyDelete@am i´m fine just real tired, no news about him
@ dana I always have a flying start!! LMAO
ReplyDeletei feel like i have a big jetleg, lmao
ReplyDelete@ corinna As they say: No news are good news!! LOL
ReplyDelete@am yes thats right lmao
ReplyDelete@ corinna It's terrible when you feel so damn tired!! But you feel better tomorrow!
ReplyDelete@am i think i feel first better at the weekend and when i can sleep at the poolside. lol i get up every day at 5:55am go out off the house at 6:45am and came home at 7:30 pm,
ReplyDeletei can´t believe that i be on my feets everyday for such a long time. lmao
@ corinna Jiiiz Is it possible?! You have very long days my dear! I think I get out of bed early when it's 08:00!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@ dana Where did you go? Did you get a flying start or something? LOL
ReplyDelete@am yes and i go to bed btw 10pm and 10:30pm bc i can´t sleep when i go to bed at 9pm
ReplyDeleteand normally i don´t drink coffee or eat chocolate but the last week i drunk everyday a milkcoffee with lot of milk and very less coffee and eat chocolate cookies. awww i think i´m going to be crazy.
so my dears i´m going to bed now, need some rest for the last day of my work training. it end tomorrow a little bit earlier so i can go to the centre of munich to look for a present for the girlfriend of my brother
ReplyDeletei wish you all a good night and sweet dreams
*hugs and kisses* and i promise i will be on tomorrow again to talk with you
@ corinna I don't drink coffee but I love chocolate! I don't eat much of it but damn it's so good!! LOL I prefer poteto snack and things like that espercally once a month, you know what I mean. LOL
ReplyDelete@ CORINNA Swee dreams and we'll talk tomorrow!!
ReplyDelete''hugs and kisses''
@am i know what you mean, but i really eat no chocolate. i don´t like it so much it is to sweet for me. i love more gummibears once a month you know! lmao
ReplyDeleteand i also don´t like coffee but i don´t know what is wrong with me that i drink coffee the last days,maybe it is bc of that that i´m so tired and i hope that i don´t need it after the work training. i don´t like the taste of it
so now i´m really off
godd night
i mean good night, now i´m really crazy lol
ReplyDeletesee you tomorrow
Goodnight corinna!!! :D
ReplyDeletebtw, I love chocolate!!! I can't get enough of it! I have chocolate pretty much everyday!!! :D
@Corinna Sleep well and have nice dreams! Hugs!
ReplyDelete@AM Sorry, I took a shower! LOL And I'm off too, is pretty late for me! I hope you don't mind I'll answer you tomorrow!
Take care my Boss! LOL Have HOT dreams and remember them!!!
You know how much I love you!
@Nicole Bye my lovely! And thanks a lot! I'll send you an e-mail tomorrow! have a nice evening!
ReplyDeleteTe iubesc si te pup!
Is there anyone here?? LOL
ReplyDeleteGoodnight dana! Sleep well! And I hope you feel better tomorrow!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I'm here!
Allright Ladies! I'm heading out!
ReplyDeleteI hope you all have a wonderful day and evening! ;D
Girls get prepared for more posts about FOOTBALL!!! Jays first game is in two weeks!!! I can't wait to see him play!!!
ReplyDeleteI was over on the other that what we are calling it now? I wanna know what the person that said they look alike is smoking. I don't see it. I think I might need some of what ever they were smoking.
@ Mel LMAO I was thinking the same ting! It has to be a lot of crack smoking on ALS (or the other side as we call these days!I don't see it either! At least we are talking about a guy who's having the most sparkling smile I have ever seen!!
ReplyDeleteI am really looking forward to some football posts in the next weeks!!!
Hi girls! :-)
ReplyDeleteI´m back! Just wanted to let you know that i´m still alive but busy! :-/ Hope i find some time these days to stay with you a little longer to get some updates! ;-)
I had a great time on the boat with my parents. It was relaxing and a wonderful time... uhh and there were a few hot guys kayaking!! :-))
Hope you´re all doing good.
Take care!
Hello Ladies!!!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Great to have you back! And awesome that you saw some hot guys!!! ;D
Hi girls!!!
