Friday, May 14, 2010

Monte Carlo

Well one of our Vikings is in Monte Carlo for the race. Man's got an addiction to speed. *sigh* I so need a vacation.


  1. Unfortunately I'm HEADing out to work. Have fun, but not too much.

  2. I found a drink for ALS blogiversary.

    Bad Ass Brooks Punch is now ALS
    1/5gallon Everclear
    1/5gallon Vodka
    1/5gallon White Rum
    2packages Lemonade Mix
    2bottles Mountain Dew
    2bottles Sprite
    Combine in a punch bowl, add ice & stir well.

  3. Hello ladies!

    How are you so far? :D

    @Teekanne Hei hun! Have fun in Norway and enjoy it! See you in a week! And don't forget the pics! ;D Hugs!!!

    @Anne-May Have fun at Skarven and enjoy the sun! :D
    Oh btw could you send me some? Its still bad weather here! Well at least it's not raining! :)

    @Dana I'm fine thanks! How are you? :D

    @Mel that drink sounds very good! Do you think that'll be enough?! ;D

    That's a nice pic btw! I've never been in Monte Carlo, but it's supposed to be awesome! :D
    I hope I'll have time to go there somewhen! lol another place I wanna visit!
    I wonder though, what the other Vikings are doing? While Aksel is enjoing the sun in Monte carlo! :D

  4. omg how sweet is that?! :D

    I just checked Lars's homepage and he's going to be a father!!! :D

    'This last news, is probably the steepest.. It´s felt right to keep this fact from the "public" while I still was in a hectic season. I´m gonna jump straight to the point, my girlfriend Betina and myself are going to be parents in the end of May! We are having a boy, and a new chapter in life are going to start at any moment now.. We are very exited, spending the days preparing ourselves for it to happen. But still, for this task, how ready can you be? Wish us luck!' ~ Lars

    I'm really happy for him! :D I'm sure he's going to be a good father! And what a lucky kid, to grow up among these Vikings! :D

  5. Good morning!

    @Teekanne Have a great time!

    @Mel I had to google Everclear, and now I'm scared.

    Monaco is at the top of my list of must see places. Maybe next spring when I'm in Italy I will take a side trip. Hmm...maybe I should time it to the F1 race!

    Exhausted cannot even begin to describe how I feel right now. There isn't enough coffee in the world! But, I had an fantastic day yesterday.

  6. @Cricket Good morning! :D

    You sure you want to go there during the race? It would have way to many ppl there for my taste during that time! :D And you see much more of the race on tv! ;D

    I'm glad to hear you had a fun day yesterday! :D so did you go to Martha's Vineyard? :D Sorry my memory sucks sometimes and I'm not sure about that anymore! :D
    haha I bet being exhausted was worth it! ;D

  7. @Anja That's great news from Lars! I bet the baby will be adorable.

    I would LOVE to go during the race!!!

    We are going to the Vineyard tomorrow actually. He ended up coming over for lunch, and I think you know the rest. Being exhausted is well worth it! I was telling a friend about it, and she said it might be a blessing that he is leaving in 6 weeks because one of us might be dead at the end. LMAO!

  8. @Cricket oh ok, well that's prolly just me, not beeing used to too many ppl! :D Remember I live pretty much in the counrty! ;D

    I see, but you were planning to go to the Vineyard?! At least my memory isn't that hopeless!
    haha yea I pretty much can imagine what happend after lunch! lucky you! :P
    LOL your friend might be right! :D But I'd say enjoy it as much as you can! :D

    Hope you're doing great though? besides being exhausted! ;D

  9. hi girls,

    hope you had a great day till yet!

  10. @Corinna Hei girl! I had a good day so far! And you? :D

  11. @Anja I lived in the city for a long time so I am used to being around a lot of people, plus being there during the race I think I could maybe run into someone pretty awesome?

    Your memory is not hopeless! We were definitely planning to go yesterday but the timing didn't work. Tomorrow we can go early and spend the day.

    I am enjoying every minute!

  12. @anja i´m fine! and i´m going out tonight to this band:


    and there also a second band, who is a coverband and play everything, so let see how the evening will be

    @cricket have a nice day tomorrow

  13. @deuce: I thought about training for a mini triathlon. Then I read your post, got tired and I am now having second thoughts:

    @cricket: I remember those days when my husband and I started dating. Long sessions. Very tired:). We were married 3 months after we started dating. No pressure:)

  14. @Cricket haha I know who your thinking about! But you know, the chances for meeting someone awesome is reduced with that many ppl! ;D
    Yea, I'm just now used to it I guess! :D

    I see! So it's probably the better solution then anyway! :D

    @Corinna Nice music! :D Thanks for the link! Didn't know this band befor! :)
    Is it like a concert or a bar where they play?

