I've been in a Golden Girls mood lately. I learned that Rue McClanahan died on June 3rd. *sniffles* It's so very sad. We only have one Golden Girl left. :-( I grew up watching these ladies. I have learned so many things from them. I have cried everytime one of the girls have died. Estelle Getty(Sophia) July 25,1923-July 22,2008 Age: 84, Bea Arthur(Dorothy) May 13, 1922-April 25,2009 Age: 86 & Rue McClanahan(Blanche) February 21, 1934-June 3, 2010 Age: 76. Now all we have left is Betty & I hope she lives for many more years to come. *starts crying* R.I.P. Girls
Hey.. good morning girls! :-)
ReplyDelete@mel: So they are kind of grandmothers to you? ;-)
i´m sorry. but that´s the circle of life. at least i bet they had a great life! :-)
@ Mel I also grew up watching these girls. They were beautiful in every way!!
ReplyDeleteHi ''Aksel's girls'' :D
ReplyDeleteI have a vid here that i want you all to see :D This is the best voice ever. LMAO REMEMBER TO CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON!!! LOL
@anne-may love,love, love the vid! who was the little fellow singing? too funny! and what do you think al said to him that was so inspiring?
ReplyDeleteand all of you ladies on the continent and scandinavia speak lovely english. wwaaaayy better than my norweigan, german or switzerdeutsch. i could pick out about 5 words on the above link...one of them being aksel. :) anyhoo...don't ever apologize for your english...it rocks!
@anja was touched by your kindness yesterday when you were so helpful to @heidi. it was an awwwwww moment:) will this be the last time we see you for a few weeks? you must be so excited for your trip!
no rest for the weary here in sunny kansas city...house cleaning (no one is coming over..haha), gardening, painting, laundry and book work. yuck.
am so jealous of @mel...2 days off in a row, you lucky dog!
everyone have a great sunday, zondag, sonntag, sondag, sunntig. ciao chicas!
Hi everyone!! It's a lovely day here! Hope you all are fine!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Hun, I can't see the video! It's saying FINNER DU IKKE SIDEN? and looks like a TV guide program for TV2!! Help!!!
@Suzanne Thanks! You're too kind to say that about our english!(ha ha! mine is terrible sometimes!)
Oh, poor you, need some rest chica! Wish you a great day too! See you!
Morning/Afternoon ladies!!! How is everyone today?
ReplyDelete@Anne-May LMAO!! That video is hilarious. Manny Osbourne-Paradise is so funny! His voice is amazing ;D Thanks for posting:)
I agree with @Suzanne, everyones English is awesome!
Hope everyone has a fantastic Sunday! I will be spending my rainy day reading:)
@Krys Hi! I know rainy weather is good for reading and for making love! My mind from the gutter was speaking!Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteI can send you some sun in a jar!!! LOL
What do you read?
@ Susanne Thanks so much! i try to do my best in english. lol
ReplyDeleteThis was the first time Osbourne-Paradise won a wc race and as you can see he was not used to being on the poduim.lol He might have asked Aksel if he was going to sing and maybe Aksel told him to do so.... :D I just love this vid. It's hillerious! lol
@ dana hun Tou can't find the page!? Strange!lol
ReplyDeleteTry this:http://msn.tv2sporten.no/ovrig/-skal-jeg-synge-aksel-2610567.html
@Anne-May You've changed your pic profile AGAIN!!! You're killing me baby! LOL
ReplyDeleteI've found the page of the link but it doesn't want to start though I pressed the button!! I guess it doesn't like me!! lol
Oh I just got your new post! I'll try it! Thanks!
@ Dana I tried the link now and it works! :D
ReplyDeleteI will see if i can find some more Aksel vids from Norway! :D
2 dana Yes, i did change it. I get bored easely when i see the same pic over and over again. lol
ReplyDeleteThis one is from Whistler after he won his gold :D Amazing!!!
@ dana did you get to see the vid?
ReplyDelete@Anne-May NO!!! I can't see none of them! I'm trying!
ReplyDeleteHello ladies!!!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing? I hope you enjoyed your sunday? :D
@Anne-May thanks for the vid! LOL The first one is great!!! ;D Manny does have a great voice! ;D And it's nice to see that some ppl can actually sing their own national anthem! Unlike most swiss ppl! ;D
@Suzanne awww, you just made me blush, dear! :D Thanks! How are you doing? sorry to hear you'll have a busy sunday! :S
Well I'm not leaving till tuesday morning, so you gotta endure my presence at least till monday evening! ;D lol
But like I said and promised, I will pop in from time to time! Gotta feed my addiciton! ;D just not as much as before! ;D
I already know I'll miss you ladies terribly!!!
Good afternoon!
ReplyDelete@Mel It's funny that so many younger women grew up watching the Golden Girls. When I was in high school I would sometimes babysit the neighbor's 10 year old daughter on Saturday nights, and she would always want to stay up and watch Sophia and Rose.
@dana You are so right about rainy days! It looks like rain here but I am still going to the beach. Maybe if it rains later I can put your idea from the gutter to the test?
@Anne-May I loved the first video but the second one won't work. Boo! It looks really cute too.
Have a great rest of the day/evening/night everyone!