ReplyDelete@TeekanneWelcome back!I'm sure you had a great time on the boat!Especially watching hot guys kayaking!!! Awesome!!
@Nicole How are you hun? Have you rested enough? LOL Or is this just a reason to be lazy? Kidding!
@AM Hei min kjære!!! Are you watching Norway-France foolball/soccer game? Or are you dreaming about BIG HOT guys? LMAO
hi girls!
ReplyDelete@teekanne glad that you had a great trip
@ dana Damn I forgot about the whole game!! LOL
ReplyDeleteThe BIG hot guys.....LMAO Did you get my mail?
so no one only today?
ReplyDeleteso i see you maybe all tomorrow again
*hugs and kisses*
@Corinna Hi! How are you? How was your day?
ReplyDelete@AM LMAO I've got it, thanks! You're awesome!!! LOL But I'll answer tomorrow if you don't mind, maybe I'll have another dream!!! I wish!!!Hehe!
We play with Turkey tonight! 0-0 so far! LOL
Helllooooooooo Ladies!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? :D What did I miss all these weeks? Please, get me updated. ;) I'm dying for some news... :D
Well I'm back home again! :S But I kinda miss Canada already... Oh dear, I'm weird. haha the last couple days in Vancouver I couldn't wait to come home and now I wish I could go back. But well just go back to my friends, but still... :D lol
But my holidays were awesome nevertheless!!! :D Well except me hurting myself a couple times, but well I'm used to that! LOL :D
I really missed you guys though!!! It was soo hard not being able to talk to you every day and yea, befor I left it was every day!!! :D I was on withdrawal... :D I'm glad to be back on here though! :D
Well I gotta go run some errands, but I'll be back later! :D (and wanna hear some news... ;P)
What happened to this site? It used to be lots of different girls and late night parties and now its the same 3 people who seems to be in a race of
ReplyDeletewho can say LOL and LMAO the most. Was it Julia?
@ Anon Who's Julia??
ReplyDelete@ Anja Welcome back!! So nice to see you and you been missed so much!! :)
ReplyDeleteGirls! Seems like this anon we've been talking about is from Oslo!!
ReplyDelete@Anon Nothing happend to this site! I mean it's summer and we all have a life beside this! (I don't know aboout you though...) I'd say that's one of the reasons that not as many are on here anymore right now! :) And well then me and my big mouth have been away for quite a while! ;P I bet this is going to change in 70 days when the season starts again!!! :D
ReplyDeleteand yea, who's julia??? I don't think we have one on here, do we?
@AM Thanks girl!!! :D I've seen the stamps yesterday when I came back home. It was like 10pm but I couldn't resist to check them out! Thanks again so much for sending them! :D
so this anon was commenting here frequently while I've been gone? haha maybe it's Kjetil! Didn't he move to Oslo??? lol ;D
Good Day Ladies!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of complete randomness: I have family going to Copenhagen next week for two weeks. Anything special he should see, any suggestions? He's 21.
@Anja Welcome back! You were missed. Glad you had a good holiday.
ReplyDeleteHi girls.
ReplyDeletehi anja.. (i honor you by welcome you personally!!) ;-)
how are you doing?
@anja: you hurt yourself? thought the horses did that! ;-)
@anon: what happened to the ppl who were brave enough to use a name when saying sth?
i wonder why you care about this blog when you use it anonymously! tzzz
Copenhagen? how long will he stay? Tivoli might be interesting for him, the new habour and maybe going to Malmö via the Oeresund Bridge. I was in Copenhagen 3 weeks ago. Great city but expensive! ;-)
Otherwise the normal touristic stuff like Christianborg, Amalienborg, etc. The little mermaid wasn´t there... maybe he´s lucky! ;-)
So i´m off again. maybe step back in later. My parents are back from vacation and we will have a bbq! :-)))
Hello everyone!
ReplyDelete@ANJA welcome back girl!!! We missed you so much! And we also missed your big mouth!!!He!