    @Buckeye Gal Heiya! How are you doing?
    wow after 3 months?! That was quick! ;D

  15. @anja in one of my neighbour towns is a beertent i´m goint there with some friends. here in my home area everyone know this band.

  16. oh damn what i´m writing not goint i mean going

    @buckeye gal how you doing?

  17. @corinna Thanks! You have fun as well!

    @Buckeye gal OMG 3 months? Wow! How long have you been together?

    I don't think there is much of a future beyond June, but it's ok. He lives 3000 miles away and has no plans to move here, nor do I have any plans to move there. We are just having (lots of) fun.

    @Anja Don't burst my bubble! You never know!

  18. @Corinna I see! :D So hopefully you'll have good weather, since you'll be staying in a tent! ;D

    So this bad is from your area then?

    @Cricket I'm sorry! :D No intentions to burst your bubble! I would be pretty mad too, if someone would burst mine! ;D I'm sure you'd be lucky enough to meet that special person! :D
    And truly, you do never know! ;D

  19. @anja they are from bavaria, not from my area i think something btw. munich and augsburg. it´s raining all the day today, hope they have a good ground in the tent, it´s a big tent with lot of beertables inside and a bar.

  20. Hey Ladies: Day isn't too bad here. Good weather that I hope goes into the weekend!

    @Cricket: Been Married 11 years and I still like him:) is very important to like, not just love, the one you are with:) We were lucky because at the time we were in the Army. My orders were for Arizona and his were for Washington. So when you get married in the Army they change your orders so you can be together (or at least within 50 miles of each other). We knew we were going to tie the knot at some point so we just did it!

    Yeah little crazy but the reward was well worth it!

  21. so girls i´m off, i have to catch up some friends, i´m the taxidriver today!!! lmao
    don´t party to wild tonight


  22. Hi everyone....

    another week over....

    @teekanne - have a fab time in Norway...lucky girl!

    got a boring weekend ahead...anyone got anything exciting planned?

  23. @Anja Very true, except I can imagine a long line of women ready to kick my ass!

    @Buckeye Gal Wow, 11 years! That's awesome. I know it's possible for people to meet and instantly know they are meant to be together. It just never happens for me! My grandparents only dated 6 months and they have been married for 62 years.

  24. @ Cricket

    it never happens for me that way either...!! lol

    some of my friends are on their 2nd marriages..

    i'm not so concerned about getting married it's more about finding someone you can trust!!

  25. @Cricket: 62 YEARS!! I hope we am alive long enough to see that anniversary!

    Angela UK: I am with you. Nothing exciting except putting away winter clothes and getting out the summer stuff. It would be nice to live in a place where you have only 1 climate all year long! I sure wouldn't have to invest as much into my clothing and could save up the extra money to travel!

  26. @Angela UK It's probably a good thing it doesn't happen that way for me because have always been a little scared of marriage. My parents had a very bitter divorce so I always think of the bad before the good. And I totally agree with you about the trust thing.

    @Buckeye Gal They got married when they were 18. I can't imagine being with the same guy that long, which is apparently another one of my issues!

  27. @Corinna have fun girl! :D

    @Angela UK Hello! :D
    Well my weekend is going to be pretty busy! Wanna swap with me? ;D

    @Cricket lol Probably! Loads of competition! But I bet you'd be able to kick some asses too? ;D

    wow 11 and 62 years are a lot! I have to agree, the most important thing is probably to find someone to trust! And I guess as soon as the 'right' one appears you'll know it! Or at least that's what I'm hoping for! ;) And as we see, it doesn't matter so much for how long you know eachother!
    Thankfully I'm young and am not concerned about getting married and having kids!

    @Cricket sorry to hear about your parents! But I know what you mean! My parents are divorced too and it does leave you with that! Seeing the bad before the good! :( I don't wanna blame them or so, but it does leave you a bit with trusting issues! or at leas it does me! Oh well, I'm still hoping, that when the right one I can overcome my issues! ;)

  28. Hi girls!
    I want something exciting to happen in my life too! Or at least this evening!! LOL
    Like to the girl in this video! Do you remember?

