Friday, June 4, 2010


*stars singing the theme from Men in Black* Here come the men in black. They won't let you remember. Remember the good guys dress in black. Here come the men in black. Galaxy defenders.


  1. @Mel I love this pic!! I like the flag hanging in the background too. :D Hope you survived getting up and bein to work at 7am! Thats a rough one for a Saturday.

    THE FLYERS WON!!! 5-3 YAAAAAY!!! It was an awesome awesome game! Back to Chicago for game 5 Sunday. ;D The series is now tied 2-2.

    I need to go to bed, I have Zumba in the morning...oh and guess what!?! IT'S STORMING AGAIN!!! :( :( :(

    Goodnight or should I say Good Morning to my girls in Europe!!!


  2. Good night America, wherever you are!( I'm the morning caller! ha!) Gooood morning Europe!

    Wow! @Mel You'll gonna drive the girls crazy with these pics! Take them easy! Ha ha! The pic is great!
    Have a good day at work!

    Girls, I told you there are more nice "secrets"!!

    @Kristen Have great Zumba classes!

    I have to go to work but I hope you'll think of me till I come back!At least it's good I work only four hours in Saturdays! Here is a beautiful sunny day! Wish you the same!
    Have fun! Keep your minds in the gutter! Mine spent the night there!LOL

  3. @Mel: haha.. :-) where are the weapons or is all they need their look to fight against aliens?
    I bet they will be scared to death because of their beauty! :-) (i think i got to little sleep) haha

    @anja: i won´t forget the poem.. but i will not bother you while my visit. think there are some other things more important! haha!

    have a nice day girls... see you later! :-)

  4. Good morning ladies!

    How are you doing so far? (the ones who're awake) ;D

    @Mel I like that pic! ;D Thanks again for sharing! I do wonder though, to what occasion they had to wear that! ;D

    @Kristen Congratulations!!! :D Now let's hope they'll win the other games too! ;D

    @Teekanne LMAO It does look like you had not enough sleep! ;P
    oh ok good! ;D So I don't have to fear, that I'll have to experience your 'mean' look in person, bc I haven't wrote one?! thank god!!! ;P
    and there'll be for sure more important things to do! ;P and I'm sure we're talking about the same here!!! ;D LOL

    I'm off again! Family visiting! ;D Have a great and hopefully as sunny a day as we have! :D
    Talk to you later!

  5. @Kristen I think I may still be sleeping. At least I get off work earlier than I usually do. Have fun at Zumba.

    @Dana Yup I think I shall drive the girls crazy with the pics. Have a good day at work.

    @Teekanne The weapons are concealed. Go back to bed & sleep for a few more hours. Oh & catch some Zzzz for me while your at it.

    @Anja I'm ok. How are you? I wondered that too.

    I'm off to work. Have a good day girls.

  6. Hi ladies :D

    Now i have had a little talk with the post office at Lillestrøm! Very nice ppl btw - like i didn't know ppl at Romerike are nice ppl!! LOL They will send me the Aksel stamps:D I just have to prepay tho their account. So, those of you who want them, send me a message in here with your names and adress and i will take care of the rest!!! :D

  7. top of the morning akselaholics from hot and sultry kansas city!

    @mel yummy eye candy shot...thanks so much! and already sent you a tweet:)

    @giffy a brazilian wax tends to be a bit misunderstood. technically, it is everything but a little something on top (anywhere from the width of an eyebrow to a couple of fingers). but most people assume it's the full on telly savalas (love your termage!). so when someone books a brazilian with me, we always have a little consult to make sure we are on the same page. the last thing i want is an unwanted "frankentwat".

    @anja...i practice my outfits too....especially walking in high heels with a full martini glass.

    and how awesome is @anne-may for the stamps score!

    @kristen...go flyers! will cheer for them on sunday:) hopefully no storms today!

    ok...need to run ttyl...

  8. @Anne-May For some reason I can not send you a message through here, I want to send you my name and address info for the stamps...let me know how else I can do this!!! I will pay!!!


  9. @Anne-May you're awesome. I'll send you address later from home.