@Teekanne Have a nice evening with your parents! Don't eat too much! Save something for us!!:-))
@Giffy Hi sweetie! How's your mother-in-law doing??? Does she like Northern Kings too? Just kidding! Love you!
Hi girls!
ReplyDelete@anja hi girl, glad that you be back in one piece. how was canada? seems like you had a great time.
Some hot countrymen for AM
@Giffy Thanks! :D how are you doing?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne holy... now I fell special... I'm blushing! :D Thanks hun for the warm welcome though!
I'm doing good! how about you?
Well no, one bucked me off, but I didn't hurt myself. I landed on my feet! :D Yea that surprised me too! LOL
I actually hurt myself, bc I fell down a little hill! yea, you're allowed to make fun of me! ;D but I really hurt myself there. Me and my mom think it's a spinal contusion. I can't lift anything! ;) Travelling with all my luggage was hell! lol
I'm kinda accident prone! :D
Have a great bbq! :)
@dana Thanks girl! :D I miss you too! haha at least someone who missed that! ;D How are you doing?
@Corinna hei there! how are you doing?
haha yea I 'bearly' made it in one piece! ;D Canada was awesome!!! Everyone should go there at least once!!! :D it's so great! :D
@anja i´m doing great, had the last one and half a work training, maybe going to study osteopahtie and going down to itlay tomorrow for the weekend.
ReplyDeleteso you have an injured arm? that´s sucks! was hit from falling down the hill?
@ Anja You're welcome about the stamps sweete! :) Great to have you're big mouth back. Haha But not great to hear that you have injured your arm though!! Hope you'll be better soon!!!
@Corinna Oh that sounds great! I've seen above that you had some exams. Hope they went good! :D
ReplyDeleteNice, back to italy?! ;D You got a boytoy down there or are you just going back bc it's so nice? ;P
No, not my arm. It's my back, my shoulders and my neck. My necks really bad at the moment. :( yea, that happend when I fell down that little hill. lol We think it's a 'wirbelsäulen prellung', but I'll go to the doctor's next Tuesday, so I'll know for sure. :D
So what's new? :D
@AM thanks! I'm glad to be back on here too! :D
ReplyDeleteWell I'm getting kinda used to injure myself... I sometimes do that on a daily basis! haha just minor injuries though... :D I sometimes even hurt myself walking, but that's me! :D I'm used to being the subject of joke in that matter! ;)
@anja i had a bobath work training and after the first week (the second follow in january) we done a exam and yes they went good.
ReplyDeletei´m going to italy bc it is so nice there and here it is bad raining again.
so maybe put some ice on your back and when this don´t work than something warm.
hope you will be better soon.
@am did you see the photos this anon person posted?
@Corinna ok I gotta ask, what's bobath? Glad to hear they went good! :D Congrats!
ReplyDeleteyea, I'd go to italy too. Here it's raining like hell today... Maybe switzerland is crying bc I'm back! lol ;P
I'll try that, thanks! :D
@anja that´s bobath
when switzerland is crying bc you are back then it will be happy tears
@Corinna oh I see! Thanks! :D Sounds really interessting.
ReplyDeletethat's sweet! ;) I hope it soon stops raining though. I'm getting tired of it... :) I want the sun back, otherwise my tan is going to fade again. And this year is the first in ages, that I actually have a tan again! :D
@anja so you had a real great weather in canada?! that´s great. haha you´ve been taned, that´s great i like to be taned.
ReplyDelete@ Anom Thanks for the link! I'm wondering are you as hot as these guys??
ReplyDelete@ Well girls! Nice to see you all again! :D Very nice of this anom person to post a link only for me though.Hahaha
ReplyDelete@am haha yes very nice, but i think i had seen this pics before somewhere
ReplyDelete@Corinna yes we did, most of the time! :D haha yea I got a farmes tan. I think that what it's called. :) bad thing about that tan, I was burned really badly first. Looked like a tomato! ;) haha
ReplyDelete@AM haha That's a good question! Now I'm wondering too! ;)
ok I'm curious, what's this about? Did you say something about these guys before or what? ;) I'm confused... haha
@anja farmers tan? sounds funny. oh i know about that sunburn and how it hurts!
