This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Vitamin Pandas
How awesome are these? I think Gummy Bear Vitamins are all over the world! I wonder where else there are Vitamin Bear brothers. It would be awesome to find them in every country or state & take a pic of them. Well & try them out of course to see what ones taste the best. LOL
@Giffy I never thought of that. *open mouth & insert foot*
@Dana LOL It sucks being on the other side of the world from everybody else. I usually miss out on all the good gutter discussions. I did try to post a comment from my phone, but it didn't work. :-( I can read them I just can't join in.
@Corinna I e-mailed him & told him he needed to come back because security isn't doing their job, but he hasn't responded. I don't know what to think about that. *shrugs* I guess it's better to have loved & lost than to never have loved at all.
I want to say WELCOME to Miffy!!! ;D It's great to have another Lady join us! ;D
I really really miss all of you during the day...especially since today was not so great (lots of drama and punishments)! :/ I can't wait til I can blog like normal! LOL ;D
I hope you all have an absolutely amazing Wednesday (it's Hump Day and halfway through the week)!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
@Brenda Is that ur gift Lars is wearing? It's perfect! Good job Sista!
@Mel Sorry Jakey hasn't called u back. You and your BFF should make a trip to his new store and say HI! Thats a friendly thing to do and you get your Jakey fix!
@Corinna Hope you & ur ex are working it out. Don't give up, he'll come to his senses. *Hugs*
@Nicole Drama & punishment? Did u hit someone with ur flute???? Cuz this one time at band camp ... (LOL I just had to say it):D
It was so hot today (100+), Dingo and I went kite boarding after work and I got my butt totally kicked, but it was worth it, cuz now Dingo is making me dinner. Spicy Garlic Lime Chicken and Cantalope Smoothies, plus he looks cute in his apron ... now if only I could get him to loose the Board shorts! *Gutter Alarm*
Hope everyone is having a good evening/morning! I need to go help the cook! *wink wink*
@Deuce Whenever I read Dingo, I think, "the Dingo ate my baby!" Is that his real name? I think I'd like the recipe for Spicy Garlic Lime Chicken. Glad you are having a fun summer!
@Mel Yes, Inception is a very good movie. You should go with your bestie.
thank you all for your support here a the newest news:
he write me this morning a sms: are you alright and already wake up when yes please call me. i called him and the first thing i ask so she isn´t at your place right now, right? he said yes and it is better when he does something like this without that she knows it, he ask me if i have time for him tomorrow bc she has to work then and he take a break from work during meeting me and he don´t want to tell her something about that. so what´s up?! so we have now a secret friendship? have to see what happen tomorrow.
now i´m just kidding ok!
maybe i should do something like this, when i visit him tomorrow i have may workdress on and have to change my clothes at his house(thats true) (now the kidding part) maybe i should change it like this. say to him in a very sexy smoky voice take a seat honey. then i put my clothes slowly down and say "that´s is that was your new girl think i do when i meet you right!?" then i sit me on his lap and say to him too and "this also right?!" but that´s not that i do i take my other clothes and put it on and say to him"that i do, i only change my clothes without go romatic with you ok?" don´t forget only kidding about that
@dana as i said i just kidding about, but i imagine his face when i something like that. lmao and the gutter is a good place to be this days. lmao and i think it is the best way to keep my smile back lmao
i´m back in a little bit. a friend is just coming to talk see you all later
@ dana I love both songs! LOL Mysterous Girl with Peter Andre' is a dance song for sure! ''YOU'' with Ten Sharp was a song in my younger days who we used as the last dance in nightclubs, LMAO
@Corinna I think when you change at your ex's house you should leave a spare pair of panties or a bra on the back of the door. Then when the new GF sees it she'll explode. Her head will blow right off! :) !
@Dana I'm fine, too! I'm in love with Northern Kings! Yes, I think the poor guy needs a fright. Imagine him making our Corinna sneak around. She's too good for that!
@Corinna You are a good girl, and good friend to your ex. He needs to stand up for you and your friendship and not make you sneak around when she's at work to meet him. Is he a man or a mouse? You are perfect you don't need to worry! :)
@Giffy I'm glad you like the Kings so much!! I haven't thought you'll love them! But I'm happy you do! What do you recommend for this evening? As you see Anne-May and I have remembered some old summer songs! LOL
@Dana I didn't know any of the songs you guys recommended but I liked them. I think the beach song has some dance moves that go with it! LOL! In keeping with the theme I recommend:
@Corinna You're welcome! Don't let the ex mess with your head! Besides it's almost the weekend and maybe you'll meet someone new! Could you call the HEAD panty guy or would it be awkward?
@Dana HaHa! That thing is no worse than the beach song. It's the same thing! Hot temperature!
Actually, my favorite song right now is Listomania by Phoenix. The whole CD is good. Great for a long drive. I love it! But I'm happy about the Northern Kings, I always like to learn about new music!
@Giffy Are you kidding me??? Kid Rock is your brother in law??? I want to get out of this but I'm sliding deeper and deeper!! LMAO Any cousins, aunts, nephews... Ha ha!
@Giffy Ha ha! It's enough water in the lake!!! I thought you're teasing me! Well I'm not so old I am less than half of your mother-in-law's age!!! LMAO
Girls are you talking about Aksel or about corinna's ex? I'm dizzy!!! And I didn't drink anything but I think I should!!! Ha ha!