@dana HAHAHA Is that fun to do on a rainy day??! I am reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels that the show True Blood is based on. I'm only on the second book of the series and its really good! And I would love some sun. Its more fun to lay on the lounge chair outside in the sun then lay on the couch in the rain:)
ReplyDelete@Anja Hey girl! I hope you were paying attention to the Canadian national anthem. You may need it in the next 9 weeks!! We are all going to miss you terribly too!
Ok I am really off to read my book now. Talk to you all later:)
@ Cricket It's so strange. I will see what i can do about it!! :D
ReplyDelete@krys I love the Sookie Stackhouse books! They're great!!! ;D Enjoy reading them!
ReplyDeleteI did actually look it up during the olympics! Or better during the hockey final! I forgot most of it again though! ;D So do you think they'll make me sing it? LOL
I could always sing them our, well the first couple lines, but it's not a really nice one! ;D haha their's is much better! ;D
But they don't wanna hear me sing! LOL I'm a terrible singer! :D
Enjoy reading! :D
Hi girls!
ReplyDelete@Cricket & Krys Well, you'll know how to spend the rainy days! You'll feel great and you'll burn a lot of calories!!LOL But be careful!!!
@Anne-May Sorry, I didn't get to see anything! It didn't work! I think it doesn't like my face! LOL
@Anja You must be excited!! Just a day left! We'll miss you, hun!
@ Cricket This one worked here on my pc. lol
@ dana i will try to send them on mail to you! lol
ReplyDeletehi everyone! :-)
ReplyDelete@anne-may: thx for the videos! the first one is great i wonder that it isn´t aksel who´s singing haha.
the 2nd one doesn´t work in germany! :-( but he looks great!! :-)
how was your sunday?
@ dana I've sent you mail! :)
ReplyDelete@dana I am excited! :D Can't wait to go! ;D I'll miss you to sweetie! :D
ReplyDelete@Teekann hei hun! How are you doing? Did it rain today? ;D
My sunday was good, not very eventful! watched some sports and managed to finish my book! ;D And your's?
@ Teekanne Too bad it didn't work!! Yeah, he was awesome - seems like he just got out of the shower though... LOL
ReplyDelete@ Anja Hope you will have some great weeks in canada! :D And take good care of yourself!! :D
ReplyDeletePS: Don't forget the mail box when you get home!!! LOL
@anja: :-) doing good! :-) no rain yet. thought about running through a sprinkler so it feels at least like rain! ;-)
ReplyDeletewatched sports? there was no skiing, so f1.. so what did you watch?
finished your book? gosh, that´s sth i need to do too! :( my friend and i wanna watch the movie "my lovely bones" but haven´t finished the book yet! :-(
i went to a soccer tournament with the kids but nothing productive besides that! ;-)
@anne-may: i´m used to it since you tube works the same and ban us from special videos!
out of the shower.. so we already have the shower pic! ;-) haha
no any news of aksel? hmm.. he´s not sharing every moment anymore?! Did he learn from the spectacle about Jules?
@ Teekanne Who the f... is Jules??? LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Thanks! I've got it! An I try and I try and I try...LOL
ReplyDelete@anne-may: oh sorry.. i meant the forbitten letters! ;-)
ReplyDelete@ Teekanne LMAO Maybe he's off to US again and don't take the chance to shear... LOL
ReplyDelete@ Dana Lmao It might be as in Germany that it dosen't work..... :-(
ReplyDelete@anne-may: gosh, without letting us know that? i´m so disappointed! oh no what was anon talking about? wasn´t it maui?
ReplyDeletewhat does a flight to maui cost? haha
as i said, he spoiled us with daily reports...
@Anne-May I will! :D haha nope, I'll definitly won't forget to check my mail when I get back! LOL ;D
ReplyDeleteThanks again!
@Teekanne LOL running through sprinklers! I always liked doing that when I was a kid! lol
Well I watched 'show jumping' (haha found it out at last), some golf and tennis!
So you're reading 'lovley bones'? Is it good so far? :D that's a book I thought to read too! :D
@dana, Anne-May & teekanne haha who knows! mabye they're in Las Vegas?! getting married?! LOL sorry that had to be!! ;D
@ Anja Las Vegas... LMFAO
ReplyDelete@ Teekanne Yes, that Anom talked about Maui but so did i.. LOL I'm sure there will come some news from him any time soon. When he's worked up his psycical condition. LOL
It is so freaking quiet over at ALS. It's kinda creepy. I've never seen his blog so dead.
ReplyDelete@anja: yeh me to.. from the pool to the garden shower through he sprinkler and back! haha.
ReplyDeleteshow jump? what a stupid word for only jump with horses ;-)
the beginning was terrible bc it´s written very clearly what the murderer does... and i never thought it would be about so many years. but at least it´s ok. i could bring it in november if you like.
Uhhh Las Vegas... haha we had that already! New Blog entry.
"Guess who i run into in Las Vegas Elvis Wedding Chappel"!? haha
@anne-may: when he visted kjetil in his new home or lars with his famliy! :-)
Vivaaaaa Las Vegas!!!!Oh sorry I'm singing out loud! LOL
@Anne-May I saw just a pic of Aksel kissing a lady but the vids don't work! I'll try later, now I'm tired!
@Mel Hello baby! It's so quiet there because we, the noisy girls, are here! lol
@mel: I might say i know one reason:
ReplyDeleteoff-topic is forbitten! ;-)
@ Mel I think it's bc there's no updating from him and no one is going off topic anymore...