ReplyDelete@ Anja and corinna There was a post of Thor Hushovd on ALS a few days ago and I commented that he's HOT! Someone's having some fun on my behalf! Haha
ReplyDelete@Anja & Teekanne YAY!!! *hugs & a round of drinks for everyone* Are all of our girls back now?
ReplyDelete@Anon I think we partied too hard & are taking a break & waiting for the season to start before we go crazy again. Though I do have an idea for a blog. Though I really don't know if I should post it...
@My Girls I was thinking of posting a response to Aksels blog I'M GETTING MARRIED??? Just a little joke blog post. You know Yes your getting married, where, when, who, your suit, her dress...What do you think? I really wanna do it because if the press really does get on here I wanna mess with them.
I'm off to go get ready for my picnic with Kelli. Excited to spend some time with my bestest. :-)
@mel have fun at the picnic.
ReplyDeletelmao about your idea.
@am oh i remember of that post, and then i know where i did see it before
@ Mel The idea is good!! But i'm not so sure if I belive what Aksel himself is saying!!
ReplyDelete@am why you don´t belive him?
ReplyDelete@ corinna I'm not sure if I belive him bc he said once on the blog when the hell broke loose that '' you have to spend time with someone to get to know them'' I wanted that time to respond to him. You need time to spend time with someone you have known for 3 years to get to know, then there's something wrong.
ReplyDelete@Corinna haha It does sound funny! But I think that's what it's called when you can see where the shirt or tank top has been ;)
ReplyDelete@AM I see! Well he is hot!! :D haha nice that I could see that pic too! Is he norwegian too? I guess I really gotta go there! lol
@Mel Thanks girl! :D I like the idea! I've seen this post and I kinda think it would be funny! I'm not sure if everyone gets the joke though... :)
have fun at the picnic! :)
ok can me someone update me plz? What happend? I haven't read all the comments on the other side, just the 'titels' of some blog entries. :D Thanks!!!
ReplyDelete@am i´m sorry but i don´t understand what do you mean with that?!
ReplyDeletei also think that you have spend time with somebody to know him, but not over 3 years.
@ corinna Aksel said on the Hamptons entry when the hell broke through that you have to spend time with someone to get to know them. At that point he had known this woman for 3 years and acted like there was nothing between them. That's why I take everything with a ton of salt when it comes to he's denying of what the media writes!!
ReplyDelete@am now i got you! my meaning is it is all just a pr thing. i don´t belive this whole thing. call me crazy but something is wrong in with this thing
ReplyDelete@anja look and you will understand
@ corinna If I had your E- mail I could tell you something! :)
ReplyDelete@am when you want to tell me something lol
ReplyDelete@ corinna Thanks!! It's better to talk about certain things in mails than on the blog!! ;)
ReplyDelete@am yes that´s true
ReplyDeleteoh just at the moment they said in the tv that munich should take back there application for the olympic games 2018!
ReplyDelete@Corinna ah now I see! :) I start to understand what you're talking about! Thanks for the link... :)
ReplyDeleteGosh I've missed so much... :)
@anja so you know what do you have to do on the weekend! lmao
ReplyDelete@Corinna LOL Well for what do I have you guys if not for you telling me what interessting thigs happend? ;) hehe
ReplyDeleteWell but reading all that stuff would just annoy me, bc when the topic is on him and jm the anons show up and talk BS... :) I don't care so much if they're together or not! :)
Gosh I'm so glad when the season starts again and we can talk about the stuff that really matters over there! :D
@ corinna Why do they mean that they have to take back their application??
ReplyDelete@ Anja I really do agree!!! I just can't wait for the season to start! It feels like ages! LOL
ReplyDelete@ Anja The topics dosen't have to be about JM at all before the anons are on the rocks!! :)
ReplyDelete@am oh you're right! they're always there! haha :D a reason more not to read all the comments! LOL
ReplyDelete@ Anja Oh, I completely forgot. Yeah Thor Hushovd is norwegian! You know, we have all the hotties! lol
ReplyDelete@am because of the climatic situation. they think it is not good to make the olympic games in small valleys. but there are also some problems with the farmers, bc they don´t want to give there ground away for the biathlon.