@AM It just seems like 3 new people have way too many details? Don't you think? They are ready to argue all the time?
@Dana I had fun with you. I'm not mad. I love you. Yes, My husband and his twin were menopause babies can you imagine? My MIL was shocked when she found out she was pregnant...
@Kristen It says this content is currently not available. What's on there? I saw the new profile pic with the scuba snorkle...I haven't seen you on in awhile chick! How are you?
Its pics from Julia's FB page, her "other" one, she has her athlete page and if you go to that one on her "wall" there is a posting about "Colorshow at Zanzibar", if you click on that link, on the left hand side it has who is attending, you will see her name and a pic of her swimming in the you click on it go to the photos tab, the album is "espy & summer" Aksel is drinking a Corona, another pic of him with a playboy playmate with her boobs literally falling out and he is laughing real hard. I hope this helps!
@AM What I see is photo's of her in the water in her swimsuit. I don't see any of ALS. But I will say if you girls want to find men you are on the wrong website. You should be trawling through her comments on her FB site...I'm just saying? The men are wound up over there.
@Kristen Nope I can't get there. I signed in, I follwed your directions, and it's blocked for me. It says she only shares some info but not all. I can just see the swimming with dolphins photos.
Maybe I shouln't say this... But I have to laugh hard! Aksel on vacation with his girlfriend and poses with a playmate and look even more happy with the playmate than you see him with his girlfrien. JIIIZZZ, It's all crazy!
Bye girls! I'm off! I had a nice evening here with you! Thanks! Have a great evening and a restful night! Be good, don't fight! LOL Hugs for all! Love you!
Severe Thunderstorm Warning for my county & a Tornado Warning for the county below me. Quarter sized hail & winds 60+MPH/96+KPH. I think I'm gonna hide in the basement under the pool table.
So the band was a lot better today! Less running around and being stupid and much more focus and concentration! There was less talking on the field, which was incredibly surprising! And the first round of cleaning is done, so we'll begin another tomorrow! I just hope that the band continues to progress like today!
@Deuce Punishments included company fronts, an hour of basics and standing at attention for 10 minutes! It sucked! But today was definitely better!!!
I miss you all so much!!! But I hope you've been having an amazing week! ;D
Allright Ladies! I'm heading out! Have an even more spectacular Thursday! ;D 2 days until the weekend! ;D
hi girls ok once gain i need your help i had a over 3 hours speak with my ex&best friend and now i´m real shocked. here some details:
she asked him on monday after 10 days how many kids he want
she told him yesterday after 12 days that she don´t know what does she should do the next week when he is 4 days with his dad and brother on vacation
also she told him on the second day that she is a girl who loves her liberty and in a relationship she don´t want to be every day at her boyfriends house. and also she don´t want to be invite from a men, with a big smile and eyes twinkle
so are i´m to prudish or is something bad going on?
and the other thing i´m be confused about is he said to me now i have to think on something other not to kiss you right now! what is going on his this guy head????
@ Corinna Last thing first. LOL You are nopt bothering! Please get that trough your sweet head!! He have to think about something else that to kiss you right away.... LMAO Seems to me he's not done with you yet!! And that is his way to tell you.. Maybe he's with her to see how you react to it? Maybe he's using her to forget you and try to go on with his life... This is something you need to talk to him about!!
About his so called girlfriend. To me she seems very imature. Tlking to a guy like this is to scear the hell out of him! If he's 20 or 40 this is not a priorety after two weeks relationship! LMAO She's 19 and he's 28? It's normally a huge step between them... This is also her way to test him - how far can she go... What will he say... I think he really needs to sort things out - his feeling for her and for you!
@am after our talk i think she need only someone to get what she want. and the next curious thing is that the get a operation on her knee next week and after that she want that he look after her and that she can stay at his house. i think she only a stupid guy, who is doing what she want
@am we were together 5 years and 9 month. and i get to know him in november 7 years. and he had slept with another girl this feburary so i decided to break up with him but stay friends
I see the common thing why we all come to the break up! Do you regret you had the break up? Do you still have feelings for him? Sorry for all the questions, corinna! Remember you have a long history together!
@am he said they have so many things the same together and i asked what? then he can´t answer me and i said to him only the bed thing right? and he said ok she is really good in bed and don´t want to use a condom and i asked him how stupid he is. he said ok yes she is a way to young but all other things are perfect but what other things! there is nothing except of the bed thing.
@am no feelings are rest for him at my side. i´m happy that i had break up we had some problems in the end and that´s why he had slept with another girl. he always said it is my fault. but i think he was sacred bc he thought about a wedding and i said i feel to young for something like that.
but we have different opinions:
he said he was unhappy bc i had to much work in this time and was tired sometimes
and he asked me during january and feburary so often what do you think about kids and a marry and i always said it´s a way to early i think i want to travel and to enjoy my life as long as possible
@ corinna Hhahaha He has to grow up!!! You do NOT f*** without a condom these days!! It's the most silly exuse I have ever heard to stay with someone!! What common intrests can a girl who's 19 and a boy who's 28 have in common exsept for sex?? I really would like to no!
@am i said to him so she has blowed out your brain right?! and then the question from her how many kids he want! it was her thing not to use a condom! silly guy. maybe she is already pregnant and search for a stupid guy to say it is his.
