Monday, March 5, 2012

The Boys Are Back In Town

I love this picture of our boys. It makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. You can tell that Aksel is very proud & happy for Kjetil. :-)


  1. I dislike the fact that I can't watch any of the races because my cable provider doesn't carry the channel. :-(

    So I think I may have broken my thumb/hand Friday. I thought I knew how to change a bit in the electric drill, but I didn' I do. I thought you used the tool attached to it like I do for the battery powered ones. Um no bad choice on my part. The cord wrapped around it & it came back & hit my hand. It wasn't too bad at first, but now the pain has moved to my wrist & is working its way up my arm. Waiting for the on-call doctors' nurse to get back to me. :-( I so gotta stop hurting myself.

  2. @mel thanks for posting this pic! i love this so much! you can see that aksel is happy about the win of kjetil!

    @ekaterina glad you have no problems with the blood donation!

  3. @Mel

    Love the pic ! Mel ! Thank you for such a great one !

    btw, what did the nurse tell you to do about the pain ? I think the very first aid is important. Take good care, Mel !


    Thanks, corinna. I'm doing well. It's a kind of the adventure for me. Dr. Shiba answered my question about the medical corset which I have to put on for 3 months after the surgery. His answer made me surprised, bc I have to put it on even during sleep at night. I think I can make it. But I was so surprised and forgot to ask him how many of my backbone would be fixed.

  4. @Ekaterina
    Thanks for the good news about your 2nd blood donation, Ekaterina.

    Presumably you have to wear the corset during night and day to have the spinal column supported the best way and this means the whole day long.

    Love the new pic!
    Sorry for the troubles with your hand. Wish you a smooth recovery!

    Are you also back to Winter weather? Big change, but no chance we have to cope with this! LOL

  5. @Nicoletta

    That's right. The whole day long except the bath time. I feel you understand my situation much better than me myself, dear Nicoletta. ... ;-)))

    btw ! As you guess, I'm getting ready a little by little. The surgery date is March 29th, but the date I check in TWMU will be informed later shortly before the surgery. But it's better start getting ready.
    Then ! I bought EL Advanced Night Repair CONCENTRATE this afternoon ! I put it in the small suitcase which I take with me to TWMU. I feel very fine now even before I use it !

  6. @Ekaterina
    You are giving me a little laugh because I am just thinking with you about your back surgery in the near future. It needs not so much imagination for me to follow the process.

    It is good you are getting prepared step by step with all the necessities for your stage in the hospital. The Advanced Night Repair Concentrate is a very special product and I hope you get very satisfied with it.

    Send you hugs & kisses, my dear Ekaterina!

  7. @Nicoletta

    Thank you,dear Nicoletta.
    As a matter of fact, I haven't informed many of my friends of the surgery in March 29th. 6 German friends in Germany including corinna, 1 Swiss in Zurich ( it's you ! ), 1 in Campina, 1 in up north Norway, ( they're dana & AM ), and Mel in Ohio, plus 5 Japanese friends in Tokio. I'm afraid I'll be too nervous if I tell all of my friends about it. So I decided to choose these 15 friends to inform of the surgery, bc I feel they're all very close to me in recent years. Then, 2 more persons are informed. They are not actually my friends. Who are they ? ... ;-))) They sometimes need my signature. yes, my FP in the bank. ... ;-)))

    Have a nice day, my dear Nicoletta !
    LOVE !

  8. @ekaterina i feel proud that you choose me to tell me about your surgery!

    how are you? how is the weather in tokyo?

    i know i be less commenting the last couple of days, but i feel like i have this "frühjahrsmüdigkeit" and be often tired when i came home from work!

  9. Well my thumb is not broken! So happy about that, but it hurts like the devil!

    I have this urge to make another video. I want to do one of all the Vikings to the song 'The Boys are Back in Town' by Thin Lizzy. Maybe I'll do that Friday after school.

    @Ekaterina That's a fine day to have your surgery on.

  10. @Ekaterina
    Can deeply understand you choose only a handfull of close friends as well as the man from the bank :)to tell about your surgery! Of course I feel very much honoured to be the prefered Swiss, Ekaterina!

    Even so we go back to Winter weather, Spring is around the corner! At the moment I can feel the full moon, and therefore I am not so tired! LOL

    Hope your hand is on a good way to heel, Mel!
    Wish so much the pain does not disturb you to create a wonderful video of our beloved Norwegian skiers. Thanks in advance!