ReplyDeletei got your e-mail and sitting on the answer
girls i just phoned today to sölden bc my wc tickets didn´t arrived and i orderd them two and half week ago, then the men on the phone said me, that the tickets didn´t arrived them yet and they waiting for it everyday lmao
@anja: so you had so much luggage? like a girl? ;-) hope your back isn´t that bad..
ReplyDelete@dana: i tried to save some stuff for you but my brothers ate like they didn´t get anything for the last 2 weeks! ;-)
i´m sorry
girls.. we´re not really discussing this stuff, are we? ;-)
but i still like the idea of kjetil being bridesmaid!!
@ Anja True!! Most of the time I don't read everything! The best comment was the other day when someone anon said that Aksel and JM look so alike... That someone must have smoked crack!lol
ReplyDelete@teekanne how was your bbq?
ReplyDeletei think kjetil should be the husband and wife! lmao
@corinna: that´s bad about Munich. I was looking forward to 2018.. think it was a good plan to do it there but in Germany you have always ppl who complain about such big things! stupid!!
ReplyDeletei´m sorry about the tickets but since they didn´t get it either.. ;-)
Any news about the HEAD guy?
@ Teekanne Good evening to you!! :) How are you?
ReplyDelete@am haha yea you do! Gosh I went to the wrong country! LOL :D
ReplyDelete@corinna aww hope the tickets come soon! And btw I'm jealous!!! Sölden! :) wave into the camera so we can see you, ok? ;)
@Teekanne welcome back! well my suitcase was 23.4 but my backpack was really heavy! Shouldn't have bought so many books in Vancouver... haha :)
Well it's bad since 2 weeks now, but I hope it's getting better! ;) I can't even blame someone else but me! ;)
how was the bbq?
haha don't bring back 'bad' memories girl! LOL
@am LMAO someone said that! ok I wanna have that stuff they smoked! ;)
ReplyDelete@teekanne no news about the HEAD guy.
ReplyDeletei really hope they make it in munich. they just said they thinking about to take it back
@Teekanne & Corinna ok what HEAD guy???? :) I'm being nosy again tonight! haha :P
ReplyDelete@anja i really wave into the camera and i gonna make a lot of pics. to share with you all.
ReplyDeletei´m sure you will see me. i´m going with my best friend and she want a us flag for bode miller on one cheek and on the other the norway flag. i will have maybe on both cheeks the norway flag. lmao and my big norway flag in my hands lmao
@corinna: bbq was good... a little cold after a while but i made it! ;-)
ReplyDeleteIt´s august and i still wear a jacket after 8pm.. that´s strange!!!
husband and wife???? haha.. poor kjetil.
@am: hi to the north! how are you doing? :-)i´m pretty good!!! :-)
@anja: 23.4? haha.. that´s heavy! so you had a suitcase AND a backpack? a big backpack like 70 liters or only a small one?
You and books... why did you buy it there.. did you had that much time to read?
so you tripped and fell down a hill?
BAD memories? that were the best! :-)
*all the crazy shit i did tonight- those would be the best memories* haha
so no cowboys for me? so i need to find a nice swiss in september huh?
ReplyDeleteyou have to.. definitely! paint your whole face in norway!!! ;-)
or maybe try to get a costume as viking! :-)
@anja: just a guy who had an appointment with corinna and wore HEAD pants! ;-)
@teekanne my whole face in the norway colours. ok then my boss will call me crazy bc she and her husband said, they will view it in the tv and will look if they will see me. lmao
ReplyDelete@anja a real hot HEAD panty guy lmao
@ Teekanne I'm feeling pretty good myself! :) We have nice weather and sun. What more can we ask for. ;) Nice to see you back btw!!
ReplyDeleteJiiizzz girls, you're so fast!!! I can't keep up with you!
ReplyDeleteI hope Anon likes your comments! But please don't use too much LOL and LMAO!!! Ha ha! I admit he/she is right about that!!!
@Teekanne Thanks anyway! Maybe next time we'll have more luck!
@AM replyed!!
