This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy
Indoor skiing looks fun, but I would still end up falling, rolling down the hill, hit a tree & hurt myself. Either that or I'd just fall off the lift & end up breaking something. BTW I know there are no trees. ;-) I will not smile, I will not smile! I wonder what they are gonna do with all this hair stuff...
New suit & looking fly. Are you sure you don't need a step stool, ma'am?
I'm starting to think this word is not in here & that they don't have my shoe size. ;-)
@ Mel I love those pics!! LOL The one with the tiny lady is just pricless!!! LMAO My favorite is of course the underwear pic, I mean look at those arms!! LOL
Morning everyone! I like the photo shoot picture. Do you think it was for Longines? I hope he picked out the biggest watch they have...It looks like he's hiding? And if he took the picture himself where's the camera?
I love the crossed legs underpants picture, What a goofball!
@AM Yes, he must be hard to fit. He has such a wide chest, and his posture expands it even more I think. So much lung capacity! I don't think the suits are ill fitting, I just think he's so chesty! LOL!
@ Giffy If the photoshoot was for Longines I really hope Marcel Lelienhof (a norwegian photorapher) took the shots! He's been teaken a lot of great pics of Aksel for Longines!
@giffy i´m great a friend is coming in an half an hour and then we go to the greek to get something to eat then again home and starting a SATC season with greek food lmao
@AM TYVM means Thank You Very Much I thought it meant "cheek to cheek" or something else! LOL Are you buying a dress for your wedding! He's got the suit!
@ Giffy HTH hell can I by the dress when the guy dosen't tell me he's going to Milano... If he had the nerve to tell me I could transfere the money to him.LOL. I think something goofy is going on. LMAO Cheek to cheek in norwegian means ''kinn mot kinn'' LOL TYVM for transleating to me! It's not so easy to know all of this. LOL
@Giffy Where do you see blue behind that dark sunglasses? LOL Zoolander! Ha ha!
@Corinna Seems you'll have a great Friday evening! LOL
@AM I wonder why he takes pics of him on the mirror wearing sunglasses? LOL Seems he wants to look tough!! LMAO "I'm too sexy for my hat, too sexy for my car, too sexy"!! He he!
I have decided that I'm gonna go to college for a degree in small business management. :-) I think it will be good for me. When I'm done I'm gonna start on my bakery. I can't wait to do it!
Well I'm off to bed. Another mid-morning shift tomorrow. Catch ya later.
@Mel Congrats on making the decision to go to college!!! We'll be going through it together!!! ;D LOL
@Ladies I think the picture in front of the mirror is a little too much...sorry but I would rather have him smile than look "tough!"
P.S. Band camp is over but it was...different! My worst year to be honest! I'm not completely confident with the show...but there was far too much drama! Something I would've liked to avoid!
Hi ladies, how are you all? Here we have rain so it's not so nice!
@ Mel Congrats on college and your bakery when that time comes!! :D
@ Nicole Welcome back to the blog! So nice to see you! LOL I know what you mean about the pic! But I just feels good to see him in his own kind of ''childish way'' LOL
@dana Yes! I'm definitely still tired! But I get to sleep in and relax a little more! No more getting up early to have practice at 8am! ;D How are you?? ;D
congrats to 100th post! :-) thx nicole for counting! ;-) @mel: congrats for your decision! :-) Hope you´ll get what you expect from it! :-)
how are you girls? i´m just tired. we had our first day of windsurfing course.. that was hard. unfortunatley we didn´t had that much wind. hope that will change tomorrow. But i have to say: it was easier than i thought before! :-)
Finally home from work! I'm watching Say Yes to the Dress. Paulie from OCC is getting or already married! I'm so happy for him. It's about damn time he got hitched! I miss him & Mikey on American Chopper. I miss the family fights.
Hi girls! I miss you all so I thought I would say a quick hello :-) How is everyone doing?
@Teekanne You better be practicing the macarena if you are windsurfing. Didn't you know that it is a requirement ;D
@Mel I loved watching American Chopper too. The OCC shop is about 20 minutes from where I live. The fights between the Pauls were always epic!
I just went out to dinner with my family and friends for my birthday. The food was so goodbut I could only eat half! Then my friends and I went to a new wine bar for some drinks. It was so cute with lots of couches and tables and they played jazz music by a live band. It was so relaxing and a much different atmosphere then going out to a lively bar. The only problem... no cute boys... anywhere!!!! We are going to try again during happy hour one night after work :)
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer. Miss you all!
Seriously, 4 months already is right?!?! It's been great getting to know all of you chicas!! xoxo
@Krys Happy Birthday girl!! Hope you had a fantastic birthday weekend!! BTW, I loved the quote you put on FB the other morning of Snookie from Jersey Shore, that was a riot!! ;D I love that train wreck of a show!