  29. @Ladies: If he doesn't cheat or lie or lie to you about money I think that is 3/4ths the battle...especially since most marriages today end for these three reasons. If you get serious and consider marriage but they don't want to talk about money...RUN!!!!!!!!!! Same relgious convictions help too. It will never be perfect...TRUST ME!!!! I think society has made it seem so simple to get a divorce. The problem is many issues arise during the divorce because you never talked about them during your marriage! Then you get more pissed off because getting a divorce was harder than being married. I shall stop my rant now!

    Oh wait I did forget one Remember...It is not the sex you have that's great it is the passion you share that makes the sex great! I get more excited now when I see him talk about something he loves or that he's passionate about (or doing the laundry). That's what turns me on!

    Ok really going to stop!

  30. @Dana lol then go out and get yourself a man girl! ;D I like that song though! :)

    @Buckeye Gal Sounds like you're really happy in your marriage! :D Glad to hear that! :D
    I guess such a love is something everyone wishes for themselfs! I'm really happy, that you found the one for you! :D

  31. @Buckeye Gal ... I've thougth about a mini marathon, but I'm not sure I love running that much! I'm going to do a Pole, Peddle, Paddle in Bend later this Summer ... that's kinda like a tri-athlete thing and it's lots more fun to do 3 different events than to just run for hours. Considering how sore I am today ... not very excited about running at the moment ... LOL ...I've never had sore butt cheeks before ...Still waiting for my Viking Massage! :D

    @LarsElton ... JiiiiiHaaaaaa ... Lars and his girlfriend are having a Baby Viking! Very Exciting ... Children keep the magic and wonder in the world... I am very happy for them ... it will be their next great adventure! Wonder if Aksel will volunteer to babysit ... I think he'd be great with kids, but I'm not sure how much Baby experience he might have ... OMG if ALS adds changes diapers to his list of skills he'll be damn near perfect!

    @Cricket ... Live in the moment and enjoy everything life has to offer ... you never know where the future might take you ... Don't accept other peoples definition of life, Define yourself and enjoy the journey!

    My Favorite Moto: Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something fortunate,while looking for something entirely unrelated...Enjoy the Journey!

  32. haha.. hey girls. just spend the first hours in oslo. great city... hot boys :-) and SUN!!! We have SUN!

    Our service man at the hotel was named Kjetil! haha... what a start!
    send you a big hug. we're now trying to find a good spot for some beer! :-)

  33. @Deuce Nice words! :D

    @Teekanne Hei hun!!! Haha I see you 'just' found hot boys? No hot 'men' yet? ;P

    So did the man at the hotel also look like Kjetil? Then I'd be really jealous! :D

    Have fun tonight and drink a beer for me too! ;D

  34. @Anja You bet! I have James Bond moves too.

    I don't like to blame my parents either, especially my mom. My dad did some rotten things and she was totally right to get out.

    @Buckeye Gal Ahh, money, yet another one of my issues! I am very independent, I have a great job where I do quite well, and I am not that good at sharing. And I know I try to cancel all the other heavy stuff with sex, which is probably why I consistently have 2-6 month relationships. Oh well!

    @Deuce I love your motto. That's awesome! I do always try to live in the moment.

    @Teekanne LMAO @ Kjetil. That seems to be a common name over there. Sun and hot boys make for a fantastic holiday!

  35. @Teekanne ... Okay, I'm officially jealous ... but your supposed to be tracking HOT MEN ... not boys! LOL! Hope you found the perfect beer spot and are enjoying the scenery. Make sure you drink a beer for all of us ... @Mel how many followers do you have ... that means Teekanne needs to drink at least 26 beers ... + one for Aksel +Lars +Kjetil +Simen + ... "Don't do anything we wouldn't do" ... LOL ... so I guess that leaves it pretty wide open huh!

  36. @Cricket haha I bet you do! Just try not to hurt the wrong person! ;P

    @Deuce lol 26 beers and another for each Viking?! that are a lot of beers! I mean sure she's german and used to beer! ;D But I doubt she'll be able to get home after so many beers! ;D
    haha 'Don't do anything we wouldn't do'! Yea that pretty much leaves everthing open for her to do! ;P

  37. @Anja ... LOL ... I think @Teekanne needs to gather a group of HOT VIKINGS to help her drink for all of us ... that way one of them can help her home!

  38. @Teekanne ... Hoffen Sie, dass ein Heißer Wikinger Ihnen zurück zu Ihrem Hotel heute Abend helfen kann, und Sie sind am Morgen sehr müde!