  10. LMFAO @ Men in Black! That's awesome. And clearly they have the tiny little gun Will Smith was complaining about. I haven't seen that movie in years, but I believe it was called a midget CRICKET.

    @dana I hope you keep the secrets coming!

    @Suzanne I get what my aesthetician calls a "sphinx" as in Dr. Evil's hairless cat!

    @Anne-May OMG how awesome! I can't figure out how to message you either. Do you have a Twitter? Obviously I don't want to post my name and address for the world to see but I would totally love one of these stamps.

    We are getting a wicked thunderstorm and my dog wants to go sit in the sunroom. Yes, I think I have the only dog in the world who actually LIKES thunderstorms!

  11. @ cricket Click on my pic in here when you have done that click ''send message'' type and send. If it dosen't work i will send you my e-mail :D

  12. @ All of you!!

    To make this a little easier for all of us you can send the info i need on my twitter account :D I need name, adress and what kind of stamps you want. You can buy them seperatly for 15 nkr or the envolope with both stamps for 50 nkr. I will put my twitter account on his site too.

  13. Hi everyone!

    @Anne-May You're great! I don't know if someone else would do the same thing for us! It's a lot of work! Thanks hun!

    @Cricket Sure the secrets are coming! I sent a lot of nice pics to Mel! Hope you'll like them!

  14. @Anne-May Thank you so much hun!! This is awesome of you to do this, I sent you my info via your Twitter...let me know your information and exactly how much to send to you (in US dollars if possible), including postage to send them to me. YOU ROCK GIRL!!!!! *BIIIIG HUG* ;D

    @Cricket OH NO! Now you've got the t-storms! Don't send em down this way, I've got plans tonight! ;D

  15. @ dana I just think it's great to help out if i can!! :D Most of you are living outside Norway and want have the opportunety to get them. So i'll do my best, chicas. :D

  16. @ Kristen It makes me very happy to have the oppotunety to help you all out!! :D I will check out in US dollars :D

  17. @Anne-May WE ALL TOTALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! :D :D :D :D

  18. Cute pic of Aksel, he and Leif were tagged in this on Facebook... :D!/photo.php?pid=241578&id=100000534843922

    Glad to see he's not the only one with his phone attached to the palm of his hand! :D

  19. @ kristen i have sent you a message on twitter :D

  20. @Anne-May Got it! Thanks hun! Just let me know how you want to proceed. :D

  21. @ kristen I can't see that pic :( I have to log in but that dosen't help much... lol

  22. @Anne-May I was afraid of that! I guess if you're not a friend of Leif or Aksel you can't see it! Bummer!!!

    Sorry!!! :( :(

  23. @ Kristen yeah, you should be sorry... LOL

  24. @Anne-May I posted it on Twitter. :D

  25. @Anne-May How I'll send you the money? I think is easier by repay! Just let me know please!

    @Kristen I can't see the pic either! I'm not a friend of them!

  26. Hey Chicas ...

    Short night and rough morning ... *Shakes head, I will never learn* Who knew Slushees could kick your ass! :D

    @Anne-May You ROCK! I'll send you my info and do you accept paypal, cash, check or ??? And how much in American $$$.

    @Cricket LMAO Men in Black and Midget Cricket! Totally funny!

    We're off to round up cattle at a friend's ranch today ... Sunshine :), 3500 acres, 500 head of cattle, 1 airplane, 5 quads (4 wheelers), 14 horseback wranglers and 11 cattle dogs! YEE HAW! Life is Good!

    Catch La Later!

  27. @ dana i have your e-mail so i'll send you one, sweete :D

  28. @ Deuce If you wanna have the envolope with both pics it will be 7,75 in US $$$. Do you only want the stamps it'll be 2,32 for each of them :D

  29. @Anne-May thanks baby! I think you'll be so busy these days!

  30. Hey girls!!! Just stopping in to see how everyones day is going? Here it is HOT and HUMID:( Thank god for AC!

    @Anne-May I think it is so awesome that you would do this not just for us here but even the others on the ALS blog. You are truely an amazing person!