Have a beautiful Sunday, I'm off to the grocery store...not my favorite thing to do :/
@ corinna Yea, that's true!!! This is the last tour they will ever do! But if I don't rememberr wrong I have heard they've said that before. LOL So i'll belive that when I see it! LMAO
What aha is breaking up?!?!?!? That sucks! I'm off to bed I have to be at work by 9:30am tomorrow. I hate mornings, but I was helping a friend plus I get 2 more hours!!! That's the best part of it. I hope you all slept well & have a great day tomorrow. Catch ya later.
My register tried to eat my hair last night & then self check tried to eat my arm. I think it's a sign. LOL Well I'm off to work. I hope you all have a good day.
Where is everyone? No one was on at all yesterday! Hope y'all are enjoying summer.
You know what's funny about Lars movie? They have that whole indoor "freezer" to themselves and yet they look like they're all on the same chair lift...would be fun to travel with those Vikings I think! The paintball colored jackets are back.
how are you? gosh.. it feels like i had 1 week off, even though the weekend was that busy! ;-) maybe it´s bc i only have 3 days left until i fly to Berlin to "visit" (bother) my parents in their holidays! ;-)
@giffy: Haha... true! but i think they only used the same chair bc lars wanted to do the video! i wonder what they are talking about and if he speed it up bc they realized that the lift was really slow and it took more than 4 minutes! ;-) what a stupid thing that you need to take the skis off to step up to the start...
@Teekanne Hi! Nice to see you! I don't know what kind of summer is this! We had some cold days, a lot of rain, floods all over the country and now high temperatures 37-39*C!!!
My holiday was nice! I've worked a lot in the first week and I went to some bike rides in the second one! And I was sooooo lazy!! LOL But today, first day ay work again it was stressful! But I'll be OK! I'm a big girl! LOL
@Teekanne Oh thanks God we don't have forest fires like in Russia!! I'm glad you're in a perfect mood! I'm too! Though my boss is not gone! LOL I miss the girls too but I think they enjoy the summer! Hope we'll be together again soon! What do you know about Anja? When does she come back? When do you go to Berlin? Please say Hi! to one of my cousin that lives there! LMAO
@dana yes the real hard days started but i don´t want it in another way lmao so lets rock´n´roll the only things i missed today in munich was my beautiful mountains and i was so happy when i was driving down the highway to and then i saw my mountains that was the best thing today and then there was a rainbow on the top of one mountain
@AM I'm glad you're back! I miss his towels! LOL Sent you an e-mail today!
@Corinna I saw a few rainbows in the last weeks! It rained in the afternoon and after the rain I saw two rainbows at once! Really beautiful! I don't like the plaine either! I'm a hills girl! LOL Very close to the mountain!
@dana that was real hard for me today to look out the window and the only things you see are only houses and cars. i don´t like it and i think i can´t live in the city.
@teekanne i meet my ex last thursday it was a secret meeting lmao. he doesn´t told her about our meeting. i don´t know i let the things roll now. he knows my thinking about that. and he was real strange to me but ok, said that he has to think on other things not to kiss me right know and things like that no news about the head guy bc i´m the next one and a half week in munich for a work training
@corina: whhhat? so i guess he found out what he had with you, that the time with you was much more easier than with that girl. gosh he must be so stupid to risk your friendship. but the only thing for you to do is to be there for him if he needs you and i bet he will need you more than before one day.
uhh.. so you might miss him when he would be there?! would your boss tell you about if he was there for an appointment?
@ dana TARKAN Uhhhhh, love to dance to his music but he'a a bit too feminin for me though!! LOL I was out shopping today... Had some plans to buy a new pc but I didn't find the one I wanted!
@teekanne i don´t know but if he had a appointment i will know it next week and i go out on saturday so maybe he is there
@dana & teekanne i had a phone call with my ex yesterday too. and i talk with him, bc this new girl has a tattoo and smoke and i know that he doesn´t like something like this. she is going to has a surgery this week or the next week and she hope that he will look about her and take care the whole 3 weeks after this,that´s why she is the whole time at his house, to put some honey around his mouth; but he doesn´t want that. and he is going to "südtirol" this thursday and has enough time to think about that. and he will think about it
@dana: gosh... no way! definitely not my type! i only know one song.. this was one that was famous a few years (about 10) ago! ;-)
is he already in prison?
i bet she has a great time! She enjoys the time in canada i bet. hope she brings some cowboys home! ;-) Great i could use some sun on the boat! :-) than you tan faster! :-)haha
@corinna: i keep my fingers crossed for you that he will be ther on saturday! :-)
uhh.. not a good sign that he leaves before she has the surgery since she might be a little nervous about that! So i bet he only wanted some fun and she sees too much in this and now he doesn´t know how to leave her. The problem is: will there ever be another one having a chance to be his GF?