ReplyDelete@ ALL Maybe we should go over for a while and make some action... LOL
ReplyDelete@Anja LOL I can see the headlines now: The Princess of Skiing & The King of Skiing Marry in Vegas at A Little White Chapel.
ReplyDelete@Mel hei! How are you doing?
ReplyDeleteyes, it is kinda creepy! I guess everyone is afraid what would happen, when they go off topic! ;D
@Teekanne haha that's what I though too! But that's what the dic showed me! ;D I do have no idea though, if that's the correct word! ;)
aww, that sounds horrible! :S Nah you don't have to! otherwise when should I give it back? ;) lol but thanks for the offer, hun! :D
'"Guess who i run into in Las Vegas Elvis Wedding Chappel"!?' LMFAO That be a great post!! LOL
Yeah maybe we should go over & cause all sorts of trouble. All in good fun of course.
ReplyDelete@Anne-May LOL i was thinking about that too!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Mel LMAO :D what a nice headline! lol
@Anne-May the rebel girl!!! Ha ha! Do you need action?
ReplyDelete@Mel ...and in the picture all the Akselized girls throwing rice... ha ha!
@ Mel said:I can see the headlines now: The Princess of Skiing & The King of Skiing Marry in Vegas at A Little White Chapel.
ReplyDeleteAnd they are expecting twins in seven months
@ dana LMAO Yeah, i need action now! It's a little quiet around me.
ReplyDeleteThrowing rice?? I will have the champagne ready. LOL
@Dana Of course we'd be there throwing rice & handing tissues to all the heart broken teeny boppers. LOL
ReplyDelete@Anne-May LMAO I better start on the blankets now!
ReplyDeletewhen the dic say it.. it might be right! Haha
but i could if you like to... oh.. and it´s in english! ;-)
you could send it or i take it back in march!
don´t you think it might cause trouble to take all the attention from the swedish royal wedding in 2 weeks?
gosh hopefully that won´t cause a fight between norway and sweeden!;-)
ok. causing trouble on the blog?! but how?
without making it tooo obvious?
@AM Do you wanna throw the bottle of champagne??? WOW! I know you want to break somebody's head! LMAO
ReplyDeletehaha... rice and blankets! haha... who could bring the skis to form a guard of honour?!
ReplyDelete@dana. LMAO!! yeh throwing the bottle. i would be the first who shouts: "AHHHH the holy alcohole" DON`T THROW IT!!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne We'll drink the champagne and throw the empty bottle!!!Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@ Teekanne i'll bring the skis. LOL But i don't dear to hold the skis, I might loose them... LOL
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Well I wouldn't say no to that! And I'm even a person who takes good care about books! ;D unlike others in my family! ;P Ok I'll sent it, since I'll prolly be finished before march! ;D
ReplyDeleteLOL that causing a fight between Norway and Sweden?! what about doing a double wedding?! Not likely huh?!
@ teekanne God, you are really something! LMAO
ReplyDeleteLMAO Don't throw the bottle!!!
ReplyDelete@ dana do you mean break Aksel's head?? LOL Noooo, i couldn't do that! LOL
ReplyDeleteHow about after the wedding we all head back to Rule #7 for the reception? Great food, drinks & a beautiful cake. Not to mention we could decorate the place like a winter wonderland or a tropical paradise.
ReplyDeleteNow I want my dreams of owning a bar to come true.
@dana: i would prefer that too! :-)
lose them? bc you´re stunned of aksels beauty? haha or bc you wanna hit jules? ;-)
@anja: haha.. so you have to remember me on bringing it in september.. i will forget it till then! haha
double wedding? haha.. i don´t think aksel would like it have his wedding published all over europe haha
@anne-may: we know you wouldn´t do it.. but since you never know who you hit with the bottle it could happen that you break his head! haha :-)
ReplyDeleteoh.. is kjetil bridesmaid at aksels and jules wedding?
Will Elvis be there?
@ teekanne BC i'm stunned of Aksel's beauty... haha
ReplyDelete@Mel haha that'd be great! But we gotta decorate like a winter wonderland! Since they're both skiers! ;P
ReplyDeleteoh you forgot, and hopefully meet some other norwegians or americans for that matter, to comfort ourselfs over Alksel' being married!!! ;P
@Teekanne LOL I might forget it too! ;D I for sure will! haha I don't like that dementia thing! ;D
Oh right! So no double wedding! ;D crap! Well at least if we're all invited I don't care! ;D lol
@anne-may: ok stunned might be the wrong word since it would be like it´s surprising you that he is that beauty, but we already know that, right?
ReplyDelete@anja: ok so 2 ppl who forget.. at least there are a few ppl in this blog helping us out, i guess haha
ReplyDeleteinvited? to the yesterdays wedding in las vegas? haha i´m so sure!
@ Teekanne I will be a good girl and behave at the wedding! LOL NO throwing.. LMFAO
ReplyDeleteOf course Elvis will be there! There is so much about this that you never thougt would happen. So that Elvis would turn up would only make it even more unreal. LOL
@Teekanne haha hopefully! ;D
ReplyDeleteoh right! maybe to the party later?! ;D haha Let me dream on hun! Don't shatter it! ;P
@anne-may: oh.. but i think it would bring in a little more action! haha
ReplyDeletewonder if some girls will run there bc they think it´s the bridal bouquet! haha
unreal? so we might cut elvis out.. what baout michael jackson? haha that would fit better!