    @Cricket I don't think it was anything I ate in Boston, but I did love me some Finagle A Bagel:) I think it was the Ruby Tuesdays I had for dinner on Thurday night... yuck!

    I love MIB! The midget cricket was small yet powerful lol! This pic is from when they were at the olymics isn't it? So hot!!

    @dana I love your little secrets! It makes my day looking at these hot men:)

    Well I am off to go shopping! I need a new summer wardrobe and mom is paying!!! Have a great day everyone.

  31. @ Krys Have i nice time shopping :D It's always fun using money on a new wardrobe! This winter and this spring i had to buy a new wardrobe bc i lost some pound and my old clothes didn't fit anymore. LOL

  32. @Anne-May I will send you a dm on Twitter with my info. How do we pay you? You are beyond awesome!!!

    @Krys I used to go to Finagle A Bagel all the time for lunch when I worked in Boston. They have great soup.

    How did you get your mom to pay for your clothes? Nice work!

  33. @ cricket Just send me mail on twitter and i'll tell you :D

  34. Aloha everyone!

    @Anne-May...thanks for the hook-up! Here's my email:

    Let me know how you want to proceed. thanks for doing this--you're awesome!

  35. Hello ladies!

    How are you doing? ;D Just came back from a great day in the sun with my grandparents!
    Hope you have/had a good saturady too?

    @Anne-May omg you're truly incredible!!!! I'll sent you my adress by mail in a sec! ;D Thanks soo much!!! :D

  36. @ Anne-May I also would like to have the stamps. But I won’t post my address here. Could you give me your e-mail address (I have no twitter account so “” did not work) My address is
    hope, I hear from you soon
    bye Heidi

  37. @Heidi I'm not sure if that works, but try to click on Anne-May's pic, where the followers are listed. I don't know if you need to follow Mel's blog too, if not you should be able to click there on 'sent a message'! I hope that works, otherwise Anne-May has to give you her e-Mail. :D
    Have a nice day! ;D

  38. @ Anja, thanks for your help, I've tried but that don't work. Maybe because I don't have an account (google account or so) I hope Anne-May will read my post and contact me per Mail.
    Wish you also a nice day/evening (and sorry for my english)
    bye Heidi

  39. @Heidi ah I'm sorry! :( so I guess you need to be following this blog then or so! :S
    Well I thought it's at least worth a try! ;D
    I'm sure she'll sent you a message, if she read it! :D

    Don't worry! I understood you perfectly! ;D My english is neither perfect, but we all manage to understand each other here! :D
    I guess I'll be seeing you around this or Aksel's blog! :D

  40. @ Anja, thanks for your nice words. I think I’m a little bit old-fashioned because I have no accounts, twitter, facebook and so on. Sometimes it’s bad when I would need them and I don’t have them. But I think I don’t need them really. ;D

  41. @Anja Hi sweetie! How are you? How was your day? What news do you have about your aunt? Hope she's better!

    @Heidi Welcome to Akselholics Anonimous! Don't worry about your english, mine is worst but all the girls understand me! LOL
    Ha ha! That means I'm old-fashioned too, I have no accounts on twitter, FB because, as you said, I don't think I really need them!

  42. @Heidi :D you're welcome!
    Well sometimes I really wish I wouldn't have any accounts. And I 'just' have facebook! ;D but then, it's just easier to keep in touch with ppl who're not living in the same country as you do! :D And for that I like it! :D
    But I can understand when ppl don't have any, it's not really necessary! ;D

  43. @Danna hei sweetie! I'm doing great and you? How was your day?
    My day was good, have a nice afternoon with my grandparents and I really enjoyed the sun here! since it's supposed to rain again! :S I even got a little sunburn! LOL that's what you get from no using sunscreen! ;D
    Thanks for asking! she's doing good so far, everything well went well! :D Now I guess she'll go somewhere for rehab for her back! But I gotta ask her about that on monday! ;D

  44. haha sorry for my many misspellings! ;D today my english isn't as good either! haha :D

  45. @ Heidi Of course i will help you out on this!! :D I'll send you an e-mail :D