@am: not really.. you´re crazy... sometimes i think you´ll earn so much more money than us. I saw so many ppl with an iphone, a mac or sth in norway.. gosh... ;-)
@teekanne i don´t know if another one have the change to be his gf. and he always told me that he miss is single life. he said he live for the day and when this relationsship is tomorrow over than he had some fun in the last days and he doesn´t care about what happen to her. i think it is only a bed thing nothing more ( but he said to me that they have so many thing together but he can´t tell me one thing, she hear justin bieber and that stuff and he something like rage against the machine, system of a down and things like that, the watch twilight and he doesn´t like that. he told me more about things that are be other than the same. so i think that isn´t for a long time) lmao and i think he still likes me. oh and last thursday during our talk he looked the whole time on my boobs
My pc is driving me mad! I'm off to a shower and then to bed! Have a great evening my friends! Good night, sweet dreams and don't be good! Life is short! LMAO Love you!
@dana no he doesn´t let her alone in his house and he also doesn´t told her where the second key is outside. but i know it since over 6 years now. i know it even before i was together with him lmao
@ teekanne I love acer!! Both of my laptops have en acer so I'll stick to them!! LOL I need a lot of memory and a pc that can e played on bc my son use it for playen. So i've een told that acer is brilliant for that stuff! LOL
@ corinna I don't think he's got ferrari now... There is an pic on his blog were he's having his new pc from acer he says. I think this ferrari was his first laptop...
@teekanne that with südtirol he book already for 2 month lmao he is a a..h... that´s why he can live with that, but he is first since we broke up a a..h...
@am: 2 years is ok for an notebook. Living it´s own life? haha.. so oyu think it´s grown up now so it can move out! ;-)
uhhhh if your ex bought it don´t complain! haha... i think in america they are more crazy about all this stuff.
@corinna: it might definitely be better.. you never know what they want. but that´s the same they say about us girls! ;-) i think so too, but i don´t get it why he stays with this girl. what does he think he will cause with that in connection with you?
i´m off too. have a long day tomorrow with trianing and movies.. going to see inception! :-)
@Nicole I was cleaning the belt off & my hair got caught between the belt & the metal of the register. Then I was hanging an open sign on self check because the light was burnt out & I hit my arm from my elbow to half way up my forearm on the edge of the computer screen. Working in retail is very dangerous.
@teekanne and Anne-May Mac is all the rage over here! My schools have the latest mac computers and laptops! But I don't like mac at all! I've always been a pc girl! :D But iphones and things like that are super popular here! Kids who are 13 or younger have those things! :O I think that's a waste of shouldn't have things like that! I have an ipod but that's it!
@corinna and Ladies Interesting conversation about the guys here! LOL Obviously your ex isn't sure what to do...but it's not right that this girl seems to be taking advantage of the end, he has to make his own choices though! ;D
It rained here this morning and now it's calmed down! :D
@ Nicole I couldn't agree more!! Kids are way too young for so expencive stuff!!! My son's having his self phone. And the only reason for that is that I can get a hold on him when I need him in any way!! LOL
@Anne-May Same here! We got cell phones when we moved so we could stay they are a necessity these days have such expensive phones is stupid!
Hi ladies!
ReplyDeleteHow are you?
@ Mel I love those pics!! LOL The one with the tiny lady is just pricless!!! LMAO
My favorite is of course the underwear pic, I mean look at those arms!! LOL
@AM LOL I like that one too.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off to work. I hope you all have a great day.
Morning everyone! I like the photo shoot picture. Do you think it was for Longines? I hope he picked out the biggest watch they have...It looks like he's hiding? And if he took the picture himself where's the camera?
ReplyDeleteI love the crossed legs underpants picture, What a goofball!
@AM Yes, he must be hard to fit. He has such a wide chest, and his posture expands it even more I think. So much lung capacity! I don't think the suits are ill fitting, I just think he's so chesty! LOL!
@ Giffy If the photoshoot was for Longines I really hope Marcel Lelienhof (a norwegian photorapher) took the shots! He's been teaken a lot of great pics of Aksel for Longines!
ReplyDelete@AM I didn't think any of those people looked like ALS in the ski movie Side by Side...
ReplyDelete@AM Maybe the photo shoot was for HEAD? Do you turn upside down when you see a man in a suit? Or is that a Norwegian expression.
ReplyDelete@giffy als was in the vid from side to side look at the part 0:36 ti 0:41 there you the als with arms wide open on the end of the mountain
ReplyDeletei mean to and see instead of ti and the
ReplyDelete@ Giffy It's an norwegian expression for *going crazy'' LOL
ReplyDeleteAksel posted a new entery!!