    BTW I posted already yesterday this video, unfortunately something went wrong! Please try to be a bit patient because it has so funny parts and the music suits perfect!

    Wish you all a happy day!

  11. @corinna

    How is your Fruhjahrsmudigkeit ? corinna ?
    Spring is a lovely season, while it's also unstable.
    My baby sis suffers from Fruhjahrsmudigkeit in March every year, and I become sleepy, but I'm a bit strained this year thinking about the coming surgery and I don't feel sleepy this year.

    Thanks, corinna, I'm fine. The weather in Tokyo is unstable now mixed with the rainy days. The temperature is not as cold as in winter, but is not warm enough to say it's spring.
    I went swimming today. I went swimming last week, but felt some pain in the legs. I found today those pain is reduced to 1/3 of last week.

    Thank you, Mel.
    I'm so glad to know your thumb is OK, but so sorry that you have still pain.
    I think it will disappear day by day, and it must, bc we all want your video !

    I enjoyed the video very very much, Nicolettchen ! I think I'll watch it from time to time until I leave for TWMU to have the surgery.
    It makes me so relax, dear Nicoletta ! " American in America " is just funny. ... ;-))) and this video is very well organized and interesting. It tells the real atmosphere of the time Gershwin lived.
    Thanks for the great link !

    @All ladies
    *the tip about the blood donation*( although I'm not quite sure if I'm a good example or not ... )

    After 300cc, I felt nothing special. But after the total 600cc, I feel so. thirsty. What will happen after the total 900cc on next Monday ? haha stay tuned !

    Hope you enjoy the beautiful weekend !
    Kisses & Hugs !
    LOVE !

  12. @mel i be also happy that you thumb is not broken! maybe just bruised, maybe you have a bruise inside and that hurts!

    @ekaterina well on wednesday we had a great sunny day, yesterday it was cold and here at my place raining and in the rest of bavaria snowing! oh the wendelstein got yesterday some new snow!
    and today we had once again a real great sunny day!
    i don´t know how the weekend will be but i think it will be again a mix btw sunny and rainy!

    well my "frühjahrsmüdigkeit" wents well, not every day the same, some days i be so tired and the next day i be fit and then tired again!

    you have to drink a lot! you should drink at least 1 liter!

  13. @Ekaterina

    I feel happy you loved the video, Ekaterina! It might not be everybody's taste, but I quite thought you will enjoy it! After looking also twice to it, I found still new episodes which made me laugh!

    Today is a very serious day for Japan, I feel very much with you Ekaterina and also with the Japanese people because the tragedy with the Tsunami, the destroyed AKW was immense and beyond our believes. So many Japanese lost their homes, their fortune also their lifes.

    Hope you and your dad and the baby sister have a quiet day and are not to said.

    Send you all my love, Ekaterina!

  14. @All Ladie

    This video I like to share with you, the music is totally different, but I have got deeply impressed about the beautiful pictures. Enjoy!!

    Wish you all a great weekend!

  15. @corinna

    Wendelstein got the new snow ! yes, it's still in March.

    Thank you, corinna. I drink almost more than 2 liter thses days !

    That's right, Gershwin's " American in America " makes me discover new wit every time I watch it !

    Then, thank you very much for the heartfelt words for us. In fact, not a single day has passed without thinking about 3.11 since it happened. As days go by, we understand it's impossible to avoid to find that the situation is more serious than we expected.

    And, thanks for another great video, Nicolettchen !

  16. @All ladies
    *The latest info about the donation*( Although I know it's not fun for you to check it ... )

    The 3rd donation is over this morning,that is, I donated the total 900cc.
    The 4th and the last donation is scheduled on next Monday, 19th.
    But TWMU and I are not sure if it is possible or not.

    The numeral value of my hemoglobin is usually around 12. It is in the normal range, but very near to the lowest in the normal range.
    At the 1st donation which was 3 weeks after the varices surgery, my hemoglobin was 11.9, and at the 2nd donation which was a week after the 1st one, it was 11.4, and at the 3rd donation today which was a week after the 2nd one, it was 10.9.

    The fresh blood cannot be kept for several weeks, so the donation schedule has to be such tight like only one week between. And it's normal that the numeral value drops in such a way like my case, even if I take Fe tablets every day, which was prescribed by the doctor.