@Teekanne I remember you should be bride in august!!! And I'll be one of the bridesmaids or the godmother,(I'm not sure!) right? So there's no wedding in Las Vegas!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Anja has promised to write a poem till then!! Ha ha!
I want updates from ALS NOW!!!!
ReplyDelete@Anja Ok winter wonderland it is, but what if Aksel wants palm trees? LOL Yes we will have to find some other Norwegians or Americans to comfort us. LOL
ReplyDelete@anja: we should talk to daddy svindal for a garten party! :-)
haha thx hun! at least you remember that we just planed to marry my fiance to another woman! haha
yeh the poem! don´t let anja read the word POEM! it might cause her nightmares! haha
@anne-may: in germany there is a saying:
ReplyDelete"kids who want sth get sth on their nose" haha...
give him a rest.. there won´t be a wedding pic.. trust me! ;-) not until august! ;-)
@mel: we could put some fake snow on the palms?!
@Mel LOL sounds like a plan! Well he could always wear his palm tree shorts! ;D LOL
ReplyDelete@Teekanne & dana said someone poem?! gosh you ladies don't let me ever forget that, huh?! Well I said I'll write one for Teekannes wedding with Aksel! haha thanks for reminding me about that fact! So I'll prolly never have to write it! ;P
I want an update from ALS too!!!
ReplyDelete@anja: no nobody even mentioned POEM in one sentences! :-)
ReplyDeleteOutch!!! That wasn´t nice!!! That wasn´t nice at all!
Never say never.. listen NEVER!!! haha
ReplyDelete@ Teekanne Hahaha, If he wanna come with a wedding pic so be it.lol I just want some updates from the dude!!
ReplyDeleteNow i have to get off the pc. Have some more work to do with the dudes stamps. LOL
@Teekanne sorry for trying to shatter your dream, hun! ;D wasn't my intention! ;D
ReplyDeleteok you didn't mention that word! Hmm, btw you just posted a weird comment girl! It's full with words I don't understand! ;P lol
@Anne-May Good luck & God speed my friend!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May Take care and don't work too hard hun! Bye! See you!
ReplyDelete@Anne-May have 'fun' with that! :D and have a nice evening! talk to you later! :D
ReplyDeleteah ok.. so he might write: "i finally booked the room for our wedding, we got the castle.. it´s good to be the king fo ski" ;-)
oh i heard you started to organize the fan-shop for aksel haha!
@anja: oh it´s ok.. it´s not new for me that you destroy dreams! haha.
a full beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep comment! it´s the technic oyu know... i cannot completely understand this stuff!
oh forgot: byebye anne-may! have a nice night!
ReplyDelete@Teekanne sorry hun! At least we're the same in that matter! ;D
ReplyDeletehaha of course it the technique! isn't it always? ;P
yea, beeeeeep was about all I understood! LOL so did you swear on someone? ;D
Anon on ALS said that big parts of Norway don't have access to the internet right now. So maybe that's why we haven't heard from him.
ReplyDelete@Mel that could be the case! :S Well let's hope then, that the internet will be back up soon! :D
ReplyDelete@Anja Hopefully it will.
ReplyDelete@anja: haha yeh true.. you´re mean and i am too! :-)
ReplyDeleteat least you got that beep! ;-)
@mel: oh.. that´s bad! at least Anon, might not be in Norway! haha
Leif might have internet even on Juvaas since he bloged an hour ago!
@Teekanne haha true! ;D
ReplyDeletewell Jon said he has no internet either! and leif has?! ok that's weird, since they're at the same plave right now! LOL
@anja: haha maybe leif knows a better technique? or his roommate locked in? haha.. i don´t know and i don´t care.
ReplyDeletegive the boy a rest. he deserves it!
hi girls i´m back!
ReplyDeletehow are you all? what did i missed this weekend?
ahhh corinna! how ware you?!
ReplyDeletei´m fine.. you didn´t miss that much i think!
what about your weekend? I wanna know everything! i bet the others too!
ReplyDeletei´m fine just a little tired, there was so much traffic today.
ok the guy wasn´t down :(. so that was the only think which sucks, but we had sun all the day and something about 38° C. i´ve got a little sunburn. and i had a lot of fun
@Teekanne you're right! it doesn't matter! :D
ReplyDelete@Corinne hei girl! how was it?! :D
Oh sorry to hear he wasn't down! :S But glad you enjoyed the weekend nevertheless! :D
oh i´m sorry... at least you had fun, you never know if it would have been like that with him there! ;-)
ReplyDeleteso will you go there another time?
the weather makes tired...
sunburn, hot it´s not that bad!
Well I'm off to get ready for work. Then I'm gonna eat some steak!!! Yum!!! George is a good griller.
ReplyDeleteHi girls! My eyes hurt from reading:) How was everyones day?
ReplyDeleteSo it looks like I missed Aksel and JM's wedding and Anja is again writting a poem?
And yay @corinna is back! How was your trip? Sorry the hot guy wasn't there but were there any other ones?
@mel have a nice day
ReplyDelete@anja & teekanne i have always fun. so maybe i go down the next time in three or four weeks
how was your weekend?
@krys i think i missed the wedding too, what happend? ;)
ReplyDeleteand how are you?