@Corinna yea do that! So we'll know you're the one with the big norway flag! ;D But seriously, body miller?! ;P
ReplyDelete@Teekanne I know! But thankfully the guy at the airport was nice enough so I didn't have to pay! :D well yes and a purse! ;) It was a 'rucksack' and it's pretty big. I don't know how much though. I'm a girl in some ways after all! LOL
well in Van we had yea, it was raining all the time... But I just cannot resist to buy books in bookstores... and they're cheaper there than here! haha just wait till you see my room! Way to many books in there! ;)
haha i kinda did yea! But it was early in the morning and I wore flip flops! I cannot walk with them at all! LOL :D it wasn't a big hill though, went just like 2m down or so...
ok they were! haha ;) I just have to laugh when I think about them... The red dress and shoes... LMAO
I'm sorry no! :( I guess I gotta go to the Stampede next year to find one! :)
haha if you can find any good looking one here! ;) Btw I just got my timetable for next semester, have friday afternoon and monday mornings free! So I don't even have to skip class to get you at the airport! :D yay! :D
@ corinna You didn't get your tickets yet!? Hahaha Pray to the higher state that they show up before Sølden. LOL
ReplyDelete@Teekanne & corinna I see! :) good for you! lol :D Hope he's coming back though!
ReplyDelete@corinna oh yea do the whole face, so we will see you for sure in tv! ;P lol they normally show ppl like that! ;)
@anja my best friend think that bode miller is hot. i also was shocked if she said this. lmao and don´t forget i´m that one with the norway flag over my whole face
ReplyDelete@dana hi girl how are you!
@am the guy on the phone said, i should call him when i don´t get them in two weeks.
ReplyDelete@anja he was real hot. and i saw him during going out again lol and he run into me very often lmao
@Corinna Hello! I'm tired and dizzy! How are you? Do you know the result of your exam?
ReplyDelete@dana i made it. it was good. i´m also a bit tired but not as heavy like the last days
ReplyDelete@ corinna Bode is HOT but not my type of guy. He seems a bit too wilød. lol
ReplyDelete@ dana Hi sweete, seems like everyone is coming together for a party again. You're dizzy? Do you need some HOT ''medicine''? LOL
@ corinna I meant he's too WILD!! LOL
ReplyDelete@corinna: do you think they will recognize you under this much colour? ;-)
ReplyDelete@am: thx! :-) it´s nice to be around again since the last weeks were pretty busy! :-)
you had sun? i miss the sun most times of the day.. :-( it´s more like april or october.. :-(
@anja: lucky you.. pay all these weight must be pretty expensive, right?
ok, i think i would have bought some books too! ;-) so i will have to borrow some books from you when i visit! :-)
i wanted to bring you one, right? do you remember what it was?? haha forgot it! :-/
i knew i should accompany you to save you from slipping and tripping! ;-) but i came back from 4 days boat trip with my parents with my legs blue from bruises.. haha.. i´m not so much better either! ;-)
vera wang.. haha!! LMAO and LOL!!! :-)
yiihhhaa.. so i don´t feel bad for my flight times haha! but you know i would have spend the time in town till my flight!
@dana: i´m sorry we´re that fast! ;-)
@am i think he is a bit to old for me!lmao but he is a good looking guy
ReplyDeleteshould we count now the days till the wc starts again?
@teekanne maybe i should also put a t-shirt on with that :"i´m not crazy but some ppl at home before the tv know what does that means!"
ReplyDelete@Corinna Congrats hun! I told you...
ReplyDelete@AM It would be great some hot medecine!
But rather I think I need some english classes! He he!
Hola Chicas!
ReplyDelete@Anja WELCOME BACK!!!!! Besides getting hurt (I hope the Doctor can help you feel better) I hope you had a fabulous trip! We want details!
@AM I know anon left the Hot Guys link for you ... but I had to take a peek! I agree, Vikings do have a rather HOT gene pool. Is every male walking the streets of Norway totally HOT?
@Teekanne A family vacation sounds like fun! How are the wind surfing lessons coming along?