  39. @ cricket

    when i read your messages it's like reading about myself!! lol

    i met a guy last year, saw him for 3 months but got bored because he was too nice!!

    sometimes i think im better off by myself...but I do like men!! lol

  40. @Deuce LOL I like that idea!!! :D Well but then we gotta join her! You know, not that the other Vikings she gathers, have to drink alone when she's gone home! ;D

    wow your german is awesome! :D lol I bet she'd like that! ;D

  41. @Anja ... Ich habe mich geübt. Ich kann Deutsch schreiben, lieber als kann ich es sprechen. Ich kann alle unartigen Wörter sagen dennoch. Besonders, 'O0hlala Sie ein Heißer Wikinger' sind... 'Ja, ich lieben würde, ein Getränk zu teilen '...' Konnten Sie mir mit meinem Handtuch helfen?'...

    Hmmmmm ... maybe I need to learn to say it in Norwegian????

  42. @Buckeye Gal Our stories are sort of husband and I met and were engaged in 3 months and married within the year. We will be married 10 years this September :) So many of the points you mentioned for a good marriage are spot on! So listen up ladies, she knows what she's talking about :)

    @Teekanne Glad you have sun in Oslo and HOT norwegian guys to look at! Wooooo hoooo!! Hopefully running into a "Kjetil" is a sign of things to come ;D

    Hope all you ladies are well...we are heading out to dinner, going to a great restaurant with an awesome deck outside...the weather is definitely hot here today.


  43. @deuce: hey...I understood slot of what you said. Of course l am not sure I will have the use for some of those phrases (giggles:)

    @Kristen: thanks! I like to think iknow what I am talking about:) doesn't alsways work out but oh well!

  44. @Buckeye Gal ... The most important parts are ... Hot Viking ... Drinks ... Towels! LOL!

  45. @Deuce LOL I like! :D Especially that one 'Könnten Sie mir mit meinem Handtuch helfen?'! ;D
    But yea, we definetly should learn these sentences in Norwegian! Maybe Anne-May or some other Norwegians could help us! :D

    @Krsiten Have fun and please, could you send us some warmth?! :D

  46. Finally home, feed & relaxing. When I got home I was informed that my little brother may have gotten his girlfriend pregnant. First it's against our religion to have sex before marriage. Second he's only 16. He shouldn't be having a baby when he's still a baby himself. I hope his butt gets excommunicated from the church. *sigh* I know that's mean, but if he was a mature adult it would be different. Speeaking of...

    Congrats to Lars & his girl!!! Should I make a blanket for the little bundle of joy?

  47. Aloha all!

    @anja...thanks for the news!
    @Deuce...sehr gut Deutsch! you don't know how much i'm trying to practice reading both blogs. gotta quit comin' up with those one-liners while i'm drinking and bloggin'...i practically sprayed the monitor when you mentioned being "excommunicated."
    @Teekanne....Sooooo???? did you get kjetil's phone number???? Pictures on your facebook please!

    Hate to ask...but has anyone seen pictures of Betina? And yes, definitely a baby blanket will do...

  48. @ Brenda Sorry, but now you know why one of the rules is don't drink & blog. Being the good little stalker that I am. *clears throat* I went to his facebook & typed in Betina & found one. Who knows if it's the right Betina or not, but if it is the kid has got some good genes.!/betinajoranli

    I'll get started on that blanket once I get the 3 I already have to make done.

  49. :{ I've missed so much and I'm deeply sorry ladies!!! This weekend is going to be insane for me, but I'll do my best to get on and drop some comments! I probably won't be able to read anything but I'll definitely visit!!! ;D

    @mel I love the pictures you posted!!!

    Honestly, what is up with Aksel trying to make me jealous?!?!?! The last couple of post entries have been about his awesome life...and my boring one! LOL ..kidding of course!!! But definitely makes a girl dream about her future!!! lol ;P

    Aksel's post about the blog anniversary...I could just hear the violins softly playing in the background, while tears were brought to the readers' eyes!!! LOL So touching, man! Definitely touching! ;P

    I have to go soon...I have a band performance...I have three flute solos (hope I don't mess up) lol If I do, who cares?!?! ;P

    I'll drop by later tonight!! Have tons of fun ladies...without getting caught! ;D

  50. @Deuce okay, I wasn't even reading through the comments! Don't have time...but my eye catches that Lars is going to have a baby?!?! Are you being serious? Or is this another Deuce joke??? lol ;P

    I haven't heard this!!! Well, Lars!!! If you're having a baby, I have experience babysitting newborns all the way up to 14 yr olds! I am CPR certified and I am a responsible girl! I don't drink, or smoke or do drugs and I have great grades in I am available if you need someone to take care of the baby!!! ;D

  51. hey girls,
    it's me again.. we have rain in oslo since a few hours. we're now in the city to relax a little bit. :-)
    ok, yesterday there were only boy but today.. wow girls. i'm really looking forward for tomorrow. it will be so interesting to see all these hot MEN dressed up. haha. damn i only would love the city bc of the vikings..
    ok, enought talk to make you jealous. haha. the city is lovely... kind of quiet for a "world town" but i like it. the only thing is.. it's not cheap.