@am i don´t know why we girls always have the fault.
he also said i´m prudish bc i never want to sleep with him without a condom already not after 5 years, i don´t want a kid yet i always say but he said you prudish
@am he said when a kid came he paid for it at least he had some fun. i know she is danger and i said him what i think. i hope he does that what he said to me before i was drive home. he don´t give her the key for the house. and he also don´t want that she stays after her operation in his hous. but he has a smile in his face so i think he just said it so.
@ corinna He's crazy! If I wanna use a condom after 20 years he eather have to exsept it or waklk out the door - it's his choice!! But in a relationship it shouldn't be necasery to use a condom after so man years, we have the pill! But some girls can't use it though...
@ corin na In the end there's nothing you can do. You just have to lean back and trust him to do what's right! I know it's hard but it's the only thing you can do! In the end it's the sex he want from her and nothing else!!!
@am i know, it is his choice. and someday he is going boring in her. and then he break up. and i´m happy that i don´t have to think so much about that.
@am i hope so too. i think he will look at her the next two weeks and then he had enough i know him, and he need his liberty and he also said it. and he said once again that he miss his single life. but when he is single he has no sex
@ Corinna You're wlcome hon!! Nice talking to you too!! LOL
@ dana I'm always a good girl. LMAO Right now i'm watching The King Of Queens. LOL See someone on ALS is struggelig up some fighting again. I just said to the person to go and surf the web for some gossip. Bc the blog should be more than Julia Mancuso! LMAO
@AM OH MY GOD!!! What kind of good girl are you when you have put THIS pic on the followers!!! You have taken off even his towels!!! BAD, BAD girl!!! LMAO
@AM I was good when I've come back from biking but now a terrible headache is killing me! But I'm in a good mood too! And with the mind in the gutter bc of you, with that pic! LMAO
@Miffy Welcome to the blog. I hope you enjoy it here.
ReplyDeleteThe best part of these vitamin bears are that they are blue...It's very difficult to find blue food! :)
ReplyDeleteI actually don't think they're vitamins. It looks like they're just healthy candy! :)
ReplyDeleteHa ha! I didn't know why nobody answer me on the previous post!LOL
ReplyDelete@Giffy how many times have you listened Northern Kings today? LOL
@Mel Hi! At least we meet here! In the last time when you were at work I was here and when you were here I was sleeping! LOL
@dana what means BS?
ReplyDelete@mel i agree with you we have to find them and taste
@Giffy I never thought of that. *open mouth & insert foot*
ReplyDelete@Dana LOL It sucks being on the other side of the world from everybody else. I usually miss out on all the good gutter discussions. I did try to post a comment from my phone, but it didn't work. :-( I can read them I just can't join in.
@mel hi girl how are you?
ReplyDelete@Corinna I'm good enjoying my day off. How are you?
ReplyDelete@mel i´m also good. just a little bit confused but ok.
ReplyDelete@Corinna What are you confused about?
ReplyDelete@mel about everything today lmao and about that from yesterday
ReplyDelete@Corinna *hugs* hopefully tomorrow will be a less confussing day.
ReplyDelete@mel thank i hope so too
ReplyDeleteso how is about jake?
@Corinna I e-mailed him & told him he needed to come back because security isn't doing their job, but he hasn't responded. I don't know what to think about that. *shrugs* I guess it's better to have loved & lost than to never have loved at all.
ReplyDelete@mel oh that´s sucks. when had you mailed him? maybe he has no time to answer till yet?
ReplyDeleteyes your right. love is such a wonderful thing
girls i´m off need some sleep
ReplyDeletesee you all tomorrow *hugs and kisses*
@Corinna 10 days ago. :-( I know how Wal-Mart works you & he might not have the time. Love is a wonderful thing.
ReplyDelete@Corinna Goodnight & sweet dreams.
ReplyDelete@Corinna No one answered you about BS? It means bullsh*t. Sorry I Missed You!
ReplyDelete@Mel Don't worry - you're good. I had bad foot/mouth yesterday. Speaking of dreams: Did anyone see Inception? So good! I want to see it again.
@Dana 12! I need to get that album...Thanks! love it :)
@Giffy No I haven't seen it. Is it good?
ReplyDeleteHello Ladies! ;D
ReplyDeleteI want to say WELCOME to Miffy!!! ;D It's great to have another Lady join us! ;D
I really really miss all of you during the day...especially since today was not so great (lots of drama and punishments)! :/ I can't wait til I can blog like normal! LOL ;D
I hope you all have an absolutely amazing Wednesday (it's Hump Day and halfway through the week)!!!!! ;D ;D ;D
Hola Chicas!
ReplyDelete@Brenda Is that ur gift Lars is wearing? It's perfect! Good job Sista!
@Mel Sorry Jakey hasn't called u back. You and your BFF should make a trip to his new store and say HI! Thats a friendly thing to do and you get your Jakey fix!
@Corinna Hope you & ur ex are working it out. Don't give up, he'll come to his senses. *Hugs*
@Nicole Drama & punishment? Did u hit someone with ur flute???? Cuz this one time at band camp ... (LOL I just had to say it):D
It was so hot today (100+), Dingo and I went kite boarding after work and I got my butt totally kicked, but it was worth it, cuz now Dingo is making me dinner. Spicy Garlic Lime Chicken and Cantalope Smoothies, plus he looks cute in his apron ... now if only I could get him to loose the Board shorts! *Gutter Alarm*
Hope everyone is having a good evening/morning! I need to go help the cook! *wink wink*
@Deuce Whenever I read Dingo, I think, "the Dingo ate my baby!" Is that his real name? I think I'd like the recipe for Spicy Garlic Lime Chicken. Glad you are having a fun summer!