@Anon Just an FYI for you ... I welcome & encourage comments and opinions from everyone, but I dislike Anon comments (except for links to HOT men) :) ... Because, I personally see it as a form of "hiding" and not taking responsiblity for your comments. Plus, if there is more than one person posting as Anon, how is everyone supposed to distinguish who is who. So, if you want to join in the fun, cause havoc, create drama, have an opinion or whatever the purpose you choose, I would suggest you pick a user name and consistently use it.
@Chicas Just an FYI ... I have choosen to ignore all Anon comments, both here & on ALS blog. I find the lack of a user name to be rude, inconsiderate, immature & not worthy of replies!
I am off to do some indoor rock climbing during my lunch break and then back to work. Will try and check back in later!
@ teekanne Everytime I look at your nick I feel like a cup of tee! :) Yeah, here we have sun and it's so beautiful. We take everyday with sun with open hands bc we have had a terrible weather this summer!
ReplyDelete@corinna: maybe just wear a read vera wang... we would know who you cheer for! haha
ReplyDelete(a special add would be to put bunny ears on your head too)
@Corinna I see! so he was hitting on you?! Lucky you! :D
ReplyDelete@Dana ok I gotta ask, what made you so dizzy? ;P too much fun? ;P Sorry I couldn't resist...
@Teekanne haha 50.- since I was allowed to take 23 with me! haha 400g are quite expensive, especially when you've been shoppin like hell in Canada! ;P
haha you can if you find one you like! :) I even got loads in english! ;)
oh right! haha I forgot it too! ;) I didn't even remember we said that! LOL :D
yea you should have! ;) but I don't think you would have been able to prefent that! well I kinda deserve it, I should have gone down the path that was like 2m away from where I went down! LOL
oh I'm sorry! how did that happen? :S btw I've seen the pics, really beautiful! :D where did you go? Nordsee?
LMAO... I gotta go back and reread these posts... just for the fun of it! ;D lol
well I works out really good, so don't worry! And of course I would have skipped! I mean it's university, it's not like i'm going to be there ever single lecture! ;) btw you gotta give me the time and flight number somewhen by mail. :) So I won't miss you! ;)
@anja i think a red vera wang would be a little bit to cold on a glacier.lmao
ReplyDeleteyes he run into me and smile on me and that was 6 weeks ago now or longer and since then no update from him or about him
@ deuce Oh no, NOT every guy in this country are HOT but almost!! LOL Nice to see you back and look into us a little more often!!;)
ReplyDelete@Deuce Thanks! Well there are not to many details to tell! We had fun, met some ppl and went out! But nothing more than that! ;D no cowboys around for me! :D
ReplyDeletehave fun climbing! :)
@deuce indoor climbing sounds great, have fun with it.
ReplyDeletei think we show this anon person tonight how talkalike we are
@deuce: Amen!!! :-) Thx for your comment. that´s what i do on ALS too for 99,99%! but it´s so damn hard not to say something...
ReplyDeletebtw: i got my surf licence and am allowed to borrow surfstuff... we will go for another day next weekend if there is more wind (at the moment it´s only about 2 bft. not that much! :-(
have fun! and try not to fall down! ;-)
@am: haha.. you feel like a cup of tea? like the little one from the beauty and the beast! ;-)
i believe that. and since you don´t have that much sun in wintertimes it´s more important to take as much as you can in summer!
we had a great june and i hope for a good september.. that would be great.
@Corinna haha well you could wear it over warm clothes... eventhought that'd look even weirder... LOL ;)
ReplyDeleteoh I know, make a shirt with something like 'for my crazy girls in front of the tv being jealous'! ;P lol that'd be funny!
@anja i think about it. i really think that would be funny. but then when he see me, he knows who i am!!! and will run away
ReplyDelete@teekanne congratulations to your surf licence and i hope for you that there will be some more wind
@Corinna well true, but I don't think he's checking that blog here and as long as you don't write something with 'akselized fans' or something I don't think he'll know! Though if Kjetil or someone is really checking this one, (like some think) they will prolly run! haha :D
ReplyDelete@am: since anja is back this blog is back alive! ;-)
ReplyDelete@anja: wooow... you gave him your numbre since he saved you from spending alot of money?!
so you found some clothes?
you know what? i was in copenhagen and they have an abercrombie $ fitch store there.. BUT IT WAS CLOSED!!!!!!!!! AAAAARG so i wasn´t allowed to go shopping there! :-( and now i found out that they bring up Hollister in a shopping mall next to me! that sucks... :-(
in english is good since i need to improve my skills for next year! haha
oh yeh.. than you deserve that haha...
how did that happen? i don´t know.. the chair was in my way.. i hit the corner of the door.. etc.. just typical me! haha.