ReplyDeleteWonder if the dude are getting married... LOL Looked a bit weddinish the suit but I didm't say that on his blog. LOL
ReplyDeleteHello girls!
ReplyDeleteOur BIG guy looks nice in underpants! LOL But I don't get what he's doing in the second pic!! He!
@ dana Don't you get it?? LOL He's just sitting there looking cool! LOL
ReplyDelete@Dana I think that's his blue steel look! Like Zoolander. He's modelling. :) LOL!
ReplyDelete@AM LOL! TYVM See I am learning Norwegian...
Does Side by Side mean anything!
@Corinna How you doing today chick?
@giffy i´m great a friend is coming in an half an hour and then we go to the greek to get something to eat then again home and starting a SATC season with greek food lmao
ReplyDeletewhat about you?
@ Giffy What does TYVM MEANS??
ReplyDeleteSide by side in norwegian ''side ed side'' LOL
@ Giffy I meant ''side ved side''
ReplyDelete@AM TYVM means Thank You Very Much I thought it meant "cheek to cheek" or something else! LOL Are you buying a dress for your wedding! He's got the suit!
ReplyDelete@Corinna Enjoy the food, friend, and tv show!
@ Giffy HTH hell can I by the dress when the guy dosen't tell me he's going to Milano... If he had the nerve to tell me I could transfere the money to him.LOL. I think something goofy is going on. LMAO
ReplyDeleteCheek to cheek in norwegian means ''kinn mot kinn'' LOL
TYVM for transleating to me! It's not so easy to know all of this. LOL
Hi again!
ReplyDelete@Giffy Where do you see blue behind that dark sunglasses? LOL Zoolander! Ha ha!
@Corinna Seems you'll have a great Friday evening! LOL
@AM I wonder why he takes pics of him on the mirror wearing sunglasses? LOL Seems he wants to look tough!! LMAO "I'm too sexy for my hat, too sexy for my car, too sexy"!! He he!
@dana yes for sure lmao
ReplyDelete@dana i have always much of fun during a dvd season with friends lmao, what are you doing tonight???
ReplyDelete@ dana He IS TOUGH!!!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI have decided that I'm gonna go to college for a degree in small business management. :-) I think it will be good for me. When I'm done I'm gonna start on my bakery. I can't wait to do it!
ReplyDeleteWell I'm off to bed. Another mid-morning shift tomorrow. Catch ya later.
@mel that´s are great news, i´m so happy for you. so when does you start to study? i hope you have a great day today
ReplyDeletegirls i catch you tomorrow i go to munich today for a concert
*hugs and kisses*
Hello Ladies!!!
ReplyDelete@Mel Congrats on making the decision to go to college!!! We'll be going through it together!!! ;D LOL
@Ladies I think the picture in front of the mirror is a little too much...sorry but I would rather have him smile than look "tough!"
P.S. Band camp is over but it was...different! My worst year to be honest! I'm not completely confident with the show...but there was far too much drama! Something I would've liked to avoid!
Oh, also!
ReplyDeleteThis is the 100th blog post!!! Mel, you've posted 100 blog entries!!! Wooohoooo!!!
@Corinna I think it's too late to apply for the fall semester. So I'll go in January. Have fun at the concert!
ReplyDelete@Nicole Yeah we will be doin the college thing together. My bestest is at the college that I'm gonna go to. So I'll know someone there.
Well girls I'm off to go eat breakfast & then gotta head to work. I don't wanna go!
I can't believe I have 100 posts. That's just crazy!
ReplyDeleteHi ladies, how are you all? Here we have rain so it's not so nice!
ReplyDelete@ Mel Congrats on college and your bakery when that time comes!! :D
@ Nicole Welcome back to the blog! So nice to see you! LOL I know what you mean about the pic! But I just feels good to see him in his own kind of ''childish way'' LOL
Oh, I forgot... Congrats Mel on 100 posts!! :D Way to go girl!!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May It's raining here too! Thunder included! ;D
ReplyDelete@ Nocole WOW!! Thunder, I love thunder!! LOL
ReplyDeleteHello everyone!
ReplyDelete@Mel Congrats on 100 posts! Yoohoo! Congrats also for your decision to go to college! I think it's great!
@Nicole Oh nice to see you sweetie!!! I missed you! Are you still tired?
@Anne-May I was thinking to send you some good weather from here but if you like thunders and rain...LOL I'll send them just to Nicole!
@dana Yes! I'm definitely still tired! But I get to sleep in and relax a little more! No more getting up early to have practice at 8am! ;D
ReplyDeleteHow are you?? ;D
HI girls!