ReplyDelete@Mel Yes, Inception is a very good movie. You should go with your bestie.
hi girls!
ReplyDeletethank you all for your support here a the newest news:
he write me this morning a sms: are you alright and already wake up when yes please call me.
i called him and the first thing i ask so she isn´t at your place right now, right? he said yes and it is better when he does something like this without that she knows it, he ask me if i have time for him tomorrow bc she has to work then and he take a break from work during meeting me and he don´t want to tell her something about that. so what´s up?! so we have now a secret friendship? have to see what happen tomorrow.
now i´m just kidding ok!
maybe i should do something like this, when i visit him tomorrow i have may workdress on and have to change my clothes at his house(thats true) (now the kidding part) maybe i should change it like this. say to him in a very sexy smoky voice take a seat honey. then i put my clothes slowly down and say "that´s is that was your new girl think i do when i meet you right!?" then i sit me on his lap and say to him too and "this also right?!" but that´s not that i do i take my other clothes and put it on and say to him"that i do, i only change my clothes without go romatic with you ok?"
don´t forget only kidding about that
i´m a bad girl today
oh sorry for that long post
ReplyDelete@giffy thanks for the explaining about BS
@ dana Here's is the song for you so you can get your mind in the gutter! LOL
Now I have solved those damn pc problems. I really should be a pc tech! LMAO
ReplyDelete@am and dana so your girls are still in the gutter thats great
ReplyDelete@am so the next time i have problems with my pc i call you
HI girls! How are you?
ReplyDelete@AM Ha ha! thanks sweetie! Nice song! LOL
I have a song for you too LOL
And another one
@Corinna LMAO I see your mind is in the gutter too! All that stuff about changing your clothes at your ex home...sitting on his lap... He he!
@Corinna Ha ha! You posted at 11:11 and me at 12:12!!! LOL
ReplyDelete@dana as i said i just kidding about, but i imagine his face when i something like that. lmao and the gutter is a good place to be this days. lmao and i think it is the best way to keep my smile back lmao
ReplyDeletei´m back in a little bit. a friend is just coming to talk see you all later
@dana lmao so we make it today lmao
ReplyDeleteI'm off for the dinner! But
ReplyDeleteI'LL BE BACK!!! He he he!
@ dana I love both songs! LOL Mysterous Girl with Peter Andre' is a dance song for sure! ''YOU'' with Ten Sharp was a song in my younger days who we used as the last dance in nightclubs, LMAO
ReplyDelete@ corinna Yeah, just give me a call the next time you need some help and I'll be right over with my tools! LMAO
ReplyDeleteI'm back!
ReplyDelete@AM & Corinna No need tools for your pc, just a hammer!!! LOL
@AM Yes, our younger days...I guess you mean our childhood!!! Ha ha! We're not so old!! LMAO
@Corinna I know you're not joking! You'd like to take your clothes off on his lap!! Ha ha!
Gutter alarm!! I'm kidding!!
@ dana You're right we are young cougars. LMAO
ReplyDelete@ dana I replyed on your mail. LOL
ReplyDelete@Am Thanks, I'll check!
ReplyDeleteAs you see I'm a worried cougar!! LMAO But I'm sure you'll take care of the guy!!! LOL
I have another song for you and for all the girls! Hope you like it! Till you listen to it I'll read your mail! LOL
@ dana WHERE ARE YOY??? Di I have to be here all alone....? LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana I think we all are worried!!
ReplyDeleteI love this song too! WOW!! We have good taste in music!! LOL
@dana i love the gutter lmao
ReplyDelete@AM I told you so many times we're alike! LMAO
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about the happy face and the smile! All seem fake!
girls i see you later tonight again
ReplyDeletewe watching now the first season of SATC
@Corinna Me too! LMAO Tha best place in the world!!
ReplyDeleteI'm watching the athletics euro championship from Barcelona on Eurosport!
ReplyDelete@ dana Yeah, it seems like it's fake!! Maybe I should send him a mail and tell him.. LOL That would really make him happy! LMAO
ReplyDelete@AM WHERE ARE YOU???Do I have to be here all alone...? LOL
ReplyDelete@ corinna You're on and off! LOL When do you intend to stay on?? LMAO
ReplyDelete@ dana LMAO I am right here sweete! LOL
ReplyDeleteMany many HOT guys on tv right now! LOL
ReplyDelete@AM I thought I've lost you! LMAO We posted in the same time before! LOL
ReplyDeleteYeah, send him an email and tell him what BIG mouth you have! LMAO
@AM What are you watching on tv?
ReplyDelete@ dana I'm watching the same as you! LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana I don't have to tell him - he knows.... LMAO
ReplyDelete@AM Ha ha! I like this! We are watching the same channel while we're blogging! Cool!!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@AM did you see my girl?? LOL
ReplyDelete@AM LMAO Yes, you're right!!! Does he make a good coffee in the morning?? LOL
ReplyDelete@AM We won silver at discus women!
ReplyDelete@AM Have you fainted bc of those HOT guys??