  46. @ Heidi btw, Welcome to all of us Aselizedholics. lol

  47. @Anja I'm glad you're fine(well, except the sunburn! Be careful!!)and of course I'm glad for your aunt!
    It's always nice to spend your time with the grandparents, isn't it?
    My day was good. I worked in the morning and then I had things to do at home but it was no hury! I even took a nap! LOL

  48. Hi my girls!! How are you all?? I'm just in here for a short moment to get som updates and now i have. I made myself some work on Aksel's stamps, but it's so much fun helping you all out on this!!!!! :D

    See you all in a while!! Have to write some mails - without his stamps on. LOL

  49. thanks for the welcome

    @ Anne-May I'm waiting for your e-mail, thanks for the effort. That would be great if I could get the stamps.

  50. @Anne-May I think you are Woman Of The Day here!!! You're simply incredible my girl!

  51. @Dana lol I'm used to suburns! I cannot do much against it, except not lay out in the sun, sometimes even with sunscreen! ;D I got reminded of that today! :D
    yes it is! Though my grandma can be quite exhausting! ;D But I love them nevertheless! :D

    oh right, poor you has to work on saturdays! :( haha taking a nap is always good! ;D Glad to hear you had a good day! :D

    @Anne-May I'm doing good and you? :D
    I gotta agree with @dana, you're the woman of the day/week!!! :D You're awesome! :D

  52. Hey ladies,
    I'm so busy, really don't have time to spend it here more. I'm checking you every day.

    Today I was shoping in Ljubljana, mostly for my daughter. Bought bikini and great skirt for me. I've to go sooner next

    @Anne-May you girl really rock. Got message from me.

  53. @Gordana hei there! Nice to see you on here! :D
    How are you doing? :D

    Sorry to hear you've been that busy! :S
    A bikini? didn't you buy that one, you showed us a month or two ago? :D

  54. @Anja I was hesitate about that bikini and now I found really pretty one.Hope this works

  55. @ dana NOW i am blushing!!! As i haven't told all of you during the day... LOL. I am just so greatful to help you all out on this!! :D Just take good care of ''Aksel'' when you get him into your homes.. LMAO

    @ Anja i'm fine :D A lot of work to do right now but it's such fun!!! :D Glad to read that your great aunt is better!!! :D

  56. @Gordana oh that one is cute!!! :D I like the colors! :D I bet it looks awesome! :D

    @Anne-May I'm glad too! :D Thanks!
    I wonder how many ppl will write you over the next couple days? Till most of them forget the stamps again! ;D

  57. @ dana The mail you got from me.... I meant what i said and you should just try to do anything about it!! LOL
    Love ya hon :D

  58. @Gordana Hi!Wow my girl,so you're ready for the summer vacation! Really nice bikini!

    @Anne-May Of course I do take care of "Aksel"! You know how careful I can be! Ha ha!
    And don't blush! You deserve all these nice words and even more than that!

  59. @ Anja Right now i have enough to do to say the least. LOL
    Everyone forget till they find them in their mail box. LMAO

  60. @Anne-May Now YOU made ME blush! LOL I'll think about it! Love you too!

  61. @ Gordana I really like the bikini!! :D ''Gordana is ready for the summer. Here she comes! :D''

  62. @ Dana Now my love, i have asked you twice for your adress. LOL Could you please mail it to me?? :D

  63. @Anne-May LOL I bet you have! ;D Though I'm sure, everyone really appreciates your work! :D
    lmao till they turn up in the mail! I guess so! ;D Well at least I'll get a little gift when I'll come back home! ;D

  64. @Anne-May I so freaking love you right now!!!!!!!!!!!! E-mail me at You are now my favorite Norwegian!!!!!!

    *huge smile from ear to ear* My day just got a whole lot better.

  65. @ dana There's nothing to think about!!!! LOL

  66. @anne-may said...
    @ Gordana I really like the bikini!! :D ''Gordana is ready for the summer. Here she comes! :D''
    Yep, here I

  67. Hi ladies, everyone fine?
    Anne-May you're really great! I don't think that I need stamps, but your help for all the akseloholics here is fantastic!