ReplyDeletecongrats to 100th post! :-) thx nicole for counting! ;-)
@mel: congrats for your decision! :-) Hope you´ll get what you expect from it! :-)
how are you girls? i´m just tired. we had our first day of windsurfing course.. that was hard.
unfortunatley we didn´t had that much wind. hope that will change tomorrow. But i have to say: it was easier than i thought before! :-)
hope you are all ok! :-)
@Teekanne Windsurfing sounds awesome!!! ;D
ReplyDeleteI just watched Forrest Gump for the thousandth time and it always makes me smile, laugh, and cry!!! I love that movie!!! ;D
Allright Ladies! I'm heading out!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening! ;D ;D ;D
Finally home from work! I'm watching Say Yes to the Dress. Paulie from OCC is getting or already married! I'm so happy for him. It's about damn time he got hitched! I miss him & Mikey on American Chopper. I miss the family fights.
ReplyDeleteHi girls! I miss you all so I thought I would say a quick hello :-) How is everyone doing?
ReplyDelete@Teekanne You better be practicing the macarena if you are windsurfing. Didn't you know that it is a requirement ;D
@Mel I loved watching American Chopper too. The OCC shop is about 20 minutes from where I live. The fights between the Pauls were always epic!
I just went out to dinner with my family and friends for my birthday. The food was so goodbut I could only eat half! Then my friends and I went to a new wine bar for some drinks. It was so cute with lots of couches and tables and they played jazz music by a live band. It was so relaxing and a much different atmosphere then going out to a lively bar. The only problem... no cute boys... anywhere!!!! We are going to try again during happy hour one night after work :)
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer. Miss you all!
ReplyDeleteI love you girls!
@Krys Happy birthday sweetie!! I miss you too!
Wish you all a wonderful Sunday!
Hello Ladies!!! :D Happy 4 month Anniversary!!!! :D :D :D
ReplyDelete@Krys It's great to see you again! I'm glad you had a good birthday party! But no hotties??? That's a crime! LOL
Hi Girls
ReplyDeletehope everyone had/have a wonderful weekend.
@krys HAPPY BIRTHDAY i hope you had a real great and wonderful birthday
@Krys Happy Birthday!!!
ReplyDeleteWow 4 months already! I can't believe it! Time flies when your having fun!
Seriously, 4 months already is right?!?! It's been great getting to know all of you chicas!! xoxo
ReplyDelete@Krys Happy Birthday girl!! Hope you had a fantastic birthday weekend!! BTW, I loved the quote you put on FB the other morning of Snookie from Jersey Shore, that was a riot!! ;D
I love that train wreck of a show!
Have a beautiful Sunday, I'm off to the grocery store...not my favorite thing to do :/
Happy 4 month anniversery!! My god how time flies!! LOL
ReplyDelete@ Krys Happy birthday!!! :D
Hi again girls!
ReplyDeleteHow are you? Ready for the next week? My days off are over so tomorrow I have to go to work!! Ugh!!! LOL
@dana hun take a seat breathe deep in and out. is it true that a-ha split up after their tournee??? i had heard it today!
ReplyDelete@ corinna Yea, that's true!!! This is the last tour they will ever do! But if I don't rememberr wrong I have heard they've said that before. LOL So i'll belive that when I see it! LMAO
ReplyDeleteHello Ladies!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May, corinna, and dana UH-OH! I hadn't heard that about A-ha! Will there be a meltdown soon??? LOL ;P
What aha is breaking up?!?!?!? That sucks! I'm off to bed I have to be at work by 9:30am tomorrow. I hate mornings, but I was helping a friend plus I get 2 more hours!!! That's the best part of it. I hope you all slept well & have a great day tomorrow. Catch ya later.
ReplyDeleteMy register tried to eat my hair last night & then self check tried to eat my arm. I think it's a sign. LOL Well I'm off to work. I hope you all have a good day.
ReplyDeleteWhere is everyone? No one was on at all yesterday! Hope y'all are enjoying summer.
ReplyDeleteYou know what's funny about Lars movie? They have that whole indoor "freezer" to themselves and yet they look like they're all on the same chair lift...would be fun to travel with those Vikings I think! The paintball colored jackets are back.
@Giffy I have the same feelings! Where is everyone?? LOL It's been so quiet on here! ;P
ReplyDelete@Mel Uh...eating your hair and arm??? How does that happen?? LOL ;D
ReplyDeleteHi girls! :-)
ReplyDeletehow are you? gosh.. it feels like i had 1 week off, even though the weekend was that busy! ;-) maybe it´s bc i only have 3 days left until i fly to Berlin to "visit" (bother) my parents in their holidays! ;-)
@giffy: Haha... true! but i think they only used the same chair bc lars wanted to do the video! i wonder what they are talking about and if he speed it up bc they realized that the lift was really slow and it took more than 4 minutes! ;-)
what a stupid thing that you need to take the skis off to step up to the start...
hope you´re all ok! :-)
Hi girls! How are you??