    The numeral value 10.9 is almost the limit to donate the blood. So the doctor of the blood center of TWMU gave me the shot which helps my hemoglobin up, bc we're afraid it will be 10.4 next Monday and we have to give up the donation, and Dr.Shiba accepts 300cc less than he expected.

    I don't know what it will be on next Monday.

    But I didn't feel sick, and I don't feel sick after the 3rd donation. I think I'm well and fine as usual.

    The Fukushima 1 first made the hydrogen explosion today last year, followed by the second & the third ones in a few days. There was about 24 hours until its first explosion after it was hit by the earthquake & tsunami in 3.11, but TEPCO and Japanese government were terribly helpless during those hours. But I was so much encouraged by you last year , and now I'm still encouraged by you for quite another reason. ..... I really thank you very much for your voices !

    LOVE !

  17. @Ekaterina

    I was quite impressed about your experiences with your own blood donation, Ekaterina. Hope very much for you every thing will be fine, I think most important is you do not feel sick!

    You are right, the time with the Tsunami, the disaster with the AKW, the great suffer of the Japanese people was a quite moving period, and the whole world could not leave there eyes away from Japan. It was the minimum of support and interest we could gave to you, my dear Ekaterina. And now you go through another kind of Tsunami by yourself, and we are there for you.

    I have got the impression, Dr. Shiba and you are very confident, so you will see everything will be fine at the end!

    Just by chance I run into some great videos on youtube.
    I did not trust my eyes, but is is from a Japanese musician with the name Kitaro. Perhaps you know him, Ekaterina?

    Here two examples:

    @All Ladies

    Wish you a beautiful new week!
    Hugs & Kisses!

  18. @Nicoletta

    It's always nice of you, Nicolettchen, for your thoughtful words. So touching.
    All Japanese people were and are given the tremendous power by you from all of the world.
    Amid the chaos last year, Japanese government behaved unbelievably poor which made us surprised and disappointed, but we could hear lots of voices with the intelligence and love from overseas. Those miracle voices helped us start thinking how to recover from the worst situation last year.They still reaches us every day, we do feel so. Our desire is to express our thanks to all of you, and then to recover from the present situation.

    I suppose the disastrous areas along 800km sea coast will be restored in 5 or 6 years. But to our regret, we have to admit there is one exception. It is Fukushima prefecture. It takes much much longer years for Fukushima area to recover.

    No AKW is completely safe, while all AKW has to be completely safe. It is the biggest contradiction about AKW. My personal opinion is that the world without AKW is the best.

    And thanks, dear Nicoletta, I wish I advance to the better situation.

    yes, Kitaro is the famous Japanese musician. He is a kind of pioneer of the so called " healing music ".
    I prefer to the video with water, especially love the little water crown on the palm. Of course the video with the mountains & flowers look beautiful, too !
    Thanks for the beautiful links, Nicolettchen !

  19. Happy to say, today was a great day for Aksel!


  20. @Nicoletta

    Though I didn't watch the race, I guess Aksel has been objective mind for these days and it gave him the victory at last. I also think it expects the much better next season for him. I'm so excited thinking about it !

  21. @Ekaterina

    In my opinion Aksel is more and more self-confident and he skis much better than during the last year. Today the first gold medal in DH after 3 years and definitely well deserved. Finally a very big step forward!!!

    I feel also great if I think of the upcoming years. Even so I am weeping a little because Cuche leaves, but it looks like we can be confident and looking very much forward to see again a great Aksel in the future. To be honest I feel also fine because of Feuz! LOL

  22. @Nicoletta

    yes, great Aksel in the future, while I miss Cuche, too ! but you can be proud of Feuz at the same time !

    It seems ALS didn't do well today, but it's OK, bc he won the race yesterday.

  23. @Ekaterina
    @All Ladies

    Aksel skied not so good yesterday! Even the commentator mentioned something funny like Aksel went out of the start house like a "shy mouse" and had great troubles to find his rhythm, and he was so slow! HaHa

    OK, I have to admit we are also not every day in a wonderful form! LOL
    Feuz had a great start, unfortunately he had a fall and made therefore zero points. Cuche had also not so much luck.

    Aksel profitet a bit from this situation, but at the end he was a very worthy and honored winner of the the small crystal globe. On TV they showed a summary of all great runs during the season which leaded him to the podium. Was real nice to look at!