    Were at the smoothie bar aksel talked about in his blog. the best smoothie i ever had. really good. unfortunately no aksel in sight! haha.

    Just heard that about lars.. wow congrats to him. the first viking baby! :-)

    so where is the party going? expected about 200 comments.. ;-)

    Hugs to all of you. say hello to the boys if you see them! ;-)

  52. oh btw: this kjetil is quiet sweet. but unfortunately a little bit too old.
    but he could speak some german. i like him for that. :-) as we already found out this accent is sweet! :-)

  53. oh.. just read lars blog! Good boy to keep it from public. I wonder if it changed his way of skiing bc he had in mind that he is now responsible for 2 lifes?!
    End of May... that's pretty soon. so there will be a lot time over the summer hopefully where he can enjoy the screaming of the baby and changing diapers!
    Wish him and Betina all the best.

    take care girls...

  54. @Teekanne: Glad you are having a good time!

    @Nicole: 3 solos! When do we get a youtube video of you playing?

    Beautiful day here in OH. Went out at 8:30 this morning to weed my flower beds. It was so nice a peaceful. One of my favorite things to do. My daughter wants to plant a small garden so we are off to Walmart to get seeds!

    Have a great day ladies!

  55. Hi everyone!

    @Teekanne You better bring us some of those "hot MEN" if you want us to believe you!!! Right girls?
    Take care and have fun as much as you can! Hugs to you too!

    @Buckeye Gal I envy you! Here it's raining and it's pretty cold! Send kisses and hugs to your daughter! I like gardening too!

    Wish you all a nice weekend! See you later!

  56. Good Morning/Afternoon Ladies It is a beautiful day here in PA as well...just got home from a kick ass Zumba class and am feeling good and awake now, ready to enjoy this awesome weather.

    @dana and Anja Sending warm thoughts and wishes your way!!!!

    @Nicole Good Luck hun on your solos, I agree with Buckeye Gal, when are we going to see Youtube vids of your performances?

    Enjoy the weekend girls!


  57. Hi Kristen! Thanks for WARM thoughts! I need warmth right now!
    I saw on Youtube a Zumba class! It's awesome! I really like it! I love to dance and this kind of moves are great!

  58. Hi everyone!
    How are you?

    I see that Nicole found her way back :D

    And Aksel is having a great time in Monte Carlo! :D It was really good to see his great smile and you could really see that ''this is a boy in paradise'' doing one of the things he likes the best :D Luuuuuuuve the new pic!

    And congrats so much to Lars and his girlfriend!!!

  59. Good Morning All ...

    Beautiful 80+ degrees today ... heading to the lake to get the first day of wakeboarding and waterskiing in ... Lake is still very cold but it's a good incentive to not crash! Hope everyone is having a good Saturday!

    Luv the new pic ... Looks like ALS is having a good time! His smile is Yummy! Jiiiiaaaaaa!

    @Nicole ... Good Luck ... Kick Some Solo Ass ... Your Gonna Rock It!

    @Teekanne ... Details ... We need more details and Pics! How did the Viking get such HOT Genetics???????


  60. @Anne-May I'm fine, thanks! What about you?
    Nice pic of Aksel, indeed! I love his smile! I hope tomorrow we'll see another one!
    Aksel looks just like my son when he was 5-6 years and helped me to make cookies! He was so happy to let him to mix the dough! He looked at me asking " I'm doing right, mama?" Ha ha! Aksel's smile remember my son's smile in that moments! lol

    @Deuce I can't believe it! Nobody's freezing but me!? Send me a little bit of warmth, a sunbeam... Please!
    Do you want just pics and details? I wanna see one of that hot men! lol

  61. Anne-May you're killing me!!! Another great pic of Aksel!!! Have mercy girl! Haha!

  62. good evening girls, hope the day was great,
    here it was the whole day raining.

    beautiful picture of aksel! his smile is awesome.

    i´m off now again, maybe i can handle it to come later back!


  63. @ Nicole Have an awesome night :D

    @ Dana Do you have a son?? I have really missed that one. Haha! Yeah, I love the new picture of him, looks like a little boy having the time of his life. LOL.. Do you like the picture in my profile? I have to change a little now and then :D