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's een quiet around here for some days ut I think it'll be action again real soon!!
@ Teekanne Have a nice vacation in Berlin!!! :)
ReplyDeleteHei girls!
ReplyDeletehow are you? I'm tired, exhausted bc of the heat!
I WANT SOME SNOW!!! There's someone who can send me some snow, please? I'm melting!!! LOL
@dana and Anne-May Hey Ladies! Sorry, no cold weather to send! I have sun and heat! :D
ReplyDelete@ dana Sorry I don't have any snow to send!! LOL
ReplyDeleteHow are you?
Send some sund and heat over to me!! We need it here!!
@Nicole Hi there! LOL I know a guy that is very happy in the snow right now! Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteHow are you hun? Do you go to practice today?
@Anne-May Hello!
ReplyDeleteOk sweetie! Send you heat in a box or in a jar? LOL
@Anne-May If you want heat and sun, you can have it! :D
ReplyDelete@dana I'm doing well! you? Practice is later today...about 3 hours! :D
Do you remember this song? Nice guy!
@dana :O I love this guy! My dad got the cd years ago and we used to try to sing to it even though we don't understand!!! :D
ReplyDelete@Nicole I'm well too! Crazy as usual! LOL I think the heat has stroked me! Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@dana LOL Well, the heat can do that! ;D
ReplyDelete@Nicole What a pitty this guy is in jail now! Something about drugs!!!
ReplyDelete@dana Really?? I didn't know about that...but also I haven't heard of this guy in ages!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAllright Ladies! I'm heading out!
ReplyDeleteGotta get ready for band! :D
@Nicole yes and I'm sorry for him!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day and if somebody bothers you use your famous moves on HER!!!! LOL
Te pup! Love you!
@Anne-May Hei where did you go?
ReplyDelete@dana: i can send you some rain and cold! :-( i wonder where the summer went! :-( it´s august and we have weather like in may! :-(
ReplyDeleteHow was your holiday?
@Teekanne Hi! Nice to see you!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what kind of summer is this! We had some cold days, a lot of rain, floods all over the country and now high temperatures 37-39*C!!!
My holiday was nice! I've worked a lot in the first week and I went to some bike rides in the second one! And I was sooooo lazy!! LOL But today, first day ay work again it was stressful! But I'll be OK! I'm a big girl! LOL
How are you?
hi girls
ReplyDeletehow is everyone?
today i had my first day in munich and now my head is smoking. so much input in one day and 7 days are rest now.
ReplyDeleteyeh i heard that about the heat! But you don´t have forest fires right?
haha.. so all of your plans worked out? that´s great! :-)
first days at work are always bad! :-( It always feels like you never had holidays!
i´m in a perfect mood! :-) don´t know why, maybe bc of the short week, maybe bc my boss starts his holiday this week.. :-)
it´s quiet over here... where are all the girls? hope they´ll remember us in winter! ;-9
@am the first i saw today in this worktraining was from a guy from tromso!lmao
ReplyDeletesorry girls i mean the first pic i saw
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Oh thanks God we don't have forest fires like in Russia!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're in a perfect mood! I'm too! Though my boss is not gone! LOL
I miss the girls too but I think they enjoy the summer! Hope we'll be together again soon! What do you know about Anja? When does she come back?
When do you go to Berlin? Please say Hi! to one of my cousin that lives there! LMAO
@Corinna Hello baby! So the hard days started!
@dana yes the real hard days started but i don´t want it in another way lmao so lets rock´n´roll
ReplyDeletethe only things i missed today in munich was my beautiful mountains and i was so happy when i was driving down the highway to and then i saw my mountains that was the best thing today and then there was a rainbow on the top of one mountain
@ dana I'm here sweete! I just had a trip over to the IG guy! LOL
ReplyDelete@ corinna You saw a guy from tromsø?? WOW, was he HOT?? LMAO
ReplyDelete@am they show us the Head of the organisation from my work training and there is a guy from tromso in it. but he looks like he is over 50 years old.
ReplyDelete@ corinna Hahahaha, then he's NOT HOT!! LMAO
ReplyDelete@ dana where are you???
ReplyDeleteI see we have visitors from Turkey here too!! LOL
ReplyDelete@AM I'm glad you're back!
ReplyDeleteI miss his towels! LOL
Sent you an e-mail today!
@Corinna I saw a few rainbows in the last weeks! It rained in the afternoon and after the rain I saw two rainbows at once! Really beautiful!
I don't like the plaine either! I'm a hills girl! LOL Very close to the mountain!
@dana that was real hard for me today to look out the window and the only things you see are only houses and cars. i don´t like it and i think i can´t live in the city.