    BTW the commentator mentionned that after many years of great troubles we will have to count on Aksel, especially for the overall globe, but he has to train real hard because the "youngsters" are also great skiers.

    Today we will have the warmest day of the year and will have kind of a Summer day with 20 degrees!

    Wish you all a great weekend!
    Hugs & Kisses!

  24. @Nicoletta

    YES! Aksel deserves the crystal globe, even if it's the small one this season.
    AND, Aksel was once one of such " youngsters ". ...
    BTW, I want to see our " shy mouse ". ... ;-))) although it proved that a shy mouse never wins the race. ... :-)))

    Thank you, Nicolettchen, for the interesting report !

    @All ladies

    It looks the weather in Switzerland wants us to take to summer !
    ( grin - grin - grin )
    I booked LH for summer holidays. I arrive at Berlin in August 22nd and I depart from Berlin in September 12th.
    I've been quite restless these days as the date of the surgery reaches me a little by little, but soon after I booked my flight, I became feeling better.
    It's like a dog race I'm running. ... ;-)))

    We'll have a rainy weekend with higher temperature in whole nation.
    I'm going to buy a small bottle of the aromatic oil for coming hospitalization with a big surgery. I think it helps me free from a pain and a sick feeling, though I have not decided which one I buy. Any recommendation ? I'm thinking about the rosemary.

    Have a beautiful weekend with full of sunshine in Europe and in the US !
    Kisses & Hugs ! LOVE !

  25. Hello, my Ladies!

    Yes, I'm alive!! LOL Hope you all are fine, in a good mood, waiting for the beautiful Spring!
    We have a nice weather here, is sunny and warm so I'm ready to ride my bike, I'll leave home in a half an hour.

    @Ekaterina, I'm thinking of you all the time, I'm glad your own blood donation goes well, I think Monday is the last time, right? And in the last Monday of the month will you have the surgery? I know you're restless and nervous about it but I'm sure that everything will be just fine, my dear!
    Love you!!

    Wish you all a beautiful weekend! And believe me that I miss you all, my friends! :)
    Love, kisses and hugs to everyone!

  26. @Ekaterina

    Sorry Ekaterina for being late with my answer. I have got a new computer and I have to learn a lot of totally new things. My supporter Lio is a big Apple fan and suggested us to by an Apple computer. For me as a Microsoft user for many years it is a big challenge. It will take some time until I get familiar with the handling.

    Regarding the aromatic oil I have not much knowledge, but eventually I would go for lemon.

    Hope you enjoy a nice couple of days and are not to much worried. I am counting the days with you.

    The "Summer period" in Switzerland is finished, today it was very cold and rainy and tomorrow we will have only 6 degrees.

    Look good to you, Ekaterina!

    Hugs and Kisses!


  27. hi girls

    i had this weekend my taping course, the next one is in november

    @ekaterina do you know dr. kenzo kase?

    and i already plan my next course!

  28. @dana

    Thank you, dear dana ! I think of you every day & night, too !
    yes, I finished the donation of the total 1,200cc this morning. The surgery date is March 29th, I've heard.

    It's nice you have the season to enjoy the bike.
    We had a cold weekend against the weather forecast.


    You bought the apple, Nicolettchen ! Challenging !

    The lemon seems nice. I'm still thinking. I know I have to make my decision until I leave for TWMU. ... ;-)))


    I didn't know him, and I checked his site.
    The biggest problem here is the medical doctors and the physiotherapists cannot work together for the patient like me. Germany is advanced.

    Your skill is graded higher and higher, corinna !

  29. @Corinna

    Nice to tea you had the first part of your tape course!


    Very much challenging indeed. Do you have still no chance to communicate with us during your stage in the hospital?

    Wish you both a great new week!

  30. @Nicoletta

    still no chance, but I'm trying to make it.

  31. @Ekaterina

    Dr. Shiba should recommend you an Apple per day! It is very healthy!

    I am thinking of the E-phone or E-Pad Apple. HaHa

  32. @Nicoletta

    Genau ! dear Nicoletta !

  33. @Ekaterina

    It is always fun to see you using German words, Ekaterina!
    Are you still learning German?

  34. @Nicoletta

    Freilich !, Nicolettchen !

  35. @Ekaterina

    Grossartig, Ekaterina!
    Hut ab!

  36. @All Ladies

    Did you already see what some of the Downhillers are going through!

    Hope all ladies are fine!