ReplyDeleteHello? Wake up!
@Corinna I think when you change at your ex's house you should leave a spare pair of panties or a bra on the back of the door. Then when the new GF sees it she'll explode. Her head will blow right off! :) !
ReplyDeleteHey! Dana and AM what's up?
@Giffy Hi! How are you?
ReplyDeleteHa ha! Do you want to see the poor guy dead? LOL
I'm fine, thanks! In love as always! LOL
@Dana I'm fine, too! I'm in love with Northern Kings! Yes, I think the poor guy needs a fright. Imagine him making our Corinna sneak around. She's too good for that!
ReplyDelete@giffy that´s great. lmao
ReplyDelete@am it is a crazy evening today, a friend of me is here but she is going soon i hope so i have to stand up tomorrow real early lmao
@giffy for what i´m to good??? and where do i sneak around?
ReplyDelete@Corinna You are a good girl, and good friend to your ex. He needs to stand up for you and your friendship and not make you sneak around when she's at work to meet him. Is he a man or a mouse? You are perfect you don't need to worry! :)
ReplyDelete@Giffy I'm glad you like the Kings so much!! I haven't thought you'll love them! But I'm happy you do!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you recommend for this evening? As you see Anne-May and I have remembered some old summer songs! LOL
@giffy thank you. i think i going to wash his head tomorrow and say him what i´m thinking. i think he is more a mouse than a men lmao
ReplyDelete@Dana I didn't know any of the songs you guys recommended but I liked them. I think the beach song has some dance moves that go with it! LOL! In keeping with the theme I recommend:
@Dana How about?
@Giffy i can't seeit in my country! Tell me what is it and I try to find it on someting else than youtube!
ReplyDelete@Corinna You're welcome! Don't let the ex mess with your head! Besides it's almost the weekend and maybe you'll meet someone new! Could you call the HEAD panty guy or would it be awkward?
ReplyDeletegirls i´m off for a shower will be on soon i promise
ReplyDelete@giffy i´m in munich this weekend for going out lmao
ReplyDelete@Giffy I can't see it in my country, so tell me what is it and I try to look for it somewhere else than Youtube
ReplyDelete@Dana You're kidding? I wonder how I can see your videos? Sorry!
ReplyDeleteOne was: Sean Paul Temperature
the other was: I like to move it move it in the Madagascar Movie...LOL!
@Corinna I hear the guys are really hot in Munich! LOL! Like I would know?
ReplyDelete@Giffy the second one I can seeit and I know it! I like to move too!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteAt the first it said it contains some thing not allowed in my country!
@Dana HaHa! That thing is no worse than the beach song. It's the same thing! Hot temperature!
ReplyDeleteActually, my favorite song right now is Listomania by Phoenix. The whole CD is good. Great for a long drive. I love it! But I'm happy about the Northern Kings, I always like to learn about new music!
@Corinna I know a guy that has some soft and fluffy towels!!
ReplyDelete@Giffy I think you know this guy
@Giffy I like to try new musical experiences too! You don't know what big surprises can find! LOL As your new "nothern friends"! Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@Dana You stinker! I can't believe you just did that to Mother-in-Law loves that guy! Seriously!
ReplyDelete@dana then send me the guy with the soft and fluffy towels please
ReplyDelete@Giffy Ha ha! I didn't know!!! LMAO
ReplyDeleteDAMN! I'm not as old as your mother-in-law!!! I can't stop laughing!!! LOL
@Corinna Sorry! Anne-May has him!!! You have to ask her! LMAO
ReplyDelete@am can you please send him to me?
ReplyDelete@Dana How about? Classic
ReplyDeleteBeen Caught Stealing by Jane's Addiction
And I know a good Knock Knock joke. You start it!
@Giffy I hope your m-i-l don't like this guy too!! LOL
@Dana I'm afraid to look now! You gonna Rick Roll me again?
ReplyDelete@Dana I love you but i don't trust you now...
ReplyDelete@dana i watch it! lmao your crack me up
ReplyDelete@Giffy I've heard about Jane's Addiction but I didn't listen a song of them before! I LOVE IT!!! Really!
ReplyDeleteDon't be afraid! I'm sorry I've spoiled your day! LOL You know I love you!
May I ask how old is she? You don't have to answer if you don't want to!
@Corinna LOL At least you're not mad on me bc you don't have a mother-in-law! YET!! Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@dana yes but maybe soon lmao
ReplyDelete@Giffy I love this song! Hope your m-i-l doesn't!! LMAO
@Dana LOL! That was hilarious. Can you imagine if ALS, Lars, and Kjetil would remake that video/song! I love Morten's hair! What year was that?
ReplyDeleteMy MIL is 83!
@ corinna Nonono, I need him myself for the moment. LMAO But you might borrow him in a few days. LOL
ReplyDelete@Corinna If you take off your clothes in the way you said before I think in a few weeks you'll have a mother-in-law!! LOL
ReplyDelete@am then send me him as soon as possible lmao i´m waiting
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that ppl on the other side keep themselves in silence. LOL
ReplyDelete@ Corinna Of course I will. LOL
ReplyDelete@Dana I live in Michigan on a lake not far from Kid Rock. He's my brother in law! LOL! You didn't ruin my day, I'm not mad, I love you!