@Mel have a good day and hopefully not too much stress at work! :D
ReplyDelete@Krys did you already finish the book? :) How do you like it so far?
@Corinna my weekend was good too! not very eventfull though! :D but we had nice weather, so that was great! :D
@corinna I am good! I had a really boring weekend but it was nice to not have to do anything. So you are gonna go back in 3 or 4 weeks? Hopefully he will be there then:)
ReplyDelete@Anja No I am only up to chapter 5. These books have really long chapters! So far I really like it. The first book followed the show pretty closely but this one is a litte different.
ReplyDelete@Krys That's true! well i guess, the season 3 is about what the second book is about! not sure though! and I'm glad they don't follow the books exactly. so it's still fun to watch the series and read the books! :D
ReplyDelete@krys and if he not down there, it doesn´t matter. i think there will be come a lot of guys in my life.
ReplyDelete@anja have you already packed your bags?
@Anja I love the show! I am hoping this season we will see more of Sookie and Erik ;D I am not a fan of Bill. Lafayette is my favorite character on the show so I was sad when he died in the beginning of this book. The 3rd season starts here on Sunday! I can't wait!!!
ReplyDelete@krys: hey girl!
ReplyDeleteok i´m heading off, haave some stuff to do! see you these days... stay out of the gutter! ;-)
@teekanne have a nive evening.
ReplyDelete@corinna That is a great attitude! I bet there will be too:)
ReplyDelete@Teekanne Never! The gutter is the place to be:) Have a good night!
@Corinna nope I haven't! still need to wash some clothes tomorrow! :D I'll start on that tomorrow! but I'm a fast packer, I just pack nearly all I have! ;D
ReplyDelete@Krys haha I prefer Eric too! ;D and I so love lafaiette! he's funny! Yea, I was sad too, but I doubt they'll kill him in the series! :D
lol But my fav is Jason! He's soo hilarious! ;D and well he's hot!!! :D
Well I'll be watching the serien in the internet when I'm back from canada I guess! :D It was mean to let us wait nearly a year!!! :S
@Teekanne have a great evening and talk to you tomorrow!!! :D
@anja & krys about what kind of serie you talk?
ReplyDelete@Anja I don't think they will kill Lafayette on the show either. He is just too funny to kill off. He has the best one liners! "Hooka please" is a favorite of mine. Jason is hot too and he never wears any clothes ;D It was mean of them to wait a year! They did the same thing last year though so I wasn't surprised.
ReplyDelete@corinna True Blood, its a show on HBO. Its about vampires, kind of like Twilight but a lot more adult *cough cough* if you know what I mean ;D
ReplyDelete@Corinna we talk about 'True blood' :D
ReplyDelete@Krys haha yea, he has funny lines! ;D I like them and his accent is great! :D
lol true! Jason's either naked or shirtless! ;D
they did? ah you see, if stumpled over the series in the internet and watche the first and second season at once! :D I wonder though, what this season will be about! but the trailers look awesome! :D
@Krys haha more adult!!! that's a nice way to describe it! ;D and it's better than twilight! much better!!! ;D
ReplyDelete@Anja I know, the trailers look awesome. I think this season is going to be about Sookie finding Bill since Lorena kidnapped him. Maybe she will need Erik's help and they will get closer ;D You are lucky to get to watch them at once instead of the torture of waiting so long.
ReplyDelete@Krys I think so too! But I don't wanna ruin anything for you by suggesting! Bc I've reall all books already and I do think they'll follow at least a little the books! :D
ReplyDeleteWell now I have to wait too! :D so no advantage by now! ;D But I'm glad I found that series! :D The worst torture is anyways that you have to wait for a whole week till the next episode! :D
i don´t watch this vampire movies.
ReplyDeletei just orderd sex and the city the pink edition and sex and the city the movie, ah i love this serie.
@Anja Oh don't tell! I'm going to keep reading the books even after I get past where the show is. I've heard book 4 is the best! A weeks worth of waiting is nothing compared to the year of waiting. Every Sunday my friends and I watch together. We make a party out of it.
ReplyDelete@corinna I like Sex and the City too. I used to watch it every week when it was on tv. I always liked Carrie's gay best friend but I can't think of his name. I haven't seen the 2nd movie yet.
you mean stanford! oh i like him too, and this song which is playing in the second movie
i had heard it all the day down in italy
@Corinna I like SATC too! I haven't seen the 2nd movie yet either! But I definitly want to, eventhough I heard the first is better! :D Maybe I can watch it in the plane! :D
ReplyDelete@Krys I won't tell! No worries! ;D oh yea, the 4th is great! so funny! ;D You gotta tell me how you like the books! :D
Ok point taken! one weeks isn't as bad! ;D I have that more with books too! Even more! I so hate to wait till the next's coming out! Especially when they end so mean, where you desperatly wanna know how it continues! ;D
ok the cliffhanger of the second season of True blood was mean too! ;D The first one not so much! :D
@corinna Yes Stanford!! Thanks. He was fabulous;D Haha Liza Minelli cracks me up. Shes a little nutty:)
ReplyDelete@Anja I will keep you updated! All my friends ruined the cliffhanger for season 2 by telling me it was Lorena that kidnapped Bill. You would only know that if you read the book, which I hadn't yet:( I too hate when a book ends really good and you just have to read the next one. I've made many a trip to walmart at like 11pm to get a sequel book:)
@anja i had seen the second SATC movie last thursday, it was so funny i love it, i love everything of this movie.
