This blog is for the appreciation of Aksel Lund Svindal, Norwegian Alpine Skier. Also for those who want to go off topic from Aksels' blog. www.aksellundsvindal.com
Well actually a freaky thunderstorm. It was raining really hard & then it stopped raining, but continued to thunder. George tried to scare me by hitting the screen door. He knows I'm scared of lightening. I should sell him...anyone want my brother? He's 6'2, 165lbs, has brown hair & eyes, doesn't drink or smoke, has a good job, he's a carpenter. Let me know...
Build ingredients over ice into a highball glass & garnish with a squeeze of lime.
I figured since Aksel is or was in LA we should have a LA drink on the blog. No I don't like vodka at all. Made dinner tonight & burnt my hand on the oven. Thank God we had some honey. I know 'Honey on a burn?' Yeah it takes the sting out of it & helps it heal. I used it on a really bad burn I had on my right hand from spilling gravy on it. It didn't even leave a scar. That's my helpful advice for the day.
I think that's all. Did I forget anything?
No one to the buffalo burgers. *licks lips* They are oh so good! If you have never had them before try them. good Buffalo is hard to find, but when you find it, it's like finding a gold mine. We had buffalo burgers last night for dinner I wanted to eat the 3 other patties in the skillet, but we had to save them. *rolls eyes* Once I start eating it I can't stop. i think it's the Native American in me coming out. Ok the hyperness is back so I'm gonna stop writing.
In honor of America's birthday I think it's time to pull this video out. I love Red Skelton. It's very sad that this has actually happened. *tears up* I remember the teachers telling us in elementary school that we could no longer say The Pledge of Allegiance because people said that it's a prayer. They did bring it back a few years ago. My brothers & sisters now say it every morning in school.
The Cougar- Absolut Alpine Summit
Shake all ingredients with ice & pour on the rock in a tall glass. Garnish with a twist of lemon.
No idea what it tastes like, but it sounded good.