    We are going to have again some nice days with sun and warmer temperatures. Nice!

  37. @Nicoletta

    Thanks for the link, Nicolettchen !
    I learnt happy smile makes the hospital life comfortable !

    So long as I know, spring comes to Europe before it comes to Japan. Especially this year.

    Hope you enjoy lovely spring, dear Nicoletta !

    (btw, I'm still trying. ... The date I have to be hospitalized was fixed. It is the 27th of March. two days before the surgery )

  38. @ekaterina how do you feel?

    i be a busy girl the last couple of days and not so much online!

    i be sorry for that!

    spring/summer is around the corner and we have here some beautiful days and a lot of sun!

  39. @corinna

    Thanks, dear corinna. I'm fine.

    In Tokyo, the spring temperature comes on next Wednesday when I'll be in the hospital.
    We'll have a rainy weekend again with lower temperature, but it should be the last one.
    I think I'll be back home and here from TWMU during the 3rd week of April possibly.

    Have a lovely weekend !

  40. @Ekaterina

    Time passes so quick! Shocked to hear it is already next week when you enter into hospital.
    Hope you are fine, Ekaterina, and are ready for this big step!

    It is true, we enjoy at the moment lovely Spring temperatures. The sunshine makes the flowers to grow quickly, looks real beautiful.

    Im still working with my Apple computer and discover every day new things. It looks like I am able to handle it. LOL
    Many things are so different, but in the same way much easier.

    The mouse is also a tricky one! HaHa But I think I profit from many advantages.

    Hope you will have a quiet weekend, Ekaterina, and enjoy the last days at home with your dad and your baby sis.

    Keep already my fingers crossed for you and can hardly wait for your good news.

    Look good to you, Ekaterina!

    Hugs & Kisses!

  41. @Corinna

    Finally I understand what you mean with Fobi. Hope you enjoyed some interesting days!

    Wish you also a great weekend, Corinna!

  42. Hope you have time to enjoy a good time in the Biergarten, Corinna!!

  43. @nicoletta with fobi on my facebook wall?

    i had last weekend my taping course! and it was real fun!

    @ekaterina here the weatherforcast says rain for the weekend!

  44. my parents have just returned from Hamburg and have brought some real hamburg specialties:

    like grützwurst

    it taste good but looks not so good, it is like blutwurst (which i don´t like) but with cereals and raisins


    is raw minced meat with onions and salt and pepper

    and büsumerkrabben

    i just open the box and i smelled them

    oh and i nearly forget about

    it is sweet and like marshmallows

  45. @Ekaterina
    I'm very busy these days and I can't be online very often, but I'm thinking of you all the time! I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, I guess you go to the hospital Monday, if the surgery is on 29, so I want to be the first one who tells you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, for 1st of April! I wish you to be healthy and strong, I wish you to be surrounded by good ppl and friends, even they are just virtual friends as we, here on the blog! I want you to have a smooth and fast recovery after the surgery, my dear Ekaterina! You are in my thoughts and in my prayers!
    Love you, my dear friend!

  46. @dana well said! i couldn´t said it better!

  47. @Ekaterina

    Wish you a successful surgery followed by a smooth recovery, Ekaterina.
    Hope for you, the time will pass quick and you come back with only good news.

    We will think of you as much we can, and you will be always in our thoughts and prayers.

    Send you all my love, dear Ekaterina!

  48. @Nicoletta

    Yes, the spring flowers are the loveliest. I'm sad I have to miss several of these..... So I want you to enjoy them for me !


    I really thank you for your sincere words. In fact, I've been so nervous while I've been busy with the preparation for my stay in the hospital of TWMU.

    I leave for the TWMU on coming Tuesday ( the 27th of March ) and the date of the surgery is the 29th of March. I've not been informed when it will start, but I suppose it starts from morning. The date I'll be able to be back home is still unknown. Dr. Shiba told me I have to stay in the TWMU hospital at least untill the 14th of April. This " at least " sounds very heavy for me. ...

    btw, Tokyo is the very big city. I hope you kindly think of me,and I thank you very much again & again for that. And let me help you a bit doing it easier.I show you the exact whereabouts of Tokyo I'm going to stay, so that you can concentrate it. ... ;-)))

    *The hospital of TWMU, the central building 7F Orthopedics,
    8-1, Kawada-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8666, Japan.

