Saturday, February 18, 2012

Interesting Day...

First I'm gonna explain the picture. My friend, Angel was playing my iPod on the way back to Akron & this was her fortune in Mahjong. I told her we so have to go to Norway now! She said I don't even know where Norway is! I nearly died. She said geography wasn't something that stuck with her. LOL

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a great day. I spent the day with several groups of young single adults from my church. We played laser tag & the other team kept shooting me in the eyes. I think they saw the glare off my glasses. I did pretty well. I got 1,500 in the first game & 1,250 in the second game. It was really fun! I think if I ever decide to have another birthday party I am so having a laser tag party! Tomorrow I get an ice cream cake & presents! :-)


  1. @mel sounds like a great birthday day! you really deserved it!

    so you have now to go to norway! ;) and take your friend with you so she knows then where norway is!

    have a great sunday!

  2. @Mel

    How did you enjoy an ice cream cake, Mel ? ... ;-)))

    btw, I remember the video about Norway once Aksel posted in his blog.
    Did you also let Angel know that Norway is not the capital of Sweden ? ... ;-)))

  3. @Ekaterina No ice cream cake yet. :-( Mom decided to wait til Tuesday. On the bright side my friend Angel went & bought us a little cake from Wal-Mart that we shared. It was so good! LOL That video was funny.

    @Corinna That may be the next vacation I go on & I will definitely take Angel with me.

  4. @Mel
    Posted my BD wishes already on FB for you, Mel. Hope you enjoyed the ice cream today! Going to Norway with your friend Angels sounds super great!

    That is wonderful your dad has already the Kitzbühel race for next year in his mind!

    Hope you feel good, Ekaterina, and your legs are fine! How does the "blood donation" for yourself go?

    We have mild temperatures around 4-7 degrees, little snow on the fields, and I am already looking forward to see the first Spring flowers.

  5. @nicoletta here we have cold weather till yet but on friday it should go up to 12°C+ and on thursday we should get a little much mix btw rain/snow weather!

  6. @Corinna
    You are right, on Thursday we will also have around 11 degrees! It is fun, finally I can change my thick Winter coat to a ligher one.

    BTW, the most German TV stations show carneval in the evenings. Some of this "Büttenreden?" are quite fun. Somewhere I read you have been to a party, Corinna. What kind of costume did you wear?

  7. @nicoletta i was a "bengel"! not an angel and not an bad girl, i was a mix btw of that both!

    today it is "aschermittwoch" and there is the "politischer aschermittwoch auf dem nockerberg in münchen" i don´t know if you know this!

    i will search for some news later, bc i have no go to work!

  8. @Nicoletta

    I think my legs recover day by day.

    btw, it's a great idea to say " the blood donation for myself ", Nicolettchen !
    Honestly speaking, I've worried about it since I knew Dr.Shiba thought he needed 1,200 cc of my own blood. I cannot still even imagine what it will be.
    But you're right, dear Nicoletta. It's a kind of the blood donation and it's for myself ! I knew it and I know it, but it has made me so nervous. But I think it's OK. I started taking Fe & Vitamin C on Monday as Dr.Shiba instructed me. In a sense, I'm looking forward to next Monday when I donate my own blood of 300 cc for the first time in my life. The chief of the blood center of TWMU informed me that I have to take 400 cc of something to drink with me that day. According to him, it is effective to recover from the loss of 300 cc of my own blood to drink something like a milk, water, tea, or juice just after " the donation ". It's interesting. It looks like " the experiment " of my body. ... ;-)))


    I watched it in the news in Tokyo, too ! But the Japanese TV only introduced us the political jokes in the carneval. ... ;-)))

    Spring is closer and closer. The sun is almost the one in spring already in Tokyo, however the temperature is still from 2℃ to 8℃. But I prefer these temperature to around 36℃ in summer in Tokio. We have a long & cruel summer.

  9. @Corinna
    Think going in a costum of a "Bengel" is great, Corinna! So you had certainly a great time being a little bit naughty!

    Just by chance we watched the speech of Stoiber and others over the lunchtime at NTV. Bavaria must be quite a wealthy part of Germany!:) Think it is the truth!!

    You really have to face a very special time in your present life, Ekaterina!

    Perhaps they have in the hospital to fullfill certain steps with any patient undergoing a longtime surgery. Like for example take away the varix, then the blood "donation".
    Would not worry so much about these things.

    I agree with you, Ekaterina, the surgery is a big "Meilenstein" in your life! Look good to you, Ekaterina!

    Wish you both a wonderful day!

  10. @Nicoletta

    Thank you for the nice words always, Nicolettchen !

    As you mention, the surgery in March is the Meilenstein for me.
    And the varices surgery and the blood " donation " is among the normal steps for the big surgery. Just step by step as the Water Dragon wishes.

    Actually it's not at all fun to face those unpleasant first experiences and I do hope some beautiful first experience visits me after those. Looking forward to it ! ... :-)))

  11. finally i can handle it to post a video from the nockherberg 2011!

    but it is like every year nearly the same, just nearly every year other ppl makes this speakings!

    our politicals are sometimes real funny!

  12. @Nicoletta

    Congrats to our hero Cuche !

    ALS did his best, I suppose, though I didn't watch the race. The life of the racer is very hard, especially in the alpine ski. That's why we're excited.
    Still several races to run this season.

    @All ladies

    Have a nice weekend in early spring ! LOVE !