    @Cricket: my old weimaraner-lady who died last year at the age of 16, loved thunderstorms too. 4 hours before she passed away we had a very heavy thunderstorm over here. And her last wish was to go down and stand in the rain. We stood there for 10 minutes and I was really afraid that we were hit by a flash. After we went back to our apartment she fell asleep and never woke up again. Gee, I still miss my lively old lady.
    If you wanna see a pic of her:
    The pic was taken 2 weeks after her 15. birthday. On the right side is sheltie Fairy.

  68. @ Mel yeah, love me and the Vikings... LOL
    I will e-mail you, girl :D

  69. @Anne-May you know what would make my day even better...if we could convince Aksel to sign the envelopes.;P

  70. @cjal jup I'm doing great and you?

    @all I just checked the fis homepage and found some interessting facts they decided in Antalya about next season!

    Check it out:

    I like the idea of doing a 'Nations' Team Event in the revised parallel format'! Like they had in Garmisch in March! :D That's going to be great!!! :D

  71. Good evening girls! :-) How are you?

    i´m in for a quick step i think bc i´m nearly fell asleep while taking a shower.. :-( i´m getting old! :-)

  72. @Anja: my nose is doing better but still not good *lol*

  73. @anja: thx.. looks like New Years Eve in Munich?! ;-)

  74. @Teekanne: you have way too much bad company here with the old cougars. That should have rubbed off on you :-D

  75. @cjal Very nice picture and beautiful dog!

  76. @Gordana and Dana: this dog was a big part of my soul. And a part of me went along with her in the next life.

  77. @Teekanne hei hun! :D how was your day?
    Looks like you're not able to keep up with your little cousins? ;P

    lol yea, New years eve in Munich! ;D that's rather far away from you though, no? :D lol

    @Cjal sorry about that! :S Being sick sucks, I always hate it! :S Hope you'll feel much better tomorrow! :D

  78. @ Gordana The envelopes are signed by him but it's stamped on. Yeah, that woulød really really made my da if he did!! I would eat... i don't know what i would eat. LOL But that would be awesome!!! _D

  79. @ cjal What a beautiful dog!! I just love dogs - have two of them :D

  80. @cjal I know what you mean! My dogs are pretty old, 12 years both of them and I don't want to think about to their last moment! I love them very much!

  81. @cjal: i don´t think it´s about the cougars haha.. at least i hope for you it´s not about this. or are all cougars spreading tiredness?

    @anja: busy but ok! ;-)
    i could keep up with them. haha there was a trick. We found this little pool and so they were busy! :-) and i sat next to my grandpa so they were not brave enough to try to wet me! Haha
    how was yours?

    it takes one hour by plane!! ;-)

  82. @Teekanne So it sounds like you had great weather then too? ;D I hope you have no sunburn!
    oh sneaky you! Finding them a pool and then sitting so that they cannot wet you! ;D I bet you just ruined some fun for them, since they 'couldn't' wet you?! ;P

    oh ok, that's not much! I just check, I'd take me 2h 45minutes to get there by car! It's no that long! ;D LOL

  83. @Anne-May I wanna know what would you eat for Aksel signature!!! LOL You know I'm curious! And curiosity killed the cat! But I'm not a cat, I'm a cougar! Ha ha! A restless one! LOL

  84. Yeah, dogs are great!
    @dana: enjoy every day with your beloved dogs. 12 can be old or not. With my weimi I still had 4 years to go at that time, a wonderful time. An untypically long livetime for a weimi (normal is 10 - 13). And she was really fit until 36 hours before she passed away. We had so much luck...

  85. @anja: yeh about 28 degrees! :-) it was really hot!
    sunburn?? *blushing* ehh.. a little bit.. but i took sunblocker (30!!). but it´s not that worse. i will survive! haha
    hope for a thunderstom tomorrow so it will cool down a little bit since i have the work this week! ;-)

    haha i bet they had enough fun by wetting themselves and all the stuff around.

    wow.. that even close haha. and the 2nd is a sunday... i might check out some flights! haha

  86. Hey dana, a cougar is a cat, a big cat but a cat :-P
    And I wanna know too what you would eat Anne-May... *lol*

  87. @Teekanne oh poor you! I feel with you about the sunburn! ;D Well the mean thing is, you can use sunblocker, but still get a sunburn! That's normal for me, if I ever use it! ;D

    Well here it's said that it'll rain tomorrow! not sure about you up north! ;D

    LOL really?! I bet the others start to think we're a little crazy?! ;D oh wait, we already proofed that! :D haha

  88. @cjal No baby! A cougar is a bold smart sly fox!!! He he!
    And yes, Anne-May must tell us!!!!