    I stay one of the rooms ( for only one person ) in the 7F of the central building of TWMU from March 27th to xxxx, anyway. The room is equipped with TV, the telephone ( old type ), and the bathroom.

    The visitor comes, so see you later, or tomorrow ! ( sorry ! )

  49. @dana

    Thank you also for the nice BD wishes for me in advance !
    Dear dana, I'll have to miss the cherry blossoms, my BD, the day of my mom's, and the Easter Sunday, this year. And the BD of this blog, too !

    I bought the small bottle of " Zitrone " by Aroma Balance. The lemon itself is from Italy and the production is in Germany. The shop it sells is in Daikanyama Station just 3 minutes from my house, and the name of the shop is " Cosme Kitchen ". Funny, isn't it ? dear Nicoletta ?

  50. @Ekaterina

    Glad to hear you have your own room in the hospital, Ekaterina.

    I think it is more quiet for you because you have to to stay for a couple of weeks. It is not much fun if the other room mates are noisy or have all the time a lot of visitors.

    You will see, the time will fly away, and there will be every day a lot of action. Hope the doctors and sisters are lovely to you, and I am sure you will receive very nice visitors from time to time.

    Love that you bought a bottle of Zitrone essence from the the "Kitchen". Lemone smells fresh and nice, so it makes your room agreeable! I read something about desinfection and it makes a good mood. So you will profit twice.

    So tomorrow you will enter into the hospital. My prayers go to Dr. Shiba and his crew wishing they have great hands to fullfill an extraordinary job. No question about you, Ekaterina, you are a good patient, Ekaterina. But I definitely do not forget to pray mainly for you and hope sincerely that you are free of anxiety and can face the very positive side of the surgery!

    Send you lots of Kisses and hugs, Ekaterina!
    Keep my fingers crossed for you and will think of you as much I can.

    Good luck, Ekaterina! Love you!

  51. @Nicoletta

    Your words come directly into my heart, and I have no idea how much I'm impressed by you, Nicolettchen ! Greatly thank you for thinking about me and my unusual situation !


    Hope you enjoy your bike in lovely spring.


    Hope you enjoy the mild spring with beautiful view of Wendelstein with still some snow on the top.


    Hope your finger is completely OK.
    And Happy Birthday to the blog in advance !


    Hope you enjoy the season with longer hours of the sunshine.

    @All ladies !

    I honestly miss you all ! and I really thank you for your nice words especially about my medical matters.

    I admit I think too much about my life after I'm back at home hopefully in about the middle of April. Very much looking forward to reading every comment of yours here. I cannot wait for it !

    I think I'll think about all of you during my stay in the TWMU hospital.
    Hope you enjoy beautiful spring !
    Kisses & Hugs ! LOVE !!!

  52. @Ekaterina

    Thank you for your beautiful words! I know you'll miss a lot of things this beginning of spring, but the most important thing is your health! So be brave, think positive and everything will be just fine! We'll send you good vibes and we'll pray for you.
    Hope you to come back here soon, I'm waiting for you also on Facebook, don't forget that! lol

    It's perfectly normal to think about your life after the surgery. We'll think about you too, my dear Ekaterina!

    So good luck and keep the faith! Think that Aksel would like to see you smiling!!!! lol
    Love, kisses and hugs for you, my dear!

  53. @ekaterin i wish you good luck and all the best for the surgery! i cross my fingers for you!

    pls let us know as soon as possible how you be and how you feel!

    btw i be curious about the Zitrone von Aroma Balance what is this?

  54. @Ekaterina
    I think your surgery is over at this hour and you're in your bed now. I'm sure everything went very good and you will recover soon. I'm thinking of you my dear Ekaterina and I pray for you! Be good and brave girl and listen Dr Shiba's orders!!!
    And as I told you a few days before: smile!! I'm sure Aksel would like to see you smiling!! :)

    I send you all my love, kisses and hugs!

  55. @Ekaterina

    The 29th March is over!

    Like Dana said, we hope you lay quietly in your bed and have sweet dreams!

    My thoughts went also many times to you today. The seven hours are a long time.

    Wish you good luck for the first days after the surgery. Hope you recover soon and Dr. Shiba is very proud on his work!

    Good luck, Ekaterina! Keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Hugs & Kisses!

  56. @ekaterina i hope you be alright! and the surgery went well!

    i can´t wait to hear a update from you!

    and i hope that i maybe will hear something before the 03.04. bc then i go down to italy!