ReplyDelete@am no not hot
@AM sorry my pc works slow again! LOL
ReplyDeleteDid you see the vid from the link I've posted before? Is Tarkan from Turkey! LMAO But I guess he's not the visitor you speak about!
@dana: thank god!
ReplyDeletei don´t think it´s bc of my boss... i had a great weekend and i´m just relaxed! :-)
but it´s great that our moods match! :-)
haha. since we don´t have summer at the moment i can spend my time in the internet! just watched Shrek this afternoon! :-)
I think about beginning of september. her studium starts in the middle of september!
i´ll go to the surroundings of berlin from friday till monday! :-) Hope there will be some sun! :-) i will wave from the train! :-)
@corinna: how are you doing`how are the things with your ex? and about the Head guy?
@dana: tarkan? mwwwa mwwaa! ;-) oynama sikidim sikidim...
ReplyDelete@teekanne i meet my ex last thursday it was a secret meeting lmao. he doesn´t told her about our meeting. i don´t know i let the things roll now. he knows my thinking about that. and he was real strange to me but ok, said that he has to think on other things not to kiss me right know and things like that
ReplyDeleteno news about the head guy bc i´m the next one and a half week in munich for a work training
@corina: whhhat? so i guess he found out what he had with you, that the time with you was much more easier than with that girl. gosh he must be so stupid to risk your friendship.
ReplyDeletebut the only thing for you to do is to be there for him if he needs you and i bet he will need you more than before one day.
uhh.. so you might miss him when he would be there?! would your boss tell you about if he was there for an appointment?
@Teekanne Ha ha! I don't know I've remembered this song today! And Tarkan looks nice! I watched another vids that I didn't know and they sounds good!
ReplyDeleteSo Anja will come back later! I hope she has a great time there!
I'll send sun to Berlin especially for you! LOL
@Corinna Right,what's new about your ex?
@ dana TARKAN Uhhhhh, love to dance to his music but he'a a bit too feminin for me though!! LOL
ReplyDeleteI was out shopping today... Had some plans to buy a new pc but I didn't find the one I wanted!
@teekanne i don´t know but if he had a appointment i will know it next week and i go out on saturday so maybe he is there
ReplyDelete@dana & teekanne i had a phone call with my ex yesterday too. and i talk with him, bc this new girl has a tattoo and smoke and i know that he doesn´t like something like this. she is going to has a surgery this week or the next week and she hope that he will look about her and take care the whole 3 weeks after this,that´s why she is the whole time at his house, to put some honey around his mouth; but he doesn´t want that. and he is going to "südtirol" this thursday and has enough time to think about that. and he will think about it
@am what kind of computer do you want?
ReplyDelete@dana: gosh... no way! definitely not my type!
ReplyDeletei only know one song.. this was one that was famous a few years (about 10) ago! ;-)
is he already in prison?
i bet she has a great time! She enjoys the time in canada i bet. hope she brings some cowboys home! ;-)
Great i could use some sun on the boat! :-) than you tan faster! :-)haha
@ dana You miss his towels??? LOL I think there's much more to miss than some towels but I can bting back the towels if you like? LMAO
ReplyDelete@ corinna I want the acer ferrari pc!!! And I will have it!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteWho's in prison? Tarkan boy?
@am the awesome that als has? wow that´s great
ReplyDelete@am: *Lol*
i keep my fingers crossed for you that he will be ther on saturday! :-)
uhh.. not a good sign that he leaves before she has the surgery since she might be a little nervous about that!
So i bet he only wanted some fun and she sees too much in this and now he doesn´t know how to leave her.
The problem is: will there ever be another one having a chance to be his GF?
@am: not really.. you´re crazy... sometimes i think you´ll earn so much more money than us. I saw so many ppl with an iphone, a mac or sth in norway.. gosh... ;-)
ReplyDelete@ corrina No Aksel have another one but he's got acer like I have. But I need a new one. The one I have now suck. It's just prolems with it!LOL
ReplyDelete@AM and Teekanne Tarkan is not my type either! But I like this song!
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, he's in prison!
@Corinna If he goes away from home he lets her in his house alone???
@am: i´ve got an acer too.. it´s a good one! Movies are brilliant!!!
ReplyDeleteBut for what do you need a ferrari? do you wanna drive with your notebook? ;-)
@dana: i didn´t even liked his songs.. ehh song!!
finally... poor boy! but i think these rules are to harsh.
@ Teekanne I am crazy?? LOL A lot of ppl have I phoenes and macs in Norway. I had mac but I didn't like it!!