ReplyDeleteoh i hate this too, when you read a book with an open end especially there is no second part. oh that´s really crazy and it sucks.
ReplyDelete@Krys Oh that's mean!!! I ruined it myself! ;D haha but there's still the hope, that they'll not follow the books exactly and we get to see some new stuff! :D
ReplyDeletelol the only problem is, when the next book isn't out yet! I just have that! The book I finished today ended really, really mean! And the next is coming in December! :S bah and I'm sooo curious! :)
@Corinna I see! :D Guess I'll have to see it mayself to judge it! ;D
Well you two, I'm off! For an odd reason I'm tired! and I didn't even do something today that would explain that! :S
Good night ladies and talk to you tomorrow! :D Hugs!!!
@anja goodnight, and sleep well in your own bed this night till tuesday. so get some rest for your trip.
@Anja Yes I guess that would be a problem if the next book hasn't been published:) Goodnight! Sleep well and talk to you tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteIts dinner time here so I am off too. @corinna You have a great night too! Talk to you tomorrow:)
good night to you too krys have a nice dinner tonight. see you tomorrow *hugs*
ReplyDeleteMy steak was oh so good! Talk about heaven. I'm not a big steak eater, but it is good everyonce in awhile. Well I'm HEADing out to work & then I'm off for 2 whole days!!!!! YAY!!!!
ReplyDelete@True Blood I love that show!!!! Love the books!!!!
@mel so you have the next two days vacation?
ReplyDeletebtw. here is a thunderstorm coming
so i wish you a not very stressfully work
so now i´m alone here? *looks around, ok then i take a beer today mh a real cold one please*
ReplyDeleteto all who will coming online i wish you a real nice and great evening/night, see you hopefully all tomorrow again.
ReplyDeletesleep well and nice dreams
Hey girls!! Just got home from Philadelphia a little while ago...had an AWESOME trip! Very hot and humid weather tho...
ReplyDeleteJust finished reading all of the comments from the past 2 days...
@Anne-May AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOU ARE DOING FOR US WITH THE STAMPS!! LOVE YA GIRL!!!! Also, loved the 1st ALS vid! Manny is so cute the way he is singing...the 2nd one wouldn't work for me either. :/
@Mel LOVE LOVE LOVE The Golden Girls! Was so sad to see that Rue passed, she was my fave on the show, her wild n crazy attitude was great!
@corinna Welcome back girl!! Hope you had a nice time!!
@Anja You have to be so excited for your trip, only a little over a day until you leave, we will surely miss you!!
@Everyone Some girl at the baseball game last night was holding a sign that got on the jumbo screen that said "Chicks dig the long ball" My mind totally went straight into the gutter and I thought of ya'll!! ;D
I'll post a link to my pics from my trip as soon as I get them uploaded to Facebook.
I was sad to see that ALS hadn't posted a new blog entry as well. Where o' where could he be?
Flyers game 5 tonight!!! YAY!!! It was fun being in Philadelphia...the vibe was incredible!!
Be back later! Missed you guys!!
Hi Ladies ... Wow, I missed a lot ...
ReplyDelete@AnneMay ... great video! I bet Aksel 'double dog dared' Osbourne-Paradise to sing!
@Corinna Welcome Back. Sorry Mr. Yummy wasn't there :( Maybe next time. But sounds like it was a fun trip anyway!
@Anja Only a couple more days until you get to go on your trip! Jaaaahaaaaa!
Yes, where is our boy ... lost internet? Recouperating? In Hawaii? Where is Anon when you really need his/her ability to read between the lines? I am not very good at reading between the lines but maybe ...
I would LMBAO & totally throw rice, (but save the Champagne for drinking) if he came back with "Married In Vegas ~ Totally Drunken" (I cant remember who previously suggested it) ...
or maybe his new bike arrived while he was in NYC and Simen borrowed it and now he is trying to get it back ...
or maybe Lars sent an SOS to Aksel, and they are trying to figure out how to change diapers ...
But, I think Daddy Svindal has him locked in his room until it is clean! LOL If this is the case, it might be awhile until we hear from our favorite Viking!
I will check back in later ... I need a shower, I smell like a wet cow!
Here is the link to the pictures from my trip to Philadelphia... :D It was sooo much fun! ;D
OMG @Deuce your comment to April on ALS blog is priceless! Had me seriously LMBAO!!! You are sooo damn funny!
ReplyDeleteDeuce said:
@April ... totally funny! So many people want to lick the back of Aksel's HEAD ... ummm strictly speaking of stamps of course!
@Deuce enjoy your shower. LMAO I think there are some people out there that would actually like to lick the back of his head not just a stamp with his face on them.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching Drop Dead Diva. Greyson is so very yummy. Anyway the point is they are doing a case against Axl Labratories. LOL
Hello ladies!!!
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing today? :)
@Kristen I'm glad to hear you had a great time in Philly! :D And thanks for sharing the pics! I like! :D
@Krsiten & Deuce yea, I cannot wait for tomorrow!!! ;D I'm getting really, really excited! Tomorrow about this time I'll soon be in London! :D
Hope everyone has a great day?! :D
Hi my ladies!