ReplyDelete@AM I thought you wanted to sleep alone! :)
@am so how should i´m waiting? what kind of clothes he like??lmao or no clothes?? lmao
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Welcome back hun! I'm glad you keep the guy just for your interests! LMAO
ReplyDelete@Giffy I think '84-85, something like that! LOL
And I have another one from that period!
@ Giffy Oh no, need some action from time to time. LOL
ReplyDelete@AM Too many know it all's over there. They say their fans but they sure have a lot of details. Oops! I'll probably get myself in trouble again...
ReplyDelete@Corinna I think he's proven he has no taste at all in clothes, so go without, or wear a bikini!
@Dana That was a good video! Love it!
@Giffy Are you kidding me??? Kid Rock is your brother in law??? I want to get out of this but I'm sliding deeper and deeper!! LMAO Any cousins, aunts, nephews... Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@ corinna He loves if you dress up like a bunny then you really see the BIG smile on his face! LMAO
ReplyDelete@giffy lol or i put it down when he arrived lmao
ReplyDeletedamn today i´m a real bad girl
@ Giffy Pamela Kid Rock? Hahahaha
ReplyDelete@am but i have no bunny suit? i think i need one!lmao
ReplyDelete@ Giffy Sorry, but I'm lost here now. Ididn't understand what you wrote! Explain.
ReplyDelete@Dana What cute little sailors those Vikings are! Ah! The World Trade Center, nice to see that again. Morten is adorable in that one.
ReplyDelete@AM What color bunny suit do you think Corinna should try on?
@ Giffy He loves the while one! LOL Or she can try the gold dress that hardly can cover her butt. LMAO
ReplyDelete@am when i take the gold one he can see my butt?
ReplyDelete@AM Well, I know he loves the white one, and I'm sure you've kept it very clean, but she should prolly have another color?
ReplyDeleteI'm teasing Dana. I don't really know Kid Rock. He's greasy. He needs to wash his hair.
I think she can wear just a tiara! LMAO
ReplyDelete@Corinna Who is going to poke his butt!
ReplyDelete@ corinna Din't you see the gold dress from ESPYS? LOL Not so elegant if you ask me! So take the white bunny suit! LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana LMAO I can piture that! LOL
ReplyDelete@all so you girls are going to dress me up now or what?
ReplyDelete@giffy maybe i
@am i didn´t see the gold one!
ReplyDelete@ corinna Maybe you should take the one who lokk like a panda?? LOL
ReplyDelete@Corinna I think the gold one is on her website.
ReplyDelete@Dana I agree!
@AM Me too! I can see it! :)
@Giffy Ha ha! It's enough water in the lake!!! I thought you're teasing me!
ReplyDeleteWell I'm not so old I am less than half of your mother-in-law's age!!! LMAO
Girls are you talking about Aksel or about corinna's ex? I'm dizzy!!! And I didn't drink anything but I think I should!!! Ha ha!
@dana about that guy with the soft and fluffy towels
ReplyDelete@ Giffy What did you mean by '' Too many know it all's over there''? Just curious if we are thinking the same thing!
ReplyDelete@ dana That guy with the fluffy hair some time ago. LMAO
ReplyDeletegirl´s i´m off, i´m going to bed now
ReplyDeletei think i´m not on tomorrow i´m going to the cinema with my girls. watching karate kid.
so i wish you all a great evening/night and lot´s of fun. and let me know when you have the right bunny suit for me
*hugs and kisses*
@ corinna Sweet dreams and talk to you soon! LOL
ReplyDeleteHey ladies!
ReplyDeleteLook what I found!! I'm hoping ya'll can see them.!/album.php?id=617811258&aid=236766&s=0&hash=a5cd7e7f24eae317534129e35e236922
@Corinna Good night and sweet dreams about bunnys and HOT guys!! LMAO
ReplyDeleteHugs and kisses! LOve you!
@Corinna Night! Good Luck tomorrow!
ReplyDelete@AM It just seems like 3 new people have way too many details? Don't you think? They are ready to argue all the time?
@Dana I had fun with you. I'm not mad. I love you. Yes, My husband and his twin were menopause babies can you imagine? My MIL was shocked when she found out she was pregnant...
I can't see on singel shit from the link Kristen. What have Julia posted now?
ReplyDelete@Kristen It says this content is currently not available. What's on there? I saw the new profile pic with the scuba snorkle...I haven't seen you on in awhile chick! How are you?
ReplyDelete@ Griffy I agree! Maybe it's Aksel, Julia or some in ther familys... LOL
ReplyDelete@Giffy Oh poor woman! And twins!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about these 3 new "fans"!
@Kristen Hi baby! Nice to see you!
But I can't see what it is on the FB link!
@AM Fluffy hair like in the pic you sent me!!! LOL
@ Kristen I am curious!!! Do we have some kissing pics now?? LOL
ReplyDeleteIts pics from Julia's FB page, her "other" one, she has her athlete page and if you go to that one on her "wall" there is a posting about "Colorshow at Zanzibar", if you click on that link, on the left hand side it has who is attending, you will see her name and a pic of her swimming in the you click on it go to the photos tab, the album is "espy & summer" Aksel is drinking a Corona, another pic of him with a playboy playmate with her boobs literally falling out and he is laughing real hard. I hope this helps!
ReplyDeleteGood to see you all!!