  89. I see we have a new face on the blog. Welcome Heidi! I hope you have fun here.

    Today was a half way decent day. The only bad part was I got bleach on my nice brown pants. I have 2 small white spots on my leg. :-( It's very depressing. I'm off to do other things on the net. I'll be back later.

  90. @anja: it´s not that bad but yes that´s the bad luck blond girls or hell hair girls have, right?
    that´s why i use SPF 30!!

    Risk of 85% for rain but only 7mm.. it´s not much. we will see.

    we´re not crazy.. only a little bit different. ;-)
    ok flights are about 65 euro form Dusseldorf and 50 Euro from Cologne! ;-)
    haha... we still have some time i guess.

  91. Hm dana, I had a specialized course in biology at school. But maybe it changed since then? *rofl*

  92. Hey all! I survived the mall:) How was everyones day?

  93. @Teekanne jup, that's right! ;D I should use this SPF too! but well I forget it very often, bc I go out spontaneously and forget that I should use some sunscreen! ;D lol Dementia is calling!!! ;D

    Well there's a good chance it will rain tomorrow then! ;D

    haha a little bit different! I like that! it's great to use as camouflage!!! ;P
    well I don't know if that's much! ;D But yea, we still have plenty of time! :D LOL
    No need to rush things!

  94. @krys hei girl! how are you doing? :D did you buy a lot of stuff? ;D Glad to hear you 'survived' the mall! LOL

    My day was great, thanks! ;D

  95. @cjal What do you mean? Isn't the fox bold, smart and sly? The cat is too but not as good as the fox! Maybe I'm wrong! Teach me! LOL

    Hi Krys! How are you?

  96. @Anja I'm doing good. I really have to prepare to go to the mall, its a nut house there on Saturdays! I went with my mom and everything was on her tab today, shes the best! I really needed new clothes so mission accomplished.

    Did you have fun with your family today?

  97. @krys: hey girl! :-) you went shopping?

    haha.. so cougars spread tiredness and dementia! ;-)
    since australia i don´t forget it anymore. ;-) thank god i didn´t there!

    we´re not crazy just different! haha..
    (btw. good shirt sentences!)
    just let wait how september works out! as i said, maybe you don´t like to see me again! haha
    never say never...

  98. @dana Hey! I'm good, and you? Hope you didn't work too hard today!

  99. @Teekanne I didn't realize it was the cougars fault that I am tired and forgetful! Haha. I try not to forget sunblock too cause I roast like a chicken if I forget. Its not just you blondes... trust me ;D

  100. @krys I see! Nice! ;D So now you got a new wardrobe for the summer? :D Looks like you're ready for it to come now! :)

    I hate to go shopping on a saturday! Just too many ppl, even here! I don't wanna imagine that in a bigger city! ;D I don't like crowds so much!

    yea, I had a fun with my grandparents! :D I like to go to them, eventhough my grandma can be exhausting! ;D And driving up there is always fun too! Well not with that many tourits going up there! But I love driving mountain roads!!! :D

    @Teekanne right, in australia would have been bad to forget it! :S
    that reminds me to go and buy some sunscreen! ;D lol

    LMAO we have quite a lot of sentences for a shirt by now! ;D

    lol I still doubt that! ;D like I said, I'm used to being embarrased or embarrass myself, so what else that would be considered bad, could you do? NOT that that was a challange to see who's right here!!! ;D just in case! lol

  101. @Krys Ha ha! Oh I didn't! In the Saturdays I work just four hours! I even took a nap in the afternoon! I'm glad you're good!