ReplyDeleteHope you all having a great day!! :D
Yeah, wtf is happening to the big guy?! Maybe he has passed out on a beach somewhere? LOL
See you later all my sweetes!
@ Deuce, cricket and Gordana!!!
ReplyDeleteCould you send me your e-mails on twitter please? I have a question i have to ask you my girls :D
Good whatever!
ReplyDeleteWTF went on in here yesterday? Were y'all hitting the crack pipe while I was at the beach? LMAO
@Anja Are you like beyond excited right now? I am excited for you!
@Kristin So sorry about your Flyers! What happened? I watched the first period. The only thing is, I really love Chelsea Dagger (the song the Blackhawks play when they score) so I was kind of rooting for them. Sorry!
@Deuce Your HEAD licking comment made me snort out loud! LMFAO. Not that I wouldn't be in that line.
@Anne-May I'm sure he is just laying low. If I took a month (or two) off I would just lay on the beach or in my hammock and let the world go by.
My email is capecodcricket@gmail.com. That is the one I use for online shopping and whatnot so I don't need to keep it a secret!
Hey girls! How is everyone today?
ReplyDelete@Anja I can't believe you leave tomorrow! Hope you get everything packed without any stress. I was watching How I Met Your Mother last night and it made me think of you. I don't know if you watch but Robin used to be Canadian popstar and her video cracks me up. Enjoy!!
@Kristen I loved your pics! The viking guy made me laugh. How come you didn't take a pic with him? haha!
It sucks to come back to work on a Monday, especially since I left early on Friday. Lots of catching up to do. Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi my girls! Everybody's fine I hope!
ReplyDeleteNicole says HI! to all of you! She's a little bit busy but I hope we'll "see" her tonight on the blog!
Nothing new on our Viking's blog! Maybe he needs some rest! Or he's cleaning up and this it takes him too much time than we can imagine! LOL
@Anne-May Still working for "Aksel's Stamps Campaign"?
Have you all a beautiful Monday!
@ Dana Oh yeah. LOL But with ppl like all of you it's great having work like this!!!! It's been a lot of writing till now and i'm not done with that part yet. Tomorrow i will order everything!! :D
ReplyDeleteBTW, I sent you an e-mail!! :D
@Anja Have a safe trip to Canada!
ReplyDeleteHe probably is writing letters & cleaning Daddy Svindal's house. Then again I'm holding out for a drunken wedding in Vegas!
@Anne-May You rock, chica!!!
@Nicole Hello & welcome back!
ReplyDelete@ Giffy Well i can't say there have been any surprises yet... LOL
ReplyDeleteWe have Norway, Slovenia, Bosnia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland,and the US. This the countries i've got a sight over so far! :D
@ Giffy Well i want say i'm a good ambassador for Norway. LOL
ReplyDeleteI would rather say i'm an good ambass for Aksel's chicas. LMAO
@ Nicole You're welcome sweete! :D
ReplyDeletehi girls! hope everyone had a nice monday
ReplyDelete@ Corinna Hi sweete! It's been a nice and busy day. lol. How are you?
ReplyDelete@anne-may i´m fine. just came home from work and had a shower, it´s so hot here.
ReplyDeleteHi again!
ReplyDelete@Nicole What's up baby? We missed you too,but you don't have to say it for so many times, we believe you hun!!!!LOL
@Anne-May Thanks! I'sent you one back!
@Mel & Giffy & Corinna how are you girls? Nice to see you!
@dana hi how are you? i´m fine
ReplyDeletebtw. i think aksel is down in south africa for the fifa wm
@ Corinna You lucky girl. The only thing here that make me sweat is Aksel stamps and envelopes. LOL
ReplyDelete@ Corinna It wouldn't surprise me one bit if he's headed down to malaria and other disises. LOL
ReplyDelete@ dana I haven't got any mail from you! :D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May I send it at 9:24 my time so 25 minutes ago!
ReplyDelete@anne-may other disises? hopefully nothing seriously
ReplyDelete@Corinna I'm fine too, thanks1 I'm glad you had such a great time in the weekend!
ReplyDeleteHey girls! How has everyones day been?
ReplyDelete@Anne-May How is "Operation Aksel Stamps" going? :) I bet you have a lot of work cut out for you. Have I mentioned that you are the best?!
@corinna Its cold here today! Trade you:)
@ dana sorry, i haven't got any. Just checked!
ReplyDelete@ corinna i'm just kidding :D
@ Krys Nooooooo, no one has ever told me that since i started to organize all of this. LOL
ReplyDeleteTHANKS hon!!! :D
@krys so you freezing?
ReplyDelete@anne-may ah ok ok
@ Krys Btw, the ''oeration Aksel stamps'' are going great!!! :D Tomorrow i will send the order :D
ReplyDelete@Anne-May haha The land of Malaria and other diseases! He has had enough trouble being sick, the last thing he needs is Malaria! lol!
ReplyDelete@corinna No not freezing but chilly:) Here it is 72f/22c but it had been in the 90s/30s so its a big change.
@Anne-May I took it from "Sent"- that's means sent it!!!) and I sent it again! Hope you get it, baby!
ReplyDelete@Krys I call it "Aksel's Stamps Campaign"! LOL Are you freezing! God, here it was really hot today!
@krys ah ok, here we had today something btw 25c and 30 c. and i was the whole day at work. :(
ReplyDelete@anne-may i´m so proud of you, because of the stamps
@dana Haha I like that too:) I would say its brisk here today. Windy and chilly. It had been hot then we had big storms and now its cold. How was your day?