ReplyDelete@teekanne i don´t know if another one have the change to be his gf. and he always told me that he miss is single life. he said he live for the day and when this relationsship is tomorrow over than he had some fun in the last days and he doesn´t care about what happen to her. i think it is only a bed thing nothing more ( but he said to me that they have so many thing together but he can´t tell me one thing, she hear justin bieber and that stuff and he something like rage against the machine, system of a down and things like that, the watch twilight and he doesn´t like that. he told me more about things that are be other than the same. so i think that isn´t for a long time) lmao and i think he still likes me. oh and last thursday during our talk he looked the whole time on my boobs
ReplyDelete@ dana WTF.. Why is he in prison?
ReplyDeleteMy pc is driving me mad! I'm off to a shower and then to bed!
ReplyDeleteHave a great evening my friends! Good night, sweet dreams and don't be good! Life is short! LMAO
Love you!
@dana no he doesn´t let her alone in his house and he also doesn´t told her where the second key is outside. but i know it since over 6 years now. i know it even before i was together with him lmao
ReplyDelete@am so it isn´t that one in this pic???
oh i think he has a special one right!
ReplyDeletein germany it´s too expensive. all these apple stuff. :-(
the only thing i bought was an ipod.
@ teekanne I love acer!! Both of my laptops have en acer so I'll stick to them!! LOL I need a lot of memory and a pc that can e played on bc my son use it for playen. So i've een told that acer is brilliant for that stuff! LOL
ReplyDelete@AM I think he was drugs dealer or something like that! Bye min vakre!
ReplyDelete@ corinna I don't think he's got ferrari now... There is an pic on his blog were he's having his new pc from acer he says. I think this ferrari was his first laptop...
ReplyDelete@corinna: that´s what it sounds like. but i wonder how he can live with that.. gosh!!!
ReplyDeletehmm.. maybe he doesn´t get what he needs and that´s why he leaves for suedtirol! ;-)
@am: bc he refused military for several years.
@dana:: bye bye
@teekanne that with südtirol he book already for 2 month lmao he is a a..h... that´s why he can live with that, but he is first since we broke up a a..h...
ReplyDelete@ teekanne Apple stuff is expencive her in Norway too!! A mac kosts about 12-13000 Nkr.
ReplyDelete@am: i´ve got an acer aspire 5740G. this is one is great! :-)
ReplyDeletedana do you leave us?
ReplyDelete@dana good night hun see you maybe tomorrow i wish you a great night
ReplyDelete@corinna: so you made him an a**. hmm.. time for him to grow up!!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhy didn´t god gave an instruction with the men?
@am: but the norwegian buy it.. ;-)
@ @ Teekanne I have an acer aspire 5720 G. I've had it for 2 years and it's been great but now it's living it's own life to say the least. LOL
ReplyDelete@ teekanne For one reason or another ppl here buy it! But I can't understand why! I didn't by mine. My ex bought it for me. LMAO
ReplyDelete@teekanne i think sometimes it will be better to give us a instruction with them. lmao i think he can´t handle it that i had broke up with him.
ReplyDeletegirls i´m off for today i need a shower and some sleep to be fit for tomorrow *hugs and kisses*
@am: 2 years is ok for an notebook. Living it´s own life? haha.. so oyu think it´s grown up now so it can move out! ;-)
ReplyDeleteuhhhh if your ex bought it don´t complain! haha... i think in america they are more crazy about all this stuff.
@corinna: it might definitely be better.. you never know what they want. but that´s the same they say about us girls! ;-)
i think so too, but i don´t get it why he stays with this girl. what does he think he will cause with that in connection with you?
i´m off too. have a long day tomorrow with trianing and movies.. going to see inception! :-)
hugs to you all! :-) :-X
@Nicole I was cleaning the belt off & my hair got caught between the belt & the metal of the register. Then I was hanging an open sign on self check because the light was burnt out & I hit my arm from my elbow to half way up my forearm on the edge of the computer screen. Working in retail is very dangerous.
ReplyDeleteHello Ladies!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Mel Oh, I see now! ;D
@teekanne and Anne-May Mac is all the rage over here! My schools have the latest mac computers and laptops! But I don't like mac at all! I've always been a pc girl! :D But iphones and things like that are super popular here! Kids who are 13 or younger have those things! :O I think that's a waste of shouldn't have things like that! I have an ipod but that's it!
@corinna and Ladies Interesting conversation about the guys here! LOL Obviously your ex isn't sure what to do...but it's not right that this girl seems to be taking advantage of the end, he has to make his own choices though! ;D
It rained here this morning and now it's calmed down! :D
@ Nicole I couldn't agree more!! Kids are way too young for so expencive stuff!!! My son's having his self phone. And the only reason for that is that I can get a hold on him when I need him in any way!! LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Same here! We got cell phones when we moved so we could stay they are a necessity these days have such expensive phones is stupid!
ReplyDeletehi girls
ReplyDeletehow are you all today?
today i make a experiance, how to get a 5 question answer of ONE question?! i thought wth is this