  102. @Anja Summer is here. Today it was 93f/34c and so humid. You can't be outside for 5 minutes without sweating:(

    I don't like crowds either but unfortunatley I have to brave them to do anything here on a weekend.

    I'm glad you had fun with your grandparents. My grandma is exhausting too. She asks too many questions!

  103. @krys:
    i think it´s because of the cougars... at least anybody of them complain about that fact! haha...
    oh true.. there might be other ppl having problems too! at least it´s not only a problem of girls! ;-) I´m glad nobody complained about taht fact haht.

    roasted like a chicken! haha that´s great :-)

    @anja: sunscreen for canada? yeh you should at least on the farm is not a shop to buy it right? ;-)

    or a lot of sentences for a lot of shirts haha!

    haha embarrass us both?! no true that´s not really worse! haha..
    i think it will work out good.. at least i will show my best side! ;-)

    ok girls.. i´m nearly falling asleep in front of my notebook.. i´m HEADing off to bed! see you tomorrow morning! :-)

  104. @ dana & cjal LMAO eat? did i say eat?? Oh my lord... lol

    Well well well, my friend, now i will try to find the bed. So tyred i can hardly see the screen anymore. lol

  105. i meant friends and tird - you can see what i mean. lol

  106. @Krys wow 34c, that's much! Oh well for me! ;P I don't like when it's humid. Thankfully that's really seldom here!
    Well at least you had no thunderstorms! ;D

    ah that sucks! So there is no quiet place to go at all? Like a parc or a lake? Sorry, I have no idea about the geografics of NY! :S

    haha minde does too!!! ;D Way to many and she repeats herself sometimes! But I love her anyways! ;D May grandpa is the direct opposite! :D

  107. @Anne-May Good night and sweet, sweet dreams! Thanks! Love you!
    But you didn't say what would you eat...? LOL

  108. @Teekanne haha yes, for canada! last time I had a really bad sunburn, bc I forgot it! ;D

    well embarras us both is definitly not worse!!! ;D Not at all! ;D LOL
    I think it will be awesome!!!!

    well sleep well and sweet dreams! :D

    @Anne-May good night, girl! Sleep good and sweet dreams! :D

  109. @dana: *lol* about the fox...okay I've to reconsider :-D

    @Anne-May: pfffff... *lmao*

    And now I'm off...good night and so on to everybody!

  110. @Cjal good night to you too! Sleep well and sweet dreams! and get well soon! ;D

  111. Haha I'm watching Zoolander and they are dancing to Beat It. Made me think of the Vikings.

    @Teekanne & Anne-May Goodnight girls! Sleep well and sweet dreams:)

    @dana I love to nap! You wake up feeling so refreshed.

    @Anja I hate humidity too. It messes with my hair lol! Thunderstorms are on there way. It is very cloudy now.

    My family has a boat on a lake here but since it was supposed to rain we didn't go out. Hopefully tomorrow if it is nice. But even the lake is crowded with people and boats. haha. You can't get away!

    I can't understand a word my grandpa says. He mumbles so bad and talks about people I have never heard of so I just smile and nod ;) My grandma will ask me the same question 20 times but never remembers asking.

  112. I'm off too my ladies! Have a great time! See you!
    @Cjal So I'm right about the fox? Yeeey! LOL Bye!

  113. @cjal & dana Goodnight to you girls too! Sleep well:)

  114. @Krys Then it sucks even more! :S messing with hair is not cool at all! ;D
    Well since you like thunderstorm, that's not a problem, right? ;D

    Well I hope then, that tomorrow will be awesome weather! I've never bean on a private boat at the lake, but I bet it's fun! :D We have lakes here, but not such bigs ones, that you can go on them with boads!
    'You can't get away!' awww poor you! :S But maybe you'll get used to it sometime in the futur! :D

    haha smile and nod! that's what I'm doing when I don't understand ppl too! lol

    @dana good night and sleep well!

    Well I'm off to bed too! It's kinda late! :D Good night and talk to you tomorrow! :D

  115. @Anja I am hoping for the storm since it never happened yesterday! Have a great night. Hope you sleep well too! Talk to you tomorrow:)

  116. *yawns* I think I need some caffine. How was everybody's day?