ReplyDelete@corinna Busy girl today? Any hot patients need physio? lol ;D
ReplyDelete@dana here it was hot too,
ReplyDelete@krys mh only one, but he is not my type, but he dave a good looking sixpack. i had worked today from 8:40 am to 7:30 pm
ReplyDelete@Krys I had a good day, even it was Monday! LOL At work it was OK and at home I had some things to do in the garden! I like gardening! Now I'm glad to be here with you all! And with Mr. Svindal of course! I like to say I go to bed with Aksel and I wake up with Morten!( I always listen an A-HA song before to go to work! I feel it makes my day! Am I crazy?!!) Ha ha!
ReplyDelete@corinna Wow, thats a long day! You will sleep good tonight:) I always sleep the best after a really long, hard day.
ReplyDelete@dana I like to garden too but I always kill the plants. I do not have a green thumb. I have a jade plant here at work that is thriving because I neglect it ;D Its my kind of plant!
I like to go to bed with Aksel too but I want to wake up with him also. haha! I love A-Ha, Take on Me is on my I-pod! They were never that popular here though. Just that one song:)
@Corinna You had a really busy day! I think you're very tired baby! Do you want a massage? Do you want me to call Kjetil for you?LOL
ReplyDeleteHi girls! I could not get on here for love or money today. I hope my company isn't onto my addiction!!
ReplyDelete@corinna I was thinking the same thing about the World Cup. If I had the chance to go I would be there in a heartbeat!!
I'm sure you have professional standards as a physio, but what if you get a super hot client? If it was me I would be like dropping my phone number on the floor and trying to work in subliminal messages.
@Krys The weather is the same here today. It feels great! I need to work in my garden tonight so I'm glad the humidity has finally broken.
@krys and dana not so busy i can handle it very good and 2 days a week i have to work like this the other ones just a little bit shorter. but a food massage would be great.
ReplyDelete@ dana Got it!! And sent one back to you!! :D
ReplyDelete@Corinna Thanks so much. It's making me busy but it's so nice to do someting for other ppl!!! :-D
@Krys Try also "The Shapes That Go Together", "Crying In The Rain", "Forever Not Yours", "Summer Moved On", "Hunting High And Low", Analogue", "Turn The Lights Down" etc...
ReplyDeleteI'm really crazy about them, especially about Morten! Ha ha!
@cricket lol, i had swear me that i never go out with a patient, ok my best friend was first a patient from me, but i don´t know what i will do if there a real nice guy and the chemistry is good.
ReplyDelete@Cricket That and/or she could just cop a feel ;D The weather does feel nice today. I hate humidity so I'm glad its gone. Tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same.
ReplyDelete@dana I will download them when I get home. I think you are as crazy about Morten as I am about the Backstreet Boys:) They are my guilty pleasure! I am going to see them in concert on Sunday.
ReplyDelete@corinna Well he wouldn't be your patient forever and it could be a good "how we met" story.
@krys yes that´s true. let´t see what will happen
ReplyDelete@corinna Maybe you could just keep it quiet until he was done with physio? A woman I used to work with married her dentist! She had to find a new one because he was not allowed to date a patient.
ReplyDelete@Krys That reminds me of an episode of Friends where Phoebe (a massage therapist) bites her client's ass because he was really hot. OMG!
I hate humidity too. My Dad lives in Florida and I will not visit him in the summer. It's just too much.
@cricket i think i´m be able to date a patient but do i really want this. then i have to give in the evening at home also massages or make physio(mt). she bite his ass??? lol once i had pushed someones butt but it was a mistake, he was real nice and sweet lmao
ReplyDelete@Cricket LMAO Were y'all hitting the crack pipe while I was at the beach? Crack is wack! I prefer alcohol.
ReplyDeletenew psot from aksel
ReplyDelete@Cricket Apparently Phoebe is an ass woman lol! I don't remember that episode though. I love Friends, Chandler was always my favorite.
ReplyDeleteMy parents want to move to Florida because my whole family lives there but I don't think I could do it in the summer. Its just too damn hot!
@corinna Yes! It was such a funny episode!
ReplyDelete@Mel LMAO whenever I see crack is whack I think of Whitney Houston.
@Krys Apparently! She was always my favorite. I like Monica too because I am the same kind of neat freak/super competitive personality.
He has lived there for years and he says he is used to it now. It's too brutal for me though. I couldn't live in a place where you can't breathe outside 3 months of the year.
@mel how you doing?
ReplyDeletehey girls don´t let me alone over there
@Corinna I'm good. How are you?
ReplyDelete@mel i´m fine, just watchin greys anatomy and now pravite practice
ReplyDeletei mean private
ReplyDeleteGood evening ladies!
ReplyDeletehow are you doing? How was your day?
I finally made it home 30minutes ago! And still have loads to do! ;D
Couldn't resit to come on here though! ;D
hey anja how you doing? i wish you for tomorrow a real nice fly and travel to canada.
ReplyDelete@Corinna hei girl! I'm doing good! Finally realizing that I'm going tomorrow! :D Still haven't packed yet though! haha ;D Did I mention that I do everything at the very last moment?! :D
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing?
@Anja Hello hun! How are you? ready for your long journey?