What cha gonna, what cha gonna do when they come for you?
I spent the weekend with my 2 friends. Saturday night we went to a turkey dinner. As we were driving through Creston I got pulled over.
Cop: How's your evening?
Me: Good
Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Me: No
Cop: I pulled you over because your windows are tinted too dark.
Me: Oh, it's a used car & the windows were tinted like this when I bought it.
Cop: Could you roll you window up a little.
Me: *Rolls window up*
Cop: Ok that's good enough. *puts device on window. Reads 18* Do you know that in the state of Ohio that the tint can only be 50%?
Me: No
Cop: *Walks away with my ID, Insurance & Registration*
Meanwhile I'm freaking out & thinking I'm gonna get a ticket for having tinted windows.
Cop: *Comes back to the car* Ok Melanie well you have a good night & get your windows taken care of.
This is the first time I have ever been pulled over. Second time I have been in a car that has been pulled over. We think that the reason he really pulled me over was because I had out of county plates, tinted windows & 3 people in the car. We think he thought that we were up to no good trying to sell drugs. Wayne County has a major drug problem & most of the drug dealers have tinted windows. My windows aren't that dark. You can see through them with no problem. I've seen people with way darker tint than me driving around. Such a fun weekend...