No it was in Mecklenburg Vorpommern - Müritz and Havel!! Wonderful countryside!!
Just university.. haha.. ok!! :-)
i will let you know.. send it to you tomorrow!
btw. you won´t miss me.. haha. i will but a banner on the plane to let you know
@anja and corinna:
ReplyDeletei really would like to see you corinna in that dress... think you will earn a special blog post on Mels blog! isn´t that worth it? ;-9
@teekanne in that kind of dress don´t know about what you are talking *lmao*
ReplyDelete@anja i think he check out that blog, bc he also know about the drinks
haha yea I'm back! Told ya me and my big mouth... ;P I wonder if that's a good or a bad sign...
ReplyDelete@Teekanne nah he wasn't good looking or anything, just nice! :)
haha yea, I found too many clothes! Why has Roxy and Billabong & co to be so cheap over there? ;)
aww poor you! That really sucks! I never was in a Abercombie but I heard they have nice stuff! What's hollister? A brand? :)
Oh poor you, you're being forced to shop! lol
hehe I do actually! ;) me being stupid...
oh I see, you're like me!!! :D I'm the same, but I swear the chairs and doors just jump in my way on purpose so that i hit my toes! :D
I see! Looks really beautiful, especially the sunset! ;)
Oki doki! :) oh and what will it say, Watch out teekanne is coming? ;P lol
oh I should make a sign too I guess, so you'll recognise me! ;P
@Teekanne you know, if you ever come here for a race, you could wear a dress like that for it! I mean that's even a reason to come to a race! ;P
ReplyDelete@Corinna I don't know, I thought Mel posted them on his blog? I don't remember... anyhow I don't think we'll ever know if he reads it or not! :D
@corinna: i know you know what i know and we all know! ;-)
hmm. damn it! not even the airport guys were hot! haha
This stuff is cheap there??? Gosh i think i will go to canada next year! haha
hollister is this surferbrand from abercrombie they have really great clothes..
no it´s not that i´m forced to shop but that every honk will wear this stuff over here pretty soon! in copenhagen there was every 3rd person wearing abercrombie!!
i need a new brand!! ;-)
haha... i tried that too, but my parents explained me that chairs and doors cannot jump in your way. And even if they do, it´s my fault bc i made them to! :-( But these are bruises i know where they´re coming from! haha..
Yeh the sunset was brilliant. And sitting on a boat, drinking beer you have plenty of time to take pictures and try the camera! i think i have about 50 pics of that sunset!
I´m coming to getcha!! ;-)
bring up a rose... haha that would be a good sign!
ok girls i´m heading out. have a wonderful evening! :-) take care
@teekanne so you know it?! ;)
ReplyDeletei wish you a great night and weekend see you on sunday
@Teekanne haha nope, not even they were hot! but I gotta say there were hot guys, we just didn't talk to them, bc we've seen them walk by or so! ;)
ReplyDeleteoh I see! :( Here everyone is walking aroung in H&M! LOL :D
oh really! damn it! ;) yea at least you know where they came from! I got loads where I have no idea where they came from! LOL :D
LOL I will! Trust me, standing there with a rose, not a red one though. I don't like red one's so much! ;D
have a good night hun! Sleep well and sweet dreams! :)
girls i´m off too.
ReplyDeletei wish you all a great weekend and see you all on sunday evening.
have a great night and sweet dreams *hugs and kisses*
@Corinna good night to you too! and have a great weekend! Enjoy it! :) and bring some sun back!
I got my acceptance letter!!! I'm so excited!!! I can't wait. I'm gonna go search for grants & student loans.