@AM What I see is photo's of her in the water in her swimsuit. I don't see any of ALS. But I will say if you girls want to find men you are on the wrong website. You should be trawling through her comments on her FB site...I'm just saying? The men are wound up over there.
ReplyDelete@ Giffy Jiiz I saw that pic of her too!! And I've seen the guys on her site.....
ReplyDelete@Kristen Nope I can't get there. I signed in, I follwed your directions, and it's blocked for me. It says she only shares some info but not all. I can just see the swimming with dolphins photos.
ReplyDelete@ Kristen. I don't think I need to see the pic!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteMaybe I shouln't say this... But I have to laugh hard! Aksel on vacation with his girlfriend and poses with a playmate and look even more happy with the playmate than you see him with his girlfrien. JIIIZZZ, It's all crazy!
ReplyDelete@Giffy I wonder why it's blocked for you and not me? I'm not her friend so I shouldn't be able to see them either.
@AM Haha! ;)
Bye girls! I'm off!
ReplyDeleteI had a nice evening here with you! Thanks!
Have a great evening and a restful night! Be good, don't fight! LOL
Hugs for all! Love you!
Severe Thunderstorm Warning for my county & a Tornado Warning for the county below me. Quarter sized hail & winds 60+MPH/96+KPH. I think I'm gonna hide in the basement under the pool table.
ReplyDeleteHello Ladies!!!
ReplyDeleteSo the band was a lot better today! Less running around and being stupid and much more focus and concentration! There was less talking on the field, which was incredibly surprising! And the first round of cleaning is done, so we'll begin another tomorrow! I just hope that the band continues to progress like today!
@Deuce Punishments included company fronts, an hour of basics and standing at attention for 10 minutes! It sucked!
But today was definitely better!!!
I miss you all so much!!! But I hope you've been having an amazing week! ;D
Allright Ladies! I'm heading out!
Have an even more spectacular Thursday! ;D 2 days until the weekend! ;D
@ Nicole Nice to hear it all worked out better yesterday!! :D Wiss you so much!! See you later!! :D
ReplyDeleteHello girls!
ReplyDeleteIt's so quiet here today! Have a great afternoon!
I'm off for a bike ride! Again!
See you later! Hugs!
hi girls ok once gain i need your help i had a over 3 hours speak with my ex&best friend and now i´m real shocked. here some details:
ReplyDeleteshe asked him on monday after 10 days how many kids he want
she told him yesterday after 12 days that she don´t know what does she should do the next week when he is 4 days with his dad and brother on vacation
also she told him on the second day that she is a girl who loves her liberty and in a relationship she don´t want to be every day at her boyfriends house. and also she don´t want to be invite from a men, with a big smile and eyes twinkle
so are i´m to prudish or is something bad going on?
and the other thing i´m be confused about is he said to me now i have to think on something other not to kiss you right now! what is going on his this guy head????
ReplyDeletegirls i´m sorry to bug you with this!
@ Corinna Last thing first. LOL You are nopt bothering! Please get that trough your sweet head!! He have to think about something else that to kiss you right away.... LMAO Seems to me he's not done with you yet!! And that is his way to tell you.. Maybe he's with her to see how you react to it? Maybe he's using her to forget you and try to go on with his life... This is something you need to talk to him about!!
ReplyDeleteAbout his so called girlfriend. To me she seems very imature. Tlking to a guy like this is to scear the hell out of him! If he's 20 or 40 this is not a priorety after two weeks relationship! LMAO She's 19 and he's 28? It's normally a huge step between them... This is also her way to test him - how far can she go... What will he say... I think he really needs to sort things out - his feeling for her and for you!
''hugs and kisses''
@ dana How was your bike ride? LOL Hope you had a nice time!!
ReplyDelete@am after our talk i think she need only someone to get what she want. and the next curious thing is that the get a operation on her knee next week and after that she want that he look after her and that she can stay at his house. i think she only a stupid guy, who is doing what she want
ReplyDeleteand thank you honey. *hugs and kisses back*
@dana oh yes how was your bike ride? how long does it takes?
ReplyDelete@am about that thing with not over me yet. he said also that i need a new boyfriend so he can forget me and things will be easier for him. ???
ReplyDelete@ corinna WOW!! What did I say?? LMAO For how long did you guys stick together?
ReplyDelete@am we were together 5 years and 9 month. and i get to know him in november 7 years. and he had slept with another girl this feburary so i decided to break up with him but stay friends
ReplyDelete@ corinna He has to leave her! She's not right for him. He's not in love with her and then it's wrong to him and her if he stays with her!!
ReplyDeleteHe wants you don't you get that, honey?? LOL
I see the common thing why we all come to the break up! Do you regret you had the break up? Do you still have feelings for him? Sorry for all the questions, corinna! Remember you have a long history together!
ReplyDelete@am he said they have so many things the same together and i asked what? then he can´t answer me and i said to him only the bed thing right? and he said ok she is really good in bed and don´t want to use a condom and i asked him how stupid he is. he said ok yes she is a way to young but all other things are perfect but what other things! there is nothing except of the bed thing.
ReplyDelete@am no feelings are rest for him at my side. i´m happy that i had break up we had some problems in the end and that´s why he had slept with another girl. he always said it is my fault. but i think he was sacred bc he thought about a wedding and i said i feel to young for something like that.
ReplyDeletebut we have different opinions:
he said he was unhappy bc i had to much work in this time and was tired sometimes
and he asked me during january and feburary so often what do you think about kids and a marry and i always said it´s a way to early i think i want to travel and to enjoy my life as long as possible
@ corinna Hhahaha He has to grow up!!! You do NOT f*** without a condom these days!! It's the most silly exuse I have ever heard to stay with someone!! What common intrests can a girl who's 19 and a boy who's 28 have in common exsept for sex?? I really would like to no!
ReplyDelete@am i said to him so she has blowed out your brain right?! and then the question from her how many kids he want! it was her thing not to use a condom! silly guy. maybe she is already pregnant and search for a stupid guy to say it is his.
ReplyDelete@ corinna You both where at to different levels! I had the same experience with my ex - he slept with another girl and he said it was my fault! LMAO
ReplyDelete@ corinna LMAO @ Blowed out your brain. She has sucked him emty as we say in Norway! LOL
ReplyDelete@am i don´t know why we girls always have the fault.
ReplyDeletehe also said i´m prudish bc i never want to sleep with him without a condom already not after 5 years, i don´t want a kid yet i always say but he said you prudish
@ corinna If he dosen't want kids with this one he for sure needs to be careful!! She is danger!!!!
ReplyDelete@am maybe we girls are also make the clima thing, the financial thing and also that the dino´s had to died
ReplyDelete@am he said when a kid came he paid for it at least he had some fun. i know she is danger and i said him what i think. i hope he does that what he said to me before i was drive home. he don´t give her the key for the house. and he also don´t want that she stays after her operation in his hous. but he has a smile in his face so i think he just said it so.
ReplyDelete@ corinna He's crazy! If I wanna use a condom after 20 years he eather have to exsept it or waklk out the door - it's his choice!! But in a relationship it shouldn't be necasery to use a condom after so man years, we have the pill! But some girls can't use it though...
ReplyDelete@am i have also the pill but i don´t want only to use this. but i think i had a feeling that he isn´t that one for my life
ReplyDelete@ corin na In the end there's nothing you can do. You just have to lean back and trust him to do what's right! I know it's hard but it's the only thing you can do! In the end it's the sex he want from her and nothing else!!!
ReplyDelete@am i know, it is his choice. and someday he is going boring in her. and then he break up. and i´m happy that i don´t have to think so much about that.
ReplyDelete@ corinna We know when we find ''the one'' it's so easy as that!! LOL In the mean time we do all to protect ourselves!!
ReplyDelete@am yes and we have the right we know it. and then we can do what we want and how we want with or with out the little thing. lmao
ReplyDelete@ corinna I just hope for his sake he will open his mind before it's too late!!!
ReplyDelete@ corinna Hahahaha, you are soooo damn right!!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@am and when we want and where we want! lmao
ReplyDeleteget me out of the gutter oh i getting deeper and deeper in it.
@am i hope so too. i think he will look at her the next two weeks and then he had enough i know him, and he need his liberty and he also said it. and he said once again that he miss his single life. but when he is single he has no sex
ReplyDeletei think we should keep up the PG13 or?
@am how was your day today?
ReplyDeletegirls i´m off i go to the cinema tonight see you all tomorrow
ReplyDelete@am thank you so much that i could talk to you. know i´m feeling better
*big hugs and kiss*
Hi again my girls! I'm back!!
ReplyDeleteI'm exhausted but I love biking! The weather was perfect!
@Corinna I see you still have troubles with your ex! Sorry, but he seems imature for 28!!
@Anne-May How are you sweetie? Have you been a good girl today! LMAO
Hi girls listen to this!!
@ Corinna You're wlcome hon!! Nice talking to you too!! LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana I'm always a good girl. LMAO Right now i'm watching The King Of Queens. LOL See someone on ALS is struggelig up some fighting again. I just said to the person to go and surf the web for some gossip. Bc the blog should be more than Julia Mancuso! LMAO
Am I all alone in here?? :/
ReplyDelete@AM No, you're not alone! I had to take a phone call! Sorry!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know what kind of good girl you are! LMAO
ALS blog has changed too! Unfortunately!
@AM OH MY GOD!!! What kind of good girl are you when you have put THIS pic on the followers!!! You have taken off even his towels!!! BAD, BAD girl!!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@AM thank you so much for the song! Wonderful voices!!! I guess they are Norwegian artists! Bravo!!!
ReplyDelete@ dana I'm back after dinner. It was a late dinner! LOL
ReplyDeleteYeah, took off his towels bc he look so mych better without. LMAO
Well I see now I'm all alone here so I'm off fro a shower! I'll be back soon! LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana The dude with the long hair is the one I showed you the same nigt as Eurovvision was in Norway!
ReplyDelete@AM Oh you're back! Then I'll go later for the shower! LOL How are you my dear?
ReplyDelete@AM they both have great voices!!!
ReplyDelete@ dana You are not alone I'm here with you though your far away I am here to stay!! LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana I'm fine thanks! In my good mood as always. LMAO. Ho are you sweete?
ReplyDelete@ dana You're right about ALS blog. But i'm sure some things will change again when the season is about to begin or during his gold medal rush... LOL
ReplyDelete@AM I was good when I've come back from biking but now a terrible headache is killing me!
ReplyDeleteBut I'm in a good mood too! And with the mind in the gutter bc of you, with that pic! LMAO
@AM I know you're far away but I feel you so close to my heart!